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Informationsspridning genom olika kanaler och medium i en organisation / Dissemination of information through various channels and media within an organizationJernberg, Adam January 2016 (has links)
I dag så sprids information på ett helt annat sätt än vad den gjorde för både fem och tjugo år sedan och i takt med att tekniken utvecklas så förändras vårt sätt att ta del av information. På många arbetsplatser så är informationsspridning en central del av verksamheten, och tidigare forskning har visat att effektiv spridning av information ökar möjligheterna för företaget att utvecklas. Denna studie har undersökt hur information bör kommuniceras till medarbetare inom en organisation. En åtskillnad mellan kanal och medium har gjort det möjligt att särskilja hur information meddelas och hur den presenteras. Detta har lett till ett resultat som visar på att medarbetare på företaget föredrar att få information presenterad för sig muntligt, och att det finns en viss skillnad när information skall meddelas. Studien grundar sig i en fallstudie inom ett företag som är verksamt inom el- och teknikbranschen. För att kunna generera en tydlig bild av hur informationsspridningen ser ut på företaget så har en kvalitativ intervju genomförts, vilket har kopplats samman med en mer specifik enkätundersökning. / Today information dissemination is completely different comparing to both five and twenty years ago, and as the technology develops, so does our way of accessing information. In many workplaces information dissemination is a key process and previous research has shown that effective information sharing increases the potential for the company to develop. This study has examined how information ought to be communicated to cowerkers within a company. A distinction has been made between channel and medium and has made it possible to determine how information is being notified and how information is being presented. This has led to a result showing that coworkers prefers information being presented orally, and that it is a difference when the same information is being notified. The study is based on a case study within a company active in the electrical and engineering industry. A qualitative interview and a quantitative survey has made it possible to generate a clear picture of how the information dissemination looks like in the specified company.
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The Influence of Client-, Family-, and Therapist-Level Pretreatment Characteristics on Therapist Delivery of Youth Psychotherapy TreatmentsRodriguez, Adriana 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this exploratory study was to examine the extent to which pretreatment characteristics influence therapist treatment adherence by using data sampled from a randomized effectiveness trial and an efficacy study. Research suggests that youth-, family-, and therapist-level pretreatment characteristics influence therapist behavior; however, this area is underdeveloped as most studies have focused on externalizing problem areas, family-based approaches, and the use of parent or therapist report to assess for therapist adherence. To date, no research has examined this question with anxiety as the target problem, individual-focused CBT, and with observational therapist adherence data. An observational coding measure, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Adherence Scale for Youth Anxiety, was used to assess therapist adherence to CBT for youth anxiety. Hierarchical linear model analyses were conducted to estimate changes in therapist adherence over time, based on youth-, family-, and therapist-level pretreatment characteristic predictors. Results suggest that youth ethnicity/race, therapist openness to evidence-based practices, therapist theoretical orientation, and therapist age influence the process of therapy: in this case, therapist adherence. The current study provides essential evidence about potentially important predictors of therapist adherence for CBT youth anxiety and points to important clinical and treatment adoption implications.
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Adaptive dissemination of network state knowledge in structured peer-to-peer networksHajiarabderkani, Masih January 2015 (has links)
One of the fundamental challenges in building Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications is to locate resources across a dynamic set of nodes without centralised servers. Structured overlay networks solve this challenge by proving a key-based routing (KBR) layer that maps keys to nodes. The performance of KBR is strongly influenced by the dynamic and unpredictable conditions of P2P environments. To cope with such conditions a node must maintain its routing state. Routing state maintenance directly influences both lookup latency and bandwidth consumption. The more vigorously that state information is disseminated between nodes, the greater the accuracy and completeness of the routing state and the lower the lookup latency, but the more bandwidth that is consumed. Existing structured P2P overlays provide a set of configuration parameters that can be used to tune the trade-off between lookup latency and bandwidth consumption. However, the scale and complexity of the configuration space makes the overlays difficult to optimise. Further, it is increasingly difficult to design adaptive overlays that can cope with the ever increasing complexity of P2P environments. This thesis is motivated by the vision that adaptive P2P systems of tomorrow, would not only optimise their own parameters, but also generate and adapt their own design. This thesis studies the effects of using an adaptive technique to automatically adapt state dissemination cost and lookup latency in structured overlays under churn. In contrast to previous adaptive approaches, this work investigates the algorithmic adaptation of the fundamental data dissemination protocol rather than tuning the parameter values of a protocol with fixed design. This work illustrates that such a technique can be used to design parameter-free structured overlays that outperform other structured overlays with fixed design such as Chord in terms of lookup latency, bandwidth consumption and lookup correctness. A large amount of experimentation was performed, more than the space allows to report. This thesis presents a set of key findings. The full set of experiments and data is available online at: http://trombone.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/thesis/analysis.
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Edmar Bacha e Pedro Malan: visões de uma alta modernidade periférica - ciência econômica, intelectualidade e política no Brasil (1960-1980) / Edmar Bacha and Pedro Malan: visions of a peripheral high modernity - economics, intellectuals and politics in Brazil (1960-1980).Dacanal, Pedro Hoeper 06 June 2019 (has links)
O texto procura relatar a trajetória de dois economistas que viveram ativamente as intensas transformações da segunda metade do século XX. As interpretações econômicas de Edmar Bacha e Pedro Malan sobre a realidade brasileira, publicadas do final dos anos 1960 aos anos 1980, estão imersas no contexto de uma Alta Modernidade periférica, caracterizada por expectativas de grandes transformações sociais, que seriam levadas a cabo por uma política governamental cientificamente informada e procuravam alçar a nação a patamares sociais estabelecidos pela realidade dos países desenvolvidos e pelos seus discursos. A partir de uma simbiose entre influências intelectuais regionais e internacionais isto é, autores latino-americanos e brasileiros e autores estrangeiros, principalmente norte-americanos as interepretações de ambos procurarão desvendar os caminhos para a superação do subdesenvolvimento, em um contexto nacional de autoritarismo que acaba por condicionar posturas e propostas. Considerados economistas de esquerda até praticamente os anos 1990, Bacha e Malan serão os mais experientes do grupo de economistas da PUC-Rio, testemunhas e personagens ativas do episódio de queda precipitada da Alta Modernidade brasileira, compelida e estimulada pelas diversas faces do fenômeno da globalização. / This text seeks to report the trajectory of two economists who actively lived the intense transformations of the second half of the twentieth century. The economic interpretations of Edmar Bacha and Pedro Malan on the Brazilian reality, published from the late 1960s to the early 1980s, are immersed in the context of a peripheral High Modernity, characterized by expectations of major social transformations that would be carried out by a government policy scientifically informed and sought to raise the nation to social levels established by the reality of developed countries and their speeches. From a symbiosis between regional and international intellectual influences - that is, Latin American and Brazilian authors and foreign authors, mainly North American authors - the interjections of both will seek to unravel the ways to overcome underdevelopment, in a national context of authoritarianism that ends up conditioning postures and proposals. Considered left-wing economists until the 1990s, Bacha and Malan will be the most experienced of PUC-Rio\'s group of economists, witnesses and active characters of the \"precipitate\" fall of the Brazilian High Modernity, compelled and stimulated by the various faces of the phenomenon of globalization.
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Kontroll över informationsspridning vid outsourcing av underhåll för säkerhetskritiska system : En fallstudie inom industrisektornTörnell, Louise, Myr, Maja January 2019 (has links)
Outsourcing of the maintenance activities related to safety-critical systems poses several challenges, where unauthorised access can lead to severe consequences in terms of data vulnerability and huge income lost. Companies can prevent the dissemination of information by managing security, which also contributes to economic and social sustainability. The purpose of the study was to investigate how organizations in the industrial sector deal with the issues of information dissemination in the outsourcing of maintenance activities related to safety-critical systems. To study the area, eleven companies have been interviewed where the results have been compiled in a cross-case analysis, which has been analysed against previous research. The study shows that there are several factors leading to an increased risk of undesired dissemination. Furthermore, the study has resulted in a model for managing control over the dissemination of information in the outsourcing of maintenance for safety-critical systems.
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Desenvolvimento de material educativo digital para divulgação científica da nutrigenômica / Development of digital learning material for scientific dissemination of nutrigenomics.Patricio, Roberta Saraiva Giroto 06 October 2010 (has links)
Nutrigenômica representa disciplina cientifica recente que surgiu na era do pós-genoma humano, sendo seu foco de estudo a interação gene - nutriente. Profissionais com educação universitária que atuam na área da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde relatam ter dificuldades no entendimento dos princípios dessa disciplina. Recursos digitais como animações representam ferramentas interessantes para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da nutrigenômica. Dessa forma o objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de desenvolver material educativo digital intitulado \"Fundamentos da Nutrigenômica\", baseado nas animações \"Modulação da expressão gênica por nutrientes e compostos bioativos dos alimentos\" e \"Nutrigenômica e redução do risco de câncer\", para divulgação científica da nutrigenômica para profissionais da área da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde. Para desenvolver o material educativo digital, utilizou-se esquema que se divide nas seguintes etapas: análise e planejamento; modelagem; implementação; avaliação e manutenção. As animações foram produzidas nos programas PowerPoint 2007 e E.M PowerPoint Vídeo Converter. Avaliou-se o material educativo digital por meio de questionário junto a 20 profissionais (nutricionistas, farmacêuticos, engenheiros de alimentos, biólogos, químico, dentista e zootecnista) matriculados ou não em Programas de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de São Paulo nas áreas da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde. Mais de 80% dos participantes concordaram fortemente ou concordaram com as seguintes afirmações: \"O material educativo digital é de fácil manuseio\"; \"A utilização desse tipo de recurso tem vantagens sobre textos\"; \"O material educativo digital trouxe conhecimentos novos sobre Nutrigenômica\"; \"Os conceitos estão expostos de forma clara\"; \"Meus conhecimentos anteriores foram suficientes para aprender com o material educativo digital\"; \"Os textos estão redigidos com clareza\"; \"As animações auxiliam a compreender os fenômenos exibidos\"; \"Aprendi bastante sobre os fundamentos da nutrigenômica com o material educativo digital\". Conclui-se que o material educativo digital \"Fundamentos da nutrigenômica\" representa ferramenta útil para divulgação científica da nutrigenômica junto a profissionais da área da alimentação e nutrição e da saúde. / Nutrigenomics represents recent scientific discipline that has emerged in the post-human genome era, with focus on gene - nutrient interaction. Professionals with university education working in the field of food and nutrition and health report having difficulties in understanding the principles of this discipline. Digital resources such as animations represent interesting tools for the teaching and learning of nutrigenomics. Thus the objective of this study was to develop digital learning material entitled \"Fundamentals of Nutrigenomics\", based on the animations \"Modulation of gene expression by nutrients and bioactive food compounds\" and \"Nutrigenomics and risk reduction of cancer,\" for scientific dissemination of nutrigenomics for professionals in the food and nutrition and health areas. To develop the digital learning material, we used the scheme that is comprised by the following steps: analysis and planning, modeling, implementation, evaluation and maintenance. The animations were produced with the PowerPoint 2007 and EM Video Converter softwares. We evaluated the digital educational materials through a questionnaire provided to 20 professionals (nutritionists, pharmacists, food engineers, biologists, chemist, dentist and zootechnist) registered or not in Graduate Programs from University of Sao Paulo in the areas of food and nutrition and health. Over 80% of participants strongly agreed or agreed with the following statements: \"The digital educational material is easy to handle\", \"The use of this resource type presents advantages over text\", \"The digital learning material brought new knowledge on Nutrigenomics\" , \"The concepts are clearly exposed\", \"My previous knowledge was sufficient to learn from the digital learning material\", \"The texts are written with clarity\", \"The animations help to understand the exhibited phenomena\", \"I learned a lot about nutrigenomics fundamentals with the digital learning materials\". We conclude that the digital learning material \"Fundamentals of Nutrigenomics\" represents a useful tool for scientific dissemination of nutrigenomics for professionals in the field of food and nutrition and health.
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[pt] Objetivos: três são os objetivos centrais da presente
pesquisa de mestrado em
metrologia: (i) no âmbito da missão institucional da
Divisão Serviço da Hora (DSHO)
do Observatório Nacional (ON), desenvolver um diagnóstico
da melhor capacidade de
medição e do sistema da qualidade do Laboratório Primário
de Tempo e Freqüência
(LPTF); (ii) à luz das práticas internacionais, calcular e
expressar as incertezas de
medição associadas à realização e disseminação das
unidades de tempo e freqüência em
âmbito nacional; (iii) em atendimento às exigências do
Acordo de Reconhecimento
Mútuo celebrado pelo Brasil no âmbito da Convenção do
Metro, preparar e
disponibilizar a declaração da melhor capacidade de
medição (CMC) do LPTF, na base
de dados do Bureau International des Poids et Mesures
Motivação: a presente pesquisa de mestrado foi motivada
pela necessidade de
se: (i) formalizar a melhor capacidade de medição na base
internacional de dados Key
Comparison Data Base (KCDB) do Bureau International des
Poids et Mesures (BIPM);
(ii) adequar a nova estrutura do DSHO/ON às instalações da
recém-construída infraestrutura
laboratorial; (iii) estabelecer a rastreabilidade nacional
em TF para atender à
nova formulação introduzida pelo BIPM (método AV); (iv)
implementar o Plano de
Ações para melhoria do Sistema da Qualidade da DSHO, pré-
condição ao
reconhecimento nacional e internacional da metrologia
brasileira em TF.
Contextualização: em Metrologia, as comparações
constituem-se em prática e exigências para se garantir
padronização e a confiança mútua
nos processos de desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de
métodos e processos de
medição. A medição e difusão da grandeza tempo (data-hora)
necessitam rastreabilidade
permanente e contínua ao padrão mundial, impondo aos
laboratórios que participam da
cadeia de rastreabilidade uma responsabilidade e
dificuldade operacional para
manutenção ininterrupta deste serviço. A melhoria e
manutenção do Sistema da
Qualidade, a caracterização das incertezas de medição e a
divulgação desses dados junto aos foros internacionais por
meio do BIPM constituem responsabilidades da missão
institucional do Laboratório Primário de Tempo e
Metodologia: o trabalho desenvolveu-se em conformidade aos
preceitos metodológicos: (i) diagnóstico e caracterização
dos padrões (primários e
secundários), equipamentos e sistemas de medição
disponíveis; (ii) identificação das
variáveis críticas dos sistemas de medição, com vistas à
determinação das incertezas a
elas associadas, tendo como referência o Guide to the
Expression of Uncertainty in
Measurement (GUM) e a Variância de Allan (avaliação da
estabilidade de osciladores);
(iii) caracterização da estrutura da rastreabilidade
brasileira em tempo e freqüência e
definição do seu status junto ao BIPM (formalizado
mensalmente pela sua Circular-T);
(iv) caracterização da melhor capacidade de medição do
LPTF, para torná-la disponível
na base de dados KCDB do BIPM.
Resultados: à luz das práticas internacionais, os
seguintes resultados foram
consolidados: (i) expressão das incertezas de medição
associadas à realização e
disseminação das unidades de Tempo e Freqüência do LPTF do
Brasil; (ii) expressão e
padronização da melhor capacidade de medição em TF do LPTF
para inclusão na base
de dados internacional KCDB do BIPM; (iii) caracterização
e equacionamento de
questões críticas dos processos de calibração que afetam a
melhor capacidade de
medição e do Sistema da Qualidade da DSHO.
Conclusões: com base numa avaliação crítica do sistema
instalado, o presente
trabalho contribuiu para a consolidação de um sistema de
metrologia primária de TF
mais robusto no Brasil, viabilizando a implementação
operacional de novos padrões e
equipamentos, rotinas de monitorament / [en] Objectives: the three main objectives of the present
research project are as
follows: (i) to develop a diagnosis of the best
calibration and measuring capability and
the quality system of the Brazilian National Time and
Frequency Primary Laboratory (
LPTF ) of the Time Service Division ( DSHO ) of the
National Observatory (ON) ; (ii)
to calculate and express, in accordance with international
practices, the measuring
uncertainties associated with the achievement and
dissemination of the time and
frequency units within the country and (iii) to prepare
and make available the
declaration of the best calibration and measurement
capability (CMC) of the LPTF
according to the database of the Bureau International des
Poids et Measures (BIPM) as
required by the Mutual Recognition Agreement (signed by
Brazil within the scope of
the Convention of the Metre).
Motivation: several factors motivated this master´s degree
research project: (i)
the necessity of making available the best calibration and
measurement capability
according with the international Key Comparison Data Base
(KCDB ) of the Bureau
International de Poids et Measures (BIPM); (ii) the need
to adapt the new structure of
the Time Service Division (DSHO) of the National
Observatory (ON) to the recently
built laboratory infrastructure; (iii) the necessity of
establishing a national traceability of
TF according to the new format introduced by the BIPM (AV
method) and (iv) the
urgent need to implement the Action Plan to improve the
Quality System of the
DSHO, a pre-established condition to both, national and
international recognition.
Context: In metrology, interlaboratory comparisons are
common practice. This
is the recommended procedure to guarantee standardization
and mutual recognition in
the development and improvement of methods of measurement.
Measurement and
dissemination of time (date-hour), in particular, requires
continuous and permanent
traceability to international standards as they impose to
time and frequency laboratories
an uninterrupted provision of this service. The
improvement and surveillance of the
Quality System, the characterization of the measuring
uncertainties and dissemination of time and frequency data
to the relevant international fora to meet BIPM
constitute responsibilities of the institutional mission
of any Primary Time and
Frequency Laboratory.
Methodology: the present work was developed in accordance
with the
following methodological principles: (i) diagnosis and
characterization of the standards
(primary and secondary), equipment and measuring systems
available at the LPTF; (ii)
identification of the critical variables of the measuring
systems to determine the
uncertainties associated with the measuring of time and
frequency, having the Guide to
the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and the
Allan Variance
(oscillators stability evaluation) as reference; (iii)
characterization of the Brazilian time
and frequency traceability structure and its formalization
in accordance with the
monthly formalized BIPM Circular-T; (iv) characterization
of the CMC of the LPTF to
make it available at the KCDB of the BIPM.
Results: according to international practices, the
following results were
consolidated: (i) expression of the measuring
uncertainties associated to the realization
and dissemination of time and frequency; (ii) expression
and standardization of the best
calibration and measuring capability in time and frequency
of the LPTF to be included
in the BIPM Key Comparison Data Base; (iii)
characterization and understanding of
critical issues inherent to calibration processes which
directly affect the best
measurement capability and the Quality System of the DSHO.
Conclusion: based on a critical evaluation of the
metrological system in place,
the present work has contributed to the consolidation of a
more robust primary system
of time and frequency in Brazil. Such system allows for
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Divulgação científica e embates ideológicos no discurso da revista Ciência Hoje nas décadas de 1990 e 2000 / Scientific dissemination and ideological clashes in the discourse of Ciência Hoje magazine in the 1990s and 2000sCosta, Luiz Rosalvo 10 December 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa é norteada pelo propósito de sistematizar uma reflexão sobre o estatuto da noção de ideologia na obra do Círculo de Bakhtin e, com base nessa reflexão, examinar possibilidades e alcances da articulação desse conceito ao estudo de gêneros discursivos de transmissão de saberes, focalizando, com esse intuito, o discurso de divulgação científica da SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência) materializado na revista Ciência Hoje nas décadas de 1990 e 2000. Orientando-se pela premissa de que um específico entendimento do fenômeno ideológico informa e suporta a concepção de linguagem do Círculo e de que a produtividade desse aparato conceitual para o estudo de realizações discursivas contemporâneas pode ser demonstrada pela análise do discurso de divulgação científica da SBPC no período recortado, a pesquisa se desdobra em dois momentos: no primeiro, focaliza o processo pelo qual a questão da ideologia, nuclear nos trabalhos de Volóchinov e Medviédev durante os anos de 1920, é assimilada também às reflexões de Bakhtin e se incorpora a uma concepção de linguagem de fundo comum, passando a integrar, de modo mais ou menos explícito, formulações e conceitos empregados por ele a partir de 1929; no segundo, focaliza enunciados da revista Ciência Hoje nas décadas de 1990 e 2000, procurando mostrar como a concepção de ideologia subjacente à malha de conceitos do Círculo contribui para o estudo da realidade discursiva contemporânea. / The purpose of the current study is to systematize a reflection on the statute of the notion of ideology in the Bakhtin Circles work, and based on this exploration to investigate possibilities and the range of the articulation of this concept with the study of the discursive genres of knowledge transmission. With this intent, the current investigation focuses the scientific dissemination discourse of SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência) materialized in the magazine Ciência Hoje in the 1990s and 2000s. Guided by the premise that a specific understanding of the ideological phenomenon informs and supports the language concept of the Circle and that the productivity of this conceptual apparatus for the study of the contemporary enunciative productions can be demonstrated by the analysis of the scientific dissemination discourse of SBPC in the chosen period, the research is divided in two moments: in the first, the focus is the process through which the ideology issue, crucial in Volóchinov and Medviédevs works during the 1920s, is assimilated by Bakhtins reflections and incorporated to a common conception of language, coming to integrate, in a more explicit or less explicit way, formulations and concepts used by him from 1929 onwards. In a second moment, this research analyses utterances published in the magazine Ciência Hoje in the 1990s and 2000s, aiming to show how the notion of ideology underlying in the web of concepts of the Circle contributes to the study of the contemporary discursive reality.
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A representação documentária de informações estatísticas: quando a ordem dos fatores altera o produto / A representação documentária de informações estatísticas: quando a ordem dos fatores altera o produtoRocha, Silvia Gagliardi 06 April 2006 (has links)
Estudo sobre a representação documentária da informação estatística. A partir do reconhecimento dessa informação como representação de realidades sociais, identificam-se as suas especificidades e as da sua representação documentária visando sua divulgação na Internet e, portanto, a transmissão de informação sem a intermediação presencial do documentalista. Parte-se das premissas que a informação estatística tem características próprias que a diferenciam da informação textual, e que nem todas as recomendações para a construção de linguagem documentária, para representar esse tipo de informação, se aplicam necessariamente à representação de informações estatísticas. Utilizando referenciais da construção da linguagem documentária e da terminologia, sistematizam-se alguns parâmetros para que também o tratamento e a divulgação da informação estatística se realizem como possibilidades para a geração de novos conhecimentos. / This paper deals with the study on the documentary representation of statistical information. From the recognition that the statistical information represents social realities, the study identifies their specificities and their documentary representation, focusing its popularization in Internet and, therefore, its transmission without the presence of the librarian. It is based on two premises: first, the statistical information has characteristics that differentiate it from the textual information, and, second, not all the recommendations for the documentary language construction to represent textual information, necessarily represent statistical information. Using reference of documentary language construction and terminology, some parameters were systematized so that also the treatment and the popularization of the statistical information take place as possibilities of generating new knowledge.
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L'évaluation des politiques publiques : cadres conceptuel et étude de son utilisation par les décideurs des institutions régionales de santé en France / Evaluation of public policies : a conceptual framework and a study of its use by the decision-makers of the health regional institutions in FranceJabot, Françoise 12 November 2014 (has links)
Contexte : Malgré une volonté affichée traduite dans des textes et procédures, l’évaluation en France n’est que peu intégrée dans le processus de décision. Pourtant, dans le secteur de la santé confronté à de multiples défis, l’évaluation pourrait être une approche utile à la détermination des choix. L’utilisation de l’évaluation dépend d’une pluralité de facteurs, dont les connaissances produites et leur mode de production, les caractéristiques des décideurs et autres utilisateurs et le contexte sociopolitique et institutionnel de l’évaluation. Objectifs : Les objectifs de ce travail sont d’apprécier l’utilisation de l’évaluation dans les politiques de santé, d’identifier les leviers associés à cette utilisation et d’apprécier la capacité de l’évaluation à satisfaire les attentes et favoriser l’utilisation de ses productions. Méthode : Une revue de littérature a permis d’enrichir la compréhension du concept d’utilisation, d’identifier les facteurs influents et de faire émerger les problématiques associées. Considérant l’évaluation comme un système d’action complexe, un modèle basé sur une approche systémique a été construit et mis à l’épreuve à travers quatre étapes d’analyse des évaluations des plans régionaux de santé publique (PRSP) : (1) analyse globale de 16 évaluations ; (2) lien processus/utilisation dans une région ; (3) résultats à court/moyen terme dans 9 régions ; (4) études de cas approfondies et analyse multicritères dans 5 régions. Résultats : Une première analyse a éclairé les enjeux du contexte et la contribution des PRSP à la cohérence des politiques régionales de santé. L’examen du processus d’évaluation dans une région a montré la relation entre finalités, démarche et utilisations de l’évaluation. L’observation des suites de l’évaluation dans neuf régions a identifié différentes formes d’utilisation et les principaux facteurs intervenant. La dynamique de changement a été appréhendée dans la globalité des interactions entre le contexte, les acteurs et l’évaluation dans cinq régions. Discussion : Les retombées de l’évaluation sont plus à chercher du côté des savoirs accumulés et des évolutions des pratiques que dans des décisions formelles transformant de façon radicale les politiques. Le contexte, la crédibilité de l’évaluation, l’engagement et la motivation des acteurs sont des facteurs déterminants. Des pistes de recherche sont envisagées en vue d’approfondir les conditions du développement des capacités et de la culture d’évaluation, elles-mêmes indispensables à une meilleure exploitation de l’évaluation / Context: Despite the willingness showed in texts and procedures, evaluation in France is little integrated in the decision making process. However, in the health sector which faces multiple challenges, evaluation should be a useful approach to select choices. The use of evaluation depends on multiple factors such as, knowledge and its production process, characteristics of decision makers and others users, and the political and institutional context of the evaluation Objective: The objectives were: to assess the use of evaluation on health policies; to identify levers associated with use; to assess the capacity of evaluation to fit with decision-makers needs and to enhance usability. Method: Literature review allowed to enrich the understanding of the concept of use and to identify the main influent factors as well as the related issues. Regarding evaluation as a complex system, a model based on a systemic approach was built and tested in evaluations of regional public health plans (PRSP) in 4 steps: (1) global analysis of 16 evaluations; (2) relation process/use in on region; (3) use at short/medium term in 9 regions; (4) case studies and multicriteria analysis in 5 regions. Results: A first analysis enlighted the context and the contribution of the PRSP to the coherence of regional policies. A deeper process analysis carried out in one region pointed out the relation between final aims, management and evaluation use. The examination of evaluation consequences conducted in nine regions identified different forms of use and the major factors associated with them. The dynamic of change has been apprehended as a whole through the interactions between context, users and evaluation in five regions. Discussion: The effects of evaluation are more obvious in terms of knowledge building and evolution of practice than in radical change of policies. Context, evaluation credibility, actors’ commitment and motivation are key factors. Future research should help to better understand how to foster the culture and the capacities of evaluation. These are important prerequisites to a wider use of evaluation
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