Spelling suggestions: "subject:"didaktik"" "subject:"didaktika""
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Využívání počítačů k testování / Using computers to testBažantová, Zuzana January 2007 (has links)
The thesis provided deals with the question of computer based testing. The study contains two main parts: theoretical and empirical. It addresses two problems: what is the state of the art of computers implementation in testing (1), and what is the difference between applying two theories - classical test theory (CTT), and item response theory (IRT) in test construction, and analysis of test scores (2). The second problem has been solved both theoretical and empirical. No doubt, that computer implementation in test administration, construction, score analysis, test forms creating, and adaptive testing is very useful activity. It seems, as well, implementation of IRT in test construction and its score analysis has some advantages in comparison with CTT. On the other hand, mastering IRT is a quite difficult task, and there are strict demands to be fulfilled before IRT could be applied, too. There are principles of adaptive testing described in the study. This topic has not been described in any educational journal till today. Special software for realizing classical item analysis (ITEMAN, LERTAP 5) and for realizing IRT analysis (BILOG-MG) are presented here. To my knowledge comparison of item analysis carried out by methods based on CTT and IRT has not been presented in the Czech Republic. An analysis...
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Šťastný, Jaroslav, January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání v anglickém jazyce / Evaluation of Educational Achievement in EnglishŠikolová, Mária January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá stanovováním výukových cílů a formulací standardů v předmětu anglický jazyk. Věnuje pozornost metodám testování čtyř základních řečových dovedností. Na základě kritického zhodnocení Katalogu požadavků ke společné části maturitní zkoušky v roce 2004 navrhuje alternativní katalog, jehož konkretizací jsou čtyři subtesty k ověření dovednosti poslechu, čtení, psaní a mluvení v rámci maturitní zkoušky. Dva ze subtestů jsou ověřeny v praxi a získané výsledky jsou komentovány a interpretovány. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Návrh využití letniček ve výuce na 2. stupni ZŠ / The suggestion of use of the annual flowers for the instruction of the primary school.PECHEK, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the issues of growing and the use of annual plants at the higher level of basic schools. It includes an elaborate list of annual plants suitable for growing at basic schools also with possibility of the didactic use. In addition this thesis contains an instructional film, a commentary on the film for teachers and a worksheet for students.
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Návrh zpracování učiva v oblasti manažerského účetnictví pro obchodní akademie v kontextu rozvoje účetního myšlení / The draft process ot the curriculum in the sphere of management accountingin the subject of accounting business academies in the Czech Republic in the context of the development of accounting thought.Stuchlíková, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
Abstract this thesis focuses on the draft process of the curriculum in the sphere of management accounting in the subject of accounting business academies in the Czech Republic. The work is divided into two parts, which are theoretical and practical. The first part involves analysis of current findings in the terms of economic and financial thinking and analysis of curriculum documents and educational aspects of teaching. The practical part consists of two parts of the research. Firstly, it investigates the opinions of accounting teachers about didactic aspects of teaching and subsequently it verificates the draft instruction with didactic tests.
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Didaktické přístupy k výuce ochrany přírody v České republice / Didactic approaches in teaching the preservation of nature in the Czech RepublicSulková, Květa January 2011 (has links)
Thesis "Didactic approaches in teaching the preservation of nature in the Czech Republic" consist of five major chapters. The fourth chapter introduces important legal standards relating to conservation and landscape protection with emphasis on Law 114/92 Coll.,on Nature and Landscape. The fifth chapter deals with curricula documents, their structure and implementation of nature protection in these documents. The sixth chapter provides insight into the issue of school textbooks. The subject of iscussion are textbooks properties, their genesis and current research. In the seventh chapter the analysis of natural history and biology textbooks is introduced with regard to processing the topic of conservation in the Czech Republic. These textbooks were examined through content analysis with regards to the topic of conservation in the Czech Republic. Eight selected parameters were used for evaluating those textbooks that contain the above topic. In the last chapter a survey carried out on students of Prague high schools is processed. The presented results indicate the students' acquuaintance with conservation in the Czech Republic, their knowledge of the topic, and also the differences between the first- and fourth-graders. From the results of the survey some didactic approaches are derived for teaching...
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Víme, co jíme? / Do we know, what we eat?HEŘMANOVÁ, Martina January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is composed of two main parts. In the first part of this work there is theory of healthy nutrition presented. The theoretical part includes, for example: basic informations about healthy nutrition, short list of content substances in food and summary of food additives. Main task of the second (experimental part) was to find out what knowledge have students in second level of primary school (especially pupils of 8th and 9th class) about heatlhy nutrition. There was used a didactic test for students knowledge research. Finally, there are evaluated test results in tables and graphs and summarized most important conclusions. Finally, the results of tests are evaluated in tables and graphs and conclusions are summarized.
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Logistika v mezinárodním obchodu - didaktické zpracování učiva pro obchodní akademie / Logistics in international trade - didactical curriculum for processing business academyHöferová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with didactic logistics in international trade, which is taught in the business academies focusing on business in foreign trade. Individual themes of logistics subject matter contained in the subject "Economics of Foreign Trade." The thesis is divided into several parts, when the introduction is devoted to general educational programs and school curricula. After the scheme of education system in the Czech Republic follows the theoretical treatment of individual content parts logistics, which should serve as a basis for teachers in the classroom. The final part focuses on practical examples and questions on logistics help to verify the students' knowledge.
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Otázka čtenářského kánonu a formy recepce v literárním vzdělávání na 2. stupni ZŠ (se zaměřením na tvorbu K. H. Máchy a B. Němcové) / The question of reader´s canon and forms of reception in literary education at the 2nd stage of primary schools ( with a focus on creating K. H. Mácha and B. Němcová)SEDMÍKOVÁ, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
The work will focus on the issue of the Czech literary canon and the literary legacy as a national wealth, while the work will focus especially the reception of this legacy in pupils at the elementary school. For this purpose, two authors were chosen - Karel Hynek Mácha and Božena Němcová. They are canonical authors their works were in many ways pioneering and determined for the subsequent development of Czech literature. The thesis is asking the extent to which importance is attached to these writers in the eyes of elementary school pupils. The work highlights the different perceptions of key authors in the past and in today's context. The work will also try to find out what didactic procedures and strategies are chosen by teachers in the teaching of chosen authors. Another objective of the thesis is to find out whether teachers use their own innovative methods in teaching about the mentioned authors, or compare the applied forms with other possible procedures, which could contribute by their attractive nature to the positive acceptance of students and also to the subsequent deepening of the understanding of the given issue.
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Didaktika profesního vzdělávání / Didactic of vocationally educationVeselá, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two parts. The first deals with the theoretical view of the vocational education, its development and specifics. The next section describes the differences between education of adults and children. Then the work is focused on the personality of the lector and didactic process, its aims, methods, forms and tools. To conclude the theoretical part summarizes the principle of feedback. The second part is summarized of research where respondents are lectors themselves. From research we know how much are they competent to exercise the profession of lecturers from the point of view of teaching, respectively didactic. The research used the questionnaire with closed and open questions.
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