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Propriétés régulatrices des cellules dendritiques humaines traitées par l’acide mycophénolique / Regulatory properties of human dendritic cells treated by mycophenolic acidLemoine, Roxane 15 December 2009 (has links)
En transplantation d’organes, la réponse immunitaire de l’hôte contre son donneur reste une cause très importante de perte de greffons. Ainsi, un meilleur contrôle de la réponse par induction d’une tolérance spécifique reste une priorité en transplantation humaine. Dans ce travail, nous avons exploré les effets de l’acide mycophénolique (MPA, immunosuppresseur couramment utilisé en transplantation) sur les cellules dendritiques (DC) humaines. Nous avons mis en évidence que le MPA diminue la capacité des DC à activer des lymphocytes T CD8+ cytotoxiques allogéniques en diminuant la synthèse d’interféron gamma dans les DC. Par ailleurs, les DC traitées par MPA sont capables d’induire des lymphocytes T CD4+ régulateurs antigène-spécifiques (iTreg) qui peuvent reprogrammer des DC matures en DC aux propriétés tolérogènes. Enfin, ces iTreg entraînent une réduction de la sécrétion d’IFN-γ par les cellules T CD8+ et une inhibition de leur fonction cytotoxique en réponse à une stimulation allogénique. L’ensemble de ces résultats obtenus in vitro suggèrent que les DC-MPA humaines pourraient être potentiellement utilisés en thérapie cellulaire afin de promouvoir une tolérance d’allogreffe. / In organ transplantation, host immune response against donor still remains a major cause of graft loss. A better control of allogeneic response through the induction of specific tolerance is a major goal in human transplantation. In this work, we explored the effects of mycophenolic acid (MPA, an immunosuppressive drug currently used in transplantation) on dendritic cell (DC) functions. We demonstrated that MPA inhibits DC ability to induce allogeneic cytotoxic CD8+ T cells through inhibition of interferon gamma synthesis in DC. Moreover, mycophenolic acid-treated dendritic cells (MPA-DC) are able to induce antigen-specific regulatory CD4+ T lymphocytes (iTreg) which can convert fully mature DC into tolerogenic DC. These iTreg decrease the expression of proteins associated with cytotoxic function (perforin and granzymes A and B), reduce IFN-γ production by CD8+ T cells and inhibit their cytotoxic function in response to allogeneic stimulation. These results taken together suggest that human MPA-DC could be use in cellular therapy in order to promote allograft tolerance.
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Étude moléculaire du TNF-Related Apoptosis Induced Ligand (TRAIL) et de l’activation du Toll-Like Receptor 7 (TLR7) dans les cellules dendritiques plasmacytoïdes lors de la réponse antivirale / Molecular study of the TNF-Related Apoptosis Induced Ligand (TRAIL) and of Toll-Like Receptor 7 (TLR7) activation in plasmacytoid dendritic cells during viral infectionsSmith, Nikaïa 09 November 2015 (has links)
Les pDC représentent la première ligne de défense de l’organisme contre les pathogènes et établissent le lien essentiel entre l’immunité innée et adaptative. Les pDC endocytent et détruisent les particules virales et ainsi détectent leur matériel génétique grâce à des senseurs antiviraux de la famille des Toll-Like Receptors (TLR). L’activation des TLR7/9 induit la production massive d’interféron de type I (IFN-I), un antiviral puissant indispensable au contrôle de la propagation virale lors des phases aigues de l’infection. Cependant, l’IFN-I peut s’avérer avoir des effets délétères dans un grand nombre d’infections chroniques et de maladies auto-immunes. Ainsi, il semble indispensable de découvrir les mécanismes régulateurs des pDC ainsi que des modulateurs de l’activation des pDC. Nous avons ainsi montré que les monoamines (histamine, dopamine, sérotonine) et les polyamines (spermine et spermidine) inhibent l’activation complète des pDC stimulées par divers virus. Par la suite, nous avons identifié CXCR4 comme étant le récepteur des amines sur les pDC. Ainsi nous avons pu montrer que les amines pouvaient réguler les pDC en passant par CXCR4 et que ce récepteur était un interrupteur d’activation potentiel des pDC lors des infections virales. Afin de comprendre le mécanisme des amines, nous avons développé une nouvelle technologie : la transfection de siRNA dans les pDC primaires humaines. D’autre part, nous avons détecté des cellules géantes multinucléées en forme de roue de bicyclette lorsque les pDC sont cultivées in vitro avec de grandes quantités de virus VIH. Ainsi, comme les monocytes et les macrophages, les pDC peuvent former in vitro des cellules géantes multinucléées exprimant de hauts niveaux de protéines virales p24 de VIH-1. Cependant, les pDC ne sont que très peu infectées (moins de 5%). Nous nous sommes alors demandé si le corécepteur CXCR4 du virus VIH était aussi important que le récepteur CD4 pour la reconnaissance de ce dernier lors de l’activation des pDC. / PDC are the first line of defense of our organism against pathogens and establish the essential link between the innate and adaptive immunity. pDC endocyte and destroy the viral particles and thus, detect the genetic material with their antiviral sensors from the Toll-Like Family (TLR). The activation of TLR7/9 induces massive production of type I interferon (IFN-I), a powerful antiviral molecule, essential to control viral propagation during the acute phases of the infection. However, type I IFN can have deleterious effects in a large number of chronic infections and autoimmune diseases. Thus, it seems essential to discover the regulatory mechanism of pDC as well as pDC activation modulators. We showed that monoamines (histamine, dopamine and serotonin) and polyamines (spermine and spermidine) inhibit completely the activation of virus-stimulated pDC. Thus, we showed that amines regulated pDC activation through CXCR4 engagement and that this receptor was a potential switch "on-off" for pDC during viral infections. To better understand the mechanism of action by which amines inhibit pDC activation, we developed a new technology: siRNA transfection in human primary pDC. Furthermore, we detected multinuclear giant cells bearing the shape of a bicycle wheel when pDC are cultured in vitro with high quantities of HIV virus. Thus, on top of monocytes and macrophages, pDC can form in vitro multinuclear giant cells with high levels of p24 viral protein of HIV-1. However, pDC barely get infected (less than 5%). We then wondered if the receptors and co-receptors of the virus were important for the viral recognition during HIV-activation of pDC.
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Transmissão materno-fetal do HIV-1: efeito da sinalização via TLR7/8 na ativação de células dendríticas para produção de resposta anti-viral em mães infectadas por HIV-1 e seus recém-nascidos. / Mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1: TLR7/8 pathway activation of dendritic cells to produce anti-viral response in mothers infected with HIV-1 and their newborns.Cardoso, Elaine Cristina 20 May 2013 (has links)
A transmissão vertical do HIV-1 da mãe para criança foi significativamente reduzida com o uso de terapias antirretrovirais, resultando um aumento do número de crianças que foram expostas ao vírus. Estudos evidenciam a expressão de receptores Toll-like (TLR) em células trofoblásticas que pode ser uma ferramenta importante para regular a diferenciação e ativação de células do sistema imunológico, orquestrando um ambiente imunorregulador, contribuindo para o sucesso gravidez e proteção do feto. Considerando que as consequências da infecção por HIV-1 no microambiente placentário, na mãe e no recém-nascido (RN) não são bem entendidos, salienta-se a necessidade de investigar estratégias que possam potencializar a resposta imune inata, neste contexto. Com isso, no presente trabalho, foram avaliados as células mononucleares (CMN) do sangue periférico e cordão umbilical (RN) de parturientes infectadas por HIV-1 e parturientes-RN não infectados, a secreção de TNF-a, IL-10 e IFN-a induzida por agonistas de TLRs extracelular (TLR2, TLR4 e TLR5) e agonistas de TLRs intracelulares (TLR3, TLR7, TLR7/8, TLR9). Além disso, como sensor da resposta imune inata foi avaliado o perfil de resposta de células dendríticas mielóides (mDC) e plasmocitóides (pDC), após ativação com ligantes relacionados com resposta antiviral (TLR7, TLR7/8 e TLR9). No microambiente placentário foi verificada a expressão de CD123, TLR8, CD14/CD16 e HLA-G de amostras da decídua e vilo de mães infectadas por HIV-1 e grupo controle. Os resultados mostraram que as CMNs de mães infetadas por HIV-1 e de seus RNs têm um déficit na secreção TNF-a após ativação pelas vias de TLR2, TLR5, TLR3, TLR7, contudo, preservada para estimulação TLR7/TLR8 (composto CL097), principalmente pelas células de recém-nascidos. Além disso, apenas a ativação com CL097 foi eficaz para induzir a secreção IL-10 e IFN-a pelo grupo infectado, tanto na mãe quanto no RN. O CL097 também foi capaz de induzir a expressão de RNAm para o fator regulador de interferon-7 (IRF-7), IFN-a e TNF-a em níveis similares entre os grupos, confirmando o potencial de ativação TLR7/8. A ativação via TLR7/TLR8 foi capaz de controlar o déficit na da produção de TNF-a pelas mDC, mas não reverteu a resposta funcional de IFN-a por pDCs nas mães e RN infectados por HIV-1. No tecido placentário infectado por HIV-1, houve aumento da expressão de TLR8, CD123, e HLA-G. Os achados mostraram a importância da via TLR8 tanto na resposta sistêmica como no microambiente placentário, ressaltando a importância dos ligantes naturais e/ou sintético no papel adjuvante para melhorar a resposta antiviral na interação materno-fetal. / Mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 has been significantly reduced with the use of antiretroviral therapies, resulting an increased number of HIV1-exposed uninfected infants. Studies have been evidenced that expression of Toll-like receptors (TLR) in trophoblast cells may be a relevant tool to regulate the differentiation and activation of immune cells, orchestrating an immunoregulatory environment, contributing to successful pregnancy and fetal protection. Since the consequences of HIV-infection in the immune innate system from placental microenvironment, mother, and newborn are not well understood, emphasize to investigate the strategies to potentiate the innate immune immune response. We evaluated in mononuclear cells (CMN) of peripheral blood and cord blood from HIV-1-infected pregnant and uninfected mother-cord blood the TNF-a, IL-10 and IFN-a secretion induced by agonists of extracellular Toll-like receptor (TLRs) (TLR2, TLR4 and TLR5) and agonists for intracellular TLRs (TLR7, TLR7/8, TLR9). Moreover, as checkpoint of innate immune response we evaluate the myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) and plasmacytoid DC (pDC) responsinevess to TLRs related to antiviral response (TLR7, TLR7/8 e TLR9). Were also evaluated expression of CD123, TLR8, CD14/CD16 and HLA-G of maternal samples of decidua and villi both infected by HIV-1.The results showed that HIV-1 infected mother-cord blood have a deficit in the TNF-a response induced by TLR2, TLR5, TLR3, TLR7 PBMC activation, but preserved for TLR7/8 (CL097) stimulation, mainly by the newborn cells. Moreover, only CL097 activation was efficacious to induce IL-10 and IFN-a secretion by the infected group, in both mother and cord blood cells. Up-regulation of IFN-a secretion level was achieved with CL097 by cord blood from HIV-infected mother compared to control mothers. CL097 stimulation was also able to induce Interferon-regulator factor-7, IFN-a and TNF-a mRNA expression in PBMC at similar levels between groups, confirming the potential of TLR7/8 activation. TLR7/TLR8 activation overcomes the impairment of TNF-a production by mDC, but maintained the dysfunctional type I IFN response by pDCs in HIV-infected pairs. Expression of TLR8, CD123 and HLA-G was increased in placental tissue from infected-mother compare to uninfected control. Our findings highlight the dysfunction of innate immune response in HIV-treated mother-newborn. Adjuvant potential of TLR8, in the systemic response as well as in the placental microenvironment, emphasizes the use of natural and /or synthetic TLR agonists to improve antiviral response at the maternal-fetal interface.
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Efeito do interferon-gama em células dendríticas de pacientes com defeitos no CD40L. / Effect of interferon-gamma on dendritic cells of patients with CD40L defects.Lambert, Christiane Guedes 13 April 2017 (has links)
Mutações no gene CD40LG estão associadas à Síndrome de Hiper-IgM, relacionada ao cromossomo X, que é uma Imunodeficiência Primária. A ausência da interação CD40L/CD40 (linfócitos-DCs) acarreta um aumento da suscetibilidade às infecções fúngicas. Os efeitos do tratamento in vitro com interferon-gama em células dendríticas de pacientes com mutações no CD40L demonstraram potencial sobre a imunologia das DCs e nos remete a fundamentar possíveis ensaios clínicos futuros, que tenham por tema a prevenção e o tratamento de infecções oportunistas. / Mutations in the CD40LG gene are associated with the X-linked Hyper-IgM Syndrome, which is a Primary Immunodeficiency. The absence of the CD40L / CD40 interaction (lymphocytes-DCs) leads to increased susceptibility to fungal infections. The effects of in vitro gamma-interferon treatment on dendritic cells from patients with CD40L mutations have demonstrated potential for DC immunology and suggest that future clinical trials should address the prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections.
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Direcionando as proteínas MSP-119 de Plasmodium vivax e Plasmodium yoelii para células dendríticas in vivo: análise das respostas imunes celular humoral. / Targeting Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium yoelii MSP-119 proteins to dendritic cells in vivo: analysis of cellular and humoral immune responses.Icaro Matioli Barbosa 15 December 2011 (has links)
Células dendríticas (DCs) são células do sistema imunológico muito importantes no processo de indução de imunidade, capazes de conectar respostas imunes inata e adquirida e levar à ativação de células T e B. Recentemente demonstrou-se que é possível direcionar antígenos diretamente para as DCs in vivo através da administração de baixas doses de uma proteína recombinante híbrida fusionada a um anticorpo monoclonal específico para receptores presentes na superfície destas células. Dois dos anticorpos monoclonais utilizados tem a capacidade de ligar-se aos receptores endocíticos DEC205 e DCIR2 presentes na superfície de duas sub-populações distintas de DCs.Construiu-se anticorpos híbridos em fusão com os genes que codificam a proteína MSP-119 presente na superfície das formas merozoítas de P.yoelii e P.vivax. Ensaios de imunização mostraram que o anticorpo anti-DEC fusionado a qualquer das duas proteínas foi capaz de induzir principalmente uma resposta imune celular quando administrado na presença de diferentes adjuvantes. Já a resposta imune humoral foi modulada dependendo de várias combinações. / Dendritic cells (DCs) are cells of the immune system very important in the process of induction of immunity. They are able to connect innate and acquired immune responses and lead to activation of T and B cells. Recently it was shown that it is possible to target antigens directly to DCs in vivo by the administration of low doses of a recombinant hybrid protein consisting of a monoclonal antibody specific for receptors present on the surface of these cells fused with the antigen of interest. When these hybrid antibodies were injected in animals in the presence of a DC maturation stimulus, strong immune response against different antigens was obtained. Two of the monoclonal antibodies used have the ability to bind to either the DEC205 or the DCIR2 endocytic receptors present on the surface of two distinct DC sub-populations. In this work, we constructed hybrid antibodies fused with the sequence encoding the MSP-119 protein present on the surface P. yoelii and P. vivax merozoites. Most antibodies were successfully produced and maintained their ability to bind to their respective receptors. Immunization trials showed that the anti-DEC antibody fused to any of the two proteins was able to induce mainly a cellular immune response when administered in the presence of adjuvants. On the other hand, the humoral immune response depends of some combinations.
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Direcionando a proteína ASP-2 de formas amastigotas de Trypanosoma cruzi para o receptor DEC205 presente na superfície de células dendríticas. / Targeting the ASP- 2 protein of amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi to the DEC205 receptor on the surface of dendritic cells.Eline Vital Rampazo 28 September 2012 (has links)
As células dendríticas (DCs) são críticas no processo de indução de imunidade e tolerância periférica. Estas células apresentam inúmeros receptores em sua superfície e podem ser classificadas em diferentes subpopulações de acordo com a expressão dos mesmos. Anticorpos monoclonais dirigidos contra diferentes receptores celulares vêm sendo utilizados com sucesso no tratamento de patologias como câncer. Nos últimos dez anos, demonstrou-se que é possível enviar antígenos diretamente para o receptor DEC205 presente na superfície das DCs. Quando isso acontece na ausência de estímulo inflamatório, o resultado é a indução de tolerância imunológica. Quando o antígeno é enviado a estas mesmas células na presença de um estímulo inflamatório, o resultado é a indução de uma forte resposta imunológica. Geramos um anticorpo <font face=\"Symbol\">aDEC205 em fusão com a proteína 2 de superfície dos amastigotas (ASP-2) de Trypanosoma cruzi e estudamos o efeito da administração deste anticorpo in vivo na presença de diferentes adjuvantes em duas linhagens distintas de camundongos. Observamos que ambas as linhagens de camundongos não foram capazes de gerar anticorpos, mas a resposta imune celular foi suficiente para reduzir a parasitemia quando desafiados com tripomastigotas cepa Y de Trypanosoma cruzi. Camundongos A/J foram capazes de mediar apresentação cruzada. Mapeamos um peptídeo que é reconhecido por camundongos BALB/c. Camundongos imunizados com Poly (I:C) como estímulo de maturação mostrou-se superior ao CpG. / As part of the innate immune system, dendritic cells (DCs) are critical in the process of induction of immunity and peripheral tolerance. These cells offer many receptors on their surface and can be classified in different subsets according to the expression there of. Monoclonal antibodies directed against different cellular receptors have been used successfully to treat diseases such as cancer. In the last ten years has been demonstrated that antigen can be sent directly to the receiver DEC205 present on the surface of DCs in vivo. When this happens in the absence of concomitant inflammatory stimulus, the result is the induction of immunological tolerance. Moreover, when the antigen is sent to the same cells in the presence of an inflammatory stimulus, the result is to induce a strong immune response. In this study we generated an antibody <font face=\"Symbol\">aDEC205 fusion protein with the amastigote surface protein 2 (ASP-2) from Trypanosoma cruzi and study the effect of administration of this antibody in vivo in the presence of different adjuvants in two distinct strains of mice. We observed that both strains of mice were unable to generate antibodies, but cellular immune response was sufficient to reduce the parasitemia when challenged with trypomastigotes Y strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. The mice A/J were able to mediate cross-presentation. In contrast, we mapped a peptide that is recognized by BALB/c mice. In counterpart mice immunized with Poly (I:C) as maturation stimuli was superior to CpG.
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Efeitos de timosina alfa 1 e inibição de STAT-3 sobre células dendríticas humanas derivadas de monócitos. / Effects of tymosin alpha 1 and inhibition of STAT-3 in monocyte-derived dendritic cells.Moraes, Cristiano Jacob de 13 December 2013 (has links)
As células dendríticas (DCs) são fundamentais no desencadeamento da resposta imune antitumoral. Mas, no microambiente tumoral há condições que impedem esta função imunoestimuladora das DCs. Este comprometimento funcional parece ser fruto da hiperativação de STAT-3. O presente estudo visou avaliar a capacidade de Ta1 de interferir na ativação de STAT-3. Então, monócitos e mo-DCs foram tratados ou não com Ta1 e comparados com o controle, o inibidor de STAT-3, JSI-124. Avaliou-se a expressão de moléculas de superfície e a capacidade de mo-DCs de estimular linfócitos T alogeneicos. Ta1 não interferiu na ativação de STAT-3. Além disso, Ta1 não reproduziu os efeitos encontrados em mo-DCs de pacientes com câncer. Já, o tratamento com JSI-124 levou a alterações nas mo-DCs fazendo com que exibissem perfil infamatório, com aumento de HLA-DR, CD86 e concomitante queda de PD-L1. Além disso, mostramos que STAT-3 está envolvido na expressão de leucointergrinas, uma vez que sua inibição proporcionou queda da expressão em nível proteico e gênico destas moléculas. / Dendritic cells ( DCs ) are critical in triggering antitumor immune response . But there are conditions in the tumor microenvironment that prevent this immunostimulatory function of DCs. This functional impairment appears to be the result of hyperactivation of STAT-3. The present study aimed to evaluate the ability of Ta1 to interfere in the activation of STAT-3. Then, monocytes and mo-DCs were treated or not with Ta1 and compared with the control, the STAT-3 inhibitor, JSI -124. We assessed the expression of surface molecules and the mo-DCs ability in stimulating allogeneic T lymphocytes. Ta1 did not affect the activation of STAT-3. In addition, Ta1 did not reproduce the effects found in mo-DCs from cancer patients. However, JSI -124 treatment led to changes in mo-DCs, that exhibited an inflammatory profile, with an increase of HLA-DR , CD86 and concomitant drop in PD- L1. Furthermore, we have shown that STAT-3 is involved in the expression of leukointergrins, since its inhibition resulted in down-regulation of expression level of this gene and protein molecules.
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Avaliação da proliferação de linfócitos T CD8+ por células dendríticas desafiadas com pró-oxidantes. / Assessment of T CD8+ lymphocytes proliferation by dendritic cells challenged with pro-oxidants.Piassa Filho, Gilberto Moreira 23 September 2010 (has links)
Para serem apresentados pelo MHC I em células dendríticas, os antígenos são processados pelo imunoproteassomo. O objetivo do trabalho foi examinar o efeito de pró-oxidantes em DC para avaliação da proliferação de linfócitos T CD8+, com foco no sistema ubiquitina-proteassomo. Os resultados mostram que o sistema Xantina/Xantina Oxidase aumentou a proliferação de T CD8+ isolados de camundongos imunizados com DNA-HSP65 após a co-cultura destas células com DC tratadas com XaXO. O XaXO promoveu maior maturação de DC em relação ao LPS, assim como uma queda da atividade catalítica do IP, sugerindo que o aumento da proliferação de T CD8+ não está diretamente relacionado à atividade do IP. A incubação de DC com XaXO não alterou a expressão da unidade catalítica 20S, da unidade regulatória 19S ou da subunidade <font face=\"Symbol\">⓹i. Observou-se aumento da expressão da unidade regulatória 11S e do conteúdo de proteínas ubiquitinadas. Sugere-se que 11S se acoplaria a 20S deslocando 19S, promovendo o acúmulo de proteínas ubiquitinadas e direcionando mais fragmentos para a apresentação antigênica. / To be presented in dendritic cells MHC I, antigens are processed by immunoproteasome. The aim of the study was to examine the effect of pro-oxidants in dendritic cell-induced T CD8+ lymphocyte proliferation with focus on ubiquitin-proteasome system. The co-culture of DC incubated with Xanthine/Xanthine Oxidase system and T CD8+ isolated from mice immunized with DNA-HSP65 promoted T CD8+ proliferation. XaXO incubation was more efficient in promoting DC maturation compared to LPS. In addition, XaXO incubation decreased IP catalytic activity in relation to LPS, suggesting that increased T CD8+ proliferation is not directly related to IP activity. XaXO incubation did not alter the expression of 20S catalytic subunit, 19S regulatory unit or <font face=\"Symbol\">⓹i subunit. XaXO incubation increased 11S regulatory unit content as well as that of ubiquitinated proteins. We suggest that the DC incubation with XaXO increased 11S content favoring its coupling to 20S in detriment of 19S. This would increase ubiquitinated protein levels and direct more peptide fragments for antigen presentation.
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Influência da enzima indolamina-2,3-dioxigenase na diferenciação e função das células dendríticas e T reguladoras na paracoccidiodomicose pulmonar de camundongos resistentes e suscetíveis ao Paracoccidioides brasilienses. / Influence of the enzyme indolamine-2 ,3-dioxygenase in the differentiation and function of regulatory T and dendritic cells in the paracoccidioidomycosis of susceptible and resistant mice to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.Araujo, Eliseu Frank de 17 October 2013 (has links)
Paracoccidioidomicose é adquirida pela via respiratória e a enzima indolamina-2,3-dioxigenase (IDO) e o catabolismo do triptofano estão envolvidos no controle da imunidade inata e adaptativa contra patógenos. Investigamos o papel da IDO na doença em animais suscetíveis (B10.A) e resistentes (A/J). Caracterizamos o efeito do tratamento com 1-Metil-DL-Triptofano (1MT) no fenótipo e comportamento de células dendríticas (DCs) e T reguladoras (Tregs) de A/J e B10.A quanto à expressão de IDO. IDO controla a carga fúngica de A/J e B10.A, reduzindo a imunidade de TCD4 e TCD8 e aumentando Tregs. Constatamos que IDO diminuiu a migração de DCs para o pulmão de A/J e B10.A e a inibição da atividade anti-inflamatória de IDO por 1MT tem um efeito deletério somente em B10.A cuja suscetibilidade é ligada à excessiva atividade pró-inflamatória. A infecção de A/J e B10.A parece induzir as funções catalítica e sinalizadora de IDO.Grande parte da função de IDO nos mecanismos imunorreguladores na paracoccidioidomicose se faz através da modulação da função de DCs em A/J e B10.A. / Paracoccidioidomycosis is acquired by the respiratory route and the enzyme indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and tryptophan catabolism are involved in the control of innate and adaptive immunity against pathogens. We investigated the role of IDO in the infection in susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice. We characterized the effect of treatment with 1-Methyl-DL-Tryptophan (1MT) in the behavior and phenotype of dendritic cells (DCs) and regulatory T cells (Tregs) from A/J and B10.A for expression of IDO. IDO controls the fungal load in A/J and B10.A, reducing the immunity of CD4 and CD8 T cells and Tregs increased. IDO decreased the migration of DCs to the lung of A/J and B10.A and inhibition of anti-inflammatory activity of IDO by 1MT has a deleterious effect only in B10.A whose susceptibility is linked to excessive proinflammatory activity. Infection of A/J and B10.A appears to induce catalytic functions of IDO. Much of the function IDO immunoregulatory mechanisms paracoccidioidomycosis is done by modulating the function of DCs in A/J and B10.A.
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Avaliação funcional de células T reguladoras geradas in vitro na modulação da resposta imune. / Analysis of the suppressor function of regulatory T cells generated in vitro.Costa, Thaís Boccia da 28 May 2010 (has links)
As células dendríticas (DCs) são as principais células apresentadoras de antígeno do sistema imune, e há evidências da participação na tolerância imunológica. Neste estudo avaliamos as alterações ocorridas na população de células CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ após co-cultura de células de linfonodo com BMDCs, na presença de timócitos alogênicos ou singênicos em apoptose. Após cultura na presença de células alogênicas a população de Tregs mostra-se aumentada, e essa expansão é dependente de contato entre a DC e o linfócito T, já que o isolamento das culturas diminuiu a expressão destes marcadores. A internalização de células em apoptose foi induziu caráter tolerogênico nas DCs com baixa expressão de moléculas co-estimuladoras e resistência à maturação por LPS. As células CD4+CD25+ geradas in vitro foram capazes de conter a proliferação de esplenócitos de camundongos BALB/c estimulados por esplenócitos de C57BL/6 irradiados, anti-CD3 e OVA. No ensaio in vivo, as Tregs geradas in vitro também foram capazes de suprimir a proliferação de células CD25- quando transferidas para animais Nude, impedindo também o infiltrado inflamatório no estômago, cólon, fígado e rins, sendo assim capazes de suprimir a resposta imune in vitro e in vivo. / The dendritic cell (DC) plays a very important role in antigen presentation in the immune system and recent articles have shown the involvement in maintaining peripheral tolerance. Here we evaluated the changes in the CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ after co culture of DCs with lymph node cells. BMDCs were pulsed with apoptotic cells and co-cultured with lymph-node cells. Our results show an increase of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ T cells after co-culture with DCs pulsed with apoptotic cells. Furthermore, the DCs did not change the pattern of co-stimulatory molecules expression due to phagocytosis of syngeneic or allogeneic apoptotic cells and further stimulation with LPS. The CD4+CD25+ cells sorted from the in vitro culture were able to suppress the proliferation of splenocytes in vitro in a specific and non-specific manner. As expected, the co-transfer of CD4+CD25- and CD4+CD25+, both sorted from the in vitro culture, was able to control the cell infiltrates in the target organs and the total cell count in the lymph-nodes. Thus, the Tregs expanded in vitro are able to suppress the immune response in vitro and in vivo assays.
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