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Previous issue date: 2012-09-20 / This is a research about modern human reality and reveals a web of contradictions,
challenging a lot of researchers in education to address the issue of youth. The research aimed
to discuss one of the most debated phenomenon in contemporary society, a kind of
manifestation of youth violence that occurs inside and outside the school walls, called
bullying. Participated in this research youth of high school graduates of the Military School
Multipurpose Model Vasco dos Reis, with aged between 16 and 18 years. In this Military
College case, we have to considering the process of militarization it was gone through, as
well, two fields rise: the educational - established by the State of Goiás Education System and
the Military field - established by the State of Goiás Military Police Command. The social
space is used for different movement s domination and power; symbolic violence materializes
in disciplinary regulations that predict (warnings, suspension and expulsion), this way the
pedagogical action exerted by the school will be decisive. So pretty straightforward, most
young people interviewed recognized having suffered or committed some type of bullying. It
should also emphasize the line of research that guides the research: Education, Culture and
Society. With this research, I try to establish a bridge within teachers, students, education
professionals and general public, the studies of Bourdieu. For this, I used technical research
procedures and observation, questionnaire and interview. Even are made references to authors
who discuss the topic nationally and internationally. It was evidenced in this study, the
perceived violent practices among young people behind a curtain of strict disciplinary
elements adopted by teaching agents of Military College, in the secret of classrooms, in the
most various forms of invisible coercion, it was Bourdieu called symbolic violence. / Este é um trabalho de investigação acerca da realidade humana moderna e revela uma trama
de contradições, desafiando um grande número de pesquisadores da área de educação a focar
a questão da juventude, o que comprova a importância da referida temática. A pesquisa se
propôs a discutir um dos fenômenos mais debatidos na sociedade contemporânea, um tipo de
manifestação de violência juvenil que ocorre dentro e fora dos muros da escola, chamado
bullying. Participou desta pesquisa jovens concluintes do ensino médio do Colégio Militar
Polivalente Modelo Vasco dos Reis, com idades entre 16 e 18 anos. No caso deste Colégio
Militar, vale considerar o fato de o mesmo ter passado por um processo de militarização
assim, dois campos sociais e de poder se impõem: o campo educacional estabelecido pelo
Sistema de Ensino do Estado de Goiás e o campo Militar estabelecido pelo Comando da
Polícia Militar do Estado de Goiás. Nesse espaço social são utilizados diferentes movimentos
de dominação e luta de poder; a violência simbólica materializa-se nos regulamentos
disciplinares, que preveem sanções (advertências, suspensão, expulsão), desse modo, a ação
pedagógica exercida pela escola será determinante. De modo bastante objetivo, grande parte
dos jovens entrevistados reconheceram já haver sofrido ou cometido algum tipo de bullying.
Importa ainda ressaltar a linha de pesquisa que pauta o trabalho: Educação, Cultura e
Sociedade. Com esta pesquisa, procuro estabelecer mediação colocando ao alcance de
professores, estudantes, profissionais da educação e público em geral os estudos de Bourdieu
como fundamento teórico para melhor compreender a violência escolar na modalidade
bullying, para tanto, me utilizei dos procedimentos técnicos da pesquisa como a observação, o
questionário e a entrevista. São feitas ainda referências a autores que discutem a temática em
âmbito nacional e internacional. Ficou evidenciado, nessa pesquisa, que as práticas violentas
percebidas entre os jovens por trás de uma cortina de elementos disciplinares rigorosos
adotados pelos agentes pedagógicos do Colégio Militar, acontecem no recôndito das salas de
aula, nas mais variadas formas invisíveis de coação, o que Bourdieu chamou de violência
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Bullying em pacientes com fissura labiopalatina: avaliação da ocorrência, consequências e aspectos legais relacionados / Bullying in patients with cleft lip and palate: evaluation of occurrence, consequences and legal aspectsCarreira, Alexandre Luiz Fantin 03 August 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em verificar a prevalência do bullying em pacientes com fissura labiopalatina e comparar com a prevalência dessa agressão em um grupo de indivíduos sem anomalias craniofaciais, bem como avaliar as consequências do bullying no processo de formação educacional e desenvolvimento social e, ainda, avaliar a necessidade de intervenção do Estado por meio de políticas públicas ou leis específicas visando a prevenção e/ou repressão dessa conduta discriminatória. Material e Métodos: A amostra consistiu de 200 (duzentos) pais, mães ou responsáveis de filhos com fissura labiopalatina em tratamento no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais, Universidade de São Paulo e que também tinham filhos sem fissura labiopalatina, bem como do próprio paciente, quando maior de 18 (dezoito) anos de idade. Os pais, o responsável e o próprio paciente maior de idade responderam a um questionário dotado de questões objetivas e discursivas acerca dessa problemática. O questionário foi dividido em duas partes, sendo uma a respeito do filho com fissura labiopalatina e a outra sobre o filho sem fissura. A comparação intergrupos da frequência de bullying foi realizada utilizando-se os testes do qui-quadrado e o teste de McNemar, com nível de significância de 5% (p <0,05). Resultado: A frequência de bullying reportada para os indivíduos com fissuras (51%) foi significantemente maior do que a relatada para os filhos sem fissuras (19,5%), identificando a ocorrência de consequências negativas e a reiteração desse comportamento agressivo, bem como identificou-se a necessidade de o Estado intervir prevenindo ou reprimindo a prática do bullying, com políticas públicas e, de forma secundária, editando leis punitivas. Conclusão: Os pacientes com fissura labiopalatina estão sujeitos a uma maior frequência da ocorrência do bullying, sofrendo consequências negativas na formação educacional e no desenvolvimento social. A adoção de políticas públicas, com programas antibullying, foi identificada como forma mais adequada de o Estado intervir na prevenção ou repressão do bullying, preservando a dignidade da pessoa humana / Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of occurrence of bullying in patients with cleft palate and compare the frequency of this aggression in a group of individuals without craniofacial anomalies, as well as evaluating the consequences of bullying in the process of educational and social development, in order to check the strength of that lien in people with cleft. Also consisted of assess the need for state intervention through public policies or specific laws for prevention or repression this discriminatory conduct. Methodology: The sample consisted of 200 (two hundred) fathers, mothers or tutors with child in treatment at the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo and have at least two (02) children aged from six (06) years old, where one of the children have cleft lip and not the other. The parent, the tutor or the own patient when have age 18 years old, completed a questionnaire endowed with objective and discursive questions about this issue. The questionnaire was divided into two parts, one about the individuals with cleft lip and palate and another individuals without this craniofacial anomaly. We included parents of adolescent patients with pre-foramen fissures, postforamen and incisive transforamen, unilateral and bilateral. For comparison between two groups of teenagers, we used the chi-square and McNemar test, with significance level of 5% (p <0.05). Results: The frequency of bullying reported for individuals with clefts (51%) was significantly higher than that reported for children without clefts (19.5%), identifying the occurrence of adverse effects and repetition of this aggressive behavior as well as the need to the state intervene preventing or repressing, as primarily public policies and also, secondarily, editing punitive laws. Conclusion: Patients with cleft lip and palate are subject to a higher frequency of bullying occurrence, suffering negative consequences on educational and social development. The adoption of public policies with anti-bullying programs, was identified as the most appropriate way for the state to intervene in the prevention or suppression of bullying, preserving the dignity of the human person
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Suscetibilidade e resiliência aos efeitos da subjugação social prolongada em camundongos machos adolescentes: estudo do BDNF cerebral. / Susceptibility and resilience to the effects of prolonged social defeat in adolescent male mice: studying BDNF in the brain.Santos, Leonardo Alves dos 09 December 2014 (has links)
A adolescência é caracterizada como um período de grande estresse na vida humana, sendo o bullying um dos principais estressores desencadeantes de distúrbios psiquiátricos. Modelos animais de depressão usam o estresse social prolongado como indutores de depressão. Utilizamos o modelo de subjugação (ou derrota) social prolongada em camundongos machos adolescentes para estudar a regulação do BDNF neste contexto. Os animais submetidos ao estresse psicossocial apresentaram anedonia no teste de preferência por sacarose e esquiva social no teste de interação social. Explorando a variabilidade comportamental, identificamos grupos suscetíveis e resilientes ao estresse. Animais suscetíveis apresentaram uma redução na expressão do transcrito Bdnf4 e dos níveis proteicos de BDNF total e sua isoforma truncada somente no estriado dorsal, área ainda pouco relacionada à depressão, enquanto que não ocorreram alterações no córtex pré-frontal e hipocampo, áreas comumente afetadas durante a depressão. / Adolescence is characterized by a period of life with great amount of stress, being the bullying one of the main stressors leading to psychiatry disorders. Animal models of depression use prolonged social stress to model depression. We used the prolonged social defeat model in adolescent male mice to study BDNF regulation in this context. Defeated mice showed anhedonia in the sucrose preference test, and social avoidance in the social interaction test. We took advantage of the behavioral outcome variability to identify susceptible and resilient groups to the stress. The susceptible mice showed a reduction in Bdnf4 transcripts, and in total BDNF protein levels, as well as its truncated form in the dorsal striatum, a brain area not much related to depression. However, BDNF gene or protein expression did not differ in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, areas commonly associated with depression.
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Cartografia do cuidado ao adolescente: bullying e intersetorialidade / Cartography of care to adolescents: Bullying and intersectoral approachPigozi, Pamela Lamarca 22 June 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A produção de cuidado direcionada aos adolescentes envolvidos em situações de bullying é necessariamente intersetorial. Deste modo pode ocorrer não somente na escola, mas no setor saúde e na comunidade. Objetivo: Cartografar a produção de cuidados de forma intersetorial aos adolescentes envolvidos em situações de bullying. Método: O método da cartografia possibilita acompanhar processos e percursos e se dá de três formas: ao acessar a experiência, ao disparar acontecimentos inéditos por meio da interação do coletivo e ao produzir efeitos. É desta forma que a pesquisa-intervenção aconteceu nesta tese por meio da construção de mapas de cuidados, de afetos, de diálogos, de opiniões, de acontecimentos nunca antes pensados. A cartografia possibilita o uso de ferramentas metodológicas ou dispositivos. O lugar do pesquisador neste processo é facilitar o uso desses dispositivos que, por sua vez, disparam os analisadores ou problemas. Nesta pesquisa, três dispositivos, em diferentes cenários, foram usados: a entrevista, com um adolescente (em sua casa); o fluxograma analisador, com os profissionais de saúde de uma equipe da Estratégia de Saúde da Família, e rodas de conversas, com professores do Ensino Fundamental. Além destes elementos, o diário de campo também foi utilizado para registrar cenas do cotidiano dos participantes. Aplicar tais ferramentas nesses três espaços veio como uma aposta para compreender a produção de cuidado ao adolescente que sofre bullying em uma rede intersetorial. Resultados: Todos os cenários produziram cuidado ao adolescente que estava envolvido em situações de bullying. Porém, tal cuidado, muitas vezes, pulsava e noutras, minguava. Além disso, o uso de dispositivos inaugurou nos coletivos novas possibilidades de produzir cuidado. O adolescente falou sobre seus percursos em busca de ajuda e de seu autocuidado. Os profissionais da saúde, ao visualizar o trajeto do adolescente, por meio do fluxograma analisador, repensaram formas engessadas de fazer saúde, nas quais molecularidades nunca antes imaginadas emergiram e os fizeram construir um cuidado com outras possibilidades de vida, para além do diagnóstico médico. Já os professores do Ensino Fundamental compartilharam cenas do cotidiano escolar com os colegas de trabalho; tal ato possibilitou a criação de novas formas de amparar o adolescente que é vítima de tal violência na escola. Além disso, depararam-se com questões institucionais limitadoras atreladas à gestão. Discussões permitiram que todos opinassem e verbalizassem seus incômodos e esta forma possibilitou rearranjos no funcionamento daquele coletivo. Conclusões: O cuidado ao adolescente envolvido com o bullying mostrou-se oscilante na intersetorialidade. Entretanto, por meio da cartografia, houve intervenção nos três cenários, inaugurando outras formas de cuidar do adolescente. / Introduction: The production of care directed to adolescents involved in bullying situations is necessarily intersectoral. Thus, this production may occur not only at school but also in the health sector and in the community. Objective: To map the intersectoral production of care to adolescents involved in bullying. Method: Mapping makes it possible to monitor processes and routes, and it occurs in three ways: by accessing the experience, by triggering unprecedented events through the collective interaction and by producing effects. This is how the research-intervention took place in this work, through the construction of care maps, emotions, dialogues and opinions of events that had never been considered before. Mapping allows the use of methodological tools or dispositifs. The researcher\'s role in this process is to facilitate the use of these dispositifs, which in turn, trigger the problems. In this research project, we used three dispositifs in different scenarios: the interview with an adolescent (in his/her home), the Flowchart Analyzer with health professionals of a team of Family Health Strategies and conversations with elementary school teachers. In addition to these elements, the field diary was also used to record scenes of everyday life of participants. Applying these tools to these three areas was an attempt to understand the production of care to adolescents suffering bullying in an intersectoral network. Results: All scenarios produced care to the adolescent involved in bullying. At times, such care throbbed and at other times, it simply waned. Furthermore, the use of dispositifs opened new possibilities to produce collective care. The adolescent talked about his/her journey in search of help and self care. Health professionals, by viewing the adolescent\'s path through the Flowchart Analyzer, rethought the fixed forms of health care and aspects never thought before emerged which, in turn, made them build up care considering other life styles, beyond the medical diagnosis. Elementary school teachers, on the other hand, shared scenes of everyday school life with co-workers. This enabled the creation of new ways to support the adolescent who is a victim of such violence at school. Moreover, teachers have to handle limiting constitutional issues linked to management. Discussions allowed everybody to express their opinions and verbalize their discomfort thus enabling possible rearrangements within that group. Conclusions: Care to adolescents involved in bullying was found to be oscillating in terms of intersectoral approach. However, through mapping there were interventions in the three scenarios, opening other ways to care for adolescents.
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Suscetibilidade e resiliência aos efeitos da subjugação social prolongada em camundongos machos adolescentes: estudo do BDNF cerebral. / Susceptibility and resilience to the effects of prolonged social defeat in adolescent male mice: studying BDNF in the brain.Leonardo Alves dos Santos 09 December 2014 (has links)
A adolescência é caracterizada como um período de grande estresse na vida humana, sendo o bullying um dos principais estressores desencadeantes de distúrbios psiquiátricos. Modelos animais de depressão usam o estresse social prolongado como indutores de depressão. Utilizamos o modelo de subjugação (ou derrota) social prolongada em camundongos machos adolescentes para estudar a regulação do BDNF neste contexto. Os animais submetidos ao estresse psicossocial apresentaram anedonia no teste de preferência por sacarose e esquiva social no teste de interação social. Explorando a variabilidade comportamental, identificamos grupos suscetíveis e resilientes ao estresse. Animais suscetíveis apresentaram uma redução na expressão do transcrito Bdnf4 e dos níveis proteicos de BDNF total e sua isoforma truncada somente no estriado dorsal, área ainda pouco relacionada à depressão, enquanto que não ocorreram alterações no córtex pré-frontal e hipocampo, áreas comumente afetadas durante a depressão. / Adolescence is characterized by a period of life with great amount of stress, being the bullying one of the main stressors leading to psychiatry disorders. Animal models of depression use prolonged social stress to model depression. We used the prolonged social defeat model in adolescent male mice to study BDNF regulation in this context. Defeated mice showed anhedonia in the sucrose preference test, and social avoidance in the social interaction test. We took advantage of the behavioral outcome variability to identify susceptible and resilient groups to the stress. The susceptible mice showed a reduction in Bdnf4 transcripts, and in total BDNF protein levels, as well as its truncated form in the dorsal striatum, a brain area not much related to depression. However, BDNF gene or protein expression did not differ in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, areas commonly associated with depression.
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[pt] O intenso contato das gerações mais jovens com a internet traz novas demandas para a escola. Como a escola vê seu papel diante desse cenário? A pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar as representações sociais de diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos acerca do papel da escola nas questões relativas ao cyberbullying, em interação com o discurso midiático. O trabalho de campo foi realizado em duas etapas: na primeira, foram coletados materiais sobre cyberbullying em veículos de comunicação de grande circulação (três jornais, três revistas, duas estações de rádio e dois canais de televisão); na segunda etapa, foram realizadas entrevistas com diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos de dez escolas da rede pública municipal do Rio de Janeiro, localizadas em diferentes bairros, selecionadas aleatoriamente a partir de uma amostra representativa de 40 escolas. O referencial teórico-metodológico adotado é a Teoria das Representações Sociais, de Serge Moscovici, e a Teoria do Núcleo Central, de Jean Claude Abric. O material das duas etapas da pesquisa foi submetido a uma análise de conteúdo com o auxílio do software Atlas TI. Os elementos do núcleo central das representações sociais, comuns aos meios de comunicação e às entrevistas, foram: a relação entre bullying e cyberbullying, internet (mais especificamente, os sites de redes sociais) e o papel da família. O papel da escola foi identificado como um elemento central no discurso dos meios de comunicação, mas não na fala dos gestores escolares. No discurso veiculado nas mídias, a escola é representada como tendo um importante papel a cumprir, na prevenção e no combate ao cyberbullying, mas é vista como omissa e negligente. No discurso dos gestores, é a família que é vista como falha. / [en] The intense contact of the youngest generations with the Internet brings new demands to the school. How does the school see its role in this scenario? The research aims to identify and to analyze the social representations of the role of school in cyberbullying-related issues, from the speech of directors and/or pedagogical coordinators, and in the interaction between the school discourse and the media discourse. The field research was conducted in two stages: in the first one, cyberbullying materials were collected in mass media (three newspapers, three magazines, two radio stations and two television channels); in the second stage, interviews were carried out with directors and pedagogical coordinators of ten public schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, located in different neighborhoods, randomly selected from a representative sample of 40 schools. The theoretical and methodological framework adopted is the Social Representations Theory, proposed by Serge Moscovici, and the Central Nucleus Theory, elaborated by Jean Claude Abric. The material of the two stages of the research was submitted to an analysis of content with the aid of Atlas TI software. The elements of the central nucleus of the social representations, common to the media and the interviews, were the relation between bullying and cyberbullying, Internet (more specifically, the social networking sites), and the role of the family. The role of school was identified as a central element in the media discourse, but not in the speech of the school managers. In the media discourse, school is represented as having an important role to play in preventing and combating cyberbullying, but it is seen as omissive and negligent. In the discourse of the managers, it is the family that is seen as neglectful.
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As representações sobre o bullying entre professores da escola pública e suas conexões com gênero, geração e saúde / Representations of bullying among public school teachers and their links to health and genderMoraes, Joicimar Cristina Cozza Andrade 21 October 2016 (has links)
A violência no ambiente escolar entre os adolescentes, mais especificamente, o bullying, objeto do presente estudo, define-se como qualquer ato praticado de maneira isolada ou em grupo nas instituições de ensino envolvendo o corpo discente que se caracterize pela repetição e seja marcado por situações de agressão física, humilhação, constrangimentos, exclusão, dano moral, bem como preconceitos referentes à gênero, raça/etnia, que causem danos físicos, morais ou sociais à vítima. Nessa perspectiva, a presente pesquisa investigou as representações sobre o bullying entre professores e professoras da escola pública e suas conexões com gênero, geração e saúde. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, descritivo e interpretativo. O estudo também se constituiu de uma pesquisa de campo, com análise qualitativa e resultados apresentados nas análises das entrevistas. O universo pesquisado constituiu-se de duas escolas públicas do município de Araçatuba, interior do estado de São Paulo por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com professores e professoras em visita in loco. O estudo buscou basear-se no construcionismo social, marcadamente presente nas pesquisas brasileiras e que se constitui como produção teórica que ganhou destaque na literatura internacional, sobretudo na Psicologia nas últimas décadas / The present work aims to study a specific kind of violence at school among adolescents: the bullying. Bullying is defined as any act practiced in isolation or in groups in educational institutions related to the student\'s body. This acts are characterized by repetition and characterized by physical aggression, humiliation, embarrassment, exclusion, moral harassment and prejudices related to gender, race/ ethnicity, causing direct or indirect damage to the victim, either physically, emotionally or socially. In this perspective, the present study investigated the representations of bullying among teachers from public school and its connections with gender, generation and health. This is an exploratory research, descriptive and interpretive. The study also consisted of a field research, qualitative analysis and results presented in the analysis of the interviews. The group studied consisted of two public schools in the city of Araçatuba, the state of São Paulo through semistructured interviews with teachers and teachers on-site visits. The study is based on social constructionism, very present in Brazilian research and what constitutes as a theoretical production that gained prominence in the international literature, especially in psychology in recent decades
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Bullying in schools: the role of empathy, temperament, and emotion regulationUnknown Date (has links)
Peer aggression and bullying are significant problems for children in American schools. While a large body of research has been conducted in this area, none to date has examined the combined roles of temperament (behavioral activation system, or BAS, and behavioral inhibition system, or BIS), and empathy in predicting participation in bullying interactions. Previous research has found that low empathy facilitates aggressive behavior, while high empathy inhibits it, and has linked poor emotion regulation to conduct disorders. Thus, if these factors can predict behaviors towards peers, they may also predict (independently and in combination) involvement in bullying, specifically the roles assumed in those interactions - that is: bully, victim, bully-victim (a child who is both bully and victim), or defender/protector. The present study tested 226 middle school students on a measure of empathy (Interpersonal Reactivity Index), and a measure of temperament (BIS/BAS Scales). The students also completed a Peer Nomination Inventory to identify children who were aggressive toward others, victimized by peers, and/or protected peers from bullies. Although not all predictions were supported, results showed that certain sub-components of empathy, such as empathic concern (affective empathy) and personal distress (a measure of emotion regulation) predicted the behavior of "pure bullies" (bullies who are not themselves victimized), but not of other aggressive children such as bully-victims. High BAS drive and low BIS were significant predictors of aggressive behavior, and BAS reward responsiveness predicted protective behavior. Victimized children had higher fantasy (ability to identify with fictional characters) and lower perspective-taking (cognitive empathy) skills, and tended not to have overlapping characteristics and behaviors with protective children. / These characteristics did not interact significantly with each other or with age, gender, ethnicity, or SES of students. It was concluded that pure bullies lack affective empathy, and victims lack cognitive empathy. That is, empathy is multidimensional and empathy deficits vary in type, but all lead to some form of socioemotional impairment. Furthermore, aggressive victims are a unique sub-group of children with unique characteristics. / by Chantal M. Gagnon. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.
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A study of the perceived stress, appraisal, coping and psychosocial consequence of school bullying among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2009 (has links)
Phase two was a large scale survey, whereby a convenient sample of 1319 junior secondary school students were recruited from five schools in the main study. A total number of 1211 students aged 11 years and older completed the questionnaires. The results of the main study showed that the three occurrences of bullying stressors which occurred most frequently were "Bullies make fun of my physical appearance unpleasantly", "Bullies insult me in front of other people" and "Bullies intentionally trick me". Findings also indicated that adolescents often appraised bullying as being "Physical harm or emotional hurt" and "Threaten of getting harm or loss". In particular, the highest levels of stress experienced by adolescents were in incidents where "Bullies gain peer support that I deserved to be bullied", "Bullies make fun of my physical appearance unpleasantly" and "Bullies insult me causing me to lose emotional control". Elaborating further on the Chi-square analysis measuring on the frequency of bullying behaviors, the results indicated that there were significant gender differences with regard to types of bullying behaviors such as "Being hit, beaten and punched", "Made fun of me and treated me badly", and "Being threatened to be beaten". In general, it was discovered that adolescent boys were more inclined to be involved in different types of direct and indirect bullying behaviors than girls. / Significant findings of regression analyses showed that only appraisals of school bullying to be a mediator in the relationship between levels of stress and psychological distress of school bullying. Emotional focused coping strategies and parental-support were found to be the partial mediators. Moreover, appraisals of school bullying and emotional focused coping strategies were also found to be partial mediators in the relationship between levels of stress and social distress. More importantly, appraisals of school bullying and parent-adolescent closeness were also shown to play a moderating role in the link between levels of stress and psychological distress arising from school bullying. In contrast, only problem-focused coping strategies, friendship support and parent-adolescent closeness were seen to play a moderating role in the relationship between levels of stress and social distress. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of Hong Kong adolescents involved in school bullying and to examine the stressors, perceived levels of stress, appraisals, coping strategies, coping resources and psychological consequences arising from school bullying. / The T-test analysis also highlighted the disparity between boys and girls with regard to direct bullying, indirect bullying, and levels of stress, emotional-focused coping strategies, parental support, parent-adolescent closeness and psychological distress of school bullying. The F-value of the one-way ANOVA showed that there were statistically significant grade differences in problem-focused coping strategies and parental support for the three grade groups. According to the results of correlation analyses, the levels of stress was found to have positive significant correlations with appraisal of threat, appraisal of harm, emotional focused coping strategies, social distress and psychological distress. Moreover, psychological distress was positively associated with appraisal of harm, appraisal of threat and emotional-focused coping strategies but negatively related to family support. Social distress was also found to be positively associated with appraisal of harm, appraisal of threat and emotional-focused coping strategies, however social distress was only negatively related to parental-support. / This study attempted to link the two bodies of "Bullying" and "Cognitive-transaction coping" knowledge to conceptualize "coping with stress of school bullying" as being a complex interplay between the person and the environment. This involved incorporating a cross sectional study of the quantitative approach which was comprised of two phases: Phase one was essentially the conducting of a pilot test to ensure the reliability and selection of measuring scales which would be used for the purposes of conducting the main study. These scales included "School Bullying Behavior" scale, "Levels of Stress" scale, "Appraisals of School Bullying" scale, "Adolescent Coping of Bullying" scale, "Coping Resources of Bullying" scale and the "Psychosocial Consequences of Bullying" scale. Based on a convenient sample of sixty known-case adolescent victims, the six instruments selected for the main study, were shown to have reliability coefficients exceeding 0.70 and thus only minor modifications to measuring scales were made. Based on the pre-test findings, a questionnaire comprising 170 items was developed to measure the perceptions of adolescents toward school bullying behaviors, the levels of stress encountered and appraisals of school bullying. The questionnaire also measured coping strategies adopted by students, coping resources used, psychosocial consequences of school bullying and the social demographic profile of the main study. / Law, Kin Man. / Adviser: Ma Lai Chong. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 71-01, Section: A, page: 0333. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 354-387). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Violência moral no interior da escola: um estudo exploratório das representações do fenômeno sob a perspectiva de gênero. / Practices of moral violence inside school: an exploratory study of the representations of the phenomenon from the perspective of gender.Katia Regina Pupo 17 April 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga as representações que alunas e alunos têm sobre a violência moral, no contexto escolar. Entendemos violência moral como as pressões psicológicas presentes nas relações interpessoais entre os estudantes, que incluem as humilhações, xingamentos, as ameaças, a exclusão, as perseguições sistemáticas dentro de uma situação desigual, ainda que circunstancial, de poder. Há uma região de intersecção na acepção de violência moral que assumimos e os conceitos de incivilidade, micro-violências e bullying também abordados neste trabalho. No estudo dessas representações, buscamos compreender o universo das relações no interior da escola e, particularmente, das relações entre meninos e meninas em sua interface com o fenômeno da violência moral. Este trabalho utilizou como parâmetro de análise teórica e metodológica a Teoria dos Modelos Organizadores do Pensamento e foi desenvolvido em dois âmbitos diferentes e complementares: análise do referencial teórico e pesquisa de campo. Nossa amostra foi composta por noventa e seis adolescentes, sendo quarenta e oito meninas e quarenta e oito meninos, de 7ª série do Ensino Fundamental e do 2º ano do Ensino Médio, estudantes de uma escola pública e de uma escola privada, ambas localizadas na zona sul em São Paulo. Utilizamos como instrumento a resolução de conflitos numa cena do cotidiano escolar envolvendo violência moral. Com objetivo de investigar as possíveis diferenças entre meninas e meninos, o instrumento teve duas versões diferentes para ser apresentado a estudantes de cada um dos sexos. A aplicação das questões, a partir da leitura da cena, foi realizada em um único encontro com cada um dos grupos de sujeitos. Encontramos diferenças significativas nas representações femininas e masculinas em relação ao fenômeno da violência moral, especialmente no que diz respeito à percepção da ação esperada do sexo oposto nessas situações. Esse resultado nos intima a uma reflexão cuidadosa a respeito da forma como temos orientado nossos alunos e alunas no manejo de situações conflitivas, bem como, nos convida a rever arraigadas condutas sexistas, que reforçam os estereótipos de gênero construídos social e historicamente, em nossa prática educativa no interior da escola. / The present work investigates the representations which female and male students have about moral violence, inside the school environment. We understand as moral violence the psychological pressures present within the interpersonal relationships among the students, which include humiliations, cursing, threats, exclusion, systematic persecutions within an unbalanced situation of power, even if circumstantial. There is a point of intersection of the concept of moral violence, which we work with, with the concepts of incivilities, microviolences and bullying, also dealt with within this work. In the study of these representations, we have tried to understand the universe of the relationships within the school and, particularly, of the relationships between girls and boys in their interface with the moral violence phenomenon. This work has used as its parameter of theoretical and methodological analysis the Theory of the Organizing Models of Thinking and it was developed into two different and complementary ambits: analysis of the theoretical references and field research. Our sample consisted of ninety-six teenagers, forty-eight girls and forty-eight boys, from the 7th grade of the Elementary School and from the 2nd grade of Secondary School, students from a state school as well as from a private school, both schools situated in the southern region of São Paulo city. We have used as instrument of data collection the resolution of conflicts in an ordinary daily school scene, involving moral violence. With the objective of investigating the possible differences between girls\' and boys\' representations, the instrument had two different versions to be presented to the students of each of the sexes. The application of the questions, based on the understanding of the scene, was accomplished in a single meeting with each of the groups of subjects. We have found significant differences between female and male representations in relation to the phenomenon of moral violence, especially those concerned with the perception of the action expected from the opposing sex in such situations. This result impels us towards a careful consideration for the way in which we have been orientating our female and male students in dealing with conflicting situations. Furthermore, it invites us to reconsider deep-rooted sexist behavior, which reinforces the stereotypes of gender - which are socially and historically built - in our educational practices within the school.
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