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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electromagnetical model of an induction motor in COMSOL Multiphysics

Wilow, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Ansys, Flux or COMSOL are examples of software-tools that can be used to study magnetic noise, caused by magnetic forces in the air-gap, in induction motors. The project team wanted to use COMSOL in this thesis. The electromagnetical domain needs to be coupled to the mechanical domain to complete the study. The air-gap forces, calculated in the electromagnetical model using the Rotating Machinery module, can be exported to the Acoustic-Solid Interaction module in COMSOL to enable the vibro-acoustic analysis. An electromagnetical model of an induction motor is developed in two-dimensions in the finite element method based software-tool COMSOL Multiphysics in this thesis. Simulation results obtained in the frequency domain are compared with results achieved in the software-tool FEMM. Simulation results of the phase inductance, distribution of the flux density and the torque are compared. The simulated torque in COMSOL is validated with the torque derived based on an equivalent lumped model of the induction motor. A time-dependent simulation of the motor is made at 4.7% slip and 1A (peak) supply. The obtained torque is 0.33Nm. The same value is achieved in the frequency study in COMSOL. The corresponding value is 0.003Nm higher in FEMM. The evaluated air-gap forces at 4.7% slip can be used for studying vibro-acoustics in COMSOL. / Ansys, Flux eller COMSOL är exempel på datorprogram som kan användas för att studera magnetiskt brus, orsakad av magnetiska krafter i luftgapet, i induktionsmotorer. Projektgruppen ville använda COMSOL i det här examensarbetet. För att kunna utföra studien måste den elektromagnetiska domänen kopplas till den mekaniska domänen. Luftgapskrafterna, beräknade i den elektromagnetiska modellen genom att använda modulen för roterande maskiner, kan exporteras till modulen Acoustic-Solid Interaction för att möjliggöra den vibro-akustiska analysen. En elektromagnetisk modell av en induktionsmotor är utvecklad i två dimensioner i finita elementmetoden-baserade programvaran COMSOL Multiphysics i det här examensarbetet. Simuleringsresultat från frekvensdomänen jämförs med resultat som uppnås med datorprogramvaran FEMM. Simuleringsresultat för fas-induktansen, fördelningen av flödestätheten och momentet jämförs. Det simulerade momentet i COMSOL valideras med momentet som härleds utifrån induktionsmotorns motsvarande ekvivalenta schema. En tidsberoende motor-simulering genomförs vid 4.7% slip, matad med 1A (topp-värde). Det erhållna momentet är 0.33Nm. Samma värde erhålls i frekvensstudien i COMSOL. Värdet är 0.003Nm högre i FEMM. De beräknade luftgapskrafterna vid 4.7% slip kan användas för att göra en vibroakustisk studie i COMSOL.

Interopérabilité de modèles dans le cycle de conception des systèmes électromagnétiques via des supports complémentaires : VHDL-AMS et composants logiciels ICAr / Interoperability of models in the design cycle of electromagnetic systems through complementary supports : VHDL-AMS language and ICAr software components

Rezgui, Abir 25 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde les formalismes pour la modélisation multi-physique en support au cycle en V deconception. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR–MoCoSyMec, selon la méthodologie duprototypage virtuel fonctionnel (PVF) et illustré sur des systèmes électromagnétiques.Nous nous sommes principalement intéressés au langage VHDL-AMS, en tant que support aux différentsniveaux de modélisation apparaissant dans le cycle en V de conception. Cela nous a conduits à traiter laportabilité et l’interopérabilité en VHDL-AMS de diverses méthodes et outils de modélisation. Nous avonsproposé et validé, via le formalisme des composants logiciels ICAr, des solutions aux limites de l’utilisation deVHDL-AMS pour modéliser certains phénomènes physiques reposants sur des calculs numériques.Nous avons étendu la norme ICAr pour supporter des modèles dynamiques décrits par des équationsdifférentielles algébriques (DAE) ; et pour des besoins de co-simulation, nous pouvons également y associer unsolveur. Ces développements sont désormais capitalisés dans le framework CADES.Enfin, nous avons proposé une architecture pour le portage de modèles d’un formalisme à un autre. Elle a étédéfinie et mise en oeuvre plus particulièrement pour des modèles magnétiques réluctants (Reluctool) et desMEMS magnétiques (MacMMems) vers le VHDL-AMS.Ces formalismes et méthodologies sont mis en oeuvre autour du PVF d’un contacteur électromagnétique. / This PhD report deals with modeling formalisms for multi-physical systems in the design V- cycle. Thiswork was carried out within the French ANR-MoCoSyMec project, according to the methodology of functionalvirtual prototyping (PVF) and illustrated with electromagnetical systems.The work focuses on the VHDL-AMS modeling language, as a support for several modeling levels appearingin the design V-cycle. In this work, the portability and interoperability problems have been studied, usingVHDL-AMS, for various modeling methods and tools. Solutions have been proposed and validated for use limitsof VHDL-AMS language, specifically for the modeling of some physical phenomena using numericalcomputations, through the software component formalism called ICAr.The ICAr software component standard has been extended to support dynamic models described throughdifferential algebraic equations (DAE). It has also been extended for co-simulation purposes in which a solver isassociated to the dynamic model inside the ICAr component. These developed solutions are now available in theframework CADES.Finally, architecture has been proposed for the transforming of models from a professional formalism intoanother, specifically into VHDL-AMS. It has been designed and implemented for reluctant magnetic models(RelucTool) and magnetic MEMS (MacMMems).These formalisms and methodologies are implemented around the functional virtual prototyping (PVF) of anelectromagnetic contactor.

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