Spelling suggestions: "subject:"econsent"" "subject:"consent""
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O principech politické moci u Františka Suáreze: Suárezův pojem souhlasu v kontextu společensko-smluvních teorií 16.-18. století / The Principles of Francisco Suarez's Political Power: Suarez's consent in the context of the theory of the social contract developing from 16th until 18th centuryKoblížek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The Abstract The meaning of this dissertation thesis is to find out whether we can regard Francisco Suárez as a representative of the social-contracting theories developing in the period from 16th until 18th century. Suárez, who is more likely known for his metaphysical disputations, gives a really sophisticated formulation about the origin of the common society and the political power, where the key point is the word of the social consent. At the first time it seems that Suárez can be without difficulty considered as a modern period humanist like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke or lately Jean-Jacques Rousseau. As well as they, Suárez thinks that the independent human will has its unsubstitutable part in the origin of the political society. Nevertheless there is a large difference. While according to the mentioned humanists, the independent will is the only principle of the political power, Suárez thinks that this will is just the necessary condition meeting the human nature created by the God, that it is the true principle of the whole political power. Suarez's meaning of the social consent is then situated in the theological framework and is closely associated with the words of the nature and the transcendence. The result is that Suárez understands the state as a natural and moral organization and not as a...
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Möglichkeiten der Steigerung der Autopsierate am Krankenhaus der RegelversorgungRothe, Alexander 31 August 2015 (has links)
Die klinische Obduktion erfüllt heutzutage vor allem Aufgaben in der Qualitätssicherung. Trotz eines hohen individuellen und gesundheitspolitischen Stellenwertes fällt die Zahl der tatsächlich durchgeführten Sektionen seit Jahrzehnten weltweit. Die Gründe für das Absinken sind multifaktoriell. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Rolle des zuletzt behandelnden Arztes untersucht, der bei der Initialisierung des Vorganges (Arztgespräch mit den Angehörigen, Dokumentation, Anmeldung der Obduktion) eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die von 2005 bis 2012 am Ev. Diakonissenkrankenhaus Leipzig durchgeführten 194 Obduktionen ausgewertet. Durch krankenhausweite, arzt-zentrierte Mittel der Hilfestellung, Schulung und Formalisierung im Jahr 2009 gelang es, die Autopsierate am akademischen Lehrkrankenhaus der Regelversorgung von 3,3% auf 26% zu steigern.
Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wurden klinisch vermutete und autoptisch nachgewiesene Todesursachen verglichen und die Ergebnisse in Fehlerklassen eingeteilt. Im Kontrollzeitraum vor dem Maßnahmenpaket wurde eine Gesamt-Fehlerrate von 54% in den Todesursachen (davon 18,8 % prognoserelevante Fehler) festgestellt. Nach Intervention konnte ein Absinken der Gesamt-Fehlerrate auf 27,9% (davon 11,6% prognoserelevante Diskrepanzen) gemessen werden.
Nach Gruppierung der autoptisch erhobenen Todesursachen wurden „einfache“ und „schwierige“ Diagnosen erarbeitet. Dabei zeigten sich Lungenembolien (45,5% Fehleinschätzung), Infektionen (13,7% Fehleinschätzung) und akut dekompensierte Herzinsuffizienzen (8,8% Fehleinschätzung) als am häufigsten klinisch verkannte todesursächliche Krankheiten.
Eine Sektionsfrequenz von ca. 30% wird als ausreichende epidemiologische Datengrundlage zur Validierung der Todesursachenstatistik angesehen (Bundesärztekammer 2005). In Deutschland beträgt die Rate aktuell etwa 4%. Bemüht man sich um eine Steigerung der Obduktionsrate, ist die Rolle des zuletzt behandelnden Arztes hervorzuheben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte durch einfache Mittel der Beseitigung von Unsicherheiten, Schulung und Formalisierung (SOP) eine deutliche Steigerung der Rate an Sektionen ermöglicht werden. In Konsequenz wurde ein Absinken der Diagnose-Diskrepanzrate und der Anzahl an prognoserelevanten Irrtümern (18,8% auf 11,6%) in den Todesursachen festgestellt. Ob dies allein einen didaktischen Erfolg der vermehrten Behandlungsnachschau darstellt, oder statistische Effekte (verringerter Selektionsbias) beinhaltet, muss offen bleiben. Auffällig ist die Schlüsselstellung der Intensivtherapiestation. Da hier aufgrund der Erkrankungsschwere die höchste Patientensterblichkeit im Krankenhaus vorliegt (25% der pro Jahr Versterbenden), ist eine positive Einstellung der ärztlichen Kollegen gegenüber der Obduktion von entscheidender Bedeutung.
Das Maßnahmenpaket ist auf andere Einrichtungen übertragbar und ein für Ärzteschaft und Geschäftsführung lohnender Aufwand, da neben sämtlichen individuellen Vorteilen für Angehörige und Mediziner die Ergebnisse einer solchen Auswertung als globale Qualitätsindikatoren für ein Krankenhaus dienen können.
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[pt] O objetivo geral desta dissertação é verificar a possibilidade de aplicação de regime jurídico diverso ao proposto pelo Código Civil a situações jurídicas existenciais que envolvem a tomada de decisão das crianças e adolescentes, sobretudo àquelas que envolvem decisão sobre o próprio corpo. Para tanto, há três objetivos específicos a serem desenvolvidos. O primeiro deles é a apresentação da teoria da capacidade jurídica e os direitos fundamentais da personalidade para compreender a perspectiva de disposição jurídica de direitos fundamentais da personalidade. Em continuidade o segundo objetivo é investigar a dignidade da pessoa humana como autonomia para verificar a aplicação de teorias que sustentem a autonomia privada da criança e do adolescente em situações jurídicas existenciais. Por fim, o terceiro objetivo é discutir a capacidade de agir da criança e do adolescente em situações jurídicas existenciais a partir de três casos concretos. Como conclusão geral sustenta-se a aplicação da teoria realista da capacidade de agir, aproximando os conceitos de titularidade e legitimidade sempre que a criança e o adolescente reunirem os requisitos para serem sujeitos do consentimento, devendo ser observados os critérios de validade do consentimento. Concluiu-se ainda que a teoria realista da capacidade de agir deva ser aplicada para dar voz e dignidade aos menores quando envolverem situações jurídicas existenciais de efeitos reversíveis de sorte que esta última conclusão criou três zonas de aplicação da teoria de modo a graduá-la para respeitar o processo de desenvolvimento maturacional do menor e assegurar, assim, sua dignidade. / [en] The general objective of this dissertation is to verify the possibility of applying a different legal regime than the proposed by the Civil Code to existential legal situations involving decision making of children and adolescents, especially those that involve decision about their own body. To this end, there are three specific objectives to be developed. The first is the presentation of the theory of legal capacity and the
fundamental rights of personality in order to understand the perspective of legal provision of fundamental rights of personality. The second objective is to investigate the human dignity as autonomy to verify the application of theories to support the private autonomy of the child and adolescent in existential legal situations. Finally, the third objective is to discuss the ability to act of children and adolescents in existential legal situations from three specific cases. As a general conclusion it is sustained the application of realist theory s ability to act, bringing together concepts of ownership and legitimacy when children and adolescents meet the requirements to be subject of consent, and that the criteria of validity of the consent must be observed. It was also concluded that the realist theory of capacity to act should be applied to give voice and dignity to children and adolescents when they involve existential legal situations of reversible effects. So that the latter conclusion has created three areas of application of the theory in order to upgrade it to respect the process of maturational development of children and adolescents and thus ensure their dignity.
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Donner un consentement éclairé à un soin : réalité ou fiction? Exploration de l'effectivité du consentement éclairé aux soinsFerron Parayre, Audrey 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Denna undersökning handlar om att identifiera vad för faktorer som påverkar högskolestudenters beslut vid godkännande av cookies vid besök av e-handel. Undersökningen utfördes genom mixed metod forskningsmetod. Metoderna skedde i form av kvantitativ och kvalitativ i form av enkätundersökning samt intervjuer. Syftet med undersökningen var att förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar studenters godkännande av cookies när de besöker e-handel. Motiven till denna undersökning är att allt fler människor spenderar en stor del av sin tid på en växande bransch där de ständigt bemöts av popuppnotifikationer av cookies som kräver deras godkännande och medför att per automatik att många godkänner utan grund på informerat samtycke. Detta är något som behöver undersökas för att identifiera vad för faktorer som påverkar högskolestudenter informerade samtyckes godkännande av cookies.
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Samtycke till frivilliga insatser enligt SoL och LVU : En utredning av möjligheten att besluta om insatser för barn när samtycket till frivilliga insatser inte är tillräckligt eller saknas / Consent to voluntary contributions according to SoL and LVU : An investigation of the possibility of deciding of contributions to children when the consent to voluntary contributions is not sufficient or missingWahlberg, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Sedan år 1982 har utgångspunkten varit att socialtjänstens verksamhet ska grunda sig i den enskildes integritet och självbestämmanderätt. Den enskilde ska därigenom själv få bestämma huruvida en viss insats från socialtjänsten ska tas emot eller inte. Insatserna ska således grunda sig i frivillighet och utformas tillsammans med den enskilde. Detta gäller även när ett barn har behov av vård. I vissa fall föreligger dock ett behov av tvångsvård, där principen om frivillighet och självbestämmande inte kan upprätthållas på samma sätt som vid socialtjänstens frivilliga insatser. Ett barn ska enligt 1 § andra stycket LVU beredas vård i det fall 2 eller 3 §§ LVU är uppfyllda samt att det kan antas att barnet inte kan ges behövlig vård med samtycke av vårdnadshavarna och barnet självt om det har fyllt 15 år. Av bestämmelsen kan därmed utläsas att ett samtycke dels är en förutsättning för att socialnämnden ska kunna fatta beslut om frivilliga insatser, dels att ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser i regel utgör ett hinder för att det ska kunna fattas beslut om tvångsvård enligt LVU. I uppsatsen uppmärksammas att det kan finnas viss problematik med ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser. Det kan tänkas förekomma situationer där ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser inte kan anses vara tillräckligt för att ett barn ska kunna ges nödvändiga insatser. Det kan vidare tänkas förekomma situationer där det saknas samtycke till frivilliga insatser, men tvångsvård heller inte kan aktualiseras på grund av att barnets situation inte är tillräckligt allvarlig för att uppfylla kraven i 2 eller 3 §§ LVU. Eftersom problematikerna handlar om just samtycke uppmärksammas även vad ett samtycke till frivilliga insatser har för rättslig innebörd och vad som krävs för det ska kunna betraktas som giltigt. För att utreda vad som gäller i dessa situationer och vilka möjligheter som finns att besluta om tvångsvård eller andra insatser för barnets räkning används den rättsdogmatiska metoden i uppsatsen. Metoden används inledningsvis för att identifiera och beskriva gällande rätt på området. Vidare används den för att analysera och kritisera gällande rätt samt diskutera förslag de lege ferenda. Uppsatsen avslutas därefter genom att den deskriptiva och analytiska delen binds ihop till sammanfattande slutsatser. / Since 1982, the starting point has been that the activities of the social services should be based on the individual's integrity and right to self-determination. The individual must thereby be able to decide for himself whether a certain contribution from the social services is to be received or not. The contributions must thus be based on voluntariness and be designed together with the individual. This also applies when a child needs care. In some cases, however, there is a need for compulsory care, where the principle of voluntariness and self-determination cannot be maintained in the same way as in the social services' voluntary contributions. According to 1 § second part LVU, a child must be provided with care if 2 or 3 §§ LVU are fulfilled, and it can be assumed that the child cannot be given the necessary care with the consent of the guardians and the child himself if he has reached 15 years. It can thus be read from the regulation that a consent is partly a prerequisite for the social welfare board to be able to decide on voluntary contributions, and partly that a consent to voluntary contributions generally constitutes an obstacle to a decision on compulsory care according to LVU. The essay draws attention to the fact that there may be some problems with a consent to voluntary contributions. There may be situations where a consent to voluntary contributions cannot be considered sufficient for a child to be given the necessary contributions. Furthermore, there may be situations where there is no consent to voluntary contributions, but compulsory care can also not be actualized because the child's situation is not serious enough to meet the requirements of 2 or 3 §§ LVU. Since the problems are specifically about consent, attention is also paid to what a consent to voluntary contributions has for legal meaning and what is required for it to be considered valid. To investigate what applies in these situations and what opportunities there are to decide on compulsory care or other contributions on behalf of the child, the legal dogmatic method is used in the essay. The method is initially used to identify and describe current law in the field. Furthermore, it is used to analyze and criticize current law and discuss proposals de lege ferenda. The essay is then concluded by binding the descriptive and analytical part together into summarized conclusions.
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[Un]informed Consent: Eugenics, Forced Sterilization and Medical Violence in the Jim Crow United States and Apartheid Southern AfricaFulkerson Dikuua, Kelly Jo 24 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Verkligheten blir som en slap in the face om man inte pratar om porr i skolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om gymnasieelevers erfarenheter och önskemål kring sexualitet, samtycke och relationer som en del av samhällskunskapsundervisningen / Reality becomes like a slap in the face if you don´t talk about porn in school : A qualitative interview study about high-school student´s experiences and preferences on how sexuality, consent and relationships can be expressed and integrated into social studies educationAssaye Taddese, Mariam January 2023 (has links)
Sexuality, Consent and Relations operate in contrast to the previous subject area Sex and Coexistence in an interdisciplinary matter. This implies that responsibility rest on each teacher to incorporate sexual education within their subject. This study aims to investigate the experiences and desires of upper secondary school student´s regarding the expressions and integration of the teaching area sexuality, consent, and relations in social studies education. To address the study´s questions, qualitative interviews with nine upper secondary school students was implemented. The examined area is highly relevant due to the curriculum changes that were implemented when the previous subject area of “Sex and coexistend” was redefined as “Sexuality, Consent and Relationships”. The findings of the empirical study showed that the interviewed upper secondary school students have primarily experiences of the subject area in natural science class. What was also found was that the students experiences vary depending on what social studies specialization they have. In terms of their desires, the students expressed a wish for the course on sexuality, consent, and relationships to include topics such as LBTQ+ issues, pornography, relationships, consent, and abortion. In conclusion, the results indicate that the participating upper secondary school students have limited and diverse experiences of the subject area. The findings also highlight the student´s awareness of the significant role of sexual education. Additionally, the results suggest that the students desire more education on sexuality, consent, and relationships within the context of social studies.
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Samtyckespraktiker i rörelse : Att kommunicera och förstå samtycke i dansundervisning på gymnasietMörk, Sara January 2023 (has links)
This research is a qualitative interview study on consent in upper secondary school dance education through focus group interviews with teachers and students. The intention is to give more insight on how teachers and students understand consent in upper secondary school dance education and in general. The study shows that consent in upper secondary dance education in Sweden exists at the intersection between norms of communication, power and the context in which it is practiced. The most common communication of consent for dance in this study is through reading body language, and the most discussed situation is regarding touch and bodily contact. Touch is viewed by the teachers as a vital part of knowledge generation in dance. Both teachers and students find situations where students are engaging with touch and body contact as the most challenging. The study observes that consent is specific within its context, which requires dance teachers to establish and clarify norms and intentions in the dance studio. To do so takes time and repetition, if not successful norms and perceptions from other contexts may be stronger and make the communication of consent difficult. Further, the study suggests that teaching about consent needs to be combined with practical exercises for a more preventive knowledge. The material was analyzed with qualitative analysis and a norm critical and multimodal perspective.
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Analyse de la norme sociale comme contrainte au consentement : l'exemple de la recherche biomédicale en situation d'urgenceGauthier, Isabelle. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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