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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concerted Molecular Displacements in a Thermally-induced Solid-State Transformation in Crystals of DL-Norleucine

Anwar, Jamshed, Kendrick, John, Tuble, S.C. January 2007 (has links)
No / Martensitic transformations are of considerable technological importance, a particularly promising application being the possibility of using martensitic materials, possibly proteins, as tiny machines. For organic crystals, however, a molecular level understanding of such transformations is lacking. We have studied a martensitic-type transformation in crystals of the amino acid DL-norleucine using molecular dynamics simulation. The crystal structures of DL-norleucine comprise stacks of bilayers (formed as a result of strong hydrogen bonding) that translate relative to each other on transformation. The simulations reveal that the transformation occurs by concerted molecular displacements involving entire bilayers rather than on a molecule-by-molecule basis. These observations can be rationalized on the basis that at sufficiently high excess temperatures, the free energy barriers to concerted molecular displacements can be overcome by the available thermal energy. Furthermore, in displacive transformations, the molecular displacements can occur by the propagation of a displacement wave (akin to a kink in a carpet), which requires the molecules to overcome only a local barrier. Concerted molecular displacements are therefore considered to be a significant feature of all displacive transformations. This finding is expected to be of value toward developing strategies for controlling or modulating martensitic-type transformations.

Predicting the vertical low suspended sediment concentration in vegetated flow using a random displacement model

Huai, W., Yang, L., Wang, W-J., Guo, Yakun, Wang, T., Cheng, Y. 05 September 2019 (has links)
Yes / Based on the Lagrangian approach, this study proposes a random displacement model (RDM) to predict the concentration of suspended sediment in vegetated steady open channel flow. Validation of the method was conducted by comparing the simulated results by using the RDM with available experimental measurements for uniform open-channel flows. The method is further validated with the classical Rouse formula. To simulate the important vertical dispersion caused by vegetation in the sediment-laden open channel flow, a new integrated sediment diffusion coefficient is introduced in this study, which is equal to a coefficient multiplying the turbulent diffusion coefficient. As such, the RDM approach for sandy flow with vegetation was established for predicting the suspended sediment concentration in low-sediment-concentration flow with both the emergent and submerged vegetation. The study shows that the value of for submerged vegetation flow is larger than that for emergent vegetation flow. The simulated result using the RDM is in good agreement with the available experimental data, indicating that the proposed sediment diffusion coefficient model can be accurately used to investigate the sediment concentration in vegetated steady open channel flow. / National Natural Science Foundation (No. 51439007, 11672213, and 11872285); Open Funding of State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science (WRHES), Wuhan University (Project No: 2018HLG01)

Suelo. Tentativa práctica sobre el dispositivo escénico como espacio de agencia

León Mendoza, Raúl 04 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] "SUELO. Tentativa práctica sobre el dispositivo escénico como espacio de agencia" es una investigación práctica, que se combina con la producción de la práctica escénica "SÒL", que tuvo lugar en el "Teatro Círculo" (Valencia) entre los días 27 de junio y 10 de julio del 2022. En esta investigación práctica postulamos que el dispositivo escénico es, desde su nacimiento, un dispositivo disciplinario y de control del régimen escópico. El dispositivo escénico ha materializado su distribución de poder/saber a través de unas convenciones espaciales, posicionales, temporales y comportamentales. El objetivo de estas convenciones es el control del comportamiento tanto de los observantes como de los actuantes. El fin último del dispositivo escénico es producir la iteración de un tiempo o discurso preproducido de antemano, sin que sufra ninguna interferencia. Es decir, el objetivo del dispositivo escénico es conjurar el futuro. En la primera parte del trabajo, partimos del modelo de dispositivo wagneriano, observando como a través del siglo XX se han ido progresivamente transformando sus convenciones a través de diversas estrategias y tácticas. Si bien, al final del siglo XX nos encontramos con una economía escópica del dispositivo escénico que ha dejado de estar regulada por la institución y cuyo poder y control recae por completo sobre la figura del artista/director. A pesar de lo cual, en la década de 1990 la llamada Estética relacional, abre el dispositivo escénico/artístico al horizonte de participación de los espectadores. Sin embargo, a pesar de estas estrategias y tácticas, los límites de lo posible/admisible siguen estando muy marcados dentro del dispositivo escénico. La comunidad escénica convive en el dispositivo escénico sin agencia posible. Nuestra práctica escénica investigadora incrementa la incertidumbre a través de modificar las condiciones normativas del suelo en el dispositivo escénico. Instalando un suelo de hielo sintético dentro de la caja negra del teatro, modificamos las condiciones en las que se desarrolla el acontecimiento, interviniendo en lo más esencial, imprescindible y básico del dispositivo escénico: su suelo. Además de poner en marcha esta táctica espacial, "SÒL" ha desplazado a través de diversas tácticas de temporalidad, posición y comportamiento las expectativas más básicas de la comunidad escénica sobre lo que tiene que ser un espectáculo escénico. La pista de hielo se mantuvo abierta en horario comercial, admitiendo a patinadores de diferentes edades y aproximaciones diversas a la pista, que emborronaron las temporalidades básicas y los comportamientos reconocibles propios del dispositivo escénico. De esta forma, generamos un espacio híbrido e indeterminado que participa simultáneamente de dos genealogías: la escenografía y la instalación artística, cuya confluencia da lugar a un dispositivo intermedio (instalación escénica o instalografía). Al análisis y estudio del suelo y de esta confluencia entre escenografía e instalación dedicamos la segunda parte del estudio. Por último, en la tercera parte de nuestro trabajo de investigación, analizamos nuestra trayectoria de producción e investigación escénica bajo las categorías establecidas para examinar el dispositivo escénico. Finalmente, centramos nuestro análisis en la capacidad de la práctica escénica "SÒL" para inducir en la comunidad escénica, cierta potencia de agencia del dispositivo escénico. / [CA] "SÒL. Temptativa pràctica sobre el dispositiu escènic com a espai d'agència" és una investigació pràctica, que es combina amb la producció de la pràctica escènica "SÒL", que va tindre lloc en el "Teatre Cercle" (València) entre els dies 27 de juny i 10 de juliol del 2022. En aquesta investigació pràctica postulem que el dispositiu escènic és, des del seu naixement, un dispositiu disciplinari i de control del règim escópic. El dispositiu escènic ha materialitzat la seua distribució de poder/saber a través d'unes convencions espacials, posicionals, temporals i comportamentals. L'objectiu d'aquestes convencions és el control del comportament tant dels observants com dels actuants. La fi última del dispositiu escènic és produir la iteració d'un temps o discurs pre-produït, sense que patisca cap interferència. És a dir, l'objectiu del dispositiu escènic és conjurar el futur. En la primera part del treball, partim del model de dispositiu wagnerià, observant com a través del segle XX s'han anat progressivament transformant les seues convencions a través de diverses estratègies i tàctiques. Si bé, al final del segle XX ens trobem amb una economia escópica del dispositiu escènic que ha deixat d'estar regulada per la institució i el poder i el control de la qual recau per complet sobre la figura de l'artista/director. Malgrat la qual cosa, en la dècada de 1990 l'anomenada Estètica relacional, obri el dispositiu escènic/artístic a l'horitzó de participació dels espectadors. No obstant això, malgrat aquestes estratègies i tàctiques, els límits del possible/admissible continuen estant molt marcats dins del dispositiu escènic. La comunitat escènica conviu en el dispositiu escènic sense agència possible. La nostra pràctica escènica investigadora incrementa la incertesa a través de modificar les condicions normatives del sòl en el dispositiu escènic. Instal·lant un sòl de gel sintètic dins de la caixa negra del teatre, modifiquem les condicions en les quals es desenvolupa l'esdeveniment, intervenint en el més essencial, imprescindible i bàsic del dispositiu escènic: el seu sòl. A més de posar en marxa aquesta tàctica espacial, "SÒL" ha desplaçat a través de diverses tàctiques de temporalitat, posició i comportament les expectatives més bàsiques de la comunitat escènica sobre el que ha de ser un espectacle escènic. La pista de gel es va mantindre oberta en horari comercial, admetent a patinadors de diferents edats i aproximacions diverses a la pista, que van gargotejar les temporalitats bàsiques i els comportament recognoscibles propis del dispositiu escènic. D'aquesta manera, generem un espai híbrid i indeterminat que participa simultàniament de dues genealogies: l'escenografia i la instal·lació artística, la confluència de la qual dona lloc a un dispositiu intermedi (instal·lació escènica o instalografía). A l'anàlisi i estudi del sòl i d'aquesta confluència entre escenografia i instal·lació dediquem la segona part de l'estudi. Finalment, en la tercera part del nostre treball de recerca, analitzem la nostra trajectòria de producció i investigació escènica sota les categories establides per a examinar el dispositiu escènic. Finalment, centrem la nostra anàlisi en la capacitat de la pràctica escènica "SÒL" per a induir en la comunitat escènica, una certa potència d'agència del dispositiu escènic. / [EN] "FLOOR. Practical attempt on the scenic device as a spatial agency" is a practical investigation combined with a scenic production "SÒL", that took place at the "Teatro Círculo" (Valencia) between 27th of June and 10th of July 2022. In this practical investigation we postulate that the scenic device is, from its origins, a disciplinary device and a scopic regime controller. The scenic device has materialised its distribution of power/knowledge through spatial, positional, temporal, and behavioural conventions. The objective of these conventions is to control the behaviour of both, the observers and the performers. The ultimate goal of the scenic device is to produce an iteration of a pre-produced time or speech, without suffering any interference. In other words, the objective of the scenic device is to conjure the future. In the first part, we start from the Wagnerian device model, observing how throughout the 20th century conventions have been progressively transformed through various strategies and tactics. At the end of the 20th century we find a scopic economy of the scenic device is no longer regulated by the institution, and its power and control falls entirely on the artist/director figure. In spite of which, in the 1990s, the so-called relational Aesthetics opened the scenic/artistic device to the audience participation. However, despite these strategies and tactics, the limits of what is possible/admissible continue to be framed within the scenic device. The scenic community coexists in the scenic device with no possible agency. Our investigative scenic practice increases uncertainty by modifying the normative conditions of the floor in the scenic device. By installing a synthetic ice floor inside the theatre's black box, we modify the conditions in which the event takes place, interfering in the most essential, fundamental and basic aspects of the scenic device: its floor. In addition to implementing this spatial tactic, "SÒL" has displaced through various tactics of temporality, position and behaviour the most basic expectations of the stage community about what a stage show should be. The ice rink was kept open during business hours, admitting skaters of different ages and approaches to the rink, which blurred the basic temporalities and the recognisable behaviour of the scenic device. In this way, we generate a hybrid and indeterminate space that simultaneously participates in two genealogies: the scenography and the artistic installation, whose confluence gives rise to an intermediate device (stage installation or instalografía). We dedicate the second part of the study to the analysis and study of the floor and this confluency between scenography and installation. Finally, in the third part, we analyse our production and scenic research journey under the established categories to examine the scenic device. Finally, we focus our analysis on the capacity of the scenic practice "SÒL" to provoke in the scenic community a certain scenic device agency force. / León Mendoza, R. (2023). Suelo. Tentativa práctica sobre el dispositivo escénico como espacio de agencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201557


葛, 漢彬, GE, Hanbin, SUSANTHA, K.A.S., 佐竹, 洋一, SATAKE, Yoichi, 宇佐美, 勉, USAMI, Tsutomu 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

An analysis of the normative framework providing for human environmentally induced migration in SADC / Catherina Aletta Maas

Maas, Catherina Aletta January 2014 (has links)
Environmentally induced migration has been a contentious topic over the last two decades. Estimates show that over 30 million people worldwide are annually forced to migrate due to serious environmental degradation, natural disasters and depletion of natural resources. Thus the environment is irrefutably changing, and clear linkages can be drawn between environmental change and human mobility. Africa‘s developing status and its vulnerability in the context of environmental shocks compels research on prospective impacts and outcomes in order to develop proper mitigation and adaptation strategies, especially in Southern African Development Community (SADC) where the likelihood of protection measures being successfully implemented is relatively low. This dissertation is aimed at providing the reader with a detailed analysis of the regional normative framework regulating the issue of environmentally induced migration in SADC. Because environmental migrants are not considered to be ―refugees‖ in international law and on account of the fact that many policy makers and practitioners have their reservations as regards even acknowledging the existence of environmental migrants, protection and regulation in this regard is understandably lacking. A comprehensive framework is nonetheless required to regulate this phenomenon as it prompts serious security and sovereignty concerns. Until quite recently, most African countries had not even put in place national migration policies. Although many states have policies in place now, most have not yet been fully and effectively implemented. The normative framework governing specifically environmentally induced migration in SADC similarly renders rather disappointing results. Most of the applicable instruments do not directly raise the issue and the provisions indirectly touching upon the subject matter are subject to interpretation. A binding protocol must therefore be adopted by SADC Member States embracing elements contained in the instruments comprising the current framework. Such a protocol will however have to be liberal enough to acknowledge and provide for environmentally induced migration in its entirety whilst conservative enough so as not to undermine protection regimes for refugees in the true sense of the word. Conflicting interests and sovereignty considerations will, however, undoubtedly continue to hinder progress in this regard. The way forward is therefore away from ultimate sovereignty preservation and toward a regionalised approach where human rights no longer take a backseat. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

An analysis of the normative framework providing for human environmentally induced migration in SADC / Catherina Aletta Maas

Maas, Catherina Aletta January 2014 (has links)
Environmentally induced migration has been a contentious topic over the last two decades. Estimates show that over 30 million people worldwide are annually forced to migrate due to serious environmental degradation, natural disasters and depletion of natural resources. Thus the environment is irrefutably changing, and clear linkages can be drawn between environmental change and human mobility. Africa‘s developing status and its vulnerability in the context of environmental shocks compels research on prospective impacts and outcomes in order to develop proper mitigation and adaptation strategies, especially in Southern African Development Community (SADC) where the likelihood of protection measures being successfully implemented is relatively low. This dissertation is aimed at providing the reader with a detailed analysis of the regional normative framework regulating the issue of environmentally induced migration in SADC. Because environmental migrants are not considered to be ―refugees‖ in international law and on account of the fact that many policy makers and practitioners have their reservations as regards even acknowledging the existence of environmental migrants, protection and regulation in this regard is understandably lacking. A comprehensive framework is nonetheless required to regulate this phenomenon as it prompts serious security and sovereignty concerns. Until quite recently, most African countries had not even put in place national migration policies. Although many states have policies in place now, most have not yet been fully and effectively implemented. The normative framework governing specifically environmentally induced migration in SADC similarly renders rather disappointing results. Most of the applicable instruments do not directly raise the issue and the provisions indirectly touching upon the subject matter are subject to interpretation. A binding protocol must therefore be adopted by SADC Member States embracing elements contained in the instruments comprising the current framework. Such a protocol will however have to be liberal enough to acknowledge and provide for environmentally induced migration in its entirety whilst conservative enough so as not to undermine protection regimes for refugees in the true sense of the word. Conflicting interests and sovereignty considerations will, however, undoubtedly continue to hinder progress in this regard. The way forward is therefore away from ultimate sovereignty preservation and toward a regionalised approach where human rights no longer take a backseat. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Home, neighborhood, and renewal: resident perceptions of forced relocation

Wilcox, F. Rowan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Geography / Max Lu / Given the ongoing incidence of housing displacement related to the commercial redevelopment of neighborhoods, and its implications for the health and quality of life of affected households and communities, there is a need for insight into what factors influence the quality of a move and movers' chances of successful post-move adjustment. In this study, qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with 26 men and women representing 18 households from three redeveloped eastern Kansas neighborhoods was employed to examine residents' experiences of displacement. Five factors were examined: attachment to home and neighborhood, community social ties, relative sense of control and mastery over the circumstances of relocation, opinions of the amount of monetary compensation or relocation assistance received, and support for a redevelopment project. The results show that attachment to home influenced feelings about having to move, although it did not preclude contentment with a post-move dwelling. Attachment to neighborhood had both social and environmental components. Neighborhood social ties were difficult to replicate for many residents in their post-move neighborhoods. Perceptions of control over the circumstances of a move were negatively affected by problems with communication and information-sharing between residents and relocation authorities, causing stress and difficulties finding replacement housing. Satisfaction with compensation was tied to perceptions of upward housing mobility, while dissatisfaction was influenced by perceptions of having been a victim of official graft. Expressed support for redevelopment projects was in the main grudging, and support for a project did not appear to greatly influence a positive disposition toward moving. Experiences connected with displacement are not monolithic, and neither are its outcomes. Householders forced to move may concede that relocation has had at once negative repercussions and benefits. Having achieved upward housing mobility or experienced improved quality of life subsequent to moving did not eradicate residents' wish to have been 'treated better,' monetarily or otherwise, by relocation officials. This oft-expressed desire calls attention to the need for greater awareness of, and sensitivity to, the nature of residential place attachment and the special problems of those forced to move.

Design and experimental evaluations of a pump-controlled hydraulic circuit

Jalayeri, Ehsan 02 March 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents a novel, low cost, high precision , and efficient design for an electro-hydrostatic circuit for single rod hydraulic cylinders. The design is the main contribution of candidate to fulfill the regiments of PhD degree. The challenge of existing deigns of electro-hydrostatic circuits for single-rod cylinders is using one pump to control the cylinder under switching (resistive-assistive) loads. The proposed circuit utilizes off-the-shelf industrial elements. It uses two counterbalance valves to manage switching loads and one on/off solenoid valve to redirect the differential flow of the single rod cylinder to tank. A set of simulation studies is conducted using Simhydraulic tools of Matlab in order to study performances of the proposed circuit and compare it with existing designs. Pump-controlled hydraulic circuit for double rod cylinders was developed and is widely used by industry. It is used as the benchmark for simulation studies. As well, the proposed circuit and two major existing pump-controlled circuits for single rod cylinders are compared to the benchmark circuit. Evaluations are conducted by comparing chamber pressure responses as well as pressure vs position of the cylinder end-effector for each individual circuit. Results indicate that the proposed circuit performed as well as the benchmark circuit by controlling pressures to both sides of the cylinder at the same time. Moreover, the load in the proposed circuit is more controllable compared to the benchmark circuit. Experimental results, obtained from the developed test rig, validate accuracy of the simulation model. Maximum steady state position error of 0.06 mm applications is experimentally observed when the test rig is tested under different loading conditions with various amplitudes and frequencies. The circuit consumes up to 20% of the energy that is required by a valve controlled circuit given the same sinusoidal tracking signal. The relative efficiency of the proposed circuit over a valve xii controlled circuit depends on the pattern and frequency of the tracking signal. In all the experiments, a simple proportional controller, which uses readings of a linear position transducer, is employed. The use of the proportional controller makes the proposed circuit easy to implement and shows it is good candidate for industrial applications. The accuracy of the position response of the proposed circuit indicates, it is a good candidate for robotic applications too. / May 2016

Pressure Pulse Generation with Energy Recovery

Rotthäuser, Siegfried, Hagemeister, Wilhelm, Pott, Harald 02 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The Pressure Impulse test-rig uses the principal energetic advantages of displacementcontrolled systems versus valve-controlled systems. The use of digital-control technology enables a high dynamic in the pressure curve, according to the requirements of ISO6605. Accumulators, along with inertia, make energy recovery possible, as well as, enabling the compression energy to be re-used. As a result of this, there is a drastic reduction in operating costs. A simulation of the system before starting the project allows the development risks to be calculated and the physically achievable performance limits to be shown.

Efficient and high performing hydraulic systems in mobile machines

Frerichs, Ludger, Hartmann, Karl 03 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Hydraulic systems represent a crucial part of the drivetrain of mobile machines. The most important drivers of current developments, increasing energy efficiency and productivity, are leading to certain trends in technology. On a subsystem level, working hydraulics are utilizing effects by improving control functions and by maximum usage of energy recovery potential. Independent metering and displacement control, partly in combination with hybrid concepts, are the dominating approaches. Traction drives gain advantage from optimized power split transmissions, which consequently are being used in a growing number of applications. On the level of components, increase of efficiency and dynamics as well as power density are important trends. Altogether, design of systems and components is more and more based on modular concepts. In this sense, among others, sensors and control elements are being integrated to actuators; electric and hydraulic technology is being merged. In order to achieve maximum efficiency and performance of the entire machine, control of hydraulics has to include the whole drivetrain and the entire mobile machine in its application. In modern words, mobile hydraulic systems are a part of cyber physical systems.

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