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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die bevordering van sosiaal-emosionele ontwikkeling by die graad 1-leerder deur middel van 'n musiekondersteuningsprogram / deur Linda-Mari Viljoen

Viljoen, Linda-Mari January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Die bevordering van sosiaal-emosionele ontwikkeling by die graad 1-leerder deur middel van 'n musiekondersteuningsprogram / Linda-Mari Viljoen

Viljoen, Linda-Mari January 2007 (has links)
This research is about the enhancement of the Grade 1 learner's social and emotional development through a music support programme. The aim of this research was to determine how a music support programme could enhance the social and emotional development of Grade 1 learners through a music support programme. To achieve this goal, data were gathered through a literature study and empirical study. The empirical study was performed by way of semi constructed interviews with the Grade 1 learners' teacher to assemble the empirical data. The results indicated that the Grade 1 learners manifested social and emotional difficulties and that the music support programme was effective for those learners' social and emotional development. Recommendations from the study include: • schools should consider a music support programme on a permanent basis. • The community must be introduced to the music support programme because the concept is still unknown. • To help children with social-emotional behavioural problems, schools can raise a fund that will help these learners to develop through a music support programme. • Schools and/or a music support presenter can give parental guidance and can set up a programme for parents. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Die bevordering van sosiaal-emosionele ontwikkeling by die graad 1-leerder deur middel van 'n musiekondersteuningsprogram / Linda-Mari Viljoen

Viljoen, Linda-Mari January 2007 (has links)
This research is about the enhancement of the Grade 1 learner's social and emotional development through a music support programme. The aim of this research was to determine how a music support programme could enhance the social and emotional development of Grade 1 learners through a music support programme. To achieve this goal, data were gathered through a literature study and empirical study. The empirical study was performed by way of semi constructed interviews with the Grade 1 learners' teacher to assemble the empirical data. The results indicated that the Grade 1 learners manifested social and emotional difficulties and that the music support programme was effective for those learners' social and emotional development. Recommendations from the study include: • schools should consider a music support programme on a permanent basis. • The community must be introduced to the music support programme because the concept is still unknown. • To help children with social-emotional behavioural problems, schools can raise a fund that will help these learners to develop through a music support programme. • Schools and/or a music support presenter can give parental guidance and can set up a programme for parents. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Могућности и ограничења инклузије деце са тешкоћама у развоју у редовне основне школе / Mogućnosti i ograničenja inkluzije dece sa teškoćama u razvoju u redovne osnovne škole / The possibilities and limitations of the inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular primary schools

Vujačić Milja 01 February 2010 (has links)
<p>У раду се разматра проблем инклузије деце са тешкоћама у развоју у<br />редовне основне школе, кроз сагледавање основних могућности и ограничења за<br />овај процес у нашим основним школама. У теоријском делу рада бавили смо се<br />теоријским полазиштима истраживања, појмовним одређењима, терминологијом и<br />класификацијом деце са тешкоћама у развоју и њиховим положајем у друштву. Дат<br />је приказ различитих модела образовања ове деце и правних докумената који<br />подржавају инклузију. Посебно је размотрен проблем инклузивног образовања и<br />приказано је стање у нашој земљи у погледу образовања ове деце. Анализирани су<br />основни аспекти инклузивног образовања: ставовско-вредносне орјентације према<br />овој деци, улоге наставника и специфичности наставе, интеракције деце са<br />тешкоћама у развоју и вршњака и партнерство школе и родитеља деце са<br />тешкоћама у развоју. Дат је приказ сродних истраживања обављених у нашој<br />земљи и окружењу. У другом делу рада приказано је истраживања које је за циљ<br />имало утвђивање могућности и ограничења укључивања деце са тешкоћама у<br />развоју у редовне основне школе на основу испитивања ставова, искустава и<br />мишљења учитеља, наставника, директора, стручних сарадника и родитеља остале<br />деце о овом процесу, имплицитних педагогија наставника и процена фактора који<br />могу да олакшају или отежају овај процес. Зависне варијабле истраживања су<br />доведене у везу са реализацијом пилот-пројекта инклузивног образовања,<br />образовним профилом, дужином радног стажа и образовним нивоом родитеља.<br />Указано је на кључне могућности и ограничења за укључивање деце са тешкоћама<br />у развоју у нашим школама. Резултати указују на то да је пилот-пројекат<br />инклузивног образовања имао позитиван утицај на ставове наставника и родитеља<br />према овом процесу. Дате су препоруке за припрему школа и наставника као и<br />смернице за даља истраживања у овој области. Главне практичне импликације<br />истраживања односе се на иницијално образовање наставника и њихово даље<br />стручно усавршавање у овој области.</p> / <p>U radu se razmatra problem inkluzije dece sa teškoćama u razvoju u<br />redovne osnovne škole, kroz sagledavanje osnovnih mogućnosti i ograničenja za<br />ovaj proces u našim osnovnim školama. U teorijskom delu rada bavili smo se<br />teorijskim polazištima istraživanja, pojmovnim određenjima, terminologijom i<br />klasifikacijom dece sa teškoćama u razvoju i njihovim položajem u društvu. Dat<br />je prikaz različitih modela obrazovanja ove dece i pravnih dokumenata koji<br />podržavaju inkluziju. Posebno je razmotren problem inkluzivnog obrazovanja i<br />prikazano je stanje u našoj zemlji u pogledu obrazovanja ove dece. Analizirani su<br />osnovni aspekti inkluzivnog obrazovanja: stavovsko-vrednosne orjentacije prema<br />ovoj deci, uloge nastavnika i specifičnosti nastave, interakcije dece sa<br />teškoćama u razvoju i vršnjaka i partnerstvo škole i roditelja dece sa<br />teškoćama u razvoju. Dat je prikaz srodnih istraživanja obavljenih u našoj<br />zemlji i okruženju. U drugom delu rada prikazano je istraživanja koje je za cilj<br />imalo utvđivanje mogućnosti i ograničenja uključivanja dece sa teškoćama u<br />razvoju u redovne osnovne škole na osnovu ispitivanja stavova, iskustava i<br />mišljenja učitelja, nastavnika, direktora, stručnih saradnika i roditelja ostale<br />dece o ovom procesu, implicitnih pedagogija nastavnika i procena faktora koji<br />mogu da olakšaju ili otežaju ovaj proces. Zavisne varijable istraživanja su<br />dovedene u vezu sa realizacijom pilot-projekta inkluzivnog obrazovanja,<br />obrazovnim profilom, dužinom radnog staža i obrazovnim nivoom roditelja.<br />Ukazano je na ključne mogućnosti i ograničenja za uključivanje dece sa teškoćama<br />u razvoju u našim školama. Rezultati ukazuju na to da je pilot-projekat<br />inkluzivnog obrazovanja imao pozitivan uticaj na stavove nastavnika i roditelja<br />prema ovom procesu. Date su preporuke za pripremu škola i nastavnika kao i<br />smernice za dalja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti. Glavne praktične implikacije<br />istraživanja odnose se na inicijalno obrazovanje nastavnika i njihovo dalje<br />stručno usavršavanje u ovoj oblasti.</p> / <p>This paper discusses the problem of inclusion of children with developmental<br />difficulties in regular primary schools through obtaining an insight into basic possibilities<br />and limitations of this process in our primary schools. In theoretical part of the paper, we<br />dealt with theoretical starting points for the research, definition of concepts, terminology<br />and classification of children with developmental difficulties and their position in the<br />society. We provided an overview of different models of education for these children and<br />legal documents supporting the inclusion. The problem of inclusive education was given<br />special consideration and the situation in our country regarding the education of these<br />children was presented. The basic aspects of inclusive education were analysed:<br />attitudinal-value orientations towards these children, roles of teachers and peculiarities of<br />instruction, interactions of children with developmental difficulties with their peers, and<br />partnership between school and parents of these children. We provided an overview of<br />similar research studies published in our country and the surroundings. In the second part<br />of the paper, we presented the research whose goal was to establish the possibilities and<br />limitations of the inclusion of children with developmental difficulties in regular primary<br />schools based on studying the attitudes, experiences and opinions of teachers, principals,<br />expert associates and parents of other children about this process, the implicit pedagogies<br />of teachers and assessment of factors that can facilitate or aggravate this process.<br />Dependent variables in the research are linked with the implementation of the pilotproject<br />of inclusive education, educational profile, years of service, and educational level<br />of parents. It is pointed out to the key possibilities and limitations of the inclusion of<br />children with developmental difficulties in our schools. The results indicate that the pilotproject<br />of inclusive education had a positive influence on attitudes of teachers and parents<br />towards this process. Recommendations for preparation of schools and teachers are<br />provided, as well as the guidelines for further research in this area. The main practical<br />implications of the research refer to the initial education of teachers and their further<br />professional improvement in this field.</p>

Empowerment of parents in early intervention of developmental challenges of pre-school children in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Ferreira, Nathan 12 1900 (has links)
Through document analysis, one-on-one interviews with parents, and observations the researcher aimed to explore early intervention in pre-school children with learning difficulties in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. The researcher set out to determine whether parents were aware of the importance of early intervention in addressing learning difficulties in their children, what support existed to help parents give support to children with learning difficulties, and how support could be improved to enable parents to help their children. This study found that parents in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape needed support that would enable them to provide early intervention for their children with learning difficulties. The study also showed that parents were aware of the importance of early intervention to help their children with learning difficulties. Most parents were receiving support, but there was room for improvement in the support that they were receiving. Flowing from this, the study also found that parents needed different forms of support, e.g. emotional and financial support. Based on the findings, recommendations were made. Recommendations were aimed at improving support for parents, so they can provide successful early intervention for their pre-school children, e. g. through the creation of open channels of communication between parents and other role players, like government departments and service providers. Recommendations were also made for future research, e. g. research into ways to create open channels of communication. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Empowerment of parents in early intervention of developmental challenges of pre-school children in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

Ferreira, Nathan 12 1900 (has links)
Through document analysis, one-on-one interviews with parents, and observations the researcher aimed to explore early intervention in pre-school children with learning difficulties in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. The researcher set out to determine whether parents were aware of the importance of early intervention in addressing learning difficulties in their children, what support existed to help parents give support to children with learning difficulties, and how support could be improved to enable parents to help their children. This study found that parents in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape needed support that would enable them to provide early intervention for their children with learning difficulties. The study also showed that parents were aware of the importance of early intervention to help their children with learning difficulties. Most parents were receiving support, but there was room for improvement in the support that they were receiving. Flowing from this, the study also found that parents needed different forms of support, e.g. emotional and financial support. Based on the findings, recommendations were made. Recommendations were aimed at improving support for parents, so they can provide successful early intervention for their pre-school children, e. g. through the creation of open channels of communication between parents and other role players, like government departments and service providers. Recommendations were also made for future research, e. g. research into ways to create open channels of communication. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

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