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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Чланови династија југоисточне Европе у средњовековној Угарској / Članovi dinastija jugoistočne Evrope u srednjovekovnoj Ugarskoj / The members of the dynasties of South EastEurope in medieval Hungary

Krstić Aleksandar 18 November 18204 (has links)
<p>Tokom srednjeg veka u Ugarskoj su se na&scaron;li i<br />mnogi pripadnici dinastija iz susednih, ali i iz<br />drugih evropskih zemalja. Predmet istraživanja<br />u ovoj tezi su clanovi dinastija iz zemalja<br />jugoistocne Evrope, odnosno sa Balkanskog<br />poluostrva (Srbija, Bosna, Vizantija, Bugarska,<br />Osmansko carstvo), koji su u periodu od 12. do<br />prvih decenija 16. veka boravili u Ugarskoj<br />kraljevini i bili ukljuceni u njen državno-pravni<br />sistem. U fokusu istraživanja su srpski župan i<br />ugarski palatin Belo&scaron; iz 12. veka, njemu<br />savremeni bosanski ban Boric i njegovi<br />potomci, sinovi biv&scaron;e vizantijske carice<br />Margarite Jovan An&#39;eo i Viljem od Sentomera,<br />bosanski banovi iz 13. veka, narocito Prijezda I<br />i njegovi sinovi, srpski kralj Stefan Dragutin,<br />bosanski ban Stjepan (( Kotromanic i njegova<br />kci Jelisaveta, supruga ugarskog kralja Lajo&scaron;a (,<br />zatim sinovi kralja Vuka&scaron;ina Dmitar i Andrija&scaron;,<br />despoti Stefan Lazarevic, &amp;ura&#39; Brankovic i<br />njegovi potomci, srpski despoti u Ugarskoj iz<br />druge polovine 15. stoleca, bosanski kraljevi<br />pocev od Tvrtka I do Stefana Toma&scaron;evica,<br />herceg Vladislav Kosaca i njegovi naslednici, i<br />konacno, bugarski carevic Fružin i osmanski<br />princevi Murat i Davud Celebija. Njihov<br />položaj u srednjovekovnoj Ugarskoj razlikovao<br />se u zavisnosti od vremena i okolnosti u kojima<br />su do&scaron;li u ovu zemlju (bracne i porodicne veze<br />me&#39;u dinastijama, izbegli clanovi vladarskih<br />porodica koji su na&scaron;li utoci&scaron;te u Ugarskoj,<br />vladari susednih država koji su kao vazali<br />ugarskih kraljeva dobijali posede na teritoriji<br />kraljevine). Cilj istraživanja bio je da se na<br />osnovu raspoloživih podataka u istorijskim<br />izvorima sagleda položaj clanova dinastija iz<br />zemalja jugoistocne Evrope u pravnom i<br />politickom sistemu Ugarske kraljevine, njihovi<br />posedi, uloge koje su ove licnosti imale u<br />odnosima Ugarske sa zemljama iz kojih su<br />poticale, i, na kraju, da se na taj nacin bolje<br />osvetli politika ugarskih vladara prema<br />njihovim jugoistocnim susedima u srednjem<br />veku.</p> / <p>During the Middle Ages many members of the<br />dynasties from neighboring countries came to<br />Hungary, as well as from other European<br />countries. In this Ph.D. thesis members of the<br />dynasties from South Eastern Europe are<br />studied, that is from the Balkan countries<br />(Serbia, Bosnia, Byzantium, Bulgaria, Ottoman<br />Empire), those who stayed in the Kingdom of<br />Hungary during the period from 12th to the<br />early decades of the 16th century and were<br />involved in its state and legal system. The study<br />focuses on the Serbian župan and Hungarian<br />Palatine Belo&scaron; from the 12th century, his<br />contemporary Bosnian ban Boric and his<br />descendants, the sons of former Byzantine<br />Empress Margaret John Angel and William of<br />Saint Omer, Bosnian bans from the 13th<br />century, especially Prijezda I and his sons,<br />Serbian king Stefan Dragutin, Bosnian ban<br />Stjepan II Kotromanic and his daughter<br />Elizabeth, the wife of Hungarian King Lajos I,<br />then the sons of King Vuka&scaron;in Dimitar and<br />Andrija&scaron; (14th century), Despots Stefan<br />Lazarevic, George Brankovic and his<br />descendants, who became Serbian despots in<br />Hungary in the second half of the 15th century,<br />then Bosnian kings from Tvrtko I to Stefan<br />Toma&scaron;evic, Duke Vladislav Kosaca and his<br />successors, and finally, Bulgarian prince Fružin<br />and Ottoman princes Murat and Dawud Celebi.<br />Their position in medieval Hungary differed depending on the time and circumstances in</p><p>which they came to this country (marriage and<br />family ties between dynasties, exiled members<br />of royal families who have found refuge in<br />Hungary, the rulers of neighboring countries,<br />who had received estates in the Kingdom as<br />vassals of the Hungarian kings). The aim of the<br />study is to perceive, based on the data available<br />in historical sources, the position of members of<br />the dynasties from the South-East Europe in the<br />legal and political system of the Kingdom of<br />Hungary, their possessions, the roles that these<br />persons have played in Hungarian relations with<br />the countries from which they were originated,<br />and, finally, to better highlight policies of<br />Hungarian rulers to their southeastern neighbors<br />in the Middle Ages.</p>

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