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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude expérimentale et modélisation d'un procédé de captage en CO2 en postcombustion par l'ammoniaque à l'aide de contacteurs membranaires : du matériau à l'évaluation de l'intensification de l'absorption / Experimental study and modeling of an ammonia based CO2 capture process using hollow fiber membrane contactors : from the material selection to the absorption intensification assessment

Makhloufi, Camel 06 December 2013 (has links)
L'absorption du CO2 à l'ammoniaque au sein d'une colonne garnie est une technologie prometteuse pour capter le CO2 en postcombustion. La fuite d'NH3 engendrée par la volatilité de ce solvant gêne néanmoins le déploiement de ce procédé. Dans cette étude, la faculté des contacteurs membranaires à permettre des performances d'absorption du CO2 intensifiées et des pertes en NH3 réduites par rapport au procédé conventionnel est évaluée. Pour cela, l'emploi de fibres composites innovantes constituées d'une peau dense assurant un transport sélectif du CO2 vis-à-vis de NH3 a été proposé. Compte tenu des propriétés de ces molécules, aucun matériau ne présentait jusqu'alors de sélectivité de séparation favorable au CO2. Des essais de temps-retards ont permis de révéler 6 matériaux fluorés présentant les propriétés de sélectivités inverses recherchées. Le Teflon AF2400, polymère hautement perméable au CO2, a été choisi pour constituer les fibres creuses composites employées lors d'expériences d'absorption. Leurs performances ont été comparées à celles de contacteurs commerciaux microporeux (Oxyphan) et composites (Oxyplus) pour différentes conditions opératoires. Alors qu'aucune expérience stable n'a pu être achevée avec les contacteurs microporeux du fait de la précipitation de sels d'ammonium, les contacteurs composites ont permis des performances de capture supérieures aux objectifs fixés. La modélisation 2D du transfert de matière a permis de révéler le rôle prépondérant du support microporeux dans les performances d'absorption observées. Enfin, une intensification élevée des performances d'absorption du CO2 et des pertes en NH3 fortement réduites par rapport au procédé conventionnel ont pu être démontrées / Aqueous ammonia as a solvent for post-combustion CO2 capture in a packed column is seen as a promising technology. Nevertheless, ammonia volatility is a considerable drawback for its large scale deployment. In this study, the ability of hollow fiber membrane contactors to significantly improve CO2 mass transfer performances while mitigating ammonia losses when compared to packed column is evaluated. In that purpose, the use of innovating composite fibers made of a thin dense layer selective for CO2 over NH3 is proposed. Up to now, a faster permeation of CO2 compared to NH3 in dense polymers was totally unexpected and to our knowledge unexplored. Time-lag experiments have revealed a series of 6 fluorinated structures showing the desired reverse selectivity properties. Teflon AF2400 has been selected as the dense skin of composite fibers used during absorption experiments. Their performances have been compared, for different operating conditions, to those given by commercial microporous (Oxyphan) and composite (Oxyplus) membrane contactors. Due to ammonium salt precipitation issues, no stable experiment has been achieved using microporous membrane contactors. At the opposite, absorption efficiencies higher than post-combustion capture standards have been reached using composite membrane contactors. 2D mass transfer modeling has revealed the controlling role of the microporous support in the observed absorption performances. Finally, high CO2 mass transfer intensification factor and drastically reduced ammonia losses have been shown

Relativistic rapidly differentially rotating hot neutron stars / Étoiles à neutrons chauds relativistes avec rotation différentielle rapide

Marques, Miguel 28 September 2016 (has links)
Les étoiles à neutrons sont parmi les objets les plus extrêmes dans l'univers. Elles sont des étoiles compactes, nées à la suite d'une explosion de supernova gravitationnelle, au point final de l'évolution stellaire. Le champ gravitationnel y est très fort, et la matière à l'intérieur atteint des densités extrêmement élevées. Elles sont donc des "laboratoires" prometteurs, non seulement pour tester le régime de champ fort en relativité générale, mais aussi pour en apprendre davantage sur la physique nucléaire à haute densité, qui actuellement ne peut pas être reproduit avec des expériences terrestres. Ainsi, les étoiles à neutrons nous permettent d'adresser des questions telles que l'existence éventuelle de particules autres que nucléons à haute-densité. À cause de la naissance violente de ces objets, les étoiles à neutrons très jeunes, que l'on appelle proto-étoiles à neutrons, sont également très chaudes, et souvent en rotation différentielle rapide. Dans cette thèse nous avons pour but de développer un modèle stationnaire d'une telle proto-étoile à neutrons.Ainsi, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode pour calculer numériquement les équations d'équilibre d'un fluide parfait relativiste, axisymétrique et stationnaire, en rotation différentielle et à température finie, valable pour une équation d'état réaliste. Nous présentons en détail le code (accessible au public) développé. Nous avons appliqué ce code avec des nouvelles équations d'état réalistes à température finie, basée sur une théorie relativiste du champ moyen, en incluant tous les degrés de liberté hyperoniques. Nous avons calculé des modèles relativistes stationnaires de proto-étoiles à neutrons en rotation différentielle rapide. Nous allons discuter les applications de nos modèles pour explorer plus en détail la physique de ces objets. / Neutron stars are among the most extreme objects in the universe. They are compact stars born as the aftermath of a core-collapse supernova explosion, at the endpoint of stellar evolution, with a strong gravitational field, and extremely high densities. They are therefore promising 'laboratories', not only to test the strong-field regime of general relativity, but also to learn about nuclear physics in the high density regime, which presently is not accessible in earth based experiments. This allows to address questions such as the possible existence of particles other than nucleons at high-densities. As a consequence of the violent birth of these objects, new-born (proto-)neutron stars are extremely hot and, in general, rapidly rotating, which raises interesting problems in the task of developing a stationary model of such objects.In this thesis, we present a new self-consistent method to numerically compute the equilibrium equations of stationary axisymmetric relativistic (differentially) rotating perfect fluids at finite temperature, with a realistic equation of state. We introduce in detail the (publicly available) code in which we implemented the described numerical scheme. We use newly developed realistic equations of state with finite temperature, which are based on density dependent relativistic mean field theory, and in which all hyperonic degrees of freedom are included, to compute realistic stationary relativistic models of rapidly differentially rotating proto-neutron stars. We discuss future applications of our code for further exploring the physics of proto-neutron stars.

Analysis of the RAB family of GTPases in C. elegans and their role in regulating neuronal membrane trafficking / Untersuchung der Familie der RAB GTPasen in C. elegans und ihre Rolle in der Regulierung des neuronalen Membranentransportes

Sasidharan, Nikhil 12 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The role of UNC-108/RAB-2 in neuronal dense core vesicle maturation in C. elegans / Die Rolle von UNC-108/RAB-2 in der neuronalen Dense-Core-Vesikelreifung in C. elegans

Sumakovic, Marija 02 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Représentation et enregistrement de formes visuelles 3D à l'aide de Laplacien graphe et noyau de la chaleur / Representation & Registration of 3D Visual Shapes using Graph Laplacian and Heat Kernel

Sharma, Avinash 29 October 2012 (has links)
Analyse de la forme 3D est un sujet de recherche extrêmement actif dans les deux l'infographie et vision par ordinateur. Dans la vision par ordinateur, l'acquisition de formes et de modélisation 3D sont généralement le résultat du traitement des données complexes et des méthodes d'analyse de données. Il existe de nombreuses situations concrètes où une forme visuelle est modélisé par un nuage de points observés avec une variété de capteurs 2D et 3D. Contrairement aux données graphiques, les données sensorielles ne sont pas, dans le cas général, uniformément répartie sur toute la surface des objets observés et ils sont souvent corrompus par le bruit du capteur, les valeurs aberrantes, les propriétés de surface (diffusion, spécularités, couleur, etc), l'auto occlusions, les conditions d'éclairage variables. Par ailleurs, le même objet que l'on observe par différents capteurs, à partir de points de vue légèrement différents, ou à des moments différents cas peuvent donner la répartition des points tout à fait différentes, des niveaux de bruit et, plus particulièrement, les différences topologiques, par exemple, la fusion des mains. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une représentation de multi-échelle des formes articulés et concevoir de nouvelles méthodes d'analyse de forme, en gardant à l'esprit les défis posés par les données de forme visuelle. En particulier, nous analysons en détail le cadre de diffusion de chaleur pour représentation multi-échelle de formes 3D et proposer des solutions pour la segmentation et d'enregistrement en utilisant les méthodes spectrales graphique et divers algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique, à savoir, le modèle de mélange gaussien (GMM) et le Espérance-Maximisation (EM). Nous présentons d'abord l'arrière-plan mathématique sur la géométrie différentielle et l'isomorphisme graphique suivie par l'introduction de la représentation spectrale de formes 3D articulés. Ensuite, nous présentons une nouvelle méthode non supervisée pour la segmentation de la forme 3D par l'analyse des vecteurs propres Laplacien de graphe. Nous décrivons ensuite une solution semi-supervisé pour la segmentation de forme basée sur un nouveau paradigme d'apprendre, d'aligner et de transférer. Ensuite, nous étendre la représentation de forme 3D à une configuration multi-échelle en décrivant le noyau de la chaleur cadre. Enfin, nous présentons une méthode d'appariement dense grâce à la représentation multi-échelle de la chaleur du noyau qui peut gérer les changements topologiques dans des formes visuelles et de conclure par une discussion détaillée et l'orientation future des travaux. / 3D shape analysis is an extremely active research topic in both computer graphics and computer vision. In computer vision, 3D shape acquisition and modeling are generally the result of complex data processing and data analysis methods. There are many practical situations where a visual shape is modeled by a point cloud observed with a variety of 2D and 3D sensors. Unlike the graphical data, the sensory data are not, in the general case, uniformly distributed across the surfaces of the observed objects and they are often corrupted by sensor noise, outliers, surface properties (scattering, specularities, color, etc.), self occlusions, varying lighting conditions. Moreover, the same object that is observed by different sensors, from slightly different viewpoints, or at different time instances may yield completely different point distributions, noise levels and, most notably, topological differences, e.g., merging of hands. In this thesis we outline single and multi-scale representation of articulated 3D shapes and devise new shape analysis methods, keeping in mind the challenges posed by visual shape data. In particular, we discuss in detail the heat diffusion framework for multi-scale shape representation and propose solutions for shape segmentation and dense shape registration using the spectral graph methods and various other machine learning algorithms, namely, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and the Expectation Maximization (EM). We first introduce the mathematical background on differential geometry and graph isomorphism followed by the introduction of pose-invariant spectral embedding representation of 3D articulated shapes. Next we present a novel unsupervised method for visual shape segmentation by analyzing the Laplacian eigenvectors. We then outline a semi-supervised solution for shape segmentation based upon a new learn, align and transfer paradigm. Next we extend the shape representation to a multi-scale setup by outlining the heat-kernel framework. Finally, we present a topologically-robust dense shape matching method using the multi-scale heat kernel representation and conclude with a detailed discussion and future direction of work.

Elaboration de cellules photovoltaïques hybrides solides à base d'oxyde de zinc nanostructuré / Development of hybrid solid solar cells based on nanostructured zinc oxide

Schlur, Laurent 30 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l’élaboration de cellules photovoltaïques hybrides solides sensibilisées à colorant, composées d’une couche dense de germes de ZnO recouverte de nanobâtonnets de ZnO sensibilisés par un colorant et infiltrés par du spiro-OMeTAD. La couche dense de germes de ZnO a été optimisée, afin qu’elle soit compacte, homogène et bien orientée. Les nanobâtonnets sont synthétisés par voie hydrothermale. L’influence de différents paramètres de synthèse sur la morphologie des nanobâtonnets a été testée. Deux méthodes permettant de modifier l’écart entre les nanobâtonnets ont également été mises au point. Les performances des cellules photovoltaïques varient en fonction de la longueur des nanobâtonnets, du colorant utilisé, de la durée de vieillissement des cellules à l’air, l’atmosphère, la température… Enfin, nous avons réussi à obtenir un rendement dépassant 1%, ce qui est supérieur à la meilleure performance publiée actuellement (0,25%) pour le même type de dispositif. / This thesis deals with solid state dye sensitized solar cells in which dye sensitized ZnO nanorods are associated with spiro-OMeTAD (solid hole conductor). Nanorods are grown on the top of a dense ZnO seed layer. The growth of a dense, homogeneous and well oriented layer is achieved after optimization of the deposition procedure. ZnO nanorods are obtained after submitting the dense ZnO layer to an hydrothermal treatment. The nanorods morphology evolution with reactants concentration, reaction temperature and time,… was determined. The solar cells performances depend also on the nanorods length, the type of dye, the cell ageing time in air, the atmosphere and the cell temperature…The best performance published nowadays (0.25%) for our type of photovoltaic devices is really inferior to the 1% efficiency we obtained.

Fatores abioticos e variação espacial na estrutura da floresta ombrofila densa atlantica / Abiotic factors and spatial variation in the structure of an Atlantic Ombrophilous Dense Forest

Urbanetz, Catia 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Luiza Sumiko Kinoshita, Fernando Roberto Martins / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T14:38:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Urbanetz_Catia_D.pdf: 5450468 bytes, checksum: 808c9a2f01bb127e923015f3c5db764d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O objetivo principal desse trabalho foi investigar a influência do microrelevo, de nutrientes e de fatores granulométricos do solo na determinação da estrutura espacial da Floresta Ombrófila Densa Atlântica. Foram instalados três blocos de 40 parcelas em uma encosta, em solo argiloso e em cotas altitudinais distintas. Também foram instalados três blocos de 20 parcelas em uma planície, a 1,5 km da encosta, em intervalos de 1,5 km entre cada bloco na direção do mar e em solo arenoso. Foram marcados e medidos todos os indivíduos arbóreos com PAP ? 15 cm. A área total amostrada foi de 1,8 ha. Foram feitas análises de agrupamento e ordenação a partir de matrizes de abundância de espécies para verificar a presença de padrões, grupos ou gradientes. Foi aplicado o Mantel simples para testar a correlação entre uma matriz de dissimilaridades das parcelas (índice de Bray-Curtis e abundância de espécies) e uma matriz de dados abióticos (distância Euclidiana simples e nutrientes no solo, altitude e declividade). Foi aplicado o teste de Mantel parcial para verificar se existia correlação entre estas matrizes mesmo quando levadas em conta as distâncias geográficas. Foi feita a Análise Canônica de Correspondências (CCA) a partir das matrizes de abundância de espécies e dos dados abióticos para verificar a existência de relações entre as mesmas. Foram marcados e medidos 3415 indivíduos, pertencentes a 201 espécies e 55 famílias. Foi encontrada uma diferenciação clara entre a composição e distribuição de abundância de espécies da floresta da encosta e a da floresta da planície. Entretanto, ocorreram espécies comuns à ambas as formações. Provavelmente, as espécies comuns possuem uma plasticidade ecológica ampla e são capazes de tolerar as condições mais extremas de escassez de nutrientes e alagamento da planície. Os resultados da CCA e dos testes de Mantel simples e parcial sugerem que parte da diferenciação entre a floresta da encosta e a da planície provavelmente está relacionada com o teor de areia, Magnésio e pH do solo, declividade e altitude. Apesar disso, a maior parte da inércia encontrada não pôde ser explicada pelas variáveis abióticas mensuradas. A composição de espécies da planície não se mostrou uniforme, uma vez que o techo mais próximo do mar se diferenciou claramente dos demais. Os resultados da CCA indicaram que isso pode estar relacionado com um gradiente de areia no solo. A composição florística e a estrutura da floresta de encosta se mostrou mais uniforme do que a da planície. Não ocorreram correlações significativas entre a abundância de espécies na encosta e as variáveis abióticas na encosta quando foi levada em conta as distâncias geográficas. Possivelmente, eventos estocásticos tais como dispersão ou interferência antrópica ou outras variáveis bióticas e abióticas não mensuradas podem ter determinado a variação na estrutura espacial encontrada na encosta. O determinismo ecológico parece exercer um papel mais importante na escala da paisagem do que na escala local no presente estudo. Estudos complementares enfocando outros aspectos tais como dispersão, competição ou outras variáveis abióticas não mensuradas podem ser úteis para auxiliar no esclarecimento das principais causas dos padrões espaciais encontrados que não ficaram claras no modelo. / Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of soil nutrients and microrelief on the variation in the spatial structure of the Atlantic Dense Ombrophilous Forest vegetation. Three blocks of 40 plots were established in a steep slope forest, a clay soil, at three altitudinal levels. Three other blocks of 20 plots were established in a lowland forest, in a poor sandy soil. Area "D" is 1,5 km from the steep slope, and areas "E" and "F" at further 1,5 km intervals in the direction of the coast. All the trees individual with PBH ? 15 cm were collected. The total area sampled was 1.8 ha. Classification and ordination analysis were applied to an abundance matrix in order to analyse the similarities among samples, patch structure or gradients. Floristic dissimilarities among plots (Bray-Curtis index computed with species abundance in each plot) were correlated with environmental distances among plots (Euclidian distance index computed with nutrients soil data, altitude and declivity in each plot) and geographic distances among plots (Euclidian distance index) through Mantel and partial Mantel tests. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was applied to species abundance and abiotic data to detect species-environment relations. It was found 3415 individuals of 201 species and 55 families. A clear separation among plots of the steep slope forest and the lowland forest was found, although, there were species common to both vegetation types. The CCA and partial Mantel test results suggested that part of this spatial structure differentiation seems to be related to sand percentage, Magnesium and pH of the soil, declivity and altitude. Nevertheless, a large part of the inertia could not be explained by the abiotic data. The species common to both areas probably have a broad ecological plasticity and can tolerate the extreme condictions of poor nutrients avaiability and flooding of the lowland. The lowland forest flora was not uniform and two communities were recognised in that area. The CCA results indicate that these could be related with the texture gradient in the lowland soil. The floristic composition and the structure of the steep slope forest was more regular than the lowland forest. There were no correlation among species abundance and abiotic factors when geographic space was taken into account. Possibly stochastic events such as dispersion and human impacts or other unmeasured factors could determine the spatial structure found, together with to unexplained inertia. Ecological determinism seems to play a more important role at the landscape scale than at the local scale in this study. Studies focusing other aspects such as dispersion, competition or other unmeasured abiotic data could be helpful in clarifying the main causes of the unexplained patterns found in this study. / Doutorado / Biologia Vegetal / Doutor em Bilogia Vegetal

Caracterização e análise de desempenho dos amplificadores ópticos Raman discretos em sistemas de comunicações ópticas na banda O

Taveira, Palmerston Donizzeti 02 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:37:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Palmerston Donizzeti Taveira.pdf: 3709250 bytes, checksum: f7776004371e059d73f0d20c8d735c07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-02 / The optical amplifier has improved the optical communication systems because they lead to an increase in transmission capacity of medium and long haul optical systems, with technological advantages over electronic regenerators. The optical amplifier are relatively simple to deploy and can be used in optical links without any troubles regarding signal transmission rate improvement and signal modulation changes, as a consequence of these issues they can substitute the electronic regenerator enhancing security with low operation cost. The CWDM systems multiplex optical wavelength with a low cost in metropolitan networks. It was developed to connect backbone networks to metro core and edge networks with cost saving over DWDM systems but lower transmission capacity. We have developed and characterized in our research a discrete Raman amplifier for operation in O band. We connected the amplifier in a point to point CWDM in order to analyze the gain on the system transmission capacity and the impairments that appears in the system. Working with a eight channel CWDM in O band, modulated with 2.5 Gbit/s, we have demonstrated that we can use a discrete Raman amplifier in single configurations, pre amplifier, booster and line amplifier and shared configuration with booster and pre amplifier to increase the transmission capacity that means, increase the length of the optical link. We have increased in 110% the length of the optical link with a shared configuration of two amplifiers with 10 dB gain for each one. / Os amplificadores ópticos revolucionaram a tecnológica das comunicações ópticas, pois possibilitaram o aumento da capacidade de transmissão dos sistemas ópticos de média e longa distância, com vantagens tecnológicas sobre os regeneradores. Estes dispositivos são relativamente simples de serem desenvolvidos, utilizam poucos componentes e podem ser utilizados nas redes ópticas de forma transparente a taxa de transmissão e modulação do sinal. Substituem assim, com vantagens, os regeneradores eletrônicos, agregando segurança e baixo custo à operação das redes ópticas. Os sistemas CWDM realizam a multiplexação óptica de comprimentos de onda a um baixo custo em redes metropolitanas. São utilizados para conectar as redes de transporte de alta capacidade às redes de acesso, trazendo uma larga vantagem em custo sobre os sistemas DWDM, porém com menor capacidade de transmissão. Nosso trabalho de pesquisa consistiu em desenvolver e caracterizar um amplificador Raman discreto na banda O (1260 a 1360 nm), aplicando este amplificador em um sistema CWDM ponto a ponto com taxa de transmissão de 2.5 Gbit/s por canal e analisando o aumento na capacidade de transmissão e os efeitos que degradam o sinal transmitido. Trabalhando com um sistema CWDM com oito canais na banda O, demonstramos que podemos utilizar um amplificador Raman discreto nas configurações isoladas de pré-amplificador, booster e amplificador de linha e na configuração simultânea de booster e pré-amplificador para aumentar a capacidade de transmissão. Aumentamos o comprimento original do enlace em 110%.

Modélisation des systèmes de transport multimodaux de grands réseaux / Modeling of multimodal transportation systems of large networks

Sossoe, Kwami 10 July 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail consiste en la modélisation des flux de véhicules d’un grand et dense réseau de transport multimodal. Le travail s’organise en deux parties: un aspect théorique et un aspect développement. L’étude théorique met l’accent sur la façon dont un réseau multimodal peut être modélisé et comment sa performance en termes d’offre peut être optimisée. Pour ce faire, trois études principales sont réalisées: la prévision et la régulation des flux de trafic sur les grands réseaux de surface, la multimodalité véhiculaire dans les grands réseaux de surface prenant en compte les nouvelles formes de mobilité, et enfin l’impact de l’information sur le coût des itinéraires. La partie développement consiste en la conception d’un simulateur de flux de trafic pour réguler le trafic multimodal véhiculaire. Le simulateur développé devrait aider les opérateurs de transport et les collectivités territoriales dans leurs stratégies de gestion des flux de trafic / The objective of this work consists on the modeling of traffic flow of a large multimodaltransportation network. The work is organized in two parts: a theoretical study part anda development part. The theoretical study emphasizes on how a multimodal network canbe model and how its performance in terms of supply can be optimized. To do so, threemain studies are discussed: the traffic flow prediction and regulation on large surface net-works, the vehicular multimodality in big surface networks taking into account new forms ofmobility, and finally the impact of the information on the cost of the itineraries. The devel-opment part consists on the conception of a traffic flow simulator to regulate the vehicularmultimodal traffic. The developed simulator should assist transport operators and territorialcommunities in their traffic flow management strategies

Cartographie dense basée sur une représentation compacte RGB-D dédiée à la navigation autonome / A compact RGB-D map representation dedicated to autonomous navigation

Gokhool, Tawsif Ahmad Hussein 05 June 2015 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous proposons une représentation efficace de l’environnement adaptée à la problématique de la navigation autonome. Cette représentation topométrique est constituée d’un graphe de sphères de vision augmentées d’informations de profondeur. Localement la sphère de vision augmentée constitue une représentation égocentrée complète de l’environnement proche. Le graphe de sphères permet de couvrir un environnement de grande taille et d’en assurer la représentation. Les "poses" à 6 degrés de liberté calculées entre sphères sont facilement exploitables par des tâches de navigation en temps réel. Dans cette thèse, les problématiques suivantes ont été considérées : Comment intégrer des informations géométriques et photométriques dans une approche d’odométrie visuelle robuste ; comment déterminer le nombre et le placement des sphères augmentées pour représenter un environnement de façon complète ; comment modéliser les incertitudes pour fusionner les observations dans le but d’augmenter la précision de la représentation ; comment utiliser des cartes de saillances pour augmenter la précision et la stabilité du processus d’odométrie visuelle. / Our aim is concentrated around building ego-centric topometric maps represented as a graph of keyframe nodes which can be efficiently used by autonomous agents. The keyframe nodes which combines a spherical image and a depth map (augmented visual sphere) synthesises information collected in a local area of space by an embedded acquisition system. The representation of the global environment consists of a collection of augmented visual spheres that provide the necessary coverage of an operational area. A "pose" graph that links these spheres together in six degrees of freedom, also defines the domain potentially exploitable for navigation tasks in real time. As part of this research, an approach to map-based representation has been proposed by considering the following issues : how to robustly apply visual odometry by making the most of both photometric and ; geometric information available from our augmented spherical database ; how to determine the quantity and optimal placement of these augmented spheres to cover an environment completely ; how tomodel sensor uncertainties and update the dense infomation of the augmented spheres ; how to compactly represent the information contained in the augmented sphere to ensure robustness, accuracy and stability along an explored trajectory by making use of saliency maps.

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