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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jag tror att det sker mer än vad vi ser och vad vi vet : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonals arbete mot sexuella trakasserier och övergrepp i grundskolan / I think there´s more going on than what we see and what we know : A qualitative study about school staff’s preventive work to combat sexualharassment and sexual abuse in children and young people at school

Nilsson, Elina, Gustafsson, Peter January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how school staff work to counteract sexual harassment and abuse of children, 6 to 16 years of age, online and in real life. The aim of this study was also to investigate the role of norms and norm-creating processes regarding sexual harassment and abuse in school staff’s stories. This study is based on nine semi-structured interviews, conducted with school staff such as teachers, social educators and counselors, who work in primary school. The study's theoretical starting points are norm- critical analysis, professional theory and the masculinity theory. Results showed that school staff mainly use norm-critical conversations. These conversations aim to involve students to reflect on their role in the establishment of norms. Through discussions, lessons and value exercises, school staff question destructive norm systems, students' behaviors and attitudes, what is okay and what is not. The staff lacks routines for how to deal with sexual harassment and abuse that takes place online. The results of the study indicate that the preventive work needs to include more knowledge about social media and that the school's core values also needs to include attitudes, norms and behaviors on social media. A solution, according to school staff, is for students to leave their mobile phones with the staff before each lesson so that they are not affected by them during this time. School staff believe that the preventive work around sexual harassment and abuse, that takes place online, is about questioning behaviors and enabling students to have the courage tell adults about what happens among students. It emerges that norm- setting processes are a central part of school staff’s work to counteract sexual harassment and abuse. School staff experience some organizational difficulties, such as resources and time, to be able to work with norm-critic analyses. A challenge they face is to involve other professional groups, to prioritize this together and work more preventively. Another challenge is also found among the collegial work, where certain professional groups feel that this kind of analyses needs to apply to the entire organization and not only to individuals within the school. In addition to the organizational challenge, school staff experience that a major challenge is found among students' attitudes, behaviors and values, especially among boys.

Minska eller förebygga arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa på arbetsplatsen med hjälp av digitala verktyg och artificiell intelligens (AI) : En strukturerad litteraturstudie / Reduction or prevention work-related mental illness in the workplace using digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) : A structured literature study

Hellgren, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Den psykiska ohälsan bland befolkningen i Sverige har ökat och särskilt på svenska arbetsplatser. Omkring 1,6 miljoner människor i Sverige upplevde år 2020 hälsoproblem som var arbetsrelaterade. Den psykisk ohälsan är även ett globalt folkhälsoproblem där närmare 301 miljoner människor levde med ångest, 280 miljoner människor med depression sedan år 2019. Att främja människors välbefinnande och att säkerställa hälsosamma liv i världen är avgörande för en hållbar utveckling. Digitaliseringen är även ett viktigt verktyg för att uppnå flera av de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Digitala verktyg och AI-baserade tillvägagångssätt har hittat sin väg till arbetshälsopsykolog och kan stödja individer med problem som stress, ångest eller depression på arbetet. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka applikationer av digitala verktyg och AI-användning för att minska eller förebygga arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa för arbetstagare. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie baserad på 10 vetenskapliga originalartiklar som inhämtats från databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed och Web of Science. Artiklarna har analyserats med en tematisk analys. Resultat: Sju teman grupperades i tre övergripande kategorier. Teman var självhantering, ökad kunskap, identifiering, användbarhet, minskning av stigmatisering, oro och engagemang. Kategorierna var potential och utveckling, användbara verktyg samt inställning. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att det kan vara fördelaktigt för arbetsplatser att satsa på insatser med digitala verktyg eller AI i syfte att minska eller förebygga arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa. Den psykiska hälsan kan främjas, arbetsmiljö förbättras och inte minst kan depressionssymtom minskas och psykisk ohälsa förebyggas. / Indroduction: Mental ill health among the population in Sweden has increased and especially in Swedish workplaces. Around 1.6 million people in Sweden experienced workrelated health problems in 2020. The mental illness is also a global public health problem where nearly 301 million people lived with anxiety, 280 million people with depression since the year 2019. Promoting people's well-being and ensuring healthy lives in the world is crucial for sustainable development. Digitization is also an important tool for achieving several of the global goals for sustainable development. Digital tools and AI-based approaches have found their way into occupational health psychology and can support individuals with problems such as stress, anxiety or depression at work. Purpose: The purpose was to investigate applications of digital tools and AI use to reduce or prevent workrelated mental illness for workers. Method: A structured literature study based on 10 original scientific articles obtained from the databases Cinahl, Pubmed and Web of Science. The articles have been analyzed using a thematic analysis. Results: Seven themes were grouped into three overarching categories. The themes were self-management, increased knowledge, identification, usefulness, reduction of stigma, concern and commitment. The categories were potential and development, useful tools and attitude. Conclusion: The result shows that it can be beneficial for workplaces to invest in interventions with digital tools or AI in order to reduce or prevent work-related mental illness. Mental health can be promoted, the work environment improved and, not least, symptoms of depression can be reduced and mental illness can be prevented.

Kriminalitet och socialt arbete: Görs det tillräckligt? / Crime and social work: Is enough being done?

Yalda, Maha January 2023 (has links)
Crime and gang violence are often subjects of media attention in today's society. This has led to an increased debate and a widespread perception that it is a societal issue. There is a division among politicians about which strategy is considered most effective in reducing crime. Some belive that harsher penalties will lead to reduced crime, while others argue that preventive work and investments in social work are needed. The purpose of the study is to examine whether the social work being conducted is sufficient to prevent a greater degree of recidivism or whether authorities need to work differently. To conduct the study, five social workers participated in interviews where they were asked about their views on the reintegration model that exists in Sweden, as well as whether they believe other strategies are needed. Since these social workers have different professional roles, their answers provide a broader perspective on how different professions work with criminals. The results of the study show that more preventive work is needed from an early age to prevent individuals from committing criminal acts. When authorities become involved, it is usually to late, and the individual is already trapped in a cycle of crime that is difficult to break. To prevent this, signicicant investments are needed in various social activities that are there to support early on. Additionally, the study shows that society must give the criminals a fair opportunity to reintegrate into society by, for examle, employing individuals who have served their sentence to reduce social exclusion.

Tidigt förebyggande arbete med barn - hur vi värnar om framtidens medborgare : Ska socionomen vara en del av framtidens barnhälsovård? / Early prevention work for children in a young age - How we embrace the citizens of the future : Should the social worker be a part of child health care in the future?

Engström, Malin, Ramsten, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
Studien vill undersöka hur tidigt förebyggande arbete idag ser ut i samhället, samt hur det skulle kunna utvecklas. Syftet med studien är att undersöka det tidigt förebyggande arbetet med barn, samt om en implementering av socionomen på BVC skulle kunna utveckla det förebyggande arbetet som idag finns. Med en kvalitativ ansats och induktiv syn genomförs studien med semistrukturerade intervjuer. En generell strategi har använts för att komma fram till den empiri som samlats in, genom fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer och en översikt av forskning inom området. Problemperspektivet ligger till grund för bearbetning samt kodning av studiens genomförda intervjuer. Den teorin som studien använder sig av under kodning samt analys är utvecklingsekologin. Från teorin används tre av teorins system, som är mikro-, exo- och makrosystemet. Studien når slutsatser utifrån systemen som är: Mikroslutsats: Tidigt förebyggande arbete måste tas på större allvar och ske i större utsträckning. Exoslutsats: Det tvärprofessionella teamet bör finnas, med socionomen, för att utföra tidigt förebyggande arbete av god kvalité. Makroslutsats: Att satsa på tidigt förebyggande arbete kommer att minska höga kostnader i framtiden. / This study wants to identify how the early prevention work looks in the society as well as how it could be developed. The purpose with this study is to exam the early prevention work for children, also if an implementation of a social worker in the children health care could develop the early prevention work that exist today. The study has a qualitative approach and an inductive view. A general strategy has been used to reach the empirics, that is gathered through four semi structed interviews and a review of current research in the field. The problem perspective is a foundation for processing and coding the interviews in the study. The study uses the bioecological model as the theory to process the coding and analysis of the interview empirics. From the theory three of the systems are used, micro-, exo and macrosystems. The study reaches conclusions from the systems that are: Micro conclusion: Early prevention work must be taken more seriously and occur in a greater extent. Exo conclusion: The interprofessional team should exist, along with the social worker, to perform early prevention work of good quality. Macro conclusion: To focus on early prevention will reduce high costs in the future.

Skolkuratorn - ett vagt uppdrag? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om upplevelser av skolkuratorns uppdrag och vilka begränsningar som inverkar på det / The school counselor - a vague assignment? : A qualitative interview study on experiences of the school counselor's assignment and the limitations that affect it

Khoshnazar, Kamand, Colak, Carolina January 2023 (has links)
The school counselor is the person who works with social work in the school. A school counselor's assignment is multifaceted, with duties playing a central role in health promotion and prevention work against for example mental illness, bullying and abusive treatment. The aim of this study has been to increase understanding of how school counselors and principals perceive the school counselor's assignment and the limitations that affect it. Our study emanates from eight semistructured qualitative interviews with school counselors and principals which were analyzed using sentence concentration. The results show that the assignment is perceived as vague where job descriptions are unclear. This in turn affects the school counselors' discretion. School counselors feel that their role is "fuzzy" and that there are unreasonable expectations from other professions. Furthermore, the results show that the main factors that control and limit the assignment are laws, regulations, guidelines, lack of resources such as time and finances, and the expectations of the principal and other professionals. Our conclusion is that school counselors need a clearer job description in order to clarify their assignment and their role at school. The school counselors described a desire to be able to devote more time to preventive work in order to be able to work more proactively than reactively.

Fritidshemmets inkludering i arbetet med att främja psykisk hälsa och förebygga psykisk ohälsa : Fast man är liten är man minst lika viktig som en stor - Nalle Puh / The inclusion of Shool-age educare centres in the work to promote mental health and prevent mental illness

Doverhag, Emma, Jakobsson, Mia January 2023 (has links)
School-age educare centers have an important environment where children spend a significant part of their time. The school-age educare center’s preventive work is based on different methods and strategies.An integrated and inclusive pedagogy promotes positive relationships between children and increases their sense of belonging. Trained educators and staff play a key role in creating safe and supportive environments where children can develop their social skills.The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at how schools and their student health services include after-school centers in health promotion work. The method that we have chosen to collect data is based on a qualitative method, consisting of questionnaires with open-ended questions in which principals, student health services and school-age educare centers answered questions about inclusion, prevention,and skills development. We have based our work on previous research on prevention and health promotion in the school as a whole and the contribution of after-school centers to health promotion. The theory chosen for the study is KASAM and the intercultural perspective and its concepts are mental illness and mental health. Results and analyses show that principals and student health services have a holistic approach to health promotion and prevention work aimed at schools, but after-school centers educators are not included in this work on the same terms as schoolteachers. The research in our final discussion shows that everyone / all involved including the after-school centers needs to work together in the prevention of mental health problems. / Fritidshemmet utgör en viktig miljö där barn tillbringar en betydande del av sin tid.Fritidshemmets förebyggande arbete bygger på olika metoder och strategier.En integrerad och inkluderande pedagogik främjar positiva relationer mellan barn och ökar deras känsla av samhörighet. Utbildade pedagoger och personal spelar en nyckelroll genom att skapa trygga och stödjande miljöer där barn kan utveckla sina sociala färdigheter.Syftet med studien är att tittat närmare på hur skolan och skolornas elevhälsa inkluderar fritidshemmen i ett hälsofrämjande arbete. Metoden som vi har valt för att samla in data bygger på en kvalitativ metod, bestående av enkäter med öppna frågor som i ett led där rektorer, elevhälsan och fritidshemmen besvarat frågor som berör inkludering, förebyggande arbete samt kompetensutveckling. Vi har utgått från tidigare forskning inom förebyggande och hälsofrämjande insatser i skolan som helhet och vad tillförande avfritidshemmen ger i de hälsofrämjande arbetet. Teorin som har valts för studien är utifrån KASAM och det interkulturella perspektivet och dess begrepp är lärmiljö, psykisk ohälsa och psykisk hälsa. Resultat och analys visar att rektorer och elevhälsan har en helhetssyn men deras insatser riktas mot skolan och lärare, fritidshemmen inkluderas inte på lika villkor som pedagoger i skolan. Forskningen i vår slutdiskussion visar att alla behöver arbeta tillsammans i förebyggandet mot psykisk ohälsa.

Elevhälsa är allas ansvar : En kvalitativ studie om elevhälsopersonals erfarenheter av förebyggande arbete.

Janson, Elin, Ahlén, Josefin January 2024 (has links)
Elevhälsan är enligt skollagen en del av grundskolan och ska stödja elevernas möjligheter att nå kunskapsmålen. Elevhälsoarbete ska främst vara hälsofrämjande och förebyggande på en universell nivå som når alla barn och unga. Det finns däremot skillnader mellan skolor i det praktiska arbetet vilket inte är i samklang med de folkhälsopolitiska målen för en god och jämlik hälsa. Ur ett folkhälsovetenskapligt perspektiv är skolan en viktig arena som kan ses som en viktig hälsoresurs nu och för kommande generationer. En god hälsa genererar lärande och lärande bidrar till en god hälsa. Ett välfungerande elevhälsoarbete kan därmed bidra till långsiktiga samhällsekonomiska vinster. I studien användes kvalitativ metod då syftet var att undersöka elevhälsopersonalens erfarenheter av förebyggande arbete. För studien valdes målstyrt urval med sju informanter som arbetar inom grundskolors elevhälsoteam. Genom en manifest analysprocess med citat baserat på semistrukturerade intervjuer redogör denna studie för elevhälsopersonalens subjektiva uppfattningar. Resultatet visar en ojämlikhet i hur skolor arbetar förebyggande utifrån resurser och intresse hos personal och ledning. Dock genomsyras ett strukturerat värdegrundsarbete samtliga skolor. En stor del av resultatet redogör för vikten av att alla tillsammans tar ansvar för elevhälsoarbete. Det kan uppnås genom tvärsektoriellt arbete och samverkan mellan flera professioner. En engagerad rektor och ledning skapar förutsättningar för ett lyckat elevhälsoarbete. Detta i kombination med behovet på skolan avgör hur stor del av elevhälsoarbetet som prioriteras till förebyggande och hälsofrämjande åtgärder. Elevhälsopersonalen lyfter även en önskan och ett intresse för fortsatt kompetensutveckling individuellt och för samtliga professioner på skolan. / According to law, student health is part of elementary school and must support students' opportunities to reach the knowledge goals. Student health work must primarily be health promotion and prevention on a universal level that reaches all children and young people. There are differences between schools in the practical work which contradicts with the public health policy goals for good and equal health. From a public health science perspective, the school is an important arena that can be seen as an important health resource now and for generations to come. Good health generates learning and learning generates good health. A well-functioning student health program can thus contribute to long-term socioeconomic benefits. A qualitative method was used as the purpose of the study was to investigate the student health staff's experiences of preventive work. For the study, a targeted sample was chosen with seven informants who work within elementary schools' student health teams. Through a manifest analysis process with quotes based on semi-structured interviews, this study reports on the subjective perceptions of the student health staff. The results show an inequality in how schools work preventively based on the resources and interest of staff and management at the school. However, all schools are permeated by a structured values-based work. A large part of the result explains the importance of everyone taking responsibility for student health work. It can be achieved through cross-sectoral work and cooperation between several professions. Having a committed principal and management creates the conditions for successful student health work. This in combination with the needs at the school must determine how much of the student health work is prioritized for prevention and health promotion actions. The student health staff also highlight the necessity and interest in developing more competence in prevention, both individually and for all professionals at the school.

Mobila team - en möjlighet att arbeta för barnets bästa : Växjö kommuns initiativ för en tvärprofessionell samverkan i det tidiga och förebyggande arbetet för barn och unga / Mobile teams - an opportunity to work for the child's best interests : Växjö municipality's initiative for an interprofessional collaboration in the early and preventive work for children and youths

Davidsson, Mathilda, Holten Nyvaller, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
In cases where children and youths are in need of support from various activities in order to have their needs met, authorities shall collaborate towards the common goal: the child’s best interests. The concept lacks an unambiguous definition and professionals should make decisions adjusted to the child’s individual needs. Within the Mobile team, which is an interprofessional form of collaboration between the school and social services, the different professional groups could be characterized by different perspectives. This may lead to different interpretations which can pose a challenge to agree on a joint decision for the child’s best interests. The study is based on a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews with six professionals within a mobile team. The theories used to analyze the empirical material is collaboration theory and theory about discretion in decision making. Several noteworthy results were find. The mobile team work early and preventive both generally and with more concrete interventions for the child’s best interests. The work within collaboration can be divided into resourse-, information- and knowledge exchange which creates the opportunity to get at better overall picture of the child. Further, to work for the child’s best interests the mobile team focuses on school, spare time and family, as different areas that are important for the child. Their approach is also characterized by understanding and supporting individual needs. Finally, there are factors that need to be considered to fulfil a successful collaboration. For example, the professionals must be aware of each other’s duties, roles, activities and regulatory systems.

Skolan som skyddsfaktor eller? : En kvalitativ studie om grundskolans preventiva arbete gällande våld i nära relation. / The school as a protective factor or? : A qualitative study on primary school preventive work regarding intimate partner violence.

Multanen, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Inledning: Våld i nära relation är ett erkänt problem som finns världen över och som påverkar samhället samt folkhälsan negativt och det kan kopplas ihop med viktiga angelägna frågor som fattigdom, sjukdomsbörda och de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Trots att det finns flertalet internationella och nationella handlingsplaner, strategier samt målsättningar kvarstår problemet. Vilket också borde tolkas som ett misslyckande från samhället och ett svek mot dem som dagligen lever i utsatthet. Våldet medför stora konsekvenser för den enskildes livskvalité, både fysiska, psykiska och strider mot de mänskliga rättigheterna. Det är många barn som lever i familjer där våld förekommer och risken för att barnen påverkas negativt både på kort- och långsikt är mycket hög. Alla i samhället måste ta sitt ansvar, dra sitt strå till stacken och börja bidra föratt kunna sätta in relevanta, långsiktiga och målinriktade åtgärder för att förebygga våld i nära relation. Skolan borde ses som en central och betydelsefull aktör som kan ha en avgörande roll för det förebyggande arbetet gällande våld i nära relation. Det är där barnen tillbringar många timmar om dagen för att utvecklas, utbildas samt socialiseras in isamhället och det är också där skolan kan förebygga och upptäcka barnen som kan tänkas bli eller är utsatta. Därför har det varit angeläget att undersöka om och hur grundskolor i en stor svensk stad kan arbeta förebyggande gällande våld i nära relation genom att intervjua rektorer samt lärare. Detta för att få en ökad kunskap och förståelse om skolans kunskap samt erfarenheter gällande de förebyggande arbete mot våld i nära relation. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte och frågor har en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer tillämpats. Av totalt 54 tillfrågade skolor från två kommuner svarade två skolor ja, varav två rektorer och fem lärare. Efter intervjuerna har de transkriberats för att analyseras och bearbetas genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att hitta djupet och relevanta mönster för studiens syfte. Resultat: Det som framkommit av respondenterna i intervjuerna är att skolorna arbetar till viss del med förebyggande arbete genom dagligt värdegrundsarbete men att arbetet behöver utvecklas. Vidare framkommer det av respondenterna att skolan har bristande kunskap inom området vilket skapar en osäkerhet hos berörda. Men de lyfter också att de har förutsättningar att arbeta förebyggande gällande våld i nära relation samt vikten av relationen mellan lärare och barnen. De hinder som framkommit handlar om svårigheter i samarbete med socialtjänsten vilket främst berör sekretessen och att det mer består av informationsöverlämnande än samarbete. Diskussion: Resultatet har under diskussionen analyserats och satts i sammanhang till tidigare forskning och teorierna self-efficacy och relationskompetens. Vidare har även studiens styrkor och svagheter diskuteras under metoddiskussionen. Slutsats och framtida forskning: Den slutsats som kan dras utav studien är att skolan är en viktig skyddsfaktor för barn som kan tänkas bli eller är utsatta. Det är viktigt att skolan tar sin roll samt anmälningsplikt på allvar. Men det behövs mer utredning och forskning inom flera områden, som att öka kunskapen om våld i nära relation inom skolan, hur skolan kan arbeta förebyggande mot våld i nära relation och om det ska ingå i skolans ordinarie uppdrag samt utveckla samarbetet mellan skolan och socialtjänsten. / Introduction: Intimate partner violence is a recognized problem that exists worldwide andnegatively affects society and public health, and it can be linked to important pressing issuessuch as poverty, the burden of disease and the global goals for sustainable development. Despitethe fact that there are several international and national action plans, strategies and objectives,the problem remains. Which should also be interpreted as a failure on the part of society and abetrayal of those who live in vulnerability on a daily basis. The violence has majorconsequences for the individual's quality of life, both physical and psychological, and conflictswith human rights. There are many children who live in families where violence occurs and therisk of the children being negatively affected both in the short and long term is very high. Everyone in society must take their responsibility, do their part and start contributing to be ableto implement relevant, long-term and targeted measures to prevent intimate partner violence. The school should be seen as a central and important actor that can have a decisive role in thepreventive work regarding intimate partner violence. It is where the children spend many hoursa day to develop, be educated and socialized into society and it is also where the school canprevent and detect the children who may be or are vulnerable. Therefore, it has been importantto investigate whether and how elementary schools in a large Swedish city can workpreventively regarding intimate partner violence by interviewing principals and teachers. This is to gain an increased knowledge and understanding of the school's knowledge and experiencesregarding the preventive work against intimate partner violence. Method: In order to answer the study's purpose and questions, a qualitative method with semistructured interviews has been applied. Out of a total of 54 surveyed schools from two municipalities, two schools answered yes, of which two principals and five teachers. After the interviews, they have been transcribed to be analyzed and processed through qualitative content analysis to find the depth and relevant patterns for the purpose of the study. Results: What emerged from the respondents in the interviews is that the schools work to some extent with preventive work through daily value-based work, but that the work needs to bedeveloped. Furthermore, it appears from the respondents that the school has a lack of knowledge in the area, which creates uncertainty among those concerned. But they also emphasize that they have the conditions to work preventively regarding intimate partner violence and the importance of the relationship between teachers and children. The obstacles that emerged are about difficulties in cooperation with social services, which mainly concernsconfidentiality and that it consists more of information handing over than cooperation. Discussion: During the discussion, the results have been analyzed and put in context to previous research and the theories of self-efficacy and relational competence. Furthermore, the study's strengths and weaknesses have also been discussed during the method discussion. Conclusion and future research: The conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that schoolis an important protective factor for children who may be or are vulnerable. It is important that the school takes its role and reporting obligation seriously. But more investigation and researchis needed in several areas, such as increasing knowledge about intimate partner violence within the school, how the school can work preventively against intimate partner violence and whether it should be part of the school's regular mission, as well as developing cooperation between the school and social services.

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