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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Production and investigation of quasi-two-dimensional Bose gases

Rath, Steffen Patrick 19 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Lorsqu'un gaz bosonique ultrafroid est fortement confiné selon une direction de l'espace, les degrés de liberté correspondants sont « gelés » et le gaz devient effectivement bidimensionnel. Le sujet principal de ce manuscrit de thèse est la production de ces gaz quasi-bidimensionnels avec un nouveau dispositif expérimental ainsi que leur étude subséquente. Le manuscrit se divise en deux parties dont la première est consacrée à la description du dispositif expérimental et des techniques qui nous permettent la production des gaz de Bose ultrafroids. Le cas particulier de la production (pour laquelle on se sert d'une lame de phase holographique) et l'étude des gaz de Bose quasi-bidimensionnels est discuté en détail dans la deuxième partie. Le but original des expériences décrites ici était de mesurer l'équation d'état du gaz de Bose quasi-bidimensionnel. Il s'est avéré que la méthode de l'imagerie par absorption, appliquée sur un tel gaz, donne naissance à des effets inattendus. Nous donnons une caractérisation détaillée ainsi que des éléments d'explication possibles de ces effets.

Path Integral Monte Carlo and Bose-Einstein condensation in quantum fluids and solids

Rota, Riccardo 20 December 2011 (has links)
Several microscopic theories point out that Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), i.e., a macroscopic occupation of the lowest energy single particle state in many-boson systems, may appear also in quantum fluids and solids and that it is at the origin of the phenomenon of superfluidity. Nevertheless, the connection between BEC and superfluidity is still matter of debate, since the experimental evidences indicating a non zero condensate fraction in superfluid helium are only indirect. In the theoretical study of BEC in quantum fluids and solids, perturbative approaches are useless because of the strong correlations between the atoms, arising both from the interatomic potential and from the quantum nature of the system. Microscopic Quantum Monte Carlo simulations provide a reliable description of these systems. In particular, the Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method is very suitable for this purpose. This method is able to provide exact results for the properties of the quantum system, both at zero and finite temperature, only with the definition of the Hamiltonian and of the symmetry properties of the system, giving an easy picture for superfluidity and BEC in many-boson systems. In this thesis, we apply PIMC methods to the study of several quantum fluids and solids. We describe in detail all the features of PIMC, from the sampling methods to the estimators of the physical properties. We present also the most recent techniques, such as the high-order approximations for the thermal density matrix and the worm algorithm, used in PIMC to provide reliable simulations. We study the liquid phase of condensed 4He, providing unbiased estimations of the one-body density matrix g1(r). We analyze the model for g1(r) used to fit the experimental data, highlighting its merits and its faults. In particular we see that, even if it presents some difficulties in the description of the overall behavior of g1(r), it can provide an accurate estimation of the kinetic energy K and of the condensate fraction n0 of the system. Furthermore, we show that our results for n0 as a function of the pressure are in a good agreement with the most recent experimental results. The study of the solid phase of 4He is the most significant part of this thesis. The recent observation of non classical rotational inertia (NCRI) effects in solid helium has generated big interest in the study of an eventual supersolid phase, characterized at the same time by crystalline order and superfluidity. Nevertheless, until now it has been impossible to give a theoretical model able to describe all the experimental evidences. In this work, we perform PIMC simulations of 4He at high densities, according to different microscopic configurations of the atoms. In commensurate crystals we see that BEC does not appear, our model being able to reproduce the momentum distribution obtained form neutron scattering experiments. In a crystal with vacancies, we have been able to see a transition to a superfluid phase at temperatures in agreement with experimental results if the vacancy concentration is low enough. In amorphous solids, superfluid effects are enhanced but appear at temperatures higher than the experimental estimation for the transition temperature. Finally, we study also metastable disordered configurations in molecular para-hydrogen at low temperature. The aim of this study is to investigate if a Bose liquid other than helium can display superfluidity. Choosing accurately a ¿quantum liquid¿ initial configuration and the dimensions of the simulation box, we have been able to frustrate the formation of the crystal and to calculate the temperature dependence of the superfluid density, showing a transition to a superfluid phase at temperatures close to 1 K.

Triplet Superfluidity in Quasi-one-dimensional Conductors and Ultra-cold Fermi Gases

Zhang, Wei 13 September 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents theoretical investigations of triplet superfluidity (triplet superconductivity) in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors and ultra-cold Fermi gases. Triplet superfluidity is different from its s-wave singlet counterpart since the order parameter is a complex vector and the interaction between fermions is in general anisotropic. Because of these distinctions, triplet superfluids have different physical properties in comparison to the s-wave case. The author discusses in this thesis the interplay between triplet superconductivity and spin density waves in quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors, and proposes a coexistence region of the two orders. Within the coexistence region, the interaction between the two order parameters acquires a vector structure, and induces an anomalous magnetic field effect. Furthermore, the author analyzes the matter-wave interference between two p-wave Fermi condensates, and proposes a polarization effect. For a single harmonically trapped p-wave Fermi condensate, the author also shows that the expansion upon release from the trap can be anisotropic, which reflects the anisotropy of the p-wave interaction.

Collocation Fourier methods for Elliptic and Eigenvalue Problems

Hsieh, Hsiu-Chen 10 August 2010 (has links)
In spectral methods for numerical PDEs, when the solutions are periodical, the Fourier functions may be used. However, when the solutions are non-periodical, the Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials are recommended, reported in many papers and books. There seems to exist few reports for the study of non-periodical solutions by spectral Fourier methods under the Dirichlet conditions and other boundary conditions. In this paper, we will explore the spectral Fourier methods(SFM) and collocation Fourier methods(CFM) for elliptic and eigenvalue problems. The CFM is simple and easy for computation, thus for saving a great deal of the CPU time. The collocation Fourier methods (CFM) can be regarded as the spectral Fourier methods (SFM) partly with the trapezoidal rule. Furthermore, the error bounds are derived for both the CFM and the SFM. When there exist no errors for the trapezoidal rule, the accuracy of the solutions from the CFM is as accurate as the spectral method using Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials. However, once there exists the truncation errors of the trapezoidal rule, the errors of the elliptic solutions and the leading eigenvalues the CFM are reduced to O(h^2), where h is the mesh length of uniform collocation grids, which are just equivalent to those by the linear elements and the finite difference method (FDM). The O(h^2) and even the superconvergence O(h4) are found numerically. The traditional condition number of the CFM is O(N^2), which is smaller than O(N^3) and O(N^4) of the collocation spectral methods using the Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials. Also the effective condition number is only O(1). Numerical experiments are reported for 1D elliptic and eigenvalue problems, to support the analysis made. The simplicity of algorithms and the promising numerical computation with O(h^4) may grant the CFM to be competent in application in numerical physics, chemistry, engineering, etc., see [7].

Problems on Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics

Kim, Moochan 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Four problems in non-equilibrium statistical physics are investigated: 1. The thermodynamics of single-photon gas; 2. Energy of the ground state in Multi-electron atoms; 3. Energy state of the H2 molecule; and 4. The Condensation behavior in N weakly interacting Boson gas. In the single-photon heat engine, we have derived the equation of state similar to that in classical ideal gas and applied it to construct the Carnot cycle with a single photon, and showed the Carnot efficiency in this single-photon heat engine. The energies of the ground state of multi-electron atoms are calculated using the modi ed Bohr model with a shell structure of the bound electrons. The di erential Schrodinger equation is simpli ed into the minimization problem of a simple energy functional, similar to the problem in dimensional scaling in the H-atom. For the C-atom, we got the ground state energy -37:82 eV with a relative error less than 6 %. The simplest molecular ion, H+ 2 , has been investigated by the quasi-classical method and two-center molecular orbit. Using the two-center molecular orbit derived from the exact treatment of the H+ 2 molecular ion problem, we can reduce the number of terms in wavefunction to get the binding energy of the H2 molecule, without using the conventional wavefunction with over-thousand terms. We get the binding energy for the H2 with Hylleraas correlation factor 1 + kr12 as 4:7eV, which is comparable to the experimental value of 4:74 eV. Condensation in the ground state of a weakly interacting Bose gas in equilibrium is investigated using a partial partition function in canonical ensemble. The recursive relation for the partition function developed for an ideal gas has been modi ed to be applicable in the interacting case, and the statistics of the occupation number in condensate states was examined. The well-known behavior of the Bose-Einstein Condensate for a weakly interacting Bose Gas are shown: Depletion of the condensate state, even at zero temperature, and a maximum uctuation near transition temperature. Furthermore, the use of the partition function in canonical ensemble leads to the smooth cross-over between low temperatures and higher temperatures, which has enlarged the applicable range of the Bogoliubov transformation. During the calculation, we also developed the formula to calculate the correlations among the excited states.

Einstein Aether Gravity

Akbaba, Esin 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we review some basic properties of the Einstein-aether gravity. We derive the field equations from an action and study a subclass of this theory corresponding to the Einstein-Maxwell like theory. We also show that the G&ouml / del type metrics are also exact solutions of this theory. Furthermore, we determine the observational constraints on the dimensionless preferred parameters of this theory using the parametrized post- Newtonian formalism. We stress that none of calculations and discussions are original in this thesis.

Dynamique des gaz quantiques ultrafroids dans des milieux aléatoires corrélés

Alamir, Ardavan 17 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La problématique de cette thèse est l'étude de la localisation d'un condensat de Bose-Einstein confiné harmoniquement et quasi-1D à travers lequel différents potentiels désordonnés sont transportés. Cette problématique qui se veut pleinement pertinente pour les expérimentalistes est à priori difficile à traiter. Cela est dû au caractère non-linéaire, inhomogène et hors-équilibre du système. De ce fait, la plage des vitesses du désordre est limitée d'une part par la vitesse critique de superfluidité et d'autre part par la configuration inhomogène du système. Des notions habituelles de localisation telles que transmission ou exposant de Lyapunov ne sont plus applicables. Donc, il a fallu apporter une nouvelle mesure de localisation pour notre problématique: le ratio du déplacement du centre de masse du condensat au déplacement du désordre qu'on a identifié à la fraction d'atomes localisés. De plus, nous avons des corrélations dans le désordre qui introduisent l'effet d'un comportement non-monotone de l'efficacité de la localisation du potentiel désordonné en fonction de l'énergie. Ainsi, les corrélations peuvent être un moyen pour mettre en évidence la nature quantique de la localisation. Chose que nous avont fait dans un premier temps avec du désordre de type Modèle d'Edwards et dans une seconde partie avec du désordre de type speckle, qu'on nomme le Random Dimer speckle. Pour ce deuxième cas, nous avons proposé une procédure pour contrôler les corrélations et introduire un pic de localisation dans une certaine région énergétique. Cette configuration pourrait être vérifié dans les expériences à l'aide d'un modulateur spatial de lumière.

Optical collisions in crossed beams and Bose-Einstein condensation in a microtrap

Figl, Cristina 19 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié les collisions assistées par la lumière entre deux jets atomiques croisés. Les<br />sections efficaces différentielles de collisions K-Ar sont mesurées et utilisées pour calculer les<br />parties répulsives des potentiels XΣ et BΣ. La précision sur les potentiels ainsi obtenus n'avait<br />jamais été atteinte auparavant dans des expériences de diffusion. Une analyse de l'état final en<br />fonction de l'énergie de collision nous permet de sonder la population relative entre les niveaux<br />fins K(4p1/2) et K(4p3/2). Cette différence relative de population dépend en détail de la structure<br />externe des potentiels. Les calculs à partir des potentiels déterminés sont en accord avec nos<br />résultats expérimentaux. Nous avons également étudié la population relative entre les états fins<br />d'atomes de sodium après des collisions Na-N2 et Na-O2. Les résultats pour N2 sont en très bon<br />accord avec la théorie. Nous avons mesuré les sections efficaces différentielles de collision pour<br />des collisions Ca-Ar assistées par la lumière pour une transition asymptotiquement interdite. La<br />dépendance spectrale de l'intensité du signal présente un maximum caractéristique. Les données<br />expérimentales sont en bon accord avec des calculs ab initio.<br />Nous avons utilisé des fils microfabriqués pour créer un potentiel magnétique dans lequel nous<br />avons obtenu un condensat de Bose-Einstein de 87Rb. Nous avons caractérisé la rugosité du potentiel<br />magnétique en mesurant le profil de densité d'un nuage d'atomes froids. Nous comparons<br />la rugosité mesurée avec la rugosité calculée par la géométrie du fil.

Spectral Inequalities and Their Applications in Quantum Mechanics

Portmann, Fabian January 2014 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis revolves around spectral inequalities and their applications in quantum mechanics. In Paper A, the ground state energy of an atom confined to two dimensions is analyzed in the limit when the charge of the nucleus Z becomes very large. The main result is a two-term asymptotic expansion of the ground state energy in terms of Z. Paper B deals with Hardy inequalities for the kinetic energy of a particle in the presence of an external magnetic field. If the magnetic field has a non-trivial radial component, we show that Hardy’s classical lower bound can be improved by an extra term depending on the magnetic field. In Paper C we study interacting Bose gases and prove Lieb-Thirring type estimates for several types of interaction potentials, such as the hard-sphere interaction in three dimensions, the hard-disk interaction in two dimensions as well as homogeneous potentials. / <p>QC 20140520</p>

Cosmic strings and scalar tensor gravity

Da Silva, Caroline Dos Santos January 1999 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the study of cosmic strings. We studied the values for the Higgs mass and string coupling for which the gravitational effect of an infinite cosmic string in the context of the Einstein theory is not only locally but also globally weak. We conclude this happens for strings formed at scales less or equal to the Planck one with Higgs mass being less or equal to the boson vectorial mass. Then we examined the metric of an isolated self-gravitating abelian-Higgs vortex in dilatonic gravity for arbitrary coupling of the vortex fields to the dilaton. We looked for solutions in both massless and massive dilaton gravity. We compared our results to existing metrics for strings in Einstein and .Jordan-Brans-Dicke theories. We explored the generalisation of Bogomolnyi arguments for our vortices and commented on the effects on test particles. We then included the presence of an axion field and examined the metric of an isolated self-gravitating axionic-dilatonic string. Finally we studied dilatonic strings through black hole solutions in string theory. We concluded that the horizon of non-extreme charged black holes supports the long-range fields of the Nielsen-Olesen string that can be considered as black hole hair and whose gravitational effect is in general the production of a conical deficit into the metric of the black hole background. We also concluded that the effect of the dilaton on the horizon of these black holes is to generate an additional charge.

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