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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hybrids of Polyoxometalates supported on mesoporous silica and magnetic core-shell nanoparticles for anchored homogeneous catalysis / Hybrides de Polyoxométallates supportés sur silice mésoporeuse et nanoparticules magnétiques cœur-coquille pour la catalyse homogène supportée

Makrygenni, Ourania 27 October 2017 (has links)
De nouveaux matériaux à base de silice (silice mésoporeuse SBA-15 et nanoparticules coeur-coquille) associés à des hybrides de polyoxométallates lacunaires ont été élaborés pour des applications relavant de la catalyse homogène supportée, lors de réactions d'oxydation douce. Le critère principal a été la formation de liaisons covalentes entre les POMs et les deux types de supports utilisés. Des POMs à structure de Keggin portant des fonctions acide carboxylique ont été greffés sur des SBA-15 fonctionnalisées par des amines. Ce même support a été ensuite utilisé pour d'autres stratégies d'immobilisation covalente, comme l'utilisation d'un agent de réticulation. En parallèle, des nanocatalyseurs hybrides on été synthétisés par l'association de nanoparticules coeur-coquille magnétiques et de POMs. Tous ces matériaux ont été caractérisés par une large gamme de techniques physicochimiques. L'utilisation de la microscopie électronique par transmission haute résolution a permis de localiser les POMs à l'intérieur des pores de la SBA-15 et à la surface des nanoparticules magnétiques, montrant ainsi une très bonne nanostructuration à leur surface. L'activité catalytique des catalyseurs homogènes supportés synthétisés a été évaluée au travers de l'époxydation du cyclooctène et du cyclohexène par H2O2 dans l'acétonitrile. De bonnes conversions ont ainsi été obtenues dans certains cas, en comparaison avec les systèmes homogènes testés lors de ce travail. Une attention particulière a été portée aux bonnes performances catalytiques du POM portant des fonctions acide carboxylique. Des calculs DFT ont ainsi été réalisés afin d'identifier la cause de cette réactivité particulière. / New materials based on silica oxides (mesoporous silica SBA-15, magnetic core-shell nanoparticles) combined with nucleophilic hybrids of (vacant) polyoxometalates were elaborated for applications in the field of anchored homogeneous catalysis for mild oxidations reactions. The main parameter taken into account was the formation of a covalent bond between the support and the POMs. Two different pathways were followed depending upon the support used for the covalently grafting of POMs. Firstly, Keggin type POMs bearing carboxylic acid functions were grafted onto amino-functionalized SBA-15. Using the same support, other covalent immobilization methods were tried out, such as the use of a cross-linker. Secondly, hybrid nanocatalysts based on magnetic core-shell nanoparticles grafted with POMs were synthesized. All materials were characterized by a wide variety of physicochemical techniques. By HR TEM, the POMs were localized inside the pores of SBA-15 and onto the surface of magnetic core shell NPs, showing an excellent nanostructuration on the surface of both materials. Furthermore, the catalytic activity of the synthesized anchored homogeneous catalysts has been evaluated through the epoxidation of cyclooctene and cyclohenexe with H2O2 in acetonitrile, resulting in fairly good conversions in some cases, compared to the homogeneous systems used in this study. Finally, particular attention was paid to the excellent catalytic behavior of POMs bearing carboxylic acid functions compared to other POMs of the same family. Thus, DFT calculations were performed in order to identify the cause of this enhanced reactivity.

HR-medarbetares upplevelser kring spelprevention och policyimplementering på arbetsplatsen / Experiences and thoughts of HR employees regarding gambling prevention and implementation of policies in a workplace environment

Axelsson, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Skadligt bruk är ett brett begrepp som omfattar många olika former av bruk, till exempel av alkohol, droger eller spel om pengar vilket kan påverka arbetsprestationen negativt hos en arbetstagare. På uppdrag av Folkhälsomyndigheten ville man värdera verkningsgraden av genomförda utbildningsinsatser kopplat till problematiskt spelande. Syftet med den här studien är att kvalitativt utvärdera upplevelser av genomförda utbildningsinsatser som organisationen Alna genomfört kring skadligt bruk med fokus på spelproblem. Tematisk analys användes och datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio HR-medarbetare, vars fem organisationer ingick i utbildningsprojektet Spel och spelförebyggande insatser för arbetslivet. Resultatet visar att Alnas metoder och verktyg upplevs som effektiva och värdefulla av undersökningsdeltagarna. Vissa hinder för effektiv implementering av uppdaterade policys och riktlinjer identifierades och dessa kunde bestå av tidsbrist, underbemanning eller eftersatt prioritering av spelfrågan. Vidare framgår det att Alnas utbildningsinsatser främjat utformandet av policys och riktlinjer kring skadligt bruk med fokus på spel och spelproblem i organisationerna. / The complex concept regarding harmful use of different nature, could be related to the use of alcohol, drugs or gambling. Such activities could affect the efficiency and productivity of an employee in a workplace environment in a negative way. At the request of the Public Health Agency of Sweden, a group of scientist was given the task to evaluate a project regarding education concerning problematic gambling. The purpose of the current study is to evaluate a project regarding education concerning gambling and gambling prevention, and was carried out by the organization Alna. Thematic analysis was used and collection of data was done with semi structured interviews, with ten HR-employees whose five organisations was included in the project Gambling and gambling preventive efforts directed towards the labour market. The results show that the methods and tools used by Alna is perceived as efficient and valuable by the participants. Some obstacles which works against efficient implementation of updated policies and guidelines were identified and these could consist of time constraints, under staffing or subordinated priority of the gambling issue per se. Furthermore it seems that the education project regarding gambling prevention performed by Alna has contributed to the development of policies and guidelines regarding harmful use of different kinds with focus on the gambling issue. / Utvärdering av projektet Spelförebyggande Insatser för Arbetslivet – Praktisk Tillämpning och utvärdering.

Využití SWOT analýzy při personálním plánování v DDM a SVČ v Pardubickém kraji / SWOT analysis in the field of personnel planning in Children and Youth Centre and Leisure Centre in Pardubice region

Vacková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The main task of the master thesis is the applicaton of the SWOT analysis in personnel planning for Children and Youth Centre and Leisure Centre in Pardubice region. Theoretical part is focused on definiton of HR planning notion including development phases. In the work, more details of HR planning in the market environment and in schools and educational organizations are discussed. Thoretical part of the work is also focused on SWOT analysis, development of the method, realization, utilization of the method, advantages and disadvantages of the method and the use of the method in the school environment. In the practical part of the thesis quantitative and qualitative research method is applied to achieve the goals of the research. Results of both methods are presented including their evaluation. The conclusion is outlined recommendations for further exploration of the potential of this method in a school environment. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Činitelé ovlivňující pracovní výkon pedagogických pracovníků středních škol v Příbrami / Factors affecting performance of teaching staff of secondary schools in Pribram

Kotěšovská, Hana January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes and analyses the factors influences the working performance. It deals with the basic terms from the management area about the working performance. Mainly the terms work performance, work efficiency, working performance management are described, also the factors influencing the working efficiency are described. It clarifies the difference between the personal assumptions for the working performance relating directly with the worker and external factors, which cannot be influenced by the worker. Thesis is closely aimed at the process and setting which emerges from the organisation running. These factors are verified by the research done at the secondary school in Pribram. The research is executed by quantitative method with the usage of questionnaires. These questionnaires were drawn up that it enabled to compare with the analysis of current definitions of the working performance and working productivity. In the implementation of the research were compared the influences of the individual groups of factors which influence the pedagogical workers' working productivity on the secondary high schools in Pribram. The analysis of the current definitions dealing with the working performance and productivity were confirmed.

Employabilité et implication organisationnelle : quelles pratiques RH ? / Employability and organizational commitment : What HR practices ?

Zgoulli-Swalhi, Saloua 11 December 2014 (has links)
Aujourd'hui la vie au travail est caractérisée par une grande complexité, une imprévisibilité, et une insécurité. L'intérêt pour l'employabilité a été suscité par l'impact économique des pénuries de compétences et de main-d'œuvre et la nature changeante des carrières ainsi que par l'érosion de la sécurité de l'emploi. Pour assurer la sécurité d'emploi de ses salariés qui sont garants de son adaptation et de sa performance, l'entreprise doit mener des actions pour maintenir et développer leur employabilité. La finalité de cette recherche est de comprendre comment les pratiques RH influencent l'employabilité et l'implication organisationnelle. La réponse à cette problématique contribue à proposer aux organisations une approche adaptée de l'utilisation des pratiques RH qu'elles ont à leur disposition. Deux types de méthodologie ont été croisés. D'abord une étude qualitative exploratoire a été menée auprès d'un échantillon multi-acteur de 21 personnes (Dirigeants, DRH et salariés). Elle a visé à enrichir et à vérifier la pertinence du modèle proposé à l'issue de l'analyse de la littérature, à identifier les pratiques RH favorables à l'employabilité et à explorer le concept de l'employabilité à travers une explicitation de ses dimensions. Ensuite une étude quantitative, auprès de 266 salariés, nous a permis de vérifier le type de relations qui peuvent exister entre les pratiques RH, l'employabilité et l'implication organisationnelle. Notre recherche montre que, d'une manière générale, les pratiques RH influencent positivement l'employabilité et l'implication organisationnelle notamment la dimension affective. Cette étude propose cinq familles de pratiques RH (l'organisation qualifiante et la mobilité, la formation et l'évaluation, la communication, la GPEC et la rémunération) qui agissent sur l'employabilité (individuelle, par les compétences, et interne/externe) et sur l'implication organisationnelle (affective et calculée). / Today working life is characterized by highly complex, unpredictability and insecurity. The interest for employability was motivated by the economic impact of skills shortages and labor force; the changing nature of careers, and the erosion of job security.To ensure the job security of its employees who are guarantors of its adaptation and its performance, the organization must take action to maintain and to develop their employability.The purpose of our study is to understand how HR practices influence employability and organizational commitment. The answer to this issue helps organizations provide a suitable method in terms how to use HR practices which they have at their disposal approach.Two types of methodology were crossed. First, an exploratory qualitative study was conducted with a multi-actor sample, 21 persons (executives, DHR and employees) were interviewed. It aimed to enrich and to verify the relevance of the research model proposed after the literature review; to identify HR practices in favor to employability; and to explore the concept of employability through an explanation of its dimensions. Then a quantitative study among 266 employees helps us to confirm the type of relationship that may exist between HR practices, employability and organizational commitment.Our research shows that in a general way, HR practices positively influence the employability and organizational commitment particularly affective dimension. This study suggests five families of HR practices (the learning organization and mobility, training and evaluation, communication, compensation and management planning of employment and skills) acting on employability (individual approach, skills approach, and internal / external approachs) and organizational commitment (affective dimension and continuance dimension).

Contribution des pratiques RSE à l'éclatement du plafond de verre et à l'engagement des femmes cadres : le cas de deux entreprises au Maroc / Contribution of CSR practices to the breaking of the glass ceiling and to executive women’s commitment : the case of two companies in Morocco

Bennani Meziane, Ghita 25 November 2016 (has links)
Les femmes se heurtent, depuis leur intégration sur le marché du travail, à des barrières qui ralentissent leur évolution professionnelle, limitant leur accès au sommet des organisations. Le «plafond de verre» est l'appellation usitée pour faire référence à ces barrières invisibles. Ce travail doctoral propose d’apporter une contribution à son étude en le replaçant dans un cadre théorique intégrant ses antécédents et ses conséquences. Il se focalise en particulier sur l’impact des pratiques de Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises (RSE) orientées vers le genre sur l’éclatement du plafond de verre et sur l’engagement des femmes cadres, dans un environnement culturel (le Maroc) et organisationnel (secteurs d’activité masculins) spécifique, par le biais d’une étude de cas. Celle-ci a porté sur deux entreprises industrielles marocaines, dont l’une est labellisée RSE, où des entretiens semi-directifs avec les salariés (femmes et hommes) et les représentants de la Direction ont été conduits. Les données issues des 64 entretiens réalisés ont été complétées par des observations et une analyse documentaire. Sur le plan théorique, nous nous inscrivons dans la nouvelle conceptualisation de l’engagement proposée par Klein et al. (2012, 2014) et adaptons leur modèle processuel d’engagement multi-cibles. La modélisation proposée souligne les effets contradictoires ou synergiques entre les cibles ou entre les types de liens (d’engagement ou relevant d’une autre nature). D’un point de vue managérial, les résultats de ce travail ouvrent des perspectives pour améliorer la gestion des ressources humaines et contrôler ses effets sur les attitudes et les comportements des salariés. / Since women have been integrated to the labor market, they encounter barriers which slow down their professional evolution and limit their access to top management. The« glass ceiling » is the expression used to refer to these invisible barriers. This doctoral work proposes a contribution to the study of these barriers by placing it within a theoretical framework which integrates its antecedents and its consequences. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the impact of gender oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices on the breaking of the glass ceiling and on executive women’s commitment, in a particular cultural (Morocco) and organizational environment (male-dominated sectors), through a case study. Semi-directive interviews were conducted, with employees (women and men) and management representatives in two different industrial Moroccan companies, one of them which was CSR certified. The data based on 64 interviews was complemented by observations and a documentary analysis. From a theoretical point of view, we fit into the new conceptualization of commitment suggested by Klein and al. (2012, 2014), by adapting their multi-target process model of commitment. The proposed modelling highlights the opposing or synergetic effects between targets or between bond types (either commitment or of a different nature). From the managerial viewpoint, the results of this work offer avenues to improve human resource management and the control of its impact on employee attitudes and behaviors.

Problematika personálního řízení ve vybrané firmě / A Set of Problems connected with Personnel Management in a Chosen Company

Čechová, Kristýna January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to create a complete overview of particular activities of the human resources politics from the perspective of a modern corporate management. On the basis of theoretical principles developed by the HR management to assess the individual activities in the example of selected company and propose improvements in areas, in which seems deficiencies. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first part of the thesis summarizes the theoretical principles of HR management, which constitute the basis for the evaluation of the HR management in the selected company, referred in the practical part. The second chapter is devoted to the characteristics of the company, which is next featured under the fictitious name of Chemická, a.s.. The third part of the thesis presents a comprehensive view of HR management practice in the watched company. The structure of this part of the most deliberately corresponds theoretical part. Fourth part of the thesis evaluate on the basis of theoretical knowledge the real HR management in the selected company. The HR management is showing no sign of any serious failure. The activities are carried out professionally and secured by sophisticated company directives. The HR management seeks to meet both, corporate and the personal needs and goals. Chemická, a.s. respects in managing their human resources the modern approaches and strengthens so the strongest of the four pillars of business, the human resources.

Adaptační proces v České spořitelně, a. s. / An adaptation process in Česká spořitelna, Ltd.

Plecendová, Kamila January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the management of human resources in a selected company, with a special focus given to the development and management of the adaptation process of new employees. The main of the diploma thesis is to considerate the effectiveness of the adaptation process in the selected company. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a pratical part. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts of the adaptation process and includes possible changes related to the process. The practical part introduces the selected company and its particular adaptation process. The process is further analyzed. Using a questionnaire survey, the emphasis is given to the opinions of new employees upon the adaptation process. As a conclusion, several improvement concepts of the adaptation process, based on the analysis of the results of the questionnaire survey, are suggested.


Moses, J. I., Marley, M. S., Zahnle, K., Line, M. R., Fortney, J. J., Barman, T. S., Visscher, C., Lewis, N. K., Wolff, M. J. 23 September 2016 (has links)
The past decade has seen significant progress on the direct detection and characterization of young, self-luminous giant planets at wide orbital separations from their host stars. Some of these planets show evidence for disequilibrium processes like transport-induced quenching in their atmospheres; photochemistry may also be important, despite the large orbital distances. These disequilibrium chemical processes can alter the expected composition, spectral behavior, thermal structure, and cooling history of the planets, and can potentially confuse determinations of bulk elemental ratios, which provide important insights into planet-formation mechanisms. Using a thermo/photochemical kinetics and transport model, we investigate the extent to which disequilibrium chemistry affects the composition and spectra of directly imaged giant exoplanets. Results for specific "young Jupiters" such as HR 8799 b and 51 Eri b are presented, as are general trends as a function of planetary effective temperature, surface gravity, incident ultraviolet flux, and strength of deep atmospheric convection. We find that quenching is very important on young Jupiters, leading to CO/CH4 and N-2/NH3 ratios much greater than, and H2O mixing ratios a factor of a few less than, chemical-equilibrium predictions. Photochemistry can also be important on such planets, with CO2 and HCN being key photochemical products. Carbon dioxide becomes a major constituent when stratospheric temperatures are low and recycling of water via the H-2 + OH reaction becomes kinetically stifled. Young Jupiters with effective temperatures less than or similar to 700 K are in a particularly interesting photochemical regime that differs from both transiting hot Jupiters and our own solar-system giant planets.

Estudo da monitorização contínua de glicose e das respostas de pressão arterial, frequência cardíaca e de outros parâmetros fisiológicos antes e após treinamento físico em diabéticos tipo II / Study of continuos glucose monitoring and responses in blood pressure, heart rate and others physiological parameters before and after physical training in type II diabetics

Daniele Albano Pinheiro 19 March 2014 (has links)
Há muitas alterações nos sistemas fisiológicos de indivíduos com diabetes melittus em função dos constantes momentos de hiperglicemia, principalmente alterações relacionadas ao aumento dos riscos cardiovasculares. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as respostas do controle glicêmico pelo monitor contínuo de glicose e da pressão arterial (PA), frequência cardíaca (FC) e sua variabilidade expressa pelos valores de RMSSD em diabéticos tipo II submetidos a testes de avaliação antes e após a realização de treinamento aeróbio e resistido. Participaram desse estudo 9 voluntários diabéticos tipo II do sexo masculino (45 a 65 anos) divididos em 3 grupos: DTA (n=7), diabéticos submetidos a seis semanas de treinamento aeróbio; DTR (n=5), diabéticos submetidos a treinamento resistido e GDC (n=5), diabéticos sem qualquer treinamento regular. Os voluntários realizaram testes laboratoriais, ergoespirometria e teste de fadiga em leg press antes e após o treinamento físico. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste t de Student e pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis. Os voluntários tiveram a cinética da concentração de glicose mensurada pelo monitor contínuo e analisada qualitativamente antes, durante e após a realização da ergoespirometria e do teste de fadiga por 60 minutos. Como resultados o grupo DTA apresentou menores valores de concentração de glicose pela monitorização contínua e o grupo DTR a melhor resposta na cinética dessa curva, apresentando expressivo decaimento na mesma. Em relação à resposta pressórica, somente a PA diastólica (PAD) foi menor estatisticamente para o grupo DTA pós treinamento aeróbio no repouso. Não houve diferenças entre os valores pré e pós treinamentos em relação à FC e os voluntários do grupo DTA apresentaram maiores valores de RMSSD em repouso e o do grupo DTR incrementos desses valores na recuperação dos testes, mostrando maior ação parassimpática no controle autonômico cardíaco dos diabéticos submetidos a treinamentos. Os indivíduos do grupo GDC apresentaram decremento nesse valor, sugerindo piora no controle autonômico cardíaco. Como conclusão geral, este estudo sugere que indivíduos diabéticos tipo II que realizaram treinamento aeróbio e resistido apresentaram benefícios complementares no controle glicêmico registrado pelo monitor contínuo em repouso e no período de recuperação de exercício, respectivamente, adaptações que parecem estar associadas à melhora da ação parassimpática/vagal no controle autonômico cardíaco e, sugere, também, ser o treinamento físico aeróbio o que permite melhor organização hemodinâmica nas respostas de PAD. / There are many changes in physiological systems of people with diabetes melittus due to the constant moments of hyperglycemia, mainly related to increasing of cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was evaluate the responses of glycemic control by continuos glucose monitoring and blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and its variability expressed by the values of RMSSD in type II diabetics undergoing evaluation tests before and after performing aerobic and resistance training. Participants were 9 volunteers type II diabetic male (45-64 years) divided in 3 groups: DTA (n=7), diabetics undergoing six weeks of aerobic training; DTR (n=5), diabetics undergoing resistance training and GDC (n=5), diabetics without any regular training. The volunteers underwent laboratory tests, spirometry and fatigue tests on leg press before and after physical training. The results were statistically analyzed by Students t and Kruskal Wallis tests. The volunteers had the kinetics of glucose concentration measured by the continuos monitor and qualitatively analyzed before, during and after the spirometry and the fatigue tests for 60 minutes. As a result the DTA group had lower glucose concentration by continuos monitoring and DTR the best response in the kinetic curve, showing important decrease in it. In relation to the BP response, only diastolic BP (DBP) was statistically lower for the DTA group after aerobic training. There were no differences between pre and post training in HR and the DTA group showed higher RMSSD at rest and the DTR group showed increments of these values in the tests recovery showing higher parasympathetic action on cardiac autonomic control in diabetics patients with training. Individuals in the GDC group showed decrement this value, suggesting deterioration in cardiac autonomic control. As a general conclusion, this study suggests that type II diabetic individuals who performed aerobic and resistance training showed additional benefits in glycemic control by continuos monitor recorded at rest and during exercise recovery, respectively, adaptations that seem to be associated with improvement in parasympathetic action in cardiac autonomic control, and also suggests that aerobic exercise training has better organization hemodynamic in responses of DBP.

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