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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jen barvy, které výskají a hoří": synestesie v díle Jiřího Karáska ze Lvovic z přelomu století / Synesthesia in the work of Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic in the fin de siecle

Grollová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis should solve the mystery of the synesthesia (especially on field of the theory of literature). The explanation of selected art schools of the second half of nineteenth century should anchor this phenomenon in the history of literature. The thesis analysis the concrete cases selected from the primary texts (collection of poems Zazděná okna, prose Román o Manfredu Macmillenovi and drama Sen o říši krásy). This analysis is based on the various types od synesthesia. The analysis prooved that this phenomenon does not only exist in the world literature, but it also exists in the Czech literature of that age. The comparison of the results extracted by Sean A. Day, Ph.D. was very interesting. This thesis examines also the colours and seing of the colours in the dreams. The work of Svetozar Nevole showed up useful. Although the work is almost 50 years younger than the primary literature, there were no big problems with adaptation of this theory for the primary texts.

"Poslední paladýn" české dekadence Jarmil Krecar z Růžokvětu. Erotika, stylizace a inspirace v jeho životě a díle / {\clqq}The last paladin`` of czech decadence Jarmil Krecar from Ruzokvet. Erotic, stylization and inspiration in his life and creation

KUBÁT, Petr January 2007 (has links)
This thesis {\clqq}The last paladin`` of czech decadence Jarmil Krecar from Ruzokvet. Erotic, stylization and inspiration in his life and creation tries to present the personality of Jarmil Krecar and tries to place him in to the cultural {--} historical context of Czech history at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Than reflects the erotic themes in his literary works and his life attitude. And also concentrates how his life was pervaded by anachronism decadent stylizations, esthete and dandyism. The thesis is devided into five chapters. The first part of the introduction essay should outline the complex atmosphere of the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century and should deal circumstances, rise and progress of the important periodical organ of Czech decadent artists, Moderni revue. The second part of the introduction essay tries to describe the phenomenon of decadent stylizations and place it in to the larger Europe connections. The subject of the third part of the first chapter is the reflection of erotic and sex in Czech culture at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The second chapter describes Jarmil´s life, emphasizes to the condition which Jarmil came from and the condition he was later living in. The third chapter analysis in literary way Krecar´s published and unpublished literary works with consideration to the substitution of erotic and pornography motives. The fourth chapter tries hard on the basis of the relation to Jarmil´s Muses and mistresses to understand his personality of a radical decadent artist. The fifth chapter want to present by using concrete example the selfpresentation of the decadent personage in his imaginary and his real world.

"Henry James a jeho postoj k estetismu a dekadenci" / "Henry James & His Stance towards Aestheticism and Decadence"

Mackal, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This M.A. thesis focuses on the problematic relationship between Henry James and Aestheticism and Decadence on the example of his two masterpieces-The Portrait of a Lady () and The Golden Bowl (). The main task is to document the evolution of this relationship and to point out that despite his lifelong preoccupation with these two artistic movements in his literary works, James refuses to assume a concrete stance toward them. Before the literary analysis of the two abovementioned novels, the author devotes the first chapter to a brief historical survey as to the nature and purpose of the work of art, to the development Aestheticism and Decadence in Europe and Britain, and to James's relationship with some of the proponents of British Aestheticism. The rest of the thesis is devoted to the literary analysis of the two novels through the optics of Aestheticism and Decadence. Keywords: James, Henry; Aestheticism; Decadence; literary analysis; transatlantic studies

Koncepce dětství v próze F. Sologuba / Concept of Childhood in Fyodor Sologub's prose

Tyulkina, Maria January 2012 (has links)
ТITLE The Concept of Childhood in Fyodor Sologub's prose ABSTRACT: This Master thesis deals with the topic of childhood in prose works of the Russian writer, novelist and teacher Fyodor Sologub. The research presents his biography, traces the development of his personality, as well as his perception of the world and interests. It focuses on the events, which determined the extent and significance of the chosen topic for Sologub. There are also revealed lesser known facts of his childhood that influenced his choice of the topics and its embodiment in his literary works. The writer's biography is complemented by the views of critics and contemporaries who studied his works and shaped public opinion. The main topics of the analysis are: dualistic vision of the world, children's death, faith in God, children's patriotism. The ideal world of children is presented in the novel The Created Legend. The thesis also reveals the popularity of the topic of childhood in other 19th and 20th century writers' oeuvre in comparative analysis with Sologub's work. It also depicts the importance of two literary movements - symbolism and decadence, their representative Sologub was. The questions raised by Sologub remain relevant to the present day. KEY WORDS: Russian literature, F. Sologub, Symbolism, Decadence, Childhood

Félicien Rops v kontextu své tvorby a doby / Félicien Rops in the Context of His Work and Time

Půtová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
Félicien Rops in the context his works and time is a dissertation thesis dedicated to the life and work of one of the most important representatives of artistic decadence and symbolism of the 19th century. Félicien Rops (1833-1898) was a Belgian graphic artist, illustrator and painter, whose artwork significantly influenced how the sensual beauty of the female body, human sexuality and the darker sides of the human soul were interpreted. The dissertation thesis systematically describes and analytically interprets Rops's life and work in historical, social and cultural context. The first part of the dissertation thesis discusses the early phase of Rops's life, mentions his childhood, schooling and the beginnings of artwork from his time in Brussels until his arrival in Paris. Here I focus mainly on Rops's activities in art circles, his attempts at raising the status of Belgian art within the wider European movement and his activity related to founding satirical periodicals. This phase of Rops's life was defined by his political and social caricaturist work, and was heavily influenced by Flemish tradition and French modern art. I cannot omit Rops's landscape-painting and following the tradition of Flemish and Dutch painting. Special attention is paid to Rops's relation to travelling, sports and...

Modely reprezentace "tajemné postavy" v souvislostech novoromantické a expresionistické literatury / Models of Interpretation of "Mystic Person" in the Contexts of Czech Neo Romantic and Expresionistic Literature

HOTOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The theses deals with mysterious characters in the period of neoromanticism and expressionism. In its first and second parts specifies the terms of neoromanticism and expressionism. The main part is representation of mysterious characters in literary and visual arts.

Barbey d'Aurevilly mezi romantismem a dekadencí / Barbey d'Aurevilly between Romanticism and Decadence

Lebedová, Anna January 2017 (has links)
(in English): The main objective of the thesis Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly between romanticism and decadence is not only to describe Barbey's novels Un Prêtre marié and L'Ensorcelée but specially to put these two works into context of decadent aesthetics. At the beginning of this work stood the question of whenever we can consider Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly (similarly to Charles Baudelaire) to be a pioneer of the decadent movement. We will be analysing generally universal themes, such as love, pride or revolt, but we will see them through the prism of decadence, allowing them to obtain new meanings. The same motive of love, standing for passion in a romantic work, attains in Barbey's universe a character of a pathological instinct. We have divided our work into three chapters. The first one represents a theoretical part, in which we had put Barbey's work into its literary-historical context, and we had shown the topics of the generation of "disenchanted" romantics preceding the generation of decadents. Consequently, we have arrived at the main motives of decadence par excellence. The second chapter, in which we focus on the novel Un Prêtre marié, is then the essential core of our work. Through character analysis we study motives such as hysteria, incest, pride, sadomasochism, sexuality and others,...

Arthur Breisky a Oscar Wilde: kritika, maska, mystifikace / Arthur Breisky and Oscar Wilde: Criticism, Mask, Mystification

Bláhová, Šárka January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the following two representatives of literal decadence, Oscar Wilde, British dramatist, prose writer, poet and essayist, and Arthur Breisky, Czech prose writer, literary critic and translator. The thesis opens with providing a basic insight into the life and work of both authors. They were both influenced by decadence, which was not only an artistic trend, but also a specific spirit of the time that was reflected in the psychological and social roots and opinions of both authors. The thesis works with the basic assumption that the Czech decadent Breisky was significantly influenced by Wilde in his opinions and activities. The thesis sets up three areas to explore that mingle and influence each other: criticism, masque and mystification. The main similarities between Wilde and Breisky are analyzed in the thesis. Based on the comparison of individual motives, it is possible to trace how Breisky builds on Wilde's ideas and what, on the other hand, he invents newly or differently. Apart from the comparison of both authors, the thesis also provides a comprehensive overview of Breisky's opinions on literature and art at the theoretical level. Key words: Arthur Breisky, Oscar Wilde, decadence, critique, art, masque, mystification, dandysm

Pojmy dekadence a zdraví v Nietzscheho pozdní filosofii / The Concepts of Decadence and Health in Nietzsche's Late Philosophy

Vodička, Marek January 2020 (has links)
The Concepts of Decadence and Health in Nietzsche's Late Philosophy The thesis deals with the concepts of decadence and health, which feature prominently in Nietzsche's late thinking. The core sources of the thesis are Nietzsche's works from 1888, namely The Case of Wagner, Twilight of the Idols, The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo and Nietzsche contra Wagner, although earlier works are occasionally cited as well. The thesis aims to explore what the motives decadence and health mean in the context of late Nietzsche's thinking, what role they play in his grand philosophical project of the revaluation of all values, and how they interplay with each other. A consistent motive is applied throughout the thesis, that of decadence and health being opposites in terms of "amount" or "direction" of will to power manifesting itself through them - decadence, or bodily decay, is taken to represent a descending line of life characterized by a lack of will to power, and suffering from "a lack of life", while health is taken to represent an ascending line of life which is characterized as overflowing with life and suffering from it as well. The concepts of decadence and health are thus interpreted as physiological manifestations of these two directions, or, roughly said, "vectors" of will to power. The first chapter of the thesis...

Jan Opolský a jeho prozaické dílo v dobovém literárním kontextu / Jan Opolský and his prosaic work in temporary literary context

Horčíková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define Jan Opolský′s prosaic works with emphasis put on his evident inspiration through fine arts. The work of Jan Opolský does not exceed limits of a short stories. It almost falls short of an action. The predominant feature would be reflexion and visual description. That is especially the case with voluminious parts devoted to the bright light and the color nuances - with their changing expresions and diverse shades reflected on the presented object of art. The whole momentum of his prosaic work tends to be included in exactly these parts of his ouvre. In his writing, Opolský uses his skills he earned as a craftsman and as an expert in various artistic fields. Because of his obsession with the world of art, he can be considered a good example of a decadent artist. A number of his texts, especially given these features it is focusing on, have symbolic legitimacy anyway.

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