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Idea-Generation: Exploring a Co-creation Methodology Using Online Subject Matter Experts, Generative Tools, Free Association, and Storytelling During the Pre-Design PhaseUng, Teresa 31 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Desenvolupament d'un sistema de suport a la decisió ambiental per a la gestió de les infraestructures hidràuliques, amb l'objectiu de garantir la qualitat de l'aigua a la Conca del BesòsDevesa i Peiró, Francesc 24 March 2006 (has links)
Aquesta tesi presenta un projecte de gestió integral d'infraestructures hidràuliques de sanejament a la Conca del riu Besòs. S'han considerat dos sistemes de sanejament (La Garriga i Granollers) amb les seves respectives xarxes de clavegueram i Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals (EDAR), i un tram del riu Congost, afluent del Besòs, com a medi receptor de les seves aigües residuals. Amb aquesta finalitat es construeix i s'utilitza un Sistema de Suport a la Decisió Ambiental (SSDA). Aquesta eina incorpora l'ús de models de simulació de qualitat de l'aigua pels sistemes de clavegueram, EDAR i riu, com a forma d'extracció de coneixement sobre la gestió integrada d'aquests elements. Aquest coneixement es conceptualitza, posteriorment, en forma d'arbres de decisió, que proporcionaran a l'usuari les actuacions a realitzar davant de les diferents situacions reals de gestió diària. / This thesis presents an integrated management project for hydraulic sanitation infrastructures at the basin of the River Besòs. Two sanitation systems were taken into account (La Garriga and Granollers) with their respective sewage systems and Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), and one stretch of the River Congost, a tributary of the Besòs, as a receptor environment for their waste water. To this end, an Environmental Decision Support System (EDSS) was constructed and used. This tool incorporates the use of water quality simulation models for the sewage systems, WWTP and river as a means of obtaining knowledge about the integrated management of these elements. This knowledge is later conceptualised in the form of decision trees, which provide the user with the interventions to be carried out when faced with the various real situations which arise in day-to-day management.
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研發取得策略的績效意涵:理論與證據 / Performance Implications of R&D Sourcing Strategy: Theory and Evidence陳玉麟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討研發取得策略,情境因子,研發人力資本,與公司績效之間的關聯性。藉由理論模型的推導與實務訪談研發中心主管來發展假說,進而以混合資料模型(pooled data models)與橫斷面資料模型來進行實證分析。主要結果為:當公司的研發多樣化程度較高,專利權數目較少,公司較可能採取內外部研發並進策略(R&D hybrid strategy),而非完全內部研發策略(make strategy)。最重要地,過度/低度的外部研發取得(under-/over-external R&D sourcing)對於公司績效有負/正向影響。相較於會計績效,此效果對市場績效的影響尤其顯著。同時,研發取得策略對於公司績效的影響,取決於公司的研發人力資本。相較於採取完全內部研發策略的公司,為了吸收外來的異質技術,採取內外部研發並進策略的公司較可能聘任不同研發種類的研發人員;而如此的研發取得策略與研發人力資本契合將進而改善會計與市場績效。本研究的發現與交易成本理論與supermodular理論一致。如同預期,相較於橫斷面資料模型,本研究的實證分析在混合資料模型較為顯著。 / The association between performance and R&D sourcing strategy in relation to contextual variables and R&D human capital is determined by the analytical model coupled with field interviews with directors or managers in R&D centers. Capitalizing on a unique database of the 2001-2003 Taiwan Industry R&D Investment Survey containing more detailed information available on the R&D activities to verify this association, the researcher tests the empirical results by cross-sectional and pooled data models. The findings are that an innovating firm will prefer to implement the R&D hybrid strategy when the higher degrees of R&D diversity and fewer counts of patents are exhibited. Perhaps most importantly, this study shows compelling evidence that over-/under-external R&D sourcing affects negatively/positively a firm’s performance. This effect is more significant in the market-based performance (Tobin’s q and average two-year Tobin’s q) than accounting-based performance (ROS and ROA). Moreover, the associations between R&D sourcing strategy and a firm’s performance are contingent on the use of R&D human capital. Innovative firms with the R&D hybrid/make strategy are more/less prone to employee diverse types of R&D experts to absorb the coming external knowledge, and such alignment between R&D sourcing strategy and R&D human capital thus improves both accounting- and market-based performance. The results are consistent with both transaction cost paradigms that discriminating alignment of transactions with strategy leads to more efficient outcomes, and the supermodularity model that a firm’s performance is a function of coherent alignment between strategy and structural elements of an organization. As predicted, these effects are noticeable and more pronounced in the pooled data model than in the cross-sectional design.
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Transnational Career Service Conference 201408 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The Transnational Career Service Conference took place at Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, 20 – 22 March 2014. About 60 Career Service professionals from nine European countries got together to pursue one goal: to strengthen the bonds between Career Services from all over Europe in order to provide students with even more opportunities for a successful career entry.
Published in these conference proceedings are project reports as well as workshop summaries in order to provide a larger audience with the most interesting input and promising ideas from a large number of European Career Service experts. / Vom 20. - 22. März 2014 fand die Transnational Career Service Conference an der Technische Universität Chemnitz statt. Rund 60 Hochschulvertreter aus neun europäischen Ländern kamen mit dem Ziel zusammen, das Netzwerk der Career Services in Europa zu stärken und Studierenden künftig noch mehr Möglichkeiten für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg zu bieten.
In Vortragssessions und Workshops wurden Erfahrungen ausgetauscht und Ideen für gemeinsame Projekte auf transnationaler Ebene gesammelt, die in diesem Tagungsband publiziert werden.
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Koupání dětí v krytých bazénech / Bathing of children in indoor swimming pools.OHEROVÁ, Martina January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with bathing children, especially infants and toddlers, in indoor swimming pools. It focuses primarily on the potential health and hygiene risks of this activity. It is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part provides a deeper insight into the field of artificial swimming pools, is dedicated to current as well as first ever legislation, in more detail is dedicated to the hygienic requirements for swimming pools according to Decree no. 238/2011, as amended; describes the process of pool water treatment, provides an overview of possible types of disinfecting pool water treatment and comparison within the advantages and disadvantages, describes indicators of water quality and their importance, and mostly focuses on hygienic and health risks in connection with the visit of indoor pools. Gives examples from practice (epidemic), mentions the most common sources of pollution including the most common violations of visitors. The theme of hygienic and health risks is then divided according to the origin of risk to the microbiological part (dedicated to infectious agents), to chemical part (disinfection by products) and to the part of accident risks and risks associated with the water temperature. The thesis is also keenly interested in the views of experts for bathing children, especially infants and toddlers, in indoor artificial pools. Research in the practical part was made by a qualitative method using secondary data analysis (operational and guest regulations, operational logbooks for 2015, the results of laboratory analysis of pool water for the 2015, laws and decrees), participant observation and interviews. The research was conducted in indoor swimming pools in towns Jihlava and Prachatice, which run swimming courses for infants and toddlers as well as for older children. For research, I set the following goals: C1: To monitor the microbiological and the physical-chemical indicators of the pool water quality in relation to Decree no. 238/2011 Coll., as amended, in pre-selected artificial indoor pools during annual operation. C2: To focus on the health status of children (infants and toddlers) in swimming classes. C3: To find out the knowledge and attitudes of visitors (parents) and trainers in the field of hygiene principles for swimming in artificial pools and risks arising from them. Based on the targets I have set the following research questions: V1: Are the monitored microbiological and physico-chemical water quality limits exceeded, and if so, which and under what circumstances? V2: What health problems, if they occured, did infants and toddlers after regular visits of indoor pools have ? V3: Are these children suffering from allergic diseases, and if so, from what type? V4: What knowledge and attitudes do visitors (parents) and lecturers in the field of hygienic principles for swimming in artificial pools and potential risks have? This thesis may serve the general public to extend the knowledge in the field of bathing (not only the children) in artificial pools and to give a view on this subject from different perspectives, as well as operators of swimming pools as an information material.
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Vztahy československého a kubánského filmového průmyslu v šedesátých letech / Czechoslovak-Cuban Cinematic Cooperation in the 1960sMatušková, Magdaléna January 2017 (has links)
The study analyzes the largely understudied cinematic cooperation between Czechoslovakia and Cuba in the first decade following the Cuban Revolution. It is based mostly on archival documents from the former Central Directorship of Czechoslovak State Film, the ministry of education and culture and the ministry of foreign affairs. Several chapters also draw from oral history, data collected from series of interviews with Cuban technicians and artists who have worked in Cuban cinema since the 1960s as well as Czechoslovak experts who worked at the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Arts and Industries in the 1960s. The Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (CICAI), founded in March 1959 shortly after the triumph of the Revolution, faced a shortage of human and material resources since its inception. The film industry, which had been mostly in the hands of the Americans before 1959, lost much personnel due to mass emigration. Later on, due to the American blockade and embargo, it also lost its most important provider of films, material and equipment. The majority of CICAI's technician and artists were just starting and were lacking in technical knowledge required to make films. Czechoslovak State Film (CSF) offered extensive help to Cuban cinema, especially in the area of developing the...
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Transnational Career Service Conference 2014: Project Reports | Workshops | ResultsGenz, Christian 08 July 2014 (has links)
The Transnational Career Service Conference took place at Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, 20 – 22 March 2014. About 60 Career Service professionals from nine European countries got together to pursue one goal: to strengthen the bonds between Career Services from all over Europe in order to provide students with even more opportunities for a successful career entry.
Published in these conference proceedings are project reports as well as workshop summaries in order to provide a larger audience with the most interesting input and promising ideas from a large number of European Career Service experts. / Vom 20. - 22. März 2014 fand die Transnational Career Service Conference an der Technische Universität Chemnitz statt. Rund 60 Hochschulvertreter aus neun europäischen Ländern kamen mit dem Ziel zusammen, das Netzwerk der Career Services in Europa zu stärken und Studierenden künftig noch mehr Möglichkeiten für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg zu bieten.
In Vortragssessions und Workshops wurden Erfahrungen ausgetauscht und Ideen für gemeinsame Projekte auf transnationaler Ebene gesammelt, die in diesem Tagungsband publiziert werden.
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Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest productsBrites, Alice Dantas 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.
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Monitoramento dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da comercialização de produtos florestais não madereiros / Monitoring the ecological and socioeconomic effects of the commercialization of non-timber forest productsAlice Dantas Brites 13 October 2010 (has links)
A comercialização de produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNMs) popularizou-se como atividade promotora do desenvolvimento socioeconômico de comunidades florestais com baixo impacto ambiental. Há evidências, contudo, de que a exploração possa produzir efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos negativos, sugerindo que é necessário monitorar tais iniciativas. A comercialização frequentemente ocorre em áreas remotas e em contextos de pobreza, como é o caso de muitas daquelas da Amazônia brasileira. Desta forma, é necessário que o monitoramento restrinja-se a avaliar os efeitos evidenciados como mais comuns em estudos anteriores. Este estudo revisa e sintetiza as evidências científicas dos efeitos da exploração de PFNMs sobre parâmetros ecológicos e socioeconômicos e, a partir daí, indica aqueles mais relevantes ao monitoramento. O estudo também levanta até que ponto o monitoramento é implementado no contexto da Amazônia brasileira e avalia quais os parâmetros importantes e viáveis de monitoramento neste caso específico. Para isso, foram realizadas revisões sistemáticas da literatura e a consulta a profissionais da área através do método Delphi. Os resultados indicam que efeitos ecológicos negativos são frequentes, principalmente quando se coletam folhas ou cascas. Alterações em órgãos ou processos fisiológicos e a taxa de sobrevivência dos espécimes explorados são parâmetros que devem ser monitorados, em particular quando se coletam frutos e partes vegetativas. Para todos os tipos de PFNMs, o tamanho e a estrutura populacional são parâmetros prioritários ao monitoramento. A riqueza de espécies da comunidade explorada merece atenção, principalmente quando se coletam frutos. Para os aspectos socioeconômicos, efeitos positivos foram mais frequentes que negativos. A contribuição da renda monetária obtida com o comércio na renda total, a regularidade de ingresso desta renda e o papel dos PFNMs como recursos de salvaguarda são parâmetros do capital financeiro prioritários ao monitoramento. Para o capital social, o empoderamento feminino, a coesão de grupo e o acesso aos benefícios gerados pela comercialização devem ser monitorados. Na Amazônia brasileira são poucas as iniciativas de implementação do monitoramento da comercialização de PFNMs. Embora este seja considerado importante, existem dificuldades que derivam principalmente da falta de apoio institucional, políticas de incentivo e de recursos financeiros. Os profissionais participantes do Delphi consideram que os parâmetros ecológicos mais importantes a monitorar neste contexto são o tamanho e a estrutura populacional do recurso explorado, o aumento da taxa de mortalidade, a quantidade total de recurso extraída e a técnica de coleta utilizada. Para os parâmetros econômicos, aspectos do mercado, como o preço pago ao coletor, a demanda e a qualidade do produto, bem como a renda monetária obtida pelos indivíduos são os parâmetros considerados mais importantes. Por fim, para os aspectos sociais, os efeitos na cultura, na qualidade de vida e na organização interna da comunidade foram priorizados. Os profissionais indicam que é viável estabelecer o monitoramento dos parâmetros levantados. / Amazon, non-timber forest products, ecological effects, socioeconomic effects, monitoring.
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