Spelling suggestions: "subject:"denitrifikation"" "subject:"denitrifikationen""
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Mikrobiální respirace a dostupnost minerálního dusíku v lesních půdáchBartlová, Jaroslava January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulation factors of denitrification and their influence on emissions of N2O from pasture soil / Regulation factors of denitrification and their influence on emissions of N2O from pasture soilBRŮČEK, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Regulating factors of denitrification and their effect on emissions of N2O from pasture soils in a cattle overwintering area were investigated. The study was based on field experiments performed at three locations along the gradient of animal impact and on laboratory experiments focused on effect of nutrients addition on N2O emissions.
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Odstraňování fosforu v denitrifikačním bioreaktoru / Removal of phosphorus in denitrifying bioreactorChlopčíková, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Nitrogen and phosphorus are involved in many processes on the Planet Earth. Especially in agricultural areas water is contaminated by nutrients, which can cause the eutrophication of surface waters, and other problems. The solution could be use of denitrifying bioreactors, which are used for the reduction of high nitrate concentrations in shallow groundwaters. The subject of the thesis was the study of phosphorus removal in the denitrification bioreactor by steel turnings, which are constituent part of the organic load of the bioreactor. Steel turnings release Fe, which causes the precipitation and adsorption of P. Eight bioreactors were filled with poplar woodchips. To these columns just above the surface were added model water enriched with nitrate nitrogen, phosphate phosphate was added to 4 columns, where two of them were enhanced by the addition of steel turnings upstream of the wood medium. Sampling and the analyses of the samples were determined weekly, determination of the phosphorus, iron and other substances necessary for the detection of processes in the bioreactor was performed. The dependence of phosphorus removal on the bioreactor operating conditions was evaluated based on measured data, and the effect of iron on the biological denitrification process was also assessed. Steel turnings have been found to be effective in removing TP, but it is necessary to solve iron leaching in the future. The concentration of phosphorus was reduced up to 0 mg/l on the effluent from the denitrification bioreactors, efficiency of phosphorus removal reached 100 %. The presence of steel chips had no effect on denitrification speed. The denitrification process was also successful in the phosphorus removal columns. From the point of view of leaching of substances and iron, the removal of N and P seems to be preferable in dry period during stoppage with no water fillings. Shutdown of bioreactors with flooded filling caused high concentrations of leached iron up to 149 mg/l
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Navrhněte řešení spalování s vysokou účinností a nízkou emisí NOx pro granulační parní kotel,130 t/h,s parametry páry 13,6 MPa,540°C / The proposal of measures for high efficiency burning and lowering of NOx emissions for boiler 130 t/h,13,9 MPa,540°CBurýšek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concerns with control calculation of steam boiler. The work is divided into several parts. In the individual parts are executed stechiometry calculations, the enthalpy of flue gas and power of the heat exchange surfaces. Based on the results it is proposed location of the SCR.
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Moderní metody denitrifikace uhelných kotlů / Modern denitrification methods of coal fired boilersNárovec, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
V současnosti musí velké energetické podniky k dodržení emisních předpisů, zejména pak vyžadovaných limitů NOx, uplatňovat denitrifikační metody. Tématem předkládané diplomové práce jsou moderních denitrifikační metody a jejich praktické uplatnění v lokálních poměrech uhelného kotle s parním výkonem 640 t.h-1 v elektrárně Počerady. Práce obsahuje rešerši moderních denitrifikačních metod používaných velkými uhelnými kotli se zaměřením zejména na sekundární denitrifikační metody. Jsou uvažovány dvě možné varianty denitrifikace – varianta 1 využívá selektivní katalytickou redukci (SCR) a varianta 2 selektivní nekatalytickou redukci (SNCR) společně s nízkoemisními hořáky a stupňovaným přívodem spalovacího vzduchu. Pro výběr vhodné denitrifikační metody jsou studovány investiční náklady jednotlivých variant – nižší investiční náklady (o 19.4%) slibuje varianta 2. Při srovnávání SCR se SNCR vyšlo najevo, že investiční náklady metody SNCR jsou 5krát nižší než metody SCR. V souladu s investičními náklady, s dispozicí kotle a se složitostí jeho instalace je pro navazující studium problematiky využita varianta 2. Stěžejní část práce se zabývá stanovením optimálního tzv. teplotního okna pro konkrétní metodu SNCR. Těžištěm práce je tepelný výpočet ohniště a části deskového přehříváku pro stanovený rozsah paliv a výkon kotle v rozmezí 60-100%. S uvažováním výsledků z výpočtu jsou navrženy dvě vstřikovací roviny, které mají zaručit vysokou efektivitu denitrifikačního procesu při uvažovaných provozních podmínkách kotle. Diplomová práce rovněž diskutuje obecnou vhodnost instalace SNCR a SCR ve stávajících uhelných kotlích.
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Technologie odstranění oxidů dusíku (NOx) ze spalin pro velká spalovací zařízení / Technology to remove nitrogen oxides (NOx) from flue gases for large combustion plantsKučera, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with selected abatement techniques of nitrogen oxides (NOx) developed for large combustion plants. The first part describes selected NOx, their properties and explains the formation during combustion. Furthermore, there is an analysis of current legal legislation regulating the issue of emission limits. The third part presents selected primary and secondary measures that are widely used. The emphasis is placed on the description of selective catalytic (SCR) and non-catalytic reduction (SNCR). Finally, the basic design of these technologies for model combustion equipment is performed. The consumption of reducing medium and the volume of the catalyst for the mentioned techniques are calculated here. The estimate of selected operating and investment costs is a part of the basic scheme.
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Návrh čistírny odpadních vod v lokalitě s extrémními požadavky na jakost vyčištěných vod. / Design of WWTP at locality with extreme demands on quality of treated wastewaterKrupica, Radek January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the wastewater treatment technologies by means of which high quality of the treated wastewater is attained, especially with regard to removing nutrients. The introduction of the thesis contains, among others, descriptions of the reserves in the Czech Republic where it is extremely important to insist on the highest quality of the discharged wastewaters. Then follows a summary of the quality requirements on the discharged wastewaters as stipulated in the legislation. Furthermore, I analyse the impact of the nutrients – nitrogen and phosphorus – on the environment and the principles of their removal from the wastewaters. In the next section I concentrate on the technological processes by means of which the required quality of the wastewater is achieved. The conclusion includes a list of technologies used as the tertiary wastewater treatments with emphasis on membrane technologies. The second part of my thesis is a study of a project of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with membrane technology for the villages of Sloup and Šošůvka located within the protected landscape area of Moravian Karst.
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Návrh opatření pro plnění emisních limitů u kotle bloku 210 MW / The proposal of measurements to fulfill emission limits for boiler of power unit 210 MWSmokoň, Pavol January 2014 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with denitrification of brown coal-fired boiler of electric power plant. First chapters describe technical characteristics of the boiler and possible measurements which would lead to lowering NOx emissions. In order for boiler to meet emission standards valid from 1.1.2016 flue gas treatment by selective catalytic reduction is proposed. Main part of the thesis is thermal calculation of the boiler with modifications necessary in order to apply SCR. The aim of calculation is to determine flue gas exit temperature and temperature at catalyst area in order to assess the suitability of proposed modifications.
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Návrh mlýnice s kroužkovými mlýny s recirkulací spalin a bez recirkulace spalin / Thermal calculation of mill system with recirculation of flue gas and without recirculationPawlitko, David January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the issue of recirculating of flue-gas of pulverized coal-fired boiler. Part of the thesis are thermal calculations of mills for operational status with and without flue-gas recirculation and design of routes of recirculated flue-gas into the mills at the level of feasibility study.
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Nový vnější tepelněizolační kompozitní systém zohledňující udržitelné využívání přírodních zdrojů / New external thermal insulation composite system taking in to account the sustainable use of natural resourcesSokola, Lubomír Unknown Date (has links)
The work is focused on the development of an environmentally friendly external thermal insulation composite system in terms of product composition and composition of the whole system. The intention is to develop an alternative to standard external thermal insulation composite systems. Undoubtely, standard systems have a contribution to energy savings (primary role), but their actual production and composition is also a burden on the environment. The research is focused onthe development of adhesive and leveling substance and plaster using progressive material with phase transformation and energy by-product (fly ash). Furthermore, it is focused on the selection of insulation from renewable sources. Therefore, there is paid attention to the overall composition of the thermal insulation system in order to achieve the most effective impact with respect to the environment. The goal is to achieve secondary energy and resource savings due to the composition of components and also the composition of the entire system.
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