Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enthalpie"" "subject:"entalpia""
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Termochemické vlastnosti lineárních polynitraminů / Thermochemical properties of linear polynitraminesTeplá, Romana January 2011 (has links)
The work is focused on the obtaining thermochemical properties of the linear polynitramines to predict their detonation properties. The basic thermochemical parameters are enthalpies ?f H° (298,g) in the gas and solid phase as well. The values of the enthalpy in the gas phase were obtained at a theoretical level by quantum chemical DFT calculations using both an isodesmic reactions and direct thermochemical G-Gaussian recipes. Conversion to the enthalpy in the solid phase ?f H° (298,s) was carried out using sublimation enthalpies ?s H° (298,g) obtained on the empirical level. The results were mutually compared and correlated with the structure of the linear polynitramines.
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Parní turbina / Steam turbineVališ, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Goal of this dissertation is design of rotary reduction for entered input parameters that it is connected in parallel with reducing station. Further I´m looking into thermodynamic calculation of stage and chosen parts of turbine, making of project design of connection of rotary reduction to steam circulation. Dissertation is concluded by designed cross-section of turbine.
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Tepelný a pevnostní výpočet výměníku / Heat and stress analysis exchangerJedlička, Rostislav January 2011 (has links)
The main goal of master’s thesis is a propsal of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is double way of water side with the integrated air-vapor mixture cooler. Another aims are heat computation, heat loss computation, solidity dimensioning and selection of a material for a major selection. The last task is about detection of a vapor pressure trought the tube bundle.
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Parní kotel / Steam BoilerSkoupý, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the design of steam boiler like a supplement for cogeneration unit of biogas plant. The main idea is to use a waste heat from the exhaust gasses to produce a technological steam of required parameters. The thesis contains of a calculation an amount of the heat in exhaust gasses and a heat exchange surface. An Aerodynamic loss and a wall thickness of the boilers are verified by strength calculation in the next parts of this thesis. At the end of this thesis are made projection drawings and diagram, which are made of the calculations.
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Termochemie polydusíkatých heterocyklických sloučenin / Thermochemistry of high nitrogen heterocyclic compoundsBartošková, Monika January 2011 (has links)
The prediction of detonation properties of the new generation of high-nitrogen energetic materials (HNEM) is based on knowledge of their heats of formation, which are sum of values of particular nitrogen heterocyclic fragments. The diploma thesis describes theoretical calculations of heats of formation in gas phase ?f H°(298,g) for series of azines (number of N atoms 2-6) and azoles (number of N atoms 2-5) by means of quantum chemical methods. The semiempirical methods as PM3, DFT methods utilizing isodesmic approach and finally thermochemical G-recipes were used. All calculated values of heats of formation were scrutinized and for future application to HNEM materials the DFT B3LYP/cc-pVTZ method and thermochemical recipe T1 were recommended.
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Termochemické vlastnosti vysokodusíkatých energetických materiálů / Thermochemical Properties of High Nitrogen Energetic MaterialsBartošková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of the presented thesis is a theoretical study of heat of formation for high-nitrogen energetic materials. A modification of the classical approach to the isodesmic reactions is realized with the intent that molecules on both sides of the corresponding equation have not only the same number of atoms but also approximately the same size and skeletal similarity. This approach is designated as a method "Alternative Isodesmic Reaction (AIR method)". At its base, using the DFT B3LYP / cc-pVTZ and B3PW91 / cc-pVTZ, for the high nitrogen heterocycles, which are selected from the group of triazoles, triazines, tetrazines, the enthalpy of formation values the gaseous phase f H°(298,g), were obtained whose values are close to the published f H°(298,g). Their application in the calculation of the relevant characteristics of these heterocycles detonation gave real values.
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Řešení přenosu tepla tuhnoucí ocelové soustavy se změnou fáze při pohybujících se okrajových podmínkách / Heat transfer solution of solidifying steel system with phase change with moving edge conditionsFedorko, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je vytvoření 2D numerického modelu pohybujícího se řezu s proměnnými okrajovými podmínkami skutečné geometrie plynulého odlévání a chlazení předlitku v prostředí MATLAB. Model se zabývá vysoce nelineárními termofyzikálními podmínkami oceli během tuhnutí a chlazení. V práci je simulovaná nejen nelinearita termofyzikálních podmínek, ale také nelinearita při fázové změně. Fázová změna je modelovaná pomocí metody entalpie, metody zdánlivé kapacity a metody teplotního zotavení. Všechny výsledky práce jsou porovnány z více hledisek, jako např. z hlediska přesnosti, rychlosti výpočtu, nebo vhodnosti časového diskretizačního kroku pro nelineární problémy, a paralelizace.
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Optimalizace vzduchotechniky zimního stadionu / Optimization of air conditioning of the ice stadiumZach, Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into three parts: theoretical, calculation and experimental measurement. The issue of humid air and air-conditioning in winter stadiums is elaborately analysed in the theoretical part. In the calculation part, the dessertation focuses on the optimization of current draft of hockey hall air conditioning system. The hall is now in operation during the season, which means from September to March. In the dissertation are discussed two variants of the draft. The first variant is draft upgrade to year-round operation with condensing dehumidification. The second option is solved as a combination of air handler unit system and absorption dehumidification. This variant is also designed for seasonal and year-round operation of the ice rink. At the end of the dissertation are all of them compared in terms of annual costs. The experimental measurement is carried out on dehumidification of air from areas with high water gains, in this case swimming pool hall model. This problematics is solved by changing the speed of ventilator and using Peltier generator.
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Vliv obtokového součinitele na návrh a geometrii přímého výparníku pro chladící jednotku / The Effect of the Bypass Factor on Design and Geometry of the Evaporator for the Cooling UnitVytasil, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on effect of the bypass factor on design and geometry of the evaporator for the cooling unit of data centre. Effect of the bypass factor on individual design parameters is solved in detail. All dependendecies are captured by using graphs in which s placed a cement on that parameter. In part C, mathematical and physical solutions are demonstrated calculations and processes leading to the design of the exchanger. In the end, evaluation of the calculations is done and there is also showed possible improvements for the practise.
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