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Die Aufforderung zur Lebensfreude im Buch Kohelet und siene Rezeption der ägyptischen HarfnerliederFischer, Stefan, 1966- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and German / Text in German / The question is dealt with, whether or not the calls to joy in the book of Qoheleth are dependend from another source. Seven key-texts are taken as a basis (2:24-26; 3:12.13; 3:22; 5:17-19; 8:15; 9:7-10; 11,7-12,7) which have the form of ::titl"[i'~]-sayings and share the root "1.liU. Three further texts (2:1-11; 6:9; 7:14) are also relevant. In the exegesis the content, reasoning and contextual function of these texts are analyzed. Qoheleth quotes, comments on and corrects traditional views of wisdom. He sets them in polar structured arguments in which the calls to joy are significant since the arguments always lead to a double conclusion: a vanity statement and an ethical instruction. The latter form the books teaching on wisdom which consists of joy and the fear of God. In this way the calls to joy in the key texts function as a refrain which increases as the book progresses and becomes the main message. The theme of the joy of life is next examined in Old Testament, Egyptian, ancient Near Eastern, Greek and apocryphal texts. These leads to the conclusion that the call to joy in the book of Qoheleth comes closest to the Egyptian "heretical" harper's songs. These texts agree not only in the content and reasoning of joy, but also in the use of idioms und comparisons. These occur not just in the key texts but throughout the whole book. The "heretical" harper's songs were originally used in the cult of the dead. Later they were used at feasts and banquets. This makes it possible to interpret them in the same Egyptian complex of tradition as other belletristic texts, especially love songs. They can therefore be assigned with the calls to joy to the genre of feast and banquet poetry. Since the adoption of the Jove songs in the Song of Songs has already been shown, the same can now be said for the harper's songs. Presumably
this happened through Canaanite influences in premonarchic times. / Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob in den Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude des Buches Kohelet eine Vorlage rezipiert worden ist. Dazu werden sieben Kerntexte (2,24-26; 3,12.13; 3,22; 5,17-19; 8,15; 9,7-10; 11,7-12,7) zugrunde gelegt, welche durch die Wurzel n~tu und die Form des l11'"[1'~]-Spruchs miteinander verbunden sind. Drei weitere Texte gehiiren der Sache nach dazu (2,1-11; 6,9; 7,14). Diese Texte werden exegesiert, um sie nach ihren Inhalten, Begriindungen und ihrer kontextualen Funktion zu erfassen. Der Verfasser des Buches Kohelet zitiert, kommentiert und korrigiert traditionelle Ansichten der Weisheit. Dazu
stellt er sie in polar strukturierte Argumentationseinheiten, in welchen die Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude Signifikanz haben, da diese Argumentationseinheiten jeweils auf eine Nichtigkeitsaussage und eine ethische Anweisung hinaus laufen. Letzere bildet die Lebenslehre des Buches, die auf den Sii.ulen Lebensfreude und
Gottesfurcht fuBt. Dabei bilden die Kerntexte der Lebensfreude einen Refrain, der im Fortgang des Buches gesteigert wird und am Ende als Hauptanliegen hervortritt. Dem Motiv der Lebensfreude wird daraufhin in alttestamentlichen, ii.gyptischen, altorientalischen, griechischen und apokryphen Texten nachgegangen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, da8 die Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude im Buch Kohelet die griiBte Nii.he zu den "haretischen" Harfnerliedern Agyptens aufweisen. Zu diesen Texten gibt es Ubereinstimmungen nicht nur in den Inhalten und Beweggriinden des Lebensgenusses, sondern auch in der Verwendung einzelner Idiome und Vergleiche, und zwar nicht nur in den Kerntexten, sondern verstreut im Buch. In der Verwendungssituation der "hii.retischen" Harfnerlieder Iii.flt sich eine Verschiebung vom Totenkult zu Fest und Gelage aufzeigen. Dariiberhinaus lassen sie sich in Agypten in einen Traditionskomplex mit anderen Texten der schiinen Literatur, insbesondere den ii.gyptischen Liebesliedern stellen. So kann eine gemeinsame Gattungszuweisung mit den Aufforderungen zur Lebensfreude in der Fest- und Gelagepoesie erfolgen. Da fiir die Liebeslieder eine alttestamentliche Rezeption schon wahrscheinlich gemacht worden ist, kann diese nun auf die Harfnerlieder ausgedehnt werden. Dieser Traditionsweg verlief vermutlich iiber kanaanii.ische Vermittlung in vormonarchischer Zeit. / D.Th.(Old Testament)
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Mal-estar na cultura: das articulações discursivas à emergência dos sintomas sociaisEdson Flávio Barbosa e Silva 15 December 2006 (has links)
Ao longo do tempo e da história, o homem vive os seus dilema e conflitos. A condição humana não tem cura. A apartação entre sujeito e objeto, entre o ser e a natureza, estabeleceu para a espécie humana modos muito singulares de sobrevivência, distinto dos demais seres, os seres da natureza. O que este projeto intenta é ressaltar alguns aspectos do conflito em que se engendra esse ser da linguagem, as tensões frente ao outro, os ideais que concorrem para uma de nossas práticas mais apaixonante: a política. Aqui a política tem as medidas simbólicas e imaginárias, é mais uma invenção que toma forma a partir do vazio do real, como a peça do oleiro, e se lança nas mais variadas captações dos ideais, esses que de um modo e de outro, dão versos às ideologias, chamem-nas de metáforas, metonímias, argumentos, retóricas etc.; a política é fundamentalmente uma prática do verbum. E em sendo verbal, a política está inscrita e escrita nos discursos, nos sintomas e na história. Ei-la num trinômio que é um autêntico nó borromeu, que de certo modo foi o meu esforço ao lançar-me na aventura que no plano diverso dos discursos e da topologia: história e a-história, a saber, num deslizamento a dizer de uma abordagem do real, a qual, intento algo da ordem de uma transição subjetiva. Para tal, este projeto discorre em três partes: as narrativas históricas,
digo: os significantes da história; as articulações discursivas e os sintomas sociais. Aqui o sintoma tem a função de fornecer conteúdos para a história, a partir das injunções discursivas tal a elaboração de Lacan. A metodologia que sigo se assenta numa proposição teórica que aborde os objetos reais em sua imisção, e repetição, nos objetos da história, pretendendo, quiçá, uma composição narrativa que serpenteie o real, como numa poética, que enuncie um molejo, um requebro das palavras em função que dizer o real é fazê-lo não pela busca de sentido, mas pela errância que concerne essa gramática, errância que é a da subjetividade a partir do inconsciente, e que é do fato de que os objetos nesse enredo não são os da realidade, são os da quebra de sentido, a saber, são os das inserções do significante e são também os assintóticos, os intangíveis, quer seja, os que denotam o impossível, via a que nos aponta a psicanálise. Que aponta para uma dimensão do mal-estar na cultura e na civilização, digo: a civilização como mal-estar, a que se recobre, portanto, não apenas a sintaxe, mas a semântica do sintoma, isso que faz discurso e que é da lógica da diferença, no que articula o laço social, problematizado aqui na querelas ideológicas de nosso tempo e nas promessas de gozo seja na economia psíquica seja na economia política-social / Humankind faces its dilemmas and conflictis over the years and history. The human being condition does not seem to have any cure. Since the self and object, as well as the being and the nature tore apart, the human being established many particular ways of survival, differently from the rest of the natural beings. This paper comes to highlight some aspects of conflicts which embody this being in language; all tensions face to others, all ideals that contribute to one of the most passionate human practices: politics. Herein, politics undesrtands the symbolic and imaginary measurement, that is one more invention which takes a format from an emptiness of real, such as the piece of the potter, and goes through a variety of acquirements of the ideal, the same ideal that, sooner or later, creates ideologies, once called from metaphors or metonymies up to reasoning, and rhetorical arguments. The politics is a pratice of verbum, effectively. Upon being verbal, politics is both subscribed and underlined onto the discourse, onto the symptoms, and onto history. This paper comes to understand language as a trinonym part from the discourse itself, and apart from topology: history and a-history coming to meaning an approach of real within a subjective transition. In order to mention the project, this paper intends to separate the rationale into three parts: the historical narratives, in others words, the historical significants; the discoursive constellations; and the social symptoms. It is also to mention that the symptom has its function as a vehicle of historical contents; starting from the discoursive injunctions, according to Lacans theoretical resources. The methodology used in this paper concerns to a rationale that considers the real object and its immiscion, its repetition over historical objects. This paper also intends to compose a narrative that embodies the reality, just like the Poetic does. It also comes to highlight the meaning of words and their disorder int the utterance, coming to understand that real is not what it means, but what it does not mean through errors by the sense of grammar correctness. Such errors come from both subjectiveness and inconscienceness; from the fact that the object does not have its origin in reality, but from its non-meaningful significant, as well as the assintotics, e.g., the ones that denote the impossible, by the understanding of psychoanalysis. All those aspects above mentioned come to show the dimension of indisposition in culture and civilization, in other words, the civilization in indisposition that disguises, not only the syntax, but the semantics of the symptom which comes the discourse true, and therefore, it promises a well-fare for both psycho economy and political-social economy
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O estatuto contemporâneo das identificações em sujeitos com marcas e alterações corporais / The contemporary status of identifications in subjects with marked changes in the bodyElizabete Regina Almeida de Siqueira 01 December 2009 (has links)
No contexto do culto hedonista do corpo e da ascensão do subjetivismo da vontade ao topo da escala de valores dos sujeitos contemporâneos, detectamos a existência de uma modalidade de identificação horizontal com aqueles que têm os mesmos traços de gozo, como por exemplo, entre aqueles que marcam o corpo. Partindo desta perspectiva este estudo articula dois elementos: o corpo marcado e as vicissitudes das identificações em tempos de fragilidade de referências simbólicas consistentes. Realizamos uma análise clínica a partir dos pressupostos da psicanálise dos dados de fala de quatro sujeitos que submetem seus corpos a tatuagens e alterações corporais. Esta pesquisa encontrou três sujeitos para quem seus corpos são palco de paixões que aí se inscrevem como forma de apelar por um lugar e pelo reconhecimento do Outro, e um sujeito que apresenta a peculiaridade de ancorar seu ser em suas modificações corporais e está identificado a uma insígnia de gozo / In the context of hedonistic cult of the body and the rise of subjectivism will the top of the range of values of contemporary subjects, we detected the existence of a horizontal mode of identification with those who have the same traits of enjoyment, for example, among those that mark the body. From this perspective this study combines two elements: the body affected and the vicissitudes of identifications in times of weakness of symbolic consistent. We performed a clinical analysis from the assumptions of psychoanalysis of the speech data of four individuals who submit their bodies to tattoos and body changes. This research found three subjects for whom their bodies are the site of the passions that then fall as a way to appeal for a place and recognition of the Other, and a guy who has the peculiarity of their being anchored in your body changes and is identified with a emblem of joy
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Um estudo sobre as modificações corporais pela via das cirurgias plásticas como manifestação do traço perveso em mulheres midiáticasRaquel de Souza Gomes da Silva 01 December 2015 (has links)
O desejo de modificar o corpo vem crescendo consideravelmente entre as mulheres, que recorrem às cirurgias plásticas e outros procedimentos estéticos na busca do corpo ideal enaltecido pela mídia. Algumas destas modificam seus corpos desmedidamente, quando realizam vários procedimentos em uma mesma ocasião, ou quando excedem na quantidade de silicone, denotando com isso, um estilo de vida pautado na desmesura. O contexto atual é marcado por uma organização social perversa, ao se configurar a partir do apagamento dos limites e da exaltação de gozo que mobiliza o surgimento de traços perversos independente da estrutura clínica. Desta forma, este trabalho se propôs a realçar alguns traços perversos em três casos de mulheres midiáticas que modificam compulsivamente seus corpos. Coletamos os depoimentos expostos em vídeos disponíveis na internet, privilegiando aqueles que tratavam dos procedimentos estéticos. Para efeito de análise, elegemos os seguintes traços perversos: desmesura e a transgressão dos limites, fixação em objetos parciais, o corpo como objeto fetiche e a busca pelo olhar do outro como forma de gozo. Estas mulheres através da desmesura, desmentem suas faltas oferecendo seu corpo, em partes, como objeto fetiche para o outro olhar. / The body modification is increasing among women who search for plastic surgery and other aesthetic procedures in order to achieve a body that is praised by the media. Some of them modify their bodies beyond measure pulling their floating ribs out to make their waists slimmer, performing many procedures at the same time or when they exceed the amount of silicon implant in their breasts which detonates an undue behavior guideded by the disproportion. However, the current context is marked by a perverse social organization because it sets itself on the boundaries deletion and on the elation of the jouissance and moves the appearance of perverse traces independently on the clinical structure. Thus, this study aims to highlight some perverse traces in three cases of media women that compulsively change their bodies. Weve collected the depositions displayed on internet videos, focusing on those who dealt with the aesthetic procedures. For analysis, weve selected three perverse traces: disproportion and the boundaries transgression, the partial objects fixation, the body as a fetish and the search for other peoples look as way to achieve jouissance. Those women through the disproportion , deny their lacks by offering their bodies, in parts, as a fetish object to the others look.
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[pt] Esta dissertação busca delinear o desenvolvimento, articulado com a clínica, do conceito de supereu por Freud e sua revisão por Lacan, para pensar sua reverberação recíproca com a cultura. O supereu freudiano, como instância estrutural do aparelho psíquico, tem sua gênese na identificação com o pai, antes e depois do Complexo de Édipo, ao mesmo tempo em que porta a marca da pulsão de morte. Freud dá ênfase às manifestações cruéis da ação autoritária do supereu que, por produzirem um desprazer do qual pode ser difícil prescindir, constituem importante obstáculo ao trabalho clínico e ao laço social. Lacan desloca a referência freudiana ao pai para o campo da linguagem, articulando a função paterna com a estrutura significante, em detrimento das imagos, indo da conceituação do Nome-do-pai aos Nomes-do-pai em suas dimensões imaginária, simbólica e real. Seus novos conceitos de gozo e objeto a reforçam a centralidade da função superegóica, privilegiando sua dimensão pulsional e alteritária e ampliando a perspectiva dinâmica de sua constituição e de seus efeitos. Em função do deslocamento do conceito da referência de autoridade para a de alteridade e de sua estreita relação com o desamparo, abre-se uma via para propor a articulação do supereu com a visada ética pela qual Freud toma o trabalho clínico da psicanálise como uma obra de cultura. / [en] This work aims to study the theoretical development (articulated with clinical practice) of the superego concept by Freud and its revision by Lacan, and to consider its reciprocal effects on culture. The Freudian superego, as a structural agency of the psychic apparatus, has its origin in the identification with the father, before and after the Oedipus complex, at the same time that carries death drive embedded. Freud emphasizes the cruel manifestation of the authoritarian action of the superego which constitute an important obstacle for the clinic work and the social bonds, once these manifestations produce an unpleasure from which it can be hard to prescind. Lacan changes the Freudian reference of the father to the language field, articulating the paternal function with the signifier s structure, to the detriment of the imagos, going from the concept of Name-of-the-father to Names-of-the-father in its imaginary, symbolic and real dimensions. His new concepts of jouissance and object a, reinforce the centrality of the superegoic function, privileging its pulsional and alterity dimension and augmenting the dynamical perspective of its constitution and its effects. Due to this concept shifting its reference from authority to alterity and its close relation with the helplessness, it gives an opportunity to propose the articulation of the superego with the ethical concerns by which Freud takes the psychoanalytic clinical practice as a work of culture.
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Radio frequency spectrum monitoring: Officers' acceptance of monitoring technologies such as fixed direction findersPhoshoko, Silas M. January 2006 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The research focuses on the acceptance of new technologies within the telecommunications industry. The study examines three models namely Innovation theory, Theory of Reason Action (TRA), and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study explores the technology acceptance models in order to explain why certain monitoring officers at ICASA would prefer specific technologies over others. Models of interest could be the innovation theory, TRA and TAM. After reviewing both models, the author will examine the TAM in detail as a model of interest in this study. In turn, this model is expected to assist us to understand why monitoring officer's at ICASA would prefer a particular frequency monitoring technology over the other. / South Africa
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Predictors of quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction in individuals living with HIV and aids in a resource-constrained settingJonas, Ncebakazi Kim January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium (Social Work) - MA(SW) / The burden of HIV disease is concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa (SA) is particularly affected. Whilst there have been many studies conducted on the biomedical and socio-psychological aspects of HIV and AIDS, insufficient attention has been paid to the quality of life of those infected with the virus. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the predictors of quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction (Q-LES) of individuals living with HIV and or AIDS and those on anti-retroviral treatment or being prepared for it. Further, the study determined the relationship between psychological distress and Q-LES of HIV positive individuals because psychological distress is reported to contribute substantially to the burden of the disease in sub-Saharan Africa, including SA. This quantitative study used a battery of questionnaires administered to 121 participants in an out-patient clinic setting. The main hypothesis tested in this study is: psychological distress is a strong predictor of Q-LES. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to screen for psychological distress and the Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q) to assess the various components of QoL. A purposive sampling strategy was used to recruit participants into the study. Data analysis included descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS to test the hypothesis. Of the total sample (N=121), 74% were females. The study found that a large proportion (49.5%) of the sample within the age group 25-49 years old had significant presence of psychological distress. Those not on ART yet were significantly affected (66%). The relationship between Q-LES subscales and psychological distress was significant (p< 0.01). The results show that psychological distress was significantly prevalent among HIV positive individuals and it was the strongest predictor of Q-LES among the study participants. Modifying
the current psychological intervention programmes, in the public health clinics, for individuals vi infected with the HI virus will assist in improving the current health outcomes and also help to achieve better Quality of Life outcomes.
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Supporting Older Drivers through Emerging In-Vehicle Technologies: Performance-Related Aspects and User Acceptance / Unterstützung älterer Autofahrer durch neuartige Fahrzeugtechnologien: Performanz-bezogene Aspekte und NutzerakzeptanzHartwich, Franziska 17 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In the course of the current demographic change, the proportion of the population aged 65 and older is projected to steadily increase in many countries of the world (UN DESA Population Division, 2015). The ageing society is reflected in an increasing number of older road users (Koppel & Berecki-Gisolf, 2015), especially considering the growing need for older adults to maintain individual mobility (Eby & Molnar, 2012). This development raises new issues of transportation research, since age-related changes in mobility patterns as well as sensory, cognitive, and motor functions reduce older adults’ traffic safety (Polders, Vlahogianni, Leopold, & Durso, 2015). Accordingly, new strategies to aid older drivers and their mobility needs are required, which could potentially be provided by emerging in-vehicle technologies (Karthaus & Falkenstein, 2016).
The overall aim of present dissertation project was to evaluate whether in-vehicle technologies that appear promising to support older drivers can actually contribute to their individual mobility, which requires an improvement in aspects related to driving performance as well as the acceptance of such systems in this age group. Therefore, contact-analogue head-up displays (also labelled as Augmented Reality Displays, ARDs) and highly automated driving were selected as two exemplary technologies, representing completely different levels of driving automation and accordingly different approaches to support drivers. The ARD-technology represents a technical implementation approach for IVIS and therefore an example for Automation Level 0 (no automation; SAE International, 2014) by helping the driver to execute the driving task manually through useful information. In contrast, the HAD-technology aims at supporting the driver by taking over the driving task, which corresponds to Automation Level 4 (high automation; SAE International, 2014). Despite these different approaches, both technologies were previously assumed to have a strong potential to support especially older drivers (Meyer & Deix, 2014; Polders et al., 2015; Rusch et al., 2013; Schall et al., 2013).
Three empirical studies were conducted to examine performance- and acceptance-related aspects of both technologies. All studies were carried out with a group of older drivers (maximum age range: 65 85 years) and a younger comparison group (maximum age range: 25-45 years) representing the ‘average’ (i.e. young, but experienced) driver in order to identify age-specific results.
Focusing on performance-related aspects of the ARD-technology, Study I represents a reaction time experiment conducted in a driving simulator. One age-specific beneficial function of such an ARD is to provide prior information about approaching complex traffic situations, which addresses older drivers’ tendency to process multiple information successively (serially) rather than simultaneously (parallel) (Davidse, Hagenzieker, van Wolffelaar, & Brouwer, 2009; Küting & Krüger, 2002). Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effects of an ARD providing prior information about approaching intersections on drivers’ speed and accuracy of perceiving these intersections, which is considered a necessary precondition for a safe driving performance (Crundall & Underwood, 2011). Based on concerns about the counterproductive effects of presenting information via an ARD, especially in cases of inaccurate information, system failures were included in this examination. The ARD-information aided drivers from both age groups in identifying more relevant aspects of the intersections without increasing response time, indicating the potential of the system to support both older and younger drivers in complex traffic situations. Experiencing system failures (i.e. inaccurate information) did offset this positive effect for the study’s duration, particularly for older drivers. This might be because it was difficult to ignore inaccurate prior information due to their presentation via an ARD.
Study II represents a driving simulator study on acceptance-related aspects of an ARD providing prior information about approaching intersections. This study focused on the effects of system experience on drivers’ acceptance as well as on the identification of age-specific acceptance barriers that could prevent older drivers from using the technology. In summary, older and younger drivers’ evaluation of the ARD was positive, with a tendency to more positive evaluations with than without system experience in the driving simulator. Compared to the younger group, older drivers reported a more positive attitude towards using the ARD, even though they evaluated their self-efficacy in handling the system and environmental conditions facilitating its usage as less strong.
Both performance- and acceptance-related aspects of HAD were addressed in Study III, a two-stage driving simulator study. The focus of the performance perspective shifted in parallel with the shift of the human role from driver to passenger due to the increasing driving automation. Accordingly, the examination of HAD was focused on the human evaluation of the automated system’s
driving performance. In this context, affective components of human-automation interaction, such as comfort and enjoyment, are considered important for the acceptance and thus usage of automated vehicles (Tischler & Renner, 2007). It is assumed that the implemented driving style has an impact on such affective components in the context of HAD (Bellem, Schönenberg, Krems, & Schrauf, 2016). One theoretical approach to increase the comfort of HAD recommends the implementation of familiar, natural driving styles to mimic human control (Elbanhawi, Simic, & Jazar, 2015). Therefore, the effects of driving automation and the familiarity of the HAD-style on driving comfort and enjoyment were examined. Automation increased both age groups’ comfort, but decreased younger drivers’ enjoyment. For all dependent variables, driving style familiarity significantly interacted with drivers’ age the same way: while younger drivers preferred a familiar HAD-style, older drivers preferred an unfamiliar driving style in a highly automated context. Accordingly, the familiarity approach can be supported at least for younger drivers, but not for older drivers, whose manual driving styles are characterised by strategies to compensate for age-related impairments of sensory, cognitive, or motor functions. HAD-style preferences of this age group seem to be more influenced by the desire to regain a driving style free from these compensation strategies than by a need for familiar driving manoeuvres.
In parallel with the evaluation of the ARD, acceptance-related issues in the context of HAD included the effects of system experience on drivers’ acceptance and potential age-specific acceptance barriers. Considering a system-specific design issue, it was additionally examined whether drivers’ acceptance of HAD is modifiable by the familiarity of the implemented driving style. In this driving simulator study, members of both age groups showed slightly positive a priori acceptance ratings, which significantly increased after the initial experience and remained stable afterwards. Similar to drivers’ acceptance of the ARD, older drivers reported a more positive attitude towards using HAD despite their lower self-assessed self-efficacy and environmental conditions facilitating HAD-usage compared to younger drivers. Regarding HAD-style, acceptance was subject to the same interaction between drivers’ age and driving style familiarity as driving comfort and enjoyment.
These findings demonstrate that effective approaches to support the independent mobility of older adults are provided by emerging in-vehicle technologies on different levels of driving automation. The majority of the performance-related improvements did apply to both older and younger drivers, confirming that automotive technologies suggested for older drivers have the potential to support drivers of other age groups as well. Regarding drivers’ acceptance, findings suggest that both systems would be accepted by different age groups, which correspondents to the results from the performance perspective. The comparable acceptance patterns identified for two systems at different stages of driving automation, such as ARDs and HAD, indicate underlying general aspects of older adults’ acceptance of in-vehicle technologies. This includes their strong need to preserve their individual mobility as well as their lower self-efficacy in handling relevant technologies and insufficient access to a support infrastructure. These insights can enrich both theories of older drivers’ acceptance of in-vehicle technologies and measures to ensure the successful development and introduction of systems aiding them in maintaining a safe individual mobility.
Considering the importance of driving for older adults’ physiological and psychological well-being (e.g. Adler & Rottunda, 2006; Lutin, Kornhauser, & Lerner-Lam, 2013), these results emphasise the potential of emerging in-vehicle technologies to improve both older drivers’ traffic safety and quality of life. / Im Zuge des aktuellen demografischen Wandels wird für zahlreiche Länder der Welt eine stetige Zunahme des Bevölkerungsanteils von Personen im Alter von 65 Jahren und älter prognostiziert (UN DESA Population Division, 2015). Die daraus resultierende alternde Gesellschaft spiegelt sich auch in der steigenden Anzahl älterer Verkehrsteilnehmer wieder (Koppel & Berecki-Gisolf, 2015). Dieser Effekt wird durch das ebenfalls ansteigende Bedürfnis älterer Personen, ihre Individualmobilität auch bis ins hohe Alter hinein aufrecht zu erhalten, noch verstärkt (Eby & Molnar, 2012). Berücksichtigt man die Auswirkungen altersbedingter Veränderungen von Mobilitätsmustern und fahrrelevanten Fähigkeiten auf die Sicherheit älterer Verkehrsteilnehmer (Polders et al., 2015), stellt diese demographische Entwicklung neue Herausforderungen an die Verkehrsforschung. So bedarf es neuartiger Strategien zur Unterstützung älterer Fahrzeugführer und ihrer Mobilitätsbedürfnisse. Aufgrund aktueller technologischer Entwicklungen eröffnen vor allem durch neuartige Fahrzeugtechnologien zur Fahrerunterstützung innovative Möglichkeiten, diesem Bedarf gerecht zu werden (Karthaus & Falkenstein, 2016). An diesem Punkt setzt die vorliegende Dissertation an.
Ziel des Dissertationsprojektes war es zu evaluieren, inwieweit aktuell in Entwicklung befindliche Fahrzeugtechnologien, die aus theoretischer Sicht als geeignete Mittel zur Unterstützung älterer Fahrer erscheinen, tatsächlich zu deren Individualmobilität beitragen können. Um das Potential derartiger Technologien abzuschätzen, wurde einerseits untersucht, inwieweit sie zur Verbesserung von Variablen, die in Beziehung zur Fahrleistung stehen, beitragen können. Anderseits wurde ihre Akzeptanz bei potentiellen zukünftigen Nutzern evaluiert. Für diese Untersuchungen wurden zwei exemplarische Technologien als Repräsentanten grundlegend unterschiedlicher Stufen der Fahrzeugautomatisierung ausgewählt: ein kontaktanaloge Head-up Display (auch Augmented Reality Display, ARD) und hochautomatisiertes Fahren. ARDs stellen einen technologischen Ansatz zur Implementierung von Fahrerinformationssystemen und dementsprechend ein Beispiel für Automatisierungsstufe 0 (no automation; SAE International, 2014) dar, indem sie den Fahrer durch die Bereitstellung verkehrsrelevanter Informationen bei der manuellen Ausführung der Fahraufgabe unterstützen. Im Gegensatz dazu zielt die Technologie des hochautomatisierten Fahrens auf eine Unterstützung des Fahrers durch die vollständige Übernahme der Fahraufgabe ab, was Automatisierungsstufe 4 (high automation; SAE International, 2014) entspricht. Trotz dieser grundlegend unterschiedlichen Ansätze wird beiden Technologien ein hohes Potential zur Unterstützung insbesondere älterer Fahrer zugesprochen (Meyer & Deix, 2014; Polders et al., 2015; Rusch et al., 2013; Schall et al., 2013).
Die Untersuchung Performanz- und Akzeptanz-bezogener Aspekte beider Technologien erfolgte im Rahmen von drei empirische Studien. Um altersspezifische Befunde identifizieren zu können, wurden allen Studien mit Vertretern der Zielgruppe von älteren Fahrern (65-85 Jahre alt) sowie einer jüngeren Vergleichsgruppe ‚durchschnittlicher‘ (d.h. junger, erfahrener) Fahrer (25-45 Jahre alt) durchgeführt.
Bei Studie I handelte es sich um eine im Fahrsimulator durchgeführte Reaktionszeitstudie, in deren Rahmen Leistungs-bezogene Aspekte von ARDs untersucht wurden. Unter den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten zur Anwendung dieser Technologie wird vor allem die Präsentation von Vorinformationen über bevorstehende komplexe Fahrsituationen während der Fahrt als gewinnbringend für ältere Fahrer eingestuft. Diese Strategie adressiert die Tendenz älterer Fahrer zu einer eher seriellen als parallelen Verarbeitung gleichzeitig verfügbarer Informationen während der Fahrt (Davidse et al., 2009; Küting & Krüger, 2002). Vor diesem Hintergrund lag der Fokus von Studie I auf den Effekten einer kontaktanalogen Präsentation von Vorinformationen über bevorstehende Kreuzungen auf die Geschwindigkeit und Genauigkeit der Wahrnehmung dieser Kreuzungen durch den Fahrer, was eine Grundvoraussetzung für eine sichere Fahrleistung darstellt (Crundall & Underwood, 2011). Basierend auf bestehenden Befürchtungen über kontraproduktive Effekte einer kontaktanalogen Informationsdarstellung während der Fahrt, insbesondere im Falle inkorrekter Informationen, wurden zudem die Auswirkungen von Systemfehlern untersucht. Mit Hilfe der kontaktanalogen Vorinformationen gelang es sowohl älteren als auch jüngeren Fahrern, ohne erhöhten Zeitbedarf einen höheren Anteil relevanter Aspekte in Kreuzungssituationen wahrzunehmen. Allerdings wurde die positive Systemwirkung durch das Erleben von Systemfehlern (in diesem Fall inkorrekten Vorinformationen) zumindest für die Dauer der Untersuchung aufgehoben. Dieser Effekt war besonders ausgeprägt für ältere Fahrer und könnte auf die Schwierigkeit, inkorrekte Informationen auf Grund ihrer Darstellung im ARD zu ignorieren, zurückzuführen sein.
Studie II stellte eine Fahrsimulatorstudie zu Akzeptanz-bezogenen Aspekten eines ARDs, welches dem Fahrer Vorinformationen über bevorstehende Kreuzungen zur Verfügung stellt, dar. Inhalt dieser Studie waren zum einen die Effekte von Systemerfahrung auf die Nutzerakzeptanz des Systems, zum anderen altersspezifische Akzeptanzbarrieren, welche ältere Fahrer potentiell von der Nutzung der Technologie abhalten könnten. Insgesamt bewerteten sowohl ältere als auch jüngere Fahrer das ARD positiv. Dabei fielen Bewertungen auf Basis von Systemerfahrung im Fahrsimulator tendenziell besser aus als Bewertungen ohne vorherige Systemerfahrung. Obwohl ältere Fahrer im Vergleich zu jüngeren Fahrern ihre Selbstwirksamkeit im Umgang mit dem ARD sowie Umgebungsfaktoren, welche dessen Nutzung unterstützen könnten, als geringer ausgeprägt wahrnahmen, war die positive Einstellung gegenüber der Nutzung des Systems bei ihnen im Durchschnitt stärker ausgeprägt.
Leistungs- und Akzeptanz-bezogene Aspekte des hochautomatisierten Fahrens wurden in Studie III, einer zweistufigen Fahrsimulatorstudie, untersucht. Parallel zur Veränderung der Rolle des Menschen vom Fahrzeugführer zum Passagier im Zuge der zunehmenden Fahrzeugautomatisierung veränderte sich dabei auch der Fokus der Leistungsperspektive. Dem entsprechend stand die Bewertung der Fahrleistung des automatisierten Systems durch den mitfahrenden Menschen im Mittelpunkt dieser Untersuchung. Affektive Komponenten der Mensch-Automatisierungs-Interaktion wie Fahrkomfort und Fahrspaß werden in diesem Kontext als bedeutsam zur Gewährleistung der Nutzerakzeptanz und damit auch Nutzung automatisierter Fahrzeuge betrachtet (Tischler & Renner, 2007). Es wird angenommen, dass derartige affektive Komponenten im Kontext des hochautomatisierten Fahrens vor allem vom implementierten Fahrstil abhängen (Bellem et al., 2016). In einem theoretischen Ansatz zur Verbesserung des Fahrkomforts wird die Implementierung vertrauter (d.h. dem eigenen manuellen Fahrstil ähnlicher) Fahrstile empfohlen, um einen menschlichen Fahrzeugführer nachzuahmen und so Bedenken gegenüber einer automatisierten Fahrzeugführung abzubauen (Elbanhawi et al., 2015). Diesem Ansatz folgend wurden in Studie III die Effekte der Fahrzeugautomatisierung sowie der Ähnlichkeit des implementierten Fahrstils zum individuellen manuellen Fahrstil des jeweiligen Fahrers auf Fahrkomfort und Fahrspaß untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit höherer Automatisierung der Fahrkomfort älterer und jüngerer Fahrer anstieg, der Fahrspaß jüngerer Fahrer sich jedoch verringerte. Alle abhängigen Variablen wurden von einer vergleichbaren Interaktion zwischen Fahreralter und Fahrstilähnlichkeit beeinflusst: Während jüngere Fahrer hochautomatisierte Fahrstile bevorzugten, die ihren jeweiligen manuellen Fahrstilen ähnelten, präferierten ältere Fahrer im hochautomatisierten Kontext eher unähnliche Fahrstile. Dem entsprechend kann der Vertrautheitsansatz basierend auf den Ergebnissen von Studie III zumindest für jüngere Fahrer unterstützt werden, nicht aber für die Zielgruppe älterer Fahrer, deren manuelle Fahrstile durch Kompensationsstrategien zum Ausgleich altersbedingter Einschränkungen ihrer sensorischen, kognitiven und motorischen Fähigkeiten geprägt sind. Fahrstilpräferenzen im hochautomatisierten Kontext scheinen in dieser Altersgruppe mehr von dem Wunsch, einen von diesen Kompensationsstrategien unbeeinträchtigten Fahrstil wiederzuerlangen, geprägt zu sein als von dem Bedürfnis nach vertraut gestalteten Fahrmanövern.
Analog zur Evaluation des ARDs beinhaltete die Untersuchung Akzeptanz-bezogener Aspekte des hochautomatisierten Fahrens die Effekte von Systemerfahrung auf die Nutzerakzeptanz sowie potentielle altersspezifische Akzeptanzbarrieren. Einen systemspezifischen Designaspekt aufgreifend wurde zudem untersucht, ob die Nutzerakzeptanz des hochautomatisierten Fahrens ebenfalls durch den implementierten Fahrstil modifizierbar ist. Fahrer beider Altersgruppen berichteten tendenziell positive a priori Akzeptanzwerte, welche sich nach der Ersterfahrung mit dem System signifikant erhöhten und sich anschließend stabilisierten. Vergleichbar mit den Ergebnissen zum ARD war die positive Einstellung gegenüber der Nutzung eines hochautomatisierten Fahrzeuges bei älteren Fahrern im Durchschnitt stärker ausgeprägt als bei jüngeren, obwohl sie ihre Selbstwirksamkeit im Umgang mit dem System sowie unterstützende Umgebungsfaktoren als geringer ausgeprägt bewerteten. Bezüglich des hochautomatisierten Fahrstils unterlag die Systemakzeptanz derselben Interaktion zwischen Fahreralter und Fahrstilähnlichkeit wie Fahrkomfort und Fahrspaß.
Diese Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass Fahrzeugtechnologien auf verschiedenen Automatisierungsstufen effektive Ansätze zur Unterstützung der Individualmobilität älterer Personen liefern können. Die Mehrzahl der identifizierten Leistungs-bezogenen Verbesserungen zeigte sich sowohl für ältere als auch jüngere Fahrer. Diese Befunde weißen auf das Potential von Systemen, welche den Bedürfnissen älterer Fahrer entsprechen, zur Unterstützung verschiedener Altersgruppen hin. Die Ergebnisse der Akzeptanzperspektive deuten an, dass die evaluierten Systeme von Fahrern verschiedener Altersgruppen akzeptiert werden würden, was die Ergebnisse der Leistungsebene widerspiegelt. Die Vergleichbarkeit der Muster verschiedener Akzeptanzprädiktoren, welche für zwei Systeme auf grundlegend unterschiedlichen Automatisierungsstufen identifiziert werden konnten, legt die Existenz zugrundeliegender genereller Aspekte der Fahrzeugtechnologie-Akzeptanz älterer Fahrer nahe. Diese beinhalten deren stark ausgeprägtes Bedürfnis zur Erhaltung ihrer Individualmobilität sowie deren geringere Selbstwirksamkeit im Umgang mit relevanten Technologien und den unzureichenden Zugang zu unterstützenden Infrastrukturen. Diese Erkenntnisse liefern Implikationen für theoretische Modelle der Akzeptanz von Fahrzeugtechnologien durch ältere Fahrer sowie für Maßnahmen zur Absicherung einer erfolgreichen Entwicklung und Markteinführung von Systemen, die darauf abzielen, ältere Menschen beim Erhalt ihrer Individualmobilität zu unterstützen.
Berücksichtigt man die Bedeutsamkeit des Fahrens eines eigenen Automobils für das physiologische und psychologische Wohlbefinden im Alter (Adler & Rottunda, 2006; Lutin et al., 2013; Whelan, Langford, Oxley, Koppel, & Charlton, 2006), unterstreichen diese Ergebnisse das Potential neu entstehender Fahrerunterstützungstechnologien für die Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit, aber auch Lebensqualität älterer Menschen.
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The relationships between goal orientation, perfectionism, parental involvement, peer climate, enjoyment, and intention to continue in sport in children.Braddock, LaTisha Lynn 12 1900 (has links)
This investigation examined the relationships between parental involvement, peer-initiated climates, and perfectionism to goal orientation as well as children's enjoyment and the intention to continue playing sport in youth sport. Participants were 188 athletes, 100 boys (M = 12.06, SD = 1.06) and 88 girls (M = 12.18, SD = .73). The athletes completed the TEOSQ, Sport MPS, PIAS, and the PeerMCYSQ. Parental support and peer task environment was related to girls' and boy's task orientation. For boys, personal standards, parental pressure, and fewer concerns over mistakes, also were related to task orientation. Ego orientation was related to peer-initiated ego and task climates, for the boys. For the girls, higher personal standard was the only variable related to ego orientation. For enjoyment, task orientation was the strongest predictor for the girls and the only predictor for the boys for enjoyment. The fewer concerns girls had over mistakes the more enjoyment they reported. For girls and boys, intention to continue playing next season was predicted only by enjoyment. However, results were varied when intention to play next year was examined. For boys, no predictors were discovered whereas for girls, higher levels of enjoyment and task orientation, and lower levels of parental support and pressure related to intention.
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O estatuto contemporâneo das identificações em sujeitos com marcas e alterações corporais / The contemporary status of identifications in subjects with marked changes in the bodySiqueira, Elizabete Regina Almeida de 01 December 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-12-01 / In the context of hedonistic cult of the body and the rise of subjectivism will the top of the range of values of contemporary subjects, we detected the existence of a horizontal mode of identification with those who have the same traits of enjoyment, for example, among those that mark the body. From this perspective this study combines two elements: the body affected and the vicissitudes of identifications in times of weakness of symbolic consistent. We performed a clinical analysis from the assumptions of psychoanalysis of the speech data of four individuals who submit their bodies to tattoos and body changes. This research found three subjects for whom their bodies are the site of the passions that then fall as a way to appeal for a place and recognition of the Other, and a guy who has the peculiarity of their being anchored in your body changes and is identified with a emblem of joy / No contexto do culto hedonista do corpo e da ascensão do subjetivismo da vontade ao topo da escala de valores dos sujeitos contemporâneos, detectamos a existência de uma modalidade de identificação horizontal com aqueles que têm os mesmos traços de gozo, como por exemplo, entre aqueles que marcam o corpo. Partindo desta perspectiva este estudo articula dois elementos: o corpo marcado e as vicissitudes das identificações em tempos de fragilidade de referências simbólicas consistentes. Realizamos uma análise clínica a partir dos pressupostos da psicanálise dos dados de fala de quatro sujeitos que submetem seus corpos a tatuagens e alterações corporais. Esta pesquisa encontrou três sujeitos para quem seus corpos são palco de paixões que aí se inscrevem como forma de apelar por um lugar e pelo reconhecimento do Outro, e um sujeito que apresenta a peculiaridade de ancorar seu ser em suas modificações corporais e está identificado a uma insígnia de gozo
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