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Vliv domácí přípravy na školní úspěšnost žáků se specifickými poruchami učení a chování / Influence of home preparation on school success of pupils with specific learniíng and behavioral disordersFialová, Klementina January 2019 (has links)
My thesis occupies with the influence of home preparation for successfulness of pupils with specific learning disturbances and behaviour in basic school. The theoretical part there are explained terms of specific evolutional disturbances of school skills. This part deals with etiology and diagnosis. There are legislative alterations of education and it includes complete reeducational school care which points on importance of teacher's personality and on forming of positive climate in the class. It describes family and its role in connection with all risk factors which influence it. The point of preparation determines learning and behaviour by way of concrete forms and methods of work with pupils with specific disturbances. The empirical part of thesis is compiled by method of qualitative research and it's a result of research investigation which is connected to detailed analysis of acquired data. The main methods of investigation were long-lasting structured pupils' observation, analysis of file documentation and analysis of professional advice. These all together and interviews made complete picture of individual case studies.
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SPU a cizí jazyky na nižším sekundárním stupni škol / Learning Difficulties and Foreign Language Teaching - Lower Secondary SchoolsHrychová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on foreign language teaching to children with specific learning difficulties (LD) at Czech lower secondary schools. It aims to define learning difficulties and describe their causes and manifestations in developing individual foreign language skills and sub-skills. Moreover, the work with these children in the school environment is mentioned and the Czech system of educating them is compared to the French one. The practical part surveys the opinions of foreign language teachers on this subject and analyses the techniques they use with these pupils. Special attention is paid to the differences in the approach of teachers at schools with classes specialized in the tuition of children with LD, schools with extensive language teaching and schools with no specialization. The results indicate that the majority of teachers agree with the integration of pupils with LD into mainstream schools and they favour their exemption from second foreign language study. The individual types of schools differ mainly in the approach towards the presentation of new grammar, in the types of exercises used for the development of communication skills and in the forms of testing and evaluation. Only negligible variations were discovered in other areas of research. KEYWORDS specific learning...
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Pohybová aktivita a její vliv na žáky se specifickými poruchami učení a poruchami chování ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ / Physical activity and its influence on pupils with specific learning disabilities and behavioral disorders in teaching at the 1st stage of primary schoolMuráriková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
TITLE Physical activity and its impact on pupils with specific learning disabilities and behavior disabilities in normal education at primary school AUTHOR Lucie Muráriková SUPERVISOR PhDr. Martin Dlouhý, Ph.D. ABSTRACT This work is focusing on the specific learning and behavioral disabilities. The aim is to create several activity plans and exercise plans which could be used to determine the effect of physical activity on the work of students with learning disabilities and ADHD/ADD. My idea is that the physical activity should not only positively affect the overall quality of teaching, but should also serve very well in the reeducation of specific learning disabilities in children with ADHD and ADD. Pupils with specific learning disabilities should, after a certain period of this experiment, be showing significant changes in their results and knowledge. Pupils with the ADHD and ADD should be showing better results and knowledge due to the improving attention and at the same time the physical activity should influence their length of concentration, disturbance during lessons, or tendencies to aggression. I consulted a child psychologist and a special pedagogue during the creation of the plans and activities for reeducation. And during the observations of two groups - experimental and control - I collected...
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Hodnocení motorické docility adolescentů se specifickými poruchami učení a chování. / Evaluation of the motoric docility level of adolescents with specific learning and behavior disorders.Kaňka, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of the motoric docility level of adolescents with specific learning and behavior disorders. Author: Bc. Ladislav Kaňka Advisor: prof. Ing. Václav Bunc, CSc. Aim of the thesis: The aim of this study is to evaluate the motoric docility level of pupils with specific learning a behavior disorders through the Iowa-Brace test and to compare the results with data from pupils without these disorders. Method: Testing motoric abilities of 13-14 year old (adolescents) with specific learning a behavior disorders through the Iowa-Brace test and later comparing to pupils who do not have any specific learning and behavior disorders. The data was processed with the program IBM SPSS Statistics 24 and then evaluated. Results: Specific learning and behavior disorders have a significant negative impact on the motoric docility level of an individual, which has been proved by poorer performance of these pupils in a test studying the motoric docility level of probands (Iowa-Brace test). The difference in the overall performance in the Iowa-Brace test depends more on the specific learning and behavior disorders than on the sex of the individual. The biggest difference between pupils with and without specific learning and behavior disorders was noticed during the exercise "Turek" (this exercise assesses...
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On dysgraphia diagnosis support via the automation of the BVSCO test scoring : Leveraging deep learning techniques to support medical diagnosis of dysgraphia / Om dysgrafi diagnosstöd via automatisering av BVSCO-testpoäng : Utnyttja tekniker för djupinlärning för att stödja medicinsk diagnos av dysgrafiSommaruga, Riccardo January 2022 (has links)
Dysgraphia is a rather widespread learning disorder in the current society. It is well established that an early diagnosis of this writing disorder can lead to improvement in writing skills. However, as of today, although there is no comprehensive standard process for the evaluation of dysgraphia, most of the tests used for this purpose must be done at a physician’s office. On the other hand, the pandemic triggered by COVID-19 has forced people to stay at home and opened the door to the development of online medical consultations. The present study therefore aims to propose an automated pipeline to provide pre-clinical diagnosis of dysgraphia. In particular, it investigates the possibility of applying deep learning techniques to the most widely used test for assessing writing difficulties in Italy, the BVSCO-2. This test consists of several writing exercises to be performed by the child on paper under the supervision of a doctor. To test the hypothesis that it is possible to enable children to have their writing impairment recognized even at a distance, an innovative system has been developed. It leverages an already developed customized tablet application that captures the graphemes produced by the child and an artificial neural network that processes the images and recognizes the handwritten text. The experimental results were analyzed using different methods and were compared with the actual diagnosis that a doctor would have provided if the test had been carried out normally. It turned out that, despite a slight fixed bias introduced by the machine for some specific exercises, these results seemed very promising in terms of both handwritten text recognition and diagnosis of children with dysgraphia, thus giving a satisfactory answer to the proposed research question. / Dysgrafi är en ganska utbredd inlärningsstörning i dagens samhälle. Det är väl etablerat att en tidig diagnos av denna skrivstörning kan leda till en förbättring av skrivförmågan. Även om det i dag inte finns någon omfattande standardprocess för utvärdering av dysgrafi måste dock de flesta av de tester som används för detta ändamål göras på en läkarmottagning. Å andra sidan har den pandemi som utlöstes av COVID-19 tvingat människor att stanna hemma och öppnat dörren för utvecklingen av medicinska konsultationer online. Syftet med denna studie är därför att föreslå en automatiserad pipeline för att ge preklinisk diagnos av dysgrafi. I synnerhet undersöks möjligheten att tillämpa djupinlärningstekniker på det mest använda testet för att bedöma skrivsvårigheter i Italien, BVSCO-2. Testet består av flera skrivövningar som barnet ska utföra på papper under överinseende av en läkare. För att testa hypotesen att det är möjligt att göra det möjligt för barn att få sina skrivsvårigheter erkända även på distans har ett innovativt system utvecklats. Det utnyttjar en redan utvecklad skräddarsydd applikation för surfplattor som fångar de grafem som barnet producerar och ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk som bearbetar bilderna och känner igen den handskrivna texten. De experimentella resultaten analyserades med hjälp av olika metoder och jämfördes med den faktiska diagnos som en läkare skulle ha ställt om testet hade utförts normalt. Det visade sig att, trots en liten fast bias som maskinen införde för vissa specifika övningar, verkade dessa resultat mycket lovande när det gäller både igenkänning av handskriven text och diagnos av barn med dysgrafi, vilket gav ett tillfredsställande svar på den föreslagna forskningsfrågan.
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Muzikoterapie z pohledu specifických poruch učení a chování / Musicotherapy from the perspective of learning and behavioral disordersPECHOVÁ, Martina January 2009 (has links)
The goal of my diploma thesis is introduce one of alternative direction {--} music therapy, to outline the sphere of specific learning and behavior disorders, and also to give a guide, how to apply components of music therapy during the work with children with these disorders. The thesis consists of two parts {--} a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part focuses on defining key terms, such as music therapy, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysortographia, dyscalculia, dyspinxia, dysmusia, dyspraxia. In my work I aim to clarify the question of ADHD and try to point out the relation of particular learning and behavior disorders. The practical part includes twenty activities that were made firstly according to a methodical manual written by M. Beníčková and Z. Vilímek, who use the Czech method of music therapy {--} Music of body, and secondly on the base of casuistry of two boys attending special practical school. Each activitiy should develop particular skills, comprises tools, motivation, its own description and analysis coming out of a practical accomplishment. The method of observing was used for the evaluation.
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Výzkum pokročilých metod analýzy online písma se zaměřením na hodnocení grafomotorických obtíží u dětí školního věku / Research of Advanced Online Handwriting Analysis Methods with a Special Focus on Assessment of Graphomotor Disabilities in School-aged ChildrenZvončák, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
Grafomotorické dovednosti (GA) představují skupinu psychomotorických procesů, které se zapojují během kreslení a psaní. GA jsou nutnou prerekvizitou pro zvládání základních školních schopností, konkrétně psaní. Děti v první a druhé třídě mohou mít potíže s prováděním jednoduchých grafomotorických úkolů (GD) a později ve třetí a čtvrté třídě také se samotným psaním (HD). Narušení procesů spojených se psaním je obecně nazýváno jako vývojová dysgrafie (DD). Prevalence DD v České republice se pohybuje kolem 3–5 %. V současné době je DD hodnocena subjektivně týmem psychologů a speciálních pedagogů. V praxi stále chybí objektivní měřicí nástroj, který by umožňoval hodnocení GD a HD. Z tohoto důvodu se tato disertační práce zabývá identifikováním symptomů spojených s grafomotorickou neobratností u dětí školního věku a vývojem nových parametrů, které je budou kvantifikovat. Byl vytvořen komplexní GA protokol (36 úloh), který představuje prostředí, ve kterém se mohou projevit různé symptomy spojené s GD a HD. K těmto symptomům bylo přiřazeno 76 kvantifikujících parametrů. Dále byla navrhnuta nová škála grafomotorických obtíží (GDRS) založena na automatizovaném zpracování online píma. Nakonec byla prezentována a otestována nová sada parametrizačních technik založených na Tunable Q Factor Wavelet Transform (TQWT). Parametry TQWT dokážou kvantifikovat grafomotorickou obratnost nebo nedostatečný projev v jemné motorice. GDRS přestavuje nový, moderní a objektivní měřící nástroj, který doposud chyběl jak v České republice, tak v zahraničí. Použití škály by pomohlo modernizovat jak diagnostiku DD, tak reedukační/remediační proces. Další výzkum by tento nástroj mohl adaptovat i do jiných jazyků. Navíc, tato metodologie může být použita a optimalizována pro diagnostiku dalších nemocí a poruch, které ovlivňují grafomotorické dovednosti, například pro autismus, poruchu pozornosti s hyperaktivitou (ADHD) nebo dyspraxii (DCD).
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