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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


09 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] É já notório o conhecimento de que o legado da cultura persa no período pós-exílico do judaísmo não pode ser desprezado, especialmente no final deste período, quando o gênero literário apocalíptico estava florescendo. A presente tese analisa a ressurreição individual no que tange às possíveis relações entre a religião persa e o judaísmo intertestamentário, bem como o cristianismo primitivo. Para tanto, o trabalho começa verificando as origens e desdobramentos do fenômeno apocalíptico. Em seguida, focaliza as conexões literárias que poderiam revelar as ligações entre persas e judeus: a tradição do Avesta antigo (especialmente o Yasna 30,7 e o Yasht 19.11.89) é cotejada com o texto de Daniel 12,1-3. Posteriormente, a possível conexão entre Daniel 12,1-3 e Mateus 27,51b-53 é analisada. O objetivo da tese é verificar em que medida o texto de Daniel refletiria um desenvolvimento dentro do judaísmo a partir do contato com a apocalíptica iraniana, bem como em que medida a origem da tradição presente na perícope mateana refletiria a ressurreição individual a partir da tradição de Daniel. A despeito das características próprias de cada texto, os pontos de contato são bastante plausíveis a partir do marco social, gênero literário e objetivo dos textos, especialmente entre Daniel e Mateus. A perícope mateana revelaria uma tradição daniélica, na qual a ressurreição foi vista como uma recompensa aos judeus que morreram em virtude da justiça divina. Como o redator em Daniel, o evangelista revela uma comunidade em conflito, agora com o judaísmo formativo; ela deixa transparecer uma crença em um reino messiânico que atende à expectativa de uma era escatológica que se inicia justamente na morte e ressurreição de Jesus Cristo. / [en] It is well known that the legacy of the Persian culture in the Jewish postexilic period cannot be despised, mainly in the end of this period, just when the apocalyptic literary genre was flourishing. This thesis analyzes the individual resurrection regarding to the possible relationships between the Persian religion and the intertestamental Judaism, as well as the Early Christianity. So, the work begins by reviewing the origins and development of apocalyptic phenomenon. Then, it focalizes on the literary links that could reveal the connections between Persian and Jews: the tradition of the Old Avesta (notably the Yasna 30:7 and the Yasht 19:11.89) is collated with the text of Daniel 12:1-3. Afterward, the possible connection between Daniel 12:1-3 and Matthew 27:51b-53 takes place. The aim of this work is to ascertain the extent to which the text of Daniel would reflect a development within the Judaism based on the apocalyptic Iranian features. After this, verify the extent to which the origin of the tradition revealed by the Matthean pericope would reflect the individual resurrection from the tradition of Daniel. In spite of the own features of each text, the contact points are quite likely from the social setting, literary gender and the aim of the texts, mainly between Daniel and Matthew. The Matthew s pericope would reveal a tradition drawn from danielic tradition, where the resurrection was seen as a reward to the Jews who died because of the divine righteousness. Like the editor of the text in Daniel, the evangelist reveals a community in conflict, now with the formative Judaism. His community presents a belief in a messianic kingdom that meets the expectation of an eschatological era that begins with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


DAVI ALVES MACANEIRO 04 April 2016 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo exegético trata da restauração de Judá-Jerusalém descrita em Jl 4,18-21. A partir de uma concepção unitária dos oráculos do yôm YHWH no livro de Joel, como um anúncio de juízo com duplo efeito, e da estrutura geral do livro como uma lamentação nacional (cf. Jl 1,1–2,18) seguida da resposta de YHWH (cf. Jl 2,19–4,21), compreende-se que a restauração de Judá-Jerusalém é o resultado previsto pelo juízo definitivo no yôm YHWH, consequência da presença salvífica de YHWH no templo e Sua resposta favorável à liturgia de lamentação suplicante realizada pela comunidade dos filhos de Judá. A unidade literária Jl 4,18-21 é apresentada como um oráculo salvífico com duplo anúncio. Nela, a restauração de Judá-Jerusalém é descrita como restauração escatológica da terra eleita e do povo eleito. Através de palavras chave , Jl 4,18-21 responde aos problemas retratados no livro: uma catástrofe agrícola (cf. Jl 1,2–2,27) e uma catástrofe política (cf. Jl 3,1–4,17). Além disso, sua estrutura formal reflete as duas etapas da resposta de YHWH a ambos os problemas: a restauração da terra (cf. Jl 2,18-27) e a restauração da nação (cf. Jl 3,1–4,17). Desse modo, pode-se compreender a densidade temática de Jl 4,18-21 e sua função conclusiva, retomando, sintetizando e finalizando as principais linhas temáticas do livro, e levando ao ponto mais alto a argumentação desenvolvida no livro inteiro. / [en] The following exegetical study presents the restoration of Judah and Jerusalem described in the passage Joel 4,18-21. Through a unitary conception from yôm YHWH s oracles on Joel s book, as a double effected judgment announcement, as well the general structure of the book as a national lament (cf. Joel 1,1–2,18) followed by the YHWH s answer (cf. Joel 2,19–4,21), it can be inferred that the restoration of Judah and Jerusalem is the expected result by the decisive judgment in yôm YHWH and consequence of the saviour presence of YHWH in the temple and his favourable reply to the Liturgy of Lament made by the community of the Judah sons. The literary unity Joel 4,18-21 is presented as a saviour oracle by the dual announcement: it describes the restoration of Judah and Jerusalem as an eschatological restoration of selected land and people. The passage Joel 4,18-21 answers the issues described on Joel s book through keywords: such as an agricultural disaster (cf. Joel 1,2–2,27) and a political failure (cf. Joel 3,1–4,17). Moreover, the formal structure of the passage reflects the two stages of YHWH s answer to both problems: the land s restoration (cf. Joel 2,18-27) and the people s restoration (cf. Joel 3,1–4,17). Thereby, it can be understood the diversity and complexity of themes in the passage Joel 4,18-21 and its conclusive function as it resumes, synthesizes and finalizes the main themes of Joel s book, furthermore, it raises the argumentation developed on the whole book.


LEANDRO EDMAR NANDI 30 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] Basta um olhar atento para perceber o impulso de violência que age como força destrutiva na humanidade e nas sociedades de todas as épocas. O violar e o corromper parecem ser traços constantes na vida social, desde suas formas mais expressivas até as mais sutis. Este trabalho adentra o texto de Gn 4,1-16, buscando compreender nele o drama de Caim que não consegue viver a fraternidade com seu irmão. Caim está presente, ao longo de gerações e no imaginário popular, como presença arquetípica do conflito do ser humano com o seu semelhante. Este personagem carrega em si o simbolismo das forças violentas e de suas consequências quando se permite que essas forças dominem sobre as ações. Por isso, sua figura perpassa o tempo, em sua sina, vagando errante em cada indivíduo confrontado com seus limites e seus impulsos. Conhecer os relatos bíblicos e seus significados permite aprofundar a própria história humana e suas relações com o sagrado e com o profano. Buscar as raízes significativas destes relatos é contribuir com um comunicativo canal capaz de trazer, para o homem hodierno, a sagrada sabedoria do antigo Israel, em seus paradigmas e em seus paradoxos. Desse modo, a investigação visa perceber quais são as forças motrizes que geraram a ação violenta no personagem de Caim, elucidando, assim, aspectos da origem da violência presente no ser humano. / [en] Just a watchful eye to realize the impulse to violence that acts as a destructive force in mankind and in society from all ages. Violating and corrupting seem to be constant traits in the social life, from their most expressive aspects to the most subtle ones. This paper enters into Genesis text, Gn 4,1-16, seeking to understand Cain s drama in which he cannot live fraternity with his brother. Cain is present throughout generations and in popular belief, as an archetypal presence of the conflict of the human being with his equal. This character brings in himself the symbolism of the violent forces and of its consequences when he allows these forces dominate over the actions. Therefore, his image permeates time in his fate, wandering vagrant in every person confronted with its limits and impulses. Getting to know the Biblical accounts and their meanings allows deepen the human history and their relations with the sacred and the profane. Seek for the significant roots of these Biblical accounts is to contribute with a meaningful channel capable of bringing, to the contemporary s man, the sacred wisdom of the ancient Israel, on its paradigms and paradoxes. Thereby, the investigation aim is to realize what are the driving forces that cause that violent reaction in Cain s character, elucidating, thus, aspects of the violence present in the human being.

Das Genfer Modell zur Diskursanalyse - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen seiner Anwendung in der Exegese des Neuen Testaments = The Geneva model of discourse analysis and its application to New Testament exegesis: potential and limitations

Wüsthoff, Cornelia 31 May 2007 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / The Geneva model of discourse analysis is a linguistic tool developed by Eddy Roulet and his team in Geneva. It was first presented in its modular approach in 1999. This dissertation examines whether the Geneva model can be applied to New Testament texts and whether this application yields results for exegesis. I first explain the model with its five basic modules and twelve organization forms, giving examples from German texts as well as simple New Testament examples. Then I apply the model to two New Testament texts (Rom 6:1,11 and John 8:31,42), summarizing the results in relation to exegesis at the end of each analysis. In the final chapter I discuss which parts of the Geneva model should generally be applied to New Testament exegesis, explaining its potential and its limitations and suggesting some areas in which the Geneva model could be complemented by other approaches. / Das Genfer Modell ist ein von Eddy Roulet und seinem Team in Genf entwickelter linguistischer Ansatz zur Diskursanalyse. Er wurde 1999 erstmalig in seiner modularen Auspragung vorgestellt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, ob dieses Modell auf neutestamentliche Texte angewendet werden kann und ob diese Anwendung einen Ertrag fur die Exegese bringt. Ich erlautere dazu das Modell mit seinen funf Grundmodulen und zwolf Modulverbindungen zunachst an deutschen und einfachen neutestamentlichen Beispielen. Sodann wende ich das Modell auf zwei neutestamentliche Texte an (Rom 6:1-11 und Joh 8:31-42). Am Ende jeder Anwendung fasse ich die Ergebnisse fur die Exegese dieser Texte zusammen. Im Schlusskapitel schliesslich erortere ich, welche Teile des Modells in der Exegese mit Gewinn eingesetzt werden konnen, wo Nutzen und Grenzen seiner Anwendung liegen und in welchen Bereichen das Modell durch andere Ansatze sinnvoll erganzt werden kann. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

DER WAHRE WEINSTOCK: DIE BEDEUTUNG DES WEINSTOCKMOTIVS IN JOHANNES 15:1-8 / The true vine : the meaning of the vine motif in John 15:1-8

Volker, Daniel 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Ziel der Forschungsarbeitet ist es, zu zeigen, dass die johanneische Weinstockrede das alttestamentlich und frühjüdisch geprägte Weinstockmotiv aufgreift und weiter entfaltet. So finden sich in Joh 15:1-8 die Beziehungsebene zwischen Gott und seinen Nachfolgern, die ethische Konnotation, der Gerichtsgedanke, der messianisch-eschatologische Aspekt und der Gedanke von Fruchtbarkeit und Fülle wieder. Es wird deutlich, dass sich in Jesus erfüllt hat, worauf die alttestamentlichen und frühjüdischen Schriften durch die Verwendung des Weinstockmotivs abgezielt haben: Er ist der angekündigte Messias, dessen Kommen Fülle mit sich bringt. Dies hat sich bereits durch Jesu erstes Zeichen, die Verwandlung von Wasser zu Wein (Joh 2:1-11), angedeutet. Neu ist der Gedanke, dass Jesus seine Nachfolger in sein Wirken mit einbezieht. Sie partizipieren an seiner messianischen Fülle und produzieren den Überfluss in Abhängigkeit von Jesus auch selbst mit. Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass die Jünger ihre enge Beziehung zu Jesus durch Gebet und das Einhalten seines Wortes aufrechterhalten und sich an seinem Vorbild orientieren. / The purpose of this thesis is to show that the Johannine vine speech takes up and further develops the vine motif of the Old Testament and early Jewish history. In John 15:1-8 we find emphasis on the relationship between God and his disciples, the ethical connotation, the warning of judgement, the messianic-eschatological aspect and the concepts of fruitfulness and fullness. I will show in this thesis, that the the Old Testament and early Jewish writings that use the vine motif are fulfilled in Jesus Christ: He is the announced Messiah, whose coming will bring fullness. This is already implied in Jesus’s first miracle, turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). What is new is that Jesus includes his disciples in his ministry. They participate in his messianic abundance and in dependence on Jesus they themselves produce abundance. The prerequisite for this abundant fruitfulness is a close relationship with Jesus through prayer, abiding in his word, and following his example. / New Testament / M. Th.(New Testament)

Das Genfer Modell zur Diskursanalyse - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen seiner Anwendung in der Exegese des Neuen Testaments = The Geneva model of discourse analysis and its application to New Testament exegesis: potential and limitations

Wüsthoff, Cornelia 31 May 2007 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / The Geneva model of discourse analysis is a linguistic tool developed by Eddy Roulet and his team in Geneva. It was first presented in its modular approach in 1999. This dissertation examines whether the Geneva model can be applied to New Testament texts and whether this application yields results for exegesis. I first explain the model with its five basic modules and twelve organization forms, giving examples from German texts as well as simple New Testament examples. Then I apply the model to two New Testament texts (Rom 6:1,11 and John 8:31,42), summarizing the results in relation to exegesis at the end of each analysis. In the final chapter I discuss which parts of the Geneva model should generally be applied to New Testament exegesis, explaining its potential and its limitations and suggesting some areas in which the Geneva model could be complemented by other approaches. / Das Genfer Modell ist ein von Eddy Roulet und seinem Team in Genf entwickelter linguistischer Ansatz zur Diskursanalyse. Er wurde 1999 erstmalig in seiner modularen Auspragung vorgestellt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, ob dieses Modell auf neutestamentliche Texte angewendet werden kann und ob diese Anwendung einen Ertrag fur die Exegese bringt. Ich erlautere dazu das Modell mit seinen funf Grundmodulen und zwolf Modulverbindungen zunachst an deutschen und einfachen neutestamentlichen Beispielen. Sodann wende ich das Modell auf zwei neutestamentliche Texte an (Rom 6:1-11 und Joh 8:31-42). Am Ende jeder Anwendung fasse ich die Ergebnisse fur die Exegese dieser Texte zusammen. Im Schlusskapitel schliesslich erortere ich, welche Teile des Modells in der Exegese mit Gewinn eingesetzt werden konnen, wo Nutzen und Grenzen seiner Anwendung liegen und in welchen Bereichen das Modell durch andere Ansatze sinnvoll erganzt werden kann. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

Lehrmethoden Jesu in der Matthäischen darstellung unter der Betrachtung der Methoden der Erlebnispädagogik

Hagel, Matthias 09 1900 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German and English / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 204-212) / Das Matthäusevangelium ist in seiner literarischen Form eine Erzählung. Jesus und die Bedeutung seines Lebens sowie der göttlichen Sendung bilden dabei die zentrale Rolle. Die narrative Exegese ist somit für die Untersuchung der Lehrmethoden Jesu in der Darstellungsweise von Matthäus besonders dazu geeignet, die Lehrmethoden zu analysieren und literarisch zu charakterisieren. Eine Untersuchung der Lehrmethoden Jesu zeigt, dass Jesus auf besondere Art und Weise die Jünger schult, begleitet und herausfordert. Dazu werden zentrale Texte aus dem Matthäusevangelium, in denen die Lehrmethoden Jesu und der Lernprozess der Jünger deutlich werden, zunächst identifiziert, eingegrenzt und narrativ untersucht. Mit diesen Ergebnissen werden in einem weiteren Schritt die Lehrmethoden Jesu mit erlebnispädagogischen Methoden verglichen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden die Darstellung und Charakteristik der Lehrmethoden Jesu erarbeitet, um so mögliche nicht-offensichtliche Bedeutungen der Darstellung von Jesu Lehrtätigkeit und seinen Methoden zu entdecken. / The Gospel of Matthew is a narrative in its literary form. Jesus, the meaning of his life, and his divine mission constitute the central message of the Gospel of Matthew. The narrative exegesis of Matthew is especially suited to the analysis and literary characterization of the teaching methods of Jesus. Numerous passages show what special methods Christ used to instruct, accompany, and challenge his disciples. Essential passages of the Gospel of Matthew which reveal the teaching methods of Jesus and learning process of the disciple are first identified, then narrowed down, and finally analyzed in their narrative. The results of Jesus’ teaching methods are subsequently compared with contemporary experiential education. The presentation and characteristic of the teaching methods of Jesus are compiled in this manner in order to discover possible non- obvious meanings in the account of the teaching of Jesus and his methods. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

Die Gemeinde und ihr Verhältnis zur Welt nach dem Johannesevangelium: eine exegetische Studie zur narrativen Ekklesiologie im Johannesevangelium / The church in its relationship to the world according to the Gospel of John: an exegetical study on the narrative ecclesiology in the Gospel of John

Lanket, Jakob 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit geht der Frage nach, ob und wie im JohEv ein ekklesiologisches Konzept präsentiert wird. Dazu gehört auch die Wahrnehmung der Strategie, mit der das JohEv sein Konzept von Gemeinde darzustellen bzw. seinen Adressaten zu vermitteln beabsichtigt. Der Aufbau dieser Untersuchung ist der narrativen Struktur und Charakteristik des JohEv angelehnt. Mithilfe der Zusammenstellung und Anwendung eines narrativen Analyseverfahrens wird das JohEv als literarisches Werk wahrgenommen. Dies führt zunächst zur Bestimmung des Leitthemas des JohEv: Gottes Offenbarung in dem von ihm gesandten Sohn, Jesus. Darauf aufbauend wird herausgearbeitet, wie die Reaktionen auf dieses Offenbarungsgeschehen gemäß des JohEv ausfallen. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse lässt sich feststellen, was Gemeinde und Welt wesensmässg kennzeichnet und was ihr Verhältnis zu einander ausmacht. Ferner zielt die Forschungsarbeit darauf ab, die gewonnenen Untersuchungsergebnisse – über ihre wissenschaftlich-theoretische Dimension hinaus – auf ihren möglichen Nutzen für die gegenwärtige Gemeindearbeit hin zu beleuchten. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)


EDNEA MARTINS ORNELLA 09 October 2013 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho estuda o texto de Jó 14,13 17, considerando sua data de redação, de forma a permitir a compreensão do contexto e consequente significado teológico. Com a datação do texto, as fontes históricas, bíblicas e não bíblicas permitem concluir o contexto histórico, econômico, social e religioso da época, e suas implicações na vida do povo de Israel. Comenta-se o significado dos termos e expressões usados no texto poético. Estabelece-se, então, o que motivou o autor a desejar ser escondido no sheol, por tempo determinado, até YHWH desistir de sua ira e voltar a se recordar dele. Analisa-se, também, como a doutrina da retribuição influenciou o conflito que surgiu no meio da comunidade e como ele foi enfrentado. A poesia de Jó 14,13 17 é parte do esforço desenvolvido para solução dos conflitos sociais causados pela miséria e sofrimento do povo. Enquadra-se no contexto do trabalho pastoral que conclamou a classe social alta a uma atitude de solidariedade, como resposta à convocação de YHWH ao homem. / [en] The present paper studies the text of Job 14 two point 13 17, taking into account the time and the context in which it was written in order to allow the understanding of its theological significance. Given the information on the text dating, historical, biblical and non-biblical sources establish the historical, economic, social and religious context of that time, and its implication on the lives of the People of Israel. The meaning of terms and expressions are analyzed in the poetic text. This study establishes what prompted the author’s wish to be hidden in Sheol for a given time, awaiting for the divine wrath to end, of provided that YHWH could still remember him. This paper also analyses how the doctrine of retribution influenced the conflict that arose in middle of the community and how it was faced. The poetry of Job 14 two point 13 17 is part of the effort to solve social conflicts caused by the misery and suffering of the people. This text falls within the context of the pastoral work developed, which urged the upper class to show an attitude of solidarity as a response to the summons of YHWH to man.

„Geschrieben um Unsertwillen“ (Römer 4,24)? : die Verweise auf die Vergangenheit Israels in der Argumentation des Römerbriefs / „Written for our sake“ [Romans 4:24]? : Paul’s references to Israel’s past in the rhetoric of Romans

Lüling, Manuel 10 1900 (has links)
Text in German / An drei Stellen im Römerbrief verweist Paulus auf die Vergangenheit Israels: auf Abraham in Röm 4,1–25, auf Abrahams Nachkommen, Mose und Pharao in Röm 9,6–18 und auf Elija in Röm 11,1–10. Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die Bedeutung dieser Verweise auf die Vergangenheit Israels für die Argumentation des Römerbriefs. Nach der Analyse der rhetorischen Situation und der Einordnung der relevanten Stellen in die rhetorische Makrostruktur des Briefs werden alttestamentlicher Kontext und frühjüdische Rezeption der rezipierten Ereignisse untersucht. Auf diesem Hintergrund werden die drei Passagen detailliert betrachtet, indem der Argumentationsgang untersucht und die mögliche rhetorische Wirkung auf die Adressaten aus sechs unterschiedlichen Perspektiven analysiert wird: mit hoher Schriftkenntnis, mit geringer Schriftkenntnis, aus jüdischer, nichtjüdischer, christlicher und stadtrömischer Perspektive. Auf diese Weise können unterschiedliche Aspekte der leserseitigen Rezeption differenziert wahrgenommen werden, bevor sie zu einem Gesamtbild zusammengeführt werden. / New Testament

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