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Dodávka energie pro skleníkovou produkci / Energy supply for greenhouse productionNajbrtová, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
The import of the vegetable has prevailed in the long run over the own production. In connection with this reality and increasing demand for the food with higher quality the production greenhouse is more often built. The providing heat, cold and electricity for the year-round operation is related to the construction and working of these objects. The theoretical part of this theses describes possible ways how to cover energy consumption for the model greenhouse in Kožichovice, Třebíč region. The heat losses and the year-round heat consumption were stated for the selected model and compared with the exact values from Kožichovice. The following method of energy supply was selected based on the calculated energy consumption - the separate cogeneration unit, cooperation of several cogeneration units, a biogas station, a heat pump and central heating system. These methods of energy supply were subjected to technical and economical comparison.
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Analogiebildungsschema für KooperationsphänomeneBurghardt, Thomas 30 September 2016 (has links)
Innovative Lösungsprinzipien auf andere Lebens- und Wirtschaftsbereiche zu übertragen, ist eine sich wiederholende Herausforderung in Wissenschaft und Praxis.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Kooperationsphänomene der Erwerbs- und Bedarfswirtschaften thematisiert. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob die Gestalt und Organisation eines Kooperationsphänomens systematisch mit deskriptiv-analytischen Untersuchungsmethoden (Systemtheorie und Morphologie) beschrieben und bereichsübergreifend, unter Einbeziehung individueller Besonderheiten, übertragen werden kann. Das Vorhaben wird als Analogiebildung verstanden. Ein Schema zur Analogiebildung für Kooperationsphänomene wird entwickelt. Zur Validierung des Schemas wird als Analogiequelle das Organisationskonzept der Zwei-Ebenen-Kooperation ausgewählt, welches ursprünglich für Produktionsnetze konzipiert wurde und sich insbesondere auf Klein- und Mikrounternehmen ausrichtet. Als Empfänger wird der Bereich der dezentralen Energieversorgung festgelegt, in dem sich verstärkt kooperative Organisationsformen einer selbstbestimmten, kooperativen und bürgernahen dezentralen Energieversorgung herausbilden. Auf der Grundlage der Analogiebetrachtung aus dem Bereich der Produktionsnetze wird ein neuartiges, kooperatives Organisationskonzept für die dezentrale Energieversorgung entworfen. Die Arbeit wird damit interessant für alle, die an einer systematischen Übertragung von Wissen zur Gestalt und Organisation von Kooperationsphänomenen und der Ausgestaltung eines kooperativen Organisationskonzeptes für die dezentrale Energieversorgung interessiert sind.
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Sustainable Renewable Energy Policy on Energy Indicators, Electric Power and Renewable Energy Supply Chains. A study of renewable energy policies, energy indicators and electrical power distributionOwaka, Smart O. January 2020 (has links)
Due to the result of the sudden fossil fuels over-night price rises of
1973/1974, coupled with the depletion of the traditional energy resources,
many initiatives globally have addressed the efficient use of these resources.
Since then, several renewable energy sources have been introduced as
alternatives to traditional resources to protect environmental resources and
to improve quality of life. Globally, there are more than a quarter of the
human population experiencing an energy crisis, particularly those living
in the rural areas of developing countries. One typical example of this is
Nigeria. This is a country with approximately 80% of her population
consistently relying on combustible biomass from wood and its charcoal
derivative. Nigeria has an abundant amount of both renewable and fossil
fuel resources, but due to the lack of a reasonable energy policy (until
recently), it has concentrated on traditional fossil fuels alone. Renewable
energy is now Globally considered as a solution for mitigating climate
change and environmental pollution. To assess the sustainability of
renewable energy systems, the use of sustainability indicators is often
necessary. These indicators are not only able to evaluate all the
sustainability criteria of the renewable energy sources,1 but also can
provide numerical results of sustainability assessment for different
objective systems.
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Klimaneutraler Gebäudebestand durch Pauschalmiete?: Erfahrungen bei solarer Eigenversorgung inklusive SpeicherGäbler, Andreas, Fleischmann, Undine, Storch, Thomas, Fieback, Tobias M. 28 April 2023 (has links)
Der 2. Präsenz- Workshop des Forschungsprojektes „EVERSOL-MFH“ fand diesmal unter besonderen Voraussetzungen bei der eG Wohnen 1902 in Cottbus statt. In direkter Nachbarschaft zu den im Projekt untersuchten Sonnenhäusern kamen ca. 50 Teilnehmer aus Forschung, Wohnungswirtschaft und Planungsbüros mit gebührendem Abstand zusammen. Zusätzlich konnten an zwei Tagen jeweils weitere fast 20 Interessierte der Onlineübertragung aller Vorträge folgen und sich so auch an den anschließenden Diskussionen über den Chat beteiligen. Diese besondere Herausforderung gelang nach anfänglichen Startschwierigkeiten und wird für folgende Workshops als interessante Zusatzoption geplant.
Dank vieler Gastbeiträge wurde insgesamt eine reiche Vortragsvielfalt rund um den
Themenschwerpunkt “Bauen der Zukunft“ vorgestellt:
• Mietmodelle und rechtliche Hürden
• Neue Geschäftsfelder für die Wohnungswirtschaft
• Mieterbefragungen mit Blick auf zukünftige Herausforderungen
• Vorstellung von Messdaten und Nutzereinfluss bei Pauschalmiete
• Sinnvolle Energieversorgungssysteme für das Mehrfamilienhaus, Status quo bei der Solarthermie und Praxisbeispielen
• Alternative Sanierungsstrategien und PV-Fassaden mit Eigennutzung
Im vorliegenden Tagungsband sind freigegebene Vorträge sowie einzelne Inhalte des Workshops noch einmal tiefergehend dargestellt. Weitere Informationen zum Workshop sowie zum EVERSOL-Projekt sind auf der Projekthomepage unter https://eversol.iwtt.tu-freiberg.de/workshop-2020.html zu finden.:Liste der Herausgeber .......................................................................................... 5
Danksagung ......................................................................................................... 7
Zusammenfassung ............................................................................................... 9
1. Mit Low Tech zu High Savings – warum reduzierte Gebäudetechnik mit autarkem
Energiekonzept im Wohnungsbau die Zukunft ist ............................................... 10
2. Pauschalmieten in der WoWi – ein ökonomisches Anreizmodell? ................... 12
3. Energiekennwerte und Nutzereinfluss zweier teilautarker Mehrfamilienhäuser über 1 ½ Jahre Monitoring .................................................................................. 16
4. Neue Geschäftsfelder für die Wohnungswirtschaft- Möglichkeiten und Chancen am Projektbeispiel Winner .................................................................................. 26
5. Wärmepumpe & PV = sinnvolle Energieversorgung im Mehrfamilienhaus? .... 30
6. Energiesprong – Serielles Sanieren von Mehrfamilienhäusern....................... 42
7. Ergebnisse der Mieterbefragungen der Sonnenhäuser vor dem Hintergrund
zukünftiger Smart-Home Gebäude ..................................................................... 46
8. Status quo Solarthermie – Ertragskontrolle und neueste Entwicklungen ....... 52
9. WINNER – Projekt .......................................................................................... 60
10. Solarenergie auf Wohnungsebene – heute die Stadt von morgen bauen ... 64
Fazit und Ausblick Eversol Workshop ................................................................ 66
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Vliv stravovacích návyků na změnu tělesného složení - tělesná hmotnost, tělesný tuk, svalová hmota a tělesná voda. / Influence of nutrition stereotype on body composition - body weight, body fat, muscle mass and body water.Lichnovský, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
Title: Influence of nutrition stereotyps on body composition - body weight, body fat, muscle mass and body water. Objectives: The aim of this work is to influence changes in body composition in women of various ages, body weight, occupation and movement regime. By adjusting eating habits reduce the amount of body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Methods Basic dietary recommendations for the ratio of macro-nutrients and time aspects of food intake according to the general body weight reduction recommendation. The bioimpedance method is used for assessment of body composition and selected circuits are evaluated at the same time. Based on this data, an individual diet plan was developed for each woman and the dietary effect was continuously evaluated. The study involved six women. Four overweight and obesity weighing 92 ± 17 kg and BMI 35 ± 4 kg/ . Two with a normal weight of 60 ± 2 kg and a BMI of 22.5 ± 0.5 kg/ Average age of women 40 ± 15 years. Results: After the individual diet was applied for three months, we found significant changes in women with higher body weight. They reduced body weight by 6 ± 1 kg and body fat by 5 ± 1 kg. In addition, these persons reduced the waist circumference by 5 ± 2 cm and the hips by 4 ± 2 cm. For the remaining two subjects with normal body weight, we did not...
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Energetický audit polyfunkčního objektu / Energy Audit of Multipurpose BuildingČajčíková, Jolana January 2016 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis are the issue of energy evaluation of buildings and the reduction of energy consumption in the Czech legal system in the theoretical part, an analysis of energy consumption of the judged building in an old and new state in the calculation part and an energy audit of the main building of SRC Lihovar in Třemošnice according to Decree no. 480/2012 Coll. The three-storey main building of sports and rehabilitation center is located on the southern edge of city Třemošnice and it used to be a distillery until it has been renovated in 2013. There is a restaurant with a bowling room, hotel with two conference lounges, wellness, fitness and a swimming pool. The heat source for this building are two gas boilers, three heat pumps and solar collector array. There is partly forced and partly natural ventilation installed in the building.
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Solceller integrerade i anläggningskonstruktioner : En studie av hur solceller kan integreras i transportsektorns nyproduktion / Photovoltaics integrated in non-building structures : A study of how photovoltaics can be integrated in the transportation sector’s new productionBakar, Asra, Mousi, Georgi January 2018 (has links)
Med ett alltmer miljömedvetet samhälle finner vi idag ett ökande intresse för tillämpningen av effektiva energiförsörjningssystem. Ett av tillvägagångssätten för detta är att utnyttja solenergi, vilket möjliggörs med solceller. Solceller kan kortfattat beskrivas som en komponent vilket syftar i att omvandla solenergi till elektricitet. Denna teknik har på senare år blivit ett incitament för byggherrar att uppnå kraven för diverse miljöcertifieringar, där solceller används som byggnadsmaterial vid nyproduktion och renoveringar. De konstruktioner där solceller har använts brukar gemensamt kallas för solcellsanläggningar, beroende på solcellstyp kan dessa delas in i byggnadsapplicerade (BAPV) och byggnadsintegrerade (BIPV). Med hjälp av litteraturstudier, fallstudier, intervjuer samt workshop och observationer har det utförts en undersökning med fokus på byggnadsintegrerade solceller (BIPV). Undersökningen verkställdes med avsikten att granska den potentiella utsträckningen som byggnadsintegrerade solceller kan implementeras inom transportsektorns nyproduktion. Avhandlingens huvudsakliga mål är att förse uppdragsgivaren med förslag på tillämpningsområden för byggnadsintegrerade solceller till nyproduktion, där eventuella hänsyn har tagits till byggteknik och arkitektur. Dessutom menar rapporten att bidra till bildningen av en uppfattning kring solceller som byggnadsmaterial. Resultatet som påvisades från undersökningen är att det finns möjligheter för BIPV att implementeras i anläggningskonstruktioner inom transportsektorn. Bland dessa konstruktioner är bullerskärmar och teknikhus för järnvägar. Dessutom konstateras att de byggtekniska faktorer som bör beaktas vid nyproduktion med BIPV är orientering och lutning, likaså skuggning och ventilation. För arkitektoniska faktorer gäller att konstruktionen är estetiskt tilltalande, har en god komposition med färg och material, passar det synliga rutnätets motiv, den är kontextualiserad och väl projekterad samt att den har en innovativ design. I avhandlingen framkommer även möjligheter och hinder vid projektering med solceller. Resultaten visar att möjligheterna för BIPV är förutom att den utgör ett byggnadsskal, så har den även en energiavkastning till skillnad från traditionella byggnadsmaterial. Dessutom är BIPV ett ekonomiskt och ekologiskt hållbart alternativ. De identifierade hindren relaterar till aktörers brist på kunskap i solcellstekniken, vilket försvårar deras arbeten. Studiens slutsats är att det finns en potential att implementera solcellstekniken i Sverige, dock är den mer lönsam för större anläggningskonstruktioner. Då bullerskärmar och teknikhus förekommer kontinuerligt längs svenska motor-och järnvägar ses detta som ett incitament till att integrera dessa med solceller. Slutsatsen är även att vissa hinder som uppstår vid produktion och underhåll kan undvikas redan vid projekteringsskedet. / With a society that is becoming more environmentally conscious, we now find a growing interest in the application of efficient energy supply systems. One of the approaches for this is to utilize solar energy, which is possible with photovoltaics (PV) also known as solar cells. PV can briefly be described as a component which aims to convert solar energy into electricity. This technology has in recent years been an incentive for constructions companies and project owners to achieve the requirements for various environmental certifications. Photovoltaic technology can be used in building materials for new productions or renovations. Building structures where PV has been utilized are commonly referred to as solar systems. Depending on the solar cell type, these can be divided into building applied photovoltaics (BAPV) and building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). With the help of literature research, interviews, case studies as well as workshop and observations, a study has been carried out which focuses on building integrated photovoltaic. The study was conducted with the intention to examine the potential extent that building integrated photovoltaics can be implemented in the transport sectors new production. The main aim of the dissertation is to provide with proposals for areas of application for BIPV, where construction technology and architecture is specifically taken into consideration. This dissertation also intends to contribute to the formation of an idea of photovoltaics as a building material. The result shown by the study is that there are opportunities for BIPV to be implemented in the transport sectors production of new constructions. Among these constructions are noise barriers and service houses for railways. In addition, it is noted that factors which regard PV building technology are orientation and tilt as well as shading and ventilation. The architectural factor that are considered when designing with BIPV is that the design of the construction needs to be aesthetically appealing, have a good composition with color and material, suitable with the visible grid's theme, it also needs to be contextualized and carefully planned. It is also required for BIPV constructions to have an innovative design. The dissertation also reveals possibilities and obstacles when designing with solar cells. The results show that the promises for BIPV come in the form of economic and ecological sustainability. The identified barriers relate to lack of knowledge in solar technology, which complicates the work of the involved operatives. The study's conclusion is that there is a potential for implementing PV technology in Sweden, but it is more profitable for larger constructions. However noise barriers and service houses for railways, occur continuously along Swedish roads and railways, therefore they are large in quantity. The large quantity of these constructions should be an incentive to implement BIPV in these constructions. In addition, it is stated that certain obstacles arising from production and maintenance can be avoided as early as in the design stage.
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Solceller integrerade i anläggningskonstruktioner : En studie av hur solceller kan integreras i transportsektorns nyproduktion / Photovoltaics integrated in non-building structures : A study of how photovoltaics can be integrated in the transportation sector’s new productionBakar, Asra, Mousi, Georgi January 2018 (has links)
Med ett alltmer miljömedvetet samhälle finner vi idag ett ökande intresse för tillämpningen av effektiva energiförsörjningssystem. Ett av tillvägagångssätten för detta är att utnyttja solenergi, vilket möjliggörs med solceller. Solceller kan kortfattat beskrivas som en komponent vilket syftar i att omvandla solenergi till elektricitet. Denna teknik har på senare år blivit ett incitament för byggherrar att uppnå kraven för diverse miljöcertifieringar, där solceller används som byggnadsmaterial vid nyproduktion och renoveringar. De konstruktioner där solceller har använts brukar gemensamt kallas för solcellsanläggningar, beroende på solcellstyp kan dessa delas in i byggnadsapplicerade (BAPV) och byggnadsintegrerade (BIPV). Med hjälp av litteraturstudier, fallstudier, intervjuer samt workshop och observationer har det utförts en undersökning med fokus på byggnadsintegrerade solceller (BIPV). Undersökningen verkställdes med avsikten att granska den potentiella utsträckningen som byggnadsintegrerade solceller kan implementeras inom transportsektorns nyproduktion. Avhandlingens huvudsakliga mål är att förse uppdragsgivaren med förslag på tillämpningsområden för byggnadsintegrerade solceller till nyproduktion, där eventuella hänsyn har tagits till byggteknik och arkitektur. Dessutom menar rapporten att bidra till bildningen av en uppfattning kring solceller som byggnadsmaterial. Resultatet som påvisades från undersökningen är att det finns möjligheter för BIPV att implementeras i anläggningskonstruktioner inom transportsektorn. Bland dessa konstruktioner är bullerskärmar och teknikhus för järnvägar. Dessutom konstateras att de byggtekniska faktorer som bör beaktas vid nyproduktion med BIPV är orientering och lutning, likaså skuggning och ventilation. För arkitektoniska faktorer gäller att konstruktionen är estetiskt tilltalande, har en god komposition med färg och material, passar det synliga rutnätets motiv, den är kontextualiserad och väl projekterad samt att den har en innovativ design. I avhandlingen framkommer även möjligheter och hinder vid projektering med solceller. Resultaten visar att möjligheterna för BIPV är förutom att den utgör ett byggnadsskal, så har den även en energiavkastning till skillnad från traditionella byggnadsmaterial. Dessutom är BIPV ett ekonomiskt och ekologiskt hållbart alternativ. De identifierade hindren relaterar till aktörers brist på kunskap i solcellstekniken, vilket försvårar deras arbeten. Studiens slutsats är att det finns en potential att implementera solcellstekniken i Sverige, dock är den mer lönsam för större anläggningskonstruktioner. Då bullerskärmar och teknikhus förekommer kontinuerligt längs svenska motor-och järnvägar ses detta som ett incitament till att integrera dessa med solceller. Slutsatsen är även att vissa hinder som uppstår vid produktion och underhåll kan undvikas redan vid projekteringsskedet. / With a society that is becoming more environmentally conscious, we now find a growing interest in the application of efficient energy supply systems. One of the approaches for this is to utilize solar energy, which is possible with photovoltaics (PV) also known as solar cells. PV can briefly be described as a component which aims to convert solar energy into electricity. This technology has in recent years been an incentive for constructions companies and project owners to achieve the requirements for various environmental certifications. Photovoltaic technology can be used in building materials for new productions or renovations. Building structures where PV has been utilized are commonly referred to as solar systems. Depending on the solar cell type, these can be divided into building applied photovoltaics (BAPV) and building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV). With the help of literature research, interviews, case studies as well as workshop and observations, a study has been carried out which focuses on building integrated photovoltaic. The study was conducted with the intention to examine the potential extent that building integrated photovoltaics can be implemented in the transport sectors new production. The main aim of the dissertation is to provide with proposals for areas of application for BIPV, where construction technology and architecture is specifically taken into consideration. This dissertation also intends to contribute to the formation of an idea of photovoltaics as a building material. The result shown by the study is that there are opportunities for BIPV to be implemented in the transport sectors production of new constructions. Among these constructions are noise barriers and service houses for railways. In addition, it is noted that factors which regard PV building technology are orientation and tilt as well as shading and ventilation. The architectural factor that are considered when designing with BIPV is that the design of the construction needs to be aesthetically appealing, have a good composition with color and material, suitable with the visible grid's theme, it also needs to be contextualized and carefully planned. It is also required for BIPV constructions to have an innovative design. The dissertation also reveals possibilities and obstacles when designing with solar cells. The results show that the promises for BIPV come in the form of economic and ecological sustainability. The identified barriers relate to lack of knowledge in solar technology, which complicates the work of the involved operatives. The study's conclusion is that there is a potential for implementing PV technology in Sweden, but it is more profitable for larger constructions. However noise barriers and service houses for railways, occur continuously along Swedish roads and railways, therefore they are large in quantity. The large quantity of these constructions should be an incentive to implement BIPV in these constructions. In addition, it is stated that certain obstacles arising from production and maintenance can be avoided as early as in the design stage. / FoI Solenergi
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Geothermie / Geothermal Energy. Initial stages for the utilisation of renewable energy sources in the GDREichkorn, Florian 26 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ende der 1970er Jahre sah sich die SED in der DDR gezwungen angesichts hoher Auslandsverschuldung und gestiegener Importpreise für fossile Energieträger stärker in heimische Energiequellen und rationellere Energieanwendung zu investieren. In diesem Kontext und um Anschluss an die internationale Entwicklung zu halten wurde Ende der 1970er und in den 1980er Jahren die Nutzung oberflächennaher und tiefer Geothermie gefördert.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird neben einer chronologischen Darstellung der Geothermieförderung in der DDR eine Einordnung in deren Energiepolitik, der Wärmeversorgung und der Förderung anderer erneuerbarer Energien geleistet. Aufgrund des geringen historischen Forschungsstandes zur Geothermie und der Wärmeversorgung in der DDR allgemein wurde dieser Arbeit ein explorativer Ansatz zugrunde gelegt. Als Quellenbasis dienten unter anderem Artikel aus wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften der DDR und verschiedene Archivbestände.
Ende der 1970er Jahre bis 1983 versuchte die SED den Einsatz von Wärmepumpen für die Wärmeversorgung zu fördern. Obwohl zahlreiche Pilotprojekte wie die Wärmepumpenheizzentrale Dresden fertiggestellt wurden stießen die politischen Planvorgaben auf materielle Engpässe und wenig Nachfrage in der Wärmeversorgung. Nach der abrupten Reduzierung der Zielvorgaben für die Wärmepumpenförderung wurde ab 1984 mit besonderem politischem Interesse die Tiefengeothermie gefördert und hierfür der Spezialbetrieb VEB Geothermie Neubrandenburg gegründet. Von den geplanten Anlagen zur Versorgung von Wohngebieten mit insgesamt 110 MW thermischer Leistung konnten bis zum Ende der DDR tiefengeothermische Heizzentralen in Waren, Neubrandenburg und Prenzlau fertiggestellt werden, was 22% der geplanten Leistung entsprach. Somit scheiterte auch das Großprojekt einer geothermischen Wärmeversorgung von Schwerin. Grund waren unter anderem übersteigerte Planvorgaben, der materielle Mangel in der Wirtschaft der DDR und nicht ausreichende Erfahrungen mit der jungen Technologie. / At the end of the 1970s the socialist party of the GDR was forced by high debts in foreign currency and risen import prices for fossil fuels to invest in indigenous energy sources and more rational energy applications. In this context and to take pace with the international development the SED began at the end of the 1970s and during the 1980s to support the use of geothermal heating.
This thesis consists of a chronological representation of the geothermal energy support in the GDR and contextualizes East German energy policy, heat supply and use of other renewable energy sources. Historical sources consist to the main extent on archive material and scientific papers from the GDR.
Until 1983 the SED tried to promote the application of heat pumps for heat supply. Even though several pilot projects like the heat pump station in Dresden were successfully erected, the political plan targets collided with material short supply and low demand in the heating business. After the sudden reduction of the political targets concerning heat pumps, special political interest was given to geothermal energy in higher depths since 1984. Therefore a special company the VEB Geothermie Neubrandenburg was founded. From the planned stations for heat supply of residential areas with a total power of 110 MW only 22% were actually finished until the end of the GDR in 1990. Those stations were located in Waren, Neubrandenburg and Prenzlau in the northern part of East Germany. Consequently failed the major project of a geothermal heat supply of the city of Schwerin. Reasons were excessive plan targets, the material short supply in the East German economy and a lack of experiences in the young technology.
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Vliv stravovacích návyků na redukci tělesného tuku / Inflence of nutrition streotypes on body fat reductionLichnovský, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
Title: Influence of nutrition stereotypes on body fat reduction Objectives: The aim of this work is to achieve a reduction in body fat through appropriate eating habits. Acquired theoretical knowledge applied to practice for six women of different age and movement regime. Inform about the procedures of this intervention. Verify the validity of theoretical knowledge in practice. Achieve the desired results. Methods Basic dietary recommendations, peer-to-peer comparisons and time aspects of food intake. Furthermore, bioimpedance measurements on the In Body 230 instrument and physical body measurements by a tape method to determine the baseline status of the examined women and to subsequently monitor their running state at specified intervals. Developing a diet for each of these women and evaluating the on-going status. Results: The result of this diploma thesis is to make changes in eating habits that will lead to the reduction of body fat. Partial results are the protocols from the continuous measurement on the In Body 230 at the Lunacor s.r.o. In Kroměříž and fitness center Fit2b s.r.o. In Prague 8 - Bohnice.. Key words: Nutrition, way of living, lifestyle, obesity, BMI, dietary, basal metabolism, nutrition ratio, nutritional habits, reduction, body weight, body fat, muscle mass, body water,...
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