Spelling suggestions: "subject:"digitization."" "subject:"digitalisation.""
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Digitalizace filmového materiálu v kontextu filmových archivů / Digitization of film material in the context of film archivesMachová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the topic of film material archiving, digitization, digital restoration and possibilities of preserving a digital copy of the film. In the theoretical part, the reader will be introduced to the basic concepts related to topic of film material preservation and digitization. The digitization process will be explained both in theory and on practical examples from digitization of film Old Czech Legends. Based on the theoretical knowledge from the first part, the situation regarding digitization of film material in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic will be discussed in the practical part. This thesis aims to find the fundamental differences in film material digitization approaches in these two countries.
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“How to account for voices not part of decision making” : An Exploratory Study on the Perceptions of Ethical Issues Digitisation Professionals Encounter in Memory InstitutionsNonstad, Elisabeth Kjønsø, Pettit, Jessica Renée January 2024 (has links)
The digital age has ushered in the increased preservation and accessibility of cultural heritage material within memory institutions through the creation of digital reproductions. This study explores individual digitisation professionals' perceptions of ethical issues This study explores individual digitisation professionals' perceptions of ethical issues and ethical guidelines. Employing a survey study in the form of a questionnaire, this exploratory study intends to lay a foundation upon which further research can be done. The questionnaire garnered both qualitative and quantitative data. A small sample of digitisation professionals from Northern Europe and North America were surveyed and the qualitative findings were analysed through the use of a thematic analysis method. This study finds that there is much to consider such as culture, narrative, and individual rights. This study highlights that there is a spectrum of ethical issues faced by digitisation professionals, with a majority of respondents discussing consent, privacy and cultural sensitivity. In discussing the findings, a lens of professional ethics theory is applied to understand how attitudes towards ethical issues and ethical guidelines in digitisation can be understood. This study creates insights into what a group of digitisation professionals perceive as lacking in ethical guidelines regarding digitisation and the ethical issues. Further research in this area is encouraged.
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Internationalisation of Swedish computer gaming companies : The role of knowledge in a digital eraJakobsson, Elin, Döring, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Title: Internationalisation of Swedish computer gaming companies - The role of knowledge in a digital era Authors: Elin Jakobsson & Fredrik Döring Supervisor: Cecilia Pahlberg Research question: How do Swedish computer gaming companies internationalise in regards to pursuit and absorption of knowledge? Purpose: The aim is to investigate how computer gaming companies find, internalise and use knowledge leading to internationalisation. This in turn will further be explained by embracing the role of digitisation for the above mentioned processes. This will enrich the field of study about international business where little research has been conducted by putting focus on the expansive industry and its digital product. At the same time the practical viewpoint is to highlight how these companies work around knowledge to become international. Method: An exploratory, qualitative research approach was undertaken. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of how Swedish computer gaming companies internationalise with special focus on absorptive capacity. A conceptual framework forms the basis for analysis consisting of internationalisation theory, absorptive capacity and digitisation. Conclusions: The findings show that Swedish computer gaming companies internationalise in a reversed order. They do not act according to the Uppsala model, rather they chose what market to focus on after a game is released due to the digitised environment in this industry. This highly competitive and knowledge intensive industry requires game developers to find specific niches in which they can gain a competitive advantage.
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Creation of a customised character recognition applicationSandgren, Frida January 2005 (has links)
<p>This master’s thesis describes the work in creating a customised optical character recognition (OCR) application; intended for use in digitisation of theses submitted to the Uppsala University in the 18th and 19th centuries. For this purpose, an open source software called Gamera has been used for recognition and classification of the characters in the documents. The software provides specific algorithms for analysis of heritage documents and is designed to be used as a tool for creating domain-specific (i.e. customised) recognition applications.</p><p>By using the Gamera classifier training interface, classifier data was created which reflects the characters in the particular theses. The data can then be used in automatic recognition of ‘new’ characters, by loading it into one of Gamera’s classifiers. The output of Gamera are sets of classified glyphs (i.e. small images of characters), stored in an XML-based format.</p><p>However, as OCR typically involves translation of images of text into a machine-readable format, a complementary OCR-module was needed. For this purpose, an external Gamera module for page segmentation was modified and used.</p><p>In addition, a script for control of the OCR-process was created, which initiates the page segmentation on Gamera classified glyphs. The result is written to text files.</p><p>Finally, in a test for recognition accuracy, one of the theses was used for creation of training data and for test of data. The result from the test show an average accuracy rate of 82% and that there is a need for a better pre-processing module which removes more noise from the images, as well as recognises different character sizes in the images before they are run by the OCR-process.</p>
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The challenges of digitising heritage collections in South Africa: a case studyAnderson, Stephen January 2013 (has links)
Magister Bibliothecologiae - MBibl / This dissertation explores the organisational challenges for an archive which is attempting to digitise its collections. While technical, organisational and managerial challenges are discussed, this research focuses particularly on whether the digitisation process alters the power relations within the archive and between the archive and other role players within the South African context. The role-players include the state and the archive’s external
management, artefact copyright holders, digitisation vendors and organisations and archive users. More importantly, it examines how the archive responded to the challenges it faced. The research investigates: the rationale for digitising archival collections; who the stakeholders in a digitisation project are, how they relate to each other and what the power
relations between them are; the financial implications of digitising, in particular for access to the collections; the risks of digitisation; and the implications of selection of materials for digitisation. The qualitative research uses open-ended, iterative video and audio interviews to provide the data for the case study. The research found that personal connections, serendipity, ad-hoc behaviour, trust, distrust and the fear of exploitation had an impact on the digitisation process, and concluded that the
Archive managed to steer a course between competing interests to maintain its integrity.
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Elektronická archivace účetních záznamů / Electronic Archiving of Accounting RecordsKremláčková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis describes a process of electronic archiving of documents in an accounting entity, it deals with preparations heading towards electronic archiving, legal requirements for this process and ways of its realisation. In connection to the topic of the thesis the theoretical part introduces the information technologies used in digitisation of paper documents and their further processing. Concerning the area of legislation this thesis describes laws and other legal regulations adjusting or affecting archiving in general and also in its electronical form. Last but not least, systems possible to use for archiving electronic documents are introduced in the thesis. The last section of the theoretical part addresses benefits, drawbacks and possible threats of electronic archiving. Practical part of the thesis consist of evaluation of a survey realized by electronic questionnaire among companies that provide archiving as a service on Czech market.
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Den digitala vårdtillgänglighetens inverkan på välfärdsbehovet / The impact of digital health care availability on the need for welfare servicesAnttila, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Availability is the main concept for the digital health care services that is being used to consult doctors and nurses without spatial restrictions. Sweden is aspiring to become world leading in utilizing the opportunities from digitisation and e-health by the year 2025. This is considered necessary in order to meet the demands from an wealthier and aging population that expects more and better welfare services.However, if we are to weigh one of the arguments by Michael Lipsky, more easily available welfare services causes an increased demand for them. Additional efforts to make welfare services more available will be consumed by the endless appetite for these sort of goods. In the light of this theory, a paradox might exist when digital health care services is being used to relieve an already strained health care. We can consequently question if digital health care availability will be followed by an increased demand for welfare services?By using a survey in which Swedish citizens were asked about their attitudes to digital health care services and welfare needs, this study concludes that there is a strong relation between the respondents approach to digital health care services and their feelings towards more efforts to increase the amount of welfare services. The study also concludes that the respondents were mostly positive to digital health care services, yet that a commonly expressed opinion were that they should be developed and implemented by the public sector.
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Fastighetsbolagens outnyttjade tillgångar, den andra hyran : Tilläggstjänster för bostadshyresgäster / Real estate companies’ unutilized assets, the second rent : Homeservices for residential tenantsSalmén, Peter, von Bahr, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Vår bakgrund till detta arbete grundar sig på individens föränderliga konsumtionsmönster, där till exempel e-handeln sedan länge är etablerad och tar stora marknadsandelar varje år. Parallellt är vi i Sverige allt mer på väg mot ett tjänstesamhälle, där vi kontinuerligt söker en smidigare och effektivare vardag. Dessa faktorer gör att vi i allt större utsträckning utgår ifrån det egna hemmet och vänder oss till leverantörer som kan möta det behovet genom att t.ex. leverera fram till dörren eller erbjuda geografiskt obundna lösningar. Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att utreda hur bostadsbolagen ser på tilläggstjänster idag och vilka förutsättningar som krävs för att de skall kunna erbjuda tilläggstjänster på ett både praktiskt och ekonomiskt lönsamt sätt. Därför har vi gjort ett antal semistrukturerade intervjuer med ett urval av fastighetsbolag som representerar kommersiella, allmännyttiga och privata hyresbolag. Gemensamt för dessa är att deras fastigheter dagligen nyttjas som handelsplats av externa aktörer utan att generera fastighetsbolagen intäkter. Fastighetsbolagen själva är inte fullt medvetna om att de är en viktig del i den handelsplats som deras fastighet representerar, dels för att utbudet inte balanserar efterfrågan på marknaden och dels för att aktiviteterna inte direkt påverkar deras kärnverksamhet. Fastighetsbolagen kan idag bara påverka sina intäkter genom att optimera kvadratmetrarna som byggrätten medger och naturligtvis maximerar de därför de uthyrnings-/försäljningsbara ytorna och balanserar det med ett kostnadseffektivt projekt. För att nyansera förutsättningarna och den potentiella utvecklingen ytterligare så har vi också intervjuat branschorganisationer som representerar både hyresgästerna och fastighetsbolagen, samt mött ett par PropTech-bolag. Vi kan konstatera att fastighetsbolagen idag i princip bara erbjuder bredband/TV som en självklar tilläggstjänst även om många av dem har något eller några ytterligare erbjudanden för sina hyresgäster. Vissa av respondenterna berättade också om olika testbäddar och pilotprojekt som de prövar. Vi fick många kommentarer gällande riskerna med att erbjuda tilläggstjänster, främst i frågan om vad som händer om produkterna/tjänsterna inte håller kvalitén och hur en sådan situation skulle kunna skada fastighetsbolagens varumärke. Av de som kunde tänka sig att arbeta mer med tilläggstjänster ville den absoluta majoriteten kontraktera externa leverantörer, som tar hela ansvaret. Bara ett av bolagen ville erbjuda tjänsterna “in house”, för att på så vis kunna kvalitetssäkra tjänsterna. Hyresgästföreningen berättade att de ser att hyresgästerna köper allt fler tjänster och är därför positivt inställda till att fastighetsbolagen erbjuder tilläggstjänster – så länge det är valfritt och så länge det finns ett tillräckligt stort utbud av leverantörer. PropTech-bolagen och även organisationen Fastighetsägarna hade en gemensam syn på utvecklingen. De tror att tilläggstjänster kommer att generera en relevant andel av fastighetsbolagens intäkter i framtiden. De anser också att det måste ske via en digital plattform som leverantörer och fastighetsbolagen ansluter sig till. Vår reflektion är att fastighetsbolagen behöver ta del av den data som passerar igenom fastigheterna kontinuerligt, och med den få en tydlig uppfattning om hur de kan optimera sina fastigheter för den handel som redan sker där idag. Med en effektivare och logistiskt sett bättre handelsplats där fastigheterna är anpassade för sina brukares behov skapas ekonomiska incitament som kan göra fastighetsbolagen till en av de stora vinnarna på denna marknad. Fastighetsbolagen sitter på nyckeln till denna förändring eftersom de är en viktig möjliggörare till denna utveckling. Fastighetsbolagen behöver äga relationen och för det krävs det ett nära och genuint samarbete mellan de olika aktörerna, framförallt måste det ske en stor kunskapsöverföring. Då skapas värde i form av bättre service till lägre priser för de som nyttjar fastigheterna. Leverantörerna som idag har sina kunder i fastigheterna kommer att få en bättre tillgänglighet och effektivare distribution och därmed lägre kostnader. Det är här de ekonomiska incitamenten skapas, av leverantörens besparingar kan fastighetsägaren ta en del som då blir drivkraften för den omställning de behöver genomföra. Denna intäkt för fastighetsbolagen har vi valt att kalla “Den andra hyran”. Konceptet kräver att man bygger upp ett stort förtroende mellan alla inblandade, och allt eftersom kraven på datasäkerhet för den enskilde individen skärps är det otroligt viktigt att man som fastighetsbolag planerar för och utgår från ett system som redan i grunden är byggd med säkerhet och integritet i fokus. Detta är troligtvis också en förutsättning för att överhuvudtaget kunna implementera ett system som ska kunna växa med brukarna. / Our background for this thesis is based on the changing consumer patterns in our society, where e-commerce now has been established for a long time and takes more of the market shares every year. In parallel to this, we are increasingly moving towards a service society in Sweden, where we continually seek a smoother and more efficient everyday life. More and more of the commerce is executed from and in our own homes and we turn to suppliers that can meet this demand by, for example, delivering our goods to the door or offering geographically unbounded solutions. The purpose with this work is to investigate how housing companies look at additional services today and what conditions are required for them to offer additional services in a practical and economically viable manner. Therefore, we have done semi-structured interviews with a number of property owners from both commercial, public and private housing companies. Their common basis is that their properties are used daily as trading venues by external players without generating property owners any income. Real estate owners themselves are not fully aware that they are an important part of the trading venue their property is, partly because the supply does not meet the markets demand, and partly because these activities do not directly affect their core business. Real estate owners of today can only influence their revenue by optimizing the square meters that construction rights allow, and therefore their primary concern is to maximize the rental/sellable areas and balance them with cost-effective projects. In order to sharpen the conditions and potential development further, we have also interviewed associations representing both tenants and property owners, and we also met a few PropTech-companies. We can see that real estate owners today, mainly only offer a solution for internet/TV as a given additional service, although many of them do have one or more offers for their guests. Some of the respondents also reported on different pilot projects they are testing. We received many comments regarding the potential risks of offering additional services, primarily as to what happens if the products/services do not maintain quality and how such a situation could damage the property owners’ brand. Out of those who would like to work more with additional services, the absolute majority would contract external suppliers who take full responsibility. Only one of the companies wanted to offer the services "in house", in order to ensure quality assured services. The tenant association told us that the tenants are using more and more services, and that the association therefore is positive about the property owners offering additional services – as long as it is optional and that there is a sufficient supply of suppliers to choose from. The PropTech-companies we talked to, and also the Real Estate Owners’ Organization, had a common view of developments. They believe that additional services will generate a relevant share of the real estate companies’ revenues in the future. They also believe that it must be done through a digital platform that suppliers and property owners join. Our insight is that property owners need to collect the data that passes through the properties continuously, and with it use the insights to optimize their properties for the trade that is already taking place today. With a more efficient and logistically better trading venue, where the properties are tailored to the needs of their users, economic incentives are created that can make real estate owners one of the major winners in this market. Property owners are at the heart of this change, as they are an important facilitator of this development. The property owner needs to own the relationships of his market, and in order to create a close and genuine cooperation between the various actors, the property owners must ensure a knowledge transfer. With that knowledge values can be added: better service at lower prices for those who use the properties, and,for the suppliers who today have their customers in the properties, better accessibility and more efficient distribution and thus lower costs. This is where the financial incentives are created - by the supplier's savings, the property owner can get a share that then becomes the driving force for the conversion they need to implement. This income for property owners is what we choose to call "The second rent". The concept requires building a high level of trust among all involved, and as the requirements for personal data security are tightened, it is incredibly important that, as a property owner, you plan and adapt a system that is built with security and integrity in focus. This is probably also a prerequisite for being able to implement a system that can grow with the users at all.
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Nigeria: Cyber Space Security vis a vis Computerisation, Miniaturisation and Location-Based AuthenticationAdeka, Muhammad I., Ngala, Mohammad J., Bin-Melha, Mohammed S., Ibrahim, Embarak M., Shepherd, Simon J., Elfergani, Issa T., Hussaini, Abubakar S., Elmegri, Fauzi, Abd-Alhameed, Raed 21 May 2015 (has links)
No / The degree of insecurity occasioned by fraudulent practices in
Nigeria has been of great concern economically, especially as it relates to
overseas transactions. This paper was designed to mitigate this problem for
Nigeria and countries with similar dispositions. Based on a survey involving
field trip to Nigeria, the paper examines the general security situation in
Nigeria and its mutual impacts with computerisation, miniaturisation and
Location-Based Authentication (LBA). It was discovered that both
computerisation and miniaturisation had some negative effects on cybersecurity,
as these were being exploited by fraudsters, especially using
‘advance fee fraud;’ popularly called 419. As a countermeasure, the research
examined the possibility of using LBA and further digitisation of the GSM
Mobile country codes down to City/Area codes along with GSM
Mobile/Global Positioning System (GPS) authentications. Where necessary,
these could be combined with the use of a web-based Secret Sharing Scheme
for services with very high security demands. The anticipated challenges were
also examined and considered to be of negligible impacts; especially roaming. / Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)
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Africa: cyber-security and its mutual impacts with computerisation, miniaturisation and location-based authenticationAdeka, Muhammad I., Anoh, Kelvin O.O., Ngala, Mohammad J., Shepherd, Simon J., Ibrahim, Embarak M., Elfergani, Issa T., Hussaini, A., Rodriguez, Jonathan, Abd-Alhameed, Raed January 2017 (has links)
Yes / The state of insecurity occasioned by fraudulent practices in Africa has been of concern economically, both at home and abroad. In this paper, we propose ways to mitigate this problem, using Nigeria as a case study. Based on surveys in West Africa, the paper examines the security situation in the continent and its mutual impacts with computerisation, miniaturisation and Location-Based Authentication (LBA). It was discovered that computerisation and miniaturisation had negative effects on cyber-security, as these were being exploited by fraudsters, using advance fee fraud; called 419. As a countermeasure, the paper examines the possibility of using LBA and digitisation of the GSM Mobile country codes down to city/area codes along with GSM/GPS authentications. These could also be combined with the use of a web-based Secret Sharing Scheme for services with very high security demands. The challenges of roaming were also examined and considered to be of negligible impact. / Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)
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