Spelling suggestions: "subject:"electroreduction"" "subject:"electroreception""
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Traitement électrocinétique des sédiments de dragage et valorisation par solidification/stabilisation / Electrokinetic treatement of dredged sediment and valorisation with solidification/stabilisationSong, Yue 22 February 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a porté sur l’étude des méthodes de traitement des sédiments de dragage en vue de leur remédiation et leur valorisation : la méthode électrocinétique et la méthode solidification/stabilisation. Deux dispositifs expérimentaux (à deux échelles différentes) ont été développés et une série d’essais électrocinétiques ont été effectués sous différentes conditions (valeurs du potentiel électrique, système ouvert/fermé, solutions d’électrolyte : EDTA, EDDS, NTA et Acide citrique). Chaque chélatant fournit une efficacité d’extraction sur un métal donné. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le contrôle de pH à la cathode par l’acide citrique et l’ajout d’un tensio-actif (Tween 20) peuvent augmenter l’effet de remédiation des métaux. Par ailleurs, lorsque le système est fermé, l’efficacité d’électroremédiation est plus élevée. Les abattements obtenus pour les métaux dans la matrice des sédiments sous des conditions optimales peuvent atteindre 60 %. Pour ce qui est de la solidification/stabilisation, plusieurs formulations (de chaux, de ciment et de fumée de silice) associées au sédiment ont été testées dans le but de reconstituer un matériau résistant et durable dans l’objectif de son utilisation dans les remblais routiers. Les éprouvettes de sédiment traitées ont été soumises à des conditions sévères de température et d’humidité. Des essais de lixiviation ont été effectués sur le matériau obtenu afin de déterminer la capacité des formulations à stabiliser les éléments polluants contenus dans le sédiment. Les résultats obtenus avec 12 différentes formulations ont montré que la résistance requise est obtenue avec des proportions raisonnables d’ajouts, tandis que l’exigence de durabilité nécessite une plus grande proportion de chaux. / This thesis research is devoted to investigate the treatment methods of dredged sediments in order their restoration and valorisation: electroremediation and solidification/stabilization. Two experimental set-up (at two different scales) have been designed and a series of tests were performed under different conditions (electric potential values, opened/closed system, electrolyte solutions: EDTA, EDDS, NTA and Citric Acid). Each chelating agent provides an extraction efficiency for a given metal. The obtained results show that the pH control at the cathode by citric acid and its combinations with a surfactant (Tween 20) can increase the metal removal effect. Moreover, under closed system condition, metal removal efficiency became stronger. The obtained metal removals values within the matrix of sediment under optimal conditions can reach 60%. As regard to the solidification/stabilization, serval formulations (of lime, cement and silica fume) associated to the sediment were tested in order to create a resistant and sustainable material forwarding to be used as a road embankments. The specimens of treated sediment were submitted to severe conditions of temperature and wettability. Leaching tests were carried out on the obtained material in order to assess a capability of used formulations to stabilize pollutant elements contained in the sediment. The obtained results from 12 different formulations showed that the required resistance is obtained with the reasonable proportions of binders, while the sustainability requirement need higher lime content in the formulation.
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Desenvolvimento de reatores eletroquímicos para o tratamento de água produzida de petróleo. / Development of electrochemical reactors for oil wastewater treatment.Santos, Amaro Carlos dos 20 December 2006 (has links)
The production of oil in Brazil is increasing to each year. As result a
increasing volume of production water is generated as part of the process itself of
formation of the deposits, many times in bigger ratios that the oil itself. The
produced water owns a great diversity of contaminants, what ally to its high
volume, brings serious problems at the moment of giving a final disposal to it.
Some solutions had been attempted; on account of the more restrictive laws each
day of the ambient agencies, but still in palliative way.
The present work considers evaluating eletrodics materials and
experimental conditions adjusted to be used in reactors, propitiating the
electrochemical treatment of this residue. As anodes Ânodos Dimensionalmente
Estáveis (ADE) commercial had been used, with nominal composition of
Ti/Ru0,34Ti0,66O2. As cathodes the ADE, 316 steel and graphite had been
evaluated. Amongst the cathodic materials studied the steel it presented
performance better, as much with regard to efficiency of the process how much in
the reduction of the cathodic incrustation.
In the studies in batelada, was verified that the dilution of the solution and
the current density influence significantly in the efficiency of the oxidation process.
The increase of the dilution increases greatly the efficiency of the process. Already
the speed of reduction of the DQO increases with the current density, however,
the increase is not linear indicating that the process is controlled for diffusion.
The efficiency of the electrochemical process in the reduction of the DQO of the
sample was associated the three factors:a) the direct oxidation of the organic
residue on the electrode; b) removal of the powdered material for the
eletrogenerated gases (eletroflotation); c) indirect oxidation through reactive
intermediate species. In the case of the reactor, it could be noticed that, the control
of the outflow and the current density, as well as of the height of the flotant column
influence in the efficiency of the treatment of the effluent, one beyond minimizing
the incrustation on the cathodes. In the optimized conditions: outflow 800mLh-1,
current density of 50mAcm-2 and flotant column of 10cm got it considerable
reduction of the DQO and the TOG, proving the possibility of the application of the
electrochemical technology in the treatment of the produced water of oil. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A produção de petróleo no Brasil vem aumentando a cada ano. Em
conseqüência, um volume crescente de água de produção é gerado como parte
do próprio processo de formação das jazidas, muitas vezes em proporções
maiores que o próprio óleo. A água produzida possui uma grande diversidade de
contaminantes, o que aliado ao seu alto volume, traz sérios problemas no
momento de lhe dar uma disposição final. Várias soluções foram tentadas, por
conta das leis cada dia mais restritivo dos órgãos ambientais, mas ainda de
maneira paliativa.
O presente trabalho propõe avaliar materiais eletródicos e condições
experimentais adequadas para serem utilizadas em reatores, propiciando o
tratamento eletroquímico desse resíduo.
Como ânodo foram utilizados ânodos dimensionalmente estáveis (ADE)
comerciais, com composição Ti/Ru0, 34Ti0,66O 2. Como cátodos foram avaliados os
ADE, aço 316 e grafite. Dentre os materiais catódicos estudados o aço
apresentou melhor desempenho, tanto com relação à eficiência do processo,
quanto na redução da incrustação catódica.
Nos estudos em batelada, verificou-se que a diluição da solução e a
densidade de corrente influenciam significativamente na eficiência do processo de
oxidação. O aumento da diluição aumenta acentuadamente a eficiência do
processo. Já a velocidade de redução da DQO aumenta com a densidade de
corrente, no entanto o aumento não é linear indicando que o processo é
controlado por difusão.
A eficiência do processo eletroquímico na redução da DQO da amostra foi
associada a três fatores:
a) ((oxidação direta do resíduo orgânico sobre o eletrodo; b) remoção do material
particulado pelos gases eletrogerados (eletroflotação); c) oxidação indireta
através de espécies intermediárias reativas.
No caso do reator, pôde ser notado que, o controle da vazão e da
densidade de corrente, bem como da altura da coluna flotante influenciam na
eficiência do tratamento do efluente, além de minimizar a incrustação sobre os
cátodos. Nas condições otimizadas: vazão de 800 cm3. h-1, densidade de
50mAcm-2 e coluna flotante de 10 cm obteve-se a redução considerável da DQO e
do TOG, comprovando a possibilidade da aplicação da tecnologia eletroquímica
no tratamento da água produzida de petróleo.
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