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Template-Assisted Electrodeposition of Metallic Nanowires and their Application in Electronic Packaging / Templat-gestützte Elektroabscheidung metallischer Nanodrähte und deren Anwendung in der Aufbau- und VerbindungstechnikGraf, Matthias 04 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Electronic Packaging is currently deeply in need of new solutions concerning vertical interconnection strategies. With respect to downscaling the geometrical limits, entering the nanoscale for first-level interconnects is nothing more than a consequence. This thesis proposes a new strategy for highly resolved vertical interconnects that are realized by metallic nanowires (NWs). These are embedded inside a dielectric matrix enabling the further raster size reduction for chip interconnects. The creation of NW arrays in self-ordering templates (anodized Al2O3 (AAO) and track-etched poly carbonate) by electrochemical deposition of Ag and Ni inside the pores of these as well as the characterisation of the NWs' properties with respect to the film's applicability are to the fore. Electrical properties are shown to be sensitive to the mode of deposition. Crystallographic properties do not seem to be responsible for this while the NWs' morphology slightly differs and is therefore expected to remarkably influence electron transport. Additionally, the deposition mechanism in high-aspect-ratio pores of AAO is in another focus of investigation. This process was in the past described as diffusively controlled, but this assertion was not further evaluated.
The presence of a gradient in the diffusion coefficient as well as the presence and expansion of an electrochemical double layer located at the template's inner surface are responsible limiting the deposition process. An existing model of porous electrodes is compared to the measured data and found not to be valid for the system of highly recessed ultramicroelectrode arrays by which this system is described. Therefore a new model that differentiates between charge-transfer and diffusive motion is proposed and shown to fit to the system's properties. Apart from mechanistic investigations, the implementation of the obtained NW arrays as an interconnector film proposes these to be applied best by adhesive bonding. Bonding properties were found to be well realizable by the additional coverage of the filled membranes with a polymer thin film. This can easily be attached onto the film by spin-coating the corresponding monomer and reactive curing while already being embedded in the package. Alternative methods for contact formation, such as non-reactive bonding and nanosoldering using segmented NWs, are proposed. The strategy is shown to still lack important technological questions while the findings with respect to fabrication, growth and implementation are very promising. / Die Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik der Elektronik wird in absehbarer Zeit Größenskalen erreichen, bei denen die verwendeten Materialien in der ersten Kontaktierungsebene als Nanomaterialien zu bezeichnen sind, das heißt ≤ 100 nm sind. Des Weiteren bestehen momentan nur bedingt viele Ansätze zu deren Implementierung in Vertikalverbindungsstrukturen (zum Beispiel für die dreidimensionale Integration). Die vorliegende Dissertation schlägt daher vor, die vertikale Verbindung über einen zwischen die Chips laminierbaren Film mit hochdichten und vertikal ausgerichteten nanoskaligen Drähten (NWs) zu realisieren. Diese sind in einer dielektrischen Matrix fixiert und gewährleisten die elektrische Anisotropie des Kontaktfilms. Innerhalb dieser Matrix werden die metallischen Drähte durch elektrochemische Abscheidung erzeugt. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt somit auf der Charakterisierung des reduktiven Wachstumsprozesses von Ag und Ni innerhalb dünner Poren. Dabei können die Eigenschaften durch verschiedene Abscheidemodi gezielt beeinflusst werden. Hinsichtlich der elektrischen Eigenschaften ergibt sich im Vergleich zu der zugrundeliegenden Kristallographie ein wesentlich stärkerer Einfluss der Draht-Morphologie. Der Prozess der Porenfüllung wird im Allgemeinen als stark diffusionskontrolliert angenommen, wurde jedoch bisher nicht weiter quantifiziert. Die der Abscheidung zugrundeliegenden Prozesse Elektrolytdiffusion, Ladungstransfer an der Elektrode und Migrationsbeeinflussung durch die Porengeometrie werden daher voneinander getrennt und einzeln charakterisiert.
Das vorliegende System kann als Matrix von stark versenkten Ultramikroelektroden abstrahiert werden. Existente Modelle zur Beschreibung derartiger Systeme treffen auf den vorliegenden Fall im Allgemeinen nicht zu, sodass basierend auf elektrochemischen Untersuchungen ein variiertes Abscheidemodell vorgeschlagen wird. Dieses berücksichtigt die Nicht-Linearität der elektrochemischen Doppelschicht, die von der Porenoberfläche ausgeht sowie deren Frequenzabhängigkeit. Neben mechanistischen Untersuchungen schließen sich Versuche an, deren Fokus auf der direkten Anwendung der mit Nanodrähten gefüllten Membranen liegt. Dabei wird vornehmlich deren Fixierung per Klebeverbindung angestrebt. Die Realisierung klebbarer Filme gelingt über die Auftragung von polymeren Dünnfilmen durch Spin-Coating des jeweiligen Monomeren. Diese Filme werden hinsichtlich ihrer Klebeeigenschaften charakterisiert. Abschließend werden alternative Kontaktiermethoden wie die Thermokompression oder das nanoskalige Löten basierend auf der Herstellung von segmentierten Nanodrähten demonstriert und hinsichtlich ihrer Applizierbarkeit diskutiert. Die erreichten Ergebnisse zeigen den noch vorhandenen Bedarf an technologischer Optimierung sowie Kompatibilisierung auf. Die Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Herstellung, des Wachstums sowie der Implementierungsansätze sind jedoch vielversprechend.
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Biomatériaux hybrides : tissu de fibres de carbone / phosphates de calcium : synthèse, caractérisation et biocompatibilité / Hybrid biomaterials : carbon fibers cloth / calcium phosphates : synthesis, characterization and biocompatibilityPicard, Quentin 14 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a consisté à élaborer un biomatériau hybride constitué d’un tissu de fibres de carbone (TFC) revêtu de phosphates de calcium (CaP) déposés par un procédé de sono-électrodéposition et à étudier l’influence des paramètres expérimentaux sur la composition chimique, la microtexture et la structure des revêtements phosphocalciques, ainsi que la biocompatibilité in vitro du biomatériau hybride. La densité de courant s’est avérée être un paramètre important. Pour de fortes densités de courant (≥ 100 mA/g), un régime d’électrolyse rapide de l’eau entraîne la formation d’un dépôt aciculaire d’hydroxyapatite déficitaire en calcium (CaD-HAP) carbonatée avec la présence éventuelle d’une phase de calcite. Pour de faibles densités de courant (≤ 50 mA/g), un régime d’électrolyse lent de l’eau entraîne la formation d’un dépôt plaquettaire de CaD-HAP carbonatée issu de l’hydrolyse in situ du phosphate octocalcique plaquettaire préalablement précipité. Pour l’ensemble des dépôts, les particules sont constituées d’un coeur de CaD-HAP carbonatée de structure ordonnée et d’une surface hydratée de CaD-HAP carbonatée de structure désordonnée qui résulte de l’existence d’une zone de sursaturation lors de la précipitation des CaP. La sono-électrodéposition se révèle être un procédé versatile capable d’orienter la synthèse des phases de CaP, avec pour une faible densité de courant appliquée l’obtention d’un dépôt biomimétique comparable à la partie minérale du tissu osseux obtenue par le processus d’ostéogénèse naturelle. Des tests de viabilité in vitro réalisés avec des ostéoblastes humains primaires ont montré que la nanoporosité et le caractère hydrophile des TFC n’impactent pas la biocompatibilité et que les paramètres tels que le précurseur des fibres, l’ensimage et/ou la forme lobée des fibres semblent favoriser l’adhésion et la prolifération des cellules. / This work is focused on the synthesis of a novel hybrid biomaterial made of carbon fibers cloth (CFC)/ calcium phosphates (CaP) using the sono-electrochemical technique and the study of the influence of experimental parameters on the chemical composition, microtexture and structure of CaP deposits and on in vitro biocompatibility. Current density is shown to be a crucial parameter. Specifically, at high current densities ((≥ 100 mA/g), the fast water electrolysis rate leads to a needle-like deposit consisting in a major phase of carbonated calcium deficient hydroxyapatite (CaD-HAP) mixed with a calcium carbonate phase. At low current densities (≤ 50 mA/g), the slow water electrolysis rate generates a plate-like carbonated CaD-HAP phase, coming from the in situ hydrolysis of a former octacalcium phosphate phase. Whatever the experimental conditions, particles of the deposits consists in a carbonated CaD-HAP core showing an ordered structure, surrounded by a hydrated and disordered carbonated CaD-HAP surface layer which results of the formation of oversaturated domains during CaP precipitation. Sono-electrodeposition is shown to be a versatile process able to control the nature of CaP phases. Especially, at low current density a biomimetic CaP deposit is obtained, similar to the mineral part of bones produced during natural osteogenesis. In vitro biologic tests using primary human osteoblasts showed that the nano-porosity and hydrophilicity of the carbon fibers do not affect the biocompatibility and that fiber precursor, sizing and lobe shaped fibers seems to favor adhesion and proliferation of human cells.
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Activité biologique et électrochimie de protéines membranes, de bactéries et de bactériophages dans un matériau sol-gel hybride / Biological activity and/or electrochemistry of membrane proteins, bacteria and bacteriophages in a hybrid-based sol-gel materialGhach, Wissam 03 October 2013 (has links)
Le travail décrit dans cette thèse a été mené à l'interface entre trois disciplines: l'électrochimie, la science des matériaux et la microbiologie. L'objectif de cette recherche était tout d'abord d'étudier l'activité de bactéries immobilisées dans un film de silice déposé par le procédé sol-gel à la surface d'électrodes. Les applications potentielles de ce travail fondamental sont les biocapteurs, les bioréacteurs ou biopiles. L'encapsulation bactérienne assistée par électrochimie a été développée en utilisant l'électrolyse du sol de départ pour immobiliser la bactérie Escherichia Coli dans une couche mince sol-gel hybride. La combinaison de précurseurs de silice, de chitosan, de poly(ehtylène glycol) et de tréhalose permet de préserver l'intégrité membranaire et l'activité métabolique. L'électrochimie a ensuite été utilisée comme moyen analytique. Shewanella putrefaciens et Pseudomonas fluorescens ont été encapsulées dans un film à base de silice et les réactions de transfert d'électron de la bactérie à différent médiateurs rédox ont été analysées. Des nanotubes de carbone fonctionnalisés par des espèces ferrocène et la protéine rédox cytochrome c ont été utilisés pour faciliter ce transfert électronique au sein de cette matrice de silice isolante, permettant l'obtention d'un biofilm artificiel. Ces deux types de médiateurs, chimique ou biologique, ont conduit à des sensibilités différentes de la bioélectrode à l'ajout du substrat pourvoyeur d'électron en raison des mécanismes différents impliqués pour transférer ces électrons. L'immobilisation de protéines rédox membranaires a également été considérée dans ces couches minces inorganiques pour favoriser la stabilité de la réponse électrocatalytique. Les protéines considérées impliquent des mécanismes de transfert électronique différents, soit direct pour le cytochrome P450 (CYP1A2), soit médié pour la mandélate déshydrogénase. Finalement, l'influence de l'encapsulation dans une matrice sol-gel hybride sur l'infectivité du bactériophage [phi]X174 a été étudiée, montrant l'effet protecteur de la polyéthylènenimine ou du glycérol / The work reported in this thesis has been developed at the interface between three disciplines, i.e., electrochemistry, material science and microbiology. The purpose of this research was first to study the activity of bacteria immobilized in silica-based films prepared by the sol-gel process on electrode surfaces. Potential applications concern biosensors, bioreactors and biofuel cells. Electrochemically assisted bacterial encapsulation has been developed, using sol electrolysis to immobilize Escherichia coli in a hybrid sol-gel layer. The combination of silica precursors, chitosan, poly(ethylene glycol) and trehalose allowed preservation of cell membrane integrity and metabolic activity. Electrochemistry was then considered as an analytical method. Shewanella putrefaciens and Pseudomonas fluorescens have been encapsulated in silica-based films and the electron transfer reactions from bacteria to different redox mediators have been monitored. Single-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with ferrocene moieties and bovine heart cytochrome c have been considered as redox shuttles to facilitate the electron transfer in the non-conducting silica matrix, leading to the elaboration of artificial biofilms. Interestingly, these two classes of mediator, i.e. chemical and biological, led to different substrate sensitivity because of their different mechanism of interaction with the bacteria. Immobilization of membrane associated redox proteins in sol-gel films have been then considered and applied for electrocatalysis. Direct and mediated electrochemical communication has been investigated between the electrode surface and cytochrome P450 (CYP1A2) or mandelate dehydrogenase, respectively, showing the interest of sol-gel to stabilize the bioelectrocatalytic reaction. Finally, the influence of encapsulation in a hybrid sol-gel matrix on the infectivity of bacteriophage [phi]X174 has been studied and the protective effect of polyethyleneimine or glycerol was shown
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Produção e caracterização de filmes finos de ZnO / Production and characterization of ZnO thin filmsSilva, Luciane Janice Venturini da 26 November 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Among the semiconducting oxides, ZnO has received considerable attention as a promising material for several applications in optoelectronic devices due to its high optical transparency in the visible range and good electrical conductivity achieved by doping with
suitable elements. The present work, part developed in the Laboratório de Magnetismo e Materiais Magnéticos
Nanoestruturados (UNIPAMPA/BAGÉ) and part in the Laboratório de Magnetismo e Materiais Magnéticos (UFSM), aimed mainly the development of an experimental
procedure of ZnO thin films potentiostatic electrodeposition using 0.1 M aqueous solution
of zinc nitrate seeking potential applications in solar cells. The electrodeposition technique is the growth of certain material on a solid substrate by electrochemical reactions and emerges as an alternative to traditional techniques (sputtering, sol-gel, spray pyrolysis) production of thin films. Besides being relatively easy to
implement and has low production cost. The ZnO thin films were deposited on Au (111) substrates, obtained from commercial CD-Rs (CDtrodos). Voltammetry technique was used for the electrochemical processes involved analysis and to establish suitable areas of potential for films growth. ZnO deposits were characterized by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. / Dentre os óxidos semicondutores, o ZnO tem recebido considerável atenção como um material promissor para diversas aplicações em dispositivos opto-eletrônicos devido a sua alta transparênciaóptica na faixa do visível e boa condutividade elétrica alcançada por dopagem com elementos adequados. O presente trabalho, desenvolvido parte no Laboratório de Magnetismo e Materiais Magnéticos Nanoestruturados (UNIPAMPA/BAGÉ) e parte no Laboratório de Magnetismo e Materiais Magnéticos (UFSM), teve como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de um procedimento experimental de eletrodeposição potenciostática de filmes finos de ZnO visando possíveis aplicações em células solares, utilizando-se 0:1M de solução aquosa de nitrato de zinco.
A técnica de eletrodeposição consiste no crescimento de determinado material sobre um substrato sólido através de reações eletroquímicas e surge como uma alternativa às
técnicas tradicionais (sputtering, sol-gel, spray-pirólise) de produção de filmes finos. Além de ser relativamente de fácil implementação e tem baixo custo de produção. Os filmes finos de ZnO foram depositados sobre substratos de Au (111), obtidos a partir de CD-Rs comerciais (CDtrodos). Utilizou-se a técnica de voltametria para analise dos processos eletroquímicos envolvidos e para estabelecer as regiões de potenciais adequadas para crescimento dos filmes. Os depósitos de ZnO foram caracterizados utilizando
as técnicas de difração de raios-X e microscopia de força atômica (AFM).
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Towards small scale sensors for turbulent flows and for rarefied gas dampingEbrahiminejad Rafsanjani, Amin 02 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis makes contributions towards the development of two different small-scale sensing systems which show promise for measurements in fluid mechanics.
Well-resolved turbulent Wall Shear Stress (WSS) measurements could provide a basis for realistic computational models of near-wall turbulent flow in aerodynamic design. In aerodynamics field applications, they could provide indication of flow direction and regions of separation, enabling inputs for flight control or active control of wind-turbine blades to reduce shock and fatigue loading due to separated flow regions. Traditional thermal WSS sensors consist of a single microscale hot-film, flush-mounted with the surface and maintained at constant temperature. Their potential for fast response to small fluctuations may not be realized, as heat transfer through the substrate creates heat-exchange with fluid, leading to loss of spatial and temporal resolution.
The guard-heated thermal WSS sensor is a design introduced to block this loss of resolution. A numerical flow-field with a range of length and time and scales was generated to study the response of both guard-heated and conventional single-element thermal WSS sensors. A conjugate heat transfer solution including substrate heat conduction and flow convection, provides spatiotemporal data on both the actual and the “measured” WSS fluctuations calculated from the heat transfer rates experienced due to the WSS field. For a single-element sensor in air, we found that the heat transfer through the substrate was up to six times larger than direct heat transfer from the hot-film to the fluid. The resulting loss of resolution in the single-element sensor can be largely recovered by using the guard-heated design. Spectra for calculated WSS from heat transfer response show that high frequencies are considerably better resolved in guard-heated sensors than in the single element sensor.
Nanoresonators are nanowires (NWs) excited into mechanical vibration at a resonance frequency, with a change in spectral width created by gas damping from the environment, or a shift in the resonance peak frequency created by added mass. They enable a wide range of applications, from sensors to study rarefied gas flow friction to the detection of early-stage cancer. The extraordinary sensitivity of nanoresonators for disease molecule detection has been demonstrated with a few NWs, but the high cost of traditional electron-beam lithography patterning, have inhibited practical applications requiring large arrays of sensors. Field-directed assembly techniques under development in our laboratory enable a large number of devices at low cost. Electro-deposition of metals in templates yields high-quality single nanowires, but undesired clumps must be removed. This calls for separation (extraction) of single nanowires. In this work, single nanowires are extracted by using the sedimentation behavior of particles. Based on numerical and experimental analyses, the optimum time and region for extracting samples with the highest fraction of single nanowires ratio was found. We show that it is possible to take samples free of large clumps of nanowires and decrease the ratio of undesired particles to single nanowires by over one order of magnitude. / Graduate
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<div>The present thesis was completed to satisfy two functions in our laboratory: (1) explore carbon-black (CB) as an additive for electrodeposited intrinsically conductive polymers (ICPs) to improve electrical properties across the electrode-electrolyte interface for use in neuromodulation; and (2) design a histology protocol that will analyze peripheral nerve system (PNS) tissue following implantation of conventional metal and modified conventional metal electrodes with the ICP poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophere):poly(styrenesulfonate)/carbon-black (PEDOT:PSS/CB). It would appear that the functions explored may seem unrelated, however, these two topics play a crucial role in designing a viable electrode for use in acute and chronic neuromodulation and the subsequent analysis required to determine the mechanical properties and overall biocompatibility of design.</div><div><br></div><div><div>A series of experiments with different PEDOT:PSS solutions containing varying amounts of suspended CB (n=19; 0 mg/mL to 2 mg/mL) were explored. Solutions were characterized using cyclic voltammetry (CV) using the intended electrode for deposition, composed of stainless steel (SS), as the working electrode (WE) to determine respective redox potentials. SS was chosen because of its inherently bad electrochemical properties, meaning that improved functionality post electrodeposition would be easy to identify. Immediately following CV, stainless-steel electrodes were electrodeposited using one of two techniques: (1) potentiostat, allowing the cell to rest at the redox potential required for bipolaron formation (0.9 V); or (2) galvanostat, where the electrode was submitted to a constant current of 200 mA and allowed to coat. Rapid electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was performed prior to and immediately following coating to determine the pre-electrochemical and post-electrochemical impedance characteristics. Results indicate that there was a positive relationship between the amount of CB additive and the relative impedance drop between the uncoated and coated counterparts. Furthermore, the modified electrochemical interfaces are substantially improved for use in frequency ranges of 10 Hz to 50 kHz, which encompass the ranges of our labs recently discovered low frequency alternating current (LFAC) for use in neuromodulation; thus indicating that PEDOT:PSS/CB modification may be used to improve impedance characteristics during our future LFAC experiments. This protocol, the one that contains the ideal concentration of carbon-black, was then recorded and will be used in our lab.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>Histology protocols were developed to improve our labs capabilities of post-mortem analysis of PNS tissue. Processing and embedding preparations that explored included paraffin, acrylic, and frozen. Subsequently, staining protocols were developed; however, they varied as a function of the embedding media used; staining protocols developed incorporated progressive and regressive hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining as well as toluidine blue (TB). Tissue was sectioned and observed using light microscopy.</div></div>
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Vliv iontů manganu ve struktuře hydroxidu nikelnatého na vlastnosti elektrod / Influence of Mn ionts in nickel hydroxide on behavour electrodesCirkovský, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis was to explore the influence of manganese ions put into nickel nitrate structure. The attention was focused mainly on the stabilization of nickel nitrate a modification, which could not change into b modification. The theoretical part of my thesis focused on applied materials, kinds of acumulators, basic parameters of acumulators and the description of chosen methods of measurement employed. It contained the electrodeposition, the impedance spectroscopy and the cyclic voltammetry. The task of the experimental part was to measure the effect of manganese ions put into potassium hydroxide structure. Proportions of Ni (nickel nitrate) : Mn (manganese nitrate) 10:0, 7:3, 5:5, 6:1 and 6:4 were blended for the measurement. By means of the electrodeposition, there was a thin layer of nickel hydroxide with an admixture of manganese ions from nickel nitrate and manganese nitrate dilution put on the nickel plate. After the spread of the thin layer on the nickel plate, the measurement by the method of cyclic voltammetry followed. The next task consisted in trying to add KOH (potassium hydroxide) anionic and cationic surfactant into the dilution.
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Tenkovrstvé elektrody pro elektrochromní prvky / Thin Film Electrodes for Electrochromic DevicesMacalík, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the deposition of layers for electrochromic device with different methods. Transparent electrically conductive layer of SnO2 was deposited by pyrolytic decomposition of peroxostannate solution. Hydrogen peroxide in starting solution contributes to the oxidation process of growth layers and to increase the electrical conductivity. Active electrochromic layer of WO3 was electrolytic deposited from the peroxotungstic acid solution. Optimal deposition time and the optimal annealing temperature of deposited layers were found. Passive electrochromic layer of V2O5 was deposited using dip-coating method from peroxovanadate solution. A contribution of solution diluted with distilled water was investigated. Found results were used to construct complete electrochromic device with polymer gel electrolyte.
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Elektrodepozice tenkých tantalových vrstev z iontových roztoků a měření jejich elektrických vlastností / Electrodeposition of thin tantalum layers from ionic liquids and measurement of their electrical propertiesSvobodová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the electrodeposition of tantalum from ionic solution 1-butyl-1- methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide, ([BMP]Tf2N) at 200°C and description of related transfer and kinetic phenomena on the interface between the ionic solution and working electrode. Furthermore, the electrodeposition of tantalum layers in different ionic solutions containing tantalum salts and especially in ([BMP]Tf2N) is introduced. In the last part of the thesis, results of cyclic voltammetry, surface analysis SEM and elemental analysis EDX are discussed. MIS (metal-insulator-semiconductor) structure was determined comprising porous anodic alumina as the insulator and semiconductive TaxOy on the top of the insulator. The electric conductivity of the MIS structures was studied by using amper-volt IV and CV characteristics. The results of the cyclic voltametry, impedance spectroscopy and chronoamperometry are discussed.
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Elaboration, caractérisation, dopages et évaluations in vitro et in vivo de matériaux hybrides : Tissus de fibres de carbone / Phosphates de calcium / Synthesis, characterization, doping and in vitro and in vivo biological evaluations of hybrid materials : Carbon fiber cloths / Calcium phosphatesOlivier, Florian 04 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail a consisté à optimiser la synthèse de phosphates de calcium (CaP) déposés sur tissus de fibres de carbone (TFC) par procédé de sono-électrodéposition afin d’obtenir des revêtements uniformes. Les paramètres électrochimiques clés optimisés sont le type et la durée de polarisation cathodique ainsi que la température de l’électrolyte. Pour un potentiel constant de -1 V à 70 °C, un régime d’électrolyse contrôlé de l’eau conduit à la formation d’un revêtement plaquettaire d’hydroxyapatite déficitaire en calcium (CDA) carbonatée. Les plaquettes sont composées de particules lamellaires (de quelques dizaines à centaines de nm) constituées de CDA carbonatée de structure ordonnée au coeur et de structure désordonnée car hydratée en surface des particules, organisation typique des apatites biomimétiques. Le matériau hybride a été dopé en strontium, engendrant la formation de revêtements où les ions Ca²+ sont substitués par des ions Sr²+ de manière contrôlée, conférant au biomatériau de nouvelles propriétés en vue d’une application en régénération osseuse. Ce travail a aussi démontré la possibilité d’adsorber de façon sélective des principes actifs ciblés (tétracycline, naproxène, aspirine) dans chaque constituant du matériau hybride. Les courbes de désorption ont mis en évidence deux modes de libération selon le principe actif.Une évaluation biologique des différentes matériaux hybrides a été réalisée. L’étude in vitro a porté sur la viabilité et la prolifération d’ostéoblastes humains en surface des biomatériaux hybrides, démontrant leur biocompatibilité. L’intérêt d’un dopage (Sr²+, aspirine et naproxène) sur l’activité des ostéoblastes a été démontré. Une expérience pilote in vivo a été menée, consistant à créer un défaut osseux dans des fémurs de rats et à étudier l’influence du type de biomatériaux TFC/CaP sur les évolutions quantitative et qualitative de la régénération osseuse. / Optimization of the synthesis of calcium phosphates (CaP) on carbon fiber cloths (TFC) was performed in using sono-electrodeposition process in order to obtain uniform coatings. The electrochemical potential applied and the electrolyte temperature during the synthesis were determined as being key parameters. For a constant potential of -1 V at 70 ° C, a controlled water electrolysis regime results in the deposit of plate-like calcium-deficient apatite (CDA). This plate-like particles (from a few tens to hundreds of nm in length) consist in an ordered structure of carbonated CDA in their core and in a disordered structure in the hydrated surface, a typical organization of biomimetic apatites. The hybrid material was doped with strontium, resulting in a carbonated CDA coating where the Ca²+ ions are controllably substituted by Sr²+ ions, leading to new properties for a bone regeneration application. This work has also shown the possibility of selectively adsorb targeted active molecules (tetracycline, naproxen, aspirin) in each component of the hybrid material. The desorption curves revealed two modes of release depending on the active molecule.A biological evaluation of the different hybrid materials was carried out. The in vitro study investigated the viability and proliferation of human osteoblasts at the surface of hybrid materials, demonstrating their biocompatibility. The interest of a doping (Sr²+, aspirin and naproxen) on osteoblast activity was demonstrated. An in vivo pilot experiment was conducted, through the creation of a bone defect in rat thighbones to study the influence of TFC/CaP biomaterials on the quantitative and qualitative evolutions of bone regeneration.
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