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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Changing the subject: First-person narration in and out of the classroom

Friedman, Susan 01 June 2007 (has links)
The effectiveness of first-person narration for self-transformation and social change is indicated by exploring connections between three emergent discourses: illness narratives and memoirs by rape survivors in which the subject speaks from a privileged yet socially marginalized position about life-altering experiences; clinical discourse that elaborates treatment methods for empowering trauma survivors and helping them reconnect with the social world; and scholarly discourse that reflects on the relationship between trauma, self-representation, witnessing, and recovery. Post-Foucauldian theories of life-writing illuminate how the author-subjects of survivor narratives discursively reconstruct their shattered subjectivity in a therapeutic relationship with themselves and their readers. Cognitive and pedagogy theory illuminate how first-person narratives can foster multiple intelligences. Data from the author's own teaching experience illustrates the strengths and potential pitfalls of first-person pedagogy. An abundance of memoirs have been written by rape survivors and by subjects with critical illness since the 1980s; in these texts, subjectivity is reconstructed, often with the result of empowering, validating, and reconnecting the writing subject to the social world from which she has become disenfranchised. College students analyzing these texts often feel sympathy for the autobiographical subject. In this way, first-person narratives foster a compassionate classroom environment, and are valuable tools for developing a student's emotional and cognitive capacities.Chapter One introduces my study and examines theoretical discourse concerning contemporary trauma narratives and autobiography theory. Chapter Two investigates sixteen rape memoirs using Judith Herman's Trauma and Recovery to trace how writing about trauma helps the subject heal from its effects. Chapter Three studies fifteen memoirs about critical illness to see how the subject employs warfare metaphors to describe the effects of illness on her body, and to portray herself as a hero figure. Chapter Four investigates the theoretical basis for employing first-person narratives in the college classroom to foster self-study, well-being, and empathy. Chapter Five presents data from my own teaching experience to demonstrate how incorporating first-person narratives into the college classroom does indeed foster self-study, well-being and empathy. As students come to see themselves as subjects of their own discourse, they also recognize and support another's right to work toward self-transformation.

Maištingojo anarchizmo ideologija G.Beresnevičiaus kūryboje ( ,, Ant laiko ašmenų‘‘, ,, Imperijos darymas‘‘, ,, Vilkų saulutė‘‘ ) / On the edge of time’’ ( ,, Ant laiko ašmenų’’ ), ,, The wolves’ sun’’ ( ,, Vilkų saulutė’’ ) and ,, Empire making’’ ( ,, Imperijos darymas’’ )

Meištininkaitė, Indrė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe analizuojama maištingojo anarchizmo ideologijos tema G.Beresnevičiaus eseistikoje. / The author of this work analysis the ideology of anarchism in G.Beresnevichius’ essay books. The following three books of the mentioned writer have been chosen, i.e. ,, On the edge of time’’ ( ,, Ant laiko ašmenų’’ ), ,, The wolves’ sun’’ ( ,, Vilkų saulutė’’ ) and ,, Empire making’’ ( ,, Imperijos darymas’’ ). The target of the work was to present the essayist’s books, which would help to point up and reveal the theme of rebellious anarchism. It was also important to realize, how the writer’s ideology reflects in separate thematic motives, which determined the following tasks; to find similarities with the ideology of anarchism in Beresnevichius books of essys by comparison, to analyze the explanation of Lithuanian national distinction, significance of the myth, criticism of today’s society, anarchistic approach to death, the concepts of freedom of populace and freedom of an individual and the importance of humor. The author suggested the conklussion of her research , that some features typical of anarchism ideology could be found in Beresnevichius’ essay books, as well as differences from that ideology. Key words: anarchism, rebellious, ideology, essay, myth, utopia, antiutopia, humor.

L'hétérogénéité de la vue et du toucher chez George Berkeley.

Deschênes, Jacques. January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Moteriškumo samprata ir raiška moterų eseistikoje: Virginia Woolf "Savas kambarys", Dalios Staponkutės "Lietumi prieš saulę" ir Giedros Radvilavičiūtės "Suplanuotos akimirkos" / Conception of femininity and its expression in the essays by women: Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, Dalia Staponkutė’s With Rain against the Sun, and Giedra Radvilavičiūtė’s Planned Moments

Dyčmonaitė, Rūta 17 August 2009 (has links)
V. Woolf esė knyga Savas kambarys laikoma knyga, kuri pirmoji geriausiai atspindi aktyvėjantį moterų išsilaisvinimo judėjimą. XIX a. prasidėjęs judėjimas išplito labai plačiai ir susilaukė stipraus atgarsio. Moterys buvo skatinamos siekti daugiau laisvių ir teisių. Apie tai kalba ir V. Woolf Savame kambaryje. Jos esė knygos pagrindinė mintis ta, kad norėdama kurti moteris privalo turėti penkis šimtus svarų per metus ir nuosavą kambarį. V. Woolf pasirinktas esė žanras buvo paskatinimas pasirinkti darbo analizei eseistiką. Buvo pasirinktos dviejų lietuvių moterų autorių esė knygos: D. Staponkutės Lietumi prieš saulę ir G. Radvilavičiūtės Suplanuotos akimirkos. Darbe siekiama išanalizuoti moteriškumo sampratą ir raišką šių moterų autorių eseistikoje. Akcentuojami komunikabilumo ir subjektyvumo aspektai, bei moters tapatumo išraiška. Komunikabilumas kiekvienos autorės parodomas skirtingai. V. Woolf daugiau dėmesio skiria pasakotojo paieškoms rasti dialogą su skaitytoju, o D. Staponkutė ir G. Radvilavičiūtė ieško kitokių komunikavimo būdų. Tam tinka laiškas ar dienoraštis. D. Staponkutė, G. Radvilavičiūtė kaip svarbiausias moters tapatumo išraiškas įvardina rašytojos ir motinos pozicijas. D. Staponkutei kaip vertėjai svarbi kalbos funkcija ir reikšmė žmogaus gyvenime. G. Radvilavičiūtei svarbūs motinų-dukterų vidiniai ryšiai. Be subjektyvumo ir komunikabilumo aspektų, eseistikai svarbi ir socialinė kritika. Socialinė kritika itin ryškiai atsiskleidžia moterų marginalume. Visų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / V. Woolf’s essay A Room of One’s Own – a book, which represents women’s liberation best of all. Liberation begun at XIX century and extended widely. Women were motivated to reach freedom and more rights than they had at that moment. It is the main aspect of V. Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own. The main idea of her book is that if a women wants to write, she must have five hundred pounds and own room. V. Woolf choose genre of the essay . It was stimulation to analyze essay genre at this work. Two essay book were choosen : D. Staponkutė’s With Rain Against the Sun and G. Radvilavičiūtė’s Planned moments. These books are analizing expression and conception by feminine. Emphasized subjects in these essays are communication, subjectivity and sameness of woman. Communication expression in all three essay books is different. V. Woolf pays more attention for searching a dialogue between the author and the reader. D. Staponkutė and G. Radvilavičiūtė in the essays were interested in unusual ways of communication. For this a letter and a diary were suitable. In G. Radvilavičiūtė’s and D. Staponkutė’s essays the sameness of a woman are expressed by the position of a mother and an author. The function of the language and its meaning in human life is very important to D. Staponkutė as a translator. G. Radvilavičiūtė is focused on the relantions between mothers and daughters. Social criticism is very important in essay genre. Narrator of all three essays feels out of centre because she... [to full text]

Att leva med ett syskon som lider av en ätstörning / To live with a sibling who suffers from an eating disorder

Callio, Carina January 2014 (has links)
Utifrån mina tidigare erfarenheter inom barnpsykiatrin tänker jag att syskon till psykiskt sjuka barn och ungdomar varit en exkluderad grupp som inte fått sitt utrymme inom vården. Det är av stor vikt att deras tankar och känslor blir belysta för att hitta sätt att möta upp denna grupp. I hälso- och sjukvårdslagen betonas barns behov av information, råd och stöd. Studiens syfte var att undersöka ungdomars upplevelser av att leva med ett syskon som lider av ätstörning. Tre pojkar och två flickor i ålder 15-20 intervjuades i studien. Som analysmetod användes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Morse och Field. Denna studie bekräftar tidigare kunskap om syskons erfarenheter av att leva med ett syskon som lider av en ätstörning. Syskonen beskriver en oro för systern och brist på information om syskonets sjukdom och behandling. De påverkas negativt av konflikter vid måltider och flera syskon beskriver att de känner skam över systerns sjukdom. Den här studien visar också på att det fanns skillnader i hur pojkarna och flickorna upplevde sin systers sjukdom. Flickorna upplevdes mer känslomässigt drabbade. Flickorna beskrev att deras vardag blivit starkt påverkad av systerns sjukdom, medan pojkarna beskrev att deras vardagsliv med kompisar och aktiviteter inte påverkades i större utsträckning.Ett resultat som framkommer som något nytt och positivt i studien är att flera ungdomar framhåller att familjens rutiner vid maten blivit något bra för dem, sedan deras syster påbörjat sin ätstörningsbehandling. Flickorna förmedlar att de kommit sin syster mer nära och att de känner mer samhörighet nu än innan systern fick sin ätstörning. Om föräldrarna förmår att skapa en god struktur och ett öppet och stödjande samtalsklimat vid måltider så kan de negativa effekterna för familjen minskas och behandlingen skapa ett tillfälle för hela familjen att hitta bra rutiner för familjens måltider. / In my experience siblings of mentally ill children and adolescents have been an excluded group within health care. It is of great importance that their thoughts and feelings are expressed in order to find ways to meet up this group. The health care law emphasizes children´s need for information, advice and support. The study´s purpose was to examine adolescents’ experiences of living with a sibling suffering from an eating disorder. Three boys and two girls in the age 15-20 were interviewed in the study. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. This study confirms prior knowledge of adolescents’ experiences of living with a sibling who is suffering from an eating disorder. The adolescents are concerned about their siblings and lack information about their siblings’ illness and treatment progress. They are negatively affected by conflicts at mealtimes and several siblings are feeling shame about their siblings’ illness. There were differences in how brothers and sisters experienced their sisters´ disease. The girls seemed to be more emotionally affected. The girls described that their everyday life had been heavily influenced of their sisters´ illness, while the boys described that their everyday life with friends and activities weren´t affected to a greater extent. One new result that emerges as something positive was that several informants described that the eating disorder had led to better meal situations in the family. Although the adolescents described initial conflicts around meal times, it appeared that ones the parents took control and organized family meals together the adolescents could see that this was beneficiary for the whole family. The sisters described that they felt more togetherness now than before the sister had her eating disorder. If parents are able to create a good structure and an open and supportive climate at meals the negative effects for the family may be reduced and treatment may create an opportunity for the whole the family to find good meal routines.

The influence of Lucretius' De rerum natura on Alexander Pope's An essay on man

Voss, Annemarie January 1980 (has links)
The Influence of Lucretius' De Rertun Natura and of its English translations by Thomas Creech and John Dryden on Alexander Pope's Essay on Man has not previously been adequately explored. As this thesis demonstrates, comparative analysis shows (1) that the Lucretiun poem is a model for Pope's manner of addressing the audience, for the pose of his speaker, and for his satiric and didactic style; (2) that the English translations of Creech and Dryden are sources of many verbal echoes and allusions and of a few rhymes; (3) that De Rerum Natura is the source of several controlling metaphors for the Essay on Man; (4) that similarities exist between the Lucretiun concept of order arising from disorder and Pope's concept of "discordia concors" and between the recognition of the cycle as the outer aspect of Nature in both poems; (5) that one of Pope's purposes is to refute the Epicurean religious beliefs professed by Lucretius; and (6) that a remarkable similarity exists between the ethical beliefs of Lucretius and those of Pope. The evidence suggests that De Reruzn Natura, and its translations by Creech and Dryden, should be considered major influences on Pope's An Essay on Man.

Essay Quality of Adolescents with Learning Disabilities: Does the Medium Improve the Message?

Jalbert, Rachel 02 January 2014 (has links)
Differences between handwritten and typed essays were examined in high school adolescents with a learning disability (LD) who have writing difficulties. Despite being experienced at writing on the computer and possessing fluent typing skills, there were no differences found between the quality of handwritten and typed essays. Essays were scored against quality indices for lower-level transcription (i.e., mechanics), higher-level text generation (i.e., organization, theme development, vocabulary), spelling accuracy, word count, and grammar. No differences were found across any of these dimensions between conditions. Correlations were also examined to determine any similarities, or differences in relationship among the measures, between the handwritten and typed conditions. Similar associations were found across both conditions for total essay score, lower-level transcription, and handwriting/typing fluency. However, higher-level text generation for typed essays correlated with the measures of working memory, lexical access, and spelling, whereas none of these measures correlated with the higher-level text generation for handwritten essays. / Graduate / 0525 / 0529 / 0710 / rachel.jalbert@gmail.com

Personal writing in the composition classroom : passport to success in an academic landscape /

West, Lane Phoenix, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Missouri State University, 2008. / "August 2008." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-88). Also available online.

Reconceiving the voice-to-style relationship in academic discourse a study of students' initial perceptions and emerging writing practices /

Martin, Eric V. Hesse, Douglas Dean. January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (D.A.)--Illinois State University, 1995. / Title from title page screen, viewed May 4, 2006. Dissertation Committee: Douglas Hesse (chair), Janice Neuleib, Maurice Scharton. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 178-182) and abstract. Also available in print.

Authority on the margin : the informal essays of Virginia Woolf, Natsume Sōseki, and Zhou Zuoren /

Baird, Daniel Dee. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2006. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-212). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

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