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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Matulík, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with design documentation of a multifunctional building in Vyskov. The property consists of eight apartments, shops and offices. It is a detached, three-storey building without a basement. Parking space is solved by parking in front of the building. The shape in plan consists of three rectangles with a flat roof. The house is fitted to almost flat terrain. The main entrances to the building are situated to the north, west, northwest. The building is designed from the structural system POROTHERM.

Volnočasový areál v blízkosti Vodního díla Král´ová / Holiday Resort near Water Reservoir Král´ová

Varjú, Marián January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is design a new building with a camping in the village Šoporňa. The building is situated near the river Váh on flat terrain. Emphasis was placed on the total visual impression of the building on its stand out from the surrounding landscape. The building will serve as a recreation building with the possibility of short and long-tern housing. There is a restaurant with outdoor seating and an accommodation capacity for 90 people, trade with sport equipment, service for vehicles and boats, garage for boats, a 11,6 metres high climbing wall, conference rooms and halls for exercise. The building has three floors above and no basement. The project includes a flat roof with an attic.

Sandhagen 2 : A project about reusing materials as a way to rethink how architecture can be produced.

McDavitt Wallin, Frida January 2020 (has links)
In 2020, the meatpacking district of Stockholm (Slakthusområdet) is at the beginning of a period of change. A lot of its buildings are being demolished, or at least gutted, to transform a historical area of industry into a more urban district of housing, offices, trade, and services along with new parks and squares (Stockholms Stad, 2020). This thesis project is specifically about the first building that was torn down as part of the development of the area, Sandhagen 2. We should consider our condemned buildings a precious resource and extract from them rather than from the earth. In every house there is invested energy which is lost the day it is demolished but there is also something else that is lost other than precious resources. The research aims to highlight the importance of reuse not from the more obvious sustainability point of view, but as something that can be aesthetically motivated. The method involves a dissection of Sandhagen 2, extracting interior architectural elements without excessive alterations, and making an organized taxonomy. The taxonomy is then rearranged into a new spatial composition. How can a space be created from a taxonomy defined by an interior architect? How does a material’s earlier life add or take away potential in its future life?  The proposal is a strange space where the tension created by reuse is completely between the elements themselves, a result of having to become the conventional parts of architecture that complete a space; steps, something to sit on, floor, partitions.

From execration texts to quarry inscriptions: combining IR, UV and 3D-imaging for the documentation of hieratic inscriptions

van der Perre, Athena January 2016 (has links)
In the previous years, 3D imaging has found his way into the world of Egyptology. This lecture will present two case studies where 3D technology is used for the documentation of hieratic inscriptions. The inscriptions, painted in (red) ochre or black paint, were applied on different carriers, and required a different methodology. The Egyptian collection of the Royal Museums of Art and History (RMAH Brussels) contains a large number of small decorated and/or inscribed objects. Some of these objects are currently in a bad condition - any operation carried on them can result in considerable material losses -, making it necessary to document them in such a way that it allows future scholars to study them in detail without handling them. The EES Project therefore aims to create multispectral 3D images of these fragile objects with a multispectral ‘minidome’ acquisition system, based on the already existing system of the multi-light Portable Light Dome (PLD). The texture/colour values on the created 2D+ and 3D models are interactive data based on a recording process with infrared, red, green, blue, and ultraviolet light spectra. Software tools and enhancement filters have been developed which can deal with the different wavelengths in real-time. This leads to an easy and cost-effective methodology which combines multispectral imaging with the actual relief characteristics and properties of the physical object. The system is transportable to any collection or excavation in the field. As a case study, the well-known Brussels “Execration Figurines” (Middle Kingdom, c. 1900 BC) were chosen. These figurines are made of unbaked clay and covered with hieratic texts, listing names of foreign countries and rulers. The study of this type of collections is mostly hampered by the poor state of conservation of the objects, but also by the only partial preservation of the ink traces in visible light. The method has also been applied to other decorated objects of the RMAH collection, such as a Fayoum portrait, ostraca and decorated objects made of stone, wood and ceramics. The final goal will be to publish the newly created multispectral 3D images on Carmentis (www.carmentis.be), the online catalogue of the RMAH collection, making them accessible to scholars all over the world. The second case study presents the quarry inscriptions of the New Kingdom limestone quarries at Dayr Abu Hinnis (Middle Egypt). These gallery quarries contain hundreds of hieratic inscriptions, written on the ceiling. The texts are mainly related to the general administration of the quarry area. In documenting the abundance of ceiling inscriptions and other graffiti, we had to decide upon a practice that would allow not only to capture the \"content\", but also to document the location and orientation of each record. Every inscription can be photographed in detail, but this is insufficient to provide the reader access to vital information concerning the spatial distribution of the inscriptions, which may, for instance, relate to the progress of work. After experimenting with a variety of other methods, we adopted a photogrammetric software for 3D modelling photographs of the quarry ceilings, AGISOFT PHOTOSCAN, which uses structure from motion (SFM) algorithms to create three-dimensional images based on a series of overlapping two-dimensional images. The ultimate goal of this whole labour-intensive process in the quarries is not the creation of pure threedimensional models, but rather to generate an orthophoto of the entire ceiling of a quarry. Based on these images, each graffito could be analysed in context.

Electricity, Heat, and Gas Sector Data for Modeling the German System

Kunz, Friedrich, Kendziorski, Mario, Schill, Wolf-Peter, Weibezahn, Jens, Zepter, Jan, von Hirschhausen, Christian, Hauser, Philipp, Zech, Matthias, Möst, Dominik, Heidari, Sina, Felten, Björn, Weber, Christoph January 2018 (has links)
Diese Dokumentation beschreibt Daten zum deutschen Strom- Wärme- und Gassektor und ermöglicht eine modellgestützte Abbildung dieser Energiesysteme. Die Aufbereitung der Daten erfolgte im Rahmen des vom BMWi geförderten Forschungsprojekts LKD-EU (Langfristige Planung und kurzfristige Optimierung des Elektrizitätssystems in Deutschland im europäischen Kontext, FKZ 03ET4028C). In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), der Arbeitsgruppe Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturpolitik (WIP) der Technischen Universität Berlin (TUB), dem Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft (EE2), der Technischen Universität Dresden (TUD) und dem House of Energy Markets & Finance der Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE). Ziel des Dokumentes ist es, Referenzdaten zur Verfügung zu stellen, die den aktuellen Zustand des deutschen Energiesystems repräsentieren. Das Bezugsjahr ist 2015. Diese Dokumentation trägt dazu bei, die Transparenz in der Verfügbarkeit von Daten zum deutschen Energiesystem zu erhöhen. / This data documentation describes a data set of the German electricity, heat, and natural gas sectors compiled within the research project ‘LKD-EU’ (Long-term planning and short-term optimization of the German electricity system within the European framework: Further development of methods and models to analyze the electricity system including the heat and gas sector). The project is a joined effort by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), the Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy (WIP) at Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), the Chair of Energy Economics (EE2) at Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), and the House of Energy Markets & Finance at University of Duisburg-Essen. The project was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy through the grant ‘LKD-EU’, FKZ 03ET4028A. The objective of this paper is to document a reference data set representing the status quo of the German energy sector. We also update and extend parts of the previous DIW Data Documentation 75 (Egerer et al. 2014). While the focus is on the electricity sector, the heat and natural gas sectors are covered as well. With this reference data set, we aim to increase the transparency of energy infrastructure data in Germany. On the one hand, this documentation presents sources of original data and information used for the data set. On the other hand, it elaborates on the methodologies which have been applied to derive the data from respective sources in order to make it useful for modeling purposes and to promote a discussion about the underlying assumptions. Furthermore, we briefly discuss the underlying regulations with regard to data transparency in the energy sector. Where not otherwise stated, the data included in this report is given with reference to the year 2015 for Germany.

Instituty správního práva omezující vlastnické právo / Legal concepts of administrative law restricting the right to property

Balounová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
Legal concepts of administrative law restricting the right to property Within the legal order a lot of legal concepts can be found which restrict fundamental constitutionally guaranteed right to property, respectively which can restrict it. The dissertation focuses on analysis of selected legal concepts which are regulated by administrative law and through which is interfered with the right to property. In the Czech Republic the right to property is guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and at European level by the Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The thesis is divided into three main chapters which are further divided into individual sub-chapters. The first chapter deals with the characteristic, definition and categorization of particular legal concepts restricting the right to property. The second chapter focuses on the right to property itself, especially on constitutional basis, limits and its protection. In the relation to the topic of the dissertation it is also important to define how these legal concepts are enshrined in the legal order and which form of administrative activities they result in. The third chapter describes the particular forms of administrative activities in relation to the right to property. The...

Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur förskollärare arbetar med systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i förskolan / Systematic quality work : A quality study about how preschool teachers uses systematic quality work in preschool

Petkovic, Nenad, Larsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur förskollärare använder systematiskt kvalitetsarbete som verktyg för att vidareutveckla verksamheten. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod, vi har använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer där öppna frågor ställts till sju förskollärare. Detta ledde till att förskollärarna gav sina personliga åsikter som svar på intervjufrågorna. Syftet med intervjuerna är att genom förskollärarnas personliga åsikter ta reda på hur de jobbar med det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet, hur de tänker kring det och om de i sitt arbete med det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet använder sig utav något verktyg. I Läroplanen för förskolan (LpFö18) finns det ett kapitel som handlar om hur de svenska förskolorna ska förhålla sig till att arbeta med det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet, det centrala i kapitlet är att förskolan ska följa olika steg, vilka är uppföljning, utvärdering och utveckling.   Resultatet visar att de olika förskolorna och förskollärarna har mer likheter i sitt arbetssätt och i sina tankar än vad det finns olikheter. I resultatet framkommer det också att de intervjuade förskollärarna ger liknande svar om hur viktigt det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet är för både barnen, verksamheten och de själva, det framgår också att de har ett positivt tänkande angående arbetet. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers use systematic quality work as a tool to further develop the business. The study is based on a qualitative method, we have used semi-structured interviews where open-ended questions are asked to seven preschool teachers. This led to the preschool teachers giving their personal opinions in response to the interview questions. The purpose of the interviews is to find out through the preschool teachers' personal opinions how they work with the systematic quality work, how they think about it and whether they use a tool in their work with the systematic quality work. In the Curriculum for preschool (LpFö18) there is a chapter that deals with how the Swedish preschools should relate to working with the systematic quality work, the central thing in the chapter is that the preschool should follow different steps, which are follow-up, evaluation and development. The results show that the different preschools and preschool teachers have more similarities in their way of working and in their thoughts than there are differences. The results also show that the interviewed preschool teachers give similar answers about how important the systematic quality work is for both the children, the business and themselves, it also appears that they have a positive thinking about the work.

Playing a part in preschool documentation : A study of how participation is enacted in preschool documentation practices and how it is affected by material agents

Elfström Pettersson, Katarina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the present study is to explore how children’s participation is constructed and enacted in preschool documentation and what kinds of activities evolve between teachers, children and material objects in preschool documentation practices. The study is based on videorecorded observations of teachers and children documenting different preschool activities in two preschool groups. The video observations are analysed using theoretical perspectives on power relations, governmentality, documentality and agentic realism. The results are presented in two research articles. The results show the complexity of children’s participation in preschool documentation practice. In the first article two different documentation methods, with different theoretical underpinnings, were used in the preschool: portfolio and pedagogical documentation. The results show that, regardless of documentation method, children’s participation varied from attendance to involvement and influence, which can be seen as two ends of a power relation. Power relations between teachers and children also varied between situations as well as within individual situations. The result of the second article shows that children’s participation in preschool documentation practices, as well as the documentation itself, was affected and controlled not only by the humans present, but also by different material agents, such as photos and colour-coded labels. Taking material agents into account allows for a broader understanding of documentation practices, which in turn could open up for new forms of children’s participation in preschool documentation. / Syftet med studien som utgör grunden för uppsatsen var att undersöka hur barns delaktighet i förskolans dokumentation är konstruerad och ”görs” och vilken typ av aktivitet som utvecklas mellan lärare, barn och materiella objekt inom förskolans dokumentationspraktik. Studien är baserad på videoinspelade observationer av lärare och barn som dokumenterar olika aktiviteter i förskolan på två förskoleavdelningar. Videoobservationerna analyserades med hjälp av teoretiska perspektiv på maktrelationer, governmentality, documentality och agentic realism. Resultatet presenteras i två vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultaten visar komplexiteten i barns delaktighet i förskolans dokumentationspraktik. I den första artikeln studerades användningen av två olika dokumentationsmetoder, med olika teoretiska underbyggnad, nämligen portfolio och pedagogisk dokumentation. Resultatet visar att barns delaktighet varierade från deltagande till medverkan och inflytande oavsett vilken dokumentationsmetod som användes. Detta kan ses som två ändpunkter av en maktrelation. Maktrelationer mellan lärare och barn varierade också mellan situationer och inom en situation. Resultatet av den andra artikeln visar att barns deltagande i förskolans dokumentationspraktik samt också dokumentationen i sig, påverkades och styrdes, inte enbart av de deltagande personerna, men också av olika materiella agenter, till exempel foton och färgade etiketter. Att även beakta materiella agenter innebär att förståelsen av dokumentationspraktiken kan vidgas, vilket i sin tur skulle kunna öppna upp för nya sätt för barn att vara delaktiga i förskolans dokumentationspraktik.

"...om jag inte har skrivit det jag har gjort så har jag inte gjort någonting" : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare hanterar kraven på dokumentation i relation till deras handlingsutrymme / "...if I have not written what I have done then I have not done anything at all" : A qualitative study of how social workers handle the requirements of documentation in relation to their freedom of action

Fransson, Moa, Lindgren, Alma January 2020 (has links)
This study has the aim to understand how social workers experience the documentation in relation to their freedom of action in childcare investigations. We also used a moral and work ethic perspective in our analysis. Former research show that social workers feel a lack of time for client relation, heavy workload and different ideas about how to customize their documentation, so it suits with the client and the individual social worker. The study is based on six individual interviews with social workers working in children social services. The main results show that the social workers are driven by their sense of wanting to do the right thing for the children, but a lot of time are spent on documentation. The freedom of action among the social workers in our study is depending on how they use their professional license to balance documentation and client work.

Snabba glasögon : En självstudie av avistaövning för el- samt klassisk gitarr / Speed reading : A self-study of sight reading for electric and classical guitar

Rognås, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
I tid och otid har elgitarrister fått dras med stigmat att vara bristfälliga notläsare. Rimligtvis borde det gå att lösa med lite övning, men hur ska en strukturera upp sådan övning och ger det några resultat? Deras motparter i den klassiska genren åtnjuter inte samma stämpel, tack vare dess långa tradition av notläsning. Kan svaret ligga hos den klassiska gitarrens läroresurser som bara behöver översättas till elgitarr för att notläsningen ska ta fart? I denna självstudie utforskar jag min egen övning på avistaläsning för både el- och klassisk gitarr med hjälp av en videodagbok, analyserad ur ett multimodalt designteoretiskt perspektiv. / Time and again, electric guitarists have had to live with the stigma of being deficient note readers. Presumedly, this should be solvable with a little practice, but how should one structure such practice and does it produce results? Their counterparts in the classic genre do not inherit the same label, thanks to their long tradition of reading sheet music. Could the answer lie with the classical guitar's teaching methods that need only to be translated into electric guitar for the sheet music reading to take off? In this self-study, I explore my own exercise in sight reading for both electric and classical guitars with the help of a video diary, analyzed from a multimodal perspective.

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