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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Prevalencija početnih karijesnih lezija i mogućnosti njihove terapije nakon fiksnog ortodontskog tretmana / The prevalence of initial carious lesions and the possibility of their therapy after fixed orthodontic treatment

Demko Rihter Ivana 12 September 2018 (has links)
<p>UVOD Početne karijesne lezije gleđi (bele mrlje) se defini&scaron;u kao područija demineralizovane gleđi, koja nastaju kao posledica neadekvatnog higijensko-dijetetskog režima. Prevencija belih mrlja je neophodna, kako bi se dobio maksimalan učinak terapije fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima. U prevenciji i terapiji belih mrlja se primenjuju preparati na bazi kazein- fosfopeptid &ndash; amorfnog kalcijum fosfata (CPP-ACP) i preparati na bazi fluorida. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se ispita prisustvo početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi, nakon tretmana fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima i da se istraži uspe&scaron;nost terapije početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi. MATERIJAL I METODE RADA U studiju je bilo uključeno 100 pacijenata, uzrasta od 15-50 godina, kod kojih je indikovana terapija fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima na Klinici za stomatologiju Vojvodine. Pacijenti su bili podeljeni u dve grupe, eksperimentalnu (pacijenti koji su koristili preparate na bazi kazein- fosfopeptid &ndash; amorfnog kalcijum fosfata i standardne preparate za oralnu higijenu) i kontrolnu (koji su koristili samo standardne preparate za oralnu higijenu). Analizirane su fotografije pacijenata napravljene pre početka tretmana, nakon uklanjanja fiksnih ortodontskih aparata i nakon terapije početnih karijesnih lezija. Formirana je baza podataka, koja je bila kori&scaron;ćena za potrebe ovog istraživanja, u okviru &bdquo;Onyxceph&ldquo; softverskog programa. U istraživanju se koristio upitnik, sastavljen većinom od pitanja zatvorenog tipa. REZULTATI Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je većina ispitanika bila ženskog pola (68%). Početne karijesne lezije su bile če&scaron;će dijagnostikovane kod mu&scaron;kog pola. Najveći broj pacijenata je bio iz grupe mlađeg odraslog doba (42%) i adolescenata (32%). Kod 73% pacijenata, koji su pro&scaron;li tretman fiksnim ortodontskim aparatima, dijagnostikovane su početne karijesne lezije zuba na kraju tretmana. Pacijenti koji su vi&scaron;e puta u toku dana konzumirali konditorske proizvode, u toku ortodontskog tretmana, su imali najvi&scaron;i procenat belih mrlja (87,5%). ZAKLJUČCI Potvrđene su obe hipoteze: 1. Prevalencija početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi nakon fiksne ortodontske terapije bila je vi&scaron;a od 60%, kod pacijenata koji su minimum godinu dana nosili fiksni ortodontski aparat. 2. Terapija belih mrlja preparatima Tooth Mousse (CPP-ACP) je dala značajno bolje rezultate, u odnosu na grupu ispitanika koji su koristiti samo standardna sredstva za održavanje oralne higijene. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata kliničkih istraživanja može se zaključiti da je prevalencija početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi proporcionalno veća kod pacijenata koji su imali slabiju oralnu higijenu u toku ortodontskog tretmana, u poređenju sa pacijentima koji su imali visoku svest o važnosti higijensko-dijetetskog režima. Primena Tooth Mousse pasta u tretmanu početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi od značajne je važnosti za remineralizaciju zubne gleđi. Dužina trajanja ortodontskog tretmana nije dovedena u direktnu vezu sa pojavom početnih karijesnih lezija gleđi.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION The initial carious lesions (white spots) indicate an area of demineralization of enamel as a result of an inadequate hygiene-dietary regime. The prevention of white spots lesions (WSL) is necessary in order to obtain the maximum effect of the therapy with fixed orthodontic appliances. In the prevention and treatment of white spots, products based on casein-phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) are applied as well as preparations based on fluoride. The aims of the study were to examine the presence of initial carious lesions on the surface of the tooth after treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances and to assess the success of the therapy of initial caries lesions. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study included 100 patients aged 15-50 who were treated with fixed orthodontic appliances, at the public Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina. Patients were divided into two groups: experimental (patients who used Tooth Mousse paste and standard oral hygiene products) and control group (using only standard oral hygiene products). The photos of patients were made and analyzed in three stages of the study - before the beginning of the treatment, after the removal of fixed orthodontic appliances and after the therapy of initial caries lesions. Using the &quot;Onyxceph&quot; software program, the database was created, which was used for the purposes of this research. The questionnaire composed mostly of close-ended questions was used for the purpose of this survey. RESULTS The restates of this study indicated that a majority of respondents were female. (68%). The initial carious lesions were more commonly diagnosed in men. The majority of patients with WSL were in group of young adult people (42%) and adolescents (32%). In 73% of all patients who were treated with fixed orthodontic appliances, were diagnosed WSL on the end of the orthodontic treatment. Patients who consumed confectionery products several times during the day, during the orthodontic treatment, had the highest percentage of white spots lesions (87.5%). CONCLUSION Both hypotheses have been confirmed: 1.The prevalence of initial carious lesions of the tooth enamel after fixed orthodontic therapy was higher than 60% in patients who had fixed orthodontic appliances for at least a year. 2. White spot therapy with Tooth Mousse&#39;s products showed significantly better results compared to a group of subjects who only used standard oral hygiene products. On the basis of the obtained results of clinical trials, it can be concluded that the prevalence of initial caries lesions is proportionally greater in patients with lower oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment, compared to patients who had higher awareness of the importance of the hygiene-dietary regime. The use and application of Tooth Mousse paste in the treatment of initial carious lesion is vital for the re-mineralization of the enamel surface.</p>

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