Spelling suggestions: "subject:"environmental 2analysis"" "subject:"environmental 3analysis""
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Omvärldsanalys delight : En studie av hur små till medelstora företag kan få igång ett omvärldsanalysarbeteAppelqvist, Oscar, Klåvus, Sara January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att kunna erbjuda små till medelstora företag förslag på lämpliga modeller och IT-stöd att använda till omvärldsanalys. Genom att föreslå modeller och IT-stöd samt hur de används kan företag upprätta ett omvärldsanalysarbete utan att hyra in extern hjälp. Större företag har ofta en större budget och även resurser som aktivt arbetar med att bevaka omvärlden. Den sortens resurser finns inte i mindre företag eftersom kostnaden att hyra in konsulter för hjälp med omvärldsanalysarbete är för hög. Det i kombination med att kunskap saknas om hur ett omvärldsanalysarbete kan genomföras resulterar i att det ofta inte blir av. Fyra omvärldsanalysmodeller valdes ut och testades vid workshoppar på två olika företag. Vid sidan av det har kompletterande intervjuer genomförts på tre företag samt att en studie av lämpliga IT-stöd för omvärldsbevakning upprättats. Undersökningen visade att en manual är den mest lämpliga presentationsformen för hur små till medelstora företag kan använda sig av utvalda modeller och IT-stöd vilket skulle bidra till att de inte behöver hyra in extern hjälp för att starta ett omvärldsanalysarbete. I manualen framgår också vilka omvärldsanalysmodeller och IT-stöd som funnits mest lämpliga för små till medelstora företag. / The purpose of this thesis is to offer models and IT-supportive tools for external business intelligence for smaller to medium sized businesses. Larger businesses often have more funds and resources that continuously work to monitor the surrounding environment. However, due to the fact that small businesses lack the time and knowledge to investigate external business intelligence sufficiently, and lack appropriate funds to hire a consultant, as they are too expensive, smaller businesses rarely ever have access to these resources. Four models for external business intelligence were chosen and tested in workshops with two different companies, three different companies were approached and participated in interviews, and a study on useful IT-supporting tools for external business intelligence was conducted. The study has shown that the most suitable way to display models and IT-supportive tools is with a manual that would assist smaller to medium sized businesses with external business intelligence without the need to hire external assistance.
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Méthodologies d’analyse environnementale des filières bioénergie : approches par analyse de cycle de vie et nouvelles approches spatiales / Environmental analysis methodologies of biofuels supply chains : life cycle analyses and new spatial approachesHeredia, Manuel 04 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à fournir des bases d’informations et des outils qui font actuellement défaut dans l’analyse environnementale des filières biocarburant, en particulier dans l’analyse de cycle de vie (ACV). Ce travail comprend deux volets complémentaires. Le premier volet s’intéresse aux filières biocarburants à l’échelle internationale. Une étude descriptive permet de définir le système PEC (Production, Elaboration, Consommation) pour représenter ces filières. Dans cette représentation, un outil de reconstitution des filières basé sur les flux d’échanges internationaux en bioproduits est développé. Appliqué aux consommations de biodiesel de l’Union Européenne (UE), cet outil montre que les surfaces agricoles mobilisées au sein l’UE passent de 72% du total en 2004 à 24 % en 2009. Les surfaces agricoles « distantes » (hors UE) sont à la fois mobilisées par importations de bioproduits (22 à 46%) et à travers les importations directes de biodiesel (0 à 40%). Cet outil produit des matrices d’allocations d’impacts basées sur les consommations nationales, utiles pour l’ACV. Le deuxième volet s'intéresse aux zones de production de matières premières en considérant une échelle locale afin d’intégrer leurs hétérogénéités spatiales et leurs spécificités territoriales. Les zones de production sont localisées dans les principaux pays producteurs approvisionnant les filières biocarburants de l’UE. L’examen de ces situations de production permet d’identifier la nature des impacts locaux in situ et d’en analyser la criticité en fonction du contexte national et territorial. Des approches spatialisées à partir de Systèmes d’Information Géographique (SIG) sont appliquées aux filières bioéthanol au Brésil. Ces approches aboutissent à la caractérisation des zones d’emprises dues aux unités de bioéthanol au Brésil, ainsi qu’à la mesure d’indicateurs propres aux différents bassins de production identifiés (stabilité spatiotemporelle de l’expansion de la canne à sucre). La compréhension des structurations et des interactions à l’échelle des filières couplée à la mise en œuvre d’approches spatialisées conduit à mieux prendre en compte les aspects spatiaux prépondérants dans l’analyse environnementale et les études ACV des biocarburants consommés en Europe. / This work aims to provide informations and tools that are currently lacking in the environmental analysis of biofuels, especially in the life cycle analysis (LCA). This work includes two complementary parts. The first part focuses on biofuels supply chains at international scale. A descriptive study allows us to define the PEC system (Production, Elaboration, Consumption) to represent these supply chains. A tool is developed to describe and quantify PEC entities from biofuel consumption to areas of primary crops production. This tool is applied to biodiesel consumption in the EU using bioproducts flows data taken from international trade databases. It shows that biodiesel consumption involves a rapidly growing contribution of crop areas outside the EU (Non-EU), increasing from 28% in 2004 to 76% in 2009. Non-EU crop areas are indeed simultaneously mobilised through imports of bioproducts (22-46%) and through direct imports of biodiesel (0-40%). This tool eventually produces allocation matrices, based on national consumption, which are useful for LCA. The second part focuses on primary crops areas by considering a local level in order to integrate their spatial heterogeneities and territorial specificities. Primary crop areas in major producing countries supplying EU's biofuel consumptions are localised. Examination of the production situation in important countries allows to identify the nature of in situ local impacts and to study criticality of impacts in the national and territorial context. Then, spatial approaches based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are applied to bioethanol industries in Brazil. In this approach, about 620 ethanol plants in Brazil are localised using GIS and their supply areas are characterised. This leads to the measurement of specific indicators, such as spatiotemporal patterns of sugarcane expansion. These results are a contribution to the understanding of the structure and interactions among supply chains and to a better consideration of the spatial aspects in environmental analysis and LCA studies of biofuels consumed in Europe.
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"Stad vid Strömmen – En studie i Norrköping om funktionens betydelse för en hållbar stadsutveckling"Öster, John January 2010 (has links)
Arbete som fokuserar på stadens fysiska strukturer samt stadens funktioner inom ett område i centrala Norrköping. I arbetet redovisas dels en allmänteoretisk beskrivning av begreppen hållbar utveckling, stadens fysiska strukturer och stadens funktion, och därefter en analys av det aktuella planområdet utifrån dessa aspekter. Inledningsvis återges grundläggande historie-, och nutidsbeskrivning av Norrköping samt problembeskrivning för det planområde som uppsatsen avser ge förbättringsförslag för. Uppsatser ger även fördjupad kunskap i såväl allmänteoretiska som platsspecifika ämnen så som hållbar utveckling, stadens fysiska strukturer, stadens funktion samt om medborgardeltagande. Informationen är hämtad hållbar utveckling, stadens fysiska strukturer, stadens funktion samt om medborgardeltagande. Det planförslag som presenteras i arbetet syftar till att itergrera de olika delarna i centrala Norrköping ur planeringssynpunkt samt ge ett tryggare och livligare centrum i Norrköping med ett ökat flöde av folk och där vissa kvarter inte bara passeras förbi obemärkta utan även ger invånarna anledning att stanna till. Planförlaget analyseras därefter utifrån både långsiktiga och kortsiktiga konsekvenser för samtliga olika faktorer som tagits upp tidigare. Här skall man tydligt kunna se hur väl planförslaget uppfyller sitt syfte. Dessutom presenteras en framtidsanalys för hur jag ser på stadens möjligheter att få en fortsatt hållbar stadsutveckling. / john_e_oster@hotmail.com
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Externhandel och minskad klimatpåverkanGrönlund, Linn, Åström, Anders January 2013 (has links)
I Sverige har handeln, sedan 60- och 70-talet, genomgått en omfattande strukturomvandling. Från att ha ägt rum i städernas centrum har den lokaliserats till allt mer perifera lägen - en trend som resulterat i de externa köpcentrum vi ser runt om i landet idag. Det kan konstateras att bilen spelat en stor roll i utvecklingen av externa köpcentrum; handelns omstrukturering hade inte kunnat ske om det inte vore för bilismens framväxt och den ökade mobilitet som den gav upphov till. I uppsatsens litteraturgenomgång konstateras att bilismen inte bara krympte avstånden utan även skapade nya, med en rad problem som följd, bland annat bilberoende transportstrukturer och negativ klimatpåverkan. Dessa transportstrukturer står i konflikt med miljökvalitetsmålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan, det miljökvalitetsmål som Regeringen anser är Sveriges högs prioriterade. Trots detta planeras och byggs externa köpcentrum runt om i Sverige idag. I uppsatsens fallstudie undersöks hur de externa köpcentrum Östra Torp i Uddevalla samt Haganäs i Älmhult planeras för gång-, cykel- och kollektivtrafikanter samt vilka hänsyn som tas till dessa transportmedel i planeringsfasen. För att kunna bedöma vilka hänsyn som tagits har en metod arbetats fram, vilken resulterat i en checklista innehållande viktiga planeringsprinciper för dessa transportmedel. Metoden baseras på vedertagna planeringsrekommendationer för gång-, cykel- och kollektivtrafik. Det kan konstateras att vid planeringen av de externa köpcentrum som undersökts har hänsyn tagits till gång-, cykel och kollektivtrafik, men detta har inte gjorts konsekvent, och således har planeringen brister som skulle kunna åtgärdas. Vidare kan konstateras att planeringen på området för det externa köpcentrumet främst utgått ifrån den bilburnes premisser vilket också har resulterat i en för externa köpcentrum karaktäristisk, bilorienterad utformning. Vidare undersöker uppsatsen hur dessa brister skulle kunna tillgodoses i ett avslutande gestaltningsförslag. Syftet är att visa på hur en alternativ planering skulle kunna gestaltas för att förbättra de fysiska förutsättningarna för mindre bilberoende trafikstrukturer och således resultera i resmönster vilka kan minska motsättningen mellan utformningen av externa köpcentrum och miljökvalitetsmålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan. Målet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, motsättningen mellan miljökvalitetsmålet Begränsad klimatpåverkan och externa köpcentrums utformning kan motverkas genom att planera externa köpcentrum enligt studerade planeringsprinciper för gång-, cykel- och kollektivtrafik. I uppsatsen konstateras att det går att planera externa köpcentrum på ett sätt som förbättrar de fysiska förutsättningarna för gång-, cykel och kollektivtrafik, samt visa på en metod för hur detta kan göras. Med checklistan som hjälpmedel skulle misstag kunna avhjälpas i ett tidigt planeringsskede. Efterkonstruktioner kan därmed undvikas och den fysiska miljön eventuellt bli bättre. Vidare kan konstateras att metoden som framtagits specifikt för denna uppsats, i form av checklistan, utgår ifrån generella normer och resonemang och kan därför användas vid planering av andra externa köpcentrum.
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Urban Agriculture : Sustainability MultiplierÅrevall, Agnieszka Janicka January 2013 (has links)
For some years now, the phenomena of urban agriculture have been present in the public discourse on cities and sustainability. It is often assumed that urban agriculture has the potential to contribute to an increased sustainability of the cities. However, many practical and theoretical obstacles might have to be overcome in order to realize this potential. One ambition of this thesis is to analyse urban agriculture as a “sustainability multiplier” – that is, as a practice that can positively affect a large number of dimensions of sustainability. Another ambition is to study how urban agriculture can contribute to lower the “ecological footprint” of our cities. Two concepts are essential in the discussion and have been given special attention in the thesis: “ecological footprint” and “sustainability”.
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Contribution of Tourism to the Sustainable Development of the Local Community : Case Studies of Alanya and DubrovnikBeban, Ana, Ok, Huseyin January 2006 (has links)
The Mediterranean is the world’s number one tourist destination and the biggest tourism region in the world, which has been visited by 260 million tourists in 1990 and what is more, it is expected that this number will increase to 655 million by the year 2025. In the last 10 years Croatia and Turkey became two of the most popular Mediterranean destinations, and joined the trend of a growing number of European cities that are promoting the development of tourism in order to overcome the post-industrial crisis, or as in the case of Croatia, the post-war crisis. Consequently, today both countries see tourism as their economic future. However, to achieve continuous and sustainable development of tourism, three interrelated aspects should be taken into consideration: economic, social, and environmental. The main question that we tried to answer is in what ways tourism is contributing to the sustainable development of the local community - based on the case studies of Alanya in Turkey, and Dubrovnik in Croatia. Both communities have experienced rapid development of the tourism sector in the last 10 years, which still seems to rise continuously. As a result, various impacts have occurred. Some of them are positive and there is an obvious contribution to sustainable development, while some of the impacts have negative influence on sustainability. Alanya is characterized by the 3S or mass tourism, while Dubrovnik is a world heritage city, which is offering cultural tourism. Notably, mass tourism in Alanya and cultural tourism in Dubrovnik have different impacts on a place. Although Alanya has the opportunity to diversify their tourism, mass tourism is still the main tourism activity. Since mass tourism generally involves a large number of people visiting a small area, it can change an area dramatically. What is interesting about Dubrovnik is that its tourism has suffered a series of devastating events throughout history, such as a major earthquake in 1979 and war between 1991 and 1995, which has left the local tourist economy in tatters. However, cultural tourism in Dubrovnik has been proven as a more sustainable type of tourism than the mass tourism in Alanya, which can be mostly seen through the environmental impacts. In Dubrovnik, tourism is used to increase environmental awareness of the local population, and moreover, the city has recognized the financial values of cultural sites, which are used for the protection and preservation of the heritage.While Dubrovnik is putting a lot of effort to preserve its culture and heritage, Alanya’s main aim is to attract more tourists. For that reason, Alanya is much more sensitive than Dubrovnik concerning the possible threats to become an overdeveloped and overcrowded destination. The rich cultural and historical heritage make Dubrovnik a special and unique tourist destination, and therefore it is facing less risk than Alanya that it will be replaced by the other destinations in the near future. What is important for both communities is to be aware that positive consequences of tourism can arise only if, and when tourism is carried out and developed in a sustainable way. In order to achieve positive correlation between tourism and the local community, an involvement of the local population is essential. In Dubrovnik, the local population has been already involved in the implementation of the tourism, but the potential is still not completely used and there is much more to be done. On the other hand, the priority for Alanya perhaps should be a development of the alternative types of tourism with the special focus on the cultural tourism, which would enable Alanya to become a year-round tourist destination and provide more jobs for the local population, as well as greater income for the community. Moreover, earned money could be used for the protection of the environment and cultural heritage, and involvement of the local population in the planning process would arguably lead to more sustainable tourism. / Ana Beban +385 98 389 420 +385 1 3768 230 anabeban@yahoo.com Huseyin Ok huseyinok@gmail.com
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Natura 2000- implementation and application in Sweden, Case study of Botniabanan and Tre TopparGomér, Johan Johansson, Wärneryd, Erika January 2009 (has links)
When Sweden first implemented Natura 2000 in 1995, it was done in a hurry and not all the information from the European Commission was interpreted as it was intended. The fact is that it took a long time for the authorities in Sweden to really understand Natura 2000 and its potential. The big break came in 2000 when the Swedish environmental Code was changed to match the regulations of Natura 2000. This created problems for already planned projects in Sweden that now had to follow the new rules. The implementation also provided the environmentalist management to advance at the expense of the spatial planning in a struggle about the governance over the landscape. In this thesis the Natura 2000 network is described as an instrument and compared to other nature protections in Sweden. The thesis also gives a description on how Natura 2000 is built up and how it was and is implemented in Sweden. The Environmentalist paradigm and planning paradigm are described and presented in the case studies Tre Toppar and Botniabanan. The development of the two cases is also described to get a picture of how differently they were managed and how different they turned out in the end. / Examination name of the thesis: Natura 2000- The implementation and the Use in Sweden, Case study of Botniabanan and Tre Toppar. Johan Johansson Gomér: +46703089306 Erika Wärneryd: +46735070737
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Tingsryds Travbana / The horserace track in TingsrydLaszlo, Johan, Persson, Mattias January 2004 (has links)
Our bachelor thesis is a visualisation made in 3D-graphics of how the horserace track in Tingsryd perhaps will look like in the future, complete with a miletrack, steeplechase, and other horserace courses. Today, the race track is only in it’s building phase. The inner field-group in Tingsryd needed presentation material to show their eventual sponsors, so they contacted us at Media Technology, and we instantly decided to give their idea a try. / Vårt examensarbete är en visualisering gjord i 3D-grafik av hur travbanan i Tingsryd kanske kommer att se ut i framtiden, komplett med milebana, fälttävlan, flera ridbanor o.s.v. Idag är travbanan endast i byggfasen. Innerplansgruppen från Tingsryd behövde presentationsmaterial att visa upp för sina eventuella sponsorer, så de kontaktade oss på Medieteknik, och vi hoppade genast på deras idé. / Detta är en reflektionsdel till en digital medieproduktion. Johan Laszlo, tel: 0454-18800, mob: 070-2666665. Mattias Persson, tel: 0454-14818, mob: 070-3456128.
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Renewable electricity generation in the Eurpean Union : Best practice, drawbacks and future challengesFleschurz, René Patrick January 2007 (has links)
This paper gives a general review on renewable electricity production in the European Union based on the example of Sweden, Denmark and Germany. It gives the answer to the question which forms of renewable electricity production are competitive in Europe and why. Furthermore it describes how and why renewables are used in different member states of the EU. This review is based on existing literature on the subject, statistical data of national and international organisations and departments as well as recent articles in journals and newspapers. As a result it becomes clear that there are different boundaries to the use of renewable electricity production in the EU due to specific demands for an economic use. But even though these demands are met, the success of renewable electricity production depends on several factors like the historic development and the supply of fossil resources, political support or external events such as the oil crisis. It also becomes clear that the use of renewables can cause environmental problems (hydropower) or problems in the field of security of supply (grid stability). One can draw the conclusion that countries with a continuous support system in the past are performing well in the objective to increase the share of power produced by renewables and serve as good example for countries lagging behind in this goal.
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Changing Climate; Bangladesh Facing the Challenge of Severe Flood Problems; A Comparison of Flood Management between Bangladesh and the NetherlandsBISWAS, KALLOL KUMAR January 2010 (has links)
Both Bangladesh and the Netherlands are the most flood prone countries in two continents Asia and Europe. Bangladesh is known to be highly vulnerable to floods. Frequent floods have put enormous constraints on its development potential. Unfortunately, the frequency of high intensity floods is increasing every year. So far the country has struggled to put a sizeable infrastructure in place to prevent flooding in many parts of the country with limited success. Where, the Netherlands has developed a massive success in their flood management. The paper will represents the present flood management situation of the two countries Bangladesh and the Netherlands and by making comparison of flood management between these two countries, give some recommendation for further flood management. Historically Bangladesh has developed the flood management laws but lack of implementation and continuous inconsistencies of these laws make Bangladesh backward in their flood management, in compare to the Netherlands. Bangladesh has been practicing the construction of earthen flood control embankments is an established practice for protecting people’s lives and homes, agriculture and infrastructures since the beginning of flood management. Where, the Netherlands has developed spatial construction to control flood and different strategies have been implementing to minimize the flood hazards according to their needs. On the basis of overall present situation in Bangladesh, the paper also tried to suggests some solutions to minimize the extent of flood hazards in the long run.
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