Spelling suggestions: "subject:"didaktické"" "subject:"didaktik""
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Hry a herní aktivity ve výuce FJ / Games and Game Activities in Teaching French LanguageRubnerová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with method of activation of didactic games and its application into the teaching process. It's focused on the theoretical description and also on the practical use in the teaching of the French language. This method is introduced as one of the ways how to practice language in funny form, but also to gain new knowledge and language skills. We will describe its major aspects and also its place in the curriculum documents as well. We will emphasize its benefits, but also the possible difficulties in its application into the teaching of foreign language. We will mention the process of the game and the atmosphere appropriate to it's use too. In the practical part we will focus on the activities which are suitable for level A0 to A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
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Výuka frazémů v rámci českého jazyka na 2. stupni ZŠ / Teaching phrasemes in the Czech language at the 2 nd grade of elementary schoolPELÁNOVÁ, Klára January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on teaching phrasemes in Czech language lessons in elementary schools especially in 7th grade. The thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical one and research. The main goal of the theoretical part is to present the basic overview of phraseology as a linguistic discipline and didactic games as activating methods of education. The empirical part describes the creation and usage of didactical tools for teaching phrasemes and also summarizes the results of a survey.
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Didaktické hry a jejich zařazení do výuky fyziky na ZŠ / Didactic games and their inclusion to physics teaching at basic schoolNOVÁKOVÁ, Alena January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the inclusion of educational games in teaching physics at the elementary schools. The work aims to create a set of educational games for teaching physics at the elementary school. The theoretical part analyzes the theory of didactic games and use of games in education, increasing motivation among pupils. Further the theoretical part consists of an analysis of the selected thematic unit "substances and bodies". The practical part consists of a set of my own didactic games. Created didactic games can serve mainly for practicing, repetition and consolidation of curriculum and are designed to develop the selected key competencies to stimulate the innate playfulness and creativity of students. They also provide feedback on students' knowledge. It is possible to include games into the teaching in the form of competitions of individuals, couples or groups of pupils. Didactic games' benefits were verified in tests. Evaluation and results of these tests are elaborated at the end of this work.
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Výuka dramatické výchovy v rámci tematic kých celků ve 2. ročníku na střední pedagogické škole / Teachingdramain thethematic areas in 2ndyear atsecondary pedagogicalschoolTurčanová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the function of teaching Drama education as a compulsory subject at the Central school of Education, searches procedures, which would provide meaningful education for the students themselves but also for their future professional practice. We are looking for other options in the teaching of drama within the thematic units, trying to outline a system of work within the project education. It introduces the possibilities of didactic transformation, methodical preparation for the leadership group in the drama. The theoretical part consists of theoretical principles of thematic and project teaching, theoretical sources for successful didactic transformation. The practical part consists of the research investigation aimed at identifying students' approach to planning drama lessons.
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Pexeso - hra jako didaktická pomůcka pro výtvarnou výchovu na ZŠ a ZUŠ / Memory game - the game like didactic tool in the process of education of visual art on the level of the primary schools and the primary art schoolsBLÁHOVÁ, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis consists of two basic parts. The theoretical part which focuses on the definition and historical evolution of games from the point of view of their function in the process of pedagogy, and the practical part which is Memory game, created by the author. Games as a phenomenon, and their functions and importance within the context of the educational process at the level of elementary education, with a particular focus on art education are analysed in this master thesis. The developed Memory game by the author has a strong didactic accent, the goal of which is to mediate the area of visual art to students. The last part of this master thesis is a detailed description of the process of using the developed didactic tool during teaching and its graphical documentation.
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Využití didaktických pomůcek ve výuce angličtiny na 1.st. ZŠ / The Use of Teaching Aids in English Language Teaching at Primary schoolHŮRKOVÁ, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with didactic aids and their use in English classes at the first grade of elementary school. At the beginning of the thesis I will characterize the specifics of teaching English at the first grade of elementary school, I will also clarify the term "didactic aid". I will divide types of aids and the possibilities of their use so as the teaching could be heterogeneous, pleasant, effective and primarily easy for pupils to understand. In the practical part of the work there are presented aids which are used by teachers. It is described there how the particular aids are implemented into teaching English and how teachers and pupils think about them in terms of popularity of their use. There are also presented different types of aids which become popular among pupils. By the level of their attractivity there were chosen a few of the most favourite aids.
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Nový didaktický přístup k výuce nemocí a chorobných stavů člověka na ZŠ se zaměřením na všeobecnou informovanost a osvětu / New didactic approach to teaching of the topic of human diseases and its conditions at the elementary school with a focus on general awareness and enlightenmentFÜRSTOVÁ, Anežka January 2017 (has links)
Knowledge of origin and symptoms of common human diseases as well as aplication of finding how prevent and cure them is one of expected performances of biology lessons at 8th grade of czech elementary school. The aim of this thesis is to create a visual teaching tool in the form of an educational board game, which would assist teachers with handing the topic of diseases over to students in effective and relaxed way. Theoretical part of the thesis includes biological data physiology of human disease and description of youth enlightenment. There are also didactic data describing proactiv teaching methods and an analysis of some biology textbooks. In practical part of the thesis is a description of the educational board game and test inquiry which demonstrates, that the board game leeds to acquire important facts about human diseases.
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Environmentální výchova jako průřezové téma RVP a jeho realizace ve školním a mimoškolním vzděláván튍ASTNÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the cross-curricular theme the Environmental Education according to the Czech Educational Programme. The aim of it is to show the implementation of the teaching about the current problems connected to the conservation of the environment in different segments of the Czech educational process. The first chapter deals with the Environmental Education in general - its characteristics, the interconnections with the other school subjects, the topics and the expected recommended outcomes. The second chapter describes the teaching of Environmental Education in the Czech Republic and in the selected countries of the European Union. Then it focuses on the didactic specifics of the Environmental Education and the means and methods of its teaching. The third chapter occupies with the changes in the perception of the nature and the selected current environmental problems of the present society. The fourth chapter deals with the topic of the natural upbringing in the nature, mainly in the 20th century. The fifth chapter analyses the implementation of the Environmental Education by the Czech association Junák český skaut, z.s. The sixth chapter suggests the application of the didactic games intended for the scout programme or different clubs with the environmental themes. It introduces the particular didactic games suitable for the implementation into the educational process and it also presents author´s own didactic game PET-life.
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Didaktické hry a jejich zařazení do výuky fyziky na ZŠ / Didactic games and their inclusion to physics teaching at basic schoolBRABCOVÁ, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Didactic games and their inclusion in physics education deals with its play in physics teaching at the second grade of primary school. It focuses primarily on electricity and magnetism and is complemented with the possibility of extracurricular activity and formation of positive attitude towards this area of physics and physics as a whole. The work is divided into a theoretical part, which engages in the theory of games, game didactic requirements and methods of its inclusion in the lesson. Furthermore, the motivation and the end of the theoretical part consists of an analysis of electricity as a topic and magnetism in terms of RVP and school educational programs, including cross-cutting themes and key competencies. The second part deals with the various types of games. A general view includes games with physical principles that can be purchased in our market, computer games and options of educaching. The main part of the educational games contains rules and recommended way of games´ categorization. Plays are divided into chapters. According to their use. Games for one pupil , games and activities for the division of students into groups, games for creative thinking and development of communication, games in the role - " role playing ", games for remember, knowledge games, motion games, card games, relaxing games motivated by electric current, games with a physical base. The conclusion is included verification of using games in the classroom, which is based on observation, pupil´s questionnaire and test of students' knowledge in the chosen field.
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Učivo o slovních druzích a učivo slovotvorné na 1. stupni základní školy / Kinds of words and vocabulary at elementary schoolMATOUŠKOVÁ, Lucie January 2007 (has links)
The thesis deals with questions of word class and word-forming subject matter in the school teaching of the Czech language at the infant school. It focuses on both course books analysis of three various publishers from the monitored thematic point of view and insight into class practice of the current school. The theoretical part of the thesis specializes in questions from the scientific point of view, the formal part solves problems of existing subject matter at the infant school and gives analysis of the course books of the Czech language for the infant school. The principal of the thesis is a research of knowledge associated with classifying of word class in both 5th and 6th class of the basic school.
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