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Vývoj proexportní politiky v ČR od r. 1993 / The development of the export support policy in the Czech republic since 1993Strakošová, Lada January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the development of the support of exports in the Czech republic. The Czech republic is a relatively small country which means it needs international trade to be able to satisfy domestic demand because of the lack of resources. In the early 90's the Czech republic was a transforming economy with no measures of export support. Because the czech exporters needed the public support to succeed on foreign markets, all the financial and non-financial measures of the export support had to be implemented from the beginning. To support the export, the country concluded contracts about trade liberalisation, provided information and assistance services for exporters and provided also financial and insurance services with the state assistance. The thesis is divided into several parts according to the periods of implementation of the export support. In the first two periods till 2002 there was not a unified system of providing the export support, the state institutions did not cooperate enough and the whole support system has been developing till the present. Since 2003 the Czech republic has had a conception of the export support that stipulates conditions of functioning of the export support system and it includes the ways how to improve this system.
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Srovnání systémů podpory vývozu v ČR a SRN / Comparison of export supports in the Czech Republic and GermanyDuchečková, Dana January 2010 (has links)
First part of the theses deals with mutual trade between the Czech Republic and Germany. There are specified single instruments of pro-export policy and importance of the EU, Consensus OECD and the Berne Union in the area of export support. Second part describes export support system in the Czech Republic, its strategy, institutions and offered services. Third part deals with export support in Germany, its programmes and institutions. In forth part, comparison of both export support systems in both countries is conducted. Regarding the orientation of the theses on institutions providing export credit instance, last part involves also a practical example of export insurance.
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Vliv krize na státní finanční podporu exportu v ČR / The impact of the crisis on the state export credit support in the Czech RepublicKohlmann, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of the world economic crisis on the state export credit support in the Czech Republic. The thesis describes the structure of export support in the Czech Republic and in the practical part it describes the impact of the crisis on the activities of EGAP between the years 2007 and 2014. Based on the course of the chosen company indicators, the thesis proves the anti-crisis character of the company.
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Srovnání systémů podpory exportu v České republice a v Německu / Comparison of export supports in the Czech Republic and in GermanyHrubá, Marie January 2008 (has links)
First part deals with different schools of economics, their characteristics and approaches towards international trade and export support. Second part deals with the system of international trade, its organization and related obligations. Third part deals with the Czech Republic, its foreign trade, history of export support and current system of export support. Fourth part deals with Germany, its foreign trade, history of export support and current system of export support. In last part is conducted comparison of both systems of export supports.
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Strategické trhy pro české exportéry: země MERCOSUR, Mexico / Strategic markets for czech exporters: MERCOSUR countries, MexicoNovák, Patrik January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis are countries in Latin America, specifically Mexico and the member states of the economic integration MERCOSUR, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Paraguay and Uruguay, their foreign trade and economic relations with EU, Czech Republic respectively and the state support for exporters. The goal is to characterize the selected countries and their standings within the region and towards EU/CZ, to classify their trade relations and identify perspective export-oriented branches and to enumerate services and advantages for Czech exporters through state export support. To achieve these objectives many statistics have been used, in particular: demographic structure, GDP structure, history of the balance of trade, product grouping of exports a.o. Analysis showed that the degree of difficulty for Czech exporters to penetrate the markets of Mexico and MERCOSUR member states differs greatly. Perspective export commodities are transport vehicles, processing machinery and manufactures. The possibility to use services of the state export support is specific to each country. Mexico and MERCOSUR, based on the total value of mutual trade, are not the most significant trade partners of the Czech Republic, they, however, hold considerable potential.
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Government Export Support in a Global EraMolnar, Krisztina January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) / Globalisation in general and trade liberalisation in particular have impacted on many areas of industrialised governments’ foreign economic policy. Export support is an area which is inevitably affected by trade liberalisation, as governments are expected to decrease their intervention into exports in the name of barrier-free(er) trade. However, if one considers that the 1990s and 2000s have seen governments expanding their trade promotion agencies, increasing funding for export support provision and developing a range of new export support programmes, it is easy to recognise that government export support seems to have grown, rather than diminished over the past decade. This thesis investigates the complex influences of the world trade regime, to create a nuanced picture within globalisation theories - which ultimately explains the paradox of growing government support in the era of deepening trade liberalisation.
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Government Export Support in a Global EraMolnar, Krisztina January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) / Globalisation in general and trade liberalisation in particular have impacted on many areas of industrialised governments’ foreign economic policy. Export support is an area which is inevitably affected by trade liberalisation, as governments are expected to decrease their intervention into exports in the name of barrier-free(er) trade. However, if one considers that the 1990s and 2000s have seen governments expanding their trade promotion agencies, increasing funding for export support provision and developing a range of new export support programmes, it is easy to recognise that government export support seems to have grown, rather than diminished over the past decade. This thesis investigates the complex influences of the world trade regime, to create a nuanced picture within globalisation theories - which ultimately explains the paradox of growing government support in the era of deepening trade liberalisation.
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Existence EGAP pohledem tržních a státních selhání (přínosy a náklady EGAP z pohledu České republiky) / The existence of EGAP in relation of market and state failures (costs and benefits of EGAP for Czech Republic)Pýcha, Mikuláš January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on an issue regarding the state interventions into market economy and provides the explanation, how does different economic ideas approach this issue and whether they support or deny the state interventions. It focuses in detail on support that is provided towards exporting companies. Czech Republic has two export credit agencies, firstly Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation (EGAP) and secondly Czech Export Bank (CEB). This diploma thesis analyses only EGAP´s structure and quantifies the impact of its existence on Czech economy. In a first part we analyze historical evolution of ideologies that deals with state interventions and market failures in connection with support for exporters. It continues by description how international institutions like WTO or OECD work. Rules for export credit agencies, which summarize Consensus OECD, are closely analyzed. From this point forward the practical part begins to focus on EGAP´s structure. Firstly we describe the mechanism of support through the specific insurance products for exporters, following by analysis of uncommon structure of premium rate. The diploma thesis presents EGAP´s different approach in areas of regulation, structure of shareholders and uncommon risks insuring from regular commercial insurance company. In the last part we describe the procedure of evaluating the output of EGAP´s support for its whole existence. The analysis measures the profits and losses in related areas that were supported by EGAP´s insurance products. Mainly these areas are following: Accumulated loss of EGAP, The amount of profit amongst supported exporters, The amount of profit amongst financing banks and in the end the analysis of the positive impact on the unemployment in Czech Republic. The result should show, how convenient is for government to possess such an institution, especially nowadays when all developed countries do own similar institutions.
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Podpora exportu ze strukturálních fondů Evropské Unie / Export support from the EU Structural FundsHynková, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The first chapter discusses the EU Regional policy. The second chapter deals with practical implementation of Structural Funds support in the Czech Republic. Chapter 3 sums up tools used to support export from EU Structural Funds in the Czech Republic. Chapter 4 concentrates on recent state export support in the Czech Republic. The last chapter summarizes the results of my own research among aid beneficiaries from the Marketing programme.
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SMEs in Foreign Trade of the Czech Republic / SMEs in Foreign Trade of the Czech RepublicRichter, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the question of export support for small and medium enterprises in the context of international trade of the Czech Republic. It presents a comprehensive study of the development of foreign trade of the Czech Republic since 1993 to the present, focusing especially on the role of small and medium-sized enterprises and their importance for the whole economy. Fruther it maps the availability of both state and private export support services which are consequently compared with actual needs, identified through own research among small and medium-sized enterprises. On these basis possible modifications leading to more efficient and transparent system are recommended with ambitions to improve the export performance of small and medium-sized enterprises.
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