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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vergleichende experimentelle Untersuchungen zur remineralisierenden Wirkung einer Zahnpflegepaste mit CPP-ACP-Komplex

Dörr, Nicole January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit sollte das neuartige Zahnpflegeprodukt Tooth Mousse, das als Wirkstoff den CPP-ACP- Komplex (Caseinphosphopeptid-amorphes Calciumphosphat) enthält, experimentell auf seine Remineralisationsfähigkeit hin untersucht und diesbezüglich mit anderen Zahnpasten verglichen werden. Für die Vergleiche wurden eine 1400 ppm-fluoridhaltige Zahnpasta (Elmex rot), eine Placebozahncreme ohne Wirkstoff (Elmex Placebo) sowie eine weitere Neuentwicklung auf der Basis unterkühlter, amorpher Salzhydratschmelze mit hohem Calciumgehalt, herangezogen. Hierzu wurden Probekörper aus künstlichem Zahnschmelz in Form von Hydroxylapatitkörpern mit einer Dichte, wie sie bei porösem, demineralisierten humanen Schmelz üblich ist, hergestellt. Diese wurden mit allen genannten Zahnpasten behandelt und vor, während und nach Ablauf der Versuche gravimetrisch und radiographisch vermessen. Zwischen den in-vitro Behandlungen wurden die Hydroxylapatit-Tabletten in künstlichem Speichel aufbewahrt. Die Versuche ergaben, dass Tooth Mousse wie auch die schmelzehaltige Zahnpasta in-vitro geringere Remineralisation erzielten als Elmex Placebo. In-situ erreichte Elmex rot die höchsten Remineralisationswerte, dicht darauf folgte die schmelzehaltige Zahnpasta. Tooth Mousse lag als Schlusslicht noch hinter der Placebozahnpasta. / This thesis was to compare experimentally the novel dental care product “Tooth Mousse” containing CPP- ACP (Casein Phosphopeptide- amorphous Calcium Phosphate) as active agent, with other dentifrices concerning their remineralization qualities. The subject was compared with a 1400 ppm F – toothpaste (Elmex rot), a toothpaste without any active agents (Elmex Placebo) and a newly developed paste based on an calcium-containing salthydratic melt. Therefore artificial enamel discs were produced providing the same density as caries lesions in human enamel. They were treated with all products mentioned above and measured radiographically and gravimetrically before, while and after the experiments. Between the treatments discs were stored in artificial saliva. Examinations led to the conclusion that Tooth Mousse as well as the calcium-containing salthydratic melt paste achieved less remineralization values than Elmex Placebo. In situ Elmex rot reached highest remineralization, closely followed by the calcium-containing salthydratic melt paste. Tooth Mousse was last behind the Placebo group.
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Vergleichende experimentelle Untersuchungen über die remineralisierende Wirkung einer mit calciumhaltiger Salzhydratschmelze angereicherten Zahnpasta / Comparative experimental analyses about the remineralization qualities of a tooth paste, based on a calcium- containing salthydratic melt

Stockschläder, Natalie January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Studie sollte eine neuartige Zahncreme, die als Wirkstoff eine unterkühlte, amorphe Salzhydratschmelze enthielt, mit anderen handelsüblichen Zahncremes auf ihre Remineralisationsfähigkeit getestet und untereinander verglichen werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die besagte neuartige Zahncreme mit dem CPP- ACP (Caseinphosphopeptid- amorphes Calziumphosphat) angereicherten Produkt ´Tooth Mousse, einer mit 1400 ppm Aminfluoriden versehenen Zahncreme (Elmex rot) und einer fluoridfreien Plazebozahncreme (Elmex Placebo) verglichen. Als Testkörper dienten artifiziell hergestellte hydroxylapatithaltige Zylinder, deren Dichte der von demineralisiertem Zahnschmelz entsprach. Die besagten Probenkörper wurden mit den unterschiedlichen Substanzen behandelt, die Massenbelegung der Remineralisation wurde vor und nach der Behandlung gravimetrisch und radiographisch erfasst. Die ersten Versuchsreihen wurden ´in vitro durchgeführt, alle weiteren Versuche erfolgten mit einem ´in vitro - ´in situ Vergleich. Die höchste Mineralanreicherung konnte bei schmelzehaltiger Zahncreme mit Phosphat- und Fluoridzusatz beobachtet werden. Sie überstieg die Absorption gleichkonzentrierter schmelzehaltiger Zahncreme ohne Phosphat- und Fluoridzusatz um mehr als das Doppelte. Das Präparat Recaldent erbrachte keine besseren Ergebnisse als das Placebo. / The aim of this study was to compare a new developed tooth paste, based on a calcium- containing salthydratic melt, with other commercially available tooth pastes concerning it´s remineralization qualities. For this purpose, this new developed toothpaste, the product ´tooth mousse, based on the CPP- ACP- complex (Casein Phosphopeptide- amorphous Calcium Phosphate), a 1400 ppm aminfluoride containing toothpaste (Elmex rot) and a toothpaste without any active agents (Elmex Placebo) were used for comparison. We chose artificial manufacted hydroxylapatite containing discs as reference blocks which exhibited the density of demineralized human enamel. The reference blocks were treated with the different agents, the remineralization was collected gravimetically and radiographicaly before and after the treatment. The first experiments were conducted ´in vitro, the following examinations took place as an ´in vitro- ´in situ- analogy. The salthydratic- melt- paste added with phosphates and flourids showed the most accumulation of mineral. The conclusions of this toothpaste were twice as high as the agent without the additive of phosphates and fluorides. ´Tooth mousse never has shown better results than the placebo- paste.
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Impact of customary fuoride rinsing solutions on the pellicle’s protective properties and bioadhesion in situ

Kensche, Anna, Kirsch, Jasmin, Mintert, Sophia, Enders, Franziska, Pötschke, Sandra, Basche, Sabine, König, Belinda, Hannig, Christian, Hannig, Matthias 05 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the impact of customary fluoride based mouthrinses on the ultrastructure and the functional properties of the in situ pellicle, considering the prevention of erosion (8 volunteers) and initial biofilm formation (12 volunteers). Bovine enamel slabs were carried intraorally. After 1 min of pellicle formation, the subjects rinsed with elmex Kariesschutz (A), Dontodent Med Care (B), meridol (C) or elmex Zahnschmelzschutz Professional (D) for 1 min. In situ pellicle formation was continued up to 30 min/8 h before processing the slabs in vitro. Erosion was simulated by incubating the specimens in HCl (pH 3.0, 2.3, 2.0) for 120 s, measuring the kinetics of calcium/phosphate release photometrically; representative samples were evaluated by TEM and EDX. Bacterial adhesion was visualized fluorescence microscopically (DAPI/BacLight). Native enamel slabs or physiological pellicle samples served as controls. All investigated mouthrinses enhanced the erosion preventive pellicle effect in dependence of the pH-value. A significant decrease of Ca/P release at all pH values was achieved after rinsing with D; TEM/EDX confirmed ultrastructural pellicle modifications. All mouthrinses tendentially reduced bacterial adherence, however not significantly. The mouthrinse containing NaF/AmF/SnCl2 (D) offers an effective oral hygiene supplement to prevent caries and erosion.
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Impact of customary fuoride rinsing solutions on the pellicle’s protective properties and bioadhesion in situ

Kensche, Anna, Kirsch, Jasmin, Mintert, Sophia, Enders, Franziska, Pötschke, Sandra, Basche, Sabine, König, Belinda, Hannig, Christian, Hannig, Matthias 05 June 2018 (has links)
This study investigated the impact of customary fluoride based mouthrinses on the ultrastructure and the functional properties of the in situ pellicle, considering the prevention of erosion (8 volunteers) and initial biofilm formation (12 volunteers). Bovine enamel slabs were carried intraorally. After 1 min of pellicle formation, the subjects rinsed with elmex Kariesschutz (A), Dontodent Med Care (B), meridol (C) or elmex Zahnschmelzschutz Professional (D) for 1 min. In situ pellicle formation was continued up to 30 min/8 h before processing the slabs in vitro. Erosion was simulated by incubating the specimens in HCl (pH 3.0, 2.3, 2.0) for 120 s, measuring the kinetics of calcium/phosphate release photometrically; representative samples were evaluated by TEM and EDX. Bacterial adhesion was visualized fluorescence microscopically (DAPI/BacLight). Native enamel slabs or physiological pellicle samples served as controls. All investigated mouthrinses enhanced the erosion preventive pellicle effect in dependence of the pH-value. A significant decrease of Ca/P release at all pH values was achieved after rinsing with D; TEM/EDX confirmed ultrastructural pellicle modifications. All mouthrinses tendentially reduced bacterial adherence, however not significantly. The mouthrinse containing NaF/AmF/SnCl2 (D) offers an effective oral hygiene supplement to prevent caries and erosion.
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Resistência de união de tratamentos de superfície realizados anteriormente à realização de restaurações em resina composta / Bonding strength of surface treatments performed prior to composite resin restorations

Colombini, Caio Piccolo 30 January 2019 (has links)
As lesões cervicais não cariosas (LCNCs) são definidas pela perda de estrutura dental na junção cemento/esmalte que envolve três mecanismos de estresse mecânico (tensão), atrito (fricção) e erosão (degradação química).. Existem tratamentos preventivos e dessensibilizantes para o principal sintoma das LCNCs, a hipersensibilidade dentinária cervical (HDC), porém, em casos que há perda de estrutura dental maior que 1mm é necessário realizar uma intervenção restauradora. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resistência de união da dentina erodida e abrasionada modificada com diferentes pré-tratamentos e posteriormente restauradas com resina composta, através do teste de microtração. Para tanto, foram selecionados 40 molares humanos íntegros, que tiveram as porções oclusais seccionadas até exposição da dentina. Os espécimes passaram por desafio erosivo e abrasivo em uma ciclagem de 5 dias. Após os desafios, os espécimes receberam os tratamentos de superfície (n=10): G1: controle sem tratamento; G2: tratamento de superfície com ponta diamantada; G3: jateamento com óxido de alumínio, G4: ciclagem com enxaguatório fluoretado Elmex Erosion. Feito isso os espécimes foram restaurados, seccionados em palitos e submetidos ao teste de microtração em uma máquina universal de ensaios a 0,5mm/min. Para a analise estatística, foi utilizado o teste paramétrico de análise de variância (ANOVA) um fator e o teste auxiliar de Tukey. Foi observado que não houve diferença entre os tratamentos com ponta diamantada, óxido de alumínio e enxaguatório fluoretado. O único grupo a se diferenciar dos demais foi o grupo controle que apresentou valores de resistência de união inferiores. Dentro das limitações de um trabalho in vitro, conclui-se que os tratamentos de superfície estudados são procedimentos indicados para melhorar a adesão dental frente à necessidade de restaurar uma LCNC. / Non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) are defined by loss of dental structure at the cement/enamel junction involving three mechanisms of mechanical stress (tension), friction and erosion (chemical degradation). There are preventive and desensitizing treatments for the the main symptom of NCCLs, cervical dentin hypersensitivity (CDH), but in cases where there is loss of tooth structure greater than 1mm, a restorative intervention is necessary. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the bond strength of the eroded and abraded dentin modified with different pre-treatments and later restored with composite resin, through the microtensile test. For this, 40 sound human molars were selected, which had the occlusal portions sectioned until exposure of the dentin. The specimens underwent erosive and abrasive challenge in a 5-day cycling. After the challenges, the specimens received the surface treatments (n = 10): G1: control without treatment; G2: surface treatment with diamond tip; G3: sandblasting with aluminum oxide, G4: cycling with fluoridated rinse Elmex Erosion. After this, the specimens were restored, sectioned on sticks and subjected to the microtensile test in a universal test machine at 0.5mm/min. For statistical analysis, the parametric analysis of variance (ANOVA) one factor and the Tukey auxiliary test were used. It was observed that there was no difference between treatments with diamond tip, aluminum oxide and fluoride. The only group to differentiate from the others was the control group that presented inferior bond strength values. Within the limitations of an in vitro work, it is concluded that the surface treatments studied are procedures indicated to improve dental adhesion in view of the need to restore NCCL.
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