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Šmídová, Barbora January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Sebeposuzovací škála deprese u dětí se specifickými vývojovými poruchami učeníBěloušková, Lenka January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Hospodářský cyklus pohledem rakouské školy / Business Cycle ? the Perspective of Austrian SchoolPlíva, Rostislav January 2007 (has links)
Práce se snaží vysvětlit monetární příčiny hospodářských cyklů a zkoumá media a mechanismy jejich šíření v ekonomice. Vychází při tom z rakouské teorie kapitálu. Metodou zkoumání jsou postupy logické dedukce. Výstupem je deskriptivní analýza obecných příčin hospodářských cyklů z hlediska obecné ekonomické teorie rakouské školy. V praktické části je proveden rozbor těch nejdůležitějších hospodářsko-politických opatření před a během Velké deprese. Na té byla teorie monetárních příčin hospodářského cyklu prakticky testována. Z této aplikace vyplývá, že Velká deprese měla tak dlouhé trvání právě kvůli nevhodným hospodářským politikám americké vlády a byla způsobena nevhodnou měnovou politikou Federálního rezervního systému.
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Deprese a inzulinová rezistence / Depression and Insulin ResistanceHess, Zdeněk January 2007 (has links)
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome and depression are considered to be important risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is estimated to be around 25% of the adult population in industrialized countries, including the population of Czech Republic. The prevalence of depression is estimated to be around 15% of the same adult population. It is not clear yet on the base of poor literature, which is so far available, whether there is a causal relationship between these factors or not. Objective: To try to find a relationship between metabolic syndrome and depression in a population sample using clinical and metabolic parameters. Methods: The prevalence of depressivity or other psychopathologies was evaluated with the use of self-report questionnaires in a randomly selected population sample of 259 people living in Pilsen. The questionnaires were mailed to the subjects. Those of them who responded were invited to the examination of anthropometric and laboratory parameters defining the metabolic syndrome and to the examination of some other parameters. The occurrence of risk factors of the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance and the relationship between depression and metabolic syndrome was investigated. Metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance...
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Vliv životního stylu na duševní onemocnění na příkladu deprese / Influence of Lifestyle on Mental Illness More Specifically DepressionSCHMIDTOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of lifestyle on mental illness, more specifically de-pression. It aims to describe and examine whether people's lifestyle can contribute to the development of depression. The thesis describes contemporary society, defines the lifestyle and the main areas this lifestyle manifests itself. It also describes the affective disorders. The conclusion includes a few interviews with both healthy and depressed people which should ilustrate the theoretical knowledge for better understanding.
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Klinické využití sebeposuzovací škály depresivity CDI u dětí -FF-Štěpo, Jiří January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Problematika depresivních symptomů u osob trpících revmatoidní artritidouŠvábová, Irena, January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Deprese a inzulinová rezistence / Depression and Insulin ResistanceHess, Zdeněk January 2007 (has links)
Introduction: Metabolic syndrome and depression are considered to be important risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome is estimated to be around 25% of the adult population in industrialized countries, including the population of Czech Republic. The prevalence of depression is estimated to be around 15% of the same adult population. It is not clear yet on the base of poor literature, which is so far available, whether there is a causal relationship between these factors or not. Objective: To try to find a relationship between metabolic syndrome and depression in a population sample using clinical and metabolic parameters. Methods: The prevalence of depressivity or other psychopathologies was evaluated with the use of self-report questionnaires in a randomly selected population sample of 259 people living in Pilsen. The questionnaires were mailed to the subjects. Those of them who responded were invited to the examination of anthropometric and laboratory parameters defining the metabolic syndrome and to the examination of some other parameters. The occurrence of risk factors of the metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance and the relationship between depression and metabolic syndrome was investigated. Metabolic syndrome of insulin resistance...
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Kouření u klientů, kteří vyhledali léčbu deprese a nebo neurotických poruch. / Smoking among clients seeking treatment for depression or neurotic disorders.Křepelková, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
In my work I deal with smoking among clients seeking treatment for depression or neurotic disorders. The aim of my work is to examine the relationship between depression, anxiety and addiction to nicotine.The research was conducted through a questionnaire survey among clients of day care centres and psychiatric department. Overall, participated in the research was 32 respondents, including 20 women and 12 men. The average age of respondents was 39 years. 22 respondents completing the questionnaire identified yourself as regular smokers, 2 as occasional, 3 as ex-smokers and 5 respondents as nonsmokers. The research was conducted from December 2012 to April 2013. I found that respondents smoke as well, if they feel mentally well. If they are mentally ill, smoke more. During hospitalization or visits to day care centres smoke as much or more. Depressed and anxious thoughts of the respondents almost always leads to a light taste. The relationship between smoking and depression I was able to prove only in the group of smokers.
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Deprese jako únik před tíží života: analýza rozhovorů / Depression as an escape from burden of life: Analysis of interviewsBartošková, Magda January 2013 (has links)
In this paper I will be mapping an inner world of thought and experience lived by individuals suffering from depression. Based on differently experienced narratives I will try to reveal common features, which could help with better understanding "depressive mode of life experience". Research took place in Prague Psychiatric Centre. It consisted of narrative analysis of four 90 minute long autobiogaphic interviews. Four respondents were of both sexes and 17 - 59 years old. In these interviews was emphasized formation of structure in their life narrative. The result of this analysis was formlation of theory of Depressive mode of organizing the experience. This theory is expanded with mode of escape mechanism describing tightening of depletion of external purpose loop and causal mechanism of reluctance to pursue introspection, which leads to deficit of authorship and need for understanding and acting other, who would compensate described deficit. These models have been compared with other theories and research of C. G. Jung and Erich Fromm. Ideas of both authors complete each other and expand findings of this research.
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