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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rättigheter för ledningar : en studie av upplåtelseformer för ledningar i Göteborgs Stad / Legal rights for conduits : a study of forms of tenures for conduits in the City of Gothenburg

Eklund, Josefin, Kjörk, Ida January 2009 (has links)
Detta examensarbetes syfte är att fördjupa våra kunskaper om ledningsrätt och alternativa upplåtelseformer för ledningar samt att undersöka hur dessa används i praktiken. Inledningsvis redovisas de olika upplåtelseformerna: servitut, ledningsrätt och olika typer av nyttjanderätter. Servitut och ledningsrätt är upplåtelseformer som är obegränsade i tid, medan nyttjanderättsupplåtelserna lägenhetsarrende, anläggningsarrende och annan nyttjanderätt är begränsade på kortare eller längre tid. Denna del avslutas med en enkel skiss över de olika formernas för- och nackdelar ur ett mark- respektive ledningsägarperspektiv. Därefter följer en del som behandlar vilka intressen som bevakas samt vilka upplåtelseformer som föredras av olika intressenter. Denna del är baserad på intervjuer med nio företrädare för olika bolag och förvaltningar med verksamhet i Göteborg. Här redovisas även en del av de avtal som finns i dagsläget. Vid intervjuerna framkom att ledningsägare är intresserade av att få långvarigt skydd till låg ersättning och därför ur den synvinkeln ser ledningsrätt som en önskvärd upplåtelseform. Denna form används dock mycket sällan inom kommunalägd mark i Göteborg då företagen vill undvika tvångsåtgärder och kommunen generellt sett är negativt inställd till att låsa upp mark genom att den belastas med rättigheter som är obegränsade i tid. Kommunen erbjuder sig istället att upprätta nyttjanderättsavtal. Hur dessa sedan utformas är en förhandlingsfråga som avgörs från fall till fall. Även om avtal i stor utsträckning har kunnat upprättas är de i samtliga fall kompromisser. I enstaka fall har inte ens avtal kunnat upprättas då parternas intressen står för långt ifrån varandra. Vår slutsats är därför att vi ser ett behov av en förändrad lagstiftning. Det saknas ett mellanting mellan nyttjanderättsavtal, helt baserade på frivillighet, och ledningsrätt som i sin nuvarande form är problematisk eftersom den ger fördelar för den ena parten på den andras bekostnad. / The aim of this thesis is to expand our knowledge of way-leave and other forms of tenures for conduits and to study how they are adopted in practice. By way of introduction the various forms of tenures; easement, way-leave and different types of usufructs are described. Easement and way-leave are forms of tenures not limited in time, whereas usufructs as leaseholds are limited to longer or shorter periods. This part of the thesis is concluded by a short summary describing the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of tenure seen from the perspective of the landowner and that of the owner of the conduit. This is followed by a part showing which interests are guarded by the different parties and which form of tenure they prefer. This part is based on interviews with nine representatives from different companies and committees in Gothenburg. Some of the agreements that are in use are also described. During the interviews it became clear that the owner of the conduits main interests lie in reaching agreements that guarantee a long term legal protection at a low-cost and thus they see the advantages of way-leave. Despite this, way-leave is seldom used regarding land owned by the City of Gothenburg since the companies prefer to avoid tenure with compulsory elements. Furthermore the municipality is generally negative towards locking land by allowing rights unlimited in time. The municipality offers usufruct agreements as an alternative. How those are worked out in detail is negotiable and differs from case to case. Even though agreements are often reached they are always compromises. In some exceptional cases agreements have not been established as the parties have been too far apart. Therefore we have come to the conclusion that there is a need for new legislation. There is presently no cross between usufructs, wholly based on voluntary agreements, and way-leave which, in its present form, is problematic since it gives advantages to one on the expense of the other.

Förutsebarhet i blandavtal kring ersättning förrörelseskada enligt det indirekta besittningsskyddet / Forseeability in compensation for business damage in mixed contracts wheresecurity of tenure has been acquired

Lövrup, Sten, Hagforsen, Martin January 2010 (has links)
De hyresrättsliga reglerna innehåller stränga skyddsregler för lokalhyresgäster. Genom det indirekta besittningsskyddet ges en lokalhyresgäst rätt till ersättning motsvarande skadan av att verksamheten inte kan fortgå när uppsägningen anses obefogad. Hyresgästen skall alltså ekonomiskt sättas i en position som om uppsägningen inte ägt rum. Beräkning av ersättning för hinder eller intrång i näringsverksamhet, så kallad rörelseskada, vid obefogad uppsägning görs enligt 12 kap. 57 § och 58 b § 2 st. JB. Den mest förekommande metoden för att beräkna rörelseskada är avkastningsvärdeberäkning. Denna metod ger ett nuvärde som i princip skall motsvara rörelsens förväntade framtida vinster. I normala fall kan detta ge en rimlig värdering men det kan också bli orättvist när det kommer till blandavtal med hyresmoment. Blandavtalen innehåller delar som inte kan sägas vara direkt hänförliga till hyreslagstiftningen. De vanligaste blandavtalen vari hyresmoment kan ingå torde vara franchiseavtal och centrumavtal. Blandavtalen, särskilt franchiseavtal, skiljer sig från rena hyresavtal på sådant sätt att det mer liknar ett samarbete med ett ömsesidigt beroende. Ett avtalsförhållande som blandavtalen innebär, kräver därmed mer komplicerade avtal. Flexibiliteten som kan behövas för att få dessa avtal att få den verkan som parterna har tänkt är dock svår att uppnå om hyreslagstiftningen skall tillämpas på avtalsförhållandet. Högsta domstolen har utarbetat en praxis som ser blandavtalen som ett enda avtal vilket skall hänföras till hyreslagstiftningen, den så kallade enhetslinjen. I Solvallamålet, NJA 1971 s. 129, gavs en möjlighet att ett blandavtal skulle hänföras till annat än hyra om hyresmomentet var av klart underordnad betydelse. Detta har tolkats strikt. I ett franchiseförhållande kan enhetslinjen medföra att hela samarbetsförhållandets värde räknas in i en beräkning av rörelseskada. Detta kan i många fall bli orimligt. I två senare rättsfall[1] har dock, när det gäller beräkningen av ersättning för rörelseskada i franchiseförhållande, domstolarna valt att inte tillämpa enhetslinjen fullt ut. Observeras bör dock att de två senare rättsfallen rörde ett mycket speciellt franchiseförhållande med bensinstationer. Vi anser därför att förutsebarheten fortfarande inte är helt tillfredsställande på området. Därav har vi utarbetat alternativa tillvägagångssätt som kan ge vägledning i hur man bör tänka vid utformande av ett blandavtal med hyresmoment, för att ersättning vid obefogad uppsägning inte skall utgå med hela blandavtalets värde. Vi har beskrivit tillvägagångssätt för att separera avtalen genom olika bolagskonstruktioner samt ett sätt att göra blandavtalet till ett bolagsavtal. Syftet med att separera avtal är att på så sätt skilja de delar som inte är direkt hänförliga till hyreslagstiftningen från själva hyresmoment. Därigenom kan man undkomma att rörelseskadan beräknas på delar som hänförs till annat än hyresmomentet. I förhållanden där samarbetet är av större värde än själva hyresmomentet kan det vara bättre att utforma blandavtalet som ett bolagsförhållande. Räknas hyresmomentet som ett underordnat moment i bolagsförhållandet eller kan omständigheterna i övrigt anses avvika från vad som är normalt vid hyra - skall inte hyreslagstiftningen tillämpas. [1] NJA 2007 s. 1080 samt Göta hovrätts dom 2001-10-04, T 79-01.

Evaluation of Integrated Land Development Approaches:Application of Multi-Attributed Decision-Making Methods

Chen, Deng-Hui 16 July 2002 (has links)
ABSTRACT Land resources are the foundation of national development. The land resources in Taiwan in limited, and with the population growing as well as rapid economic development, the demand for land increases, resulting in overload of land uses. In addition, due to lack of appropriate allocation of land resources to development and of comprehensive planning, the current uses of land resources do not appear reasonable. In order to put national policy into practice, enhance efficient use of land resources, and complement national socioeconomic development, under the guideline of equity distribution of land rights (efficient use of land and equity distribution of land benefits, the government crafts land comprehensive plans and encourages private sectors to provide land and capital, to collaboratively participate in public investments to achieve the goals of national policy. In view of the current institution of land use development, development overrides planning in land use systems, focusing on pursuing of efficiency. In the long run, this practice is confined by inflexibility of zoning, failing to fit the need of socioeconomic development. There is a need for a policy of planning leading development to solve various land use problems. In many land use development cases, the government should make choices, i. e., in developing land, alternatives must be considered. The research explores the meaning and use of multi-attribute decision making techniques and decision analysis, explains through several development measures the basic theories and characteristics for comparisons, and establishes development orientations and policies issues for cross-national examinations of land development experiences and practices. Based on the analytic hierarchy process, the research conducts a questionnaire survey of experts and scholars to evaluate land comprehensive development measures. The findings from the research are as follows: 1.National land development should balance among ecology, living, and production. 2.Planning leading development should be the land use policy to achieve the goals of urban planning. 3.The goals of land comprehensive development should be grounded on urban comprehensive development. 4.Factors that affect land development include citizens¡¦ rights, construction effects, financial burden, and market demand, which in turn have significant influence on solving urban and regional development. 5.According to the survey, with respect to achieving the goal of urban comprehensive development, the ranking of the weights of the factors in Item 4 is construction effects, citizens¡¦ rights, market demand, and financial burden. 6.The result of the evaluation suggests that to achieve urban comprehensive development, the ranking is zone expropriation, development permit, urban renewal, and urban land consolidation.

Das Reichskommissariat für die Behandlung feindlichen Vermögens im Zweiten Weltkrieg : eine Studie zur Verwaltungs-, Rechts- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands /

Lindner, Stephan H., January 1991 (has links)
Diss.--Philosophische Fakultät für Geschichts- und Kunstwissenschaften--München--Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 1991. / Bibliogr. p. 173-178.

Expropriation Law: Velasco resurrected (Thanks Humala!). Registry Qualification died (Thanks to whom?) / Ley de Expropiaciones: Velasco Resucitó (¡Gracias Humala!). Murió la Calificación Registral (¿Gracias a quién?)

Ortiz Pasco, Jorge 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes two central points, which are the expropriation from a criticism on what the new Expropiation Law indicates; and from that law, the author will refer about the role of registration qualification and how it has developed in practice. Finally, the author concludes three important issues that they have been derived from the analysis of the law, and presents the conclusions through a critique to the issue of property in our country. / El presente artículo realiza un análisis sobre dos puntos centrales, que son la expropiación a partir de una crítica a lo que señala la nueva Ley de Expropiaciones; y a partir de dicha Ley el autor también se referirá sobre la función de calificación registral y cómo esta se ha desarrollado en la práctica. Finalmente, el autor concluye tres temas importantes derivados del análisis a dicha norma, y presenta las conclusiones haciendo una crítica al tema de la propiedad en nuestra en país.

The Decision to Expropriate / La Decisión de Expropiar

Mejorada Chauca, Martín 12 April 2018 (has links)
Property rights represent the maximum power over a good. This is the essence of that right. However, beyond that base is possible a greater or smaller degree of limitation, according to the legal system and the prevailing ideology in the Constitution. the author argues that it is essential to tie the concept to the prevailing economic system, because in a closed economy we can tolerate greater limitations on this right that in an open economy. Peru, certainly, changed its model to an open economy in 1993, when it limited the possibility of expropriation. However, this does not ensure eradication of different readings under the veil of a social interest, so the expropriation is only justified for the author if“its realization will positively affect to the entire society”. / Los derechos de propiedad representan el máximo poder sobre un bien. este es el contenido esencial de tal derecho. sin embargo, y más allá de aquella base, es posible su mayor o menor limitación, de acuerdo al sistema legal y a la ideología imperante a la hora de formular la carta magna que lo acogerá. el autor sostiene que es fundamental atar el concepto con el régimen económico imperante, pues en una economía cerrada se pueden tolerar mayores limitaciones a este derecho que en una economía abierta. el Perú, ciertamente, cambió su modelo al de una economía abierta en 1993, por lo que limitó la posibilidad de expropiar. Sin embargo, esto no asegura la erradicación de lecturas diferentes bajo el velo de un interés social, por lo que la expropiación solo se justificará, para el autor, si “su realización interesapositivamente a la sociedad toda”.

L'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique de 1833 à 1935 : législation, doctrine et jurisprudence avec des exemples tirés des archives de la Moselle et de la Meurthe-et-Moselle / Taking over real estate for a public purpose from 1833 to 1935 : legislation, doctrine and case-law with examples from the Departemental Archives of Moselle and Meurthe-et-Moselle

Goma Mackoundi Loembet, Rodrigue 16 December 2010 (has links)
La pratique des expropriations dans les départements de la Moselle et de la Meurthe-et-Moselle confirme que seuls l'État, les départements et les communes usent des prérogatives de puissance publique en vue de contraindre les propriétaires à céder les biens qui leur appartiennent pour l'exécution d?un travail public. Les travaux relatifs aux voies ferrées font cependant apparaître deux grands expropriants à savoir l'État et la compagnie des chemins de fer de l'Est. Cette dernière obtenait par la concession le droit d'exproprier des terrains situés sur le tronçon de Frouard à Metz en direction de Sarrebrück. Les acquisitions de terrains sont assujetties à l'accomplissement de certaines formalités établies par la loi du 3 mai 1841. Les formalités qui transforment parfois l'administration en mandataire de la compagnie concessionnaire demeurent soumises au contrôle minimaliste du juge judiciaire afin de confirmer ou d'infirmer la régularité de la procédure, condition sine qua non de toute expropriation. Les acquisitions de terrains sont également subordonnées au paiement préalable des indemnités dues aux propriétaires expropriés. Les indemnités sont fixées, à défaut de convention amiable, par un jury des propriétaires critiqué par les auteurs comme plus protecteur des intérêts particuliers que des deniers publics. Nos recherches révèlent en revanche que les indemnités fixées par les jurés lorrains sont raisonnables, mais élevées dans certains cas. Ces indemnités sont fixées parfois plusieurs mois après après le jugement d'expropriation ou l'accord amiable entraînant diverses réclamations des propriétaires lorrains. / The practice of expropriations in the departements of Moselle and Meurthe-et-Moselle proves that only State, departements and communes exercise public authorities prerogatives in order to oblige landowners to transfer their property for the execution of public work. However, works relating to railways let appear two persons exercising prerogative of public authorities, namely, State and Eastern railways company. By contract for public works the last one got the right to expropriate plots of land situated on the section between Frouard and Metz to Sarrebrück. The purchases are subjected to the accomplishment of some formalities prescribed by the law of the 3rd may 1841. The formalities changing administration (general government) to mandator (authorized agent) of statutory company are subjected to the minimalist control of the judiciary judge in order to confirm the regularity of the procedure, which is a sine qua non condition for all taking over of real estate for a public purpose. The acquisitions are subordinated to the prepayment of indemnities for expropriation payable to landowners expropriated. In case of lack of amicable arrangement, the indemnities for expropriation are assessed by a valuation board in expropriation proceedings composed by landowners, which is judged by the authors as more protector of private interest than publics finance. Our researchs reveal in return that indemnities fixed by the jurors in Lorraine are reasonable, but they are high in some case. The indemnities are sometimes fixed several months after the expropriation order or the amicable arrangement, which generate several complaints from landowners.

Clash of the Titans : A study of the interaction between environmental regulations and foreign investment protection in the context of indirect expropriation

Roa, Scarlett January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

O regime jurídico da propriedade produtiva no direito brasileiro

Souza, Marcos Rogério de [UNESP] 09 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-03-09Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:30:52Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_mr_me_fran.pdf: 874819 bytes, checksum: 1b1b42425f4461978bb736e84ab9aeaf (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa analisa o regime jurídico da propriedade produtiva no direito brasileiro. Sustenta a tese de que a propriedade produtiva deve respeitar todos os elementos que integram a função social do imóvel rural, sob pena de desapropriação para fins de reforma agrária. Isso porque, na Constituição de 1988, a função social penetra o interior do domínio do proprietário, definindo o conteúdo do direito de propriedade. O produtivo, que qualifica a propriedade, deve levar em consideração todo o sistema constitucional, e não apenas um ou outro dispositivo; é perpassado por todas as normas que definem o regime jurídico da propriedade, em geral, e do imóvel rural, em particular. Assim, os elementos da função social da propriedade agrária o econômico (aproveitamento racional e adequado), o ambiental (utilização adequada dos recursos naturais e preservação do meio ambiente) e o social (observância das normas que regulam as relações de trabalho e exploração que favoreça o bem-estar dos proprietários e trabalhadores) integram o conceito de produtividade. A propriedade será produtiva quando for socialmente produtiva, ou seja, sempre que respeitar os elementos ambiental, econômico e social da função social do imóvel rural. / This study analyzes the legal framework of the productive property in the Brazilian law. It supports the thesis that the productive property must respect all the components of the social function of agricultural property, under penalty of expropriation for land reform. As expressed in the Constitution of 1988, the social function is part within the property, defining the content of property s legal right. The condition of productive, that characterizes the property, must take into account the whole constitutional system, and not just one or other device; it goes through all the norms that define, in general, the legal regime of property, and, particularly, the agricultural property. Therefore, the components of the social function of agricultural property as the economic (rational and proper use), the environmental (proper use of natural resources and environment preservation) and the social (accordingly to the norms that rule labor relations and exploit that favors a good relationship among employers and employees) components integrate the productivity concept. The property will be productive when it is socially productive, that is, whenever respects the environmental, economic and social elements of the social function of agricultural property.

Expropriação e governança corporativa: definição do potencial de expropriação dos acionistas controladores e correlação com os mecanismos de governança corporativa / Expropriation and corporate governance: definition of expropriation potential of controlling shareholders and correlation with corporate governance mechanisms

Elaine Silva Baía 29 September 2010 (has links)
Este estudo objetiva definir uma metodologia para cálculo do potencial de expropriação de fluxo de caixa dos acionistas controladores sobre os acionistas minoritários e correlacionar esse potencial com os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa (GC) comumente citados, de forma a verificar se tais mecanismos realmente influenciam nos níveis de expropriação das empresas de capital aberto no Brasil. Para tanto, apresenta três etapas: 1) definição de uma metodologia para cálculo do potencial de expropriação de fluxo de caixa dos acionistas controladores; 2) mensuração do potencial definido para as empresas que realizaram operações de alienação/venda de controle acionário no Brasil nos anos de 2004 a 2010 conforme prerrogativas da Instrução CVM nº 361/2002, a qual exige que as empresas publiquem, dentre outros dados, o preço ofertado pelo controle; e 3) correlação do potencial de expropriação calculado com os mecanismos de Governança Corporativa mais citados para analisar a efetividade destes no combate à expropriação. Por meio de deduções algébricas para a definição do potencial de expropriação e análise multivariada de dados (regressões múltiplas) para a análise da correlação entre este e os mecanismos de GC destacam-se os seguintes resultados: 1) a definição de uma próxi viável para o cálculo do potencial de expropriação e 2) a expropriação de fluxo de caixa é determinada pelo free float das ações ordinárias, pelo porte do ativo, pelo Return on Equiy (ROE), pela composição da Diretoria Executiva e da presidência do Conselho de Administração e pelos Níveis de GC da Bovespa. As relações entre o potencial de expropriação e as suas variáveis determinantes são: o potencial de expropriação é menor quanto menor for o free float, quanto maior for o porte do ativo, em empresas nas quais o Diretor Executivo e o Presidente do Conselho são a mesma pessoa e nas empresas com níveis de GC da Bovespa, sendo baixa a representatividade dessas duas últimas devido ao baixo número de empresas na amostra com tais características. Tais relações contrariam a teoria corrente, principalmente quanto à influência do free float, que é apontado como uma forma de minimizar o problema da expropriação, sendo até mesmo exigido em níveis diferenciados de governança como forma de limitar o risco da empresa, porém consistente com os resultados obtidos no decorrer da dedução do potencial de expropriação. / This study means to define a methodology to calculate the expropriation potential of cash flow by controlling shareholders over minority shareholders and to correlate this potential with Corporate Governance (CG) mechanisms commonly cited in order to verify if these mechanisms influence levels of expropriation of Brazilian publicly traded companies. For both, has three steps: 1) definition of a methodology to calculate the expropriation potential of cash flow by controlling shareholders; 2) mensuration of the defined potential for companies that sold or alienated their control in Brazil in the years 2004 to 2010 as prerogatives of CVM Instruction nº 361/2002, which requires that companies publish, among other data, the price offered by the control; and 3) correlation of expropriation potential with Corporate Governance mechanisms more cited to analyze their effectiveness to reduce the expropriation. By means of algebraic deductions and multivariate analysis (Multiple Regression) for correlation analysis of it and the Corporate Governance mechanisms, highlight the following results: 1) the viable definition of a proxy to calculate the expropriation potential and 2) the cash flow expropriation is determined by the free float of ordinary shares, by Return on Equity (ROE), by asset size, by the composition of Executive Direction and the Chairman of the Board and by CG levels according Bovespas Classification. The relations between the expropriation potential and its determinants variables are: the expropriation potential is lower than lower the free float, than higher the Return on Equity (ROE), than lower the asset size, in companies that the Executive Director and the Chairman of the Board are the same person and in companies that has the Corporate Governance level by Bovespa, but the representative of these last two variables is low, because there are few companies with these characteristics. These relations contradict the current theory, especially regarding the influence of free float, which is targeted as a way to minimize the expropriation problem, being required even at levels of Corporate Governance as a form to limit the companys risk, but it is consistent with the results of expropriation potential deduction.

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