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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'activité vitivinicole comme base d'une dynamique territoriale : le cas de la Bekaa au Liban / The wine industry as a basis for territorial dynamics : the case of the Bekaa in Lebanon

Bou Antoun, Layal 09 February 2017 (has links)
Depuis environ un demi-siècle nous assistons à une intégration du concept du territoire dans l’étude de la problématique du développement économique dans les pays du Sud comme dans les pays du Nord. La nouvelle approche considère le territoire comme un acteur du développement et non uniquement un support de l’activité économique. Elle se base sur le constat que le développement ne peut pas se réaliser qu’au plus près des acteurs territoriaux qui valorisent les ressources (génériques et spécifiques) disponibles sur le territoire par une dynamique technico-économique de production assurant sa compétitivité et une dynamique socio-institutionnelle de régulation garantissant son maintien et sa durabilité. Cette thèse se veut une contribution à la compréhension et à l’enrichissement de cette nouvelle approche du développement.A partir d’une réflexion approfondie sur le cas de la Bekaa (un territoire périphérique – dans le sens géographique et économique – du Liban), nous tentons de démontrer, que dans le contexte d’une structure économique génératrice de déséquilibres sectoriels et spatiaux et de disparités sociales, la notion de développement territorial et les concepts qui lui sont associés (système économique territorial, organisation territoriale, régulation locale, rendement collectif…) constituent un cadre d’analyse approprié et peuvent être un outil efficace d’une politique de développement au niveau régional ou local. Notre analyse s’efforce à montrer qu’au sein d’un cluster agricole à la Bekaa se développe un système économique territorial structuré autour de la filière vitivinicole engendrant une dynamique socioéconomique territoriale susceptible d’améliorer les conditions de vie de la communauté locale. Bien qu’elle soit ancrée dans le territoire de la Bekaa, l’activité vitivinicole est loin de se développer en autarcie. Elle cherche en permanence à s’inscrire dans une économie mondialisée grâce à l’ouverture internationale des acteurs locaux. Dans le contexte actuel de la globalisation, cette ouverture sur l’extérieur, tout en offrant d’importantes opportunités, est simultanément source de défis sur le plan concurrentiel. Le SET vitivinicole de la Bekaa fait face également à d’autres défis relevant de facteurs endogènes tels que les interactions entre les acteurs. C’est pourquoi il est incontournable de mettre en place une gouvernance territoriale susceptible de réguler les rapports inter-acteurs et d’élaborer des stratégies collectives de promotion territoriale. / For about half a century we have witnessed an integration of the concept of territory in the analysis of economic development in less developed countries as well as in developed ones. The new approach considers the territory as an actor of development and not merely as a spatial frame for the economic activity. It is based on the observation that development must be carried out as close as possible to the local actors who value the resources (generic and specific) available on the territory by a technical-economic dynamic of production ensuring its competitiveness and a socio-institutional dynamic of regulation guaranteeing its sustainability. This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding and improvement of this new approach of development.With a deep consideration of the Bekaa (a peripheral territory - in the geographical and economic sense - of Lebanon), we try to demonstrate that in the context of an economic structure generating sectoral and spatial imbalances and social disparities, the notion of territorial development and the concepts associated with it (territorial economic system, territorial organization, local regulation, collective efficiency ...) constitute an appropriate framework of analysis and can be an effective tool for a development policy on the local level. Our analysis attempts to show that within the Bekaa agricultural cluster develops a territorial economic system structured around the wine industry, generating a territorial socio-economic dynamic capable of improving the living conditions of the local community. Although it is anchored in the territory of the Bekaa, wine activity is far from developing in autarchy. It constantly seeks to be part of a globalized economy thanks to the international openness of local players. In the current context of globalization, this openness to the outside world, while offering important opportunities, simultaneously presents challenges on a competitive level. The Bekaa territorial economic system also faces other challenges arising from endogenous factors such as interactions between actors. Therefore, it is essential to set up territorial governance that can regulate inter-actors’ relations and develop collective strategies for territorial promotion.

Návrh změn konceptu motivačního systému ve zvoleném podniku / Concept for Motivational System Change in a Selected Company

Turčaník, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to propose changes of motivational system in the company. Theoretical part describes motivational theory concepts including information about motivational systems efficiency. Empirical part is focused on analysis of motivational system. First there was an interview with human resources manager, who gave us information about characteristics and motivational system of this company. Second step was to find out more opinions from employees, therefore it was necessary to realize a research in form of questionnaire. Final outcome of this thesis is to recommend some changes of current motivational system. These proposals will minimize the most likely causes of labour fluctuation and it will also increase the satisfaction with particular aspects of motivational system.

Optimalizace životního cyklu transformátoru 110/22 kV / Optimization of the lifecycle transformer 110/22 kV

Suk, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the situation in transformation 110/22 kV in distribution area E.ON East. Next to describe the current practice in the replacement of 110/22 kV transformers and mention the possibilities of replacing the machines at the end of their lifecycle with respect to the development of the load of the individual transformer stations in the distribution area. An integral part of the thesis is also the economic evaluation of premature replacement of transformers from two different perspectives. The next point is to look at the current possibilities in the lifecycle lengthening of these devices and to suggest a method for monitoring the state of paper insulation to estimate the remaining lifetime of the transformer. The last point is the evaluation of the transition of a significant customer from a voltage level of 22 kV to a voltage level of 110 kV, including related technical and economic issues.

Selektives Laserschmelzen hochfester Werkzeugstähle

Sander, Jan 20 March 2018 (has links)
Das selektive Laserschmelzen (SLM) erlaubt komplexe Geometrien zu fertigen, die, z. B. in Form von integrierten Kühlkanälen, bei Werkzeugen von großer Bedeutung sind. Aktuell werden in der Industrie hauptsächlich Aluminium-, Stahl-, Titan-, Nickel- und Kobaltchromlegierungen mit SLM verarbeitet. Für die additive Fertigung sind Stähle interessant, die besondere Eigenschaften aufweisen. So wird für Konstruktionsbauteile größtenteils korrosionsbeständiger Stahl verwendet. Ein weiteres Anwendungsfeld ist die Herstellung von Werkzeugen. Die besonderen Ansprüche an die mechanischen Eigenschaften, die für Werkzeuge benötigt werden, erfüllen die Werkzeugstähle. Durch die Neigung zu Rissbildung und Verzug resultiert eine herausfordernde Verarbeitbarkeit im SLM-Prozess. Werkzeugstähle wurden bisher auf Grund dieser Herausforderungen selten mit SLM prozessiert. Es besteht daher ein großer Bedarf die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Prozess, der Verarbeitbarkeit, dem entstehenden Gefüge und den resultierenden Eigenschaften aufzuklären. In dieser Arbeit werden die Mikrostruktur und die mechanischen Eigenschaften dreier hochfester Stahllegierungen, verarbeitet im SLM-Prozess, untersucht. Eine Legierungsentwicklung, speziell auf die Anforderungen des SLM-Prozesses zugeschnitten, ermöglicht, das volle Potenzial des SLM-Prozesses auszuschöpfen. Die Verarbeitbarkeit der neu entwickelten Legierung im SLM-Prozess konnte erfolgreich gegenüber den Ausgangslegierungen verbessert werden.

”Det man gör med kroppen, fastnar i knoppen” : En kvalitativ undersökning om verksamma förskollärares arbete med motorisk utveckling i förskolan. / ”The things you do with your body, get stuck in your head” : A quality study about how active preschool teachers work with motor skills development in preschool.

Åberg, Frida, Rosén, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur sju förskollärare tolkar och arbetar med barns motoriska träning i den pedagogiska verksamheten samt om hur de anser att barns motorik påverkar utveckling och lärande. Den empiriska undersökningen utgår från en kvalitativ ansats med semistruktuerade intervjuer utifrån två frågeställningar: Hur resonerar förskollärare om motorisk träning kopplat till barns utveckling och lärande? Samt På vilka sätt utmanas barnen till motorisk träning på förskolan, enligt förskollärarna?. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av förskollärarna uttrycker att motorisk träning vanligtvis sker via oplanerade aktiviteter och att fokus för planeringen ligger på andra mål i förskolans läroplan. Vidare visar resultatet på vikten av att vara närvarande för att upptäcka barns eventuella motoriska svårigheter i tidiga år i syfte att kunna stötta barnens vidareutveckling, enligt förskollärarnas utsagor. Det uttrycks även att förhållningsätt och kunskaper om motorik utgör gränser i arbetet med motoriska aktiviteter och att förskollärarna är medvetna om att motorik innehåller både fin- och grovmotorik, men att det praktiska arbetet skiljer sig åt genom att de nästan enbart beskriver ett grovmotoriskt arbete. / The study examines how seven preschool teachers interpret and work with children's motor training in the educational activities and how they believe that children's motor skills affect development and learning. The empirical study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews based on two questions: How do preschool teachers reason about motor training linked to children's development and learning? And In what ways are children challenged to motor training in preschool, according to preschool teachers?. The results show that the majority of preschool teachers express that motor training usually takes place via unplanned activities and that the focus for planning is on other goals in the preschool curriculum. Furthermore, the results show the importance of being present to detect children's possible motor difficulties in the early years in order to be able to support the children's further development, according to the preschool teachers' statements. It is also stated that attitudes and knowledge about motor skills constitute limits in the work with motor activities and that preschool teachers are aware that motor skills contain both fine and gross motor skills, but that the practical work differs in that they almost only describe gross motor work.

Chemické výpočty v kontextu reálného života na základní a střední škole / Chemical calculations in the context of real life at elementary and high school

Režňák, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Learning exercises containing chemical calculations are necessary for complex understanding of some parts of chemical curriculum. This diploma thesis deals with creation and evaluation of worksheets containing multicomponent learning tasks closely connected to reality for pupils of elementary and high school. The theoretical part consists of the summary of present valid Czech curricular documents, mainly parts focused on chemical calculations and sustainable development. The main part of this thesis is creation of worksheets containing multicomponent learning tasks focused on different topics of chemistry which were chosen according to Framework Education Programmes. Created worksheets were verified and evaluated at high school. Based on evaluations of worksheets action research focused on problems during solving chemical calculations was conducted on elementary school.

Solglasögon för hållbarhet och identitet. Hur kan man genom design utforma ett par solglasögon som får användaren att agera hållbart

Johansson, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
Mängden solglasögon som produceras i dagens samhälle ökar för varje år, detta har genererat en hög materialåtgång. Denna studie grundar sig i design för hållbar utveckling och tillhörande designteorier inom cradle to cradle, design for disassembly och modulär design. Ytterligare teorier om hur identitet kopplat till materiella ting utreds. Syftet med studien är att försöka uppmana användare av solglasögon att agera mer hållbart. Genom dessa designteorier och tillhörande metoder har ett designexempel tagits fram. En pilotstudie användes för att undersöka respondenternas koppling till materialkännedom och identitet förknippat med solglasögon. Denna i form av en enkätundersökning. Enkäten utgör grunden i studien. Därefter tillämpades andra metoder för att kunna erbjuda ett designkoncept. Denna studies mål var att undersöka kopplingen mellan materialkonsumtion och identitet, gällande solglasögon och med det kunna uppmärksamma valet av solglasögon och även hjälpa användaren att agera ekologiskt hållbart. Studiens slutsats visar en produkt som kan hjälpa användaren på ett individuellt plan att agera mer hållbart. Produkten som tagits fram är ett exempel på ett av många olika designförslag att hjälpa användaren att agera mer hållbart. Denna produkt kan också både få och hjälpa användaren att uttrycka sin individuella identitet på olika plan. / The amount of sunglasses produced in today's society is increasing every year, this has generated high material consumption. This study is based on design for sustainable development and associated design theories in cradle to cradle, design for disassembly and modular design. Further theories on how identity is linked to material things are investigated. The purpose of the study is to try to encourage users of sunglasses to act more sustainably. Through these design theories and associated methods, a design example has been developed.A pilot study was used to investigate the respondents' connection to material awareness and identity associated with sunglasses. This in the form of a survey. The survey forms the basis of the study. Subsequently other methods were applied to be able to offer a design concept.The aim of this study was to investigate the connection between material consumption and identity regarding sunglasses and with it being able to pay attention to the choice of sunglasses and help the user to act ecologically sustainably.The study's conclusion shows a product that can help the user on an individual plan to act more sustainably. The product produced is an example of one of many different design proposals to help the user to act more sustainably. This product can also help the user to express their individual identity on different levels.

A Structural Equation of Leader-Member Exchange, Employee-Supervisor Relationship, Performance Appraisal, and Career Development

Henkel, William Joseph 01 January 2017 (has links)
Some employees perceive that supervisors do not accurately reflect employees' performance or effectively differentiate among employees' performances during performance appraisals (PAs). Other employees believe the performance feedback they receive is not valuable for supporting their career development (CD). Employing leader-member exchange (LMX) theory and the distributive and interactional justice dimensions of organizational justice theory as the theoretical framework, this correlational study examined the relationships among LMX and employee-supervisor relationships (ESRs) and the relationships' influence on employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' perceived efficacy of the PA process. Participants consisted of 44 defense contractor employees in the United States who completed a combination of 4 validated survey instruments (LMX-7, Interactional Justice, Appraisal System Satisfaction, Perceived Career Opportunity) and 1 demographic instrument. Results from the structural equation model, using partial least squares analysis, indicated significant (p < .001) positive relationships between the independent variables of LMX and ESR, the dependent mediating variable PA, and the dependent variable CD. The results indicated that a positive relationship between LMX and ESR will influence employees' CD through the mediating effect of employees' PAs. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve communications between employees and supervisors, increase organizational performance by increasing employees' job satisfaction, potential benefiting career development for improving employees' families' quality of life, and contributions to the communities.

Störst av allt är skogen : En ekokritisk läsning av Erlend Loes Doppler

Hellström, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgår från romanen Doppler och dess humoristiska värld där en man bosätter sig i skogen och blir vän med en älgkalv. I analysen avhandlas skogens gestaltning, protagonistens relation till skogen, djuren och samhället ur ett ekokritiskt perspektiv. Doppler är skogens centrum, den som agerar och domesticerar djur men samtidigt kallar skogen störst av allt. Trots att Dopplers syn på naturen och människan bitvis samstämmer med ekokritiken måste verket betraktas som antropocentriskt då det går att skönja tydlig dualism, en uppdelning av natur och kultur, samhälle och skog, människa och djur. / <p>Godkänt datum 2021-08-18</p>

A Cross-Fostering Analysis of the Effect of PCB on Behavioral Development of Sprague-Dawley Rats

Mankin, David Edward 16 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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