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Trigger point theory as aesthetic activism : a transdisciplinary approach to environmental restorationRahmani, Aviva A. January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation presents a new approach to addressing environmental degradation based on transdisciplinary ecological art. Transdisciplinarity is defined here as merging art and science to discover new insights. Ecological art is defined as an aesthetic practice that promotes environmental resilience. This writing will describe why those approaches are essential to restoring resilient bioregionalism. It introduces the author’s own heuristic perspectives and methodologies and demonstrates how they may be integrated with technology and science. The problems of accelerated loss of coastal (littoral) zone biodiversity, degraded water quality, and habitat fragmentation need critical attention. The author’s research goal was to present a replicable set of guidelines for identifying small points of restoration for wetland littoral zones (the coastal region between terrestrial and marine life) based on a case study called Ghost Nets, scaled to a second case study, Fish Story. Her novel approach included establishing relevant parallels from quantum physics and acupuncture to energetic systems. Additional specific analogies were explored from visual arts, theatre, music, dance, and performance art, to discover a holistic and integrated point of view. Parallels and analogies were drawn by interrogating the two case studies. An important aim of the study was to examine how certain restoration practices could be scaled up to the bioregional level and integrated with a special theory, Trigger Point Theory, to reinforce healthy ecosystems. This included an analysis of how restored upland ecotones and a different relationship to other species could contribute to restoration in the littoral zone. The analysis critiqued how anthropocentric considerations often fail to protect vulnerable water systems. The role of environmental justice for vulnerable human populations and ethical concerns for other animal species was included in that analysis. The author also claims that when artists work with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping, that may propel a new transdiscourse and eventually make heuristic information scientifically useful. Insight from the Ghost Nets case study informed data collections and GIS mapping for the Southern Gulf of Maine. Those insights and the mapping were used to analyze relationships between finfish abundance, eelgrass, and invasive, predatory green crabs. Conclusions were drawn that are relevant to coastal and fisheries management practices. The author used performative approaches to contribute expert witnessing to her conclusions. Questionnaires were used to determine how much community awareness was accomplished with the case studies, and assess effects on future behavior. By combining art and science methodologies, the author revealed insights that could help small restored sites act as trigger points towards restoration of healthy bioregional systems more efficiently than would be possible through restoration science alone. In scaling up (applying small models to larger systems) and applying these practices for landscape ecology, the author assembled a set of recommendations for other researchers to implement these ideas in the future. Those recommendations included the formal engagement of ecological artists as equal partners on environmental restoration teams.
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Impactos potenciais da mudança climática no desenvolvimento humano : uma análise baseada na abordagem das capacitaçõesCorrea Macana, Esmeralda January 2008 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta dissertação é analisar como a mudança climática pode afetar o processo de desenvolvimento humano. Com esse objetivo, procurou-se identificar, caracterizar e sistematizar os impactos potenciais da mudança climática em dimensões relevantes do desenvolvimento humano, tais como: saúde, educação, meios de subsistência, segurança, valores culturais e relações sociais. O trabalho propõe uma estrutura analítica na qual se identificam relações diretas e indiretas entre os componentes climáticos e do bem-estar humano e definem-se mecanismos que interligam as duas áreas, sendo estes os recursos naturais de água, solo e biodiversidade, assim como os serviços dos ecossistemas. A análise realizada não foi restrita à realidade de um país, ao invés, foram associados elementos tendo em conta as evidências em nível global. O estudo foi baseado na abordagem de desenvolvimento humano fundamentada por Amartya Sen, a qual permitiu considerar um conjunto amplo de dimensões na avaliação do bem-estar, abrangendo as diversas formas em que as pessoas são e podem ser privadas de desfrutar uma vida que eles valoram devido à mudança climática. Através da estrutura analítica proposta neste trabalho e na investigação sistemática de dois corpos de literatura (respectivamente ambiental e de desenvolvimento humano), foi possível constatar que o processo de desenvolvimento humano está determinado pela expansão de aspectos multidimensionais, como funcionamento e capacitações, bem como meios e intitulamentos que podem aumentar ou diminuir dependendo a relação com os sistemas do meio ambiente, em especial, do sistema climático. As evidências analisadas demonstraram como as alterações do clima constituem um risco latente para o retrocesso do desenvolvimento humano e ampliação das privações humanas em todo o mundo, com desproporcionais efeitos em países pobres e em desenvolvimento. Por um lado, os choques climáticos ameaçam em diferentes caminhos (direta e indiretamente) os funcionamentos e capacitações das pessoas, como a saúde, a educação, os valores culturais e as relações sociais. Por outro lado, os choques climáticos restringem o desenvolvimento humano ao afetar e limitar os "meios e intitulamentos" necessários para o sustento das pessoas, através da redução da quantidade e qualidade da água, da produção agrícola, da alteração de atividades de pesca, redução de rendimentos econômicos, entre outras formas. Os maiores impactos são em áreas rurais, as quais concentram maior proporção de pobres. O exame de impactos levou em conta a interação com aspectos de vulnerabilidade pré-existente de cada país ou região, relacionados com a exposição definida pela localização geográfica, a sensibilidade de acordo com a dependência na agricultura e nos serviços dos ecossistemas e a capacidade de adaptação determinada por aspectos sociais, econômicos, institucionais, políticos e dotação dos recursos naturais. / The main aim of this dissertation is to examine how climate change can affect the process of human development. In particular, it tries to identify, characterize and classify the potential impacts of climate change on relevant dimensions of human development, such as health, education, livelihoods, security, cultural values and social relations. The dissertation proposes an analytical structure in which it delves into direct and indirect relations between the components of the climate and well being, and set up mechanisms that link the two areas, which are the natural resources of water, soil and biodiversity as well as the ecosystem services. The analysis was not restricted to the particular realities of a given country, in contrast, it focused on evidence at a global level. This study is based on the vision of human development as characterized by the work of Amartya Sen, which enabled us to consider a wide range of dimensions in the assessment of well being, covering the various ways in which people are and can be deprived of enjoying a life that they value due to climate change. Through the analytical framework proposed in this paper and the systematic investigation of two bodies of literature (the environmental and human development), it was possible to see that the process of human development is determined by the expansion of multidimensional aspects, such as functionings and capabilities, as well as means and entitlements that may increase or decrease depending on the relation with the environment, especially the climate system. The analysis showed evidence such as that climate change is a latent risk to the setback of human development and expansion of human deprivation in the world, with disproportionate effect on poor and developing countries. The climatic shocks threaten in different ways (directly and indirectly) the functionings and capabilities of individuals, such as health, education, cultural values and social relations. Moreover, the climatic shocks restrict human development to affect and limit the "means and entitlements" necessary for the sustenance of the people, by reducing the quantity and quality of water, agricultural production, modification of fishing activities, reduction income, among other ways. The largest impacts are in rural areas, which concentrate the largest proportion of poor people. An examination of impacts took into account the interaction with aspects of pre-existing vulnerability of each country or region, associated with exposure defined by geographic location, according to the sensitivity of the dependence on agriculture and ecosystems services and the capacity of adaptation certain by social, economic, institutional, political and status of natural resources.
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Narrativas das percepções e conectividades de caminhantes nas paisagens dos areais pampeanos: perspectivas ambientais para geração de ambiênciasSilva, Luis Alberto Pires da January 2008 (has links)
Neste texto que evoca as percepções de muit@s, narradas e tramadas a partir da ambiência entre os diferentes caminhantes que se propuseram o desafio de caminhar em direção à Campanha gaúcha, busco traçar os caminhos desde os primeiros humanos que se estabeleceram no que hoje se constitui o sudoeste sul-riograndense e seu encontro com as paisagens do Pampa, até @s errantes que ainda buscam caminhos nos tempos atuais nesses pagos. Os caminhos e olhares que hoje traçamos estão retratados pelas percepções da ambiência estabelecida nas atividades de campo pelos atores que elegeram estudar os areais e o processo de sua gênese, a arenização, em suas pesquisas de pós-graduação e pela atenção dispensada aos jovens e professoras de uma unidade federal de ensino, CEFET, que traduziram sua visão e conceito de paisagem por imagens fotográficas, desenhos e comentários destas. Parte do caminho é narrada pelo autor, mesmo procurando respostas as questões da dinâmica ecológica estabelecida sobre os areais e por vezes encontrando material para reflexão sobre as mesmas, continua buscando respostas para perguntas ainda não formuladas, no intuito de encontrar novos motivos de reflexão onde não se tinha buscado. / This text that evokes the perceptions of many, narrated and made from the environment between the different walkers which proposed the challenge of moving towards the Campanha Gaúcha, I track the paths since the first humans who have settled in the Southwest South-Rio-Grandense and their ways towards Pampa's landscapes, until those who still seek ways in current times those pagos. The roads and looks that we traced today are portrayed by the perceptions of the environment established in field activities by stakeholders who elected to study the sand and the process of its genesis, the sandiness in their search for Graduate degree and the attention given by young people and teachers of a federal unit of instruction, CEFET, who translated its vision and concept of landscape by photographic images, drawings and comments. Part of the path is narrated by the author, even looking for answer the questions of ecological dynamics established on the sand and sometimes finding material for reflection on them, still seeking answers to questions not made yet, in order to find new reasons for reflection where no one had sought.
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Redundância funcional em comunidades campestres / Functional redundancy in grassland plant communitiesJoner, Fernando January 2008 (has links)
Os campos do Rio Grande do Sul apresentam grande biodiversidade, beleza cênica e um importante recurso para a economia do estado, cuja principal atividade é a pecuária. O manejo inadequado do campo traz conseqüências graves para a diversidade e sustentabilidade desse ecossistema através da perda de espécies promovida pelo pastejo excessivo. Entretanto, algumas espécies desempenham as mesmas funções nos ecossistemas, logo a perda de algumas espécies pode não afetar o seu funcionamento, pela compensação de outras espécies do mesmo grupo funcional. Esta redundância funcional aumentaria a confiabilidade do funcionamento do ecossistema quando perturbado, funcionando como um tipo de "seguro" contra a perda de espécies. A hipótese da redundância funcional foi avaliada em ecossistemas campestres através de um experimento de remoção no qual os tratamentos avaliados consistiram em: 1) remoção de duas espécies graminóides, 2) remoção de duas espécies herbáceas não-graminóides, 3) remoção de uma espécie de graminóide e uma herbácea não-graminóide e 4) sem remoção. As evidências indicam que existe redundância funcional para as espécies de plantas em ecossistemas campestres, pois a remoção de uma espécie de cada grupo funcional causou menos modificações na composição de espécies das comunidades que a remoção de duas espécies do mesmo grupo funcional. Observou-se também que a porcentagem da cobertura das espécies remanescentes tende a compensar a remoção de espécies do mesmo grupo funcional. Entretanto, os tratamentos não tiveram efeito para a biomassa aérea. A avaliação de um banco de dados de um experimento de pastejo realizado anteriormente revelou que a redundância funcional está positivamente relacionada com a resistência da comunidade ao pastejo, enquanto a riqueza de espécies não apresentou relação. Áreas de campo com maiores níveis de redundância funcional são mais resistentes ao pastejo, sofrendo menos modificações na composição de espécies de suas comunidades. Além disso, um manejo adequado não reduz os níveis de redundância funcional dos campos. Áreas de campo dentro de unidades de conservação deveriam ser manejas adequadamente mantendo os níveis de redundância funcional e a estabilidade deste ecossistema. Entretanto, novos estudos são necessários para avaliar a importância da redundância funcional em experimentos de longa duração. / Grasslands from Rio Grande do Sul present great biodiversity, scenic beauty and an important resource to the province economy, which main activity is cattle grazing. Inadequate pasture management brings serious consequences to ecosystem diversity and sustainability by the loss of species promoted by excessive grazing. Although, some species may role the same functions in ecosystems, therefore loss of some species may not affect functioning, due to species compensation within functional groups. This functional redundancy would increase ecosystem reliability when perturbations occur, working as an "insurance" to species loss. Functional redundancy hypothesis was evidenced in grassland plant communities through a removal experiment in which evaluated treatments were: 1) removal of two graminoid species, 2) removal of two forb species, 3) removal of one species of each functional group and 4) no removal (control). Evidences point to functional redundancy for grassland plant species; removal of one species of each functional group caused less harm to community species composition than removal of two species of the same functional group. Furthermore, remaining species percent covers tend to compensate removed species of the same functional group. However, treatments did not effected aboveground biomass. Data set evaluation of a previously conducted cattle-grazing experiment reveled that functional redundancy is positively related to community resistance to cattle grazing, otherwise species richness presented no relation. Grassland areas with higher levels of functional redundancy are more resistant to cattle grazing, suffering less modification in community species composition. Also, adequate management do not reduce functional redundancy on pastures. Grassland areas inside conservation units should be managed adequately maintaining redundancy levels and ecosystem reliability. Although, new studies are required to better evaluate functional redundancy implications in long term experiments.
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Preparing for offshore renewable energy development in the MediterraneanBray, Laura January 2017 (has links)
The development of offshore wind farms and marine renewable energy devices in the Mediterranean is central to both national, and international, energy strategies for countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The ecological impacts of marine renewable energy development in the Mediterranean region, although essential for policy makers, are as yet unknown. The Northern Adriatic is identified as a plausible site for offshore wind farm development. Using the wider region (Adriatic and Northern Ionian) as a case study, this thesis examines the likely impact to the marine environment if an offshore wind farm is established. Site suitability, based on wind speed, bathymetry, and larvae connectivity levels are investigated along with the plausibility of the turbines operating as artificial reefs in the area. As offshore wind farms may alter the larval connectivity and supply dynamics of benthic populations, a connectivity map was constructed to identify areas of high and low connectivity in the Adriatic Sea. The Puglia coast of Italy is a likely larval sink, and displays some of the highest connectivity within the region, suggesting potential inputs of genetic materials from surrounding populations. Considering offshore wind farms could operate as artificial reefs, an in-situ pilot project was established to simulate the presence of wind turbines. Macroinvertebrates colonized the new substrata within the first few months but were lower in abundance when compared to a natural hard substrata environment. Time, turbine location, and the material used for turbine construction all affected the macro-invertebrate communities. In addition, fish abundances, and diversity were lower around the simulated OWF foundations in comparison to a natural hard substrata environment, and no increases in fish abundance occurred around the simulated turbines when compared to reference sites of soft substrata. This observation was validated with the use of an ecosystem modelling software (Ecopath with Ecosim), which simulated the overall ecosystem level impacts that would occur if 50 offshore monopile wind turbines were introduced to the Northern Ionian and colonized by macroinvertebrate communities. When compared to the baseline scenario (no simulated introduction of an OWF), the introduction of new habitat had no discernible impacts to the structure or functioning of the marine ecosystem. Noticeable changes to the ecosystem were only apparent if fishing restrictions were enforced in parallel with the simulated offshore wind farm; the ecosystem appears to become more structured by top down predation. In addition seabirds are also impacted by the reduction of fishing discards as a food source. These results are the first attempt to quantify the suspected benefits of offshore wind farms operating as de-facto marine protected areas.
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Global climate change is predicted to affect timing and severity of disturbance events (e.g., fire, drought, hurricanes, wind storms, and inundation), but the extent of these disturbance events and their impacts on natural ecosystems may vary regionally. Rising sea level, increased frequency and intensity of tropical storms, and altered inundation regimes are likely to create changing environmental conditions in low-lying coastal ecosystems. These large scale disturbances may increase resource availability and regeneration spaces, reduce competition, and possibly increase community vulnerability to invasion. Shifting disturbance regimes and invasion together are predicted to drive long-term shifts in coastal plant community structure and ecosystem processes. However, impacts of altered environmental conditions on native and invasive plant species and the species responses to changed environmental conditions are poorly understood. The aims of this study were: (i) to assess the probability of occurrence of juveniles of the invasive exotic Triadica sebifera and co-occurring native species, Baccharis halimifolia, Ilex vomitoria, and Morella cerifera in the field in relation to surrounding environmental factors, (ii) to assess the effects of elevated salinity across a typical coastal transition on germination of T. sebifera, B. halimifolia and M. cerifera, using controlled growth chamber and greenhouse experiments, (iii) to assess the effects of climate change and shifting inundation and tropical storms regimes on T. sebifera, B. halimifolia and M. cerifera, and (iv) to evaluate the role of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) on spread of invasive T. sebifera in coastal transition ecosystems at the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GBNERR), Coastal Mississippi, southeastern USA. Results from assessing the probability of occurrence of juveniles of invasive and co-occurring native species showed that soil water conductivity (i.e., salinity) was the major factor related to the occurrence of invasive T. sebifera and native B. halimifolia, I. vomitoria and M. cerifera along the coastal transitions. Probability of occurrence of the invasive T. sebifera was significantly related to landscape factors and occurrence was highest in close proximity to roads, trails, power lines, and recreational sites, and water bodies. These results imply that future increases in salinity will negatively impact I. vomitoria, M. cerifera, and T. sebifera, leading to range contraction of these species away from the coast. However, natural and anthropogenic disturbances that often increase resource pulses and reduce competition, likely increase the dominance of T. sebifera in already invaded areas. Positive effects of landscape structures on T. sebifera occupancy highlight the role of landscape variables in promoting new invasions in coastal forests of the southeastern USA. Controlled growth chamber and greenhouse germination experiments demonstrated that germination of all species (i.e., T. sebifera, B. halimifolia, and M. cerifera) decreased with elevated salinity and that the reduction was most pronounced in soils from the most seaward zones along the coastal transition. Although native B. halimifolia was least sensitive to elevated salinity, invasive T. sebifera displayed plasticity of germination trait across different salinity levels in most inland soils. These results suggest that the phenotypic plasticity may facilitate spread of Triadica sebifera under some degree of salinity stress in more inland section of the coastal transition. A manipulative greenhouse experiment demonstrated that simulated canopy damage from intense hurricane winds and associated storm surge produced differential effects on survival and growth of native (B. halimifolia and M. cerifera) and invasive (T. sebifera) species at simulated different forest conditions common in the GBNERR. Invasive T. sebifera was by far the most shade tolerant of the three species and seedling survival under highly shaded conditions may provide it with a competitive edge over native species during community reassembly following tropical storms. T. sebifera may better utilize post-hurricane conditions (e.g., resource-rich empty spaces) and potentially increase its dominance in coastal forested ecosystems. The last experimental study revealed that invasive T. sebifera had higher VAM colonization compared to co-occurring native species both in controlled greenhouse and field experiments, and that the higher colonization leads to significant increases in aboveground biomass, supporting the hypothesis that VAM fungi strongly benefit the invasive species. These results suggest that the VAM colonization may be necessary for the initial establishment of T. sebifera along the coastal transitions. Furthermore, my research also suggested that T. sebifera was not allelopathic and did not interfere with growth of native species. Overall, the findings of this research provide insight into the impacts of climate change related shifts on performance of invasive and co-occurring native species across coastal transitions of the southeastern USA. Variation in invasive and co-occurring native species' performances under changed environmental conditions (e.g., elevated salinity and increased light availability) and improved mutualistic association between invasive T. sebifera and VAM fungi may drive increased invasion with frequent community reassembly of low-lying coastal ecosystems undergoing rapid climate change.
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Regional-climate and Local-microbial Controls on Ecosystem Processes During Grassland RestorationMendola, Meredith Lynne 01 December 2013 (has links)
Root productivity likely has consequences for the composition, activity, and recovery of soil microbial populations and the belowground processes mediated by these organisms. In tallgrass prairie, ecotypic variation potentially exists in response to a strong precipitation gradient across the Great Plains. Thus, ecotypic variation within a species may differentially affect belowground net primary productivity (BNPP), the associated soil microbial community, and may scale up to affect ecosystem processes. The goals of this study were to elucidate: (1) whether ecotype, environment, or an ecotype by environment interaction regulate BNPP of a dominant species (Andropogon gerardii) collected from and reciprocally planted in common gardens across a precipitation gradient, and (2) whether variation in BNPP scales to affect microbial biomass and ecosystem processes. I quantified root biomass, BNPP (using root ingrowth bags), soil microbial biomass, and nutrient mineralization rates in root-ingrowth cores below six population sources of A. gerardii (2 Illinois, 2 eastern Kansas, and 2 central Kansas) established in southern Illinois, eastern Kansas, and central Kansas. An ecotype effect was found on above and belowground net primary productivity, but these findings did not translate to soil response variables. Microbial populations themselves may affect the productivity and composition of prairie species. In a second study, soil ecological knowledge (SEK) was tested by applying a native prairie soil slurry amendment to restoration plots to determine efficacy of this method as a restoration practice. The goals of this two year study were to elucidate: (1) whether a slurry amendment of prairie soil would increase above and belowground productivity and belowground ecosystem processes in a prairie restoration, and (2) to evaluate whether differences in plant diversity will scale to affect belowground productivity and ecosystem processes. I quantified aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and species composition, as well as root biomass, belowground net primary productivity (BNPP), soil microbial biomass, and nutrient mineralization rates in root-ingrowth cores installed in treated and control plots. A treatment effect was noted on root biomass and total PLFA biomass; however, there was no treatment effect on cover, ANPP, or soil microbial processes. Though the soil microbial community did represent native prairie soil, there was poor establishment of prairie plant species. These factors may be due to the limited time available for data collection and the lack of precipitation in the second growing season. Longer studies may be necessary to fully examine the effects of soil slurry amendments as restoration tools.
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Modélisation à pas de temps horaire des transferts de tritium au sein d'un écosystème prairial / Hourly modelisation of tritium transfers in a grassland ecosystemRenard, Hugo 21 December 2017 (has links)
Lors des rejets accidentels ou chroniques des installations nucléaires vers l'environnement, il est important de prédire le devenir des radionucléides dans l'environnement, en particulier à l'échelle de la prairie qui constitue un des maillons de la chaîne alimentaire. L'IRSN et EDF développent une plateforme de simulation pour le transfert de radionucléides dans l'environnement appelé SYMBIOSE, afin d'estimer la dose reçue par les humains. Le tritium est un exemple d'un radionucléide rejeté dans l'environnement par les installations nucléaires, dont le comportement est particulièrement difficile à prédire en raison de sa grande mobilité et de son affinité biologique selon la forme chimique considérée. Le modèle TOCATTA-khi, mis en œuvre dans la plateforme SYMBIOSE, s’intéresse entre autres aux transferts de tritium au sein d’un écosystème prairial. L'objectif principal de la thèse est d'améliorer et d'évaluer le modèle existant de TOCATTA-khi à partir d'expériences réalisées in situ à la plateforme technique IRSN La Hague et en laboratoire, en étudiant et quantifiant les transferts de tritium au sein d'un écosystème prairial, ainsi que les incertitudes rémanentes associées. / In the context of accidental or chronic releases from nuclear installations to the environment, it is important to predict the future of radionuclides, particularly at the grassland scale, the first link in the human food chain. The IRSN and EDF are developing a simulation platform for the transfer of radionuclides in the environment, called SYMBIOSE, in order to estimate the dose received by humans. Tritium is an example of a radionuclide released into the environment by nuclear installations, whose behavior is particularly critical to predict because of its high mobility and biological affinity depending on the chemical form considered. The TOCATTA-khi model, implemented in the SYMBIOSE platform, is dedicated, among other things, to the transfer of tritium within a grassland ecosystem. The main objective of this thesis is to improve and evaluate the existing TOCATTA-khi model from experiments carried out in situ at the technical platform IRSN La Hague and in laboratory, by studying and quantifying the transfers of tritium within a grassland ecosystem, as well as the associated residual uncertainties.
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Desenvolvimento, ciência e Política: o caso do Instituto Internacional da Hiléia Amazônica(1946-1951)Magalhães, Rodrigo César da Silva January 2006 (has links)
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Caracterização limnológica do Lagamar do Cauípe-planície costeira do município de Caucaia-Ce / Limnological characterization of "lagamar do cauipe"- a coast plain in Caucaia town,Ceará,BrazilQueiroz, Ana Maria de January 2003 (has links)
QUEIROZ, Ana Maria de. Caracterização limnológica do Lagamar do Cauípe-planície costeira do município de Caucaia-Ce. 2003. 203 f : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente - PRODEMA, Fortaleza-CE, 2005. / Submitted by demia Maia (demiamlm@gmail.com) on 2016-04-04T13:27:01Z
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Previous issue date: 2003 / Limnological research is very scarce in tropical areas, particularly if we consider that of long duration. This research was carried out at the “Lagamar do Cauípe” (a coast plain in Caucaia town, Ceará, Brazil, during the period from June, 2001 to February, 2002, aiming at making a diagnosis about the physical, chemical and environmental characteristics of the lagoon located situated in Lagamar of Cauípe, with the objective of obtaining basic information which enables the implementation of programs of management and proper use of that water resource. We conducted the bathymetry in order to know its morphometry and level of sediment deposition in the future. We conducted sampling of water and sediment in the lagoon and observed the use and occupation of its margins. The parameters analyzed in the water were: temperature, transparency, suspended solids, pH, salinity, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nitrite, nitrate, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, main cations and anions, total alkalinity, total hardness and chlorophyll a. During the investigation period we observed a small variation in the concentration of the parameters analyzed. The smallest concentrations were obtained at the end of the rain season (June, 2001), and they increased significantly during the dry season (July to December, 2001) and decreased slightly at the beginning of the rain season (February, 2002). We did not observe any significant variation among the sampling stations, so that we can say that the lagoon water tends to be homogeneous. Concerning salinity, the water was considered as fresh water. The average temperature was 28,6°C, with a small annual variation of 3,7°C, which is typical of the tropical aquatic ecosystems. Its pH is slightly acid due to the region’ soils and probably due to the presence of humic compounds. The average electrical conductivity was 285,6 μS/cm. The larger cations presented a sequence typical of an environment influenced by the sea, with the water being considered as chlorinated-sodic. The whole column turned out oxygenated, in spite of the high concentration of suspended solids, because of, mainly, the resuspension of the sediment of the lagoon’ bottom. The presence of suspended solids reduced the transparency of the lagoon water, influencing the concentration of the chlorophyll-a, which presented low concentrations. The values of total alkalinity were low, indicating the small capacity of the lagoon waters to neutralize acids. With relationship to hardness, the waters varied from soft to somewhat hard. The concentrations of total phosphorus were high, with the lagoon being considered as eutrophic. The concentrations of nitrite and nitrate were low, being below the one established by the legislation. We did not observe any significant variations between the surface and bottom samples. The homogeneity of the water column was explained by the small depth of the lagoon, the intensity of the winds, which are steady in the coast area, and the lagoon’ morphology with a lengthened shape and position favorable to the action of the winds of the area. In the sediment’ samples, we conducts trials of texture, organic matter and mercury. The sediments are of the mineral type, having been distinguished in 3 texture facies: medium sand, fine sand and mud. The mercury’ concentration found was low. / Pesquisas limnológicas em regiões trópicais são bastante escassas, principalmente se forem consideradas as de longa duração. Este trabalho, desenvolvido no Lagamar do Cauípe (planície costeira do município de Caucaia – Ceará), durante o período de junho de 2001 a fevereiro de 2002, objetivou efetuar um diagnóstico sobre as características físicas, químicas e ambientais da lagoa situada no Lagamar do Cauípe e obter informações básicas que possibilitem subsidiar programas de gerenciamento e aproveitamento adequado desse recurso hídrico. Realizou-se a batimetria a fim de conhecer sua morfometria e o grau de assoreamento futuro. Foram realizadas amostragens de água e sedimento na lagoa, e observado o uso e ocupação de suas margens. Os parâmetros analisados na água foram: temperatura, transparência, material em suspensão, pH, salinidade, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, nitrito, nitrato, fósforo total, ortofosfato, cátions e ânions principais, alcalinidade total, dureza total e clorofila “a”. Durante o período de estudo, foi observada uma pequena variação na concentração dos parâmetros analisados. As menores concentrações foram obtidas durante o final do período chuvoso (jun/01), passando a ter uma sensível elevação no período de estiagem (jul a dez/01) e uma pequena redução no início do período chuvoso (fev/02). Não foi observada variação significativa entre as estações de amostragem, podendo afirmar-se que a água da lagoa tende a ser homogênea. Quanto à salinidade, a água foi classificada como doce. A temperatura média foi 28,6°C, com uma pequena amplitude anual de 3,7°C, própria de ecossistemas aquáticos tropicais. Seu pH é levemente ácido devido aos solos da região e, provavelmente, à presença de compostos húmicos. A condutividade elétrica média foi 285,6 μS/cm. Os cátions maiores apresentaram uma seqüência típica de ambiente influenciado pelo mar, tendo sido a água classificada como cloretada sódica. Toda a coluna apresentou-se oxigenada, apesar da alta concentração de material em suspensão devido, principalmente, a ressuspensão do sedimento do fundo da lagoa. A presença do material em suspensão diminuiu a transparência da água da lagoa influenciando a concentração de clorofila “a” que apresentou baixas concentrações. Os valores de alcalinidade total foram baixos, indicando a pequena capacidade das águas da lagoa em neutralizar ácidos. Quanto à dureza, as águas variaram de brandas a pouco duras. As concentrações de fósforo total foram altas, podendo a lagoa ser classificada como eutrófica. As concentrações de nitrito e nitrato foram baixas, ficando abaixo do estabelecido pela legislação. Não foram observadas variações significativas entre as amostras superficiais e de fundo. A homogeneidade da coluna d’água foi atribuída a pequena profundidade da lagoa, intensidade dos ventos, que são constantes na zona costeira, e a morfologia da lagoa com forma alongada e posição favorável à ação dos ventos da região. Nas amostras de sedimento foram realizadas as análises de granulometria, matéria orgânica e mercúrio. A concentração de mercúrio encontrada foi pequena. Os sedimentos são do tipo mineral, tendo sido classificados em 3 fáces texturais: areia média, areia fina e lama.
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