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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Seed Ecology of Rare and Endangered Gibbens' Beardtongue (Penstemon gibbensii) and Blowout Penstemon (Penstemon haydenii)

Tilini, Kassie Lorraine 14 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Penstemon gibbensii and Penstemon haydenii are two rare, perennial forbs inhabiting remote areas of the western United States. P. gibbensii is listed as a sensitive species by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming (Heidel, 2009). P. haydenii was designated as Endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1987 (Heidel, 2012). This thesis research was geared toward helping land managers in their efforts to protect and rehabilitate these species by providing understanding on different aspects of their seed ecology. My first study was a laboratory experiment performed on P. gibbensii and P. haydenii seed germination response to moist chilling and dry after-ripening. Wild harvested seeds were subjected to moist chilling at 2-4 °C for 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks and held in dry storage for approximately 2 years to determine effective methods for breaking primary dormancy. P. gibbensii seed germination increased consistently with increased length of chilling up to 16 weeks and exhibited habitat-correlated variation in this response. P. haydenii seed germination increased from 1 to 100% germination with 4 weeks of chilling. P. haydenii germination was greatest (96%) when incubated under a cool, diurnally-fluctuating temperature regime (10-20 °C) and responded positively to dry storage, increasing germination from 0 to 15%. My second study was an in situ field study designed to characterize the active seed bank of P. haydenii. We set up a transect line across a P. haydenii population and measured the number of seeds entering the seed bank, lost to predation post-dispersal, and persisting in the seed bank. P. haydenii does not appear to form an ecologically significant seed bank. Approximately 140 seeds/ 10m2 could potentially enter the seed bank but only 1 seed in the upper 10cm of sand persisted. Heavy post-dispersal insect predation resulted in a decrease in viability of nearly 30% in exposed P. haydenii seeds after just 12 hours. My third study explored the effects of burial by sand on P. haydenii. Wild-harvested seeds were planted in pots at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10cm deep in sand and incubated at 10-20 °C. Seed germination and mortality and seedling emergence were measured. The response of dormant seeds to post-burial incubation was determined. Burial depth decreased seedling emergence and seed germination. Shallow burial appears to induce secondary dormancy for seeds that don't germinate quickly, whereas deep burial appears to impose enforced dormancy in burial.

O desaparecimento forçado de pessoas no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos: direitos humanos e memória / The enforced disappearance of persons in the inter-American system of human rights: human rights and memory

Perruso, Camila Akemi 17 June 2010 (has links)
No marco do direito internacional dos direitos humanos, a presente dissertação de mestrado analisa o desaparecimento forçado de pessoas, que, em razão de constituir grave violação de direitos humanos, foi tipificado crime contra a humanidade. Desse modo, tem por fim verificar o surgimento desse fenômeno nos regimes ditatoriais da América Latina, e o tratamento dispensado a ele pela comunidade internacional, observando-se a interdependência de ramos do direito internacional face ao desaparecimento. Ademais, visa a fazer uma aproximação entre memória e direitos humanos, temática intrinsecamente relacionada com o desaparecimento forçado de pessoas. Nessa perspectiva, apresenta uma análise dos casos de desaparecimento julgados pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos com vistas à sua compreensão acerca do direito à verdade, extraindo-se a afinidade desse direito com a construção de memórias. Dessa maneira, este estudo considera a relação direta entre a manipulação de memórias do passado, pelo ocultamento dos fatos relativos a crimes da natureza do desaparecimento forçado, e as violações de direitos humanos que ocorrem no presente. / Within the framework of international human rights, this thesis analyzes the enforced disappearance of persons, which was typified as a crime against humanity due the fact of being a serious violation of human rights. Thus, it aims to determine the emergence of this phenomenon during dictatorial regimes in Latin America, and its treatment by the international community, emphasizing the interdependence between different international law branches to the disappearance. Moreover, it aims to make a connection between memory and human rights, a theme closely linked to enforced disappearance of persons. Through this perspective, it presents an analysis of disappearance cases judged by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in order to depict its understanding about the right to the truth, extracting the affinity of this right with the construction of memory. Accordingly, this study considers the relationship between the manipulation of memories about the past through the concealment of facts related to enforced disappearance crimes, and ongoing human rights violations.

SUNAT: Torpedeando a la Marina Mercante Nacional / SUNAT: Torpedeando a la Marina Mercante nacional

Villanueva González, Martín 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the author describes the problems that come through the Peruvian shipping companies because of misinterpretations made by the tax authority about the scope of the Law for reactivation and promotion of the National Merchant Marine; to harmful tax collection procedures and poor debt settlement system controversies between taxpayers and the Tax Administration. / En el presente artículo, el autor describe los problemas por los que viene atravesando las empresas navieras peruanas debido a las equivocadas interpretaciones que realiza la Administración Tributaria acerca de los alcances de la Ley de reactivación y promoción de la Marina Mercante Nacional; a los perjudiciales procedimientos de cobranza de deudas tributarias, y al deficiente sistema de solución de controversias suscitadas entre los contribuyentes y la Administración Tributaria.

O desaparecimento forçado de pessoas no sistema interamericano de direitos humanos: direitos humanos e memória / The enforced disappearance of persons in the inter-American system of human rights: human rights and memory

Camila Akemi Perruso 17 June 2010 (has links)
No marco do direito internacional dos direitos humanos, a presente dissertação de mestrado analisa o desaparecimento forçado de pessoas, que, em razão de constituir grave violação de direitos humanos, foi tipificado crime contra a humanidade. Desse modo, tem por fim verificar o surgimento desse fenômeno nos regimes ditatoriais da América Latina, e o tratamento dispensado a ele pela comunidade internacional, observando-se a interdependência de ramos do direito internacional face ao desaparecimento. Ademais, visa a fazer uma aproximação entre memória e direitos humanos, temática intrinsecamente relacionada com o desaparecimento forçado de pessoas. Nessa perspectiva, apresenta uma análise dos casos de desaparecimento julgados pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos com vistas à sua compreensão acerca do direito à verdade, extraindo-se a afinidade desse direito com a construção de memórias. Dessa maneira, este estudo considera a relação direta entre a manipulação de memórias do passado, pelo ocultamento dos fatos relativos a crimes da natureza do desaparecimento forçado, e as violações de direitos humanos que ocorrem no presente. / Within the framework of international human rights, this thesis analyzes the enforced disappearance of persons, which was typified as a crime against humanity due the fact of being a serious violation of human rights. Thus, it aims to determine the emergence of this phenomenon during dictatorial regimes in Latin America, and its treatment by the international community, emphasizing the interdependence between different international law branches to the disappearance. Moreover, it aims to make a connection between memory and human rights, a theme closely linked to enforced disappearance of persons. Through this perspective, it presents an analysis of disappearance cases judged by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in order to depict its understanding about the right to the truth, extracting the affinity of this right with the construction of memory. Accordingly, this study considers the relationship between the manipulation of memories about the past through the concealment of facts related to enforced disappearance crimes, and ongoing human rights violations.

Hydrological modeling enhancement using GIS : An improved topographic wetness index for wetland detection

Rull, Patricia January 2016 (has links)
Hydrological modeling, like runoff modelling for flood prevention, is based on digital elevation models (DEMs). The fact that the DEMs do not represent existing road culverts can lead to considerable hydrological misinterpretations. In order to overcome this limitation, a GIS method was developed to automatically adjust the elevation model, hydrologically enforcing the DEM, so that the results of hydrological modeling accounts for flow through culverts. The hydro-enforced DEM showed to better represent the drainage network than the former DEM when compared with the river map. The topographic wetness index is the most commonly applied topographic index and a good indicator of soil moisture distribution. It has been integrated into many hydrological models and pollution risk indices as well as into the prediction of wetland distribution. Using the hydro-DEM from the previous step and the soil map in conjunction with the TWI, an improved TWI was achieved, namely a soil-topographic wetness index (STI). The linkages between specific soil types and TWI or STI values were analyzed. They revealed a clear linkage between STI values and soil type based on the soil transmissivity (R2=0.77). However, the TWI values showed low correlations to the soil types (R2=0.02). As a specific application, both TWI and STI were tested for the detection of wetlands. Wetlands are important ecosystems which act as buffer zones by filtering pollutants and slowing floodwater. Being able to identify their distribution is important in landscape planning and ecology. A wetland threshold value was determined for each index and their results where compared with the wetland map from the property map (assumed as ground truth) and with the potential wetland area. Finally, a visual validation was performed with the use of an aerial photography. The results showed that the STI performed slightly better than the TWI for the detection of wetlands, detecting 3% more wetlands. The impact of the soil map on the topographic wetness index was therefore determined as positive.

Ändrade förutsättningar för kommunikationen i scrumteam : En kvalitativ kartläggning över hur påtvingat hemarbete påverkat kommunikationen under covid-19 pandemin / Changed conditions for the communication in scrum teams : A qualitative survey of how enforced working from home has affected the communication during the COVID-19 pandemic

Åberg, Åsa, Löttiger, Anna January 2022 (has links)
I samband med covid-19 pandemin tvingades mängder med scrumteam att arbeta hemifrån vilket ändrade förutsättningarna för deras kommunikation. Omställningen har lett till att det inte varit genomförbart att kommunicera face-to-face i samma utsträckning som tidigare. Kommunikationen spelar en viktig roll för att ett team som arbetar agilt ska lyckas med sin utvecklingsprocess. Scrum är utvecklat för att främja samarbete och en bra kommunikation. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur påtvingat hemarbete påverkat kommunikationen i scrumteam som tidigare arbetat tillsammans på kontor. Studien använde en kvalitativ forskningsansats och data samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer och tolkades utifrån Media Synchronicity Theory (MST). Resultatet visar att kroppsspråk och respons har reducerats efter omställningen till hemarbete och att den informella kommunikationen har påverkats på grund av avsaknaden av face-to-face kommunikation. Det har även framkommit indikationer på att kommunikationskanalerna som används i det dagliga scrummötet inte är de mest fördelaktiga utifrån den teoretiska analysen. / The covid-19 pandemic enforced large numbers of scrum teams to work from home, which changed the conditions of their communication. The change has led to it not being possible to communicate face-to-face to the same extent as before. Communication plays an important role for an agile team to succeed in their development process. Scrum is developed to promote good communication and collaboration. The purpose of this study is to investigate how enforced working from home has affected communication in scrum teams that previously worked together in offices. This study used a qualitative research approach. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and interpreted based on Media Synchronicity Theory (MST). The results show that body language and feedback have been reduced after the transition to enforced working from home and that informal communication has been affected due to the lack of face-to-face communication. There have also been indications that the communication channels used in daily scrum are not the most advantageous based on the theoretical analysis.

On the Analysis and Design of Disturbance Rejecter

Tatsumi, Jason 13 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

La construction du "droit à la vérité" en droit international: une ressource ambivalente à la croisée de plusieurs mobilisations / Construction of the "right to truth" in international law: an ambivalent tool at the crossroads of several Mobilizations

Naftali, Patricia 08 February 2013 (has links)
En l’espace d’une décennie, le concept de « droit à la vérité » est parvenu à s’imposer dans le paysage des institutions et juridictions de protection des droits de l’homme. Il a été initialement reconnu dans le cadre des disparitions forcées par la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l’homme (2000), la Chambre des droits de l’homme de Bosnie-Herzégovine (2003) et dans la Convention internationale contre les disparitions forcées (2006), pour s’étendre aux violations graves du droit international humanitaire et des droits de l’homme (Haut-Commissariat des droits de l’homme aux Nations Unies, 2006; Conseil des droits de l’homme, 2008; Cour pénale internationale, 2010). En plein essor, ce droit est actuellement au cœur de vives discussions à la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme, comme l’attestent les opinions séparées des juges dans l’affaire El-Masri c. Macédoine à propos de la restitution extraordinaire d’un citoyen allemand dans le cadre de la « lutte contre le terrorisme » menée par les États-Unis avec la complicité d’États européens (Grande chambre, arrêt du 13 décembre 2012). <p><p>Comment une notion aussi floue a-t-elle pu être consacrée si rapidement auprès de ces institutions, alors qu’elle n’est reprise dans aucun catalogue des droits fondamentaux ?Quelle est la portée de ce nouvel objet en droit international, et quels en sont les usages ?Mis à part son appellation, le « droit à la vérité » aurait-il réellement un contenu propre qui se distinguerait du catalogue des droits existants ?Sa reconnaissance offre-t-elle une illustration de la « rhétorique des droits » ou traduit-elle la cristallisation d’un nouveau droit justiciable?<p> <p>Alors même que le « droit à la vérité » est aujourd’hui convoqué de manière croissante par la communauté internationale pour légitimer la mise en place de nouvelles politiques de pacification internationales, à l’instar des « commission de vérité et de réconciliation » préconisées dans des sociétés affectées par des crimes d’ampleur massive (rapports du Secrétariat général et du Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme des Nations Unies, 2004, et de la Banque mondiale, 2011), cet objet d’étude demeure largement inexploré. Palliant cette lacune, ma thèse consiste en une reconstitution généalogique du « droit à la vérité » dans une perspective chronologique, des luttes sociales concrètes pour sa reconnaissance à ses développements juridiques contemporains, afin de déterminer les enjeux sociaux, politiques et juridiques de sa reconnaissance. <p><p>À travers une méthode interdisciplinaire qui articule l’approche critique du droit à la sociologie politique du droit, mes recherches apportent ainsi des connaissances originales sur deux plans :sur le plan juridique, d’une part, il s’agit de la première étude exhaustive des textes et décisions juridiques sur le « droit à la vérité » qui analyse de manière systématique sa nature, ses bénéficiaires, son contenu et ses contours en droit international; sur le plan de la sociologie du droit, d’autre part, elle offre une cartographie inédite des mobilisations sociales et professionnelles du « droit à la vérité » et propose une analyse des motivations qui les animent, susceptible d’enrichir les débats en sociologie du droit et de la justice sur la création et la diffusion empirique de nouvelles normes en droit international. <p><p>L’hypothèse de travail mise à l’épreuve tout au long de l’étude est la suivante :la reconnaissance d’un « droit à la vérité », notion à contenu variable par excellence, permettrait à une multitude d’entrepreneurs de normes de défendre, derrière la formalisation de ce droit, d’autres causes controversées en droit international. La thèse montre ainsi comment les mobilisations du « droit à la vérité » tentent d’orienter dans des sens particuliers certains débats qui demeurent ouverts en droit international et qui sont liés à des enjeux de justice contemporains :les victimes d’atrocités ont-elles un droit à la punition des responsables ?Les amnisties sont-elles licites en droit international, et le cas échéant, à quelles conditions ?Peut-on restreindre le privilège du secret d’État et contraindre les autorités à communiquer des informations aux victimes lorsqu’elles sont soupçonnées de couvrir des crimes internationaux ?Quelle est l’étendue et la nature de l’obligation des États d’enquêter et de poursuivre les auteurs de crimes de masse ?En cas de circonstances exceptionnelles, comme la menace d’un coup d’État ou l’insuffisance de ressources financières, les gouvernements ont-ils une marge de discrétion sur ces questions ?Emblème des dilemmes de la justice transitionnelle, le « droit à la vérité » est ainsi revendiqué dans des directions opposées.<p> <p>En particulier, la thèse révèle la diversité irréductible des mobilisations du « droit à la vérité » en explorant la polysémie de ses usages, les jeux de compétition entre ses promoteurs et les tensions qui jalonnent sa formalisation en droit international. Cette analyse empirique permet de comprendre pourquoi ce droit fonde aujourd’hui des politiques contradictoires, à savoir tant des politiques de répression des violations graves des droits de l’homme, axées sur la condamnation pénale des responsables, que des politiques mémorielles axées sur la « réconciliation » des sociétés à travers des amnisties au bénéfice des auteurs de crimes, ainsi que des mesures de réparation matérielles et symboliques au bénéfice des victimes. Droit à une vérité judiciaire des victimes, et droit à une vérité « historique » et collective des peuples sur les causes de conflits passés coexistent ainsi au sein du même droit pour justifier un déploiement de la justice pénale international(isé)e ou à l’inverse, pour la paralyser au nom d’impératifs de démocratisation et de concorde civile. <p><p>Ma thèse démontre ainsi l’ambivalence du « droit à la vérité », qui agit tantôt comme ressource, et tantôt comme contrainte pour ses promoteurs :au final, il n’offre qu’une ressource limitée à ses promoteurs en raison de la compétition qui continue à se jouer au sujet de sa définition, sa nature et ses titulaires. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences juridiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Effectivité des droits des créanciers et protection du patrimoine familial / The effectiveness of the rights of the creditors and the protection of family

Tissot, Stéphanie 12 December 2015 (has links)
Le droit de l’exécution forcée offre aux créanciers des voies de droit pour contraindre les débiteurs défaillants à exécuter leurs obligations à leur égard. Ce rapport d’obligation est cependant moins un lien entre deux personnes qu’un rapport entre deux patrimoines. C’est ce qui explique que les obligations s’exécutent sur les biens des débiteurs. La matière devrait donc être hermétique à la situation familiale du débiteur et ne s’intéresser qu’au patrimoine personnel de celui-ci. Cependant, malgré l’absence de personnalité juridique de la famille, il est communément question du « patrimoine familial ». Entendu au sens large, le « patrimoine familial » intéresse alors nécessairement les tiers créanciers. Certains biens en effet, font l’objet d’une protection particulière, destinée, plus largement, à protéger la famille. A la protection d’origine légale, s’ajoute éventuellement une protection conventionnelle. Le législateur offre ainsi un espace de liberté à la volonté privée, même si l’exercice de celle-ci doit aboutir à réduire le gage du créancier. L’ensemble de ces dispositions protectrices entre donc nécessairement en conflit avec le droit à l’exécution des créanciers et conduit à s’interroger sur la légitimité de l’atteinte qui en résulte. Il apparait que dans certains cas l’équilibre entre la garantie de l’effectivité du droit à l’exécution forcée du créancier et la protection légitime du patrimoine de la famille est respecté, alors que dans d’autres, il est largement menacé, voire bouleversé. Et c’est alors toute l’économie du droit de l’exécution forcée qui est remise en question / The right to enforced performance offers creditors legal remedies for forcing defaulting debtors to perform their obligations. However, this relationship of obligation is less a tie between two people as it is a tie between two sets of assets. This explains why obligations are performed in respect of the property of the debtor. Performance should thus be entirely extraneous to the debtor's family situation and concern only the debtor's personal assets. Yet despite the fact that families do not have legal personality, "community property" (patrimoine familial) commonly comes into play. In the broad sense of the term, "community property" is thus necessarily of interest to third-party creditors. Certain property is afforded special protection generally intended to protect the family. In addition to legal protection, contractual protection may also apply. The legislation in this area thus allows for a certain degree of flexibility with respect to private will, even if it ultimately reduces a creditor's claim. This protection thus necessarily conflicts with the creditor's right to performance and raises the question of the legitimacy of the interference it causes. In some cases, the balance is maintained between guaranteeing creditors' ability to exercise their right to enforced performance and ensuring legitimate protection of family assets. In other cases, however, this balance is threatened or even upset, calling the entire tenor and intent of the right to enforced performance into question

Strategie na zlepšení procesů souvisejících s dražbami nemovitostí firmy RS Gavlas / Strategy for Improving Auction of Properties in RS Gavlas Firm

Gavlas, Ondřej January 2007 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals about strategy for Improving Auction of Properties in RS Gavlas Company. The theoretical part is concerned with an auction theory and a contemporary legislation. The practical part examines Czech auction market, an auction process, customer relationship management implementation and legislative problems with the aim to find new possibilities of use for company RS Gavlas.

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