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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Political Leadership in Democratic Theory

Seong, Haeyoung 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis offers an alternative of political leadership through a literature review of democratic theory as categorized into three models: classical, elitist, and egalitarian. The three models considered an ethical, an institutional, and an economic institutional postulate of political elites and their relationships. Still, the democratic elitist model emerging as the dominant model has been challenged by the egalitarian model enforcing economic institutional elites to be accountable to mass interest. As a competing idea, the egalitarian democratic model has been analyzed for its desirability over the democratic elitist model. This study is worthwhile in instigating an underscored concern surrounding economic institutional elites in the scope of accountable political elites, and in calling forth a further study on the preferred alternative, democratization of economic institutional elites.

Porovnání ročního tréninkového cyklu u vybraných českých elitních sprinterek / Comparison of the annual training cycle in the selected Czech elite women in sprinting

Vostatková, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Thema works: Comparison of the annual training cycle in the selected Czech elite women in sprinting Student: Pavlína Vostatková Supervisor: Dr. Aleš Kaplan, Ph.D. Aims: The aim of this study was to analyze the annual training cycle (RTC) in selected Czech elite women sprinters, in which the maximal performance in 100 m run was reached, and to compare the uniform training system and recommendations for sprinters of comparable level of performance with the reality of the training program of selected sprinters. The analysis focused on methodological procedure, application of selected special training indicators (STU), their volume and intensification in various stages of sports training. Methodology: The content analysis of training diary was used as a method of the thesis, in particular the annual training cycle, in which the sprinters achieved personal maxima in 100 m run. Thus RTC 1996/1997 and 1992/1993 in sprinter P. V. and H. B. were analyzed, respectively. In the training diaries selected general training indicators (OTU) and STU for sprinters in athletics were obtained and reviewed. Model values for the age category of 21-23 sprinters (Moravec, Hlína a kol., 1984) were used in the comparison of selected OTU and STU of the selected sprinters. The model values for the 19-year-old sprinter H. B....

"Strenuous Life" Strained: Political and Social Survival Strategies of the New Orleans Athletic Club, 1923-1940

Ryder, Shawn G. 20 May 2011 (has links)
The New Orleans Athletic Club, founded in 1872, is one of the oldest athletic clubs in the United States that still operates today. After the boom of the 1920s and increased revenues, the club was forced to confront the Great Depression and shift its emphasis on the "strenuous life" to the "social life" to survive. The club had capitalized on the popularity of boxing during the 1920s and just finished constructing a lavish new club house when the stock market crashed in 1929. With members losing their jobs, the popularity of boxing waning, and the club in dire financial straits, the club looked for alternative strategies to survive. Its "social life" strategy relied on the club's various political ties to cut expenses and increased incentives for membership, which led to a larger, albeit, limited presence of women at the club.

Les élites et l'assistance aux pauvres en Bordelais de 1750 à 1830 / Elites and Poor Relief in Bordeaux from 1750 to 1830

Sora, Yukako 30 April 2014 (has links)
Dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, la France connut le mouvement philanthropique qui ouvrit la voie à la première expérience précoce de la bienfaisance nationale pendant la Révolution française. Cette mutation idéologique et institutionnelle bouleversa la solidarité traditionnelle locale au sein de laquelle les élites assistaient les pauvres pour obtenir le salut de leur âme et remplir le devoir social attaché à leur rang. Les études sur le lien solidaire se focalisent sur la mentalité et la pratique charitable des élites pour comprendre comment la charité privée fut utilisée pour gouverner la société de l’Ancien Régime et quels furent les changements que la Révolution apporta à sa fonction. L’action charitable privée des élites locales est ainsi examinée à travers leur engagement dans la gestion et le financement des établissements de charité, l’activité collective au sein des associations privées et la pratique individuelle devant la mort pour une période relativement longue allant de 1750 à 1830, dans le but d’envisager la spécificité du motif et des formes de leurs bonnes actions de l’époque. L’espace de notre observation est localisé sur les différentes communautés de Bordeaux, cœur administratif de la Guyenne, métropole religieuse et ville portuaire cosmopolite en plein essor où la splendeur des nobles et négociants riches faisait un contraste avec la pauvreté du peuple accentuée par l’immigration des ruraux. Ces études à l’échelle locale nous permettent de décrire l’évolution du rôle que les élites jouaient dans les rapports sociaux à travers les vicissitudes historiques. / In the second half of the eighteenth century, France experienced the philanthropic movement that paved the way for the first early experience of national charity during the French Revolution. This ideological and institutional change upset the traditional local solidarity in which the elites assisted the poor in order to obtain the salvation of their souls and fulfill the social duty linked to their rank. Studies on the link of solidarity focus on the mentality and charitable practice of elites to understand how private charity was used to govern society under the Ancien Régime and what were the changes that the Revolution brought to its function. Charitable and private action of local elites is examined through their involvement in the management and financing of charitable institutions, collective activity within private associations and individual practice before death for a relatively long period from 1750 1830 in order to consider the specific reasons and forms of good deeds at that time. The space of our observation focuses on the different communities of Bordeaux, administrative heart of Guyenne, religious metropolis and booming cosmopolitan port city where the splendor of the nobles and wealthy merchants contrasted with the poverty of the people emphasized by the rural immigration. These studies at local scale enable us to describe the evolution of the role that elites played in social relations through historical vicissitudes.

The Social Representation of Populism in Europe : A cross-sectional case study of populist supporters across four European states.

Farooq, Mohammad Ameer Hassan January 2019 (has links)
The following paper focuses on the relatively new rise of populism which has seen a surge across states across the western world. Populism refers to governance of and for the people, as opposed to the ruling elites. As the sensation of democratic deficits and partisan cleavages increase, the reaction is populism which aims to restore the fundamental democratic values back to the people, advocating a more transparent form of democracy, where power moves away from the ruling elites, back to the people. We explore what populism entails through defining it through its theoretical identifiers and analyzing which political and social attitudes are present in supporters of populist parties. This study is meant to complement Staerkle and Greens study about the social representation of right-populists. By using the same research methodology as Staerkle and Green but also including left populists. This means looking at the social representation of left-right populist supporters and identifying mutual conventions and relations through a cross sectional case study of four countries which have seen a rise in populist parties. The findings lead us to see convergence in left-right populist parties toward institutional distrust and divergence in opinion towards globalism and multiculturalism. In essence, we compare and present the social representation of populist supporters of left-right populist parties and investigate which attributes cause the divergence in their political and social identities.

Les profits de la guerre : prédation et pouvoir dans le monde franc (VIe - Xe siècle)

Keller, Rodolphe 20 November 2013 (has links)
La prédation – pillages, prises de captifs et prélèvements tributaires – est un aspect important de la pratique guerrière dans les sociétés du haut Moyen Âge. Elle met en circulation de grandes quantités de richesses qui viennent alimenter les trésors des rois et des potentes. Cette étude vise à en dégager le rôle dans le fonctionnement et la reproduction des pouvoirs, dans le monde franc du VIe au Xe siècle.Les enjeux sont nombreux. L'appropriation de biens par la guerre est déterminante dans la capacité des grands à mobiliser des combattants, qui bénéficient d'une part de ces richesses. En outre, elle leur permet d'accumuler des biens de prestige essentiels dans la praxis aristocratique : objets précieux, armes, chevaux… Ces biens alimentent les échanges matériels entre les élites. Ils peuvent être distribués aux fidèles ou donnés à d'autres princes. La prédation est également facteur de gloire. Le butin fait parfois l'objet de pratiques ostentatoires illustrant la victoire des chefs de guerre.Si elle est facteur de cohésion, la prédation est aussi au centre de concurrences. La royauté franque impose une domination tributaire aux gentes voisines, ce qui apparaît aussi bien comme un moyen de stabiliser l'espace frontalier que d'institutionnaliser à son profit exclusif l'appropriation prédatrice. Les grands en charge des espaces frontaliers tendent au contraire à multiplier les confrontations guerrières afin d'en retirer les bénéfices. Parallèlement, l'expansion franque se traduit par une forte compétition entre les acteurs pour le contrôle des ressources foncières. Cette étude montre ainsi comment la question de la prédation éclaire sous un angle nouveau le rapport entre élites et richesse dans le monde franc. / Predation – looting, taking of captives, pressing of tributes – is an important aspect of early medieval warrior activity. Large amounts of wealth circulate and supply kings' and potentes' treasures. This study aims at exposing the role of related practices in the context of the establishment and functioning of power in sixth to tenth century Frankish society.There is a lot at stake. Appropriation of material goods by war allows the magnates to mobilize warriors, who often receive a share of wealth. What is more, these practices enable the accumulation of prestige goods, that are essential in aristocratic praxis : alongside precious objects, they include weapons, horses… These goods are central to material exchanges within the elite. They can be distributed to the fideles or given to other princes. Predation also represents glory. War leaders willingly exhibit booty to illustrate a recent victory.Being a means to cohesion, predatory practices also are at the center of competition. Frankish kings impose tributary domination to neighboring gentes, which appears at the same time as a means to stabilizing the border area, and as a way to institutionalize to its own account predatory profits. Instead, magnates in charge of border areas tend to seek warlike confrontations in order to reap the benefits. At the same time, the Frankish expansion results in a strong competition between magnates to control land resources. This study thus exposes to what extense these practices shed new light on the link between the elite and wealth in the Frankish world.

Ishockeyspelares syn på en framgångsrik ishockeycoach : En fördjupad undersökning om hockeyspelares upplevelser av tränarens egenskaper, färdigheter och stil.

Sundblad, Oliver January 2019 (has links)
The focus of the study is based on sports leadership and ice-hockey coaching. The purpose of the study was to find out from male ice-hockey players view what characteristics are, according to them, characteristics of a successful ice-hockey coach. To create an understanding of how the players themselves look at how a coach should act for them to perform their utmost. In the study, seven ice-hockey players who have all played or plays on a high level have given their opinion on successful coaching in ice-hockey. They answer the purpose with three different theories in mind. These was related to leadership qualities, skills and style. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection method where four ice-hockey players answered the interview guide through individual interviews and three players through a focus group interview. The focus group also discussed interesting concepts and reflektions that were conducted during the indiviual interviews. The result shows that the players experience of a successful ice-hockey coach being meticulous and reliable, technically and conceptually proficient where respect and trust are important conceps. An ice-hockey coach does not have to be particularly friendly, but the focus is to create good relations with the players. The players mean that an ice-hockey coach should keep a certain distance because results have a big significance while there is space and patience for development work. In the conclusion, the result showed how an ice-hockey coach should act as a professional coach and how they shuld not act in order to be regarded as successful in the eyes of the players.

Full Financial Aid in the Ivy League: How High-Achieving, Low-Income Undergraduates Negotiate the Elite College Environment

McLoughlin II, Paul J. January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Karen Arnold / Currently, there are nearly a million high-achieving, low-income students in the United States. In the nation's most selective institutions of higher education, students from low-income families have been persistently under-represented. Elite colleges, in particular, have only recently begun admitting low-income students in large numbers, a result of full need-based financial aid programs that began in the early 2000s as a way to attract a more socioeconomically diverse student body. This hermeneutic phenomenological study describes the lived experiences of these undergraduates and how they navigated a college environment historically reserved for wealthy students. Although participants initially expected to feel marginalized due to unfounded concerns of elitism, they formed friendships both within and across socioeconomic class divisions and described feeling integrated within the elite college. Participants developed self-protective narratives to compensate for their low-income backgrounds and employed strategies to make up for poor high-school preparation. Participants were grateful for the opportunity to attend an elite college and were proud and relatively forthcoming about their financial aid status because they considered it a reward for their intellectual ability. Three main conclusions derive from the findings of this research: Low-income students' tendency to make a distinction between socioeconomic and financial aid status; the notion of a new cultural capital hierarchy for high-achieving, low-income students within an elite college setting; and, a specific application of Bronfenbrenner's ecological developmental model for this niche population. The results of this study indicate that high-achieving, low-income students are flourishing in full need-based financial aid programs as a result of their own resilience and intellectual capital. Participants' experiences indicate that this population of undergraduates faces unique challenges and requires specific support services to equalize their opportunities vis-à-vis higher-income peers. From these findings, implications for colleges and universities and full need-based financial aid programs are discussed. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Administration and Higher Education.

For Richer, For Poorer: Jesuit Secondary Education in America and the Challenge of Elitism

Beaumier, Casey Christopher January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: James O'Toole / In the 1960s American Jesuit secondary school administrators struggled to resolve a profound tension within their institutions. The religious order's traditional educational aim dating back to the 1500s emphasized influence through contact with "important and public persons" in order that the Jesuits might in turn help direct cultures around the world to a more universal good. This historical foundation clashed sharply with what was emerging as the Jesuits' new emphasis on a preferential option for the poor. This dissertation argues that the greater cultural and religious changes of the 1960s posed a fundamental challenge to Catholic elite education in the United States. The competing visions of the Jesuits produced a crisis of identity, causing some Jesuit high schools either to collapse or reinvent themselves in the debate over whether Jesuit schools were for richer or for poorer Americans. The dissertation examines briefly the historical process that led to this crisis of identity, beginning with the contribution of Jesuit education to the Americanization of massive numbers of first and second-generation immigrant Catholics as they adjusted to life in America in the first half of the twentieth century. As Catholics adapted, increasingly sophisticated American Jesuit schools became instrumental in the formation of a Catholic elite, and many of the institutions found themselves among elite American schools. This elite identity was disrupted by two factors: the cultural volatility of the 1960s and the Jesuits' election of a new leader, Pedro Arrupe. While some Jesuit educators embraced Arrupe's preferential option for the poor, others feared it would undercut the traditional approach of outreach to the elite. Through a case study of one Jesuit boarding school, the dissertation seeks to expand our understanding of the impact of 1960s social change into the less-explored realms of religion and education. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: History.

Retóricas audiovisuais (o filme Tropa de Elite na cultura em rede) / Retóricas audiovisuais (o filme Tropa de Elite na cultura em rede)

Szafir, Milena 22 October 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa o filme Tropa de Elite como fio condutor de uma discussão sobre sua repercussão reverberação em algumas mídias tradicionais e, principalmente, em rede online. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é demonstrar escrita e audiovisualmente uma análise além-fílmica proposta, como base de um possível sistema metodológico metalinguístico, onde os códigos culturais ao serem pesquisados, decupados e então reapropriados formam uma representação interpretativa em que notações e registros, bases dos valores significativos, são reorganizados a partir das relações de elementos internos e externos à obra percebendo-os, portanto, como elementos em rede. Percebemos desta maneira que a prática da pesquisa acadêmica, de uma forma muito sintetizada, pode ser conceitualizada a partir de uma prática comum ao audiovisual: o remix. Pesquisamos autores, periódicos, imagens, dados offline e online, os analisamos remixando-os e atribuindo-lhes um novo valor, tese. E assim, nos interrogamos se as Retóricas Audiovisuais em rede implicam a um consumo entre o espetáculo e a vigilância ou ao discurso de verdade implícito numa estética de realidade? A partir de uma perspectiva crítica, percebe-se claramente um enfrentamento com o banco de dados em rede, onde o anseio por uma possível metodologia de criação organizativa desta prática de remix audiovisual online para fins acadêmicos, apresenta-se uma ferramenta-projeto YouToRemix-YouTubeMix (Apêndice I/IV) que foi sendo desenhada conjuntamente a esta pesquisa de mestrado para futuro desenvolvimento. Para tanto, é aqui entregue no final deste texto de dissertação um anexo e quatro apêndices, pertinente material complementar à pesquisa aqui apresentada. / This research analyzes the movie Elite Squad as a lead discussion about its reverberation in some traditional media and mainly the Internet. Our main goal is to demonstrate a beyond movie analysis, by an audiovisual and written form as a new metalanguage methodological system where cultural codes researched, broken down for consideration of constituent parts and then reappropriate creating an interpretative representation in which records and notes are as the bottommost layer of significant value are reorganized from relations between external and inner elements of this movie, therefore we can realize them as networked components. Hence, we understand the academic research practice as an audiovisual common practice: the remix (or mash up). We research authors, journals, images and we analyze this on line and off line data to remix them generating a new value, the thesis. Thus, we ask ourselves: does the networked Audiovisual Rhetoric implicate a consumption between surveillance and spectacle or it is necessarily circumstance to the implied true discourse (Foucault\'s \"Discourse on Language\", 1970) in an aesthetic reality? From a critical and creative perspective weve cleared noticed the struggle with the network database, where the anxiety for a possible organized creation methodology of this online audiovisual remix practice for academic means, presents a tool-project YouToRemix-YouTubeMix (Appendix I/IV) which has been designed together with this research for masters degree for future development. Consequently we deliver with this dissertation four appendixes and one attachment regarding the complimentary material to the research here presented.

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