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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sörja för person - ett svårtolkat begrepp : En intervjustudie med gode män för huvudmän som har insatser enligt LSS

Nyman, Jessica, Rondina Bisi, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur gode män för huvudmän med insatser enligt LSS tolkar sitt uppdrag sörja för person och ser på möjligheterna att utföra det. Vi utgick från följande frågeställningar: Hur definierar de intervjuade gode männen sitt uppdrag sörja för person? Hur beskriver de intervjuade gode männen det handlingsutrymme de upplever sig ha i uppdraget? Vilka utmaningar upplever de intervjuade gode männen i sitt uppdrag? Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer som utgått från en halvstrukturerad, temaindelad intervjuguide. Vi intervjuade fem gode män i en mellanstor stad i Sverige. Resultaten visar att gode männen hade svårt att definiera och avgränsa uppdraget sörja för person. Detta i samband med huvudmannens funktionsnedsättning innebär utmaningar för den som åtar sig uppdraget, exempelvis då huvudmannen lider av psykisk ohälsa. Vi fann att gode männen hade olika strategier för att använda sitt handlingsutrymme utifrån tidigare kunskaper och erfarenheter. Vidare beskrev de gode männen att den största utmaningen fanns i att bygga en god relation med huvudmannen. Slutligen diskuteras vikten av gode mäns personliga och professionella kompetens, för att kunna möta huvudmannens behov. / The purpose of this study was to examine how curators for persons with services under LSS interprets the mission, ensuring the person, and how they feel about their possibilities to execute the mission. The study started from the following questions: How does the interviewed curators define the mission, ensuring the person? How does the interviewed curators describe the discretion they experience in the mission? What challenges do the interviewed curators meet in their mission? The study is based on qualitative interviews that started from a half structured theme divided interview guide. We interviewed five curators in a medium sized city in Sweden. The results show that the curators found it difficult to define and delimit the assignment ensure the person. This, in conjunction with a persons disability poses challenges for those who undertake the mission. We found that the interviewed curators had different strategies to use their discretion based on previous knowledge and experiences. Further described the curators that the biggest challenge was to build a good relationship with the person with disability. Finally, we discuss the importance of curators personal and professional skills, in order to meet the needs of a person with disability. / <p>85</p>

En god cirkel : En kvalitativ studie om systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete i praktiken. / A Good Circle : A Qualitative Study about Systematic Workplace Health Promotion in Practice

Björe Jordán, Helena, Sant'Orp, Michael January 2017 (has links)
This study is a qualitative interview study consisting of twelve semi-structured interviews, conducted in ten different organizations. The purpose of this thesis is to study and shed light on how systematic workplace health promotion is carried out, with the employee survey as a starting point. During 2016, new regulations came into force, clarifying employers’ increased responsibilities for staff’s workplace health situation. The collected data were thematized and subsequently analyzed with a deductive approach. The results suggest that the systematic work generally starts with a situation analysis, often in the form of an employee survey, but that the studied organizations then proceed in very different ways. Common to those engaged in an active workplace health promotion is that the work is structured in an outer and an inner cycle. In the outer cycle, inventory, planning, monitoring and evaluation occur. In the inner cycle practical work is performed, such as employee surveys, feedback of results, focus areas with desired position and workshops, as well as a work plan which is incorporated in the business plan. These two cycles are connected, but are worked at independently of each other.

Medarbetarens uppfattning av att arbeta i en självstyrande grupp : En studie om självstyrande grupper med utgångspunkt från den kommunala hemtjänsten / The employee's perception of working in an autonomous group : A study on autonomous groups based on the municipal home care service

Morina, Adela, Bavcic, Alma January 2019 (has links)
Forskning beskriver att ledarskap och medarbetarskap är minst lika viktiga som fenomen. Trots detta så är intresset och kunskapen om ledarskap oerhört mycket större än om medarbetarskap (Tengblad, 2009). Till skillnad från tidigare forskning kommer denna studie fokusera på medarbetarens uppfattning av fenomenetsjälvstyrande grupper.Författarna såg en brist i den forskning som relateras till självstyrande grupper utifrån ett medarbetarsperspektiv. Detta medförde ett engagemang för studiens syfte som grundar sig på att skapa djupare förståelse för självstyrande grupper utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv. Författarna till denna studie önskade även att kunna framföra förståelse för de fördelar samt nackdelar som kan uppkomma för medarbetare i en självstyrande grupp. Den organisationen som har undersökts är Jönköping kommun varav självstyrande grupper är vanligt förekommande. Medarbetare i en specifik hemtjänst ligger till grund för studien.Studien innehar ett abduktivt angreppssätt genom att datainsamlingen är inhämtad utifrån en kvalitativ metod. Detta för att kunna förstå de viktigaste aspekterna kring självstyrande grupper samtidigt som medarbetarnas uppfattningar fångas för att få en klarare bild av hur de berörda ser på arbetssättet. Det intressanta i studien är att se självstyrande grupper utifrån medarbetarens perspektiv. Upplever medarbetare att det finns fördelar och nackdelar med att arbeta inom en självstyrande grupp? Vad är en självstyrande grupp egentligen?I studien framkommer det att medarbetarna inte relaterar till att vara en självstyrande grupp i praktiken. Det intressanta är att tidigare studier och forskning visar på att begreppet tolkas olika av organisationer och ett fåtal definitioner har skrivits ner på papper. Detta skapar problematik eftersom det råder olika uppfattningar kring innebörden av vad självstyrande grupperegentligen är (Frandsen, Brekke &amp; Paulson, 2000). Resultatet från studien har framfört nyuppkomna begrepp som relateras till självstyrande grupper från ett medarbetarperspektiv. Medarbetare definierar gruppen som medbestämmande före självstyrande. Gruppens arbetssätt präglas framförallt av känslomässigt arbete och kontroll. Resultatet visar även att ledarskapet och medarbetarskapet har ett samband gällande självstyrande grupper. / Research describes that leadership and employeeship are at both important phenomenon. Despite this indication, the interest and knowledge of leadership is much wider than the knowledge of employeeship (Tengblad, 2009). Unlike previous research, this study will focus on the employee's perception of the phenomenon of autonomous groups. The authors of this study acknowledged a lack of research related to autonomous groups from an employee perspective. This led to a commitment to the study's purpose, which is based on creating a deeper understanding of autonomous groups from an employee perspective. The purpose of the study is to create a deeper understanding of autonomous groups, from an employee perspective. The authors of this study also wanted to recognize the advantages and disadvantages that can arise for employees in an autonomous group.This study will also contribute with an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages that can arise for employees in an autonomous group. The specificorganization that has been investigated is Jönköping kommun, of which autonomous groups are commonly used. Employees in a specific group of caregivers for elderly people are the main focus for this study.The study has an abductive approach where the datacollection is obtained through a qualitative method. This enables the understanding of the most important aspects of autonomous groups. It also captures the employees perceptions in order to get a clearer picture of this working method. The interesting thing in this study is to see autonomous groups from the perspective of the employee. Does the employee feel that there are any advantages or disadvantages within an autonomous group? How do we define what an autonomous group really is?It appears that employees do not relate to being a autonomous group in practice. The interesting thing is that previous studies and research show that the concept is interpreted differently by organizations and a few definitions have been written down on paper. This creates problems because there are different perceptions about the meaning of what autonomous groups really are (Frandsen, et al., 2000). The result of the study has presented newly emerging concepts related to autonomous groups from an employee perspective. The employees define themselves as a codetermination group before being an autonomous group. The working method of the group is primarily characterized by affective work and control. 4The results of this study also presents that leadership and employeeship have a connection with regards to autonomous groups.

Den agila religionen, är du troende? : En kvalitativ studie om det agila arbetssättet och påverkan på organisationskultur som råder

Nyberg, Victor, Jonsson, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Agilt är ett arbetssätt som innefattar en ökad grad av flexibilitet och anpassningsförmåga för organisationer, som ska uppnås genom bemyndigade anställda. Tidigare forskning inom agilt har fokuserat på arbetssättets fördelar och till viss del även svårigheterna med dess implementering. Trots det agila arbetssättets nära koppling till organisationskultur anser vi att dessa två fält inte i någon större utsträckning har getts en kvalitativ och djupare analys tillsammans, där fokus läggs på attityden till arbetssättet som organisationsmodell utanför IT-sektorn. Detta har undersökts via sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som innehar chefs- eller ledarroller inom olika organisationer, varpå resultaten från dessa har analyserats utifrån studiens syfte och jämförts med tidigare forskning. Respondenterna tycks uppvisa positiv inställning till det agila arbetssättet och en medvetenhet om organisationskulturens vikt vid organisationsförändringar. Slutligen görs en avslutande diskussion och slutsats där argumentet ges att den vaghet och otydlighet som tenderar att omgärda såväl det agila arbetssättet som organisationskulturer kan vara en väsentlig anledning till att det agila arbetssättet inte implementeras i större utsträckning. / Agile is a work method that involves a higher degree of flexibility and adaptability for organizations, which is to be met by empowered employees. Previous research regarding agile has focused on its benefits and to a certain degree also the difficulties in its implementation, but despite the agiles’ close connections to organizational culture according to our literature review that these two fields have to a wider extent not been given a qualitative and deeper analysis together, where focus is given to how agile is viewed as an organizational model outside the IT sector. This has been researched through seven semi-structured interviews with individuals with managerial roles within different organizations, where after the results have been analyzed from the standpoint of the study’s purpose and compared to earlier research. The respondents seem to display a positive attitude toward the agile and an awareness of the importance of organizational culture in organizational change. Then a final discussion and conclusion is made where the argument is put forth that the vagueness and ambiguity which tend to surround the agile as well as organizational culture could be an essential reason to why agile is not implemented to a wider extent.

Delaktighet, organisationsstruktur och beslutsprocesser : En fallstudie om ett arbetsintegrerande socialt företag / Participation, Organizational Structure and Decision-Making Processes : A Case Study About a Work Integrating Social Enterprise

Ekström, Linnea, Sjölin, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsintegrerande sociala företag integrerar människor som varit utanför arbetsmarknaden under en längre period genom arbetsträning och sysselsättning. Kravet innebär att medarbetarna ska vara delaktiga i arbetet, företagets drift samt beslutfattandet vilket bidrar till personlig utveckling och empowerment. Beslutsfattande i sociala företag är komplext i och med att de ska balansera ekonomiska och sociala mål. Delaktighetskravet går att tolka och hur delaktighet skapas skiljer sig mellan organisationer. Vidare skiljer sig graden av delaktighet bland medarbetarna i en organisation. Genom att undersöka de komplexa beslutsprocesserna i arbetsintegrerande sociala företag ämnar vi få en förståelse för vad medarbetarnas delaktighet innebär för organisationsstrukturen och beslutsprocesserna utifrån ett organisationsperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för vad kriteriet om delaktighet i definitionen av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag kan innebära i praktiken. Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ karaktär med en abduktiv ansats där syftet och frågeställningarna besvaras genom att studera ett fallföretag utifrån ett konstruktionistiskt perspektiv. Undersökningsmetoderna som har använts är en deltagande observation och intervjuer med representanter från fallföretaget. Slutsats: Fallföretaget skapar delaktighet genom att de följer de kooperativa principerna och har en demokratisk struktur. Delaktigheten grundar sig i att deltagarna och de anställda själva har valt att delta i verksamheten. Vidare har studien kommit fram till att möten och kommunikation är viktiga verktyg för att skapa delaktighet och empowerment. Studien har även belyst begränsningar i graden av delaktighet vilket kan kopplas till den valda organisationsstrukturen, den ekonomiska situationen, medarbetarnas arbetsförmåga samt kommunikationsbrist. Delaktighetskravet innebär att arbetsintegrerande sociala företag måste ha en decentraliserad struktur där medarbetarna är delaktiga i beslutsfattandet. Valet av organisationsstruktur och beslutsprocesser kan i sin tur både möjliggöra eller begränsa graden av medarbetarnas delaktighet i arbetsintegrerande sociala företag. / Background: Work integrating social enterprises integrate people that have been excluded from the labor market during a long period of time by offering training or employment. The definition of work integrating social enterprises includes a criteria of workers participation. The requirement of participation means that the workers must be involved in the company’s operations and decision making, which contributes to personal development and empowerment. The decision-making process is complex since it has to balance economic and social goals. The requirement of participation in the definition of work integrating social enterprises can be interpreted in various ways and the way participation is created in organizations also varies. Furthermore, the degree of participation among the workers differs in the organization. By studying the complex decision-making processes in work integrating social enterprises, we intend to create an understanding of what the workers participation entails for the organizational structure and decision-making processes from an organizational perspective. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of what the criteria of participation in the definition of work integrating social enterprises can mean in practice. Methodology: This study has a qualitative character with an abductive approach. The study has a constructionist perspective and a case study design has been chosen. A participatory observation and interviews with representatives from the chosen organization has been used as methods to reach the purpose. Conclusion: The organization creates participation by following the cooperative principles and by having a democratic structure. The participation is based on the participants and the employees choosing to participate in the activities themselves. Furthermore, the study has concluded that meetings and communication are important tools for creating participation and empowerment. The study has also highlighted limitations in the level of participation in the company which can be linked to the chosen organizational structure, the economic situation, the workers’ capacity of working and the lack of communication. The requirement of participation means that work integrating social enterprises must have a decentralized structure in which workers are involved in the decision making. The choice of organizational structure and decision-making processes can in turn, enable or limit the degree of participation in work integrating social enterprises.

Aspectos comportamentais no uso de sistemas ERP: um estudo em uma organização global / Behavioral aspects in the use of ERP systems: study of a global organization

Decoster, Sonia Rosa Arbues 04 December 2008 (has links)
A partir dos anos 90, os sistemas de gestão integrados ou sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) apareceram como potencial solução para a necessidade de processamento de informação nas organizações. Os sistemas ERP são pacotes de aplicações de processos de negócios padronizados que propiciam visibilidade do negócio, ao fornecer a informação integrada e consolidada em único banco de dados, em tempo real e em diferentes áreas da organização. Por outro lado, a implantação de um ERP ocasiona profundas mudanças na maneira como os empregados de uma organização desempenham seus trabalhos. Pesquisas da literatura relacionada ao tema sugerem que os sistemas ERP são capazes de propiciar ampla visibilidade para a gerência, implicando em maior controle. Simultaneamente, podem contribuir para o empowerment do empregado através do maior acesso à informação, da mesma forma que as regras e procedimentos dos processos organizacionais do sistema ERP levam a uma maior disciplina e induzem a uma maior reflexão sobre as práticas do trabalho, tornando-os mais eficazes. Este estudo busca contribuir com um maior entendimento para as organizações que pretendem alcançar o equilíbrio entre esses efeitos. Ao mesmo tempo, busca-se compreender a relação com a , bem como melhorar a capacidade dos indivíduos de pensar de forma inovadora e pró-ativa sobre seus trabalhos, implicando em aumento da eficiência, da eficácia e em vantagem competitiva da organização. O referencial bibliográfico apresentou conceitos relacionados ao poder (sob a ótica de Foucault), ao controle organizacional e ao empowerment. O estudo foi conduzido com uma metodologia quantitativa, através de uma survey realizada em uma organização multinacional com 213 respondentes. A pesquisa revelou que apesar da visibilidade das ações proporcionada pelo sistema ERP, os respondentes não se sentem mais controlados ou monitorados pelos seus superiores ou seus pares. Os resultados indicaram também que a visibilidade da informação propiciada pelo sistema ERP impulsiona a autonomia, facilitando o empowerment. Em contraste com pesquisas anteriores, que relacionam a reflexão a melhorias nas práticas de trabalho, este estudo relaciona a reflexão a preocupação e comprometimento em executar as atividades padronizadas do sistema. / Since the 1990s integrated information systems, better known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) really started to take off as a potential solution for the integration of all core business areas in the organizations. ERP systems are commercial software applications that support and integrate organizational processes across functional boundaries .The identifying characteristic of ERP systems is their ability to integrate these business processes by standardizing data, allowing more visibility by consolidating all the information of the different modules in one shared database, in real time. On the other hand, implementing a ERP system causes profound changes in the way employees perform their tasks. Research of the concerning literature suggests that ERP systems enable management to look vertically and horizontally across the organization, thus increasing visibility and control within the company. Simultaneously, these systems contribute to the empowerment of the employees through better access to information, in the same way that the rules and procedures of the ERP systems engage employees in greater self discipline and reflection on work practices. This study is based on the generally accepted potential of ERP systems to generate control and empowerment, and aims to contribute to a better understanding for those organizations that intend to reach a balance between those effects. In addition, the investigation focuses on the skill of individuals to think in innovative and pro-active ways about their work, resulting in increased efficiency, effectiveness and competitive advantage for the company. The literature review addresses concepts such as Foucaults view of disciplinary power, organizational control and empowerment. The study adopted a quantitative methodology through a survey conducted in a multinational organization with 213respondents. The study revealed that , despite the visibility offered by the ERP system, the respondents do not feel more controlled or monitored by their superiors or peers. Results also reveal that the information visibility granted by the system fosters autonomy, making empowerment easier. In contrast to previous research, which relates reflexion to improved working practices, the present study relates reflexion to concern with and commitment to performing the systems standardized tasks.

The Road to Women’s Empowerment in a Man's Crop : A field study of Ugandan women's empowerment process in the coffee farming industry

Özdemir, Hale January 2019 (has links)
In recent years the concept of empowerment has flourished to a large extent, not least in development studies. Empowering marginalised communities, poor people and women has become a priority for development agencies and organisations. This thesis aims to assess how women are empowered by a top-down approach through International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) and a bottom-up approach through the women themselves. The paper is based on a field study that took place in the coffee farms of Uganda where women face enormous challenges as they work in an exploited industry and live with husbands who often withhold the income of the work the women have done. Drawing on Naila Kabeer’s definition of empowerment, this paper looks at if and how the resources, agency and achievements of the women have led to empowerment in the levels of household, workplace and community. The research strategy used for this paper is data collected from semi-structured interviews with women working in coffee farms in Uganda. The results show that women become empowered to a large extent in the workplace and community levels but struggle in the household level. There is not sufficient transformative power from IWCA and the women themselves to change the structures regarding gender-norms that are vastly embedded in the culture. There is a need to raise more awareness and knowledge, not only for women and organisations but for the men as well, in order to reach women’s empowerment and gender equality.

Breaking through the "glass ceiling"?: the empowerment experience of female journalists in the newsroom of Hong Kong.

January 2007 (has links)
Man, Yu Ching. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 135-144). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / ABSTRACT (English version) --- p.i / ABSTRACT (Chinese version) --- p.iii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.iv / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.v / LIST OF TABLES --- p.iii / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.ix / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- BACKGROUND --- p.3 / Chapter 2.1 --- Social and Historical Context --- p.3 / Chapter 2.2 --- News Industry in Hong Kong --- p.7 / Chapter 2.3 --- Female journalists in Hong Kong Journalism Field --- p.9 / Chapter 3. --- THEORETICAL CONTEXT --- p.14 / Chapter 3.1 --- Relationship between Patriarchy and Capitalism --- p.14 / Chapter 3.2 --- Studies on Gender in Organisations --- p.17 / Chapter 3.3 --- Studies on Gender Inequality in Organisational Structure --- p.21 / Chapter 3.4 --- An Overview of Female Journalists in News Organisations --- p.23 / Chapter 3.5 --- Studies on Gender and News Production --- p.26 / Chapter 4. --- ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK --- p.29 / Chapter 4.1 --- Empowerment --- p.29 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Definitions of empowerment --- p.29 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Feminist notion of empowerment --- p.31 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Dimensions of empowerment --- p.33 / Chapter 4.1.4 --- Empowerment in this research --- p.34 / Chapter 4.2 --- Longwe's Empowerment Model --- p.35 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Gender-analysis model --- p.35 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Levels of equality in Longwe's empowerment model --- p.38 / Chapter 4.3 --- News Organisation Analysis --- p.41 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Development of news organisation analysis --- p.42 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Three Levels of organisation analysis --- p.43 / Chapter 5. --- RESEARCH QUESTIONS --- p.48 / Chapter 6. --- RESEARCH DESIGN & METHODOLOGY --- p.50 / Chapter 6.1 --- Methodology --- p.50 / Chapter 6.2 --- Sampling Methods --- p.50 / Chapter 6.3 --- Interviews --- p.51 / Chapter 6.4 --- Interviewees --- p.54 / Chapter 7. --- ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION I --- p.59 / Chapter 7.1 --- Fair Opportunities to Get Welfare and Benefits --- p.61 / Chapter 7.2 --- Equal Access to Training --- p.64 / Chapter 7.3 --- Contradictory Empowerment Experience in Conscientisation Process --- p.67 / Chapter 7.4 --- Limited Power in Decision-making Process --- p.79 / Chapter 7.5 --- Balance of Power Yet to Come at Control Level --- p.86 / Chapter 8. --- ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION II --- p.89 / Chapter 8.1 --- Macro-level (Social Environment) --- p.90 / Chapter 8.2 --- Meso-level (Organisation) --- p.94 / Chapter 8.2.1 --- Ecology of news industry in Hong Kong --- p.94 / Chapter 8.2.2 --- Pre-dominance of macho newsroom culture --- p.101 / Chapter 8.2.3 --- Hierarchal and patriarchal structure in newsrooms --- p.106 / Chapter 8.2.4 --- Fundamental nature of journalists' work --- p.109 / Chapter 8.2.5 --- Electronic vs. print media --- p.111 / Chapter 8.3 --- Micro-level (Individual) --- p.120 / Chapter 8.3.1 --- Perceptions towards traditional role of women --- p.120 / Chapter 8.3.2 --- Gender awareness --- p.123 / Chapter 9. --- CONCLUSION --- p.126 / Chapter 10. --- REFERENCES --- p.135 / Chapter 11. --- APPENDICES --- p.145 / Appendix 1 Manpower statistics at managerial/supervisory/production level of the journalism industry in Hong Kong from 1981 to 2001 --- p.145 / Appendix 2 Interview questions --- p.150 / Appendix 3 Chinese translation of the interview questions --- p.153

L'impact des projets de développement sur la qualité de vie des femmes : l'exemple du PRODALKA au Tchad / The impact of development projects on the quality of life of the women : PRODALKA example in Chad

Kobela, Emmanuel Alain 23 March 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche développe une double démarche : l’analyse des effets de la globalisation du genre par des politiques qui se veulent universelles en s’imposant à différent-e-s acteurs/actrices et les réactions de ceux/celles-ci, particulièrement celles des organisations féminines locales, dans la façon d’adapter ou de se réapproprier ces prescriptions internationales. Il s’agit de rendre compte de la manière dont le genre en tant que catégorie d’intervention publique parvient à se déployer d’une part dans les programmes d’aide au développement des pays financeurs et d’autre part dans les pays du Sud. Une analyse multi-niveaux est donc menée, tant au niveau des politiques et programmes de la coopération allemande, que de l’état tchadien puis du PRODALKA. Des projets et politiques visant à l’empowerment économique et politique, mais aussi la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes ou des réformes du code du statut personnel, sont-ils vraiment mis en oeuvre ? Peut-on repérer des effets du PRODALKA sur les conditions de vie des femmes mais aussi concernant leur reconnaissance par les hommes ? Pour répondre à ces questions, la recherche, à la fois qualitative et quantitative, s’appuie sur une enquête auprès de 310 femmes et sur une vingtaine d’entretiens formels et de plusieurs autres non formels auprès des personnes intéressées par cette thématique dans le cadre d’un programme bilatéral de développement économique tchado-allemand. La thèse montre que peu de progrès ont été rendus possibles par l’intervention du PRODALKA, bien que certaines femmes aient vu leurs conditions améliorées. En effet, les projets menés ont peu tenu compte des besoins des femmes ou des relations de genre à cause d’une posture de neutralité postulant que toute action menée dans la société profite à tous les groupes sociaux sans exclusive. Ils relevaient plutôt des actions de type « intégration des femmes dans le développement telles que celles qui étaient menées dans les années 1960 et ont été critiquées par l’approche « genre et développement » qui a proposé des outils théoriques et méthodologiques qui auraient pu éviter les erreurs commises. / This research offers a dual approach: it offers firstly an analysis of the consequences of gender globalization, through the application of policies meant to be universal, which are imposed to different participants. This research also looks at the reactions of these participants, particularly local women’s organizations, and the ways in which they adapt or appropriate these international prescriptions. We mean to uncover how gender, as a specific category in the field of public intervention, spreads out, on the one hand, in development aid programs coming from funding countries, and, on the other hand, in developing countries. A multi-level analysis has thus been conducted, which looked at cooperation policies and programs supervised by Germany, at the application in chad and at the PRODALKA project. Are policies and projects aiming at economic and political empowerment or reforms of the code of personal status really being implemented? Can the impact of the PRODALKA project on the living conditions of women and their recognition by men really be measured? In order to answer these questions, this research, which is both qualitative and quantitative, relies on a survey conducted with 310 women and on a several formal interviews and several non-formal interviews with individuals involved with this topic, within the context of a bilateral program of economic development between Germany and chad. The thesis will show that not a lot of progress has been made by the PRODALKA project, although some women have witnessed an improvement of their conditions. Indeed, the projects carried out have not really taken into consideration women’s needs or gender relations because of a posture of neutrality which implies that any type of action carried out in society benefits all groups, without exceptions. Those projects consisted more in actions aimed at integrated women in development, such as those that were conducted in the 1960s. Those types of actions were criticized by the « gender and development » approach, which offer theoretical and methodological tools that could have been used to prevent some of the mistakes that were made.

Les associations de femmes face aux inégalités de genre en Algérie / Women's associations in the face of the inequality in Algeria

Lassel, Djaouida 11 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’action de deux types d’associations de femmes, présentées dans quatre régions rurales et urbaines de l’Algérie : Alger, Oran, Blida et Tipaza, dont la création est entre 1991 et 2002. Leur histoire est étroitement liée aux dynamiques des mouvements sociaux et politiques algériens durant cette période.Cette recherche s’inscrit dans une perspective féministe et se distingue par la mobilisation du concept d’empowerment introduit par Wiliam Ninacks. À travers les entretiens semi directifs et des compléments d’informations recueillis lors de l’observation participante, méthodologie utilisée pour la première fois pour étudier les associations de femmes en Algérie, deux types d’associations ont été ont été examinés. Le premier inclut deux associations intervenantes en faveur des femmes victimes de violences. Elles font en outre un travail de pression au niveau des trois pouvoirs : politique, législatif, et juridique, pour changer les lois sur la famille et celles relatives à la violence contre les femmes. Le deuxième type d’associations étudié vient en aide aux femmes rurales et artisanes.Cinq associations ont été ainsi observées. Cette thèse contribue à la connaissance des nombreux défis auxquelles elles font face dans l’établissement de pratiques et actions permettant aux femmes rurales et citadines en situation de violence, de besoin, et d’exclusion de se constituer en actrices collectives pour agir ensemble en vue de changements de leur statut social et économique / This dissertation focuses on the action of two types of women's associations, presented in four rural and urban areas of Algeria: Algiers, Oran, and Tipaza, whose creation is between 1991 and 2002. Their history is closely linked to the dynamics of Algerian social and political movements during this period.This research is part of a feminist perspective and is distinguished by the mobilization of the concept of empowerment introduced by William Ninacks.Through the semi-directive interviews and additional information gathered during the participant observation, methodology used for the first time to study women's associations in Algeria, two types of associations were Examined. The first includes two associations for women victims of violence. They also exert pressure on the three powers : political, legislative, and legal, to change family laws and those relating to violence against women. The second type of association studied supports rural and artisanal women.Five associations have been observed. This thesis contributes to the knowledge of the many challenges they face in the establishment of practices and actions enabling rural and urban women in situations of violence, need, and exclusion to establish themselves as actresses to act together in order to change their social and economic status

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