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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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德渥金論公民違抗 / Ronald Dworkin on Civil Disobedience

楊士奇 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文題旨為:德渥金論公民違抗。公民違抗概念的存在與政治哲學同時並起 而大興於二十世紀,包括甘地以之倡議印度獨立,乃至於六○年代的美國用以爭取黑人民權、女權、反越戰、校園反叛等等,如今更是民主國家中人民意見表達、抗議之常見方式。在違抗政府的意義界定上,公民違抗與流血革命不同,其特質為(廣義的)非暴力(non-violence),目的並非推翻政府,而是人民基於良心、基於正義,同時也基於對政策、法律的不同意見,迫使政府改變其法律、政策。 然而,公民違抗不僅是一項政治與社會實踐。對本論文的中心關懷而言,更重要的是,公民違抗產生的原因與背景是什麼?它背後所代表的意義又是什麼? 筆者認為,儘管公民違抗作為一政治、社會實踐,在實踐過程中充滿變化與挑戰,然而就理論思考而言,公民違抗不啻為探究與反省民主理論之最佳對象。要之,公民違抗為人民自發性的行動,旨在違抗政府政策、法律等政令;然而在基礎意義上,以民主作為立國基礎之國家,政治是向人民開放的,即,民主國家中的人民具有參與政治的權利與權力──公民違抗的出現使得這項民主定義被凸顯出來而被重新檢視:人民被迫以違法抗議的方式作為意見表達的出口,必然在政治參與的理論與實踐上出現難以跨越的橫溝與歧異。據此,審視公民違抗的實踐之於政治理論,有其時代意義與重要性。 本論文共分五章,分別簡述如下: 第一章為導論,分為兩節。第一節為問題脈絡,主要就現實社會的觀察提出思考與反省:政治的本質是什麼?公民違抗與政治的關係又是什麼?第二節為研究進路,說明本文以德渥金的權利理論作為探查公民違抗及其背後所代表意旨的角度。公民違抗本質上強調與爭取人民權利,而德渥金權利理論正是取眼於人民權利保障,本論文寄望在兩者之間,取得理論與實踐之調諧與平衡。 第二章旨在回溯公民違抗議題的發展,主要分為三節。第一節以蘇格拉底、金恩等人所從事之違抗事例說明,對公民違抗者而言:惡法非法;因而面對不義的法律,人民不僅不應遵守,更應起身違抗,使生命更為正義。第二節藉由德渥金與梭羅等人之眼進一步指出,違抗不義的法律之於人民正義生活的必要性,以及政府面對基於正義而違抗法律的人民時,應以寬容的態度對應之。第三節則是兼顧羅爾斯與鄂蘭的見解,指出公民違抗雖出自於人民的正義感與良心,但最終應立基於人民對公共議題的關懷與共識;同時,藉由「公民違抗的憲政地位為何?」與「寬容、以政治方式處理公民違抗的意義為何?」等提問向契約理論開放。 第三章藉由古典契約論與當代契約論之比較,指出契約論中的同意理論才是憲政理論的重心,而公民違抗相關於憲政體制,應取眼於同意理論中保障人民權利的視角,作為公民違抗立論的基礎。本章共分為三節,第一節回溯古典契約論者霍布斯、洛克等人對自然狀態的看法,並指出同意概念與自然權利是契約理論的思考核心。第二節接續前節對古典契約論的回顧,指出盧梭最初提出公共意志的真意,並檢討同意理論的實踐問題,包括多數決原則、代議政治等所產生的弊病。筆者認為,同意中的明示(express consent)之於政治同意並不構成基礎性的問題;問題在於默許(tacit consent)。包括洛克、盧梭甚至更早的蘇格拉底都認為,居住是作為對國家、政治權威與制度的一種同意,是一種默許。問題在於,這種默許方式對於國家╱政治權威正當性的肯認基礎過於薄弱,而這正是公民違抗在契約理論中、在憲政層次上存在的必要地位:公民違抗作為一種不同意的表示,在違抗法律、政策並要求改變的同時,也間接反證了違抗對象存在的正當性。第三節旨在說明,當代契約論者羅爾斯的正義理論著重「人們將同意什麼樣的政治制度」,而忽略了「人們憑藉著什麼而得以同意、以及為什麼不同意」這個面向。同時,德渥金也指出,假定的契約不是契約──契約論者要保障的正是人民同意所憑藉的「權利概念」,並進入第四章討論公民違抗與德渥金的權利理論。 第四章鋪陳公民違抗與德渥金權利理論的關係,共分三節。第一節鋪陳德渥金權利理論的法學基礎,指出在德渥金權利理論中,以原則(principle)為論旨中心:在法學理論上,權利理論以「法律的發展相應於道德的發展」恰恰與法實證主義相對舉。第二節指出,在德渥金的權利理論中,公民違抗的行動理據證立在「個人有權反對國家」這項命題上。簡言之,當前民主制度以多數決原則作為解決公共爭議的方式,卻凸顯出少數在數量上的弱勢;而在多數的集結經常以利益作為考量的情況上,「個人反對國家」的強意義權利更能對比出利益多數之於政策制定的不公義。第三節討論平等權利與公民違抗。德渥金的權利理論最終以平等作為自由的基礎,其中德渥金的自由主義式平等觀更異於一般:作為平等的個人而受到平等對待的權利。德渥金指出,作為平等的個人所受到的平等對待權利是一種平等的關心與尊重的權利;政府在政策的制定與抉擇上,不能只考慮效益主義齊頭式的平等觀,而必須考量作為少數的弱勢:在利益與機會等的分配上,應該有一種被容許的不平等分配方式,供政府做出整體的決定。要之,公民違抗作為一種政治參與的方式,事實上是一種消極的抗議表達;與其等到人民對於政治現狀、政策法律達到無可忍受的地步,不如在政府施政的同時,便多著眼於人民權利的注重與人民平等地位的關懷,作為一積極意義的政治思考,對於促進人民生活更能有進取性的助益。第五章為結論,主要分兩部份。第一部份總結本論文的研究所得:公民違抗終究只是一種手段,真正的目的仍舊在於使人民獲得公平、正義、良善的生活。第二部份回顧現實:除了台灣近日在政治作為上體現德渥金所言:「公平之路存在於寬容之中」之外,鄰近的菲律賓總統下台事件道出公民違抗的積極面「主權在民」,而當前世界各地反全球化的抗議浪潮更顯示,人民的抗議對象已經從過去在政治上所面對的國家,轉而成隱藏在國家背後的經濟統合體系。德渥金的自由主義式平等觀作為一種資源與福利的分配正義,對本論文的研究題旨而言儘管是一項限制,然而卻在新時代的挑戰中成為新問題的可能進路:過去人們在政治上爭自由與平等,如今人們可能因為經濟問題陷入另一層次的不自由與不平等。據此,德渥金的自由主義式平等觀有更進一步研析的重要性,本文囿於題旨與篇幅限制,僅將此問題向未來開放。

Das Zustimmungserfordernis bei der Patentierung von biotechnologischen Erfindungen unter Verwendung menschlichen Materials

Fiorillo-Buonomano, Daniela January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Bern, Univ., Diss., 2007

Generation Y : re-writing the rules on sex,love and consent /

Powell, Anastasia. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Melbourne, School of Political Science, Criminology and Sociology (Criminology) 2008. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references.

Oklara samtycken : Biståndshandläggares upplevelser av att arbeta med personer som har demens / Vague consents : Care manager´s experiences of working with people with dementia

Lood, Anton, Granqvist, Anton January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to understand how care managers approach consent and user influence related to older people with dementia. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with individual care managers and with a hermeneutic approach. We have interviewed ten care managers in smaller municipalities whom are experienced in their profession and have been in contact with older people with dementia. throughout all the interviews, we had a semi-structured interview guide at our disposal, and after all the interviews were conducted, we analyzed them with the hermeneutic circle and theoretically analyzed the material with Lipsky´s theory about street level bureaucracy, acting space and, what we call it, the social service as a last resort and finally with Johansson´s theory of client relationships. Our main conclusions regarding consent is that care managers need to relate to the law simultaneously have the individual needs and wishes in regards. Also, the care managers have a few ways to circumvent the absolute that the individual needs to give his or hers consent to everything. Our main conclusions regarding user influence is that the care managers need to use other professions for information regarding the individual, such as nurses, carers, dependants and so on. They also prefer to get in touch with the individual whom is diagnosed with dementia as early into the disease as possible to get to know them and learn how they want their care to be. As a last conclusion about the whole study is that the care managers find working with older people with dementia is a vastly difficult task, and they need to rely on dependants, other professions and have a lot of knowledge about the individual.

Les infractions consommées par le mensonge / The infractions proved (done) through lie

Comert, Alev 14 December 2015 (has links)
Le mensonge est un fait omniprésent dans notre vie. La religion et les règles morales condamne tout mensonge parce qu’il est le signe de trahison des valeurs morales universelles communes à toutes les sociétés. Tous les jugements et les droits doivent nécessairement reposer sur la vérité. Les règles juridiques, inspiré de règles religieuses et morales, répriment également le mensonge. Toutefois, en application des principes régissant la matière, le droit pénal ne réprime que les mensonges concrètement nuisibles à la société et aux individus. La sanction du mensonge nécessite que l’usage du mensonge permette de parvenir à une fin prohibée par la loi pénale. L’intervention du législateur est justifiée et légitimée par des impératifs d’ordre public imposant la protection des valeurs sociales nécessaires au fonctionnement de la société. La recherche entreprise porte sur les infractions consommées par le mensonge en droit pénal. Le droit pénal conçoit le mensonge comme une déviation par rapport à la vérité réalisée sous des multiples formes, sans apporter une définition précise. La matière pénale ne s’intéresse pas à une inexactitude en tant que telle, mais au mensonge, qui par définition, ne peut être qu’intentionnel, fait de mauvaise foi dans le but de tromper. Cette étude a pour but de d’identifier les critères retenus lors de la répression du mensonge dans toutes les infractions consommées par une altération frauduleuse de la vérité. A la lecture du Code pénal, on peut constater que de nombreuses infractions sont construites sur le mensonge. Conformément aux principes régissant le droit pénal, la répression du mensonge doit se faire qu'en fonction de critères objectifs et déterminés. Les réformes et les évolutions substantielles génèrent des incertitudes sur les frontières traditionnellement admises du mensonge punissable et génèrent une problématique renouvelée. Les composantes des infractions sont affectées par des transformations majeures et rendent la ligne de démarcation de la répression mouvante. La jurisprudence confirme cette tendance et témoignent de la souplesse observée lors de la caractérisation du mensonge. / Lying is a fact of life. Both religion and morality condemn lying as a sign of treason against the universal moral rules common to all societies. All judgements and all laws must rely on truth. Legal rules, inspired by religious and moral rules, repress the use of lies. Applying the principles of this subject, however, criminal law only represses lies that specifically harm society or individuals. Lies are only punished if their use facilitates actions prohibited by penal law. The intervention of the legislator is justified and legitimate to ensure public order and protect the social values essential for the functioning of society. The following research aims to show the (proven) violations committed by the act of lying. Penal law considers lies a deviation from the truth that manifests itself in a number of ways and does not have a precise definition. In criminal matters, inaccuracy is not the most crucial aspect –lies are by definition necessarily instances of intentional deception. This study aims to identify the criteria applied for the punishment of lying in cases of violations of the law that resort to an alteration of the truth with fraudulent intent. Reading the criminal code, we see that a large number of violations are based on lies. According to the penal law principles, the punishment of lying must be based on specific and objective criteria only. Reforms and substantial transformations throw uncertainties upon the traditionally accepted demarcations of punishable lies, which perpetuates the problem. The components of these violations are affected by major transformations, which leads to unclear determination of punishment. Juriceprudence confirms this tendency and shows certain flexibility during the characterisation of what constitutes a lie.

Towards effective Multilateral protection of traditional knowledge within the global intellectual property framework

Kuti, Temitope Babatunde January 2018 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM (Mercantile and Labour Law) / Traditional Knowledge (TK) has previously been considered a 'subject' in the public domain, unworthy of legal protection. However, the last few decades have witnessed increased discussions on the need to protect the knowledge of indigenous peoples for their economic sustenance, the conservation of biodiversity and modern scientific innovation. Questions remain as to how TK can best be protected through existing, adapted or sui generis legal frameworks. Based on an examination of the formal knowledge-protection mechanisms (i.e. the existing intellectual property system), this mini-thesis contends that these existing systems are inadequate for protecting TK. As a matter of fact, they serve as veritable platforms for incidences of biopiracy. It further argues that the many international initiatives designed to protect TK have so far failed owing to inherent shortcomings embedded in them. Furthermore, a comparative assessment of several national initiatives (in New Zealand, South Africa and Kenya) supports an understanding that several domestic efforts to protect TK have been rendered ineffective due to the insurmountable challenge of dealing with the international violations of local TK rights. It is therefore important that on-going international negotiations for the protection of TK, including the negotiations within the World Intellectual Property Organisation's Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC), do not adopt similar approaches to those employed in previous initiatives if TK must be efficiently and effectively protected. This mini-thesis concludes that indigenous peoples possess peculiar protection mechanisms for their TK within the ambit of their customary legal systems and that these indigenous mechanisms are the required anchors for effective global protections.

Towards effective multilateral protection of traditional knowledge within the global intellectual property framework

Kuti, Temitope Babatunde January 2017 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM (Mercantile and Labour Law) / Traditional Knowledge (TK) has previously been considered a 'subject' in the public domain, unworthy of legal protection. However, the last few decades have witnessed increased discussions on the need to protect the knowledge of indigenous peoples for their economic sustenance, the conservation of biodiversity and modern scientific innovation. Questions remain as to how TK can best be protected through existing, adapted or sui generis legal frameworks. Based on an examination of the formal knowledge-protection mechanisms (i.e. the existing intellectual property system), this mini-thesis contends that these existing systems are inadequate for protecting TK. As a matter of fact, they serve as veritable platforms for incidences of biopiracy. It further argues that the many international initiatives designed to protect TK have so far failed owing to inherent shortcomings embedded in them. Furthermore, a comparative assessment of several national initiatives (in New Zealand, South Africa and Kenya) supports an understanding that several domestic efforts to protect TK have been rendered ineffective due to the insurmountable challenge of dealing with the international violations of local TK rights. It is therefore important that on-going international negotiations for the protection of TK, including the negotiations within the World Intellectual Property Organisation's Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC), do not adopt similar approaches to those employed in previous initiatives if TK must be efficiently and effectively protected. This mini-thesis concludes that indigenous peoples possess peculiar protection mechanisms for their TK within the ambit of their customary legal systems and that these indigenous mechanisms are the required anchors for effective global protections.

Ensaios em economia da sáude : transplantes de rim

Silva, Everton Nunes da January 2008 (has links)
A tese abordou questões relacionadas à economia da saúde, particularmente à visão econômica dos transplantes renais. Foi conduzida uma análise de custo-utilidade para verificar qual tratamento, transplante renal ou hemodiálise, possui menor razão de custo por anos de vida ajustados por qualidade. O resultado obtido corrobora as evidências internacionais, as quais indicam o transplante renal como estratégia mais custo-efetiva. No caso deste estudo, a razão de custo-utilidade para o transplante renal e hemodiálise foi de R$ 18.161,00/AVAQ e R$ 40.872,00/AVAQ, respectivamente. Apesar de o transplante renal ser uma estratégia dominante, a escassez de órgãos impede que essa estratégia seja amplamente utilizada, reduzindo, assim, os ganhos de eficiência na alocação dos recursos escassos. Nesse contexto, também foi alvo desta tese a questão da escassez de órgãos. Pelo levantamento feito, há tendência de aumento do desequilíbrio entre demanda e oferta de órgãos, visto que a primeira cresce rapidamente, enquanto a segunda mostra pequena tendência de crescimento. Assim, alternativas para contornar esse problema foram analisadas, especialmente as relacionadas a mudanças institucionais na lei de doação de órgãos. Entre elas, foi argüido que a lei de consentimento presumido seria a opção mais factível, por não ferir o pressuposto do altruísmo. Objetivando estimar quanto seria o eventual incremento na doação de órgãos por doador cadáver devido à lei de consentimento presumido, fez-se uso do ferramental da econometria da saúde, aplicando, para uma amostra de 34 países ao longo de cinco anos, o método de regressão quantílica para dados de painel. Os resultados obtidos nessa aplicação indicam que há benefício na adoção da lei de consentimento presumido, que tem um efeito positivo sobre a taxa de doação de órgãos, em torno de 21-26%, comparada à lei de consentimento informado. / The thesis broaches questions related to health economics, particularly the economic vision of renal transplants. A cost-utility analysis was conducted to assess which treatment, renal transplant or hemodialysis, has a lower cost rate per quality-adjusted life years. The result obtained corroborates the international evidence, which indicates renal transplant as the most cost effective strategy. In the case of this study, the cost-utility ratio for renal transplant and hemodialysis was US$ 11,157/QALY and US$ 25,110/QALY, respectively. In spite of renal transplant being the dominant strategy, the scarcity of organs hinders this strategy to be widely used, reducing in this way, the efficiency gain in the allocation of scarce resources. Within this context, the organ shortage was also a target issue of this thesis. Through the survey performed, there is a tendency towards the increase of unbalance between the demand and supply of organs, being that the first grows rapidly while the second shows small tendency towards growth. Within this context, the investigation target of this thesis was to look into possible alternatives to by-pass this problem, especially those related to institutional changes in the organ donation law. Among them, it was argued that the law of presumed consent would be the most feasible option, since it does not harm the presupposition of altruism. With the object of estimating what would be the eventual increase in organ donation, per cadaveric donor, due to the law of presumed consent, the health econometric tool of quantile regression method for panel data was used, applied to a sample of 34 countries during a five-year period. The results obtained in this application indicate that there is benefit in adopting the law of presumed consent, which has a positive effect on the organ donation rate, around 21 – 26%, compared to the law of informed consent.

O processo de obtenção do consentimento informado em situações de atendimento clínico de pacientes, internados no serviço de oncologia pediátrica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre / Process to obtain the informed consent in situations of clinical care to patients hospitalized at the service of pediatric oncology of the hospital de clínicas de Porto Alegre

Eustáquio, Paula Rosana da Silva January 2009 (has links)
O termo de consentimento é um documento recomendado por declarações internacionais, códigos de ética, resoluções e leis específicas para ser usado na pratica cotidiana em saúde e na realização de pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Atualmente, qualquer atuação na área da saúde requer o prévio consentimento dos pacientes ou seus responsáveis legais. OBJETIVO: avaliar o processo de obtenção do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido (TCLE) quanto aos seus elementos de informação e de compreensão. Pacientes e Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo observacional do tipo transversal com familiares ou representantes legais de pacientes oncológicos pediátricos, que realizaram tratamento quimioterápico. Para a coleta de dados foi usado o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido habitualmente usado e montado um questionário para avaliar as informações recebidas. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados obtidos nesta amostra revelam a importância do processo de obtenção do consentimento informado como um todo. / The consent term is a document recommended by international declarations, codes of ethics, resolutions and specific laws, to be used in the routine practice of health professionals and researches involving human beings. Today, any act in the health area requires the previous consent of patients or their legal guardians. Objective: evaluate the process to obtain the free and clarified consent term (FCCT) regarding its information and understanding elements. Patients and Methods: An observational study of cross-sectional type, with relatives or legal guardians of pediatric oncology patients, who took the chemotherapy treatment. Data collection was based on habitually utilized free and clarified consent term and a questionnaire was elaborated to assess the received information. CONCLUSION: Data obtained with this sample show the importance of the process to obtain the informed consent as a whole.

A teoria do "menor maduro" e seu exercício nas questões referentes à vida e à saúde: uma apreciação da situação brasileira.

Moraes, Reinaldo Santos de January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-17T14:46:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 RMoraes seg.pdf: 667640 bytes, checksum: 08a22aec167a6cbf90bc866abc5af3ae (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T18:06:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 RMoraes seg.pdf: 667640 bytes, checksum: 08a22aec167a6cbf90bc866abc5af3ae (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T18:06:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RMoraes seg.pdf: 667640 bytes, checksum: 08a22aec167a6cbf90bc866abc5af3ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / A teoria do "menor maduro"considera o menor de idade sob determinadas circunstancias capaz de dar um consentimento informado autorizando o seu tratamento de saude prescindindo portanto de autorizaçao dos seus pais ou responsavel legal. Com origem em pais de sistema "Common Law" esta teoria é aplicada em paises desenvolvidos constando inclusive em leis de paises do sistema "Civil Law". Analisam-se com a teoria do "menor maduro"a autonomia o consentimento informado a vulnerabilidade e aspectos dos paises perifericos que podem mitigar a aplicaçao da teoria do "menor maduro"face à vulnerabilidade socioecönômica do menor que pode dificultar o seu acesso a certos direitos fundamentais como o respeito à dignidade da pessoa humana o direito à saúde o idreito à vida. Neste contexto analisa-se em que medida esta teoria pode ser aplicada no Brasil diante de condições adversas que são impostas pela sociedade pela pobreza que dificultam o exercicio de direitos fundamentais. Trata-se da teoria do "menor maduro"em uma abordagem bioética dos seus principais pontos como origem legislações pertinentes e sua relação com o principio da autonomia e do consentimento informado. / Salvador

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