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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microfibrillated cellulose based nanomaterials / Nanomatériaux à base de nanofibrilles de cellulose

Blell, Rebecca 13 November 2012 (has links)
La cellulose étant l'un des biopolymères les plus abondants, elle est employée dans ce travail de thèse sous sa forme nano-fibrille (2 à 5nm de diamètre et plusieurs microns de long) pour préparer des nanomatériaux durables. Les microfibrilles de cellulose (MFC) chargées positivement ou négativement sont assemblées en couches minces dans ces nanomatériaux par la méthode « Layer by Layer » (LbL) par trempage, pulvérisation ou spin assisté. Les différences entre ces films LbL à base de MFC et les films LbL à base de polymères standards sont discutées brièvement et sont reliées à la forme nanofibrillaire de la cellulose. Les MFC réagissent comme des nano-objets anisotropes et rigides. Les films LbL de MFC sont ensuite intégrés à des membranes de séparation, entre la couche polymérique de séparation et le support poreux, pour améliorer le débit à travers ces membranes. Ces films minces sont également déposés sur des aérogels de cellulose pour améliorer la stabilité de ces aérogels en milieu aqueux. Dans les deux applications, les résultats était encouragent et montre une validation de principe. / Cellulose, one of the most abundant biopolymers, is used in this PhD work in its nanofibrillated form, 2-5 nm in diameter and microns long, to prepare sustainable nanomaterials. Both positively and negatively charged microfibrillated celluloses (MFC) are assembled in these nanomaterials using the versatile Layer by Layer (LbL) assembly methods: dipping, spray assisted-deposition and spin-assisted deposition. A brief comparison between the MFC based LbL assembled films and the standard polymeric LbL films is carried out. Thedifferences between the two species are related to the fibrillar form of cellulose. MFC behaves like rigid anisotropic nano-objects. MFC LbL assembled films are then integrated in separation membranes between active polymeric separation layers and a mechanically stable porous support to improve the flux through these membranes. MFC LbL assembled films are also coated on cellulosic aerogels to improve the wet stability of these aerogels. In both cases, results were encouraging and showed a proof of concept.

Partitioning of Drugs and Lignin Precursor Models into Artificial Membranes

Boija, Elisabet January 2006 (has links)
<p>The main aim of this thesis was to characterize membrane-solute interactions using artificial membranes in immobilized liposome chromatography or capillary electrophoresis. The partitioning of a solute into a cell membrane is an essential step in diffusion across the membrane. It is a valid parameter in drug research and can be linked to the permeability as well as the absorption of drugs. Immobilized liposome chromatography was also used to study partitioning of lignin precursor models. Lignin precursors are synthesized within plant cells and need to pass the membrane to be incorporated into lignin in the cell wall.</p><p>In immobilized liposome chromatography, liposomes or lipid bilayer disks were immobilized in gel beads and the partitioning of solutes was determined. Capillary electrophoresis using disks as a pseudostationary phase was introduced as a new approach in drug partitioning studies. In addition, octanol/water partitioning was used to determine the hydrophobicity of the lignin precursor models.</p><p>Electrostatic interactions occurred between bilayers and charged drugs, whereas neutral drugs were less affected. However, neutral lignin precursor models exhibited polar interactions. Moreover, upon changing the buffer ionic strength or the buffer ions, the interactions between charged drugs and neutral liposomes were affected. Hydrophobic interactions were also revealed by including a fatty acid or a neutral detergent into the bilayer or by using a buffer with a high salt concentration. The bilayer manipulation had only a moderate effect on drug partitioning, but the high salt concentration had a large impact on partitioning of lignin precursor models.</p><p>Upon comparing the partitioning into liposomes and disks, the latter showed a more pronounced partitioning due to the larger fraction of lipids readily available for interaction. Finally, bilayer disk capillary electrophoresis was successfully introduced for partitioning studies of charged drugs. This application will be evaluated further as an analytical partitioning method and separation technique.</p>

Phase Transitions And Relaxation Processes In Water And Glycerol-Water Binary Liquid Mixtures : Spin Probe ESR Sudies

Banerjee, Debamalya 08 1900 (has links)
A liquid Cooled below its normal freezing temperature is known as a supercooled liquid. On further cooling, supercooled liquids crystallize to thermodynamically stable, ordered structures. Alternatively, if the cooling rate is fast enough, the crystallization may be avoided altogether. Below a particular temperature during rapid cooling the liquid will solidify into a disordered, amorphous phase -also known as the glassy phase of matter. This particular temperature is termed the ”glass transition temperature” (Tg). Unlike a crystalline solid, a glass is neither a thermodynamically stable phase nor does it possess long range molecular ordering. Very slow structural relaxation (in the time scale of ∼ 100 s) is always present in the glassy phase. Thus, this phase is often referred to as a metastable phase of matter. Experimental and theoretical studies related to the behavior of supercooled liquids are the subject matter of many investigations for the last few decades [1]. These studies find their applications in diverse fields such as geology, cryopreservation, glaciology and atmospheric science. However, properties of supercooled liquids and the corresponding amorphous phase are not completely understood at present, particularly for hydrogen bonded (H-bonded) systems. This thesis concerns both the crystallization and the glass formation process of H-bonded systems. The systems of interest are water, the commonly accepted universal solvent, and the aqueous binary mixture of glycerol and water. The technique of molecular probing is often used to study the cooperativety and rotational diffusion of supercooled liquids and for determination of the glass transition temperature. For the present set of work, a molecular probe technique called spin probe ESR is extensively used. Electron paramagnetic resonance or electron spin resonance (EPR/ESR) measures the electronic energy level separation and is well known for the high sensitivity. All of the systems studied in the present set of work are diamagnetic. This issue is circumvented by dissolving paramagnetic spin probe molecules, which are usually organic free radicals with one N-O group, into the systems. Spin probes are added in very low concentrations (~10-3M) to minimize the effect on the host system and also to avoid mutual interactions between them. The unpaired electron delocalized in the direction of the N-O bond serves as the paramagnetic center required for an ESR experiment. The splitting of electron energy level due to the external magnetic field (Zeeman splitting) can give rise to resonance absorption of energy if exposed to a microwave of appropriate frequency. There is also a magnetic coupling (hyperfine) between the spin of the unpaired electron and nuclear spin of the nearby nitrogen atom. The hyperfine coupling splits each electron energy levels, to the first order, symmetrically into three levels. The transitions between these levels -subject to appropriate selection rules -give rise to the ESR spectrum [2]. The spectral shape in a magnetic field sweep ESR experiment appears complex if randomly oriented spin probes are dispersed in an amorphous or polycrystalline solid matrix. The high degree of mobility in probe molecules, present in a liquid solution, can average out the individual anisotropy of magnetic tensors to get a spectrum of three equally spaced liens. Experiments can be performed spanning a spin probe reorientation timescale of 10-7-10-12 s typically in the temperature range of 4.2 -300K. In chapter one we have given a brief overview of the supercooled liquids and the phase transitions related to the present work. Particular emphasis has been given to the dynamical features of the supercooled liquid close to its glass transition temperature and their classification based on the degree of ’fragility’ [3]. Brief general introductions of the systems studied in each of the following chapters are also provided. Then, the details of ESR spectroscopy and a quantum mechanical picture of the method of spin probe ESR have been discussed [4]. A separate section has been devoted to the numerical and analytical methods used to analyze the spectrum to extract information related to the spin probe dynamics [5]. The chapter concludes with a description of the ESR spectrometer. In chapter two we have studied the glass transition and dynamics of the supercooled water by the method of spin probe ESR. The vitrification has been done by direct exposure of the bulk water sample, doped with the spin probe TEMPOL, to the liquid helium flow. The vitrified matrix turns into the ultraviscous liquid above the putative glass transition temperature of ~136 K which further transforms to cubic ice (Ic) above TX ~150 K. The supercooled fraction of water, along with the spin probes which are treated as impurities by the crystallized surroundings, remain trapped inside the veins or triple junctions of the ice grains which serve as the interfacial reservoir of impurities in a polycrystalline ice matrix. The spectra for the entire temperature range have been analyzed with the help of in-depth computation by modelling the reorientation of TEMPOL in terms of the jump angle θs and the rotational correlation time τ [5]. This model, based on a homogeneous mobility scenario of the spin probe, works nicely except in the temperature range of 140-180 K. Dynamical heterogeneity (DH) is apparent in this temperature range and a more mobile (fast) component, as compared to the one corresponding to the very slow dynamics of TEMPOL at lower temperatures (slow), is observed. The relative weight of the fast and the slow component changes with temperature and above ~180 K the entire spectrum changes into the motionally narrowed triplet. The temperature dependence of the slow component of τ shows a change in slope at a temperature close to the putative glass transition temperature of water. The fast component of τ exhibits a fragile, i.e. non-Arrhenius character at high temperature with a crossover to a strong, i.e. Arrhenius behavior below ~225 K, close to the hypothesized fragile-to-strong crossover (FSC) for water at TFSC ~228 K. The breakdown of the Debye-Stokes-Einstein (DSE) law is observed when the τ values are combined with the available viscosity data of water to evaluate the DSE ratio, paralleling the SE breakdown which has recently been observed in nanoconfined water [6]. The dynamical heterogeneity is thought to be closely associated with the static structural heterogeneities of supercooled water. The existence of large scale structural fluctuations spanning a range of low-and high-density phases of liquid water have been associated with the heterogeneous dynamics sensed by TEMPOL. Motivated by the Arrhenius like behavior of the slow component, it has been identified with the low density liquid (LDL). The fragile nature of the fast component at high temperature may be identified with that of the high density liquid (HDL) which is the predominant fraction in liquid or weakly supercooled water [6]. Chapter three reports the studies on freezing and dynamics of the supercooled water trapped inside the veins of a polycrystalline ice matrix by dissolving spin probes TEMPO and TEMPOL into it. When a millimolar spin probe aqueous solution is cooled below the freezing point of water, the spin probes -driven by the mechanism described above migrate to the liquid environment inside the ice veins. Local concentration of the probe molecules inside the veins can go up to 1-10 M [7]. Bulk crystallization is evident in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies whereas the liquid environment of the spin probe below the bulk freezing is confirmed by its narrow triplet ESR spectrum. A sudden collapse of this narrow triplet into a single broad line indicates the freezing of the trapped water fraction which usually happens well below the DSC freezing point for both the probes. The spin probe detected freezing point of this interstitial water is found to be largely dependent on the properties and the amount of the dissolved probe molecules. An explanation is sought in terms of the ’destructuring effect’ on the tetrahedral ordering of the water H-bond network by both the high local concentration of the spin probes and the hydrogen bond strength, formed between the water and the spin probe molecules through the polar groups of the latter [8, 9]. These two factors are thought to play important roles in determining the reorientational dynamics of the spin probe molecules, as well. The rotational correlation times of the two probes exhibit a crossover owing to the different mobility of their salvation shells in the more ordered supercooled water. The observed relaxation behavior of this confined water using the probe TEMPO, which has little effect on water H-bond network, is found in agreement with the previous experimental investigations on water confined in a nanochannel [10]. In chapter four, the glass transition, relaxation and the free volume of the glycerol-water (G-W) system are studied over the glycerol concentration range of 5 -85 mol% with TEMPO as the spin probe. G-W mixture is intrinsically inhomogeneous due to the well established phase segregation below a critical glycerol concentration of 40 mol%. In the inhomogeneous regime the water molecules tend to form cooperative domains besides the mesoscopic G-W mixture [11]. Samples are quenched by rapid cooling down to 4.2 K inside the spectrometer cryostat. Spectra were recorded on slow heating of the sample in the temperature range of 130 -305 K. The glass transition temperature is correlated to the sharp transition of the extrema separation of the ESR spectrum. The glass transition temperatures are found to follow a concentration dependence which is closely associated to the mesoscopic inhomogeneities of the G-W system. The steady enhancement in fragility of the G-W system with the addition of water is evident from the temperature dependence of the spin probe correlation time τ for the entire concentration range. In the temperature range of 283 -303 K, the DSE law is followed i.e. the spin probe reorientation process is found to be strongly coupled to the system viscosity. In this regime, the τ values have been used along with the available viscosity data to calculate the effective volume V of the spin probe for the entire concentration range. The spin probe effective volume is a measure of the available free volume of the host matrix. A drastic change in the quantity is seen in the vicinity of the 40 mol% glycerol concentration owing to a similar structural change of the matrix due to the formation of mesoscopic scale inhomogeneities below the critical concentration [12]. The thesis concludes with a discussion about the possible future directions of research.

Desarrollo de un sistema combinado de microscopía óptica y microscopía de fuerzas.

López Elvira, Elena 05 June 2013 (has links)
En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un microscopio de fuerzas (SFM) provisto de microscopía electrostática (ESFM) y microscopía Kelvin (KPM) especialmente diseñado para integrarse en un microscopio óptico invertido de forma que combine simultáneamente las técnicas de campo cercano con las técnicas ópticas. Tras una introducción (capítulo 1) y la descripción de las técnicas experimentales (capítulo 2), se detallan las características del diseño de un primer prototipo, así como las medidas realizadas con él con el fin de comprobar su correcto funcionamiento (capítulo 3). El capítulo 4 muestra el diseño de un segundo prototipo con las mejoras que incorpora respecto al primero, que lo convierten en un sistema más completo, versátil y fácil de manejar. También figuran las medidas realizadas con él. El capítulo 5 muestra un estudio de fotodegradación en polímeros conductores en función de la radiación incidente, combinando microscopía electrostática y Kelvin con técnicas ópticas. / In this work we have developed an Scanning Force Microscope (SFM) equipped with Electrostatic and Kelvin Probe Microscopy (ESFM, KPM), specially designed for integration into an inverted optical microscope in order to combine near-field techniques with optical techniques. After an introduction (Chapter 1) and the description of the experimental techniques (Chapter 2), are described the features of the design of a first prototype, as well as the measurements made with it in order to verify proper operation (Chapter 3). The Chapter 4 shows the design of a second prototype that incorporates the improvements over the first, making it more comprehensive, versatile and easy to handle. Also are shown the measurements performed with it. The Chapter 5 shows a photodegradation study of conductive polymers as a function of incident radiation combining KPM with optical techniques.

Three Dimensional Simulitary of Molecules with biological interest on the basis of molecular interaction potentials

Barbany Puig, Montserrat 02 October 2006 (has links)
Una de les àrees més prometedores en recerca biomèdica i farmacèutica és el disseny molecular computacional, que intenta establir relacions entre propietats físico-químiques i activitat biològica. L'èxit d'aquestes tècniques depen críticament de la qualitat de la descripció molecular. En aquest sentit, metodologies basades en potencials d'interacció molecular (MIP) són eines útils per la comparació de compostos que presenten comportaments biològics semblants. Aquest projecte desenvolupa eines per comparar molècules basades en la caracterització de llurs MIPs. El programa de similaritat molecular MIPsim ha estat desenvolupat i aplicat a diferents problemes biològics. Aquesta tesi consisteix en quatre estudis científics que mostren l'ús del MIPSim en aliniament molecular, catalisi enzimàtica, en acoratge de molècules dins el lligand i en estudis 3D-QSAR. / One of the most promising areas in biomedical and pharmaceutical research is computer assisted molecular design, which tries to stablish relationships between physicochemical properties and biological activity. The success of these techniques depends critically on the quality of the molecular description. In this sense, methodologies based on molecular interaction potentials (MIP) are useful tools for the comparison of compounds displaying related biological behaviours. This project aims to develop tools to compare 'molecules based on the characterization 'of their MIPs. To this end, the molecular similarity program MIPSim has been further developed and applied to different biological problems. This thesis consists on four scientific studies showing the use of MIPSim for molecular alignment, enzymatic catalysis, ligand-protein docking and 3D-QSAR analyses.

Statistical thermodynamics of virus assembly

Lee, Se Il 06 April 2010 (has links)
Experiments show that MgSO4 salt has a non-monotonic effect as a function of MgSO4 concentration on the ejection of DNA from bacteriophage lambda. There is a concentration, N0, at which the minimum amount of DNA is ejected. At lower or higher concentrations, more DNA is ejected. We propose that this non-monotonic behavior is due to the overcharging of DNA at high concentration of Mg⁺² counterions. As the Mg⁺² concentration increases from zero, the net charge of ejected DNA changes its sign from negative to positive. N0 corresponds to the concentration at which DNA is neutral. Our theory fits experimental data well. The DNA-DNA electrostatic attraction is found to be -0.004 kBT/nucleotide. Simulations of DNA-DNA interaction of a hexagonal DNA bundle support our theory. They also show the non-monotonic DNA-DNA interaction and reentrant behavior of DNA condensation by divalent counterions. Three problems in understanding the capsid assembly for a retrovirus are studied: First, the way in which the viral membrane affects the structure of in vivo assembled HIV-1 capsid is studied. We show that conical and cylindrical capsids have similar energy at high surface tension of the viral membrane, which leads to the various shapes of HIV-1 capsids. Secondly, the problem of RNA genome packaging inside spherical viruses is studied using RNA condensation theory. For weak adsorption strength of capsid protein, most RNA genomes are located at the center of the capsid. For strong adsorption strength, RNA genomes peak near the capsid surface and the amount of RNA packaged is proportional to the capsid area instead its volume. Theory fits experimental data reasonably well. Thirdly, the condensation of RNA molecules by nucleocapsid (NC) protein is studied. The interaction between RNA molecules and NC proteins is important for the reverse transcription of viral RNA which relates to the viral infectivity. For strong adsorption strength of the NC protein, there is a screening effect by RNA molecules around a single NC protein.

Studies On The Application Of Liquid Membranes For The Removal Of Dissolved Metals From Effluents

Kumar, Vijaya S 06 1900 (has links)
Separation of dissolved metals from aqueous solutions using liquid membrane technology is highly advantageous owing to the degree of separation achieved, efficiency and application potential. In the present investigation four types of liquid membranes - bulk liquid membrane (BLM), emulsion liquid membrane (ELM), electrostatic pseudo liquid membrane (ESPLIM) and unified liquid membrane (ULM) have been extensively studied, for their application in extraction and concentration of dissolved metals from effluents. Experiments were conducted with various metal systems to optimize both system and process conditions and to find out the effect of various parameters on the performance of the process. Different mass transport models were proposed for each type, taking diffusional and kinetic resistances into account. Models were extended for simultaneous extraction systems and were verified by different metal-carrier experiments. Good agreement was found between the concentration profiles obtained from the models and the experimental data, thereby establishing the validity of models for all the four types of liquid membranes. The stirred cell employed in BLM process eliminates emulsification and demulsification processes. It also provides simultaneous contact of the organic liquid membrane phase with aqueous feed and strip phases. Overall rate expressions for extraction and stripping in BLM are based on an assumed kinetic mechanism to explain the process qualitatively. It was found that the magnitude^ of diffusional and kinetic resistances determines the overall mass transfer coefficient. The relative magnitude of mass transfer coefficient, reaction rate constants and equilibrium constants enables to visualize the controlling regime of the process. The problem of low flux rate due to high diffusion resistances, inefficient operation and exorbitant costs encountered in bulk and supported liquid membranes (SLM) are overcome in an ELM. In the ELM process, an emulsion of organic membrane phase and aqueous inner phase, is dispersed in the continuous aqueous feed phase. This gives a highly selective and ultra thin liquid film generating a large mass transfer area for separation. Experimental results on membrane instability and emulsion swelling indicate that volumetric leakage rate depends linearly on the stirring speed and that the nature of surfactant does not have any appreciable effect on emulsion swelling. A general permeation model was developed taking into account the external mass transfer around the emulsion drop, diffusion in the drop, reaction at the aqueous-organic interface, leakage of the internal phase to the external phase due to membrane breakup and emulsion swelling due to osmotic pressure difference. Model equations with appropriate boundary conditions were numerically solved by orthogonal collocation technique for a set of model parameters obtained either from known correlations or from independent experiments. Comparison of the model predictions with experimental data from the batch permeation of chromium and other metals using carrier Alamine 336 or LIX 64N, shows that the model predictions are in very good agreement with the experimental findings. Further this model can be used to simulate the effects of various experimental conditions such as metal and hydrogen ion concentrations, carrier concentration, drop diameters, etc., for similar systems. Studies on ESPLIM were conducted with the aim of demonstrating the effectiveness of this new separation process and to develop a simple transport model for metal permeation. In the ESPLIM process, a high electrical field (3-5 kV A.C.) is used for phase dispersion. This system consists of a rectangular reactor filled with membrane solution divided into extraction and stripping cells by a centrally placed integrated type baffle which also acts as an electrode. Two more electrodes were placed in the extraction and stripping cells, where feed and strip phases are introduced from the top of the reactor. When high electrical field is applied across the electrodes, fine droplets of feed and strip are formed and are dispersed in extraction and stripping cells where simultaneous extraction and stripping occurs. The process can be viewed as simultaneous counter current extraction and stripping. The aqueous drops coalesce in the settlers at the bottom of the reactor and are removed continuously. Steady state mass transport model proposed for ESPLIM system accounts for the vertical counter-current extraction and stripping processes taking place in the extraction and stripping cells, together with the lateral transport process of the metal-complex and carrier across the two cells through the integrated baffle zone. The model equations were solved analytically to obtain concentration profiles as a function of the height of the reactor. The required parameters such as mass transfer coefficients, diffusion coefficients etc. were estimated using different correlations. Model predictions agreed remarkably well with the experimental data under various process conditions. From this investigation, it was found that ESPLIM is a simple, efficient and economical process and can be applied in a variety of situations. Based on a suitable combination of solvent extraction, dispersion and liquid membrane technique, a new type of separation system called " Unified Liquid Membrane " was developed. The ULM unit was designed and fabricated, and experiments were conducted to evaluate its performance. The ULM is basically derived from ESPLIM by changing the reactor, baffle design and dispersion technique. Aqueous feed and strip phases were atomized using compressed air through a fine nozzle and are dispersed on either side of an integrated baffle plate that divides the reactor into extraction and stripping cells. Tapering bottom of the reactor reduces the dead volume of the liquid in the settlers and the baffle plate remarkably reduces the leakage problem as well as the resistance through the baffle. Experiments were conducted using LIX 64N and Alamine 336 as carriers for copper and chromium and / or zinc. Mass transport model proposed considers both chemical and phase equilibria in extraction and stripping cells, vertical and lateral transport of carrier and complex across the extraction and stripping cells through the baffle zone. The model equations were solved using initial conditions at the top of the reactor, and equilibrium data for extraction and stripping cells. Effect of various experimental conditions and process parameters was simulated using this model and the model predictions are found to be in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The ULM system developed in this investigation overcomes the major limitations encountered with the other types of liquid membranes while retaining all the advantages of this technology. The problem of high mass transfer resistance from bulk phase to metal permeation as in the case of BLM was eliminated by good phase dispersion. Additional resistance to mass transport from solid membrane as in the case of SLM was removed by using an integrated baffle which also avoids problems of membrane instability, pore clogging and selectivity. The complex problems of emulsification and demulsification were completely eliminated making the system much simpler and efficient. Very good phase dispersion was obtained by atomization without the need for either stirring the whole system or application of high electrical field in the reactor. The membrane liquid within the integrated baffle elements allows easy transport of different species between extraction and stripping cells while completely preventing the mixing of the two aqueous phases. The problems of leakage, swelling and occlusion were avoided due to very short residence time of the aqueous drops in the reactor. It was found that the new ULM configuration is simple, elegant, highly efficient and superior to the other types of liquid membrane systems.

Αλληλεπίδραση υποκατεστημένων τριαζινών στη διεπιφάνεια εδάφους - ύδατος

Κωβαίος, Ηλίας 03 March 2008 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή μελετήθηκε η ρόφηση και η εκρόφηση του παρασιτοκτόνου ατραζίνη (atrazine) σε πρότυπες εδαφικές ουσίες καθώς και σε ένα τυπικό δείγμα εδάφους, τόσο σε αντιδραστήρες διαλείποντος έργου (batch) όσο και σε πληρωμένες κλίνες (bed). Ως πρότυπες ουσίες επιλέχθηκαν η πυριτία (silica-gel, SiO2), η αλούμινα (γ-alumina, Al2O3), το ανθρακικό ασβέστιο (calcite, CaCO3) και το χουμικό οξύ (humic acid). Η ατραζίνη ροφείται σημαντικά στο χουμικό οξύ στην πυριτία και στο έδαφος, όμως βρέθηκε ότι έχει πολύ μεγαλύτερη συγγένεια για το χουμικό οξύ σε σύγκριση με την πυριτία. Η ατραζίνη δεν έδειξε να ροφείται στη γ-αλούμινα και το CaCO3, ανεξαρτήτως από τις πειραματικές συνθήκες που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν. Σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις, η κινητική μελέτη έδειξε δύο διακριτά στάδια: ένα πρώτο γρήγορο στάδιο ρόφησης της ατραζίνης, διαδεχόμενο από ένα δεύτερο πιο αργό στάδιο. Η κινητική της ρόφησης υπακούει ικανοποιητικά στο μοντέλο Elovich. Στα χρονικά πλαίσια που μελετήθηκε η ρόφηση και η εκρόφηση, η διεργασία είναι αντιστρεπτή και η ατραζίνη εκροφείται ποσοτικά. Οι ισόθερμοι ρόφησης της ατραζίνης λήφθηκαν σε διαφορετικές τιμές ιοντικής ισχύος, pH και θερμοκρασίας και υπακούουν στο μοντέλο Freundlich. Σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις που μελετήθηκαν, η αύξηση της ιοντικής ισχύος του διαλύματος προκάλεσε αύξηση της ροφημένης ποσότητας της ατραζίνης. Η ρόφηση της ατραζίνης μειώνεται καθώς το pH του διαλύματος αυξάνεται. Όσον αφορά στην πυριτία, η ρόφηση της ατραζίνης φαίνεται ότι γίνεται κυρίως μέσω δεσμών υδρογόνου με τις υδροξυλομάδες της επιφάνειας. Όσον αφορά στο χουμικό οξύ, το σημαντικότερο ρόλο στη ρόφηση παίζει η διάχυση της ατραζίνης προς το εσωτερικό του στερεού όπου η ρόφηση επιτυγχάνεται κυρίως μέσω υδρόφοβων αλληλεπιδράσεων. Η προσρόφηση της ατραζίνης στην πυριτία αυξάνεται σημαντικά καθώς αυξάνεται η θερμοκρασία του διαλύματος, μια τάση που δεν παρατηρείται κατά τη ρόφηση της ατραζίνης στο χουμικό οξύ. Η θερμοδυναμική ανάλυση έδειξε ότι η ρόφηση στα μοντέλα εδάφους είναι φυσική αφού παρατηρήθηκαν τιμές της ενθαλπίας ρόφησης στην περιοχή των 10 kJ mol-1. Οι λαμβανόμενες ισόθερμοι ρόφησης από τα πειράματα σε πληρωμένες κλίνες ήταν σε καλή συμφωνία με αυτές που λήφθηκαν από τα πειράματα στους αντιδραστήρες διαλείποντος έργου. Η παρουσία χουμικού οξέος στις κλίνες προκαλεί με το χρόνο δραστική μείωση της διαπερατότητας. / Adsorption and desorption of the herbicide atrazine was investigated on the principal inorganic constituents of soil, as well as on a typical Greek soil sample. The studies were conducted both in batch, stirred reactors and in packed beds. Silica-gel (SiO2), γ-alumina (Al2O3) and calcite (CaCO3), were selected as model inorganic substances. Humic acid was selected as a model substance representative of the organic part of soil. Significant adsorption of atrazine was measured on the humic acid, silica and on the soil suspensions in electrolyte solutions. Atrazine exhibited higher affinity for humic acid rather than for silica. Atrazine did not adsorb on γ-alumina and on CaCO3 regardless the experimental conditions (pH range or total solid available for adsorption). In all cases, kinetic results have shown two distinct features: a first, fast sorption step, followed by a second, slow step. The kinetics data of atrazine uptake on both substrates yielded satisfactory fit to the Elovich model. Atrazine was found to be completely desorbed from both the humic acid and the silica substrates. Adsorption isotherms for atrazine were obtained at different values of ionic strength, pH and temperature. The adsorption data gave the best fit to the Freundlich model. In all cases investigated, the amount of adsorbed atrazine increased upon increasing the ionic strength of the solution. The adsorption of atrazine decreased with increasing solution pH. The adsorption of atrazine on silica was primarily dominated by the formation of hydrogen bonds with the surface hydroxyl groups. In the case of humic acid, the diffusion of atrazine to the interior of the solid seemed to play the most significant role. Inside the organic substance particles, sorption took place mainly through hydrophobic interactions. The sorption of atrazine on silica surface increased considerably with increasing temperature, a trend not found in the case of humic acid. The thermodynamic analysis yielded adsorption energy values of the order of 10 kJ mol-1 suggesting physical adsorption. The isotherms obtained from the packed bed experiments were in a good agreement with those obtained from batch experiments. Finally, humic acid grains, mixed with silica in packed beds, were found to change morphology upon hydration which resulted to swelling. The humic substances clogged a large portion of the pores of the packed beds, decreasing drastically their permeability.

Partitioning of Drugs and Lignin Precursor Models into Artificial Membranes

Boija, Elisabet January 2006 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to characterize membrane-solute interactions using artificial membranes in immobilized liposome chromatography or capillary electrophoresis. The partitioning of a solute into a cell membrane is an essential step in diffusion across the membrane. It is a valid parameter in drug research and can be linked to the permeability as well as the absorption of drugs. Immobilized liposome chromatography was also used to study partitioning of lignin precursor models. Lignin precursors are synthesized within plant cells and need to pass the membrane to be incorporated into lignin in the cell wall. In immobilized liposome chromatography, liposomes or lipid bilayer disks were immobilized in gel beads and the partitioning of solutes was determined. Capillary electrophoresis using disks as a pseudostationary phase was introduced as a new approach in drug partitioning studies. In addition, octanol/water partitioning was used to determine the hydrophobicity of the lignin precursor models. Electrostatic interactions occurred between bilayers and charged drugs, whereas neutral drugs were less affected. However, neutral lignin precursor models exhibited polar interactions. Moreover, upon changing the buffer ionic strength or the buffer ions, the interactions between charged drugs and neutral liposomes were affected. Hydrophobic interactions were also revealed by including a fatty acid or a neutral detergent into the bilayer or by using a buffer with a high salt concentration. The bilayer manipulation had only a moderate effect on drug partitioning, but the high salt concentration had a large impact on partitioning of lignin precursor models. Upon comparing the partitioning into liposomes and disks, the latter showed a more pronounced partitioning due to the larger fraction of lipids readily available for interaction. Finally, bilayer disk capillary electrophoresis was successfully introduced for partitioning studies of charged drugs. This application will be evaluated further as an analytical partitioning method and separation technique.

Untersuchung der Elektronendichte von Antibiotika in Bezug auf pharmakologische Wirksamkeit / Electron-density study of antibiotics with reference to pharmacological efficacy

Holstein, Julian Jacob 09 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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