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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bokbussen : från dåtid till nutid. En studie om bokbussens utveckling i Sverige / The Mobile library : from then to now. A study of the mobile library development in Sweden

Lysebäck, Anna, Norrström, Lise-Lotte January 2000 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to investigate the mobile library development in Sweden since the start in Borås, Sweden in 1948. We have concentrated on three six-year periods. Our aim has been to describe a part of the mobile library development. We wanted to research the background of the said development. To do this we also studied the library and overall development in Sweden during the same years. The attitude towards mobile libraries has changed since 1948. In the beginning mobile libraries was considered a non-permanent solution for areas and people that didn't have library-services. Later the attitude changed. Mobile libraries were now a helpful service in the same way "Boken kommer"-services was. During the same time they replaced travelling libraries. Later and now mobile libraries are considered to be small branch-libraries on wheels and a natural service in sparsely populated areas. During the first years it was only the richer municipalities that could afford mobile libraries. With the help of government subsidies, more and more municipalities could afford it. Subsidies were given for half of the purchase price from 1965. From 1975 the municipalities could receive subsidies for all of it. In 1985 the subsidies ceased and the number of mobile libraries were reduced. These last years however, has seen new ways of thinking in the library-area. New technology has made its way to the permanent libraries as well as the mobile ones. For example access to the Internet and the library catalogue. The main goal for the libraries has been mainly the same all these years, to reach everyone. Mobile libraries were and are a way to fulfill this goal. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Mångfald i bilderboken ur ett litteratursociologiskt perspektiv. / Diversity in children’s picture books in a perspective of literature sociology.

Björkenfors, Sofia, Martinger Storme, Malena January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to investigate how diversity takes shape in children’s picture books published in Sweden. Twelve picture books, which touch the aspect of diversity in the categories of gender, ages, culture, nation, ethnicities, language, class, sexuality and functional disorder, were chosen from the Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs catalogue for youth and children’s books 2006. They have been analysed with the conception of ikonotext and with the theory of Pierre Macherey’s image in the mirror, of how literature reflects the reality of society. To facilitate the answering of our major question on how diversity takes shape in picture books, we have divided it into two different aspects, one concerning the diversity of the characters and the other the diversity of the environment and context in which the story takes place. Our analysis shows a wide range of ages with many old single ladies. Most children are young girls, and among all the characters the females are more of initiators than the male characters. Most of the adult male characters are single fathers. The aspects of ethnicities are usually connected with different nations and cultures, and rarely described as problematic. The environment enhances different cultures and conflict of class by showing different socio-economic structures such as way of living. We have come to the conclusion that children’s picture books in Sweden show a wide range of societies, characters and environments in most of the categories concerning diversity, except sexuality, language and functional disorder. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Skogsbrukares utredningsansvar vid avverkning / Foresters investigation responsibility in relation to disforestation

Karlsson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Straffverkställighet : En analys utifrån det kriminalpolitiska målet

Ljungman, Mikael January 2012 (has links)
Den nya straffverkställighetslagstiftningen, med avseende på det behov som lagstiftaren identifierat av en ökad individualisering, i syfte att uppnå en individualpreventiv effekt och en lyckad resocialisering, innehåller vissa grundläggande förutsättningar, som alla kan påverka frågorna om individualisering och proportionalitet. Dessa grundläggande förutsättningar innehåller olika typer av motsättningar, som var och en kan påverka såväl tillämpning och mål. Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera och beskriva dessa motsättningar i förhållande till proportionalitet och individualitet.

Straffrättslig särbehandling av unga lagöverträdare : Principiella motiv för en slopad ungdomsreduktion / Criminal treatment of young offenders : Ideological motives for an abolished categorical reduction of penal value for young offenders

Eckerström Liedholm, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Att särbehandla unga lagöverträdare är långt ifrån en samtida idé. Skälen bakom särbehandlingen samt på vilket sätt och till vilken grad unga särbehandlas har dock skiftat genom århundradena. Denna förändring är särskilt aktuell i och med den nyligen presenterade utredningen SOU 2018:85 som föreslår kraftiga begränsningar av den straffrättsliga särbehandlingen av unga lagöverträdare genom att slopa ungdomsreduktionen. I diskussionen framträder frågor som varför vi särbehandlar unga lagöverträdare, varför vi inte ska göra det i framtiden och vilken färdriktning som kan stakas ut efter att de principiella skälen för respektive mot särbehandlingen blottlagts. I uppsatsen står de principiella skälen bakom det svenska straffsystemets lagregler avseende ungdomsreduktionen i centrum. Dessa undersöks med en rättsdogmatisk metod i vid bemärkelse. I uppsatsen konstateras bland annat att det är svårt att sätta samman en ideologiskt koherent förklaring av en slopad ungdomsreduktion. Vidare ger avsaknaden av ideologisk koherens och de skäl som kan sägas motivera en slopad ungdomsreduktion ger uttryck för vissa protektionistiska tendenser i den svenska straffrätten.

Styrelseledamöters medansvar vid kapitalbrist enligt Aktiebolagslagen 25 kap. 18 § - Särskilt om ansvarsperiodens förhållande till konkurs och företagsrekonstruktion

Krossling, Karin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Skogsbruk och renskötsel på samma mark : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av äganderätten och renskötselrätten / Forestry and reindeer husbandry on the same land : a legal study of land ownership and Sami reindeer herding rights

Brännström, Malin January 2017 (has links)
In the northern parts of Sweden forestry and Sami reindeer herding are exercised on the same land and there is an ongoing land use dispute between the land users. Land ownership and reindeer herding rights, based on immemorial prescription and customary law, are parallel property rights to the same land. Studies have concluded that the legal framework does not sufficiently reflect the property rights perspective of the land use conflict. This study examines the legal framework that regulates the relationship between forestry and reindeer herding from a property rights perspective. Starting points of the study are basic aspects of property rights, such as the right to use, decide on and benefit economically from property and the legal protection required in relation to others. Comparisons are made with the legal frameworks that regulate other relationships within real estate law, including e.g. neighbors, easements, joint facilities and utility easement. The study concludes that the relationship between land ownership and reindeer herding rights can be understood only against the background of historical events such as colonization and demarcation. The rights are more independent of each other than other legal relations and can be compared to a double ownership. It is further concluded that the Forestry Act is based on the assumption that reindeer herding is primarily a public interest that needs protection. Land owners have a far-reaching right to use forests that causes damages to reindeer pasture lands that is not in accordance with the legal nature of the reindeer herding right. Further, central elements usually used to regulate property rights relations are missing, e.g. mutual consideration, damages and judicial review. The study also examines if the legal framework is in accordance with the constitutional protection of property in Chapter 2 Section 15 of the constitutional Instrument of Government and Article 1 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights. It is concluded that the legal framework has several deficiencies in this respect. Elements are discussed that can be implemented in law to appropriately reflect the property rights studied. / Nuorta osiin Ruoŧas meahccedoallu ja sámi boazodoallu doaimmahuvvojit seamma eatnamiin ja leat eananriiddut eanangeavaheddjiid gaskkas. Eananoamasteapmi ja boazodoallorievttit, vuođđuduvvon dološ vieruiduvvon rievtti ja doloža rájes geavaheami vuođul, leaba bálddalaš opmodatrievttit seamma eatnamiidda. Guorahallamat leat čuoččuhan ahte juridihkalaš rámmahuksehus ii doarvái govvit opmodatrievtti geahčastaga eanangeavahanriiddus. Dát guorahallan iská juridihkalaš rámmahuksehusa mii mudde gaskavuođa meahccedoalu ja boazoealáhusa gaskkas opmodatriektelaš geahčastagas. Vuolggasadji guorahallamis lea vuđolaš aspeavttat opmodatrievttis, dego riekti geavahit, mearridit ja ávkkástallat ekonomalaččat opmodagas ja dat lágalaš suodji mii gáibiduvvon iežáid gaskavuođaide. Buohtastahttimat leat dahkkon juridihkalaš rámmahuksehusain mii mudde iežá gaskavuođaid opmodatlágas, ránnjá gullojit maid dása, servituhtat, ásahusat ja jođasriekti. Guorahallan gávnnaha ahte gaskavuohta eananopmodaga ja boazodoallorievtti gaskkal dušše sáhttá ipmirduvvot dan duogážiin historjjálaš dáhpáhusaiguin dego koloniseren ja ráddjen. Dát vuoigatvuođat leat eanet sorjavaččat guhte guoimmis go iežá juridihkalaš gaskavuođat ja sáhttá buohtastahttot guovtte gearddi oamastemiin. Leat vel lassin gávnnahuvvon ahte Meahccedikšoláhka lea vuođđuduvvon dáinna oainnuin ahte boazodoallu lea almmolaš beroštupmi ja dárbbaha suoji. Eananoamasteddjiin lea stuorra muddui riekti geavahit meahci nu ahte dagaha vahága boazodoalu guohtuneatnamiidda ja ii čuovu boazodoallorievtti lága vuoiŋŋa. Dasa lassin, váilot guovddáš oasit mat dábálaččat muddejit opmodatgaskavuođaid, omd. gáibádusat oktasaš vuhtii váldimis, billisteamit ja riektelaš geahččaleapmi. Guorahallan iská maid jus lágalaš rámma čuvvo dan konstitušuvnnalaš suoji opmodagas 2 kap 5 oassi ruoŧa vuođđolágas ja 1 artihkal vuosttaš beavdegirjjis Eurohpákonvenšuvnnas eamiálbmotrivttiide. Lea gávnnahuvvon ahte juridihkalaš rámmain leat máŋga váilevašvuođat dán eavttus ja oasit lágas mat sáhttet rievdaduvvot vai buoret govvidit ja suddjejit iskojuvvon opmodatrivttiid.

Kunskapssamhällets kvalifikationskrav vid omplacering : En utredning av hur rekvisitet tillräckliga kvalifikationer förhåller sig till samhällsutvecklingen / Qualification requirements for resettlement in the knowledge society : An investigation of how the qualification requirement relates to the development of society

Hammarroth, Maria January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate the signification of qualification requirements that an employer imposes for resettlement in redundancy dismissals. Furthermore the aim is to examine how the requirement relates to the development of society and highlight possible consequences for the employment protection. To determine applicable law a legal dogmatic method is used. This method is supplemented with a sociological perspective to illustrate the connection between the application of the requirement and the development from an industrial society to a knowledge society. Based on this thesis, following conclusions were drawn. In the assessment of the requirement the Labour Court takes into account whether the requirement is reasonable, substantially and non-discriminatory. The requirement is a minimum criteria where the worker meets the same requirements as a new employee, and that is generally imposed on the current post. However, essential factors such as company size, financial situation, if the post in question is of a specialized nature, matters for the assessment. The Labour Court also reason about what would be a reasonable period of apprenticeship, which differs from case to case. What constitutes a reasonable time will depend partly on the above facts and also on the employee's ability to learn based on previous qualifications. Regarding the concept of qualification formal, informal and personal qualifications are included. In formal qualifications education, certifications and language skills are counted. The informal requirements consist of practical experience and the personal requirements include physical, mental abilities, behavior and personal suitability. During the later period of LAS the largest proportion of cases that investigates sufficient qualifications consists of education requirements, compared to the earlier period when practical experience was dominating. Today there are also fewer workers that fulfill the condition than during the early years of LAS and the most common reason is lack of education. The opinion that education is of importance to achieve the competence required in today's production efficient society leads to qualified jobs and a higher standard of qualification requirements. There is a clear connection between education and employment. Among the less educated; older and foreign-born people are overrepresented. The level of education also differs between the various sectors and between different classes. Even young people without secondary education, young people with disabilities and foreign-born youths are particularly vulnerable to being caught in long periods of unemployment. In summary, these groups tend to be marginalized and get a protection that does not provide the same conditions as if they were higher educated, Swedish-born and from a privileged class.

Uteslutning av leverantörer på grund av överenskommelser som syftar till att snedvrida konkurrensen : En konsekvensanalys / Exclusion of economic operators due to agreements aimed at distorting competition : An analysis of consequences

Strömberg, Madeleine January 2017 (has links)
I uppsatsen redogörs för uteslutning på grund av överenskommelser som syftar till att snedvrida konkurrensen. Uteslutningsgrunden infördes i och med genomförandet av LOU-direktivet och fokus för redogörelsen är de konsekvenser för berörda parter som bestämmelsen kan medföra. I anslutning därtill sker en redogörelse av konsekvenserna av bestämmelserna om utredning av, beslut om och undantag från uteslutning, vilka har bedömts vara av betydelse för uteslutningsprocessen. Redogörelsen för bestämmelserna om uteslutning enligt LOU sker mot bakgrund av motsvarande bestämmelse enligt ÄLOU och med hänvisning till de konkurrensrättsliga reglerna om konkurrensbegränsande samarbeten. Omarbetningen av upphandlingslagstiftningen föranleddes av behovet av att effektivisera upphandlingsförfarandet genom enklare och mer flexibel lagstiftning. Mot den bakgrunden är det av intresse att undersöka huruvida bestämmelsen om uteslutning svarar mot målsättningen att göra upphandlingsreglerna enklare. Tilldelning av ett kontrakt kan vara avgörande för leverantörens fortsatta verksamhet och uteslutning utgör således ett för leverantörer mycket kritiskt skede i upphandlingsprocessen. Upphandlande myndighets beslut om uteslutning måste vara välgrundat och frågor om tillämpningen av bestämmelserna om uteslutning behandlas frekvent i rättstillämpningen. Den rättspraxis som presenteras visar att tillämpningen av motsvarande bestämmelse enligt ÄLOU var förenad med vissa svårigheter. Redogörelsen för bestämmelsen enligt LOU visar att det synes finnas skäl att anta att LOU kan medföra liknande tillämpningssvårigheter. I analysen diskuteras de konsekvenser som bestämmelsen kan medföra för berörda parter med fokus på främst tillämpningssvårigheter. Tillämpningssvårigheterna kan främst härledas till avsaknaden av närmare definitioner och förklaringar avseende vissa begrepp vilket ger upphov till ett stort tolkningsutrymme. Därutöver lämnas mycket att avgöras av den upphandlande myndigheten vilken, inom ramen för proportionalitetsprincipen ska beakta omständigheter i det enskilda fallet. En sådan ordning innebär att ett större ansvar åvilar den upphandlande myndigheten och att utrymmet för skönsmässig bedömning är stort. För leverantörer synes en sådan ordning vara positiv i den bemärkelsen att hänsyn tas till omständigheter i det enskilda fallet varvid olika fall behandlas olika. Samtidigt leder en sådan ordning till minskad förutsebarhet och därmed en osäkerhet om vad som faktiskt gäller.

Statsstöd och direkt beskattning : Tillämpning av selektivitetskriteriet på skatteåtgärder / State Aid and Direct Taxation : applying the selectivity criterion to fiscal measures

Björkman, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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