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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differentiated Instruction: Adapting Teacher Practices and Materials for Individual Groups of Students

Erfan Ali, Shvan, Melbacke, Filip January 2023 (has links)
There is a requirement for English teachers in Sweden to adapt their teaching to align with the policy documents advocating to foster the students' continuous and lifelong learning. This study aims to address in what way the participating teachers work to create engaging learning environments and lessons that promote communication and cooperation. Furthermore, the study explores which methods the participating teachers use to differentiate instructions and make adaptations to teacher practices and materials to successfully reach each individual student. The data was gathered by conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews with four 7-9 English teachers. The interviews were focused on four main themes: (1) Adaptations for differentiated learning through multi-modality, (2) Adaptations for differentiated learning through the bi-lingual approach, (3) Adaptations for differentiated learning through cooperative learning and (4) Adaptations for differentiated learning through other practices. Based on the guidelines provided by The Swedish National Agency for Education, findings from previous research, and the data collected in this study, it becomes evident that teachers must adopt their teaching in various ways. The adaptation of teaching strategies and practices include ways to effectively engage all of their individual groups of students, as well as the utilization of visual aids, bi-lingual instructional practices, comprehensible input and output, and cooperative learning methods. The results show that these are important ways to differentiate instruction and enhance learning to support the students’ academic and cognitive growth. The presented teacher practices can aid teachers to use differentiated instruction in accordance with the needs of their individual groups of students, both in terms of classes and the individual students within those classes.

Supporting Gifted Students in the Regular Education Elementary Classroom Through Differentiated Instruction

Launder, Brittany L. 14 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The Differences Between How Boys and Girls Learn and the Benefits of Single Gender Schools

Demaske, Devin M. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Type- and Workload-Aware Scheduling of Large-Scale Wide-Area Data Transfers

Kettimuthu, Rajkumar 02 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

”Öppna munnen så ska jag hälla i lite kunskap om särbegåvade elever” : En kvalitativ studie om hur lågstadielärare definierar särbegåvade elever, och beskriver och reflekterar över den egna matematikundervisningen för dessa elever / ”Open your mouth and I will pour in some knowledge about gifted students” : A qualitative study about how primary schoolteachers’ definition gifted students, and describes and reflect about their teaching for these students

Majid, Bahast, Åkerlund, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to extend the knowledge regarding teachers in the primary school's early years' perception of students with special talents. Furthermore, how they describe and reflect about their mathematical teaching for these gifted students. To extend the knowledge about this topic and in regards to answering the two research questions, the study takes a qualitative approach in addition to using a sociocultural perspective of the proximal development zone, support, language, interaction, creativity and prodigies as a theoretical framework. The result of the study shows that teachers perceive different characteristics as representative characteristic of gifted students, as high memory capacity and developed mathematical thinking. Furthermore, teachers have a positive attitude towards the subject of mathematics but experience difficulties in adapting teaching for gifted students. Teachers describe methods and teaching materials that can be used. These students can be offered acceleration in teaching by working in higher grades, in groups, and with more advanced problem-solving tasks. The conclusion is therefore that teachers distinguish characteristics, organize mathematics teaching and adaptation for particular gifted students. In addition the result of the study shows that teachers also reflect on the challenges and opportunities of teaching in regards to these students.

Indigeneity and Recognition : Ethnic Minority Rights in Bangladesh

Aktar, Solnara January 2024 (has links)
Over fifty ethnic minority groups living in Bangladesh collectively demand recognition of Indigenous identity, but Bangladesh does not constitutionally recognize this identity. Historically, they experienced marginalization, discrimination, and oppression at the hands of the establishment and the political elite, including the majority. They face challenges to maintain their distinct society alongside the majority. Moreover, there is a dilemma between the concept of “indigenous people” and “small ethnic minority groups”. With this context, this dissertation concerns the topics of indigeneity, recognition, and ethnic minority rights in Bangladesh. This thesis aims to investigate the discourse of indigenous identity in Bangladesh, analyze how ethnic minority communities experience social, traditional, cultural, and political life within and outside of their community, and discuss how ethnic minority communities can maintain themselves as distinct societies. This thesis focuses on qualitative research methodology. The primary data was collected through semi-structured individual and group interviews with open-ended descriptive questions.              Besides the research problems and aims, the first chapter focuses on the research questions and explains why Bangladesh was selected as a case study for this thesis. The second chapter of this thesis focuses on the literature review. This portion of the essay examines the literature to determine what is already known in the field, identify research methods and techniques, highlight important concepts, conclusions, and theories, and identify any gaps in the articles. This section also investigates whether there is any ambivalence between the terms “indigenous” and “small ethnic groups” in academia. The third Chapter discusses methods and methodology. Then, chapter four presents an overview of the theoretical framework based on Kymlicka's liberal theory of minority rights. The fifth chapter investigates a discourse on indigenous identity in Bangladesh. In the sixth section, based on the theoretical framework, this thesis analyses findings from the data and connects them with essential international instruments and national legal policy and framework. In conclusion, this thesis summarizes the findings. In concluding remarks, it offers insights into what needs to be changed or improved in the legal framework and policies to support the cultural rights of minority ethnic communities to maintain themselves as a distinct society.

En undervisning för alla : En studie om lärares erfarenheter kring bemötandet av de varierande kunskapsnivåerna i matematikundervisningen / An education for all : A study of teachers' experiences of addressing the varying levels of knowledge in mathematics teaching

Sundqvist, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka matematiklärares erfarenheter och upplevelser kring möjligheten att identifiera samt bemöta de varierade kunskapsnivåerna inom det heterogena matematikklassrummet. En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning gjorde det möjligt att få en uppfattning om informanternas erfarenheter och upplevelser kring detta fenomen. För att få svar på studiens frågeställningar har tre mellanstadielärare, inom ämnet matematik, från olika skolor, med olika lång erfarenhet inom yrket och från olika platser i landet intervjuats. Intervjuerna har varit av semistrukturerad karaktär där informanterna givits stor frihet i att förmedla sina erfarenheter och upplevelser. Studien skildrar hur arbetet kan anordnas i praktiken samt vilka svårigheter och hinder lärare kan ställas inför. Resultatet visade att lärarna anser att anpassningar bör göras på gruppnivå i den mån det går samt att undervisningens innehåll ska anpassas utifrån den matematiska kunskapsnivå eleven befinner sig på. De arbetssätt och metoder som informanterna ansåg vara särskilt framgångsrika för att bemöta den heterogena undervisningsgruppens olika behov är anpassningar, att lära ut strategier och att lära tillsammans. En slutsats som kan dras utifrån studiens resultat är att det finns en önskan hos samtliga lärare att i ännu högre grad kunna stötta eleverna i deras kunskapsutveckling. / The purpose with this study was to examine mathematics teachers' experiences around the possibility of identifying and responding to the varied levels of knowledge within the heterogeneous mathematics classroom. A qualitative interview survey made it possible to get an idea of the informants' experiences around this phenomenon. To get answers to these questions, three middle school teachers, in the subject of mathematics, from different schools, with different lengths of experience in the profession and from different places in the country have been interviewed. The interviews have been of a semi-structured nature where the informants have been given freedom in communicating their experiences. The study describes how this work can be done in practice and what difficulties and obstacles teachers can face. The results showed that the teachers believe that adaptations should be made at group level as far as possible and that the content of the teaching should be adapted based on the mathematical knowledge level the student is at. The working methods and methods that the informants considered to be particularly successful in meeting the heterogeneous teaching group's different needs are adaptations, teaching strategies and learning together. A conclusion that can be drawn from the results of the study is that there is a desire among all teachers to be able to support the students to an even greater degree in their knowledge development.

The Use of Children’s Literature as a Teaching-Tool in Swedish EFL Classrooms : A qualitative study with focus on primary school teachers’ perceptions on literature-based teaching.

Finell, Asta January 2024 (has links)
A useful medium when teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to young learners is authentic children’s literature. Previous research in the area has provided insight into benefits and challenges in something that could be described as ‘fiction-based teaching’. There is however little to none that is set in a Swedish classroom context.  The aim of the current study was to find how teachers in Sweden utilize children’s literature in teaching English as a foreign language in grades 1–3. The study was performed using semi structured interviews with five teachers in the central east coast of Sweden. The participants gave insight into how they use English fiction as a teaching tool, which follows the structure of the didactic questions what, how and why. The teachers’ experienced challenges in using such a medium as a teaching tool were also processed in the study. To understand and analyse the gathered data, Aidan Chambers and Lev Vygotsky’s theories about young learners were used. The main findings of the study show that processing literature via discussions between teachers and students is beneficial for language acquisition, such as vocabulary gain and comprehension. At the same time, the teachers mention challenges in using such a method, for example a lack of time and how to differentiate the teaching of EFL. The conclusion was that these findings were in line with the previous research that has been made in the area.

Instructional Practices of English as Second Language Teachers

Wallis, Karen Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
The past decade has seen a significant increase in the emergence of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the United States. Nationally, a disparity in achievement exists between ELLs and non-ELLs. Relatedly, this problem was evident in a northeastern school district, where ELLs had not made Adequate Yearly Progress 2 years in a row. The purpose of this study was to examine how much time English as Second Language (ESL) teachers spend on a variety of best instructional practices. Constructivism, Vygotsky's zone of proximal development, and Tomilinson's differentiated instruction were the frameworks used to guide this research. A within-group design was utilized to identify how much time 25 ESL educators spent on 5 types of instructional practices. The Survey of Instructional Practices for ESL/ELD Teachers for Grades K-12 was used to collect data. A 1-way analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences between the amounts of time ESL teachers spent on the 5 instructional practices. The greatest time was spent on individualized instructional activities and a variety of educational tasks. Less time was spent on small group activities, and the least amount of time was spent on inquiry-based activities and technology activities. Findings supported the creation of a professional development for ESL teachers at the local site focusing on (a) best instructional practices for teaching ESL students, (b) professional learning community network of support, and (c) resources to support educators in their lesson planning of instructional activities. The study findings and culminating project may positively affect social change by improving ESL instruction at the local site and ultimately decreasing the disparity in achievement between ELL and non-ELL students.

Драмска и луткарска активност у наставној и ваннаставној пракси Српског језика и књижевности у основној школи / Dramska i lutkarska aktivnost u nastavnoj i vannastavnoj praksi Srpskog jezika i književnosti u osnovnoj školi / Drama and puppet activity in curricular andextracurricular practice of teaching The Serbianlanguage and literature in primary school

Bjeljac Marija 29 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Докторска теза Драмска и<br />луткарска активност у наставној и<br />ваннаставној пракси Српског језика и<br />књижевности у основној школи замишљена<br />је као књижевно-методичко истраживање<br />које има за циљ да истакне значај драме и<br />луткарства у наставној и ваннаставној<br />пракси; да истакне значај и утицај драме и<br />луткарства у редовној настави; да прикаже<br />рад драмске и луткарске секције и њихов<br />значај, као и значај који драма и луткарство<br />имају за ученике у ваннаставном процесу, а<br />све то кроз принципе диференциране наставе<br />и кроз примену теорије синхроницитета.<br />Рад је заснован на примерима и<br />искуствима из&nbsp;праксе, а кроз примену дијалошке методе (слободан разговор:</p><p>дискусија, полемика), рада на тексту,<br />демонстративне методе, практичног рада и<br />радионица, кроз примену игровне<br />активности, аналитичко-интерпретативне<br />методе дошло се до резултата који показују<br />да драма и луткарство у наставном и<br />ваннаставном процесу имају значајан утицај<br />на ученике и у образовном и у васпитном<br />смислу. Применом поменутих метода као и<br />принципа диференциране наставе часови<br />редовне наставе Српског језика, као и часови<br />драмске и луткарске секције ученицима су<br />омогућили нов приступ драмским<br />књижевним делима како на пољу читања и<br />разумевања, тако и на пољу доживљавања и<br />анализе.</p> / <p>Doktorska teza Dramska i<br />lutkarska aktivnost u nastavnoj i<br />vannastavnoj praksi Srpskog jezika i<br />književnosti u osnovnoj školi zamišljena<br />je kao književno-metodičko istraživanje<br />koje ima za cilj da istakne značaj drame i<br />lutkarstva u nastavnoj i vannastavnoj<br />praksi; da istakne značaj i uticaj drame i<br />lutkarstva u redovnoj nastavi; da prikaže<br />rad dramske i lutkarske sekcije i njihov<br />značaj, kao i značaj koji drama i lutkarstvo<br />imaju za učenike u vannastavnom procesu, a<br />sve to kroz principe diferencirane nastave<br />i kroz primenu teorije sinhroniciteta.<br />Rad je zasnovan na primerima i<br />iskustvima iz&nbsp;prakse, a kroz primenu dijaloške metode (slobodan razgovor:</p><p>diskusija, polemika), rada na tekstu,<br />demonstrativne metode, praktičnog rada i<br />radionica, kroz primenu igrovne<br />aktivnosti, analitičko-interpretativne<br />metode došlo se do rezultata koji pokazuju<br />da drama i lutkarstvo u nastavnom i<br />vannastavnom procesu imaju značajan uticaj<br />na učenike i u obrazovnom i u vaspitnom<br />smislu. Primenom pomenutih metoda kao i<br />principa diferencirane nastave časovi<br />redovne nastave Srpskog jezika, kao i časovi<br />dramske i lutkarske sekcije učenicima su<br />omogućili nov pristup dramskim<br />književnim delima kako na polju čitanja i<br />razumevanja, tako i na polju doživljavanja i<br />analize.</p> / <p>PhD thesis Drama and puppet activity in<br />curricular and extracurricular practice of<br />teaching The Serbian language and literature in<br />primary school is envisioned as literarymethodological<br />research with the purpose of<br />emphasising the importance of drama and<br />puppetry in curricular and extracurricular<br />practice; emphasising the importance and<br />influence of drama and puppetry in regular<br />classes; showing the work of drama and puppetry<br />club and its importance, as well as the<br />importance of drama and puppetry for students in<br />extracurricular process, all through the principles<br />of differentiated teaching and through the<br />application of the theory of synchronicity.<br />This paper is based on the actual<br />examples and experiences, through the<br />application of dialogue method (free conversation: discussion and polemics), text</p><p>analyses, demonstrative method, practical work<br />and workshops, while applying acting games,<br />analytical-interpretative method. This showed<br />that drama and puppetry in curricular and<br />extracurricular process have a significant<br />influence on students in both educational and<br />upbringing sense. Applying the said methods, as<br />well as the principles of differentiated teaching,<br />the classes of The Serbian language, as well as<br />drama and puppetry club classes gave students an<br />entirely new approach to dramas in the field of<br />reading and understanding, as well as in the field<br />of experience and analysis.</p>

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