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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The suffocating enjoyment of the Other: An ideology critique of enjoyment in the mediatisation of the climate crisis / Den Andres kvävande njutning: En ideologikritik av njutning i medialiseringen av klimatkrisen

Bintley, Gabriel January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores how the Lacanian concept of ‘the enjoyment of the Other’ (la jouissance de l’Autre) can be applied to break open normative understandings of the political factors shaping the climate crisis deadlock. The principal aim is to investigate how ostensibly disconnected environmental debates may be regarded as linked by an economy of enjoyment, more precisely by the promise of enjoyment by which the subject is libidinally attached to an ideology. Analysis of text proceeds by way of a psychoanalytic critique of ideology on two case studies from UK news media, namely, i) the development of onshore wind turbines and, ii) the appearance of direct-action environmentalist groups, in particular the activities of the group Just Stop Oil. This thesis finds that rhetorical devices across the discourses analysed are sustained by an ideological belief that the subject’s enjoyment has been stolen or ruined by the Other, that is, the external symbolic framework of language, morals and other people that shapes and influences subjectivity. On the one hand it is argued that the mediatisation of the climate crisis in terms of the enjoyment of the Other, that is, the belief that the Other has access to a full enjoyment which the subject is denied, portrays environmental politics as an empty display or ‘spectacle.’ On the other hand, it is suggested that the experience of environmental politics as a spectacle is a symptom of the decline of the state’s symbolic role in late capitalism.

TikTok Shopaholics : Unravelling the Emotive Influence of Time Pressure, Price Promotion, and Interaction on Gen Z’s Impulsive Cosmetic Purchases in Live Streaming.

Omar, Iftin, Dewar, Ratchaneekorn January 2024 (has links)
Background: As businesses started to recognize the potential of live streaming platforms in reaching and engaging with their target audience, live streaming commerce (LSC) started to gain traction and popularity over the past few years. LSC, with its elements of time pressure, price promotion, and interaction, plays a significant role in influencing consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour. The live nature of these streams create a sense of urgency, making viewers feel like they need to act quickly before the opportunity is gone. Price promotions, such as limited-time discounts or exclusive deals, entice viewers to make impulsive purchases to take advantage of the savings. Moreover, the interactive aspect of live streaming allows viewers to ask questions and receive real-time responses, which enhances the overall shopping experience and can further stimulate impulsive buying. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Gen Z consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour of cosmetics through LSC is influenced by three factors, being; time pressure, price promotion, and interaction. As well as how emotions such as the feeling of urgency, the feeling of excitement, and perceived enjoyment could mediate this relationship. Methodology: A deductive research approach  and a quantitative method was selected and utilised for this research. To gather data, a self-completion questionnaire was developed in Google Forms, taking into consideration ethical and societal factors. A total of 312 valid responses were collected, which were then subjected to descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, and mediation analysis.  Findings: The results of this research revealed that H2 and H3 were accepted, indicating that price promotion and interaction have a significant positive impact on Gen Z consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour in LSC. In the same vein, H1a, H2a, and H3a, i.e., the feeling of urgency, excitement, and perceived enjoyment were accepted. However, H1, measuring the influence of time pressure, was rejected.  Conclusion: This study concluded that price promotion (H2) and interaction (H3) have a positive influence on the impulsive buying behaviour of Generation Z consumers. However, time pressure (H1) was not found to have a significant impact. Additionally, the results indicate that the feeling of urgency (H1a) mediates the relationship between time pressure and impulsive buying behaviour, the feeling of excitement (H2a) mediates the relationship between price promotion and impulsive buying behaviour, and perceived enjoyment (H3a) mediates the relationship between interaction and impulsive buying behaviour among Gen Z consumers in Sweden. Keywords: “Live Streaming Commerce” “Live Streaming E-commerce” “Time Pressure” “Price Promotion” “Interaction” “Impulsive Buying Behaviour” “Urgency” “Excitement” “Perceived Enjoyment” “Quantitative Research”.


TERESA CARPES DE CICCO 08 October 2024 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho pretende investigar a rememoração e reminiscência, tal como apresentada por Lacan em seu Seminário livro 23, O sinthoma. Os dois termos estão situados em dois momentos do ensino de Jacques Lacan como um binômio. Entre esses dois registros, busca-se localizar como se dá o trabalho com a memória. Mais especificamente, o que pode ser rememorado e o que não entra nesse encadeamento e fica como ponto vazio que não se deixa apreender pelas cadeias de sentido. Embora a rememoração e a reminiscência nunca tenham sido dispostas como um par na teorização freudiana, entendemos ser possível diferenciar ambas as dimensões em sua obra. Deste modo, propomos construir um solo entre Freud e Lacan. A ideia é que o delineamento deste terreno contribua para que possamos nos aproximar do que está em jogo na contraposição destes dois termos. Ao final nos serviremos do livro A obscena senhora D, de autoria da autora paulistana Hilda Hilst, pois entendemos ser um texto prenhe de reminiscências. / [en] The present work intends to investigate remembrance and reminiscence, terms located in two moments of Jacques Lacan s teaching, as a binomial. Between these two terms, we seek to locate how memory works, what can be remembered and what does not enter this articulation and remains as an empty point that cannot be captured by the chains of meaning. Although Freud did not consider recollection and reminiscence as pair, we believe it is possible to differentiate both dimensions in his work. In this way, we propose to build a ground between Freud and Lacan. The idea is that the delineation of this ground helps us to get closer to what is envolved in the opposition of these two terms. In the end, we will use the book A obscena Senhora D, written by Hilda Hilst, as we understand it to be a text full of reminiscences.

Die Aufforderung zur Lebensfreude im Buch Kohelet und siene Rezeption der ägyptischen Harfnerlieder

Fischer, Stefan, 1966- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and German / Text in German / The question is dealt with, whether or not the calls to joy in the book of Qoheleth are dependend from another source. Seven key-texts are taken as a basis (2:24-26; 3:12.13; 3:22; 5:17-19; 8:15; 9:7-10; 11,7-12,7) which have the form of ::titl"[i'~]-sayings and share the root "1.liU. Three further texts (2:1-11; 6:9; 7:14) are also relevant. In the exegesis the content, reasoning and contextual function of these texts are analyzed. Qoheleth quotes, comments on and corrects traditional views of wisdom. He sets them in polar structured arguments in which the calls to joy are significant since the arguments always lead to a double conclusion: a vanity statement and an ethical instruction. The latter form the books teaching on wisdom which consists of joy and the fear of God. In this way the calls to joy in the key texts function as a refrain which increases as the book progresses and becomes the main message. The theme of the joy of life is next examined in Old Testament, Egyptian, ancient Near Eastern, Greek and apocryphal texts. These leads to the conclusion that the call to joy in the book of Qoheleth comes closest to the Egyptian "heretical" harper's songs. These texts agree not only in the content and reasoning of joy, but also in the use of idioms und comparisons. These occur not just in the key texts but throughout the whole book. The "heretical" harper's songs were originally used in the cult of the dead. Later they were used at feasts and banquets. This makes it possible to interpret them in the same Egyptian complex of tradition as other belletristic texts, especially love songs. They can therefore be assigned with the calls to joy to the genre of feast and banquet poetry. Since the adoption of the Jove songs in the Song of Songs has already been shown, the same can now be said for the harper's songs. Presumably this happened through Canaanite influences in premonarchic times. / Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob in den Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude des Buches Kohelet eine Vorlage rezipiert worden ist. Dazu werden sieben Kerntexte (2,24-26; 3,12.13; 3,22; 5,17-19; 8,15; 9,7-10; 11,7-12,7) zugrunde gelegt, welche durch die Wurzel n~tu und die Form des l11'"[1'~]-Spruchs miteinander verbunden sind. Drei weitere Texte gehiiren der Sache nach dazu (2,1-11; 6,9; 7,14). Diese Texte werden exegesiert, um sie nach ihren Inhalten, Begriindungen und ihrer kontextualen Funktion zu erfassen. Der Verfasser des Buches Kohelet zitiert, kommentiert und korrigiert traditionelle Ansichten der Weisheit. Dazu stellt er sie in polar strukturierte Argumentationseinheiten, in welchen die Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude Signifikanz haben, da diese Argumentationseinheiten jeweils auf eine Nichtigkeitsaussage und eine ethische Anweisung hinaus laufen. Letzere bildet die Lebenslehre des Buches, die auf den Sii.ulen Lebensfreude und Gottesfurcht fuBt. Dabei bilden die Kerntexte der Lebensfreude einen Refrain, der im Fortgang des Buches gesteigert wird und am Ende als Hauptanliegen hervortritt. Dem Motiv der Lebensfreude wird daraufhin in alttestamentlichen, ii.gyptischen, altorientalischen, griechischen und apokryphen Texten nachgegangen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, da8 die Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude im Buch Kohelet die griiBte Nii.he zu den "haretischen" Harfnerliedern Agyptens aufweisen. Zu diesen Texten gibt es Ubereinstimmungen nicht nur in den Inhalten und Beweggriinden des Lebensgenusses, sondern auch in der Verwendung einzelner Idiome und Vergleiche, und zwar nicht nur in den Kerntexten, sondern verstreut im Buch. In der Verwendungssituation der "hii.retischen" Harfnerlieder Iii.flt sich eine Verschiebung vom Totenkult zu Fest und Gelage aufzeigen. Dariiberhinaus lassen sie sich in Agypten in einen Traditionskomplex mit anderen Texten der schiinen Literatur, insbesondere den ii.gyptischen Liebesliedern stellen. So kann eine gemeinsame Gattungszuweisung mit den Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude in der Fest- und Gelagepoesie erfolgen. Da fiir die Liebeslieder eine alttestamentliche Rezeption schon wahrscheinlich gemacht worden ist, kann diese nun auf die Harfnerlieder ausgedehnt werden. Dieser Traditionsweg verlief vermutlich iiber kanaanii.ische Vermittlung in vormonarchischer Zeit. / D.Th.(Old Testament)

Étude de l’impact d’un programme d’activité physique (Amazone) auprès de femmes en traitement pour un cancer du sein

Couture, Diane 08 1900 (has links)
Le cancer du sein est la forme de cancer la plus souvent diagnostiquée chez les femmes. Elles doivent vivre avec des séquelles qui nuisent à leur qualité de vie. Plusieurs études ont montré les bienfaits de l’activité physique (AP) sur les composantes physiques et psychologiques des patientes. Toutefois, elles réduisent souvent leur pratique d'AP suite aux traitements en raison de la détérioration de leur condition physique. Or, le maintien à long terme de la pratique d’AP est essentiel pour en conserver les bénéfices. La première section du mémoire présente une recension des écrits sur les bienfaits de l’AP auprès des femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein et la seconde rend compte d'une étude expérimentale ayant pour objectif d'évaluer l’impact d’un programme d’AP sur le sentiment d’efficacité personnel et sur le plaisir associé à la pratique d'AP. Une enquête de suivi a été menée trois mois après la fin du programme afin d’évaluer le maintien à long terme de la pratique d'AP. L'étude a été réalisée auprès de 18 patientes en cours de traitement. Le groupe expérimental a suivi un programme supervisé d’AP combiné à des séances de counseling sur une période de 16 semaines. Le groupe témoin avait la possibilité de suivre un programme de yoga. Nos résultats indiquent une amélioration statistiquement significative des trois composantes mesurées, soit le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle, le plaisir à faire de l'AP et le maintien de la pratique après la participation au programme. / Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. They have to live with the negative impacts of the disease on their quality of life. Many studies have shown that exercise benefits women with breast cancer in several ways, including improved quality of life. However, women reduce their physical activity levels following the treatment due to the relative deterioration of their physical condition. To keep the benefits of participation in an exercise program, breast cancer patients need to maintain their physical activity involvement. The first part of this thesis presents a literature review of the physical activity benefits among women with breast cancer, and the second part assesses the impact of a circuit training and counseling program on exercise self-efficacy and physical activity enjoyment as well as the level of physical activity involvement at 3-month follow-up. Eighteen women undergoing treatment participated in this study. The experimental group followed a 16-week supervised circuit training and counseling program. The control group was offered yoga lessons. The results showed statistically significant improvements on the three patient-rated outcomes. The results showed that a supervised circuit training program combined with counseling enhances exercise self-efficacy. This suggests that it can be a promising program to maintain physical activity involvement.

Využití deskových her pro výuku českého jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ / Using board games in the Czech language lessons in primary school

Hyklová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
My diploma thesis on the Using board games in the Czech language lesson in primary school is divided into two parts. The first part deals with theoretical starting points based on experiential and constructivist pedagogy. It focuses on the game from several points of view - as a free activity and joy during life and as a didactic method in which pupils' education is realized, a class climate is formed and a board game is applied. Further there are described places where you can play board games outside the school environment. The second part is devoted to the production of my own board games and their subsequent use in the teaching of the Czech language in the fourth year of primary school. In conclusion, I reflect on their suitability for teaching, highlight their advantages, possible pitfalls and suitable variations and forms of gradation. KEYWORDS Game, board game, Czech language, experiential pedagogy, constructivist pedagogy, activation methods, pupil, teaching, primary school, own experience and enjoyment

Étude de l’impact d’un programme d’activité physique (Amazone) auprès de femmes en traitement pour un cancer du sein

Couture, Diane 08 1900 (has links)
Le cancer du sein est la forme de cancer la plus souvent diagnostiquée chez les femmes. Elles doivent vivre avec des séquelles qui nuisent à leur qualité de vie. Plusieurs études ont montré les bienfaits de l’activité physique (AP) sur les composantes physiques et psychologiques des patientes. Toutefois, elles réduisent souvent leur pratique d'AP suite aux traitements en raison de la détérioration de leur condition physique. Or, le maintien à long terme de la pratique d’AP est essentiel pour en conserver les bénéfices. La première section du mémoire présente une recension des écrits sur les bienfaits de l’AP auprès des femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein et la seconde rend compte d'une étude expérimentale ayant pour objectif d'évaluer l’impact d’un programme d’AP sur le sentiment d’efficacité personnel et sur le plaisir associé à la pratique d'AP. Une enquête de suivi a été menée trois mois après la fin du programme afin d’évaluer le maintien à long terme de la pratique d'AP. L'étude a été réalisée auprès de 18 patientes en cours de traitement. Le groupe expérimental a suivi un programme supervisé d’AP combiné à des séances de counseling sur une période de 16 semaines. Le groupe témoin avait la possibilité de suivre un programme de yoga. Nos résultats indiquent une amélioration statistiquement significative des trois composantes mesurées, soit le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle, le plaisir à faire de l'AP et le maintien de la pratique après la participation au programme. / Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. They have to live with the negative impacts of the disease on their quality of life. Many studies have shown that exercise benefits women with breast cancer in several ways, including improved quality of life. However, women reduce their physical activity levels following the treatment due to the relative deterioration of their physical condition. To keep the benefits of participation in an exercise program, breast cancer patients need to maintain their physical activity involvement. The first part of this thesis presents a literature review of the physical activity benefits among women with breast cancer, and the second part assesses the impact of a circuit training and counseling program on exercise self-efficacy and physical activity enjoyment as well as the level of physical activity involvement at 3-month follow-up. Eighteen women undergoing treatment participated in this study. The experimental group followed a 16-week supervised circuit training and counseling program. The control group was offered yoga lessons. The results showed statistically significant improvements on the three patient-rated outcomes. The results showed that a supervised circuit training program combined with counseling enhances exercise self-efficacy. This suggests that it can be a promising program to maintain physical activity involvement.

條件利他媒體娛樂模式: 探討雙方好惡相反對於個人決策與媒體娛樂感之影響 / The Conditional Prosocial Enjoyment Model: The influence of dyadic preference conflict on media content selection and anticipated enjoyment

康耕輔, Kang, Keng Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討在雙方偏好相異的媒體娛樂情境中,人際關係類型和情境因素如何影響個人的選擇以及預期娛樂感,且背後的心理機制為何。本研究規劃三個系列實驗,從不同的媒體娛樂情境(一起收看談話性節目、去電影院觀賞藝術電影)來探討進行。 本研究從人際互賴理論(Kelley et al., 2003)中的互賴困境來概念化雙方偏好相異的決策情境,並根據依附理論提出,兩人之間的關係類型可能透過關係中的依附安全感影響個人決策的利關係程度,再影響預期娛樂感。其中,利關係決策傾向透過提高彼此之間的連結感之心理機制,來影響預期娛樂感。而雙方對於「媒體娛樂內容好惡相反與否」可能調節關係類型對於個人決策利關係程度的影響,進而影響後續的預期娛樂感。 三個實驗結果發現,當雙方對於媒體娛樂內容好惡相反時,個人做出利關係程度愈高的決策,並不會產生愈高的預期娛樂感。只有在特定的條件之下,也就是當雙方對於媒體娛樂內容好惡接近時,個人做出利關係程度愈高的選擇,會因為感覺該媒體娛樂可以提高雙方的連結感,因而產生愈高的預期娛樂感。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出「條件利他媒體娛樂模式」,來說明人際之間的關係類型和「媒體娛樂內容好惡相反與否」之情境因素,會交互影響個人在情境中做出決策的利關係程度,並透過提高彼此之間連結感機制,來影響後續的預期娛樂感。 / This study explores how dyadic relationship types and media content influence personal selection and anticipated enjoyment in dyadic preference conflict situation, and the underlying mechanism. This study conducted a series of experiments in the laboratory to investigate the dilemma from different media entertaining scenarios. This study conceptualized the dilemma situation from Interdependence theory (Kelley et al., 2003), and using attachment theories to propose that dyadic relationship types may influence the pro-relationship level of personal decision through sense of attachment in the relationship. And the pro-relationship level of personal decision may influence subsequent anticipated enjoyment through enhancing connectedness between each other. Moreover, dyadic preference conflict may moderate the influence of relationship types on the pro-relationship level of personal decision, and subsequent anticipated enjoyment. The results revealed that when dyadic preference is conflicted, making more pro-relationship decision doesn’t produce more positive anticipated enjoyment. Only in the conditional which dyadic preference is closer, making more pro-relationship decision produces more positive anticipated enjoyment because of enhancing their connectedness. The study proposed one new model called “The Conditional Prosocial Enjoyment Model” to explain how dyadic relationship types interact with preference conflict to influence personal selection of media content, and subsequent anticipated enjoyment thought interpersonal connectedness.

Sport et développement : l es effets de la participation au programme Sport-études sur le développement des élèves-athlètes

Duchesneau, Marc-André 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.


MANUELA XAVIER DE OLIVEIRA 07 December 2015 (has links)
[pt] Uma erótica mortífera: ruídos do supereu na clínica psicanalítica é um estudo da constituição do supereu na teoria psicanalítica e seus desdobramentos na clínica. O supereu que surge na obra freudiana como produto da identificação no declínio do complexo de Édipo, admite traços cruéis em sua parceria com a pulsão de morte. Lacan propõe um supereu equivalente ao objeto a como objeto voz, contribuição de grande novidade para a teoria analítica. Os mandatos superegóicos incidem como uma voz muda, inaudível, e propõem um desafio à clínica, que deve manejar as manifestações deste supereu, tais como o sentimento de culpa, a necessidade de punição e a reação terapêutica negativa. Os paradoxos do supereu serão abordados, privilegiando a face do supereu que é correlata ao gozo, distinguindo-o do Nome-do-Pai, uma função atrelada ao desejo. / [en] One deadly erotica: noises of the superego in the psycoanalytic treatment is a study of the formation of the superego in psychoanalytic theory and its developments in the clinic. The superego, which appears in Freud s work as a product of identification in the decline of the Oedipus complex, admits cruel traits in their partnership with the death drive. Lacan proposes an equivalent object-a with the object-voice, contribution of great novelty for clinical theory. The superego commands levied as a muted voice, inaudible, and propose a challenge to the clinic: to manage the manifestations of this superego, such as guilt, the need for punishment, and negative therapeutic reaction. The paradoxes of the superego are addressed, focusing on the face of the superego that is related to the jouissance, distinguishing it from the Name-of-the-Father - a function harnessed to desire.

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