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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extramural English

Wendt, Mikael January 2019 (has links)
In light of the staggering technological development we have witnessed over the last decade when it comes to connectivity and access to the internet, compounded by the new entertainment trends online, this study intends to examine students’ consumption of English in their spare time, and their view of the benefit it brings them in their language development. Through a quantitative survey the study tries to pinpoint how much English students at a secondary school in southern Sweden consider they consume in their spare time. Furthermore, to what degree do students believe their English spare time activities have helped them in school, and in their own English development. The results showed a broad consumption of English in the spare time, and a high opinion among students regarding the help their spare time English provide them in school. However, the reversed, that school helped them in the spare time, had a much lower appreciation. The study also looked at specific spare time activities, like playing games, to see if a pattern of more fruitful activities for English development could exist, which the results and previous research seem to indicate toward. Finally, a better understanding of this subject could inspire teachers views of spare time activities, and how to tie students interests and previous experiences in to the language classroom.

Learning by gaming : A comparison of how Swedish upper secondary male and female students learn English

Mattsson, Annette January 2020 (has links)
Earlier research has suggested that online gaming can be an effective way of acquiring English as a second or foreign language. It can both increase language proficiency (vocabulary or oral proficiency) and have a positive impact on affective filters such as motivation or willingness to communicate. The present study further investigates if habitual playing of massively multiplayer online (MMO) games results in achieving higher grades in English as a foreign language (EFL) for the Swedish upper secondary students. Possible gender differences regarding the acquisition of English and grades in the subject are also investigated to see if the female students play MMOs to the same extent as the males do and if the female students’ higher grades can be connected to gaming. 78 upper secondary school students answered a questionnaire about their English-language-related activities in their spare time and their online gaming habits in particular. The students’ most recent grades in the English subject were gathered to see if the habitual gamers achieved higher grades.   The results show that most of the males play MMOs and that most of the females do not. The males also engage more in other English-language-based activities in their spare time than the females do. Still, the informants’ English grades are similar between the genders. Females seem to learn more English in school and the males more in their spare time. However, the group of gamers playing MMOs 4-8 hours a week or more achieved higher grades than the rest of the student informants.

Extramural engelska : En tillgång i engelskundervisningen?

Link, Amanda, Kleman, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Under de senaste tio åren har den digitala teknikens omfattning ökat och är idag en källa där barn och unga möter engelska i princip varje dag. Många elever använder dagligen engelska i tal och skrift för olika mottagare och syften genom bland annat datorspel och sociala nätverk. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är således att granska extramural engelska och vad det kan tillföra engelskundervisningen i skolan. Med extramural engelska menas all den engelska en elev kommer i kontakt med utanför skolan. Studien är begränsad till att omfatta elever i årskurs 4-9, eftersom forskningsfältet är begränsat i de lägre årskurserna 4-6 behövdes även årskurs 7-9 inkluderas. Materialet består av vetenskapliga publikationer och samlades in genom fyra söktjänster som behandlar vetenskaplig litteratur. Resultatet visar att extramural engelska har en påverkan på elevernas olika språkliga förmågor. Det finns även vissa kopplingar mellan elevernas extramurala engelska och deras resultat på nationella prov och betyg i ämnet.  Kopplingen mellan elevernas extramurala engelska och deras olika språkliga förmågor är betydligt starkare än kopplingen mellan extramural engelska och elevernas betyg i ämnet engelska. Ett flertal av de studier vi analyserat är överens om att elever som ägnar mer tid åt extramural engelska generellt har ett bättre betyg, men att det inte går att dra någon generell slutsats att det endast är extramural engelska som påverkar betyget. Vad gäller elevernas olika språkliga förmågor påverkar extramural engelska främst elevernas vokabulär men även läs- och hörförståelse samt muntlig och skriftlig förmåga.

”Spelen är ju typ alltid på engelska…” : Elevers medvetenhet om MMO-spels påverkan på engelskkunskaper / ”The games are always in English…” : Pupils’ awareness of the influence of MMO-games on English language skills – a qualitative study

Bergstrand, Isak January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka elevers uppfattningar om Massive Multiplayer Online-spels (MMO-spel) inverkan på engelskkunskaper. Studien, likt tidigare forskning inom om-rådet, grundar sig i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. En kvalitativ metod i form av semistruk-turerade intervjuer har använts för att intervjua deltagare i årskurs 6. Följande frågeställ-ningar har legat som grund för studien: Hur beskriver elever sitt eget och klasskamraters spelande av MMO-spel i förhållande till engelskinlärning? Hur beskriver elever att de och andra lär sig engelska i MMO-spel? Hur ser elever på MMO-spel som ett möjligt verktyg för språkinlärning i engelskundervisning?Intervjuerna analyserades med en fenomenografiskt inspirerad modell i sju steg för att få fram ett resultat. Resultatet visar att eleverna är medvetna om MMO-spels inverkan på eng-elskkunskaper. Medvetenheten hos deltagarna berör inte enbart utvecklingen av engelsk-kunskaper utan även spelvanor och vad i spelen det är som utvecklar engelska. Resultatet visar även att eleverna påstår att det är den sociala sidan i spelen som utvecklar och inte själva spelandet. Flertalet av deltagarna är skeptiska till en potentiell användning av MMO-spel i engelskundervisningen. / The purpose of this study is to inquire into the perceptions of the influence which Massive Multiplayer Online games (MMOs) have on the English language skills of those who play them. This study, like other studies in the same field, departs from a sociocultural perspec-tive. This qualitative study employed semi-structured interviews with participants aged be-tween 12 and 13. The study asked the following questions: How do participants perceive the influence MMOs have on their own and others’ English? How do participants describe the experience of learning English through MMOs? How do participants regard the idea of using MMOs as a tool for English language teaching in a formal educational setting?The interviews were analysed with a fenomenographically inspired model to find a result. The results indicate that participants are aware of the impact MMOs have on their English language skills. This awareness encompassed not only the improvement of English lan-guage skills, but also an awareness of their gaming habits and how they also improve English language skills. Furthermore, participants perceived that it is the social aspect of MMOs which improves English skills, as opposed to the game play mechanics. The majority of the participants are, however, skeptical of the use of MMOs in formal English education.

Teachers’ perspectives and experiences of Extramural English / Lärares perspektiv och erfarenheter av extramural engelska

Dobratiqi, Qendresa, Tonzar, Tomas January 2022 (has links)
In a world where we are increasingly connected to one another, the English language surrounds us here in Sweden. Children today grow up in an environment where they are exposed to the English language and the Swedish language simultaneously through various media and activities. The informal learning that children gain through their activities has received more and more attention in recent years. The English that pupils learn outside of school has become known as extramural English. Thus, it is of interest to investigate the perspectives of English teachers in Sweden regarding extramural English and to what extent they incorporate it into their teaching. This study briefly explains extramural English as a phenomenon, discuss relevant theories and delve into previous research on the subject. The methods that are used for this investigation is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The target group for the research methods are English teachers with varying backgrounds. The results suggest that the majority of the participants perceive extramural activities as a valuable asset. However, the results further indicate that the teachers have a greater reluctance to integrate it into their teaching, and rather recognise it as a complementary tool to education. The study draws attention to the strengths of pupils' extramural activities, how motivation is a key factor in second language learning, as well as the complications in implementing these activities into teaching. The discussion further highlights the syllabus' connection to the results of the study.

Vocabulary development within an informal environment : Ordförrådsutveckling i en informell miljö

Wilke, Felix January 2023 (has links)
This paper investigates the informal environment that pupils ages 3-12 are a part of while they are not in school and how extramural tools aid their vocabulary learning. According to Sundqvist and Wikström (2016) children today are growing up in a world of digital development and advancement and at the same time being a part of it. This study will discuss if pupils are in the mindset of learning when using digital tools within an informal environment or not. Previous research within this field provide key information regarding pupils who were gaming in their free time using the English language daily playing games, interacting and producing the language was key for vocabulary development (Russell, 2016). This paper will investigate different aspects that may have an effect on the students’ vocabulary learning within the classroom. Furthermore, this paper will review and discuss how this way of learning may be transmitted over to the formal environment in the classroom.

The Role of Songs for ELL in Extramural Contexts / Sångers betydelse för inlärning av engelska i extramurala sammanhang

Johansson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Investigations of the Swedish upper secondary school show that almost one fifth of the students struggle with low motivation. Hence, this paper concentrates on two different contexts in which increased motivation for ESL has been highlighted: contexts where songs and music are used, and extramural contexts. Nevertheless, there is a research gap in the combination of these two aspects. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate the role of songs in extramural contexts regarding motivation and vocabulary acquisition. Moreover, the purpose is to investigate these contexts in the plurilingual and culturally rich country of South Africa and thereafter explore how this can be implemented in the Swedish ELL classroom. Hence, a student questionnaire and two qualitative interviews with youth leaders were used to answer the two research questions: To what extent does the use of songs in extramural contexts affect the perceived vocabulary acquisition among high school students and youth leaders in South Africa? Furthermore, how does extramural use of English songs affect the perceived motivation and joy for learning English as a second language? The results revealed a positive impact of songs in extramural contexts, where social media was the most common context, both regarding motivation and vocabulary acquisition. Nevertheless, the effects were stronger when using songs productively, and the genre that had most effect on the vocabulary was HipHop. Hence, there is much to bring into the Swedish ELL classroom from the song-based extramural contexts, which can fulfil and develop requirements from the Swedish National Curriculum.

The Effects of Swedish Grade 6 Students' Extramural English Engagement

Arnold, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
Extramural English (EE) engagement is common amongst young English as a foreign language (EFL) learner in Sweden. However, the ESL students engage in EE activities to varying degrees and their English proficiency could be positively affected by the amount of time spent on EE activities. The present study therefore aims to increase knowledge about grade 6 students’ EE engagement and its possible correlate with the students’ English grades in a Swedish context. Additionally, the study explores which types of EE activities: receptive, productive, and interactive, the students engage most in, and if there is some correlation between type of EE activity engaged in and English grade. This was investigated through mixed-method research, conducting both a quantitative digital questionnaire with 30 participant sixth graders and two qualitative focus group interviews with a total of five sixth graders participating. The findings show that the grade 6 students with high English grades engage most in interactive EE activities, whereas low-grade English students mostly engage in receptive EE activities. Additionally, the qualitative results indicate that grade 6 students perceive benefits of learning English through EE engagement. However, the present study cannot prove any statistically significant correlation between number of hours spent on EE activities per week and English grades. The present study suggests that EFL teachers consider and incorporate the increasing EE engagement of their students in the didactic choices made for English language teaching (ELT). To comprehensively explore the effects that young ESL learners’ EE engagement has on their English acquisition and grades, further research should focus on longitudinal studies, representing a greater variety and number of students participating.

Det är ju som mammas gata för dem : Intervjustudie med engelsklärare om  elevers inlärning av engelska utanför skolans väggar / It’s like their own backyard : Interview study with English teachers about pupils’ out-of-school English learning

Strömdal, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Följande uppsats är en kvalitativ studie med kvantitativa inslag och den har som syfte att undersöka engelsklärares uppfattning om och inställning till hur elever kommer i kontakt med det engelska språket på sin fritid.    De metoder som användes under studiens gång var semistrukturerad intervju och enkätundersökning. Sammanlagt deltog 7 engelsklärare i grundskolan, varav två deltog i den semistrukturerade intervjun och resterande fem deltog via en digital enkät.   Studiens resultat visar att engelsklärare är medvetna om hur deras elever kommer i kontakt med engelska, och utifrån detta individanpassar de undervisningen bland annat genom öppna uppgifter baserat på elevernas egna intressen. Den röda tråden som går genom studiens resultat handlar om ett av lärarens viktigaste uppdrag, att se vad eleven än behöver träna på, för att sedan hjälpa dem utveckla det.

[re]interpreting the Extramural Building : navigating the complexities between heritage practice and remodelling

Bates, Lionel Shaun January 2018 (has links)
Many buildings in Pretoria’s central business district stand empty and bandoned. These buildings are being looted, stripped and vandalised, resulting in a great deal of damage that eventually leads to their destruction. The Extramural Building is an iconic modernist building that has served the city well over its lifetime. It has stood abandoned and empty for the last seven years, is in a state of disrepair, and is on the verge of being lost and forgotten. The intention with the dissertation is to connect the past and the future by investigating the potential of old buildings with the aim of retaining their existing fabric and cultural significance. Heritage practice and theories of adaptation are investigated to generate a theoretical framework for the remodelling of old buildings. A statement of significance is developed by investigating the historical context of the building. The Tshwane Inner City Regeneration Framework is used as a starting point for the development of an urban framework for the project. An appropriate program is chosen, derived from the theoretical framework, statement of significance and urban framework. Appropriate precedent studies serve as examples of the discussed theory, urban framework, program and conceptual intentions. The design of a proposed intervention is developed within the established urban framework by applying the theoretical framework. The navigation of the complexities between heritage practice and remodelling ultimately allows a new interpretation of the building to emerge. The argument and its eventual expression results in an intervention that allows the Extramural Building to reclaim its role in the city, unlocking its latent potential, and retaining its inherent cultural value. / ‘n Groot aantal geboue in Pretoria se sentrale besigheidsdistrik staan leeg en verlate. Hierdie geboue word gereeld deur vandale gestroop en geplunder; hulle rig verstommende skade aan wat uiteindelik tot die vernietiging van die geboue lei. Die Buitemuurse Gebou is ‘n ikoniese, moderne gebou wat vir lank ‘n positiewe bydrae tot die stad gelewer het. Die gebou staan al sewe jaar lank leeg en is baie vinnig besig om te verval, wat sonder drastiese ingryping ongetwyfeld tot die gebou se finale vernietiging sal lei. In die verhandeling word daar gepoog om die verlede en toekoms te versoen deur die potensiaal van ou geboue te ondersoek met die doel om die geboue en hul kulturele waarde te behou. Erfenispraktyk en aanpassingsteorieë word ondersoek om ‘n teoretiese raamwerk vir die herbenutting van ou geboue te genereer. ‘n Verklaring van betekenis word ontwikkel deur die gebou se geskiedenis te ondersoek. Die Tshwane Middestad Ontwikkeling- en Herlewingstrategie word as ‘n beginpunt vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n stedelike raamwerk vir die projek gebruik. ‘n Toepaslike gebruiksprogram word afgelei uit die teoretiese raamwerk, die verklaring van betekenis en die stedelike raamwerk. Die studie word deur toepaslike gevallestudies as voorbeelde van die tersaaklike teorieë, stedelike raamwerk, program en konseptuele doelwit van die projek ingelig. Die ontwerp van die voorgestelde ingryping word binne die bestaande stedelike raamwerk in oorleg met die teoretiese raamwerk ontwikkel. Die ondersoek van die kompleksiteite wat tussen erfenispraktyk en aanpassingsteorieë bestaan maak nuwe interpretasies van die ou gebou moontlik. Die argument, en uiteindelike uitdrukking daarvan, word gevolg deur ‘n ingryping wat die Buitemuurse Gebou toelaat om weer sy rol in die stad te vervul en so die latente potensiaal van dié gebou te ontgin, maar ook die inherente kulturele waarde daarvan te laat voortbestaan. / Mini Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Architecture / MArch(Prof) / Unrestricted

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