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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship between socio-economic status and cardiovascular disease in black South Africans living in a rural and an urban community

Egbujie, Bonaventure Amandi January 2012 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Introduction: In recent years, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has emerged as a leading cause of death in developing countries. It is important to identify and target people who are at risk,given that a third of all deaths are expected to be due to CVD by 2020. Studies have shown socio-economic patterning in the prevalence of risk factors for CVD, including obesity,smoking and lipid profile. In developed countries, the association between socio-economic status (SES) and CVD risk factors is negative, with a higher prevalence of CVD risk factors among people of lower SES. However, findings from studies in developing countries on this including South Africa has been inconsistent. In addition, there is scant information on differences in socio-economic patterning of CVD risk factors between urban and rural areas in South Africa.Aim: To examine the association between SES indicators and CVD risk factors among an adult population cohort of Black South Africans living in a rural and urban community.Study design: Quantitative cross-sectional analytical study of baseline data of a populationbased cohort of 2000 Black South African men and women aged 30-70 years who are part of the Cape Town arm of the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE) Study. The study cohort has been established in Mount Frere, Eastern Cape (rural) and Langa, Cape Town(urban) since 2009 and the current work is secondary analysis of the baseline study data.Data collection/synthesis: SES indicators including income, employment status, marital status and completed education were gleaned from the baseline data of the PURE Cape Town study for all study participants. Then CVD risk factors including obesity, hypertension, selfreported diabetes, consumption of tobacco and alcohol consumption were also determined for the same participants. Data analysis: Data was analysed using SPSS version 20 for Windows. Descriptive statistics including frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviations (where normal distribution) and median and interquartile range (where non-normal) were used to summarise data on SES and CVD risk factors. This was performed separately for rural and urban study participants. Analytical statistics was used to examine associations between SES indicators and CVD risk factors with risk factors as both dichotomous and multi-level categorical variables.Kendall’s τ rank correlation coefficient was obtained to assess the relationship between the three indicators of SES. Prevalence rates reported with 95% confidence intervals was determined for risk factors across categories of SES indicators. P-values for trends in CVD risk factors were obtained by treating the SES indicators as categorical variables in logistic regression analyses. Multiple logistic regression analysis to estimate independent effects of the different SES indicators on risk factors was performed. In all analyses, P-values< 0.05 were regarded as significant.Results: There was a significant difference in the socioeconomic and CVD risk factors profile of urban and rural participants. Except for hypertension and tobacco use with insignificant higher prevalence in the urban location, all CVD risk factors were significantly higher in urban than rural participants. Some CVD risk factors (hypertension and diabetes) were positively associated with high SES (income) and some others (tobacco use) were negatively associated with employment status. Highest income earners had the highest risk of hypertension (AOR= 2.4, 95% CI 1.5-3.9) and diabetes (AOR= 2.2, 95% CI 1.2-4.1) after adjusting for age, sex and other SES variables. Marital status however showed the most consistent association across all CVD risk factors; widowed participants had a high risk of hypertension (OR=2.1, 95% CI 1.2-3.7) and diabetes (OR=2.0, 95% CI 1.1-3.7), but had the lowest risk of tobacco (OR=0.3, 95% CI 0.14-0.66) and alcohol use (OR=0.3, 95% CI 0.15-0.72). The distribution of CVD risk factors by SES gradient showed inconsistent patterning and difference between the urban and rural participants.Conclusion: In this cohort of adult Black South Africans, high income earning and widowed marital status were associated with higher hypertension and diabetes prevalence, while unemployment was associated with higher tobacco use.Recommendations: CVD risk reduction interventions that recognise the differential susceptibility of individuals in different SES group need to be designed and implemented.Widows and widowers should be given focussed attention in health screening as they may have increased vulnerability to diseases especially CVDs. There is however need for more research to establish the pathway through which SES factors predispose or protect individuals from CVDs.

Business cycles and stock market performance in South Africa

Muchaonyerwa, Forward January 2011 (has links)
The study investigates the relationship between stock market performance and business cycles in South Africa for the period 2002-2009 using monthly data. This is done by constructing a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The study specifies a business cycle model with the business cycle coincident indicator (BC) regressed against, the All Share Price Index (ALSI), Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER), Money Supply (M1), Inflation (CPIX) and the Prime Overdraft Rate (POR). The ALSI represents stock market performance whilst the rest of the variables are to enhance model specification. The study found a positive relationship between stock market performance and business cycles in South Africa. The results also indicated that business cycles are positively related to the lagged variable of the coincident indicator and money supply. In addition, the findings also reveal that BC is negatively related to interest rates and the real effective exchange rate.

Design and Evaluation of Web-Based Economic Indicators: A Big Data Analysis Approach

Blázquez Soriano, María Desamparados 15 January 2020 (has links)
[ES] En la Era Digital, el creciente uso de Internet y de dispositivos digitales está transformando completamente la forma de interactuar en el contexto económico y social. Miles de personas, empresas y organismos públicos utilizan Internet en sus actividades diarias, generando de este modo una enorme cantidad de datos actualizados ("Big Data") accesibles principalmente a través de la World Wide Web (WWW), que se ha convertido en el mayor repositorio de información del mundo. Estas huellas digitales se pueden rastrear y, si se procesan y analizan de manera apropiada, podrían ayudar a monitorizar en tiempo real una infinidad de variables económicas. En este contexto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es generar indicadores económicos, basados en datos web, que sean capaces de proveer regularmente de predicciones a corto plazo ("nowcasting") sobre varias actividades empresariales que son fundamentales para el crecimiento y desarrollo de las economías. Concretamente, tres indicadores económicos basados en la web han sido diseñados y evaluados: en primer lugar, un indicador de orientación exportadora, basado en un modelo que predice si una empresa es exportadora; en segundo lugar, un indicador de adopción de comercio electrónico, basado en un modelo que predice si una empresa ofrece la posibilidad de venta online; y en tercer lugar, un indicador de supervivencia empresarial, basado en dos modelos que indican la probabilidad de supervivencia de una empresa y su tasa de riesgo. Para crear estos indicadores, se han descargado una diversidad de datos de sitios web corporativos de forma manual y automática, que posteriormente se han procesado y analizado con técnicas de análisis Big Data. Los resultados muestran que los datos web seleccionados están altamente relacionados con las variables económicas objeto de estudio, y que los indicadores basados en la web que se han diseñado en esta tesis capturan en un alto grado los valores reales de dichas variables económicas, siendo por tanto válidos para su uso por parte del mundo académico, de las empresas y de los decisores políticos. Además, la naturaleza online y digital de los indicadores basados en la web hace posible proveer regularmente y de forma barata de predicciones a corto plazo. Así, estos indicadores son ventajosos con respecto a los indicadores tradicionales. Esta tesis doctoral ha contribuido a generar conocimiento sobre la viabilidad de producir indicadores económicos con datos online procedentes de sitios web corporativos. Los indicadores que se han diseñado pretenden contribuir a la modernización en la producción de estadísticas oficiales, así como ayudar a los decisores políticos y los gerentes de empresas a tomar decisiones informadas más rápidamente. / [CAT] A l'Era Digital, el creixent ús d'Internet i dels dispositius digitals està transformant completament la forma d'interactuar al context econòmic i social. Milers de persones, empreses i organismes públics utilitzen Internet a les seues activitats diàries, generant d'aquesta forma una enorme quantitat de dades actualitzades ("Big Data") accessibles principalment mitjançant la World Wide Web (WWW), que s'ha convertit en el major repositori d'informació del món. Aquestes empremtes digitals poden rastrejar-se i, si se processen i analitzen de forma apropiada, podrien ajudar a monitoritzar en temps real una infinitat de variables econòmiques. En aquest context, l'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral és generar indicadors econòmics, basats en dades web, que siguen capaços de proveïr regularment de prediccions a curt termini ("nowcasting") sobre diverses activitats empresarials que són fonamentals per al creixement i desenvolupament de les economies. Concretament, tres indicadors econòmics basats en la web han sigut dissenyats i avaluats: en primer lloc, un indicador d'orientació exportadora, basat en un model que prediu si una empresa és exportadora; en segon lloc, un indicador d'adopció de comerç electrònic, basat en un model que prediu si una empresa ofereix la possibilitat de venda online; i en tercer lloc, un indicador de supervivència empresarial, basat en dos models que indiquen la probabilitat de supervivència d'una empresa i la seua tasa de risc. Per a crear aquestos indicadors, s'han descarregat una diversitat de dades de llocs web corporatius de forma manual i automàtica, que posteriorment s'han analitzat i processat amb tècniques d'anàlisi Big Data. Els resultats mostren que les dades web seleccionades estan altament relacionades amb les variables econòmiques objecte d'estudi, i que els indicadors basats en la web que s'han dissenyat en aquesta tesi capturen en un alt grau els valors reals d'aquestes variables econòmiques, sent per tant vàlids per al seu ús per part del món acadèmic, de les empreses i dels decisors polítics. A més, la naturalesa online i digital dels indicadors basats en la web fa possible proveïr regularment i de forma barata de prediccions a curt termini. D'aquesta forma, són avantatjosos en comparació als indicadors tradicionals. Aquesta tesi doctoral ha contribuït a generar coneixement sobre la viabilitat de produïr indicadors econòmics amb dades online procedents de llocs web corporatius. Els indicadors que s'han dissenyat pretenen contribuïr a la modernització en la producció d'estadístiques oficials, així com ajudar als decisors polítics i als gerents d'empreses a prendre decisions informades més ràpidament. / [EN] In the Digital Era, the increasing use of the Internet and digital devices is completely transforming the way of interacting in the economic and social framework. Myriad individuals, companies and public organizations use the Internet for their daily activities, generating a stream of fresh data ("Big Data") principally accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW), which has become the largest repository of information in the world. These digital footprints can be tracked and, if properly processed and analyzed, could help to monitor in real time a wide range of economic variables. In this context, the main goal of this PhD thesis is to generate economic indicators, based on web data, which are able to provide regular, short-term predictions ("nowcasting") about some business activities that are basic for the growth and development of an economy. Concretely, three web-based economic indicators have been designed and evaluated: first, an indicator of firms' export orientation, which is based on a model that predicts if a firm is an exporter; second, an indicator of firms' engagement in e-commerce, which is based on a model that predicts if a firm offers e-commerce facilities in its website; and third, an indicator of firms' survival, which is based on two models that indicate the probability of survival of a firm and its hazard rate. To build these indicators, a variety of data from corporate websites have been retrieved manually and automatically, and subsequently have been processed and analyzed with Big Data analysis techniques. Results show that the selected web data are highly related to the economic variables under study, and the web-based indicators designed in this thesis are capturing to a great extent their real values, thus being valid for their use by the academia, firms and policy-makers. Additionally, the digital and online nature of web-based indicators makes it possible to provide timely, inexpensive predictions about the economy. This way, they are advantageous with respect to traditional indicators. This PhD thesis has contributed to generating knowledge about the viability of producing economic indicators with data coming from corporate websites. The indicators that have been designed are expected to contribute to the modernization of official statistics and to help in making earlier, more informed decisions to policy-makers and business managers. / Blázquez Soriano, MD. (2019). Design and Evaluation of Web-Based Economic Indicators: A Big Data Analysis Approach [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/116836 / TESIS

Matematické a statistické metody pro podporu vývoje softwarových aplikací / Mathematical and Statistical Methods as Support of the Development of Software Applications

Krayzlová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis disserts mainly on the software application development created through language Visual Basic for Application, which serves to creation of macros and automation of work in Microsoft Excel. The Application is made specially for company PENTACO, spol. s.r.o. The software allows to calculate complete financial analysis of company for last 8 years. Statistical methods are used for prediction of future indicators. The financial analysis will reveal the weaknesses and strengths of the company and on their basis will be suggested solutions for fixing of problems and company situation.

Hodnocení výkonnosti a postavení podnikatelského subjektu na bankovním trhu / Evaluation of the Performance and Position of the Business Entity on the Banking Market

Popovyčová, Alexandra January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the evaluation of Air Bank a.s. on the market and contains a comparison of the bank with its competitors. Furthermore, the assessment uses selected indicators of financial analysis which take into account the specifics of banking. Based on the data obtained from the evaluation, the paper provides recommendations to improve the current economic situation of the bank.

Porovnání ceny rozestavěné stavby RD v různých fázích výstavby s cenou provedených stavebních prací / Comparison of unfinished house prices in several stages of construction with the cost of finished construction works

Hanzlíček, Michael January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is compare the price unfinished house in various stages of construction with the cost of executed construction. The price unfinished house was identified by various calculation. The various calculation were compared each other. The chosen methods are develop construction budget, determine prices through technical-economic indicators and of price regulations. Price unfinished buildings and the value of construction works is determined in three separate phases, these phases are described in the thesis itself. Calculation results are processed in graphic form and at the end of this thesis are compared with each other. Assigned task is achieved by a complete itemized budget for a house with no exterior modifications and connections. From final itemized budget are created sub-budget containing structure according to specified stages of construction. In the same stages of construction are made calculations by price indicators and price regulations. Target set in the thesis is filled at the end, all the values are described and compared. The results suggest the use of computational methods is determined by the purpose for which prices are measured. Labor and accuracy while itemized budget is confirmed, the remaining calculations are mainly informative and preliminary pricing satisfactory. The benefit of the work is to verify the use of computational methods for the different phases of the construction process.

Modelování a analýza rizik výstavbového projektu / Modelling and Risk Analysis of Civil Engineering Project

Náhlík, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to analyze the most appropriate use of the building in order to achieve maximum profit. A feasibility study was used to analyze the issue of profitability. The main points addressed in the feasibility study were the marketing plan, cash flow and risk assessment. The result of the thesis is a decision about the project's feasibility based on the project indicators.

Indicadores socioeconômicos locais para a cidade de Bauru : um diagnóstico sob a ótica da competência em informação e midiática /

Ramos, Fernando Jorge de Castro January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Regina Celia Baptista Belluzzo / Resumo: A estruturação, análise e fomento de diretrizes em prol da sociedade é fundamental para que o poder público cumpra sua função social. Resulta que possuir instrumentos adequados e dinâmicos para este propósito se faz essencial. Um importante e significativo norteador para o planejamento das ações de desenvolvimento dos municípios é a Agenda 2030, definida pela ONU como sendo um plano de ação que busca erradicar a pobreza, proteger o planeta e garantir que as pessoas alcancem a paz e a prosperidade até o ano de 2030. A agenda inclui metas e os 17 ODS, que são os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável, sendo um plano de governo para toda a sociedade. O município de Bauru está localizado geograficamente no centro do estado mais populoso do Brasil, com população estimada de 344 mil pessoas, e com o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDHM) de 0,801, segundo o site do IBGE (2010). Esses indicadores macroeconômicos permitem formar uma ideia de desenvolvimento socioeconômico da cidade. No entanto, a cidade não possui plataforma própria que evidencie suas reais demandas, tornando relevante a geração de dados mais específicos e que sejam de seu domínio, possibilitando formular a qualquer tempo, as suas estratégias de desenvolvimento local. Os principais conceitos que permeiam este trabalho são políticas públicas, indicadores socioeconômicos e competência em informação e midiática, com o objetivo de oferecer elementos para a produção de informação de interesse do município e d... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The structuring, analysis and promotion of guidelines in favor of society is essential for the government to fulfill its social function. It follows that having adequate and dynamic instruments for this purpose is essential. An important and significant guide for planning municipal development actions is the 2030 Agenda, defined by the UN as an action plan that seeks to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure that people achieve peace and prosperity up to 2030. The agenda includes objectives and the 17 OSGs, which are the objectives of sustainable development, being a governance plan for the entire society. Bauru is located geographically in the center of the most populous state in Brazil, with an estimated population of 344,000 inhabitants, and the Municipal Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.801, according to the IBGE website (2010). These macroeconomic indicators allow us to form an idea of the socio-economic development of the city. However, the city does not have its own platform to clearly highlight its needs, which makes it more relevant to generate more specific data found on its domain, allowing its local development strategies to be formulated at any time. The main concepts that permeate this work are public policies, socioeconomic indicators and media information and competence, with the aim of providing elements for the production of information of interest to the city and the dissemination of media for the various social sectors. The following research w... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Transfer of technology to developing countries. "A methodology to quantify and predict temporal rates of technology transfer from advanced to developing countries".

Belhoul, Kheira S. January 1983 (has links)
The transfer of technology to developing countries constitutes one of the major debates in the literature on development economics. The present empirical investigation is intended to " contribute to the large existing literature on technological transfer. Its major contribution lies in demonstrating rigorously that the integration of foreign technologies is greatly affected by the socio-economic conditions of the recipient countries. The present study attempts to identify the main socioeconomic characteristics involved in assimilating transferred technlogy. It first provides a quantifiable measure of the rate of technological absorption. Then, in presenting the selection of indicators, the general procedures followed in choosing the sample of countries are summarized and the principles guiding the choice of variables are examined. The model is based on multiple regression analysis, which is discussed in some detail. Another statistical method is used to explore the interdependence of the economic and social indicators, which provides more exact knowledge about their various interactions and lays the groundwork for the problem at hand. Three main indicators are identified that explain a significant-. sixty one percent of the total variance of the dependent variable. These main indicators are the rate of education, trade policies and the availability of certain consumer products. It is found that these variables express different and important dimensions of the third world economy. In general, the results reveal that the rate of technology integration varies greatly with the level of socio economic development. The findings of the investigation are analysed using new and efficient methods of diagnostic techniques, and are also seen within their theoretical perspectives'. The analysis of results is concluded with a discussion of intangible factors that cannot as yet be quantified; factors such as political and managerial quality and yet can be expected to have significant effects on the rate of technological integration. / Ministry of Hydraulics in Algeria

Pro-poor water tariff under uncertain socio-economic conditions : a study of Palestine

Alamarah, Abdelrahman January 2010 (has links)
The availability and management of water resources is a global issue, this is particularly true in countries with limited water resources, such as Palestine, which falls under the Water Stress Line (1000 m3/person/year)1. Palestine has operated under an -unstable political, economic and social conditions for more than six decades. This uncertainty has resulted in mismanagement, inefficient institutions and the over-xploitation of water resources. The main aim of this study was to produce socioeconomic indicators based on the water tariff structure in order to be pro-poor and to enable water utilities to cope with uncertainties. The study s recommendation is for a flexible, pro-poor and socially acceptable tariff structure have been based on empirical work and socio-economic data which has been collected by rigorous research and reinforced with case studies. Initial results based on a pilot survey showed that there was a 33% increase in the revenue of the water supplier equivalent to 13% of the total water costs and an increase in the number of beneficiaries that paid their bills ranging from 10.5% to 38.6%. If applied at national level, the model application based on current socioeconomic data would have a wide positive socio-economic impact in reducing poverty, financial equality, social security and reduction of the effect of uncertainties. The reform of the existing legal and institution framework are a prerequisite for the application of this kind of model. Institutional and legal reforms coupled with the application of this model, would produce a dynamic water pricing policy as part of the efforts to have an integrated water management and would serve as a tool for the national goal of poverty alleviation and food security.

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