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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Muzikos mokyklos pradinių klasių mokinių mokymo groti instrumentu efektyvinimas optimaliai derinant amžiaus ypatumus ir individualaus darbo metodiką / Improvement of efficiency of teaching pupils of primary grades of music school to play musical instruments through optimum combination of age peculiarities and individual working methods

Versockienė, Šarūnė 25 May 2005 (has links)
MA paper “Improvement of efficiency of teaching pupils of primary grades of music school to play musical instruments through optimum combination of age peculiarities and individual working methods" analyses efficiency of individual working methods of teaching pupils of primary grades of different ages to play piano. As children of different ages having different physical and mental capacities, and different musical background study in a music school, this paper focuses on teaching psychology with consideration of individual properties and age peculiarities of pupils. Subject of the study – efficiency of individual working methods of teaching pupils of primary grades of different ages to play piano. Goal of the study – to evaluate efficiency of individual methods of delivering piano lessons for pupils of primary grades of different ages. In order to achieve this goal, the following objectives are set: to determine which individual work at the lessons stimulates pupils of primary grades to learn; to discover peculiarities of pupils of different ages of primary grades of a music school; to check efficiency of individual teaching model through questionnaire survey. Questionnaire survey was conducted, during which 60 pupils of primary grades of ten-year B.Dvarionas Music School were polled. The first part of the paper contains theoretical analysis of various aspects of the problem: factors to be considered during individual work at a lesson, a number of methods that can improve... [to full text]

Visuomeninių vaikų organizacijų (sukarintų) veiklos efektyvinimas Lietuvoje (situacijų tyrimas) / Enhancing Effectiveness of Public Paramilitary Youth Organizations Activities in Lithuania (Situacional Analysis)

Greibus, Rolandas 08 June 2006 (has links)
Children always were and remain main group in a society because they are its future. Thus their proper education is a main issue and concern to all governments. However, understanding about the proper education and means to achieve it varies greatly both among different cultures and across generations. In Lithuania, after the restoration of independence, ideas about various organizations, communities and collective actions become extremely unpopular and were considered outdated. The stress on individuality was put forward resulting in children’s inability to work as a team members, lack of wish and experience in a team-work and adequate values for it. Finally, they do not care about the others - their opinion, culture, individuality, etc. There are a lot of youth organizations in Lithuania that deal with children’s extra-curricular education. Their membership rates vary from a few hundred to several thousand members. The largest organization in Lithuania is Lithuanian riflemen organization, that unifies near 6000 young people. However, the activities of these organizations cover just a small number school age children. There are over 400,000 children in Lithuania from the age of 7 to 16 years old. Therefore, organizations need to improve their activities and enhance their effectiveness in order to achieve higher participation rates. It is these issues that this paper deals with. Aim of the research: to ascertain theoretical assumptions underlying enhancement of public... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socializacijos proceso efektyvinimas menine veikla / Making The socialization process for pre-school children effective using the art activity

Bajorūnienė, Vida 06 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the work – to examine internals of the efficiency using the art activity for socialization process for pre-school children. 114 pedagogues and 131 parents of Kaunas city pre-school institutions took part in this poll. The subject of the survey: improvement of the socialization process of the pre-school child. The hypotheses: • Artistic activities improve the socialization of pre-school children in the pre-school institution; • Artistic education meets the most important needs of pre-school children; • Artistic activities improve the most important educational competentions of the child; Objectives: • To analyze the theoretical presupposition of a pre-school child’s socialization process; • To analyze the theoretical presupposition of a pre-school child’s socialization process attained by the means of effective artistic activities; • To explore the parents’ attitude towards the improvement of a child’s socialization by the means of effective artistic activities; • To explore the pedagogues’ attitude the improvement of a child’s socialization by the means of effective artistic activities; • To make conclusions and give recommendations. Methods of exploratory: nonfiction analysis, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics. Results. The socialization of pre-school children gets better by using art activities in the pre-school institutions. Art activities positively affect the main needs (emotional, cognitive, motional) of the pre-school children. The... [to full text]

MOKOMOSIOS VEIKLOS EFEKTYVINIMAS PAGRINDINĖJE MOKYKLOJE / Increase of Efficiency of Educational Activity in a Basic School

Vaitkus, Tomas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Santrauka Mokymo organizavimo formoms, kaip pedagogų ugdomajai veiklai, dėmesys buvo skiriamas visais žmonijos vystymosi laikotarpiais, tačiau mokinių motyvacijai didesnis dėmesys pradėtas skirti prasidėjus švietimo reformai, tad ši tema tampa vis aktualesnė. Pedagogas, siekdamas organizuotai, planingai ir nuosekliai įgyvendinti mokymo procesą, privalo gerai išmanyti mokymo organizavimo formas, kad galėtų tinkamai mokinius motyvuoti veiklai. Problemiška tai, kad pastaruoju metu sumažėjo mokymo organizavimo formoms skiriamas dėmesys, pedagogai mokymo procese dažniausiai apsiriboja pagrindinės mokymo organizavimo formos - pamokos taikymu, kitos formos tarsi lieka užmirštos. Sudėtingos mokymo programos, jų keliami didžiuliai reikalavimai mokymo procesui dažnai nepalieka pedagogams laiko tinkamai motyvuoti mokinius veiklai, tad prasminga ir įdomu patyrinėti pedagogų ugdomosios veiklos organizavimo specifiką ir ypatumus šiandieninėje mokykloje bei mokinių motyvaciją šiai veiklai plačiau. / SUMMARY At all periods of human evolution, the attention was given to the forms of organization as an educational activity of pedagogues, although the greater attention to motivation of schoolchildren was begun to draw only after the beginning of educational reform, thus this theme becomes increasingly relevant. A pedagogue, on purpose to perform the educational process orderly, methodically and coherently, has to know forms of education organization well in order he/she could properly motivate pupils for activity. The problem is such that currently, the attention given to forms of education organization has decreased, pedagogues usually stop short at applying of the main form of education organization – lesson, other forms sort of remain unremembered in the teaching process. Sophisticated educational programs, their high requirements for educational process generally leave no time for pedagogues to motivate properly the pupils for the activity, thus it is meaningful and interesting to investigate more widely the particularity and peculiarities of organization of pedagogues’ educational activity in today’s school and motivation of pupils for that activity.

Komandinio darbo efektyvinimas: Šiaulių regiono pataisos inspekcijos atvejis / Teamwork effectiveness: Correctional Inspectorate of the case: business administration

Banevičienė, Vilma 03 July 2012 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjamas Komandinio darbo efektyvinimas: Šiaulių regiono pataisos inspekcijos atvejis. Darbe atlikta mokslinės literatūros analizė. Pirmame darbo skyriuje atlikta komandinio darbo sampratos, komandinio darbo efektyvinimo viešajame sektoriuje, viešojo ir privataus sektoriaus bendradarbiavimo, Naujojo viešojo valdymo ir Gero valdymo principų analizė. Darbe panaudotas kiekybinis tyrimas, buvo parengtos anoniminės anketos ir kokybinis tyrimas, buvo parengtas pusiau struktūruotas interviu. Tyrimu buvo nustatyta, kad komandos nariai bendradarbiauja vieni su kitais, dalinasi idėjomis, tačiau iškilus problemoms komandos nariai nesugeba vieningai jų išspręsti, todėl galima daryti prielaidą, kad komandos narių bendravimas daro įtaką problemų sprendimo efektyvumui ir santykiams komandoje. Daugiau nei trečdalis tyrime dalyvavusių respondentų teigė, kad komanda yra nelanksti ir komandos nariai dažnai konfliktuoja, todėl galima daryti prielaidą, kad stereotipiškas ir nelankstus komandos požiūris į aplinkybes skatina konfliktinių situacijų atsiradimą, kurias komandos nariams sunkiai pavyksta išspręsti, todėl prastėja darbo kokybė ir veiklos rezultatai. Vadovas teigė, kad nelankstumą lemią pačių žmonių nesugebėjimas lanksčiai mąstyti bei kritiškai vertinti savo sugebėjimus bei nuostatas, keliamo tikslo turinio paviršutiniškas supratimas. Darbo pabaigoje buvo pateiktos išvados ir praktinės rekomendacijos. / Bachelor's work deals with the teamwork promotion possibilities in Šiauliai region correction inspection. The aim of this research is to find out the factors which influence the teamwork efficiency rates. From the theoretical point of view, the paper surveys teamwork promotion in the public sector, application of teamwork, and the application of the new public administration and good governance principles in the public sector. In the paper was used a quantitative research, anonymous questionnaires and a qualitative research were prepared together with a semi-structured interview. The research has shown that the members of a team collaborate with each other, share their ideas, but if problems arise, they are not able to solve them unanimously; thus it can be assumed that communication between team members influences the efficiency of problem solving and the relations in a team. More than one third respondents claimed that the team is inflexible and the team members conflict frequently, and so it can be assumed that a stereotypical and inflexible team attitude towards circumstances prompts feuding situations, which team members find difficult to deal with and, consequently, the quality and the performance of work declines. The team leader admitted that inflexibility is also caused by people’s inability to think flexibly and critically evaluate their own capabilities and attitudes, and the superficial understanding of the objective content. At the end of the paper, there were... [to full text]

Savanorystės plėtros tendencijų Lietuvoje tyrimas / Study of volunteering development tendencies in Lithuania

Januškevičienė, Justė 14 September 2011 (has links)
2011-uosius metus Europos Komisija paskelbė Savanorystės metais. Savanorystė jau tapo tarptautiniu reiškiniu, kurio nauda pastebima ne tik visuomenės ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų, bet ir paties žmogaus besiimančio šios veiklos asmenybės tobulėjimui. Europos savanorių centras išleido manifestą, kuriuo skelbiama apie savanorystės svarbą bei siūlomi konkretūs veiksmai, kuriais remiantis būtų ugdoma savanorišką veiklą šalyje gerbianti visuomenė. Taip pat šį rudenį Lietuvos Prezidentė nutarė steigti darbo grupę, kuri siūlys savanorystės problemų sprendimus. Tai yra aktuali šiomis dienomis nagrinėjama tema, kurios efektyvinimui didinti jau yra imamasi įvairiausių priemonių (pvz.:. dažniausiai žiniasklaidoje minimas rengiamas savanoriškos veiklos įstatymo projektas ar vykdomos įvairios savanorystę paremti programos). Tyrimo objektas – nevyriausybinių organizacijų savanorių pasitelkimo galimybių plėtra. Tyrimo tikslas - ištyrus savanoriško darbo paplitimo tendencijas Lietuvoje ir Belgijoje pateikti vadybos gerąją praktika grįstas organizacines priemones motyvuojančias Lietuvos gyventojus tapti savanoriais. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apžvelgti nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiklos aplinką, nustatyti teorines prielaidas pasitelkti savanorius NVO veikloje; 2. Nustatyti ir ištirti organizacijų požymių rinkinį, kuriam esant savanorystė gali būti plėtojama geriausiu būdu. Nustatyti, kaip nevyriausybinių organizacijų žinomumas ir aktyvumas daro įtaką savanorių pritraukimui. 3. Nustatyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The European Commission declared 2011 as the year of volunteering. Volunteering is a common and international phenomena and it is useful for the society, nongovernmental organizations and development of persons undertaking these activities. The European volunteering centre issued a manifesto stressing the importance of volunteering and offering specific actions on developing the society that respects volunteers. Moreover, in this autumn the Lithuanian President ordered to constitute a work group that would find the solutions on volunteering problems. It is a relevant topic, and in order to enhance effectiveness, various methods are undertaking: e.g. the draft law on volunteering activities and programs on volunteering support. Research object development of volunteering capacities in nongovernmental organizations. Research purpose – after analysis of volunteering tendencies in Lithuania and Belgium, suggest some good-practice management organization measures on motivating Lithuanian residents to volunteer. Research objectives: 1. To overview the environment of NGO activities, to establish the theoretic presumptions on the use on volunteers in NGO performance; 2. To indicate and analyze the organizational features for the most effective use of volunteering and establish the effect of visibility of organization on attracting volunteers. 3. To establish the effect of motivation methods for development of volunteering. 4. To construct the organizational measures on... [to full text]

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