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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogers möjligheter till reflektion : En fokusgruppsmetod kring hur arbetslagen beskriver sitt arbete med pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan / Educators' opportunities for reflection : A focus group method on how the work team describes their work with pedagogical documentation in preschool

Wanneståhl, Ulrika, Andersen, Therése January 2022 (has links)
Arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation ligger till grund för ett systematisk kvalitetsarbete i förskolan. Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om pedagogernas arbete kring pedagogisk dokumentation, där de genom gruppdiskussioner utvecklar nya sätt att se på hur de arbetar med pedagogisk dokumentation. För att pedagogisk dokumentation ska fungera som ett verktyg krävs det en gemensam förståelse för den pedagogiska processen, vilket studien belyser genom en fokusgruppsmetod. Arbetslagen fick genom en fokusgruppsdiskussion beskriva och reflektera över sitt arbete med pedagogisk dokumentation för att möjliggöra en fördjupad kunskap, genom en heuristisk process. Analysprocessen utgår från begreppen mediering och appropriering utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. I resultatet framkom både viken av reflektionstid samt organisatoriska utvecklingsområden som påverkar arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation. Studien belyser bidragande faktorer som påverkar arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : - En systematisk litteraturstudie med fokus på kommunikation mellan barn och pedagoger samt barns delaktighet. / Pedagogical documentation – : A systematic literature study focusing on communication between children and pedagogues and children´s participation

Kaneteg, Nicole, Alkemyr, Joanna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad tidigare forskning har kommit fram till vad gäller möjligheter och begränsningar i arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation i förhållande till kommunikation mellan barn och pedagoger och barns delaktighet. Syftet var även att synliggöra vilka etiska dilemman som uppstår, kopplat till barns delaktighet och kommunikationen mellan barn och pedagoger. För att besvara vårt syfte och frågeställningar har vi valt att göra en systematisk litteraturstudie som innebär att vi på ett systematiskt sätt har sökt efter vetenskapliga artiklar och avhandlingar inom vårt valda forskningsområde pedagogisk dokumentation och därefter genomfört en tematisk analys. Vårt resultat visar att pedagogisk dokumentation är ett mångfacetterat och komplext verktyg som kan tolkas på olika sätt beroende på pedagogernas förhållningssätt och perspektiv de utgår från. Pedagogisk dokumentation är ett verktyg som ska möjliggöra både för barns delaktighet och för kommunikation mellan barn och pedagog men vårt resultat visar dock att den kommunikation som sker mellan pedagoger och barn är målorienterad och strategisk, vilket i sin tur påverkar barns möjligheter att vara delaktiga. Trots att arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation som ska utgå från barns intressen och där de är delaktiga i processen så sker inte detta i praktiken. Den kommunikation som uppstår mellan barn och pedagoger begränsar barnen då pedagogerna förhåller sig till ramarna inom det Reggio Emilia-inspirerade arbetssättet.

Evaluation of User Interface to Improve Documentation within the Elderly Care System

Lindqvist, Sheila January 2019 (has links)
The usability of a software product is dependent on the end-user and the context of use. Having a user-friendly user interface that is appealing and easy to learn and use is essential for improved human productivity. However, this is not always the case. For instance, the computer-based documentation system Siebel used within the elderly care system; is perceived by most nursing assistants as complicated. The goal here is to evaluate the usability of the system's user interface, applying the usability metrics stated in the ISO/IEC-9126-1 standards to quantify the effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction of Siebel’s documentation system. A prototype user interface was developed for comparison with the current system. Likert-scale five-point scale; System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaires were used to measure User satisfaction. The results mirrored that the participants preferred the newly developed prototype user interface to the existing user interface

Archaeological Challenges, Digital Possibilities : Digital Knowledge Development and Communication in Contract Archaeology

Gunnarsson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
This research concerns the digitalisation of archaeology, with a focus on Swedish contract archaeology. The aim is to understand how the archaeological discipline relates to the change that digitalisation brings and human involvement in these processes. The thesis is a study of its impact on processes connected to archaeological knowledge production and communication. The work problematises how digital data might be understood within these contexts but also illustrates where the potential of the digitalisation lies and how archaeology can make use of it. The theoretical approach re-actualises the concept of reflexivity in a digital context, combining it with various communication theories aiming to challenge the archaeological workflow and connect it more closely to present-day society. The digitalisation of archaeology can be seen across the whole discipline withan emphasis on academia. This digital development has greater opportunities in larger research projects which have sufficient funding than in contract archaeology. In those projects leading the digital development, the reflexive approach has been re-discovered and the digital enabled for new processes of knowledge production to take place. In case studies of Swedish contract archaeology several observations are made where it becomes clear that the digitalisation already shows positive effects at a government level, in organisations and projects within the sector. But there are also issues regarding digital infrastructure, knowledge production, archiving, accessibility and transparency. The biggest challenge is not technical but in attitudes towards digitalisation. The research concludes that digital communication based on archaeological source material can be something more than mediation of results. With digital interactive storytelling there are ways to create emotional virtual connections with the user, relating to the present and the surrounding society. By interlinking the processes of interpretation and communication an archaeological knowledge production might become an archaeological knowledge development. / Den här forskningen har studerat digitaliseringen av arkeologin med fokus på svensk uppdragsarkeologi. Målet har varit att öka förståelsen kring hur disciplinen förhåller sig till de förändringar som digitaliseringens innebär och människans roll i dessa processer. Avhandlingen är en studie av digitaliseringens betydelse för de arkeologiska processer som berör kunskapsproduktion och kommunikation. Arbetet problematiserar förståelsen av digitala data inom dessa kontexter men visar också på digitaliseringenspotential och hur arkeologin kan dra nytta av den. Forskningen aktualiserar på nytt det teoretiska angreppssättet reflexivitet i ett digitalt sammanhang och kombinerar detta med kommunikationsteorier i syfte att utmana det arkeologiska arbetsflödet och knyta det närmare dagens samhälle. Resultatet av denna forskning visar på att digital kommunikation baserad på arkeologiskt källmaterial kan vara något mer än förmedling av resultat. Med interaktivt historieberättande finns vägar att skapa emotionella virtuella kopplingar mellan användare och arkeologi som relaterar till nuet och detomgivande samhället. Genom att länka ihop den arkeologiska tolkningsprocessen med kommunikation, skapas möjligheten för kunskapsproduktion att bli kunskapsutveckling.

L'action furtive : une étude de ses situations de diffusion

Brassard, Alice 04 1900 (has links)
L’art furtif est un procédé artistique qui consiste à intégrer l’art de manière anonyme dans l’espace urbain, et ce, sans qu’une signalétique explicite en désigne le statut artistique. Créées sous l’anonymat, en secret et sans public, les actions furtives intègrent le champ artistique à travers la documentation que les artistes produisent pour les enregistrer. Cette documentation sera ensuite présentée dans plusieurs situations de diffusion. Cela va de l’exposition d’art jusqu’à son catalogue d’exposition, en passant par toutes formes de communications promotionnelles de l’exposition et dans lesquelles une documentation d’œuvre est susceptible d’apparaître : pamphlets, affiches, dossier de presse, site internet mis en place pour l’occasion, pages événementielles sur les réseaux sociaux, etc. Au-delà de ces situations de diffusion qui se rattachent à un événement précis, il y en a d’autres qui sont plus indépendantes : présentations, conférences, articles de revue, publications. Notre travail s’attache à démontrer plus concrètement, à travers le travail artistique de Diane Borsato, karen elaine spencer et Steve Giasson, comment des documents photographiques faisant l’objet de différents modes de diffusion ont permis à des gestes, des interventions ou des performances qui semblent n’avoir rien de particulier — à part la volonté de passer inaperçus — de devenir des œuvres d’art connues. Nous cherchons à saisir les médiations ayant permis l’intégration des actions furtives dans le champ artistique. Il s’agit de mieux comprendre d’une part, leur nature, et d’autre part leur mécanisme de fonctionnement, soit tous les acteurs, les situations et les actions ayant participé à leur développement. L’étude des médiations permettra en retour d’identifier la fonction d’une documentation d’œuvre au sein d’une situation de diffusion — de même que la fonction de cette dernière — ce qui, tout bien considéré, permettra une meilleure compréhension de l’action furtive et de sa réception. / Art furtif is an artistic process that consists of integrating art anonymously into urban space, without any explicit signage designating its artistic status. Produced anonymously, in secret and without an audience; furtive actions are integrated into the artistic field through documents of all kinds. These documents are then transmitted through a variety of media. These range from art exhibitions to exhibition catalogues and all of its forms of promotional communications in which the documentation of an artwork is likely to appear: pamphlets, posters, press kit, website set up for the occasion, event pages on social networks, etc. Beyond these modes of transmission, which are linked to a specific event, there are others more independent media such as presentations, conferences, journal articles and publications. Our task is to demonstrate, through the work of Diane Borsato, karen elaine spencer and Steve Giasson, how photographs have made it possible for gestures, interventions, or performances, which seem to have nothing in particular—apart from their desire to go unnoticed—to become known works of art. Our goal is to understand the mediations that have allowed the integration of furtive actions into the artistic field. This study gives a better understanding of their nature and underlying mechanism. Studying mediations will in turn make it possible to identify the function of an artwork documentation within a given medium — as well as the function of the latter — which, all things considered, will provide a better understanding of furtive action and its reception.

Determinants of Technology Acceptance Among Preschools Teachers in Sweden : A mixed methodological approach

Peter, Joe Suresh, Mohamed, Omer January 2021 (has links)
There is a lot of demand from society or the government to incorporate ICT into preschool and education in general. However, no research in this area has been found that specifically cites technology's capacity to address concerns connected to planning, and systematic quality work in the preschool context. Technology integration, on the other hand, has ramifications for teachers, who face first- and second-order barriers to technological acceptance. In this study, we identify the determinants of technology acceptance among preschool teachers in Sweden. This study follows a mixed-method approach that comprises 12 semi-structured interviews and a self-completion survey of 9 respondents. The qualitative results were analyzed by a thematic analysis process and the quantitative results with descriptive statistics. We identified that job relevance, external control,  result demonstrability, output quality and internal control are the main determinants that play a crucial role in technological acceptance. We also found the persistence of the first-order barrier to the acceptance of technology. This finding contradicts an earlier study where it was stated that the first-order barriers were decreasing in schools. It was, however, discovered that several first-order obstacles in the form of external control factors still exist. Furthermore, it was also found that social factors such as voluntariness, image and subjective norm did not play a crucial role in technology acceptance. Finally, our results show that the use of technology has helped teachers in the documentation and planning, as well as identify the benefits of systematic quality work.

Stavebně technologické řešení bytového domu Zderadova / Construction and technological solutions to the apartment building Zderadova

Petinis, Janis January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the Master´s thesis is “Construction and technological solutions to the apartment building Zderadova“. The content is a solution of the whole project from a commercial, construction-technological and time costingness side. The purpose was a preparation of all works before starting an execution.

Dokumentace procesů / Process Documentation

Dostalík, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this project is the identification with management, analysis and documentation of processes which are used in software development and creating prototype which support these processes. It explains why is important to create new working processes, measure their efficiency and improve them subsequently. Next, it describes the methods which help with the integration of these processes at work and, manage them, especially the Rational Unified Process from the IBM company. Then, I describe the ways how to develop www applications and, consequently, how to work with these applications. The thesis also involves the specification of the requirements and the scheme for the program support application of the process documentation and the description of this application. Another part of the thesis is the system in the active web side form serving to the utilization of a process library in the software projects developing.

Komorový most / Box girder bridge

Vostal, Lukáš Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the design of a prestressed box girder construction with several spans. Two variants are designed and for detailed solving was chosen the variant of the box girder. The length of loadbearing structure is 212 m, the longest span has 60 m. The calculation of load effects is done by software Scia Engineer 19.1. Drawing part is done by software Allplan Engineering 2021. The thesis includes drawings, representation of the construction proces, visualization and a structural design. Designing and assessments were made according to currently valid European standarts.

Požární stanice / Fire station

Hoferek, Radomír Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma’s thesis is elaboration of design documentation for execution of an fire station. The fire station building will be used for the continuous performance of the fire protection units of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic for the Olomouc region. The fire station is divided into two operating units. The first part is three storey, partly basement – administrative. The second ground floor is consist of garage spaces and technical background. Both units are dispositionally and operationally interconnected. The structural system in the part of the administration and technical background is wall transverse system made of clay blocks, except of perimeter basement walls, which are lined with concrete fittings (lost formwork). The garage spaces are formed of precast concrete frame. The roof structure is designed as a warm flat roof. The whole object is insulated with a certified thermal insulation system.

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