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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Källkritisk medvetenhet : En kvalitativ studie om källkritiska kunskaper hos elva mediestudenter på Linnéuniversitetet

Pettersson, Rebecca, Schmelter, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
This qualitative study aims to look at how the knowledge and awareness regarding source criticism is seen amongst media students attending their first year at Linnaeus University. Our theoretical base includes to explain what source criticism is, about media literacy, the power media has in the Swedish society, the effects that media can create, and the effects of internet. This study consists of eleven interviews where knowledge and awareness regarding source criticism are in focus. Our interviewees have contributed with diverse reasoning and thoughts, which will be presented closer in this study. A central part of this study also contains questions about the reasoning of the eleven media students regarding source criticism in relation to their career choice and position in society.Our result shows that the knowledge and awareness regarding source criticism amongst the eleven students are high, however they also express that this might not be the case amongst the population in general. All interviewees testify that source criticism is a subject that affects and that it is a high possibility it does not get the attention it deserves.

Arbetstidsförkortning och pykisk hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om implementering av kortare arbetsdag / Less time at the office and mental health : A qualitative study of work hours reduction

Rundström, Elisabet January 2016 (has links)
Det rapporteras flitigt i media om att sjukskrivningar pga. av utbrändhet fortsätter att öka under 2000-talet, att människor i Sverige har svårt att få ihop sin tillvaro på ett långsiktigt hållbart sätt. Målet med denna uppsats är att genom en fallstudie undersöka om en reduktion av arbetstiden påverkat arbetstagarens psykiska hälsa positivt. Studien bygger på en enkätundersökning och två uppföljande djupintervjuer riktade mot ett enda företag. Efter att ha sammanställt materialet har uppsatsens författare kunnat dra vissa slutsatser om kopplingen mellan arbetstidsförkortning och förbättrat psykiskt mående.   Resultatet visade att alla respondenter i studien upplevt en betydande positiv förbättring av sin psykiska hälsa och sitt välbefinnande.


Borsholm, Atle 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / During the NASA Ka-band propagation experiment it was discovered that rainwater on the antenna caused significant attenuation. It is necessary to estimate the losses caused by water on the antenna in order to separate these losses from the atmospheric propagation losses. A prediction model is developed for losses caused by rainwater on a satellite dish antenna. The model is based entirely on physical parameters including elevation angle, dish diameter, focal length, properties of present coating layers, feed window properties, frequency, polarization, water temperature and rain rate. The prediction model is implemented using Matlab and has been tested against experimental data.

The influence of teat wash failure on milk yield in dairy cows

Lilja, Mathias, Keteris Eckerstedt, Ilse January 2016 (has links)
Data for the period 2015-04 to 2015-09 was analyzed in order to examine the possible relationship between teat wash failure and the result on milk yield for dairy cows. Data provided by Sveriges Lantrbruksuniversitet over 49 093 specific milking events were used. Two linear mixed-effects models and one basic OLS-model were estimated. In order to perform the analysis a lot of data manipulation also had to be performed. The data analysis was divided into to two parts. First the variable of interest (teatwash) was examined by constructing two versions of the different models; an unrestricted- and a restricted version were teatwash had been excluded. Because of the large sample and linear mixed-effect models an out-of-sample forecasting method was used as the primary evaluation criteria. The prediction errors were evaluated on the basis of root mean squared error (RMSE) and mean squared error (MSE). The difference between the unrestricted- and restricted models was very small and no indication of a relationship between teat wash failure and milk yield was found. The second part involved the comparison of prediction errors between the two mixed-effect models and the OLS-model. Surprisingly, the basic OLS-model resulted in the lowest prediction error although obvious breach of assumptions.

Giftfria förskolor i Nordmalings kommun : En inventering av förskolor med åtgärdsförslag för att möjliggöra en minskning av barns negativa hälsoeffekter till följd av kemikalieexponering

Norman, Belinda January 2016 (has links)
Humans are exposed to chemicals every day in our indoor environment. Chemicals have contributed to increased prosperity but also caused negative health effects. Children are vulnerable to chemicals because of their development and they breathe and drink more in relation to their body weight. That is why it’s important to reduce chemical exposure in environment for children. Preschools have a central role when it comes to materials and products that may pose a risk for exposure. The municipality has an important role to achieve a nontoxic environment which is based on a Swedish environmental quality goal (Non-toxic environment). This study is a part of the prioritized local environmental work in the municipal of Nordmaling. An inventory has been done to find out what type of chemicals that may expose children to harmful effects in preschools of Nordmaling. Electronic as a toy, soft and smelling toys, plastic around food and drinks, foam play pads were common products found during the inventory. This materials containing phthalates, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated compounds, bisphenol A, lead and cadmium that can expose children through leaching into the indoor environment. A guidance have been constructed to achieve a non-toxic environment based on the results from the inventory in a cost effective way. The conclusion of the report is clear, identified problem areas can quickly be accomplished with small measures and low costs. Increased awareness of harmful substances and good routines for purchases and cleaning can further reduce the exposure to chemicals in the preschools.

Computational assessment of seismic resistance of RC framed buildings with masonry infill

Loots, Jurie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Reinforced concrete (RC) frames with unreinforced masonry infill form the structural system of many buildings and this is also true for South Africa. It is common practice to consider the masonry infill as a non-structural component and therefore it does not contribute to the performance of the Re frame buildings under lateral loading such as earthquake loading. This is done by leaving a sufficient gap between the Re frame and the infill. This ensures that there is no contact between the frame and the infill during an earthquake event. However, it has been suggested that masonry infill can play a significant role in the performance of a Re frame building under lateral loading. The first part of the study focuses on the South African situation. The relevance of shear walls in these Re frame buildings as well as the size of the gap (between frame and infill) left in practice, are investigated. This is done by finite element analysis. The second part of the study focuses on the effects that the infill can have on the global performance of the structure when there is full contact between the Re frames and infill. The effect of openings in the infill to the response of the frame is also investigated. Finite element models of single span Re frames with infill is built and analyzed in order to investigate possible damage to the infill, frame infill interaction and to obtain the non linear stiffness of the frame with infill as a whole. This obtained non linear stiffness can be modelled in Diana as a non linear spring that will be used in the development of a simplified analysis method. The simplified method developed consists of a frame and two such non linear springs, placed diagonally, and which have the same force versus displacement behaviour as the original frame with infill. These single span frames can be added together to model a whole frame. In a first step to generalise the simplified method, various geometries of infills are considered, varying span and height, as well as opening percentage, representing windows and doors of varying total area and positioning. However, in this study a single masonry type, namely solid baked clay bricks set in a general mortar, is considered. To generalise the approach further, other masonry types can be considered in the same way. The use of these springs in a simplified model saves computational time and this means that larger structures can be modelled in Diana to investigate response of'Rf' frame buildings with infill. The work reported in this thesis considers only in-plane action. Out-of-plane-action of the masonry infill has been reported in the literature to be considerable, under the condition that it is sufficiently tied to the frame to prevent mere toppling over, causing life risking hazards in earthquake events. This matter should be studied in continuation of the current research to generalise the simple approach to three dimensions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gewapende betonrame (GBR-e) met ongewapende messelwerk invulpanele (invul) vorm die strukturele ruggraat van vele geboue en dit geld ook vir geboue in Suid-Afrika. Dit is algemene praktyk om die invulpaneel in sulke geboue as 'n nie-strukturele komponent te beskou. Daarvolgens dra dit nie by tot die gedrag van 'n GBR gebou onderhewig aan 'n aarbewing nie. Dit word bereik deur 'n groot genoeg gaping tussen die betonraam en die invul te los. Die gevolg is dat daar geen kontak tussen die betonraam en die invul plaasvind indien daar 'n aardbewing sou voorkom nie. Dit is egter voorgestel dat invul 'n noemenswaardige rol kan speel in die gedrag van 'n GBR gebou onderwerp aan 'n horisontale las. Die eerste deel van die studie fokus op die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie. Die relavansie van skuifmure in GBR geboue asook die grootte van die gaping (tussen die raam en invul) wat in die praktyk gebruik word, word ondersoek. Dit word gedoen met behulp van eindige element analises. Die tweede deel van die studie fokus op die effek wat invul kan hê op die globale gedrag van 'n struktuur wanneer daar volle kontak tussen die GBR en die invul is. Die effek wat die teenwoordigheid van openinge in die invul kan hê op die gedrag van 'n GBR is ook ondersoek. Eindige element modelle van enkelspan GBR met invul is gemodelleer en geanaliseer om die moontlike skade aan die invul, die interaksie tussen die GBR en die invul asook die nie-lineêre styfheid van die raam en invul as 'n geheel, te ondersoek. Hierdie nielineêre styfheid kan in Diana as 'n nie-lineêre veer gemodelleer word en word gebruik in die ontwikkeling van 'n vereenvoudigde metode. Hierdie vereenvoudigde metode wat ontwikkel is, bestaan uit 'n raam en twee sulke nielineêre vere (diagonaal geplaas). Die raam met vere het dieselfde krag teenoor verplasingsgedrag as die van die oorspronklike raam met invul wat dit voorstel. Hierdie rame kan saamgevoeg word om 'n raam uit 'n gebou as 'n geheel te modelleer. Verskeie invul geometrieë word gebruik in die analises in 'n eerste stap om die vereenvoudigde metode te veralgemeen. Die span en hoogte asook opening persentasie van die invul word gevariëer om vensters en deure van veskeie grootte en posisie voor te stel. In die studie, 'n enkel messelwerk tipe, naamlik solied klei bakstene geset in algemene mortar, word gebruik. Ander messelwerk tipes kan gebruik word om die metode verder te veralgemeen. Die gebruik van die vere in die vereenvoudigde metode spaar berekenings tyd en dit beteken dat groter strukture in Diana gemodelleer kan word om die gedrag van GBR geboue met invul te ondersoek. Die werk gedoen in die tesis neem slegs in-vlak aksie in ag. Literatuurstudie dui daarop dat goeie uit-vlak-aksie van messelwerk invul bestaan, mits dit goed geanker is aan die raam om te verseker dat dit nie kan omval en 'n gevaar vir lewens in 'n aardbewing inhou nie. Dit behoort verder bestudeer te vord in die vervolging van die huidige ondersoek om die vereenvoudige metode na drie dimensies te veralgemeen.

Kvinnors behov av stöd vid bröstcancer : - En litteraturöversikt / Breast cancer women´s needs for support : – a literature review

Haglund, Evelina, Lundgren, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund Bröstcancer är den vanligaste typen av cancer hos kvinnor över hela världen. De som drabbas av bröstcancer har olika förutsättningar att hantera sin situation. Många av kvinnorna upplever en emotionell kris i samband med diagnosen och med hjälp av stöd från sjukvården kan patienten finna mening i sin situation. Syfte Syftet är att sammanställa aktuell forskning om bröstcancerdrabbade kvinnors effekter av stöd under diagnosperioden. Metod En litteraturöversikt som sammanställer aktuell forskning inom det valda omvårdnadsområdet. Resultat I resultatet framkom att kvinnorna behöver ett stöd i form av kommunikation, information samt ett emotionellt stöd från vårdpersonal. Stödet ska utformas efter patientens unika situation och när sjukvården är tillgänglig för patienterna minskas deras stress. Patienterna upplevde stöd under diagnosperioden då sjuksköterskan erhöll god förmåga att bemöta och kommunicera på ett adekvat sätt. Slutsats Studien visar att det krävs en god relation mellan bröstcancer drabbade kvinnor och vårdaren för att kvinnorna ska känna stöd. / Background Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women worldwide. Those who get breast cancer have different conditions to deal with their situation. Many of the women experiencing an emotional crisis in connection with the diagnosis and with the support of health care, the patient may find meaning in their situation. Aim The aim is to assemble current research on women with breast cancer effects of support during the diagnosis period. Methods A literature review that compiles the latest research in the chosen field of nursing care. Results The result shows that the women need support in form of communication, information and emotional support from health professionals. The aid will be tailored to the patient's unique situation and when medical care is available to patients reduce their stress. Patients experienced support during the diagnosis period, when the nurse received a good ability to meet and communicate adequately. Conclusion The study shows that a good relationship between the breast cancer affected women and their keeper makes the women feel supported.

Cytological and physiological biomarkers in Perna viridis (Linnaeus) (Bivalvia : Mytilidae)

Nicholson, Shaun. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Ecology and Biodiversity / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Effect of Chinese green tea on diet-induced hypercholesterolemia and arteriosclerosis in rats

楊達志, Yang, Tat-chi, Teddy. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Pharmacology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Seismic assessment of buildings in Hong Kong with special emphasis on displacement-based approaches

Sheikh, MD. Neaz. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Civil Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

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