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Perceptions of Effective Forms of Structural Empowerment Models by Nursing Faculty Members and AdministratorsDamask-Bembenek, Betty 28 July 2015 (has links)
<p> The future of nursing education and the education of the next generation of professional nurses must be empowered through the expertise of qualified nurse educators and administrators in nursing programs across the country. Organizational leaders in higher education organizations must incorporate structural empowerment strategies to address the future nurse leaders in the midst of an extreme deficiency of qualified nurse faculty members to lead nursing education and the lack of effective structural empowerment models required within the context of nursing education programs. Changes in nursing education and the academic environment have the impending challenge of safeguarding and developing future nurse leaders for the upcoming nursing profession. The problem addressed in this study was the perspective of nursing educators concerning structural empowerment programs to enhance leadership skills was unknown. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to address the lack of structural empowerment strategies in many nursing programs from the perspective of nursing faculty and administrators regarding what constitutes full structural empowerment. The unit of analysis was nursing programs in state funded academic organizations of higher education. The participants of the study included full-time nursing faculty members and nurse administrators in two nursing programs located in the Mountain West region of the United States. Semi-structured interviews of nurse faculty and nurse administrators were conducted to gather data about their perceptions of structural empowerment strategies that exist in these academic organizations and how these strategies constrain or enhance their leadership practices. The data collected were analyzed into themes and patterns. The findings revealed 12 themes pertaining to the achievement of structural empowerment. Nursing faculty members and administrators have access to empowerment through different processes and structures within the organization. Nurse faculty perceived a desire for greater autonomy with accountability in the classroom and more inclusion in decision making. Nurse administrators suggested constant review of policies and that the organizational structure was a powerful tool in influencing leadership potential. Further research is needed to expand the sample population, provide quantitative evidence on the impact of structural empowerment strategies on faculty motivation, and obtain the views of students on how these strategies impact learning.</p>
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Principal Dispositions to Lead the Learning for All| Stories of Working for EquityCroteau, Linda E. 23 December 2014 (has links)
<p> Principals are increasingly responsible for ensuring an equitable learning environment in their schools. The development of a disposition to meet this responsibility is an under-researched area. This study was a qualitative narrative analysis of the stories of five white, female, elementary principals from the same suburban school district who were interviewed to understand where their disposition may originate and how their disposition manifests itself in their self-reported decisions and actions. The following question became the focus of the research: What do principals report are the factors that support or challenge their decision-making regarding students and families with diverse characteristics? A qualitative inquiry method with an emphasis on narrative analysis was used to identify themes. These themes were illuminated using the lens of Bourdieu's sociological theory of habitus and field. Principal narratives of equity fell into two broad thematic areas of capital and management. Principals who participated in this study build social capital, which is then used as a currency to create and support equity with the other habitus and structures on the field. According to the analysis of the data, the stances principals take to provide equity include a managerial orientation. The analyses of the narratives reveal that where principals stand for equity is evident through the stories they tell rather than their statements of what they believe and value. This study suggests that building upon the stories of personal experiences may be a good starting point for professional development around issues of equity. These opportunities could strengthen a principal's ability to both understand and articulate a concrete set of self-expectations for equity. Additionally, Bourdieu's theory of habitus and field presents a way to understand a principal's actions and intentions on their field of work. </p>
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Rural Female Superintendents and Their School Boards| A Multi-Case Study of PerspectivesPlace, Diane M. 23 September 2014 (has links)
<p> It is well-documented in the literature that female superintendents are underrepresented in the field of public school leadership (Derrington & Sherratt, 2008; Hoff & Mitchell, 2008; Mountford & Brunner, 2010). Even as more women have assumed the leadership position of superintendent, they may be viewed as atypical leaders (Coleman, 2003). The leadership styles of females differ from those exhibited by their male counterparts and their work is impacted by sex-role stereotyping and gender bias (Grogan & Shakeshaft, 2011; Harris, 2007; Hoff & Mitchell, 2008; Kowalski & Stouder, 1999; Pirouznia, 2010). The effectiveness of the superintendent is based on the ability of the leader to shape and negotiate authority and power with the individual members of the school board and the governing school board at large (Bell, 1988). Minimal research has been conducted regarding the relationship of the female superintendent, specifically, with her governing school board. This qualitative multi-case study explored how three female superintendents perceived and described their relationships with their respective boards of directors. The theoretical framework of the study was developed on the principles of feminist research through the structural theories of social role and role congruity (Lather, 1991; Eagly, 1987; Eagly & Karau, 2002). The findings of the study suggest that female superintendents encounter complex challenges as they work to foster and develop a common vision and productive working environment with governing school boards with the goal of promoting the best educational programs for students.</p>
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Twenty-one leadership responsibilities and quality management in the context of educational Baldrige systemsIbach, Kimberly L. 07 May 2014 (has links)
<p> This body of work presents the summary of findings; explanation of implications; discussion of conclusions; and recommendations about practice, policy and future research regarding principal leadership in school districts recognized as national Baldrige Award winners. This study widened the scope and definition of quality management in education by dissecting the roles of principal leadership as defined by the 21 Leadership Responsibilities (Marzano et al., 2005) of school leadership. These Leadership Responsibilities served as a vehicle for educators to report their observances of how principals express their roles in the context of their work. The study began with a dominant phase of quantitative data collection followed by a qualitative phase. The quantitative segment purposively sampled groups of employees, principals and their building staff, concurrently through electronic survey. The second, qualitative portion, consisted of interviews of principals who participated in the survey. To summarize, the quantitative data defined the "what" of building administration's work in a Baldrige system and the qualitative portion illuminated the "how" or the application of the 21 Leadership Responsibilities. Statistical analysis determined that principals reported expressing all 21 Leadership Responsibilities in their work. Staff observances correlated and supported the data reported by the participating principals. As a result of the principal interviews further observations were made regarding the work of Baldrige building level leaders. Considerations included innovation through shared leadership and process management to improve learning and services for students and staff. Principals appeared to express particular clusters of Leadership Responsibilities more than others to increase the student growth and school improvement. Participants included principals and teachers from Iredell-Statesville Schools, NC; Jenks Public Schools, OK; and Montgomery Public Schools.</p>
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Leadership development among fraternity presidents| Can leadership be learned?Rosenberg, Joseph 16 December 2016 (has links)
<p> There is an absence of research examining the relationship between the experiences that occurred while holding formal student leadership positions and leadership identity development. This study will investigate if leadership can be learned through the lenses of the leadership experience of men who hold the formal student leadership position of chapter president within their local chapters of their national social fraternal organization. The design of the study is quantitative in nature and will utilize an electronic survey to examine the impact of a college student’s leadership identity development from holding a position of leadership within a student organization. </p>
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Boundary spanning, networking, and sensemaking/sensegiving| how career services directors enact mid-level leadershipKent Davis, Linda 14 February 2017 (has links)
<p> This study seeks to understand higher education leadership overall by exploring how mid-level leadership is enacted by career services directors. Given that higher education institutions are facing a wide range of challenges that require an equally wide range of skills to address them, colleges and universities may need to become more inclusive regarding who contributes to institutional leadership. Mid-level leadership is defined in this study as a process of social interaction that originates with a middle manager and that cuts across functional areas and/or hierarchical levels to impact institutional goals. Three research questions frame the study: 1) How do career services directors develop the capacity for social influence within their institutions, 2) How do career services directors use their social influence to cut across functional areas and hierarchical levels, and 3) What institutional goals are advanced when career services directors enact mid-level leadership? A collective case study methodology was employed. Twelve career services directors whose profiles matched the study’s selection criteria for individual characteristics (e.g. years working in a director-level position in career services, years working at the director level at their current institution, minimum of master’s degree, evidence of engagement in leadership activities on- and off-campus), unit characteristics (e.g. unit size, staff configuration, and scope of services offered), and institutional characteristics (e.g. geographic location, institutional size, four-year public or non-profit status) took part in interviews for the study. Study findings indicated that career services directors developed the capacity for social influence by creating internal networks, involving staff in increasing the visibility of the unit, and establishing themselves and/or their unit as a critical institutional resource. They utilized their social influence by deliberately leveraging their networks, providing access to information and resources, and framing issues for institutional stakeholders. The study found that when career services directors enacted mid-level leadership, the institutional goals they impacted included the development and/or implementation of the institution’s strategic plan, curriculum development and student learning, and the advancement of diversity initiatives. </p><p>
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On the other side of the reference desk| Exploring undergraduates' information search mediation experiences through the acrl frameworkClark, Sarah 22 November 2016 (has links)
<p> Information seeking, a key aspect of information literacy, is relevant to student academic success as well as to leadership, organizational and public policy issues within higher education. Although librarians contend that students should consult formal mediators for help during an information search, students are much more likely to prefer consulting what are defined in the literature as informal mediators. This contradiction suggests the current literature of information seeking may not fully depict the aspects of search mediation that are actually the most important to student information seekers. </p><p> <u>Purpose and Questions:</u> The purpose of my study was to explore lower-division undergraduates’ thoughts, feelings, and actions as they engage in and reflect on their information search mediation encounters over the course of an information search process. My study was guided by two central questions: 1. What are the characteristics of information search mediation encounters as experienced by lower-division undergraduate students? 2. How do students use search mediation encounters to navigate the information search process? </p><p> <u>Methods and Theory:</u> To explore these questions, I employed Stake's (2006) multiple case study methodology. Each student's assignment-related experiences of information search mediation and information seeking were considered a case for the purposes of this study. After analyzing individual cases in isolation for key findings, I considered them as a set to identify cross-case assertions that describe the essence of the topic under investigation. I then examined and discussed the cross-case through the lens of the Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, the primary theoretical framework for the study.</p><p> <u>Findings:</u> Six cross-case findings emerged from the data. These findings describe aspects of mediator selection, the mediation encounter, the role of information search mediation in the information search process, the influence of lessons learned via mediation on the final research assignment, and the ways that mediation encounters influenced later information searches, as well as search mediation as a whole. These provocative findings both support and problematize the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy, and have important implications for information literacy theory, research, and practice.</p>
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Experiential Education Recruitment Value| A Correlational Study of Large and Small CompaniesWalker, Amanda L. 21 January 2017 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this study is to evaluate employer perceptions regarding the value of internships and to determine the role of company size in internship recruitment and/or placement. This study provides a much-needed employer viewpoint of the role of experiential education in undergraduate and graduate education, as well as offering researchers valuable insight into the needs and hiring practices of employers. Three research questions guided this study: Is there a relationship between company size and internship value in recruitment and/or placement, is there a relationship between company size and the value of internships in recruitment and/or placement opportunities for full-time hiring, and Is there a relationship between company size and perceived value if the prior experience is unpaid? Employer members of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) were invited to participate; n = 264 with a return rate of 8.51 percent. A correlation research design was used to determine if a relationship existed between large and small companies and their value of experiential education as it relates to hiring. Spearman rho was used to provide the statistical analysis. Empirical results indicated there was a slight correlation among large and small companies in regard to the value they placed on internships as a prerequisite in their field, when considering applicants for fulltime hires, and when evaluating whether the experiential learning experience was paid or unpaid. Additionally, employers indicated that experiential learning opportunities such as internships or co-ops are increasing in value in recruitment and /or placement for their industries. For example, nearly 70 percent of employers indicated internships or co-ops should be a part of graduation requirements for students thus, suggesting the increased value companies are placing on internships. Internships and co-ops have become a standard for industries. Employers suggested the value of experiential learning in the recruitment and placement of applicants is a highly desired component of an applicant's credentials.</p>
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Personality types and persistence in doctoral students| A mixed-methods studyFalconer, Anique A. 28 January 2017 (has links)
<p> In past studies regarding student retention researchers have focused primarily on the undergraduate student population, but high attrition rates exist in doctoral students. The purposes of the current mixed-methods sequential explanatory study were to examine the relationship between doctoral student personality types and persistence and to explore doctoral students’ perceptions of the impact of personality types on their persistence. Guided by the theoretical framework of retention and educational psychology theories, the current study was used to examine personality types in doctoral students. The overarching research questions were used to determine whether a significant correlation existed between doctoral students’ personality types and their persistence, and to determine how doctoral students’ perceptions of personality types influenced their academic persistence. A mixed methods sequential explanatory study was conducted, using the correlational and multiple case study designs. In the first phase, 47 participants completed the college persistence questionnaire and the 5-factor model. In the second phase, 11 participants were involved in semistructured interviews. The cross-tabulation with associated chi-square, independent samples t test, and analysis of variance were the statistical tests used. The thematic analysis was used to uncover themes from the interviews. Results indicated a statistically significant relationship between neuroticism and persistence. Within-case analysis showed themes of extraversion and conscientiousness. Cross-case analysis themes included cognitive load, finances, faculty, and support. Recommendation for future practice involves implementing courses that introduce the psychological concepts needed to be successful in doctoral programs.</p>
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Legtimacy of cross-border higher education policy| A comparative case study of Dubai and Ras Al KhaimahFarrugia, Christine 09 December 2016 (has links)
<p> This study investigates the legitimacy of policies to import cross-border higher education (CBHE) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This study compares two of the UAE’s higher education subsystems – Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah – to understand how higher education stakeholders in the UAE interpret foreign involvement in higher education and investigate how those interpretations contribute to stakeholders’ assessments of the legitimacy of the country’s CBHE policies. The legitimacy of cross-border higher education policies is a potentially contentious issue because the higher education resources that are imported into host countries under CBHE policies are usually intended to supplement existing higher education systems whose stakeholders may not welcome foreign involvement in higher education. Given the multiple actors and national contexts that are active in the UAE’s higher education systems, there are potential legitimacy challenges facing local CBHE policies. The purpose of this study is to explore this area of possible disconnect in the legitimacy of CBHE to more clearly understand how host country higher education stakeholders evaluate the legitimacy of CBHE policies within their own systems and to arrive at a theory of policy legitimacy for cross-border higher education. </p><p> This study approaches policy legitimacy in higher education by investigating how higher education stakeholders evaluate CBHE policies and derives a theory of CBHE policy legitimacy from the study’s findings. The following research questions guide the study: </p><p> 1. What are the goals of CBHE policies? How do these goals serve to increase the legitimacy of the higher education subsystem? </p><p> 2. How do resident higher education stakeholders evaluate the legitimacy of CBHE policies? </p><p> 3. How do the findings of this study on legitimacy in a non-democratic environment resonate with existing policy legitimacy theories? </p><p> This qualitative study is a two-case comparison of CBHE policy in the emirates of Dubai and Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), each of which has implemented CBHE policies in their private higher education sectors. Forty-five higher education stakeholders were interviewed across the two emirates between January and April 2012. Site visits and document analyses were conducted in both cases and an additional 40 higher education actors were interviewed in other UAE higher education systems, providing background context for the two cases analyzed in this study. </p><p> Support was found for the model of CBHE policy legitimacy proposed in the study. Salient components of CBHE policy legitimacy include the procedural elements of legality, decision norms, and representation, as well as normative legitimacy of the policies.</p>
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