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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of Soft Clay and Clay-tire Interaction for the Prediction of Ground Mobility

Pandit, Rashna 22 August 2023 (has links)
Predicting tire performance on soft, fine-grained soils is required for many off-road explorations in the military, mining, agricultural, and earth-moving sectors. However, the mobility in deformable material is extremely challenging, especially in the presence of water. Although there is a significant amount of research on terrains such as sands, there is a lack of research on fine-grained soils. This research is part of a bigger project that presents a novel approach to improve the mobility of off-road vehicles on wet deformable soils. The approach integrates experimental data from small-scale soil testing, large-scale soil-tire interaction testing, and advanced physics-based numerical simulation techniques. In particular, this thesis attempts to characterize the clay-tire interface by conducting large-scale direct shear tests. In addition to clay-tire contact friction, the properties and strength parameters of the soft clay are determined by conducting various index properties and advanced tests. The testing program accounts for different stresses, loading conditions, and boundary conditions, decided taking into account real field conditions. The results from all these experiments will be used to calibrate and validate the material constitutive models required for the development of a mobility predictive numerical model. Overall, this study contributes to the development of more advanced and accurate terramechanics models that involve deformable terrains like soft clays. / Master of Science / The prediction of Vehicle mobility on soft, fine-grained soils is challenging due to the impact of soil behavior on mobility, which is not taken into account by traditional vehicle simulation software. However, as off-road exploration and resource extraction become increasingly important, particularly in military, agricultural, and earth-moving sectors, the study of vehicle mobility on deformable soils is inevitable. The difficulty in predicting tire performance on soft, fine-grained soils is due to the lack of proper experimental data and numerical modeling techniques that accurately characterize the interaction between soil and vehicle tires, known as "terramechanics." The study forms a constituent part of a broader project, which aims to integrate the experimental research data from small-scale soil testing, large-scale soil-tire interaction testing, and advanced physics-based numerical simulation techniques. The main contribution of this study is to investigate soil-tire interaction to determine the contact friction between the soil and tire by conducting large-scale direct shear tests. It also involves conducting basic index properties tests and advanced shear strength and compression tests. The results from all these tests contribute to developing more accurate soil-tire interaction models in terramechanics. Given the scarcity of research on large deformable terrains like soft clays, this study can make a significant contribution towards developing more advanced and accurate terramechanics models that involve deformable terrain, which can be useful in various applications.


[pt] Este estudo apresenta o comportamento de misturas de areia e solo argiloso com teores variados de cinza volante, proveniente do processo de queima de carvão mineral no Complexo Termelétrico Jorge Lacerda, localizado no município Capivari de Baixo, no estado de Santa Catarina. O objetivo da presente pesquisa consiste em avaliar a aplicabilidade do uso de misturas solo-cinza e solocinza- cal em obras geotécnicas, como camadas de aterros sanitários, solos de fundação e estabilização de taludes. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física, química e mecânica (ensaio de compactação e ensaio de cisalhamento direto). Os ensaios de cisalhamento direto foram realizados em amostras de solo argiloso compactadas na umidade ótima e no peso específico seco máximo correspondente, com teores de cinza volante de 15 por cento e 30 por cento em relação ao peso seco do solo. Já os ensaios em amostras de areia foram realizados para uma densidade relativa de 50 por cento e umidade ótima de 10 por cento, com teores de cinza volante de 15, 30 e 40 por cento em relação ao peso seco do solo. Para as misturas solo-cinza-cal, adicionou-se 3 por cento de cal em substituição ao peso seco da cinza. Foi analisada a influência do tipo de solo, teor de cinza, adição de cal e tempo de cura (0, 30, 100, 125 e 140 dias) para as misturas, sendo a cura adotada somente para as misturas com areia. Os resultados mostraram-se mais satisfatórios para as misturas com solo argiloso, sendo a adição de cal mais eficiente para a mistura com menor teor de cinza. Na ausência de cal, o melhor comportamento obtido foi para a mistura com 15 por cento de cinza. Quanto às misturas com areia e sem cal, os resultados foram inferiores à areia; já no caso das misturas areia-cinza-cal, não foi possível definir um padrão do comportamento com relação ao tempo de cura, pois ainda que tenha havido um aumento da coesão a determinados dias, este ganho veio acompanhado de uma redução no ângulo de atrito, fazendo com que a areia mantivesse um comportamento melhor. Contudo, o teor de 27 por cento de cinza, sob 140 dias de cura, proporcionou ao solo um aumento de ambos os parâmetros, sendo, portanto, o teor ótimo a ser utilizado. Dessa forma, ainda que o emprego da cinza volante em misturas com o solo argiloso tenha se mostrado mais satisfatório, este material também pode ser utilizado em misturas com areia, desde que submetido a elevados períodos de cura e que contenham uma porcentagem de cinza em torno do teor ótimo encontrado, o que viabiliza o emprego positivo deste material em aplicações geotécnicas, possibilitando uma destinação ambientalmente correta deste resíduo e dando um fim mais nobre a este material. / [en] This study presents the behavior of sand and clay soil mixtures with different contents of fly ash, which comes from the coal burning process in Thermoelectric Complex Jorge Lacerda, located in the city of Capivari de Baixo, in Santa Catarina. The aim of this research is to assess the applicability of using soil-ash and soil-ash-lime mixtures in geotechnical works, like landfill layers, foundation soils and slope stabilization. Physical, chemical and mechanical (compaction test and direct shear test) were performed. Direct shear tests were performed on clay soil samples compacted at the optimum moisture content and the corresponding maximum dry specific gravity, with fly ash contents of 15 and 30 per cent, related to the dry weight of soil. Tests on sandy soil samples were performed at the relative density of 50 per cent and optimum humidity of 10 per cent, with fly ash contents of 15, 30 and 40 per cent related to the dry weight of soil. For soil-ash-lime mixtures, it was added 3 per cent of lime to replace the dry weight of ash. It was studied the influence of different parameters: soil type, ash content, lime addition and curing time (0, 30, 100, 125 and 140 days) for the mixtures. Curing process was adopted only for sandy soil mixtures. Results were more suitable for clay soil mixtures, and lime addition was more efficient for the mixture with the lowest ash content, related to 12 per cent. In the absence of lime, the best performance was obtained for the mixture with 15 per cent of ash. For sandy soil mixtures and without lime, the results were inferior to sand; and in the case of soil-ash-lime mixtures, it was not possible to define a pattern of behavior to the curing time, because although there has been an increase in cohesion certain days, this gain was followed by a reduction in friction angle, which has maintained the best performance of sand. However, the ash content of 27 per cent, at 140 days of curing, caused an increase of both parameters, what means that this ash content is the optimum content to be used. Thus, although the use of fly ash in mixtures with clay soil has been more satisfactory, this material can also be used in mixtures with sandy soil, since it contains an ash content around the optimum content found, and since it has been submitted to elevated curing periods, what enables the positive employment of this material in geotechnical applications, providing an environmentally correct disposal of this waste and giving it a noblest destination.


ALENA VITKOVA CALHEIROS 22 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo apresenta o comportamento de solos reforçados com adição de pérolas de EPS (Poliestireno Expandido) através de estudo experimental. Os solos utilizados foram: um solo argiloso de origem coluvionar, uma areia limpa, mal graduada e bentonita. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização física e de caracterização mecânica, como ensaios de compactação Proctor Normal, ensaios triaxiais consolidados isotropicamente drenados (CID) e ensaios de cisalhamento direto para buscar estabelecer padrões de comportamento que possam explicar a influência da adição de pérolas de EPS, relacionando-a com os parâmetros de resistência ao cisalhamento. Os ensaios triaxiais CID foram realizados em amostras de solo argiloso compactadas na densidade máxima seca e umidade ótima, com teores de pérolas de EPS de 0 por cento, 0,25 por cento, 0,50 por cento, 0,75 por cento e 1 por cento, em relação ao peso seco do solo e os ensaios triaxiais CID em amostras de areia foram realizados para uma densidade relativa de 50 por cento e umidade de 10 por cento, com teores de pérolas de EPS de 0 por cento, 0,50 por cento e 0,75 por cento, em relação ao peso seco do solo. Os ensaios de cisalhamento direto com bentonita foram realizados com teores de pérolas de EPS de 0 por cento, 0,50 por cento e 0,75 por cento, em relação ao peso seco do solo. Os resultados mostraram que o tipo de solo, o teor de pérolas de EPS e o nível de tensão confinante influenciam positivamente o comportamento mecânico final dos compósitos com relação aos parâmetros de resistência, porém não há uma tendência de comportamento bem definida ao analisar cada fator independentemente. Portanto, o uso de pérolas de EPS em obras geotécnicas de carregamento estático contribuiria com o menor consumo de material natural e a consequente redução dos custos de transporte e volume de material mobilizado. / [en] This study presents the behavior of soils reinforced with EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) beads through experimental study. The soils used were a coluvionar soil, a clean and barely graduated sand and bentonite. Physical characterization, Standard Proctor, consolidated drained triaxial and direct shear tests were performed to establish patterns of behavior that may explain the influence of the addition of expanded polystyrene beads, linking it with shear strength parameters. The CID triaxial was performed on samples of clayey soil compacted within the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content with expanded polystyrene beads ratios of 0 percent, 0.25 percent, 0.50 percent, 0.75 percent and 1 percent by dry weight of soil. CID triaxial tests on sand samples were made to a relative density of 50 per cent and 10 per cent of moisture content, with EPS beads ratios of 0 percent, 0.50 percent and 0.75 percent by dry weight of soil. The direct shear tests with bentonite were made with EPS beads ratios of 0 percent, 0.50 percent and 0.75 percent by dry weight of soil. The results showed that the kind of soil, the EPS content and level of confining stress level influence positively on the final mechanical behavior of the composites with respect to strength parameters, but there is no well-defined pattern of behavior to examine each factor independently. Therefore, the use of EPS beads in geotechnical works, contribute to lower consumption of natural material and the consequent reduction in transport costs and volume of mobilized material.

Essais et modélisation du cisaillement cyclique sol-struture à grand nombre de cycles. Application aux pieux / Behaviour of soil-structure interfaces subjected to large number of cycles. Application to modeling of piles cyclically loaded

Pra-ai, Suriyavut 28 February 2013 (has links)
On présente tout d’abord une série d’essais de cisaillement direct 2D monotones et cycliques sur l’interface sable de Fontainebleau-plaque rugueuse et lisse, `a contrainte normale constante (CNL) et à rigidité normale imposée (CNS). Le but de ces essais est de simuler la situation mécanique le long de pieux soumis à un grand nombre de cycles d’origine environnementale ou anthropique. Ces cycles (typiquement 10000) de faible amplitude (10`a 40 kPa en terme de contrainte de cisaillement) ne sont pas cens´es produire de rupture prématurée. Ces tests incluent une série de cycles d’amplitudes (successives) variées. Le problème de la perte de sable entre la boite et la plaque est trait´e avec attention. Nous avons interprété l’effet de la position du ”centre des cycles” dans le plan de contraintes (variables cycliques moyennes) et de la densité initiale. Plusieurs facteurs tels que l’indice initial de densité (ID0), la contrainte normale cyclique moyenne (_n cm0), le niveau initial moyen de contrainte de cisaillement (_cm0), l’amplitude cyclique réduite (__) et la rigidité normale imposée (k qui dans cette thèse, va de 1000 `a 5000 kPa/mm), influencent les déplacements relatifs cycliques moyens normal ([u]cm) et tangentiel [w]cm) et sont pris en considération.On observe soit de la dilatance, soit de la contractance en accord avec l’état caractéristique développé par Luong. L’influence du chemin de contrainte (CNL ou CNS) est également analysée. Un modèle phénoménologique et analytique de comportement d’interface sur chemins cycliques CNL est propos´e. C’est également le cas pour le comportement monotone sur chemins oedométrique et CNL, la variable de mémoire unique étant la densité d’interface (sous contrainte) ou le déplacement relatif normal. Cette formulation permet de traiter, par incréments analytiques finis, les chemins comportant une variation d’amplitude cyclique, et les chemins CNS, ce qui introduit la notion de nombre de cycles équivalent. On notera que les chemins CNS sont toujours contractants. Ces essais sont utilisés pour aborder la simulation par éléments finis, avec le logiciel Plaxis, selon une approche de pseudo-viscoplasticité, le nombre de cycles tenant lieu de temps fictif. L’essai de cisaillement monotone`a la boite est modélisé en densités faible et forte, ainsi que deux essais de pieux modèles centrifugés, l’un en traction, l’autre en compression. Des recommandations sont proposées pour le calcul courant des pieux sous sollicitations cycliques. Cette thèse a été soutenue par l’ANR SOLCYP et le programme national ” recherches sur le comportement des pieux soumis à des sollicitations cycliques”. / A series of monotonic and cyclic 2D direct shear tests on sand (Fontainebleau)-rough/smoothmaterial interfaces under constant normal load (CNL) and constant normal stiffness (CNS)conditions are presented. The aim of these tests is to simulate the situation along the shaftof piles subjected to a large number of cycles due to environmental or anthropic loadings.These cycles (typically 104) are of small amplitude (10, 20 and 40 kPa in terms of shearstress) as the service loads are not supposed to produce an early failure. These tests in-clude the series of changing the cyclic amplitude in succession. The problem of loss of sandbetween the box and the rough plate, typical phenomenon in this type of test, receives aspecial attention. It is interesting to observe, according to the initial density, the positionof the ”center of cycles” in the stress plane (mean cyclic variables). Several factors such asinitial density (ID0), initial normal stress (_n cm0), level of initial mean cyclic stress ratio(_cm0), reduced cyclic amplitude (__) and imposed normal stiffness (in this thesis, k =1000, 2000 and 5000 kPa/mm) that influence the intensity of mean cyclic normal ([u]cm)and shear ([w]cm) displacements are considered. Along CNL paths either dilation or con-traction is exhibited, in agreement with the characteristic state developed by Luong. Theinfluence of the stress path (under constant normal stress or prescribed normal stiffness)is also highlighted. It should be highlighted that CNS paths are ever contractive. Themodel of monotonic interface behaviour under CNL and oedometer paths is fully analyt-ical and based on the rate-type framework with the normal relative displacement or theinterface density as unique memory parameter. While the analytical formulations for iden-tification are first proposed to describe the interface behaviour under cyclic CNL condition,the variation of cyclic amplitude and CNS condition are modeled by applying the analyticalformulations for validation using finite analytical increments and introducing the notion ofequivalent number of cycles. For numerical simulations by the FEM (Plaxis) these tests areinterpreted and formulated according to a pseudo visco-plastic framework, the number ofcycles being a fictitious time. The direct shear tests and two centrifuge pile tests (pull-outand compression) are also modeled. Recommendations are proposed for the calculation ofreal usual piles under cyclic loading. This thesis is one part of the national French project”ANR and National Program SOLCYP” (Research on behaviour of piles subjected to cyclicloading).

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